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org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2019 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* or the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
// Contributors:
// Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
// 05/28/2008-1.0M8 Andrei Ilitchev
// - 224964: Provide support for Proxy Authentication through JPA.
// The class was amended to allow it to instantiate ValueHolders after release method has been called
// (internalExecuteQuery method no longer throws exception if the uow is dead).
// Note that release method clears change sets but keeps the cache.
// 02/11/2009-1.1 Michael O'Brien
// - 259993: 1) Defer a full clear(true) call from entityManager.clear() to release()
// only if uow lifecycle is 1,2 or 4 (//Pending) and perform a clear of the cache only in this case.
// 2) During mergeClonesAfterCompletion() If the the acquire and release threads are different
// switch back to the stored acquire thread stored on the mergeManager.
// 17/04/2009-1.1 Michael O'Brien
// - 272022: For rollback scenarios - If the current thread and the active thread
// on the mutex do not match for read locks (not yet transitioned to deferred locks) - switch them
// 07/16/2009-2.0 Guy Pelletier
// - 277039: JPA 2.0 Cache Usage Settings
// 07/15/2011-2.2.1 Guy Pelletier
// - 349424: persists during an preCalculateUnitOfWorkChangeSet event are lost
// 14/05/2012-2.4 Guy Pelletier
// - 376603: Provide for table per tenant support for multitenant applications
// 08/11/2012-2.5 Guy Pelletier
// - 393867: Named queries do not work when using EM level Table Per Tenant Multitenancy.
// 09/03/2015 - Will Dazey
// - 456067 : Added support for defining query timeout units
package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.CacheKeyType;
import org.eclipse.persistence.config.ReferenceMode;
import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.DescriptorEvent;
import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.DescriptorEventManager;
import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.changetracking.AttributeChangeTrackingPolicy;
import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.changetracking.ObjectChangePolicy;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.EclipseLinkException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.OptimisticLockException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.QueryException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ValidationException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.Expression;
import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolderInterface;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.Accessor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourceAccessor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.Platform;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.CascadeLockingPolicy;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.DescriptorIterator;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.DescriptorIterator.CascadeCondition;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.PersistenceEntity;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.ConcurrencyManager;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.ConcurrencyUtil;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.IdentityHashSet;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.IdentityWeakHashMap;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.identitymaps.CacheId;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.identitymaps.CacheKey;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.identitymaps.IdentityMapManager;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirection.DatabaseValueHolder;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirection.UnitOfWorkQueryValueHolder;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirection.UnitOfWorkTransformerValueHolder;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.localization.ExceptionLocalization;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.localization.LoggingLocalization;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sequencing.Sequencing;
import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.AbstractSessionLog;
import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;
import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;
import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping;
import org.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.ServerPlatform;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.Call;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DatabaseQuery;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DeleteObjectQuery;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DoesExistQuery;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ModifyAllQuery;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ObjectBuildingQuery;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ObjectLevelReadQuery;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadQuery;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseRecord;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.SessionProfiler;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.MergeChangeSetCommand;
* Implementation of org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork
* The public interface should be used.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork
* Purpose : To allow object level transactions.
* Description : The unit of work is a session that implements all of the normal
* protocol of an EclipseLink session. It can be spawned from any other session including another unit of work.
* Objects can be brought into the unit of work through reading them or through registering them.
* The unit of work will operate on its own object space, that is the objects within the unit of work
* will be clones of the original objects. When the unit of work is committed, all changes to any objects
* registered within the unit of work will be committed to the database. A minimal commit/update will
* be performed and any foreign keys/circular reference/referential integrity will be resolved.
* If the commit to the database is successful the changed objects will be merged back into the unit of work
* parent session.
* Responsibilities :
* Allow parallel transactions against a session's objects.
* Allow nested transactions.
* Not require the application to write objects that is changes, automatically determine what has changed.
* Perform a minimal commit/update of all changes that occurred.
* Resolve foreign keys for newly created objects and maintain referential integrity.
* Allow for the object transaction to use its own object space.
public class UnitOfWorkImpl extends AbstractSession implements org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork {
//These constants and variables are used in extended thread logging to compare UnitOfWork creation thread and thread which registering object in UnitOfWork
public final long CREATION_THREAD_ID = Thread.currentThread().getId();
public final String CREATION_THREAD_NAME = String.copyValueOf(Thread.currentThread().getName().toCharArray());
public final long CREATION_THREAD_HASHCODE = Thread.currentThread().hashCode();
private String creationThreadStackTrace;
/** Fix made for weak caches to avoid garbage collection of the originals. **/
/** As well as used as lookup in merge algorithm for aggregates and others **/
protected transient Map cloneToOriginals;
protected transient AbstractSession parent;
/** Map of all the clones. The key contains the clone of the object. */
protected Map cloneMapping;
protected Map newObjectsCloneToOriginal;
protected Map newObjectsOriginalToClone;
* Map of primary key to list of new objects. Used to speedup in-memory querying.
protected Map primaryKeyToNewObjects;
* Stores a map from the clone to the original merged object, as a different instance is used as the original for merges.
protected Map newObjectsCloneToMergeOriginal;
protected Map deletedObjects;
/** This member variable contains a copy of all of the clones for this particular UOW */
protected Map allClones;
protected Map objectsDeletedDuringCommit;
protected Map removedObjects;
protected Map unregisteredNewObjects;
protected Map unregisteredNewObjectsInParent;
protected Map unregisteredExistingObjects;
// bug # 3228185
// this collection is used to store the new objects from the parent.
// They will not be treated as new in the nested unit of work, so we must
//store them somewhere specifically to lookup later.
protected Map newObjectsInParentOriginalToClone;
/** Cache references of private owned objects for the removal of private owned orphans */
protected Map privateOwnedObjects;
/** used to store a list of the new objects in the parent */
//cr 2783
protected Map newObjectsInParent;
protected Map newAggregates;
/** This method is used to store the current changeSet for this UnitOfWork. */
protected UnitOfWorkChangeSet unitOfWorkChangeSet;
/** This is only used for EJB entity beans to manage beans accessed in a transaction context. */
protected UnitOfWorkImpl containerUnitOfWork;
protected Map containerBeans;
/** use to track pessimistic locked objects */
protected Map pessimisticLockedObjects;
/** Used to store the list of locks that this UnitOfWork has acquired for this merge */
protected transient MergeManager lastUsedMergeManager;
* When in transaction batch read objects must use query local
* to the unit of work.
protected Map batchQueries;
/** Read-only class can be used for reference data to avoid cloning when not required. */
protected Set readOnlyClasses;
/** Flag indicating that the transaction for this UOW was already begun. */
protected boolean wasTransactionBegunPrematurely;
/** Allow for double merges of new objects by putting them into the cache. */
protected boolean shouldNewObjectsBeCached;
/** Flag indicating that deletes should be performed before other updates. */
protected boolean shouldPerformDeletesFirst;
/** Flag indicating how to deal with exceptions on conforming queries. **/
protected int shouldThrowConformExceptions;
/** The amount of validation can be configured. */
protected int validationLevel;
static public final int None = 0;
static public final int Partial = 1;
static public final int Full = 2;
* With the new synchronized unit of work, need a lifecycle state variable to
* track birth, committed, pending_merge and death.
protected int lifecycle;
public static final int Birth = 0;
public static final int CommitPending = 1;
// After a call to writeChanges() but before commit.
public static final int CommitTransactionPending = 2;
// After an unsuccessful call to writeChanges(). No recovery at all.
public static final int WriteChangesFailed = 3;
public static final int MergePending = 4;
public static final int Death = 5;
public static final int AfterExternalTransactionRolledBack = 6;
/** Used for Conforming Queries */
public static final int DO_NOT_THROW_CONFORM_EXCEPTIONS = 0;
public static final int THROW_ALL_CONFORM_EXCEPTIONS = 1;
//CR 3677 removed option to only throw valueHolderExceptions as this governed by
//the InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy
public static final String LOCK_QUERIES_PROPERTY = "LockQueriesProperties";
/** Used for merging dependent values without use of WL SessionAccessor */
protected static boolean SmartMerge = false;
/** Kept reference of read lock objects*/
protected Map optimisticReadLockObjects;
/** Used for read lock to determine update the version field with the same value or increment value */
public static final String ReadLockOnly = "no update";
public static final String ReadLockUpdateVersion = "update version";
/** lazy initialization done in storeModifyAllQuery. For UpdateAllQuery, only clones of all UpdateAllQuery's (deferred and non-deferred) are stored here for validation only.*/
protected List modifyAllQueries;
* Contains deferred ModifyAllQuery's that have translation row for execution only.
* At commit their clones will be added to modifyAllQueries for validation afterwards.
* Array of the query (ModifyAllQuery) and translationRow (AbstractRecord).
protected List deferredModifyAllQueries;
* Used during the cloning process to track the recursive depth in. This will
* be used to determine at which point the process can begin to wait on locks
* without being concerned about creating deadlock situations.
protected int cloneDepth;
* PERF: Stores the JTA transaction to optimize activeUnitOfWork lookup.
protected Object transaction;
* True if UnitOfWork should be resumed on completion of transaction.
* Used when UnitOfWork is Synchronized with external transaction control
protected boolean resumeOnTransactionCompletion;
* PERF: Allows discover new objects to be skipped if app always calls persist.
protected boolean shouldDiscoverNewObjects;
* True if either DataModifyQuery or ModifyAllQuery was executed.
* Gets reset on commit, effects DoesExistQuery behavior and reading.
protected boolean wasNonObjectLevelModifyQueryExecuted;
* True if the value holder for the joined attribute should be triggered.
* Required by ejb30 fetch join.
protected boolean shouldCascadeCloneToJoinedRelationship;
/** PERF: Cache isNestedUnitOfWork check. */
protected boolean isNestedUnitOfWork;
/** Determine if does-exist should be performed on persist. */
protected boolean shouldValidateExistence;
/** Allow updates and deletes to be ordered by id or changes to avoid possible deadlocks. */
protected CommitOrderType commitOrder;
/** This stored the reference mode for this UOW. If the reference mode is
* weak then this unit of work will retain only weak references to non new,
* non-deleted objects allowing for garbage collection. If ObjectChangeTracking
* is used then any objects with changes will not be garbage collected.
protected ReferenceMode referenceMode;
// This is list is used during change tracking to keep hard references
// to changed objects that may otherwise have been garbage collected.
protected Set changeTrackedHardList;
/** Used to store objects already deleted from the db and unregistered */
protected Map unregisteredDeletedObjectsCloneToBackupAndOriginal;
/** This attribute records when the preDelete stage of Commit has completed */
protected boolean preDeleteComplete;
/** Stores all of the private owned objects that have been removed and may need to cascade deletion */
protected Map> deletedPrivateOwnedObjects;
/** temporarily holds a reference to a merge manager that is calling this UnitOfWork during merge **/
protected transient MergeManager mergeManagerForActiveMerge;
/** Set of objects that were deleted by database cascade delete constraints. */
protected Set cascadeDeleteObjects;
* Used to store deleted objects that have reference to other deleted objects.
* This is need to delete cycles of objects in the correct order.
protected Map> deletionDependencies;
public UnitOfWorkImpl() {
* Create and return a new unit of work with the session as its parent.
public UnitOfWorkImpl(AbstractSession parent, ReferenceMode referenceMode) {
this.isLoggingOff = parent.isLoggingOff;
this.referenceMode = referenceMode;
this.shouldDiscoverNewObjects = true; =;
this.parent = parent;
this.project = parent.project;
this.profiler = parent.profiler;
this.isInProfile = parent.isInProfile;
this.sessionLog = parent.sessionLog;
if (parent.hasEventManager()) {
this.eventManager = parent.getEventManager().clone(this);
this.exceptionHandler = parent.exceptionHandler;
this.pessimisticLockTimeoutDefault = parent.pessimisticLockTimeoutDefault;
this.pessimisticLockTimeoutUnitDefault = parent.pessimisticLockTimeoutUnitDefault;
this.queryTimeoutDefault = parent.queryTimeoutDefault;
this.queryTimeoutUnitDefault = parent.queryTimeoutUnitDefault;
this.shouldOptimizeResultSetAccess = parent.shouldOptimizeResultSetAccess;
this.serializer = parent.serializer;
this.isConcurrent = parent.isConcurrent;
// Initialize the readOnlyClasses variable.
this.validationLevel = Partial;
// for 3.0.x this conforming queries will not throw exceptions unless explicitly asked to
this.shouldThrowConformExceptions = DO_NOT_THROW_CONFORM_EXCEPTIONS;
// initialize lifecycle state variable
this.lifecycle = Birth;
// PERF: Cache the write-lock check to avoid cost of checking in every register/clone.
this.isNestedUnitOfWork = parent.isUnitOfWork();
if (this.eventManager != null) {
this.descriptors = parent.getDescriptors();
// PERF: Cache the write-lock check to avoid cost of checking in every register/clone.
this.shouldCheckWriteLock = parent.getDatasourceLogin().shouldSynchronizedReadOnWrite() || parent.getDatasourceLogin().shouldSynchronizeWrites();
// Order updates by id
this.commitOrder = CommitOrderType.ID;
// Copy down the table per tenant information.
this.tablePerTenantDescriptors = parent.tablePerTenantDescriptors;
this.tablePerTenantQueries = parent.tablePerTenantQueries;
* Acquires a special historical session for reading objects as of a past time.
public org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session acquireHistoricalSession(org.eclipse.persistence.history.AsOfClause clause) throws ValidationException {
throw ValidationException.cannotAcquireHistoricalSession();
* Return a nested unit of work for this unit of work.
* A nested unit of work can be used to isolate a subset of work on the unit of work,
* such as a dialog being open from an editor. The nested unit of work will only
* commit change to its objects to its parent unit of work, not the database.
* Only the parent unit of work will commit to the database.
* @see UnitOfWorkImpl
public UnitOfWorkImpl acquireUnitOfWork() {
UnitOfWorkImpl uow = super.acquireUnitOfWork();
return uow;
* Records a private owned object that has been de-referenced and will need to processed
* for related private owned objects.
public void addDeletedPrivateOwnedObjects(DatabaseMapping mapping, Object object)
if(deletedPrivateOwnedObjects == null){
deletedPrivateOwnedObjects = new IdentityHashMap();
List list = deletedPrivateOwnedObjects.get(mapping);
if(list == null){
list = new ArrayList();
deletedPrivateOwnedObjects.put(mapping, list);
* Register a new aggregate object with the unit of work.
public void addNewAggregate(Object originalObject) {
getNewAggregates().put(originalObject, originalObject);
* Add object deleted during root commit of unit of work.
public void addObjectDeletedDuringCommit(Object object, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
// The object's key is keyed on the object, this avoids having to compute the key later on.
getObjectsDeletedDuringCommit().put(object, keyFromObject(object, descriptor));
//bug 4730595: changed to add deleted objects to the changesets.
((UnitOfWorkChangeSet)getUnitOfWorkChangeSet()).addDeletedObject(object, this);
* Adds the given Java class to the receiver's set of read-only classes.
