org.eclipse.persistence.eis.EISException Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
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// Contributors:
// Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.eis;
import javax.resource.ResourceException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.i18n.ExceptionMessageGenerator;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.Call;
* Use an EISException
when any problem is detected while
* interacting with an EIS datasource
* @author James
* @since OracleAS TopLink 10g (10.0.3)
public class EISException extends org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException {
public static final int INCORRECT_LOGIN_INSTANCE_PROVIDED = 17002;
public static final int PROP_NOT_SET = 17007;
public static final int INVALID_PROP = 17008;
public static final int PROPS_NOT_SET = 17009;
public static final int OUTPUT_UNSUPPORTED_MSG_TYPE = 17010;
public static final int NO_CONN_FACTORY = 17011;
public static final int INVALID_INTERACTION_SPEC_TYPE = 17012;
public static final int INVALID_RECORD_TYPE = 17013;
public static final int UNKNOWN_INTERACTION_SPEC_TYPE = 17014;
public static final int INVALID_INPUT = 17015;
public static final int TIMEOUT = 17016;
public static final int INPUT_UNSUPPORTED_MSG_TYPE = 17017;
public static final int INVALID_METHOD_INVOCATION = 17018;
public static final int TX_SESSION_TEST_ERROR = 17019;
public static final int INVALID_AQ_INTERACTION_SPEC_TYPE = 17020;
public static final int INVALID_AQ_RECORD_TYPE = 17021;
public static final int INVALID_AQ_INPUT = 17022;
public static final int INVALID_FACTORY_ATTRIBUTES = 17023;
public static final int COULD_NOT_DELETE_FILE = 17024;
public static final int GROUPING_ELEMENT_REQUIRED = 17025;
public static final int EIS_EXCEPTION = 91000;
public static final int RESOURCE_EXCEPTION = 90000;
public EISException(Exception exception) {
this(exception, exception.toString());
public EISException(String message) {
public EISException(Exception exception, String message) {
public static EISException resourceException(Exception resourceException, EISAccessor accessor, AbstractSession session) {
EISException exception = new EISException(resourceException);
return exception;
public static EISException resourceException(ResourceException resourceException, EISAccessor accessor, AbstractSession session) {
return resourceException((Exception)resourceException, accessor, session);
public static EISException resourceException(ResourceException resourceException, Call call, EISAccessor accessor, AbstractSession session) {
EISException exception = resourceException(resourceException, accessor, session);
return exception;
public static EISException createResourceException(Object[] args, int errorCode) {
ResourceException resourceException = new ResourceException(ExceptionMessageGenerator.buildMessage(EISException.class, errorCode, args));
EISException exception = new EISException(resourceException);
return exception;
public static EISException createException(Exception ex) {
EISException exception = new EISException(ex);
return exception;
public static EISException createException(Object[] args, int errorCode) {
EISException exception = new EISException(ExceptionMessageGenerator.buildMessage(EISException.class, errorCode, args));
return exception;
public static EISException propertyNotSet(String property) {
return EISException.createException(new Object[] { property }, PROP_NOT_SET);
public static EISException propertiesNotSet(String property1, String property2) {
return EISException.createException(new Object[] { property1, property2 }, PROPS_NOT_SET);
public static EISException invalidProperty(String property) {
return EISException.createException(new Object[] { property }, INVALID_PROP);
public static EISException unsupportedMessageInOutputRecord() {
return EISException.createException(new Object[] { }, OUTPUT_UNSUPPORTED_MSG_TYPE);
public static EISException unsupportedMessageInInputRecord() {
return EISException.createException(new Object[] { }, INPUT_UNSUPPORTED_MSG_TYPE);
public static EISException noConnectionFactorySpecified() {
return EISException.createException(new Object[] { }, NO_CONN_FACTORY);
public static EISException invalidInteractionSpecType() {
return EISException.createException(new Object[] { }, INVALID_INTERACTION_SPEC_TYPE);
public static EISException invalidAQInteractionSpecType() {
return EISException.createResourceException(new Object[] { }, INVALID_AQ_INTERACTION_SPEC_TYPE);
public static EISException invalidRecordType() {
return EISException.createException(new Object[] { }, INVALID_RECORD_TYPE);
public static EISException invalidAQRecordType() {
return EISException.createResourceException(new Object[] { }, INVALID_AQ_RECORD_TYPE);
public static EISException unknownInteractionSpecType() {
return EISException.createException(new Object[] { }, UNKNOWN_INTERACTION_SPEC_TYPE);
public static EISException invalidConnectionFactoryAttributes() {
return EISException.createResourceException(new Object[] { }, INVALID_FACTORY_ATTRIBUTES);
public static EISException invalidInput() {
return EISException.createException(new Object[] { }, INVALID_INPUT);
public static EISException invalidAQInput() {
return EISException.createResourceException(new Object[] { }, INVALID_AQ_INPUT);
public static EISException timeoutOccurred() {
return EISException.createException(new Object[] { }, TIMEOUT);
public static EISException invalidMethodInvocation() {
return EISException.createException(new Object[] { }, INVALID_METHOD_INVOCATION);
public static EISException transactedSessionTestError() {
return EISException.createException(new Object[] { }, TX_SESSION_TEST_ERROR);
public static EISException groupingElementRequired() {
return EISException.createException(new Object[] { }, GROUPING_ELEMENT_REQUIRED);
public static EISException couldNotDeleteFile(Object[] args) {
return EISException.createResourceException(args, COULD_NOT_DELETE_FILE);
public static EISException incorrectLoginInstanceProvided(Class loginClass) {
Object[] args = { loginClass };
EISException exception = new EISException(ExceptionMessageGenerator.buildMessage(EISException.class, INCORRECT_LOGIN_INSTANCE_PROVIDED, args));
return exception;