* Cannot be called after objects have been registered in the unit of work.
public void addReadOnlyClass(Class theClass) throws ValidationException {
if (!canChangeReadOnlySet()) {
throw ValidationException.cannotModifyReadOnlyClassesSetAfterUsingUnitOfWork();
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(theClass);
// Also mark all subclasses as read-only.
if (descriptor.hasInheritance()) {
for (ClassDescriptor childDescriptor : descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().getChildDescriptors()) {
* Adds the classes in the given Vector to the existing set of read-only classes.
* Cannot be called after objects have been registered in the unit of work.
public void addReadOnlyClasses(Collection classes) {
for (Iterator iterator = classes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Class theClass = (Class);
* Register that an object was removed in a nested unit of work.
public void addRemovedObject(Object orignal) {
getRemovedObjects().put(orignal, orignal);// Use as set.
* Assign sequence number to the object.
* This allows for an object's id to be assigned before commit.
* It can be used if the application requires to use the object id before the object exists on the database.
* Normally all ids are assigned during the commit automatically.
public void assignSequenceNumber(Object object) throws DatabaseException {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(object);
Object implementation = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().unwrapObject(object, this);
assignSequenceNumber(implementation, descriptor);
* Assign sequence number to the object.
public Object assignSequenceNumber(Object object, ClassDescriptor descriptor) throws DatabaseException {
Object value = null;
// This is done outside of a transaction to ensure optimal concurrency and deadlock avoidance in the sequence table.
if (descriptor.usesSequenceNumbers() && !descriptor.getSequence().shouldAcquireValueAfterInsert()) {
ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
try {
value = builder.assignSequenceNumber(object, this);
new IdentityHashSet());
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
} finally {
return value;
* Assign sequence numbers to all new objects registered in this unit of work,
* or any new objects reference by any objects registered.
* This allows for an object's id to be assigned before commit.
* It can be used if the application requires to use the object id before the object exists on the database.
* Normally all ids are assigned during the commit automatically.
public void assignSequenceNumbers() throws DatabaseException {
// This should be done outside of a transaction to ensure optimal concurrency and deadlock avoidance in the sequence table.
// discoverAllUnregisteredNewObjects() should be called no matter whether sequencing used
// or not, because collectAndPrepareObjectsForCommit() method (which calls assignSequenceNumbers())
// needs it.
// It would be logical to remove discoverAllUnregisteredNewObjects() from assignSequenceNumbers()
// and make collectAndPrepareObjectsForCommit() to call discoverAllUnregisteredNewObjects()
// first and assignSequenceNumbers() next,
// but assignSequenceNumbers() is a public method which could be called by user - and
// in this case discoverAllUnregisteredNewObjects() is needed again (though
// if sequencing is not used the call will make no sense - but no harm, too).
if (hasUnregisteredNewObjects()) {
if (hasNewObjects()) {
* Assign sequence numbers to all of the objects.
* This allows for an object's id to be assigned before commit.
* It can be used if the application requires to use the object id before the object exists on the database.
* Normally all ids are assigned during the commit automatically.
protected void assignSequenceNumbers(Map objects) throws DatabaseException {
if (objects.isEmpty()) {
Sequencing sequencing = getSequencing();
if (sequencing == null) {
int whenShouldAcquireValueForAll = sequencing.whenShouldAcquireValueForAll();
if (whenShouldAcquireValueForAll == Sequencing.AFTER_INSERT) {
boolean shouldAcquireValueBeforeInsertForAll = whenShouldAcquireValueForAll == Sequencing.BEFORE_INSERT;
Iterator newObjects = objects.keySet().iterator();
while (newObjects.hasNext()) {
Object object =;
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(object);
if (descriptor.usesSequenceNumbers()
&& (shouldAcquireValueBeforeInsertForAll || !descriptor.getSequence().shouldAcquireValueAfterInsert())) {
descriptor.getObjectBuilder().assignSequenceNumber(object, this);
* Tell the unit of work to begin a transaction now.
* By default the unit of work will begin a transaction at commit time.
* The default is the recommended approach, however sometimes it is
* necessary to start the transaction before commit time. When the
* unit of work commits, this transaction will be committed.
* @see #commit()
* @see #release()
public void beginEarlyTransaction() throws DatabaseException {
* This is internal to the uow, transactions should not be used explicitly in a uow.
* The uow shares its parents transactions.
public void beginTransaction() throws DatabaseException {
* Unregistered new objects have no original so we must create one for commit and resume and
* to put into the parent. We can NEVER let the same copy of an object exist in multiple units of work.
public Object buildOriginal(Object workingClone) {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(workingClone);
ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
Object original = builder.instantiateClone(workingClone, this);
// If no original exists can mean any of the following:
// -A RemoteUnitOfWork and cloneToOriginals is transient.
// -A clone read while in transaction, and built directly from
// the database row with no intermediary original.
// -An unregistered new object
if (checkIfAlreadyRegistered(workingClone, descriptor) != null) {
getCloneToOriginals().put(workingClone, original);
return original;
} else {
// Assume it is an unregisteredNewObject, but this is worrisome, as
// it may be an unregistered existing object, not in the parent cache?
Object backup = builder.instantiateClone(workingClone, this);
// Original is fine for backup as state is the same.
getCloneMapping().put(workingClone, backup);
// Must register new instance / clone as the original.
getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal().put(workingClone, original);
getNewObjectsOriginalToClone().put(original, workingClone);
// no need to register in identity map as the DatabaseQueryMechanism will have
//placed the object in the identity map on insert. bug 3431586
return original;
* This calculates changes in two passes, first on registered objects,
* second it discovers unregistered new objects on only those objects that changed, and calculates their changes.
* This also assigns sequence numbers to new objects.
public UnitOfWorkChangeSet calculateChanges(Map registeredObjects, UnitOfWorkChangeSet changeSet, boolean assignSequences, boolean shouldCloneMap) {
// Fire the event first which may add to the registered objects. If we
// need to clone the registered objects, it should be done after this
// call.
if (this.eventManager != null) {
Map allObjects = (shouldCloneMap) ? cloneMap(registeredObjects) : registeredObjects;
if (assignSequences && hasNewObjects()) {
// First assign sequence numbers to new objects.
// Second calculate changes for all registered objects.
Iterator objects = allObjects.keySet().iterator();
int allObjectsSize = allObjects.size();
Map changedObjects = new IdentityHashMap(allObjectsSize);
Map visitedNodes = new IdentityHashMap(allObjectsSize);
while (objects.hasNext()) {
Object object =;
// Block of code removed because it will never be touched see bug # 2903565
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(object);
// Update any derived id's.
updateDerivedIds(object, descriptor);
// Block of code removed for code coverage, as it would never have been touched. bug # 2903600
boolean isNew = isCloneNewObject(object);
// Use the object change policy to determine if we should run a comparison for this object - TGW.
if (isNew || descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().shouldCompareExistingObjectForChange(object, this, descriptor)) {
ObjectChangeSet changes = null;
if (isNew) {
changes = descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().calculateChangesForNewObject(object, changeSet, this, descriptor, true);
} else {
changes = descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().calculateChangesForExistingObject(object, changeSet, this, descriptor, true);
if (changes != null) {
changeSet.addObjectChangeSet(changes, this, true);
changedObjects.put(object, object);
if (changes.hasChanges() && !changes.hasForcedChangesFromCascadeLocking()) {
if (descriptor.hasCascadeLockingPolicies()) {
for (CascadeLockingPolicy policy : descriptor.getCascadeLockingPolicies()) {
policy.lockNotifyParent(object, changeSet, this);
} else if (descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking() && descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy().isCascaded()) {
} else {
// Mark as visited so do not need to traverse.
visitedNodes.put(object, object);
} else {
// Mark as visited so do not need to traverse.
visitedNodes.put(object, object);
if (hasDeletedObjects() && !isNestedUnitOfWork()) {
for (Object deletedObject : ((IdentityHashMap)((IdentityHashMap)this.deletedObjects).clone()).keySet()) {
getDescriptor(deletedObject).getObjectBuilder().recordPrivateOwnedRemovals(deletedObject, this, true);
if ((this.deletedPrivateOwnedObjects != null) && !this.isNestedUnitOfWork) {
for (Map.Entry> entry : this.deletedPrivateOwnedObjects.entrySet()) {
DatabaseMapping databasemapping = entry.getKey();
for (Object deletedObject : entry.getValue()) {
databasemapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().recordPrivateOwnedRemovals(deletedObject, this, false);
if (this.project.hasMappingsPostCalculateChangesOnDeleted()) {
if (hasDeletedObjects()) {
for (Iterator deletedObjects = getDeletedObjects().keySet().iterator(); deletedObjects.hasNext();) {
Object deletedObject =;
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(deletedObject);
if(descriptor.hasMappingsPostCalculateChangesOnDeleted()) {
int size = descriptor.getMappingsPostCalculateChangesOnDeleted().size();
for(int i=0; i < size; i++) {
DatabaseMapping mapping = descriptor.getMappingsPostCalculateChangesOnDeleted().get(i);
mapping.postCalculateChangesOnDeleted(deletedObject, changeSet, this);
if (this.shouldDiscoverNewObjects && !changedObjects.isEmpty()) {
// Third discover any new objects from the new or changed objects.
Map newObjects = new IdentityHashMap(changedObjects.size());
// Bug 294259 - Do not replace the existingObjects list
// Iterate over the changed objects only.
discoverUnregisteredNewObjects(changedObjects, newObjects, getUnregisteredExistingObjects(), visitedNodes);
if (assignSequences) {
for (Iterator newObjectsEnum = newObjects.values().iterator(); newObjectsEnum.hasNext(); ) {
Object object =;
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(object);
ObjectChangeSet changes = descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().calculateChangesForNewObject(object, changeSet, this, descriptor, true);
// Since it is new, it will always have a change set.
changeSet.addObjectChangeSet(changes, this, true);
// Remove any orphaned privately owned objects from the UnitOfWork and ChangeSets,
// these are the objects remaining in the UnitOfWork privateOwnedObjects map
if (hasPrivateOwnedObjects()) {
Collection values = getPrivateOwnedObjects().values();
int initialSize = 0;
for (Set value: values) {
initialSize += value.size();
Map visitedObjects = new IdentityHashMap(initialSize);
for (Set privateOwnedObjects : values) {
for (Object objectToRemove : privateOwnedObjects) {
performRemovePrivateOwnedObjectFromChangeSet(objectToRemove, visitedObjects);
if (this.eventManager != null) {
return changeSet;
* Checks whether the receiver has been used. i.e. objects have been registered.
* @return true or false depending on whether the read-only set can be changed or not.
protected boolean canChangeReadOnlySet() {
return !hasCloneMapping() && !hasDeletedObjects();
* Return if the object is an existing object (but has not been registered),
* or a new object (that has not be persisted).
public boolean checkForUnregisteredExistingObject(Object object) {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(object.getClass());
Object primaryKey = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(object, this, true);
if (primaryKey == null) {
return false;
DoesExistQuery existQuery = descriptor.getQueryManager().getDoesExistQuery();
existQuery = (DoesExistQuery) existQuery.clone();
return ((Boolean) executeQuery(existQuery)).booleanValue();
* INTERNAL: Register the object and return the clone if it is existing
* otherwise return null if it is new. The unit of work determines existence
* during registration, not during the commit.
public Object checkExistence(Object object) {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(object.getClass());
Object primaryKey = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(object, this, true);
// PERF: null primary key cannot exist.
if (primaryKey == null) {
return null;
DoesExistQuery existQuery = descriptor.getQueryManager().getDoesExistQuery();
// PERF: Avoid cost of query execution as normally can determine from checkEarlyReturn.
Boolean exists = (Boolean)existQuery.checkEarlyReturn(object, primaryKey, this, null);
if (exists == null) {
// Need to execute database query.
existQuery = (DoesExistQuery)existQuery.clone();
exists = (Boolean)executeQuery(existQuery);
if (exists) {
//we know if it exists or not, now find or register it
Object objectFromCache = getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getFromIdentityMap(primaryKey, object.getClass(), descriptor);
if (objectFromCache != null) {
// Ensure that the registered object is the one from the parent cache.
if (shouldPerformFullValidation()) {
if ((objectFromCache != object) && (this.parent.getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getFromIdentityMap(primaryKey, object.getClass(), descriptor) != object)) {
throw ValidationException.wrongObjectRegistered(object, objectFromCache);
// Has already been cloned.
if (!this.isObjectDeleted(objectFromCache)) {
return objectFromCache;
// This is a case where the object is not in the session cache,
// so a new cache-key is used as there is no original to use for locking.
// It read time must be set to avoid it being invalidated.
CacheKey cacheKey = new CacheKey(primaryKey);
cacheKey.setIsolated(true); // if the cache does not have a version then this must be built from the supplied version
return cloneAndRegisterObject(object, cacheKey, descriptor);
} else {
return null;
* Return the value of the object if it already is registered, otherwise null.
public Object checkIfAlreadyRegistered(Object object, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
// Don't register read-only classes
if (isClassReadOnly(object.getClass(), descriptor)) {
return null;
// Check if the working copy is again being registered in which case we return the same working copy
Object registeredObject = getCloneMapping().get(object);
if (registeredObject != null) {
return object;
// Check if object exists in my new objects if it is in the new objects cache then it means domain object is being
// re-registered and we should return the same working clone. This check holds only for the new registered objects
// PERF: Avoid initialization of new objects if none.
if (hasNewObjects()) {
registeredObject = getNewObjectsOriginalToClone().get(object);
if (registeredObject != null) {
return registeredObject;
if (this.isNestedUnitOfWork) {
// bug # 3228185
//may be a new object from a parent Unit Of Work, let's check our new object in parent list to see
//if it has already been registered locally
if (hasNewObjectsInParentOriginalToClone()) {
registeredObject = getNewObjectsInParentOriginalToClone().get(object);
if (registeredObject != null) {
return registeredObject;
return null;
* Check if the object is invalid and *should* be refreshed.
* This is used to ensure that no invalid objects are cloned.
public boolean isConsideredInvalid(Object object, CacheKey cacheKey, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
if (! isNestedUnitOfWork){
return getParent().isConsideredInvalid(object, cacheKey, descriptor);
return false;
* Register the new object with the unit of work.
* This will register the new object with cloning.
* Normally the registerObject method should be used for all registration of new and existing objects.
* This version of the register method can only be used for new objects.
* This method should only be used if a new object is desired to be registered without an existence Check.
* @see #registerObject(Object)
protected Object cloneAndRegisterNewObject(Object original, boolean isShallowClone) {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(original);
//Nested unit of work is not supported for attribute change tracking
if (this.isNestedUnitOfWork && (descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy() instanceof AttributeChangeTrackingPolicy)) {
throw ValidationException.nestedUOWNotSupportedForAttributeTracking();
ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
// bug 2612602 create the working copy object.
Object clone = builder.instantiateWorkingCopyClone(original, this);
// Must put in the original to clone to resolve circular refs.
getNewObjectsOriginalToClone().put(original, clone);
getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal().put(clone, original);
// Must put in clone mapping.
getCloneMapping().put(clone, clone);
if (isShallowClone) {
builder.copyInto(original, clone, true);
} else {
builder.populateAttributesForClone(original, null, clone, null, this);
// Must reregister in both new objects.
registerNewObjectClone(clone, original, descriptor);
//Build backup clone for DeferredChangeDetectionPolicy or ObjectChangeTrackingPolicy,
//but not for AttributeChangeTrackingPolicy
Object backupClone = descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().buildBackupClone(clone, builder, this);
getCloneMapping().put(clone, backupClone);// The backup clone must be updated.
return clone;
* Clone and register the object.
* The cache key must the cache key from the session cache, as it will be used for locking.
* The unit of work cache key is passed to the normal cloneAndRegisterObject method.
public Object cloneAndRegisterObject(Object original, CacheKey parentCacheKey, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
CacheKey unitOfWorkCacheKey = null;
if (parentCacheKey.getKey() == null) {
// The primary key may be null for nested units of work with new parent objects.
unitOfWorkCacheKey = new CacheKey(null);
} else {
unitOfWorkCacheKey = getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().acquireLock(parentCacheKey.getKey(), original.getClass(), descriptor, false);
try {
return cloneAndRegisterObject(original, parentCacheKey, unitOfWorkCacheKey, descriptor);
} finally {
* Clone and register the object.
* The cache key must the cache key from the session cache,
* as it will be used for locking.
public Object cloneAndRegisterObject(Object original, CacheKey parentCacheKey, CacheKey unitOfWorkCacheKey, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
ClassDescriptor concreteDescriptor = descriptor;
// Ensure correct subclass descriptor.
if (original.getClass() != descriptor.getJavaClass()) {
concreteDescriptor = getDescriptor(original);
// Nested unit of work is not supported for attribute change tracking.
if (this.isNestedUnitOfWork && (concreteDescriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().isAttributeChangeTrackingPolicy())) {
throw ValidationException.nestedUOWNotSupportedForAttributeTracking();
ObjectBuilder builder = concreteDescriptor.getObjectBuilder();
Object workingClone = null;
// The cache/objects being registered must first be locked to ensure
// that a merge or refresh does not occur on the object while being cloned to
// avoid cloning a partially merged/refreshed object.
// If a cache isolation level is used, then lock the entire cache.
// otherwise lock the object and it related objects (not using indirection) as a unit.
// If just a simple object (all indirection) a simple read-lock can be used.
// PERF: Cache if check to write is required.
boolean identityMapLocked = this.parent.shouldCheckWriteLock && this.parent.getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().acquireWriteLock();
boolean rootOfCloneRecursion = false;
if (identityMapLocked) {
checkAndRefreshInvalidObject(original, parentCacheKey, descriptor);
} else {
// Check if we have locked all required objects already.
if (this.objectsLockedForClone == null) {
// PERF: If a simple object just acquire a simple read-lock.
if (concreteDescriptor.shouldAcquireCascadedLocks()) {
this.objectsLockedForClone = this.parent.getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getWriteLockManager().acquireLocksForClone(original, concreteDescriptor, parentCacheKey, this.parent);
} else {
checkAndRefreshInvalidObject(original, parentCacheKey, descriptor);
rootOfCloneRecursion = true;
try {
// bug:6167576 Must acquire the lock before cloning.
workingClone = builder.instantiateWorkingCopyClone(original, this);
// PERF: Cache the primary key if implements PersistenceEntity.
if (workingClone instanceof PersistenceEntity) {
// This must be registered before it is built to avoid really obscure cycles.
getCloneMapping().put(workingClone, workingClone);
// bug # 3228185 & Bug4736360
// if this is a nested unit of work and the object is new in the parent
// and we must store it in the newobject list for lookup later
if (this.isNestedUnitOfWork && isCloneNewObjectFromParent(original)) {
getNewObjectsInParentOriginalToClone().put(original, workingClone);
//store this for look up later
getCloneToOriginals().put(workingClone, original);
// just clone it.
populateAndRegisterObject(original, workingClone, unitOfWorkCacheKey, parentCacheKey, concreteDescriptor);
//also clone the fetch group reference if applied
if (concreteDescriptor.hasFetchGroupManager()) {
concreteDescriptor.getFetchGroupManager().copyFetchGroupInto(original, workingClone, this);
} finally {
// If the entire cache was locked, release the cache lock,
// otherwise either release the cache-key for a simple lock,
// otherwise release the entire set of locks for related objects if this was the root.
if (identityMapLocked) {
} else {
if (rootOfCloneRecursion) {
if (this.objectsLockedForClone == null) {
} else {
for (Iterator iterator = this.objectsLockedForClone.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
this.objectsLockedForClone = null;
concreteDescriptor.getObjectBuilder().instantiateEagerMappings(workingClone, this);
return workingClone;
* Prepare for merge in nested uow.
public Map collectAndPrepareObjectsForNestedMerge() {
return new IdentityHashMap(this.getCloneMapping());
* Commit the unit of work to its parent.
* For a nested unit of work this will merge any changes to its objects
* with its parents.
* For a first level unit of work it will commit all changes to its objects
* to the database as a single transaction. If successful the changes to its
* objects will be merged to its parent's objects. If the commit fails the database
* transaction will be rolledback, and the unit of work will be released.
* If the commit is successful the unit of work is released, and a new unit of work
* must be acquired if further changes are desired.
* @see #commitAndResumeOnFailure()
* @see #commitAndResume()
* @see #release()
public void commit() throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
//CR#2189 throwing exception if UOW try to commit again(XC)
if (!isActive()) {
throw ValidationException.cannotCommitUOWAgain();
if (isAfterWriteChangesFailed()) {
throw ValidationException.unitOfWorkAfterWriteChangesFailed("commit");
if (!this.isNestedUnitOfWork) {
if (isSynchronized()) {
// If we started the JTS transaction then we have to commit it as well.
if (this.parent.wasJTSTransactionInternallyStarted()) {
// Do not commit until the JTS wants to.
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "begin_unit_of_work_commit");
if (this.lifecycle == CommitTransactionPending) {
if (this.eventManager != null) {
if (this.isNestedUnitOfWork) {
} else {
if (this.eventManager != null) {
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "end_unit_of_work_commit");
* Commit the unit of work to its parent.
* For a nested unit of work this will merge any changes to its objects
* with its parents.
* For a first level unit of work it will commit all changes to its objects
* to the database as a single transaction. If successful the changes to its
* objects will be merged to its parent's objects. If the commit fails the database
* transaction will be rolledback, and the unit of work will be released.
* The normal commit releases the unit of work, forcing a new one to be acquired if further changes are desired.
* The resuming feature allows for the same unit of work (and working copies) to be continued to be used.
* @see #commitAndResumeOnFailure()
* @see #commit()
* @see #release()
public void commitAndResume() throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
//CR#2189 throwing exception if UOW try to commit again(XC)
if (!isActive()) {
throw ValidationException.cannotCommitUOWAgain();
if (isAfterWriteChangesFailed()) {
throw ValidationException.unitOfWorkAfterWriteChangesFailed("commit");
if (!this.isNestedUnitOfWork) {
if (isSynchronized()) {
// JTA synchronized units of work, cannot be resumed as there is no
// JTA transaction to register with after the commit,
// technically this could be supported if the uow started the transaction,
// but currently the after completion releases the uow and client session so not really possible.
throw ValidationException.cannotCommitAndResumeSynchronizedUOW(this);
if (this.lifecycle == CommitTransactionPending) {
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "begin_unit_of_work_commit");// bjv - correct spelling
if (this.eventManager != null) {
if (this.parent.isUnitOfWork()) {
} else {
if (this.eventManager != null) {
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "end_unit_of_work_commit");
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "resume_unit_of_work");
if (this.eventManager != null) {
* This method is used by the MappingWorkbench for their read-only file feature
* this method must not be exposed to or used by customers until it has been revised
* and the feature revisited to support OptimisticLocking and Serialization
public void commitAndResumeWithPreBuiltChangeSet(UnitOfWorkChangeSet uowChangeSet) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
if (!this.isNestedUnitOfWork) {
if (isSynchronized()) {
// If we started the JTS transaction then we have to commit it as well.
if (this.parent.wasJTSTransactionInternallyStarted()) {
// Do not commit until the JTS wants to.
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "begin_unit_of_work_commit");// bjv - correct spelling
if (this.eventManager != null) {
if (this.parent.isUnitOfWork()) {
} else {
if (this.eventManager != null) {
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "end_unit_of_work_commit");
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "resume_unit_of_work");
if (this.eventManager != null) {
* Commit the unit of work to its parent.
* For a nested unit of work this will merge any changes to its objects
* with its parents.
* For a first level unit of work it will commit all changes to its objects
* to the database as a single transaction. If successful the changes to its
* objects will be merged to its parent's objects. If the commit fails the database
* transaction will be rolledback, but the unit of work will remain active.
* It can then be retried or released.
* The normal commit failure releases the unit of work, forcing a new one to be acquired if further changes are desired.
* The resuming feature allows for the same unit of work (and working copies) to be continued to be used if an error occurs.
* The UnitOfWork will also remain active if the commit is successful.
* @see #commit()
* @see #release()
public void commitAndResumeOnFailure() throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
// First clone the identity map, on failure replace the clone back as the cache.
IdentityMapManager failureManager = (IdentityMapManager)getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getIdentityMapManager().clone();
try {
// Call commitAndResume.
// Oct 13, 2000 - JED PRS #13551
// This method will always resume now. Calling commitAndResume will sync the cache
// if successful. This method will take care of resuming if a failure occurs
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
//reset unitOfWorkChangeSet. Needed for ObjectChangeTrackingPolicy and DeferredChangeDetectionPolicy
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "resuming_unit_of_work_from_failure");
throw exception;
* Commits a UnitOfWork where the commit process has already been
* initiated by all call to writeChanges().
* a.k.a finalizeCommit()
protected void commitAfterWriteChanges() {
* Commits and resumes a UnitOfWork where the commit process has already been
* initiated by all call to writeChanges().
* a.k.a finalizeCommit()
protected void commitAndResumeAfterWriteChanges() {
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "resume_unit_of_work");
if (this.eventManager != null) {
* Used in commit and commit-like methods to commit
* internally started external transaction
protected boolean commitInternallyStartedExternalTransaction() {
boolean committed = false;
if (!this.parent.isInTransaction() || (wasTransactionBegunPrematurely() && (this.parent.getTransactionMutex().getDepth() == 1))) {
committed = this.parent.commitExternalTransaction();
return committed;
* Commit the changes to any objects to the parent.
protected void commitNestedUnitOfWork() {
this.parent.getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().acquireWriteLock();//Ensure concurrency
try {
// Iterate over each clone and let the object build merge to clones into the originals.
// The change set may already exist if using change tracking.
if (getUnitOfWorkChangeSet() == null) {
setUnitOfWorkChangeSet(new UnitOfWorkChangeSet(this));
unitOfWorkChangeSet = calculateChanges(collectAndPrepareObjectsForNestedMerge(), (UnitOfWorkChangeSet)getUnitOfWorkChangeSet(), false, false);
this.allClones = null;
if (hasDeletedObjects()) {
for (Iterator deletedObjects = getDeletedObjects().keySet().iterator();
deletedObjects.hasNext();) {
Object deletedObject =;
Object originalObject = getOriginalVersionOfObject(deletedObject);
// bug # 3132979 if the deleted object is new in the parent
//then unregister in the parent.
//else add it to the deleted object list to be removed from the parent's parent
//this prevents erroneous insert and delete sql
if ((originalObject != null) && ((UnitOfWorkImpl)this.parent).getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal().containsKey(originalObject)) {
} else {
((UnitOfWorkImpl)this.parent).getDeletedObjects().put(originalObject, getId(originalObject));
if (hasRemovedObjects()) {
for (Iterator removedObjects = getRemovedObjects().values().iterator();
removedObjects.hasNext();) {
} finally {
* Commit the changes to any objects to the parent.
public void commitRootUnitOfWork() throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
// Merge after commit
this.changeTrackedHardList = null;
* This method is used by the MappingWorkbench read-only files feature
* It will commit a pre-built unitofwork change set to the database
public void commitRootUnitOfWorkWithPreBuiltChangeSet(UnitOfWorkChangeSet uowChangeSet) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
//new code no need to check old commit
commitToDatabaseWithPreBuiltChangeSet(uowChangeSet, true, true);
// Merge after commit
* CommitChanges To The Database from a calculated changeSet
* @param commitTransaction false if called by writeChanges as intent is
* not to finalize the transaction.
protected void commitToDatabase(boolean commitTransaction) {
try {
//CR4202 - ported from 3.6.4
if (wasTransactionBegunPrematurely()) {
// beginTransaction() has been already called
} else {
if (commitTransaction) {
this.preDeleteComplete = false;
List deletedObjects = null;// PERF: Avoid deletion if nothing to delete.
if (hasDeletedObjects()) {
deletedObjects = new ArrayList(this.deletedObjects.size());
for (Object objectToDelete : this.deletedObjects.keySet()) {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(objectToDelete);
if (descriptor.hasPreDeleteMappings()) {
for (DatabaseMapping mapping : descriptor.getPreDeleteMappings()) {
DeleteObjectQuery deleteQuery = descriptor.getQueryManager().getDeleteQuery();
if (deleteQuery == null) {
deleteQuery = new DeleteObjectQuery();
} else {
// Ensure original query has been prepared.
deleteQuery.checkPrepare(this, deleteQuery.getTranslationRow());
deleteQuery = (DeleteObjectQuery)deleteQuery.clone();
deleteQuery.setTranslationRow(new DatabaseRecord());
mapping.earlyPreDelete(deleteQuery, objectToDelete);
this.preDeleteComplete = true;
if (this.shouldPerformDeletesFirst) {
if (deletedObjects != null) {
// This must go to the commit manager because uow overrides to do normal deletion.
// Clear change sets of the deleted object to avoid redundant updates.
for (Iterator objects = getObjectsDeletedDuringCommit().keySet().iterator();
objects.hasNext();) {
org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet objectChangeSet = (org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet)this.unitOfWorkChangeSet.getObjectChangeSetForClone(;
if (objectChangeSet != null) {
// Let the commit manager figure out how to write the objects
// Issue all the SQL for the ModifyAllQuery's, don't touch the cache though
} else {
// Let the commit manager figure out how to write the objects
if (deletedObjects != null) {
// This must go to the commit manager because uow overrides to do normal deletion.
// Issue all the SQL for the ModifyAllQuery's, don't touch the cache though
// Issue prepare event.
if (this.eventManager != null) {
// writeChanges() does everything but this step.
// do not lock objects unless we are at the commit stage
if (commitTransaction) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException throwable) {
throw throwable;
} catch (Error throwable) {
throw throwable;
} else {
//must let the UnitOfWork know that the transaction was begun
//before the commit process.
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
// The number of SQL statements been prepared need be stored into UOW
// before any exception being thrown.
try {
} catch (RuntimeException ignore) {
// Ignore
if (hasExceptionHandler()) {
} else {
throw exception;
* Commit the changes to any objects to the parent.
* @param commitTransaction false if called by writeChanges as intent is
* not to finalize the transaction.
protected void commitToDatabaseWithChangeSet(boolean commitTransaction) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
try {
// PERF: If this is an empty unit of work, do nothing (but still may need to commit SQL changes).
boolean hasChanges = (this.unitOfWorkChangeSet != null) || hasCloneMapping() || hasDeletedObjects() || hasModifyAllQueries() || hasDeferredModifyAllQueries();
if (hasChanges) {
// The sequence numbers are assigned outside of the commit transaction.
// This improves concurrency, avoids deadlock and in the case of three-tier will
// not leave invalid cached sequences on rollback.
// Iterate over each clone and let the object build merge to clones into the originals.
// The change set may already exist if using change tracking.
if (this.unitOfWorkChangeSet == null) {
this.unitOfWorkChangeSet = new UnitOfWorkChangeSet(this);
// PERF: clone is faster than new.
calculateChanges(getCloneMapping(), this.unitOfWorkChangeSet, true, true);
} catch (RuntimeException exception){
// The number of SQL statements been prepared need be stored into UOW
// before any exception being thrown.
throw exception;
hasChanges = hasModifications();
// Bug 2834266 only commit to the database if changes were made, avoid begin/commit of transaction
if (hasChanges) {
// Also must first set the commit manager active.
} else {
try {
// CR#... need to commit the transaction if begun early.
if (wasTransactionBegunPrematurely()) {
if (commitTransaction) {
// Must be set to false for release to know not to rollback.
try {
} catch (RuntimeException commitFailed) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException ignore) {
// Ignore
throw commitFailed;
} catch (Error error) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException ignore) {
// Ignore
throw error;
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
// The number of SQL statements been prepared need be stored into UOW
// before any exception being thrown.
throw exception;
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
} finally {
* Commit pre-built changeSet to the database changeSet to the database.
protected void commitToDatabaseWithPreBuiltChangeSet(UnitOfWorkChangeSet uowChangeSet, boolean commitTransaction, boolean isChangeSetFromOutsideUOW) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
try {
// The sequence numbers are assigned outside of the commit transaction.
// This improves concurrency, avoids deadlock and in the case of three-tier will
// not leave invalid cached sequences on rollback.
// Also must first set the commit manager active.
// Iterate over each clone and let the object build merge to clones into the originals.
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
* This is internal to the uow, transactions should not be used explicitly in a uow.
* The uow shares its parents transactions.
public void commitTransaction() throws DatabaseException {
* After writeChanges() everything has been done except for committing
* the transaction. This allows that execution path to 'catch up'.
public void commitTransactionAfterWriteChanges() {
if (hasModifications() || wasTransactionBegunPrematurely()) {
//gf934: ensuring release doesn't cause an extra rollback call if acquireRequiredLocks throws an exception
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException ignore) {
// Ignore
} catch (Error throwable) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException ignore) {
// Ignore
throw throwable;
* Acquire the unit of work cache write locks, if required.
protected void acquireWriteLocks() {
// If everything is isolated, can bypass merge entirely.
if (this.project.hasNonIsolatedUOWClasses() || (this.modifyAllQueries != null)) {
// if we should be acquiring locks before commit let's do that here
if (getDatasourceLogin().shouldSynchronizeObjectLevelReadWriteDatabase() && (this.unitOfWorkChangeSet != null)) {
writesCompleted();//flush Batch Statements
this.lastUsedMergeManager = new MergeManager(this);
//If we are merging into the shared cache acquire all required locks before merging.
this.parent.getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getWriteLockManager().acquireRequiredLocks(this.lastUsedMergeManager, this.unitOfWorkChangeSet);
* Release the unit of work cache write locks, if acquired.
public void releaseWriteLocks() {
if (this.lastUsedMergeManager != null) {
// 272022: If the current thread and the active thread on the mutex do not match - switch them
// exception occurred during the commit.
this.lastUsedMergeManager = null;
* Copy the read only classes from the unit of work.
// Added Nov 8, 2000 JED for Patch, Ref: Prs 24502
public Vector copyReadOnlyClasses() {
return new Vector(getReadOnlyClasses());
* Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy.
* This can be used for objects that are returned from the client through
* RMI serialization or other serialization mechanisms, because the RMI object will
* be a clone this will merge its attributes correctly to preserve object identity
* within the unit of work and record its changes.
* Everything connected to this object (i.e. the entire object tree where rmiClone
* is the root) is also merged.
* @return the registered version for the clone being merged.
* @see #mergeClone(Object)
* @see #shallowMergeClone(Object)
public Object deepMergeClone(Object rmiClone) {
return mergeClone(rmiClone, MergeManager.CASCADE_ALL_PARTS, false);
* Revert the object's attributes from the parent.
* This reverts everything the object references.
* @return the object reverted.
* @see #revertObject(Object)
* @see #shallowRevertObject(Object)
public Object deepRevertObject(Object clone) {
return revertObject(clone, MergeManager.CASCADE_ALL_PARTS);
* Unregister the object with the unit of work.
* This can be used to delete an object that was just created and is not yet persistent.
* Delete object can also be used, but will result in inserting the object and then deleting it.
* The method should be used carefully because it will delete all the reachable parts.
public void deepUnregisterObject(Object clone) {
unregisterObject(clone, DescriptorIterator.CascadeAllParts);
* Search for any objects in the parent that have not been registered.
* These are required so that the nested unit of work does not add them to the parent
* clone mapping on commit, causing possible incorrect insertions if they are dereferenced.
protected void discoverAllUnregisteredNewObjects() {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
Map visitedNodes = new IdentityHashMap();
Map newObjects = new IdentityHashMap();
// Bug 294259 - Do not replace the existingObjects list
// Iterate over the clones.
discoverUnregisteredNewObjects(new IdentityHashMap(getCloneMapping()), newObjects, getUnregisteredExistingObjects(), visitedNodes);
* Search for any objects in the parent that have not been registered.
* These are required so that the nested unit of work does not add them to the parent
* clone mapping on commit, causing possible incorrect insertions if they are dereferenced.
protected void discoverAllUnregisteredNewObjectsInParent() {
// Iterate over the clones.
if (this.isNestedUnitOfWork) {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
Map visitedNodes = new IdentityHashMap();
Map newObjects = new IdentityHashMap();
UnitOfWorkImpl parent = (UnitOfWorkImpl)this.parent;
parent.discoverUnregisteredNewObjects(((UnitOfWorkImpl)this.parent).getCloneMapping(), newObjects, new IdentityHashMap(), visitedNodes);
* Traverse the object to find references to objects not registered in this unit of work.
public void discoverUnregisteredNewObjects(Map clones, final Map knownNewObjects, final Map unregisteredExistingObjects, Map visitedObjects) {
// This define an inner class for process the iteration operation, don't be scared, its just an inner class.
DescriptorIterator iterator = new DescriptorIterator() {
public void iterate(Object object) {
// If the object is read-only then do not continue the traversal.
if (isClassReadOnly(object.getClass(), this.getCurrentDescriptor())) {
/* CR3440: Steven Vo
* Include the case that object is original then do nothing.
if (isSmartMerge() && isOriginalNewObject(object)) {
} else if (!isObjectRegistered(object)) {// Don't need to check for aggregates, as iterator does not iterate on them by default.
if (shouldPerformNoValidation()) {
if (checkForUnregisteredExistingObject(object)) {
// If no validation is performed and the object exists we need
// To keep a record of this object to ignore it, also I need to
// Stop iterating over it.
unregisteredExistingObjects.put(object, object);
} else {
// This will validate that the object is not from the parent session, moved from calculate to optimize JPA.
getBackupClone(object, getCurrentDescriptor());
// This means it is a unregistered new object
knownNewObjects.put(object, object);
public void iterateReferenceObjectForMapping(Object referenceObject, DatabaseMapping mapping) {
super.iterateReferenceObjectForMapping(referenceObject, mapping);
if (mapping.isCandidateForPrivateOwnedRemoval()) {
removePrivateOwnedObject(mapping, referenceObject);
// Bug 294259 - Do not replace the existingObjects list
// When using wrapper policy in EJB the iteration should stop on beans,
// this is because EJB forces beans to be registered anyway and clone identity can be violated
// and the violated clones references to session objects should not be traversed.
for (Iterator clonesEnum = clones.keySet().iterator(); clonesEnum.hasNext(); ) {
* The unit of work performs validations such as,
* ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work,
* ensuring deleted objects are not referred after commit,
* ensures that objects from the parent cache are not referred in the unit of work cache.
* The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under
* advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work.
* It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.
public void dontPerformValidation() {
* Override From session. Get the accessor based on the query, and execute call,
* this is here for session broker.
public Object executeCall(Call call, AbstractRecord translationRow, DatabaseQuery query) throws DatabaseException {
Collection accessors = query.getSession().getAccessors(call, translationRow, query);
try {
return basicExecuteCall(call, translationRow, query);
} finally {
if (call.isFinished()) {
* Set optimistic read lock on the object. This feature is override by normal optimistic lock.
* when the object is changed in UnitOfWork. The cloneFromUOW must be the clone of from this
* UnitOfWork and it must implements version locking or timestamp locking.
* The SQL would look like the followings.
* If shouldModifyVersionField is true,
* If shouldModifyVersionField is false,
public void forceUpdateToVersionField(Object lockObject, boolean shouldModifyVersionField) {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(lockObject);
if (descriptor == null) {
throw DescriptorException.missingDescriptor(lockObject.getClass().toString());
getOptimisticReadLockObjects().put(descriptor.getObjectBuilder().unwrapObject(lockObject, this), Boolean.valueOf(shouldModifyVersionField));
* The uow does not store a local accessor but shares its parents.
public Accessor getAccessor() {
return this.parent.getAccessor();
* The uow does not store a local accessor but shares its parents.
public Collection getAccessors() {
return this.parent.getAccessors();
* The commit manager is used to resolve referential integrity on commits of multiple objects.
* The commit manage is lazy init from parent.
public CommitManager getCommitManager() {
// PERF: lazy init, not always required for release/commit with no changes.
if (this.commitManager == null) {
this.commitManager = new CommitManager(this);
// Initialize the commit manager
return this.commitManager;
* Return the connections to use for the query execution.
public Collection getAccessors(Call call, AbstractRecord translationRow, DatabaseQuery query) {
return this.parent.getAccessors(call, translationRow, query);
* Return the active unit of work for the current active external (JTS) transaction.
* This should only be used with JTS and will return null if no external transaction exists.
public org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork getActiveUnitOfWork() {
/* Steven Vo: CR# 2517
This fixed the problem of returning null when this method is called on a UOW.
UOW does not copy the parent session's external transaction controller
when it is acquired but session does */
return this.parent.getActiveUnitOfWork();
* Return any new objects matching the expression.
* Used for in-memory querying.
public Vector getAllFromNewObjects(Expression selectionCriteria, Class theClass, AbstractRecord translationRow, int valueHolderPolicy) {
// PERF: Avoid initialization of new objects if none.
if (!hasNewObjects()) {
return new Vector(1);
// bug 327900 - If don't read subclasses is set on the descriptor heed it.
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(theClass);
boolean readSubclassesOrNoInheritance = (!descriptor.hasInheritance() || descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().shouldReadSubclasses());
Vector objects = new Vector();
for (Iterator newObjectsEnum = getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal().keySet().iterator();
newObjectsEnum.hasNext();) {
Object object =;
// bug 327900
if ((object.getClass() == theClass) || (readSubclassesOrNoInheritance && (theClass.isInstance(object)))) {
if (selectionCriteria == null) {
} else if (selectionCriteria.doesConform(object, this, translationRow, valueHolderPolicy)) {
return objects;
* Return the backup clone for the working clone.
public Object getBackupClone(Object clone) throws QueryException {
return getBackupClone(clone, null);
* Return the backup clone for the working clone.
public Object getBackupClone(Object clone, ClassDescriptor descriptor) throws QueryException {
Object backupClone = getCloneMapping().get(clone);
if (backupClone != null) {
return backupClone;
/* CR3440: Steven Vo
* Smart merge if necessary in isObjectRegistered()
if (isObjectRegistered(clone)) {
return getCloneMapping().get(clone);
} else {
if(descriptor == null) {
descriptor = getDescriptor(clone);
Object primaryKey = keyFromObject(clone, descriptor);
// This happens if clone was from the parent identity map.
if (this.getParentIdentityMapSession(descriptor, false, true).getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().containsObjectInIdentityMap(primaryKey, clone.getClass(), descriptor)) {
//cr 3796
if ((getUnregisteredNewObjects().get(clone) != null) && isMergePending()) {
//Another thread has read the new object before it has had a chance to
//merge this object.
// It also means it is an unregistered new object, so create a new backup clone for it.
return descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildNewInstance();
if (hasObjectsDeletedDuringCommit() && getObjectsDeletedDuringCommit().containsKey(clone)) {
throw QueryException.backupCloneIsDeleted(clone);
throw QueryException.backupCloneIsOriginalFromParent(clone);
// Also check that the object is not the original to a registered new object
// (the original should not be referenced if not smart merge, this is an error.
else if (hasNewObjects() && getNewObjectsOriginalToClone().containsKey(clone)) {
/* CR3440: Steven Vo
* Check case that clone is original
if (isSmartMerge()) {
backupClone = getCloneMapping().get(getNewObjectsOriginalToClone().get(clone));
} else {
throw QueryException.backupCloneIsOriginalFromSelf(clone);
} else {
// This means it is an unregistered new object, so create a new backup clone for it.
backupClone = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildNewInstance();
return backupClone;
* Return the backup clone for the working clone.
public Object getBackupCloneForCommit(Object clone, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
Object backupClone = getBackupClone(clone, descriptor);
/* CR3440: Steven Vo
* Build new instance only if it was not handled by getBackupClone()
if (isCloneNewObject(clone)) {
if(descriptor != null) {
return descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildNewInstance();
} else {
// Can this ever happen?
return getDescriptor(clone).getObjectBuilder().buildNewInstance();
return backupClone;
* Return the backup clone for the working clone.
public Object getBackupCloneForCommit(Object clone) {
Object backupClone = getBackupClone(clone);
/* CR3440: Steven Vo
* Build new instance only if it was not handled by getBackupClone()
if (isCloneNewObject(clone)) {
return getDescriptor(clone).getObjectBuilder().buildNewInstance();
return backupClone;
* This method Will Calculate the changes for the UnitOfWork. Without assigning sequence numbers
* This is a computationally intensive operation and should be avoided unless necessary.
* A valid changeSet, with sequencenumbers can be collected from the UnitOfWork after the commit
* is complete by calling unitOfWork.getUnitOfWorkChangeSet()
public org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.changesets.UnitOfWorkChangeSet getCurrentChanges() {
Map allObjects = collectAndPrepareObjectsForNestedMerge();
return calculateChanges(allObjects, new UnitOfWorkChangeSet(this), false, false);
* Returns the appropriate IdentityMap session for this descriptor. Sessions can be
* chained and each session can have its own Cache/IdentityMap. Entities can be stored
* at different levels based on Cache Isolation. This method will return the correct Session
* for a particular Entity class based on the Isolation Level and the attributes provided.
* @param canReturnSelf true when method calls itself. If the path
* starting at this
is acceptable. Sometimes true if want to
* move to the first valid session, i.e. executing on ClientSession when really
* should be on ServerSession.
* @param terminalOnly return the last session in the chain where the Enitity is stored.
* @return Session with the required IdentityMap
public AbstractSession getParentIdentityMapSession(ClassDescriptor descriptor, boolean canReturnSelf, boolean terminalOnly) {
if (canReturnSelf && !terminalOnly) {
return this;
} else {
return this.parent.getParentIdentityMapSession(descriptor, true, terminalOnly);
* Gets the session which this query will be executed on.
* Generally will be called immediately before the call is translated,
* which is immediately before session.executeCall.
* Since the execution session also knows the correct datasource platform
* to execute on, it is often used in the mappings where the platform is
* needed for type conversion, or where calls are translated.
* Is also the session with the accessor. Will return a ClientSession if
* it is in transaction and has a write connection.
* @return a session with a live accessor
* @param query may store session name or reference class for brokers case
public AbstractSession getExecutionSession(DatabaseQuery query) {
// This optimization is only for when executing with a ClientSession in
// transaction. In that case log with the UnitOfWork instead of the
// ClientSession.
// Note that if actually executing on ServerSession or a registered
// session of a broker, must execute on that session directly.
//bug 5201121 Always use the parent or execution session from the parent
// should never use the unit of work as it does not control the
//accessors and with a session broker it will not have the correct
//login info
return this.parent.getExecutionSession(query);
* Return the clone mapping.
* The clone mapping contains clone of all registered objects,
* this is required to store the original state of the objects when registered
* so that only what is changed will be committed to the database and the parent,
* (this is required to support parallel unit of work).
public Map getCloneMapping() {
// PERF: lazy-init (3286089)
if (cloneMapping == null) {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
cloneMapping = createMap();
return cloneMapping;
* Return if the unit of work has any clones.
public boolean hasCloneMapping() {
return ((cloneMapping != null) && !cloneMapping.isEmpty());
* Map used to avoid garbage collection in weak caches.
* Also, map used as lookup when originals used for merge when original in
* identitymap can not be found. As in a CacheIdentityMap
public Map getCloneToOriginals() {
if (cloneToOriginals == null) {// Must lazy initialize for remote.
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
cloneToOriginals = createMap();
return cloneToOriginals;
protected boolean hasCloneToOriginals() {
return ((cloneToOriginals != null) && !cloneToOriginals.isEmpty());
* This is only used for EJB entity beans to manage beans accessed in a transaction context.
public Map getContainerBeans() {
if (containerBeans == null) {
containerBeans = new IdentityHashMap();
return containerBeans;
* Return if any container beans exist.
* PERF: Used to avoid lazy initialization of getContainerBeans().
public boolean hasContainerBeans() {
return ((containerBeans != null) && !containerBeans.isEmpty());
* Return any objects have been deleted through database cascade delete constraints.
public Set getCascadeDeleteObjects() {
if (this.cascadeDeleteObjects == null) {
this.cascadeDeleteObjects = new IdentityHashSet();
return this.cascadeDeleteObjects;
* Set any objects have been deleted through database cascade delete constraints.
protected void setCascadeDeleteObjects(Set cascadeDeleteObjects) {
this.cascadeDeleteObjects = cascadeDeleteObjects;
* Return if any objects have been deleted through database cascade delete constraints.
public boolean hasCascadeDeleteObjects() {
return ((this.cascadeDeleteObjects != null) && !this.cascadeDeleteObjects.isEmpty());
* Return if there are any unregistered new objects.
* PERF: Used to avoid initialization of new objects map unless required.
public boolean hasUnregisteredNewObjects() {
return ((this.unregisteredNewObjects != null) && !this.unregisteredNewObjects.isEmpty());
* Return if there are any registered new objects.
* This is used for both newObjectsOriginalToClone and newObjectsCloneToOriginal as they are always in synch.
* PERF: Used to avoid initialization of new objects map unless required.
public boolean hasNewObjects() {
return ((newObjectsCloneToOriginal != null) && !newObjectsCloneToOriginal.isEmpty());
* This is only used for EJB entity beans to manage beans accessed in a transaction context.
public UnitOfWorkImpl getContainerUnitOfWork() {
if (containerUnitOfWork == null) {
containerUnitOfWork = this.parent.acquireNonSynchronizedUnitOfWork(ReferenceMode.WEAK);
return containerUnitOfWork;
* INTERNAL: Returns the set of read-only classes that gets assigned to each newly created UnitOfWork.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Project#setDefaultReadOnlyClasses(Vector)
public Vector getDefaultReadOnlyClasses() {
return this.parent.getDefaultReadOnlyClasses();
* The deleted objects stores any objects removed during the unit of work.
* On commit they will all be removed from the database.
public Map getDeletedObjects() {
if (deletedObjects == null) {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
deletedObjects = new IdentityHashMap();
return deletedObjects;
* The deleted objects stores any objects removed during the unit of work.
* On commit they will all be removed from the database.
public boolean hasDeletedObjects() {
return ((deletedObjects != null) && !deletedObjects.isEmpty());
* The life cycle tracks if the unit of work is active and is used for JTS.
public int getLifecycle() {
return lifecycle;
* A reference to the last used merge manager. This is used to track locked
* objects.
public MergeManager getMergeManager() {
return this.lastUsedMergeManager;
* The map stores any new aggregates that have been cloned.
public Map getNewAggregates() {
if (this.newAggregates == null) {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
this.newAggregates = new IdentityHashMap();
return newAggregates;
* The new objects stores any objects newly created during the unit of work.
* On commit they will all be inserted into the database.
public Map getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal() {
if (newObjectsCloneToOriginal == null) {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
newObjectsCloneToOriginal = new IdentityHashMap();
return newObjectsCloneToOriginal;
* The primaryKeyToNewObjects stores a list of objects for every primary key.
* It is used to speed up in-memory-querying.
public Map getPrimaryKeyToNewObjects() {
if (primaryKeyToNewObjects == null) {
primaryKeyToNewObjects = new HashMap<>();
return primaryKeyToNewObjects;
* The stores a map from new object clones to the original object used from merge.
public Map getNewObjectsCloneToMergeOriginal() {
if (newObjectsCloneToMergeOriginal == null) {
newObjectsCloneToMergeOriginal = new IdentityHashMap();
return newObjectsCloneToMergeOriginal;
* The returns the list that will hold the new objects from the Parent UnitOfWork
public Map getNewObjectsInParentOriginalToClone() {
// PERF: lazy-init (3286089)
if (newObjectsInParentOriginalToClone == null) {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
newObjectsInParentOriginalToClone = new IdentityHashMap();
return newObjectsInParentOriginalToClone;
protected boolean hasNewObjectsInParentOriginalToClone() {
return ((newObjectsInParentOriginalToClone != null) && !newObjectsInParentOriginalToClone.isEmpty());
* Return the privateOwnedRelationships attribute.
private Map getPrivateOwnedObjects() {
if (privateOwnedObjects == null) {
privateOwnedObjects = new IdentityHashMap();
return privateOwnedObjects;
* Return true if privateOwnedObjects is not null and not empty, false otherwise.
public boolean hasPrivateOwnedObjects() {
return privateOwnedObjects != null && !privateOwnedObjects.isEmpty();
* Return if there are any optimistic read locks.
public boolean hasOptimisticReadLockObjects() {
return ((optimisticReadLockObjects != null) && !optimisticReadLockObjects.isEmpty());
* The new objects stores any objects newly created during the unit of work.
* On commit they will all be inserted into the database.
public Map getNewObjectsOriginalToClone() {
if (newObjectsOriginalToClone == null) {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
newObjectsOriginalToClone = new IdentityHashMap();
return newObjectsOriginalToClone;
* Return the Sequencing object used by the session.
public Sequencing getSequencing() {
return this.parent.getSequencing();
* Marked internal as this is not customer API but helper methods for
* accessing the server platform from within EclipseLink's other sessions types
* (i.e. not DatabaseSession)
public ServerPlatform getServerPlatform() {
return this.parent.getServerPlatform();
* Returns the type of session, its class.
* Override to hide from the user when they are using an internal subclass
* of a known class.
* A user does not need to know that their UnitOfWork is a
* non-deferred UnitOfWork, or that their ClientSession is an
* IsolatedClientSession.
public String getSessionTypeString() {
return "UnitOfWork";
* Called after external transaction rolled back.
public void afterExternalTransactionRollback() {
// In case jts transaction was internally started but rolled back
// directly by TransactionManager this flag may still be true during afterCompletion
//bug#4699614 -- added a new life cycle status so we know if the external transaction was rolledback and we don't try to rollback again later
if ((getMergeManager() != null) && (getMergeManager().getAcquiredLocks() != null) && (!getMergeManager().getAcquiredLocks().isEmpty())) {
// 272022: If the current thread and the active thread on the mutex do not match - switch them
//may have unreleased cache locks because of a rollback...
* Called in the end of beforeCompletion of external transaction synchronization listener.
* Close the managed sql connection corresponding to the external transaction.
public void releaseJTSConnection() {
* Return any new object matching the expression.
* Used for in-memory querying.
public Object getObjectFromNewObjects(Class theClass, Object selectionKey) {
// PERF: Avoid initialization of new objects if none.
if (!hasNewObjects()) {
return null;
// bug 327900 - If don't read subclasses is set on the descriptor heed it.
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(theClass);
boolean readSubclassesOrNoInheritance = (!descriptor.hasInheritance() || descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().shouldReadSubclasses());
ObjectBuilder objectBuilder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
for (Iterator newObjectsEnum = getPrimaryKeyToNewObjects().getOrDefault(selectionKey, new IdentityHashSet(0)).iterator();
newObjectsEnum.hasNext(); ) {
Object object =;
// bug 327900
if ((object.getClass() == theClass) || (readSubclassesOrNoInheritance && (theClass.isInstance(object)))) {
return object;
return null;
* Return any new object matching the expression.
* Used for in-memory querying.
public Object getObjectFromNewObjects(Expression selectionCriteria, Class theClass, AbstractRecord translationRow, int valueHolderPolicy) {
// PERF: Avoid initialization of new objects if none.
if (!hasNewObjects()) {
return null;
// bug 327900 - If don't read subclasses is set on the descriptor heed it.
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(theClass);
boolean readSubclassesOrNoInheritance = (!descriptor.hasInheritance() || descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().shouldReadSubclasses());
for (Object object : getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal().keySet()) {
// bug 327900
if ((object.getClass() == theClass) || (readSubclassesOrNoInheritance && (theClass.isInstance(object)))) {
if (selectionCriteria == null) {
return object;
if (selectionCriteria.doesConform(object, this, translationRow, valueHolderPolicy)) {
return object;
return null;
* Returns all the objects which are deleted during root commit of unit of work.
public Map getObjectsDeletedDuringCommit() {
// PERF: lazy-init (3286089)
if (objectsDeletedDuringCommit == null) {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
objectsDeletedDuringCommit = new IdentityHashMap();
return objectsDeletedDuringCommit;
protected boolean hasObjectsDeletedDuringCommit() {
return ((objectsDeletedDuringCommit != null) && !objectsDeletedDuringCommit.isEmpty());
* Return optimistic read lock objects
public Map getOptimisticReadLockObjects() {
if (this.optimisticReadLockObjects == null) {
this.optimisticReadLockObjects = new HashMap(2);
return this.optimisticReadLockObjects;
* Return the original version of the new object (working clone).
public Object getOriginalVersionOfNewObject(Object workingClone) {
// PERF: Avoid initialization of new objects if none.
if (!hasNewObjects()) {
return null;
return getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal().get(workingClone);
* Return the original version of the object(clone) from the parent's identity map.
public Object getOriginalVersionOfObject(Object workingClone) {
// Can be null when called from the mappings.
if (workingClone == null) {
return null;
Object original = null;
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(workingClone);
ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
Object implementation = builder.unwrapObject(workingClone, this);
CacheKey cacheKey = getParentIdentityMapSession(descriptor, false, false).getCacheKeyFromTargetSessionForMerge(implementation, builder, descriptor, lastUsedMergeManager);
if (cacheKey != null){
original = cacheKey.getObject();
if (original == null) {
// Check if it is a registered new object.
original = getOriginalVersionOfNewObject(implementation);
if (original == null) {
// For bug 3013948 looking in the cloneToOriginals mapping will not help
// if the object was never registered.
if (isClassReadOnly(implementation.getClass(), descriptor)) {
return implementation;
// The object could have been removed from the cache even though it was in the unit of work.
// fix for PWK (1360)
if (hasCloneToOriginals()) {
original = getCloneToOriginals().get(workingClone);
if (original == null) {
// This means that it must be an unregistered new object, so register a new clone as its original.
original = buildOriginal(implementation);
return original;
* Return the original version of the object(clone) from the parent's identity map.
* PERF: Use the change set to avoid cache lookups.
public Object getOriginalVersionOfObjectOrNull(Object workingClone, ObjectChangeSet changeSet, ClassDescriptor descriptor, AbstractSession targetSession) {
// Can be null when called from the mappings.
if (workingClone == null) {
return null;
ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
Object implementation = builder.unwrapObject(workingClone, this);
Object original = getOriginalVersionOfNewObject(implementation);
if (original == null) {
// For bug 3013948 looking in the cloneToOriginals mapping will not help
// if the object was never registered.
if (isClassReadOnly(implementation.getClass(), descriptor)) {
return implementation;
// The object could have been removed from the cache even though it was in the unit of work.
// fix for PWK (1360)
if (hasCloneToOriginals()) {
original = getCloneToOriginals().get(workingClone);
return original;
* Return the original version of the object(clone) from the parent's identity map.
public Object getOriginalVersionOfObjectOrNull(Object workingClone, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
// Can be null when called from the mappings.
if (workingClone == null) {
return null;
ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
Object implementation = builder.unwrapObject(workingClone, this);
Object primaryKey = builder.extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(implementation, this);
// there's no need to elaborately avoid the readlock like the other getOriginalVersionOfObjectOrNull
// method as this one is not used during the commit cycle
Object original = this.parent.getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getFromIdentityMap(primaryKey, implementation.getClass(), descriptor);
if (original == null) {
// Check if it is a registered new object.
original = getOriginalVersionOfNewObject(implementation);
if (original == null) {
// For bug 3013948 looking in the cloneToOriginals mapping will not help
// if the object was never registered.
if (isClassReadOnly(implementation.getClass(), descriptor)) {
return implementation;
// The object could have been removed from the cache even though it was in the unit of work.
// fix for PWK (1360)
if (hasCloneToOriginals()) {
original = getCloneToOriginals().get(workingClone);
return original;
* Return the parent.
* This is a unit of work if nested, otherwise a database session or client session.
public AbstractSession getParent() {
return parent;
* Search for and return the user defined property from this UOW, if it not found then search for the property
* from parent.
public Object getProperty(String name){
Object propertyValue = super.getProperties().get(name);
if (propertyValue == null) {
propertyValue = this.parent.getProperty(name);
return propertyValue;
* Return the platform for a particular class.
public Platform getPlatform(Class domainClass) {
return this.parent.getPlatform(domainClass);
* Return whether to throw exceptions on conforming queries
public int getShouldThrowConformExceptions() {
return shouldThrowConformExceptions;
* Return the query from the session pre-defined queries with the given name.
* This allows for common queries to be pre-defined, reused and executed by name.
public DatabaseQuery getQuery(String name, Vector arguments) {
DatabaseQuery query = super.getQuery(name, arguments);
if (query == null) {
query = this.parent.getQuery(name, arguments);
return query;
* Return the query from the session pre-defined queries with the given name.
* This allows for common queries to be pre-defined, reused and executed by name.
public DatabaseQuery getQuery(String name) {
DatabaseQuery query = super.getQuery(name);
if (query == null) {
query = this.parent.getQuery(name);
return query;
* Returns the set of read-only classes in this UnitOfWork.
public Set getReadOnlyClasses() {
if (this.readOnlyClasses == null) {
this.readOnlyClasses = new HashSet();
return this.readOnlyClasses;
* The removed objects stores any newly registered objects removed during the nested unit of work.
* On commit they will all be removed from the parent unit of work.
protected Map getRemovedObjects() {
// PERF: lazy-init (3286089)
if (removedObjects == null) {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
removedObjects = new IdentityHashMap();
return removedObjects;
protected boolean hasRemovedObjects() {
return ((removedObjects != null) && !removedObjects.isEmpty());
protected boolean hasModifyAllQueries() {
return ((modifyAllQueries != null) && !modifyAllQueries.isEmpty());
protected boolean hasDeferredModifyAllQueries() {
return ((deferredModifyAllQueries != null) && !deferredModifyAllQueries.isEmpty());
* Find out what the lifecycle state of this UoW is in.
public int getState() {
return lifecycle;
* PERF: Return the associated external transaction.
* Used to optimize activeUnitOfWork lookup.
public Object getTransaction() {
return transaction;
* PERF: Set the associated external transaction.
* Used to optimize activeUnitOfWork lookup.
public void setTransaction(Object transaction) {
this.transaction = transaction;
* Returns the currentChangeSet from the UnitOfWork.
* This is only valid after the UnitOfWOrk has committed successfully
public org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.changesets.UnitOfWorkChangeSet getUnitOfWorkChangeSet() {
return unitOfWorkChangeSet;
* Used to lazy Initialize the unregistered existing Objects collection.
* @return Map
public Map getUnregisteredExistingObjects() {
if (this.unregisteredExistingObjects == null) {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
this.unregisteredExistingObjects = new IdentityHashMap();
return unregisteredExistingObjects;
* This is used to store unregistered objects discovered in the parent so that the child
* unit of work knows not to register them on commit.
protected Map getUnregisteredNewObjects() {
if (unregisteredNewObjects == null) {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
unregisteredNewObjects = new IdentityHashMap();
return unregisteredNewObjects;
* This is used to store unregistered objects discovered in the parent so that the child
* unit of work knows not to register them on commit.
protected Map getUnregisteredNewObjectsInParent() {
if (unregisteredNewObjectsInParent == null) {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
unregisteredNewObjectsInParent = new IdentityHashMap();
return unregisteredNewObjectsInParent;
* The unit of work performs validations such as,
* ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work,
* ensuring deleted objects are not referred after commit,
* ensures that objects from the parent cache are not referred in the unit of work cache.
* The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under
* advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work.
* It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.
public int getValidationLevel() {
return validationLevel;
* The Unit of work is capable of preprocessing to determine if any on the clone have been changed.
* This is computationally expensive and should be avoided on large object graphs.
public boolean hasChanges() {
if (hasNewObjects()) {
return true;
if (hasDeletedObjects()) {
return true;
Map allObjects = new IdentityHashMap(getCloneMapping());
UnitOfWorkChangeSet changeSet = calculateChanges(allObjects, new UnitOfWorkChangeSet(this), false, false);
return changeSet.hasChanges();
* Does this unit of work have any changes or anything that requires a write
* to the database and a transaction to be started.
* Should be called after changes are calculated internally by commit.
* Note if a transaction was begun prematurely it still needs to be committed.
protected boolean hasModifications() {
if (((this.unitOfWorkChangeSet != null) && (this.unitOfWorkChangeSet.hasChanges() || ((org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkChangeSet)getUnitOfWorkChangeSet()).hasForcedChanges()))
|| hasDeletedObjects() || hasModifyAllQueries() || hasDeferredModifyAllQueries()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Set up the IdentityMapManager. This method allows subclasses of Session to override
* the default IdentityMapManager functionality.
public void initializeIdentityMapAccessor() {
this.identityMapAccessor = new UnitOfWorkIdentityMapAccessor(this, new IdentityMapManager(this));
* Return the results from executing the database query.
* the arguments should be a database row with raw data values.
public Object internalExecuteQuery(DatabaseQuery query, AbstractRecord databaseRow) throws DatabaseException, QueryException {
if (project.allowExtendedThreadLogging()) {
Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
if (this.CREATION_THREAD_HASHCODE != currentThread.hashCode()) {
log(SessionLog.SEVERE, SessionLog.THREAD, "unit_of_work_thread_info", new Object[]{this.getName(),
currentThread.getId(), currentThread.getName()});
if (project.allowExtendedThreadLoggingThreadDump()) {
log(SessionLog.SEVERE, SessionLog.THREAD, "unit_of_work_thread_info_thread_dump", new Object[]{
this.CREATION_THREAD_ID, this.CREATION_THREAD_NAME, this.creationThreadStackTrace,
currentThread.getId(), currentThread.getName(), ConcurrencyUtil.SINGLETON.enrichGenerateThreadDumpForCurrentThread()});
Object result = query.executeInUnitOfWork(this, databaseRow);
if (query instanceof ReadQuery && (project.isAllowQueryResultsCacheValidation() || ((ReadQuery)query).shouldAllowQueryResultsCacheValidation())) {
return result;
private void validateObjectTree(Object startNode) {
log(SessionLog.INFO, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "validate_object_space");
// This defines an inner class for process the iteration operation, don't be scared, it's just an inner class.
DescriptorIterator iterator = new DescriptorIterator() {
public void iterate(Object object) {
if (object != null && !isObjectRegistered(object) && getVisitedStack() != null && getVisitedStack().size() > 0) {
log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.CACHE, "stack_of_visited_objects_that_refer_to_the_corrupt_object", getVisitedStack());
log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.CACHE, "corrupt_object_referenced_through_mapping", getCurrentMapping());
log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.CACHE, "corrupt_object", object);
* Register the object with the unit of work.
* This does not perform wrapping or unwrapping.
* This is used for internal registration in the merge manager.
public Object internalRegisterObject(Object object, ClassDescriptor descriptor, boolean isShallowClone) {
if (object == null) {
return null;
if (descriptor.isDescriptorTypeAggregate()) {
throw ValidationException.cannotRegisterAggregateObjectInUnitOfWork(object.getClass());
Object registeredObject = checkIfAlreadyRegistered(object, descriptor);
if (registeredObject == null) {
// Nested units of work are special because the parent can be used to determine if the object exists
// in most case and new object may be in the cache in the parent.
if (this.isNestedUnitOfWork) {
UnitOfWorkImpl parentUnitOfWork = (UnitOfWorkImpl)this.parent;
// If it is not registered in the parent we must go through the existence check.
if (parentUnitOfWork.isObjectRegistered(object) || isUnregisteredNewObjectInParent(object)) {
Object primaryKey = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(object, this);
if (this.isCloneNewObjectFromParent(object) || isUnregisteredNewObjectInParent(object)) {
// Since it is a new object a new cache-key can be used for both parent and child as not put into the cache.
registeredObject = cloneAndRegisterObject(object, new CacheKey(primaryKey), new CacheKey(primaryKey), descriptor);
} else {
registeredObject = getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getFromIdentityMap(primaryKey, descriptor.getJavaClass(), descriptor);
return registeredObject;
registeredObject = checkExistence(object);
if (registeredObject == null) {
// This means that the object is not in the parent im, so was created under this unit of work.
// This means that it must be new.
registeredObject = cloneAndRegisterNewObject(object, isShallowClone);
if (mergeManagerForActiveMerge != null) {
mergeManagerForActiveMerge.getMergedNewObjects().put(registeredObject, registeredObject);
return registeredObject;
* Return if the unit of work is active. (i.e. has not been released).
public boolean isActive() {
return this.lifecycle != Death;
* Checks to see if the specified class or descriptor is read-only or not in this UnitOfWork.
* @return boolean, true if the class is read-only, false otherwise.
public boolean isClassReadOnly(Class theClass, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
if ((descriptor != null) && (descriptor.shouldBeReadOnly())) {
return true;
if ((theClass != null) && (this.readOnlyClasses != null) && this.readOnlyClasses.contains(theClass)) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if the object is already registered in a parent Unit Of Work
public boolean isCloneNewObjectFromParent(Object clone) {
if (this.parent.isUnitOfWork()) {
if (((UnitOfWorkImpl)this.parent).isCloneNewObject(clone)) {
return true;
} else {
if (((UnitOfWorkImpl)this.parent).isObjectRegistered(clone)) {
clone = ((UnitOfWorkImpl)this.parent).getCloneToOriginals().get(clone);
return ((UnitOfWorkImpl)this.parent).isCloneNewObjectFromParent(clone);
} else {
return false;
* Check if the object is already registered.
public boolean isCloneNewObject(Object clone) {
return (this.newObjectsCloneToOriginal != null) && this.newObjectsCloneToOriginal.containsKey(clone);
* Return if the unit of work is waiting to be committed or in the process of being committed.
public boolean isCommitPending() {
return this.lifecycle == CommitPending;
* Return if the unit of work is dead.
public boolean isDead() {
return this.lifecycle == Death;
* Return whether the session currently has a database transaction in progress.
public boolean isInTransaction() {
return this.parent.isInTransaction();
* Return if the unit of work is waiting to be merged or in the process of being merged.
public boolean isMergePending() {
return this.lifecycle == MergePending;
* Has writeChanges() been attempted on this UnitOfWork? It may have
* either succeeded or failed but either way the UnitOfWork is in a highly
* restricted state.
public boolean isAfterWriteChangesButBeforeCommit() {
return ((this.lifecycle == CommitTransactionPending) || (this.lifecycle == WriteChangesFailed));
* Once writeChanges has failed all a user can do really is rollback.
protected boolean isAfterWriteChangesFailed() {
return this.lifecycle == WriteChangesFailed;
* Return whether this session is a nested unit of work or not.
public boolean isNestedUnitOfWork() {
return isNestedUnitOfWork;
* This method determines if the specified clone is new in the parent UnitOfWork
public boolean isNewObjectInParent(Object clone) {
Object original = null;
if (hasCloneToOriginals()) {
original = getCloneToOriginals().get(clone);
if (original != null) {
//bug 3115160 as a side this method was fixed to perform the correct lookup on the collection
return ((UnitOfWorkImpl)this.parent).getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal().containsKey(original);
return false;
* Return if the object has been deleted in this unit of work.
public boolean isObjectDeleted(Object object) {
boolean isDeleted = (this.deletedObjects != null) && this.deletedObjects.containsKey(object);
if (this.parent.isUnitOfWork()) {
return isDeleted || ((UnitOfWorkImpl)this.parent).isObjectDeleted(object);
} else {
return isDeleted;
* This method is used to determine if the clone is a new Object in the UnitOfWork
public boolean isObjectNew(Object clone) {
//CR3678 - ported from 4.0
return (isCloneNewObject(clone) || (!isObjectRegistered(clone) && !isClassReadOnly(clone.getClass()) && !isUnregisteredExistingObject(clone)));
* Return if the object is a known unregistered existing object.
public boolean isUnregisteredExistingObject(Object object) {
return (this.unregisteredExistingObjects != null) && this.unregisteredExistingObjects.containsKey(object);
* Return whether the clone object is already registered.
public boolean isObjectRegistered(Object clone) {
if (getCloneMapping().containsKey(clone)) {
return true;
// We do smart merge here
if (isSmartMerge()){
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(clone);
if (this.parent.getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().containsObjectInIdentityMap(keyFromObject(clone, descriptor), clone.getClass(), descriptor) ) {
// don't put clone in clone mapping since it would result in duplicate clone
return true;
return false;
* Return whether the original object is new.
* It was either registered as new or discovered as a new aggregate
* within another new object.
public boolean isOriginalNewObject(Object original) {
return ((this.newObjectsOriginalToClone != null) && this.newObjectsOriginalToClone.containsKey(original))
|| ((this.newAggregates != null) && this.newAggregates.containsKey(original));
* Return the status of smart merge
public static boolean isSmartMerge() {
return SmartMerge;
* For synchronized units of work, dump SQL to database.
* For cases where writes occur before the end of the transaction don't commit
public void issueSQLbeforeCompletion() {
* For synchronized units of work, dump SQL to database.
* For cases where writes occur before the end of the transaction don't commit
public void issueSQLbeforeCompletion(boolean commitTransaction) {
if (this.lifecycle == CommitTransactionPending) {
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "begin_unit_of_work_commit");
// CR#... call event and log.
if (this.eventManager != null) {
this.lifecycle = CommitPending;
* Will notify all the deferred ModifyAllQuery's (excluding UpdateAllQuery's) and deferred UpdateAllQuery's to execute.
protected void issueModifyAllQueryList() {
if (this.deferredModifyAllQueries != null) {
int size = this.deferredModifyAllQueries.size();
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
Object[] queries = this.deferredModifyAllQueries.get(index);
ModifyAllQuery query = (ModifyAllQuery)queries[0];
AbstractRecord translationRow = (AbstractRecord)queries[1];
this.parent.executeQuery(query, translationRow);
* Return if this session is a unit of work.
public boolean isUnitOfWork() {
return true;
* Return if the object was existing but not registered in the parent of the nested unit of work.
public boolean isUnregisteredNewObjectInParent(Object originalObject) {
return getUnregisteredNewObjectsInParent().containsKey(originalObject);
* BMP and Websphere CMP entities have to be merged if they are registered in the unit of work.
* Check to see if there are any such entities and do the merge if required.
protected void mergeBmpAndWsEntities() {
// Check for container registered beans that need to be merged.
// This is required for EJB entity beans.
// PERF: First check if there are any.
if (hasContainerBeans()) {
Iterator containerBeansEnum = getContainerBeans().keySet().iterator();
while (containerBeansEnum.hasNext()) {
* INTERNAL: Merge the changes to all objects to the parent.
protected void mergeChangesIntoParent() {
UnitOfWorkChangeSet uowChangeSet = (UnitOfWorkChangeSet)getUnitOfWorkChangeSet();
if (uowChangeSet == null) {
// No changes.
// 3286123 - if no work to be done, skip this part of uow.commit()
if (!hasModifications()) {
boolean isNestedUnitOfWork = this.isNestedUnitOfWork;
// If everything is isolated, can bypass merge entirely.
if (!isNestedUnitOfWork && (!this.project.hasNonIsolatedUOWClasses() && (this.modifyAllQueries == null))) {
// Ensure concurrency if cache isolation requires.
MergeManager manager = getMergeManager();
if (manager == null) {
// no MergeManager created for locks during commit
manager = new MergeManager(this);
try {
if (!isNestedUnitOfWork) {
// Must clone the clone mapping because entries can be added to it during the merging,
// and that can lead to concurrency problems.if (this.eventManager != null) {
if (this.parent.hasEventManager()) {
if (!isNestedUnitOfWork && getDatasourceLogin().shouldSynchronizeObjectLevelReadWrite()) {
// Note shouldSynchronizeObjectLevelReadWrite is not the default, shouldSynchronizeObjectLevelReadWriteDatabase
// is the default, and locks are normally acquire before the commit transaction.
//If we are merging into the shared cache acquire all required locks before merging.
this.parent.getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getWriteLockManager().acquireRequiredLocks(getMergeManager(), (UnitOfWorkChangeSet)getUnitOfWorkChangeSet());
Set classesChanged = new HashSet();
if (! shouldStoreBypassCache()) {
for (Map objectChangesList : ((UnitOfWorkChangeSet)getUnitOfWorkChangeSet()).getObjectChanges().values()) {
// May be no changes for that class type.
for (ObjectChangeSet changeSetToWrite : objectChangesList.values()) {
if (changeSetToWrite.hasChanges()) {
Object objectToWrite = changeSetToWrite.getUnitOfWorkClone();
ClassDescriptor descriptor = changeSetToWrite.getDescriptor();
// PERF: Do not merge into the session cache if set to unit of work isolated.
if ((!isNestedUnitOfWork) && descriptor.getCachePolicy().shouldIsolateObjectsInUnitOfWork() ) {
manager.mergeChanges(objectToWrite, changeSetToWrite, this.getParentIdentityMapSession(descriptor, false, false));
// Notify the queries to merge into the shared cache
if (this.modifyAllQueries != null) {
int size = this.modifyAllQueries.size();
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
ModifyAllQuery query = this.modifyAllQueries.get(index);
query.setSession(this.parent);// ensure the query knows which cache to update
if (isNestedUnitOfWork) {
for (Map objectChangesList : ((UnitOfWorkChangeSet)getUnitOfWorkChangeSet()).getNewObjectChangeSets().values()) {
for (ObjectChangeSet changeSetToWrite : objectChangesList.values()) {
if (changeSetToWrite.hasChanges()) {
Object objectToWrite = changeSetToWrite.getUnitOfWorkClone();
manager.mergeChanges(objectToWrite, changeSetToWrite, this.parent);
if (!isNestedUnitOfWork) {
//If we are merging into the shared cache release all of the locks that we acquired.
// We will not check If the current thread and the active thread on the mutex do not match
for (Class changedClass : classesChanged) {
// If change propagation enabled through RemoteCommandManager then go for it
if (this.parent.shouldPropagateChanges() && (this.parent.getCommandManager() != null)) {
if (hasDeletedObjects()) {
uowChangeSet.addDeletedObjects(getDeletedObjects(), this);
if (hasObjectsDeletedDuringCommit()) {
uowChangeSet.addDeletedObjects(getObjectsDeletedDuringCommit(), this);
if (uowChangeSet.hasChanges()) {
UnitOfWorkChangeSet remoteChangeSet = uowChangeSet.buildCacheCoordinationMergeChangeSet(this);
if (remoteChangeSet != null) {
MergeChangeSetCommand command = new MergeChangeSetCommand();
} finally {
if (!this.isNestedUnitOfWork && !manager.getAcquiredLocks().isEmpty()) {
// if the locks have not already been released (!acquiredLocks.empty)
// then there must have been an error, release all of the locks.
// 272022: If the current thread and the active thread on the mutex do not match - switch them
}catch(Exception ex){
//something has gone wrong twice so lets make sure the original exception is raised
* Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy.
* This can be used for objects that are returned from the client through
* RMI serialization (or another serialization mechanism), because the RMI object
* will be a clone this will merge its attributes correctly to preserve object
* identity within the unit of work and record its changes.
* The object and its private owned parts are merged.
* @return the registered version for the clone being merged.
* @see #shallowMergeClone(Object)
* @see #deepMergeClone(Object)
public Object mergeClone(Object rmiClone) {
return mergeClone(rmiClone, MergeManager.CASCADE_PRIVATE_PARTS, false);
* Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy.
public Object mergeClone(Object rmiClone, int cascadeDepth, boolean forRefresh) {
if (rmiClone == null) {
return null;
logDebugMessage(rmiClone, "merge_clone");
ObjectBuilder builder = getDescriptor(rmiClone).getObjectBuilder();
Object implementation = builder.unwrapObject(rmiClone, this);
MergeManager manager = new MergeManager(this);
Object merged = null;
try {
merged = manager.mergeChanges(implementation, null, this);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
merged = handleException(exception);
return merged;
* for synchronized units of work, merge changes into parent
public void mergeClonesAfterCompletion() {
// 259993: If the current thread and the active thread on the mutex do not match - switch them
// CR#... call event and log.
if (this.eventManager != null) {
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "end_unit_of_work_commit");
* Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy.
* This can be used for objects that are returned from the client through
* RMI serialization (or another serialization mechanism), because the RMI object
* will be a clone this will merge its attributes correctly to preserve object
* identity within the unit of work and record its changes.
* The object and its private owned parts are merged. This will include references from
* dependent objects to independent objects.
* @return the registered version for the clone being merged.
* @see #shallowMergeClone(Object)
* @see #deepMergeClone(Object)
public Object mergeCloneWithReferences(Object rmiClone) {
return this.mergeCloneWithReferences(rmiClone, MergeManager.CASCADE_PRIVATE_PARTS);
* Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy.
* This can be used for objects that are returned from the client through
* RMI serialization (or another serialization mechanism), because the RMI object
* will be a clone this will merge its attributes correctly to preserve object
* identity within the unit of work and record its changes.
* The object and its private owned parts are merged. This will include references from
* dependent objects to independent objects.
* @return the registered version for the clone being merged.
* @see #shallowMergeClone(Object)
* @see #deepMergeClone(Object)
public Object mergeCloneWithReferences(Object rmiClone, int cascadePolicy) {
return mergeCloneWithReferences(rmiClone, cascadePolicy, false);
* Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy.
* This can be used for objects that are returned from the client through
* RMI serialization (or another serialization mechanism), because the RMI object
* will be a clone this will merge its attributes correctly to preserve object
* identity within the unit of work and record its changes.
* The object and its private owned parts are merged. This will include references from
* dependent objects to independent objects.
* @return the registered version for the clone being merged.
* @see #shallowMergeClone(Object)
* @see #deepMergeClone(Object)
public Object mergeCloneWithReferences(Object rmiClone, int cascadePolicy, boolean forceCascade) {
Object returnValue = null;
MergeManager manager = new MergeManager(this);
mergeManagerForActiveMerge = manager;
returnValue= mergeCloneWithReferences(rmiClone, manager);
} finally {
mergeManagerForActiveMerge = null;
return returnValue;
* Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy.
* This can be used for objects that are returned from the client through
* RMI serialization (or another serialization mechanism), because the RMI object
* will be a clone this will merge its attributes correctly to preserve object
* identity within the unit of work and record its changes.
* The object and its private owned parts are merged. This will include references from
* dependent objects to independent objects.
* @return the registered version for the clone being merged.
* @see #shallowMergeClone(Object)
* @see #deepMergeClone(Object)
public Object mergeCloneWithReferences(Object rmiClone, MergeManager manager) {
if (rmiClone == null) {
return null;
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(rmiClone);
if ((descriptor == null) || descriptor.isDescriptorTypeAggregate()) {
if (manager.getCascadePolicy() == MergeManager.CASCADE_BY_MAPPING){
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("not_an_entity", new Object[]{rmiClone}));
return rmiClone;
logDebugMessage(rmiClone, "merge_clone_with_references");
ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
Object implementation = builder.unwrapObject(rmiClone, this);
Object mergedObject = manager.mergeChanges(implementation, null, this);
if (isSmartMerge()) {
return builder.wrapObject(mergedObject, this);
} else {
return mergedObject;
* Return a new instance of the class registered in this unit of work.
* This can be used to ensure that new objects are registered correctly.
public Object newInstance(Class theClass) {
logDebugMessage(theClass, "new_instance");
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(theClass);
Object newObject = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildNewInstance();
return registerObject(newObject);
* This method will perform a delete operation on the provided objects pre-determining
* the objects that will be deleted by a commit of the UnitOfWork including privately
* owned objects. It does not execute a query for the deletion of these objects as the
* normal deleteobject operation does. Mainly implemented to provide EJB 3.0 deleteObject
* support.
public void performRemove(Object toBeDeleted, Map visitedObjects) {
if (toBeDeleted == null) {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(toBeDeleted);
if ((descriptor == null) || descriptor.isDescriptorTypeAggregate()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("not_an_entity", new Object[] { toBeDeleted }));
logDebugMessage(toBeDeleted, "deleting_object");
//bug 4568370+4599010; fix EntityManager.remove() to handle new objects
if (getDeletedObjects().containsKey(toBeDeleted)){
Object registeredObject = checkIfAlreadyRegistered(toBeDeleted, descriptor);
if (registeredObject == null) {
Object primaryKey = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(toBeDeleted, this);
DoesExistQuery existQuery = descriptor.getQueryManager().getDoesExistQuery();
existQuery = (DoesExistQuery)existQuery.clone();
if (((Boolean)executeQuery(existQuery)).booleanValue()){
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("cannot_remove_detatched_entity", new Object[]{toBeDeleted}));
}//else, it is a new or previously deleted object that should be ignored (and delete should cascade)
} else {
//fire events only if this is a managed object
if (descriptor.getEventManager().hasAnyEventListeners()) {
org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.DescriptorEvent event = new org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.DescriptorEvent(toBeDeleted);
if (hasNewObjects() && getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal().containsKey(registeredObject)){
unregisterObject(registeredObject, DescriptorIterator.NoCascading);
} else {
getDeletedObjects().put(toBeDeleted, toBeDeleted);
descriptor.getObjectBuilder().cascadePerformRemove(toBeDeleted, this, visitedObjects);
* Cascade remove the private owned object from the owned UnitOfWorkChangeSet
public void performRemovePrivateOwnedObjectFromChangeSet(Object toBeRemoved, Map visitedObjects) {
if (toBeRemoved == null) {
visitedObjects.put(toBeRemoved, toBeRemoved);
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(toBeRemoved);
// remove object from ChangeSet
UnitOfWorkChangeSet uowChanges = (UnitOfWorkChangeSet)getUnitOfWorkChangeSet();
if (uowChanges != null) {
ObjectChangeSet ocs = (ObjectChangeSet)uowChanges.getObjectChangeSetForClone(toBeRemoved);
if (ocs != null) {
// remove object change set and object change set from new list
uowChanges.removeObjectChangeSetFromNewList(ocs, this);
// unregister object and cascade the removal
unregisterObject(toBeRemoved, DescriptorIterator.NoCascading);
descriptor.getObjectBuilder().cascadePerformRemovePrivateOwnedObjectFromChangeSet(toBeRemoved, this, visitedObjects);
* The unit of work performs validations such as,
* ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work,
* ensuring deleted objects are not referred after commit,
* ensures that objects from the parent cache are not referred in the unit of work cache.
* The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under
* advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work.
* It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.
public void performFullValidation() {
* The unit of work performs validations such as,
* ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work,
* ensuring deleted objects are not referred after commit,
* ensures that objects from the parent cache are not referred in the unit of work cache.
* The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under
* advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work.
* It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.
public void performPartialValidation() {
* This method is called from clone and register. It includes the processing
* required to clone an object, including populating attributes, putting in
* UOW identitymap and building a backupclone
protected void populateAndRegisterObject(Object original, Object workingClone, CacheKey unitOfWorkCacheKey, CacheKey parentCacheKey, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
// This must be registered before it is built to avoid cycles.
//Set ChangeListener for ObjectChangeTrackingPolicy and AttributeChangeTrackingPolicy,
//but not DeferredChangeDetectionPolicy. Build backup clone for DeferredChangeDetectionPolicy
//or ObjectChangeTrackingPolicy, but not for AttributeChangeTrackingPolicy.
// - Set listener before populating attributes so aggregates can find the parent's listener
ObjectChangePolicy changePolicy = descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy();
changePolicy.setChangeListener(workingClone, this, descriptor);
ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
builder.populateAttributesForClone(original, parentCacheKey, workingClone, null, this);
Object backupClone = changePolicy.buildBackupClone(workingClone, builder, this);
// PERF: Avoid put if no backup clone.
if (workingClone != backupClone) {
getCloneMapping().put(workingClone, backupClone);
* Remove objects from parent's identity map.
protected void postMergeChanges(Set classesChanged) {
//bug 4730595: objects removed during flush are not removed from the cache during commit
if (this.unitOfWorkChangeSet.hasDeletedObjects()) {
Map deletedObjects = this.unitOfWorkChangeSet.getDeletedObjects();
for (Iterator removedObjects = deletedObjects.keySet().iterator(); removedObjects.hasNext(); ) {
ObjectChangeSet removedObjectChangeSet = (ObjectChangeSet);
Object primaryKey = removedObjectChangeSet.getId();
ClassDescriptor descriptor = removedObjectChangeSet.getDescriptor();
// PERF: Do not remove if uow is isolated.
if (!descriptor.getCachePolicy().shouldIsolateObjectsInUnitOfWork()) {
this.parent.getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().removeFromIdentityMap(primaryKey, descriptor.getJavaClass(), descriptor, removedObjectChangeSet.getUnitOfWorkClone());
* Remove objects deleted during commit from clone and new object cache so that these are not merged
protected void preMergeChanges() {
if (hasObjectsDeletedDuringCommit()) {
for (Iterator removedObjects = getObjectsDeletedDuringCommit().keySet().iterator();
removedObjects.hasNext();) {
Object removedObject =;
// PERF: Avoid initialization of new objects if none.
if (hasNewObjects()) {
Object referenceObjectToRemove = getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal().get(removedObject);
if (referenceObjectToRemove != null) {
* Print the objects in the unit of work.
* The output of this method will be logged to this unit of work's SessionLog at SEVERE level.
public void printRegisteredObjects() {
if (shouldLog(SessionLog.SEVERE, SessionLog.CACHE)) {
* This method is used to process delete queries that pass through the unitOfWork
* It is extracted out of the internalExecuteQuery method to reduce duplication
public Object processDeleteObjectQuery(DeleteObjectQuery deleteQuery) {
// We must ensure that we delete the clone not the original, (this can happen in the mappings update)
if (deleteQuery.getObject() == null) {// Must validate.
throw QueryException.objectToModifyNotSpecified(deleteQuery);
ClassDescriptor descriptor = deleteQuery.getDescriptor();
if(descriptor == null) {
descriptor = getDescriptor(deleteQuery.getObject());
ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
Object implementation = builder.unwrapObject(deleteQuery.getObject(), this);
if (isClassReadOnly(implementation.getClass(), descriptor)) {
throw QueryException.cannotDeleteReadOnlyObject(implementation);
if (isCloneNewObject(implementation)) {
return implementation;
Object primaryKey = builder.extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(implementation, this);
Object clone = getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getFromIdentityMap(primaryKey, implementation.getClass(), descriptor);
if (clone == null) {
clone = implementation;
// Register will wrap so must unwrap again.
clone = builder.unwrapObject(clone, this);
if (!getCommitManager().isActive()) {
getDeletedObjects().put(clone, primaryKey);
return clone;
} else {
// If the object has already been deleted i.e. private-owned + deleted then don't do it twice.
if (hasObjectsDeletedDuringCommit()) {
if (getObjectsDeletedDuringCommit().containsKey(clone)) {
return clone;
return null;
* Print the objects in the unit of work.
protected void basicPrintRegisteredObjects() {
String cr =;
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write(LoggingLocalization.buildMessage("unitofwork_identity_hashcode", new Object[] { cr, String.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(this)) }));
if (hasDeletedObjects()) {
writer.write(cr + LoggingLocalization.buildMessage("deleted_objects"));
for (Iterator enumtr = getDeletedObjects().keySet().iterator(); enumtr.hasNext();) {
Object object =;
writer.write(LoggingLocalization.buildMessage("key_identity_hash_code_object", new Object[] { cr, getDescriptor(object).getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(object, this), "\t", String.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(object)), object }));
writer.write(cr + LoggingLocalization.buildMessage("all_registered_clones"));
for (Iterator enumtr = getCloneMapping().keySet().iterator(); enumtr.hasNext();) {
Object object =;
writer.write(LoggingLocalization.buildMessage("key_identity_hash_code_object", new Object[] { cr, getDescriptor(object).getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(object, this), "\t", String.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(object)), object }));
if (hasNewObjectsInParentOriginalToClone()) {
writer.write(cr + LoggingLocalization.buildMessage("new_objects"));
for (Iterator enumtr = getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal().keySet().iterator();
enumtr.hasNext();) {
Object object =;
writer.write(LoggingLocalization.buildMessage("key_identity_hash_code_object", new Object[] { cr, getDescriptor(object).getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(object, this), "\t", String.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(object)), object }));
log(SessionLog.SEVERE, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, writer.toString(), null, null, false);
* Register the objects with the unit of work.
* All newly created root domain objects must be registered to be inserted on commit.
* Also any existing objects that will be edited and were not read from this unit of work
* must also be registered.
* Once registered any changes to the objects will be committed to the database on commit.
* @return is the clones of the original objects, the return value must be used for editing.
* Editing the original is not allowed in the unit of work.
public Vector registerAllObjects(Collection domainObjects) {
Vector clones = new Vector(domainObjects.size());
for (Iterator objectsEnum = domainObjects.iterator(); objectsEnum.hasNext();) {
return clones;
* Register the objects with the unit of work.
* All newly created root domain objects must be registered to be inserted on commit.
* Also any existing objects that will be edited and were not read from this unit of work
* must also be registered.
* Once registered any changes to the objects will be committed to the database on commit.
* @return is the clones of the original objects, the return value must be used for editing.
* Editing the original is not allowed in the unit of work.
public Vector registerAllObjects(Vector domainObjects) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
Vector clones = new Vector(domainObjects.size());
for (Enumeration objectsEnum = domainObjects.elements(); objectsEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
return clones;
* Register the existing object with the unit of work.
* This is a advanced API that can be used if the application can guarantee the object exists on the database.
* When registerObject is called the unit of work determines existence through the descriptor's doesExist setting.
* @return The clone of the original object, the return value must be used for editing.
* Editing the original is not allowed in the unit of work.
public Object registerExistingObject(Object existingObject) {
return this.registerExistingObject(existingObject, false);
* Register the existing object with the unit of work.
* This is a advanced API that can be used if the application can guarantee the object exists on the database.
* When registerObject is called the unit of work determines existence through the descriptor's doesExist setting.
* @return The clone of the original object, the return value must be used for editing.
* Editing the original is not allowed in the unit of work.
public Object registerExistingObject(Object existingObject, boolean isFromSharedCache) {
if (existingObject == null) {
return null;
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(existingObject);
if (descriptor == null) {
throw DescriptorException.missingDescriptor(existingObject.getClass().toString());
if (this.isClassReadOnly(descriptor.getJavaClass(), descriptor)) {
return existingObject;
ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
Object implementation = builder.unwrapObject(existingObject, this);
Object registeredObject = this.registerExistingObject(implementation, descriptor, null, isFromSharedCache);
// Bug # 3212057 - workaround JVM bug (MWN)
if (implementation != existingObject) {
return builder.wrapObject(registeredObject, this);
} else {
return registeredObject;
* Register the existing object with the unit of work.
* This is a advanced API that can be used if the application can guarantee the object exists on the database.
* When registerObject is called the unit of work determines existence through the descriptor's doesExist setting.
* @return The clone of the original object, the return value must be used for editing.
* Editing the original is not allowed in the unit of work.
public Object registerExistingObject(Object objectToRegister, ClassDescriptor descriptor, Object queryPrimaryKey, boolean isFromSharedCache) {
if (this.isClassReadOnly(descriptor.getJavaClass(), descriptor)) {
return objectToRegister;
if (isAfterWriteChangesButBeforeCommit()) {
throw ValidationException.illegalOperationForUnitOfWorkLifecycle(this.lifecycle, "registerExistingObject");
if (descriptor.isDescriptorTypeAggregate()) {
throw ValidationException.cannotRegisterAggregateObjectInUnitOfWork(objectToRegister.getClass());
CacheKey cacheKey = null;
Object objectToRegisterId = null;
Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
if (project.allowExtendedCacheLogging()) {
//Not null if objectToRegister exist in cache
Session rootSession = this.getRootSession(null).getParent() == null ? this.getRootSession(null) : this.getRootSession(null).getParent();
cacheKey = ((org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.IdentityMapAccessor)rootSession.getIdentityMapAccessor()).getCacheKeyForObject(objectToRegister);
objectToRegisterId = this.getId(objectToRegister);
if (cacheKey != null) {
log(SessionLog.FINEST, SessionLog.CACHE, "cache_hit", new Object[] {objectToRegister.getClass(), objectToRegisterId});
} else {
log(SessionLog.FINEST, SessionLog.CACHE, "cache_miss", new Object[] {objectToRegister.getClass(), objectToRegisterId});
if (cacheKey != null && currentThread.hashCode() != cacheKey.CREATION_THREAD_HASHCODE) {
log(SessionLog.FINEST, SessionLog.CACHE, "cache_thread_info", new Object[]{objectToRegister.getClass(), objectToRegisterId,
currentThread.getId(), currentThread.getName()});
if (project.allowExtendedThreadLogging()) {
if (this.CREATION_THREAD_HASHCODE != currentThread.hashCode()) {
log(SessionLog.SEVERE, SessionLog.THREAD, "unit_of_work_thread_info", new Object[]{this.getName(),
currentThread.getId(), currentThread.getName()});
if (project.allowExtendedThreadLoggingThreadDump()) {
log(SessionLog.SEVERE, SessionLog.THREAD, "unit_of_work_thread_info_thread_dump", new Object[]{
this.CREATION_THREAD_ID, this.CREATION_THREAD_NAME, this.creationThreadStackTrace,
currentThread.getId(), currentThread.getName(), ConcurrencyUtil.SINGLETON.enrichGenerateThreadDumpForCurrentThread()});
logDebugMessage(objectToRegister, "register_existing");
Object registeredObject;
try {
registeredObject = checkIfAlreadyRegistered(objectToRegister, descriptor);
if (registeredObject == null) {
// Check if object is existing, if it is it must be cloned into the unit of work
// otherwise it is a new object
Object primaryKey = queryPrimaryKey;
if (primaryKey == null){
primaryKey = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(objectToRegister, this, true);
if (descriptor.shouldLockForClone()|| !isFromSharedCache || (descriptor.isProtectedIsolation() && !(objectToRegister instanceof PersistenceEntity))){
// The primary key may be null for a new object in a nested unit of work (is existing in nested, new in parent).
if (primaryKey != null) {
// Always check the cache first.
registeredObject = getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getFromIdentityMap(primaryKey, objectToRegister, objectToRegister.getClass(), true, descriptor);
} else {
// perform a check of the UOW identitymap. This would be done by getFromIdentityMap
// but that method also calls back up to the shared cache in case it is not found locally.
// and we wish to avoid checking the shared cache twice.
CacheKey localCacheKey = getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getCacheKeyForObject(primaryKey, objectToRegister.getClass(), descriptor, false);
if (localCacheKey != null){
registeredObject = localCacheKey.getObject();
if (registeredObject == null) {
// This is a case where the object is not in the session cache, or the session lookup has been bypassed
// check object for cachekey otherwise
// a new cache-key is used as there is no original to use for locking.
// It read time must be set to avoid it being invalidated.
cacheKey = null;
if (objectToRegister instanceof PersistenceEntity){
cacheKey = ((PersistenceEntity)objectToRegister)._persistence_getCacheKey();
if (cacheKey == null){
cacheKey = new CacheKey(primaryKey);
cacheKey.setIsolated(true); // if the cache does not have a version then this must be built from the supplied version
registeredObject = cloneAndRegisterObject(objectToRegister, cacheKey, descriptor);
//fetch group manager control fetch group support
if (descriptor.hasFetchGroupManager()) {
//if the object is already registered in uow, but it's partially fetched (fetch group case)
if (descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().shouldWriteInto(objectToRegister, registeredObject)) {
//there might be cases when reverting/refreshing clone is needed.
descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().writePartialIntoClones(objectToRegister, registeredObject, this.getBackupClone(registeredObject, descriptor), this);
} finally {
return registeredObject;
* Register the new container bean with the unit of work.
* Normally the registerObject method should be used for all registration of new and existing objects.
* This version of the register method can only be used for new container beans.
* @see #registerObject(Object)
public Object registerNewContainerBean(Object newObject) {
if (newObject == null) {
return null;
logDebugMessage(newObject, "register_new");
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(newObject);
if (descriptor == null) {
throw DescriptorException.missingDescriptor(newObject.getClass().toString());
ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
//Pine Beta. Removed Checking the containerBean collection. It is not required as these are new objects.
// Was removed to prevent issue where weblogic would re-use beans from the pool in a single transaction
// Ensure that the registered object is the one from the parent cache.
if (shouldPerformFullValidation()) {
Object primaryKey = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(newObject, this);
Object objectFromCache = this.parent.getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getFromIdentityMap(primaryKey, descriptor.getJavaClass(), descriptor);
if (objectFromCache != null) {
throw ValidationException.wrongObjectRegistered(newObject, objectFromCache);
Object original = builder.buildNewInstance();
builder.copyInto(newObject, original);
Object clone = registerObject(original);
getContainerBeans().put(newObject, clone);
return newObject;
* Register the new Bean with the unit of work.
* This will register the new Bean with cloning.
* Normally the registerObject method should be used for all registration of new and existing objects.
* This version of the register method can only be used for new objects.
public Object registerNewContainerBeanForCMP(Object newObject) {
if (newObject == null) {
return null;
logDebugMessage(newObject, "register_new_bean");
Object clone = cloneAndRegisterNewObject(newObject, false);
return clone;
* Register the new object with the unit of work.
* This will register the new object without cloning.
* Normally the registerObject method should be used for all registration of new and existing objects.
* This version of the register method can only be used for new objects.
* This method should only be used if a new object is desired to be registered without cloning.
* @see #registerObject(Object)
public Object registerNewObject(Object newObject) {
if (newObject == null) {
return null;
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(newObject);
if (descriptor == null) {
throw DescriptorException.missingDescriptor(newObject.getClass().toString());
ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
Object implementation = builder.unwrapObject(newObject, this);
this.registerNewObject(implementation, descriptor);
if (implementation == newObject) {
return newObject;
} else {
return builder.wrapObject(implementation, this);
* Updated to allow passing in of the object's descriptor
* Register the new object with the unit of work.
* This will register the new object without cloning.
* Normally the registerObject method should be used for all registration of new and existing objects.
* This version of the register method can only be used for new objects.
* This method should only be used if a new object is desired to be registered without cloning.
* @see #registerObject(Object)
protected Object registerNewObject(Object implementation, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
if (isAfterWriteChangesButBeforeCommit()) {
throw ValidationException.illegalOperationForUnitOfWorkLifecycle(this.lifecycle, "registerNewObject");
if (descriptor.isDescriptorTypeAggregate()) {
throw ValidationException.cannotRegisterAggregateObjectInUnitOfWork(implementation.getClass());
try {
logDebugMessage(implementation, "register_new");
Object registeredObject = checkIfAlreadyRegistered(implementation, descriptor);
if (registeredObject == null) {
// Ensure that the registered object is the one from the parent cache.
if (shouldPerformFullValidation()) {
Object primaryKey = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(implementation, this);
Object objectFromCache = this.parent.getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getFromIdentityMap(primaryKey, implementation.getClass(), descriptor);
if (objectFromCache != null) {
throw ValidationException.wrongObjectRegistered(implementation, objectFromCache);
ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
// New objects should not have an original until merge.
Object original = null;
Object backupClone = implementation;
if (!descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().isAttributeChangeTrackingPolicy()) {
backupClone = builder.buildNewInstance();
getCloneMapping().put(implementation, backupClone);
// Check if the new objects should be cached.
registerNewObjectClone(implementation, original, descriptor); //this method calls registerNewObjectInIdentityMap
} finally {
//as this is register new return the object passed in.
return implementation;
* Discover any new objects referenced from registered objects and persist them.
* This is similar to persist, except that it traverses (all changed or new) objects
* during the commit to find any unregistered new objects and persists them.
* Only objects referenced by cascade persist mappings will be persisted,
* an error will be thrown from non-cascade persist mappings to new objects (detached existing object are thoery).
* This is specific to EJB 3.0 support.
* @param newObjects any new objects found must be added to this collection.
* @param cascadePersist determines if this call is cascading from a cascadePersist mapping or not.
public void discoverAndPersistUnregisteredNewObjects(Object object, boolean cascadePersist, Map newObjects, Map unregisteredExistingObjects, Map visitedObjects, Set cascadeErrors) {
if (object == null) {
if (cascadePersist && isObjectDeleted(object)) {
// It is deleted but reference by a cascade persist mapping, spec seems to state it should be undeleted, but seems wrong.
// TODO: Reconsider this.
// EL Bug 343925 - Add all unregistered objects which are not marked as cascade persist
// to cascadeErrors so that all the registered objects and their mappings are iterated
// to discover if the object is marked with CascadeType.PERSIST using a different mapping
// of a different registered object. Throw IllegalStateException only after iterating through
// all the registered objects and their mappings is completed, and if cascadeErrors
// collection contains any unregistered object.
if (visitedObjects.containsKey(object) && !cascadeErrors.contains(object)) {
visitedObjects.put(object, object);
// If this object is deleted, avoid any discovery and return.
if (isObjectDeleted(object)) {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(object);
// If the object is read-only or deleted then do not continue the traversal.
if (isClassReadOnly(object.getClass(), descriptor)) {
if (!isObjectRegistered(object)) {
if (cascadePersist) {
// It is new and reference by a cascade persist mapping, persist it.
// This will also throw an exception if it is an unregistered existing object (which the spec seems to state).
registerNotRegisteredNewObjectForPersist(object, descriptor);
newObjects.put(object, object);
if (cascadeErrors.contains(object)) {
} else if (checkForUnregisteredExistingObject(object)) {
// Always ignore unregistered existing objects in JPA (when not cascade persist).
// If the object exists we need to keep a record of this object to ignore it,
// also need to stop iterating over it.
// Spec seems to say this is undefined.
unregisteredExistingObjects.put(object, object);
} else {
// It is new but not referenced by a cascade persist mapping, throw an error.
descriptor.getObjectBuilder().cascadeDiscoverAndPersistUnregisteredNewObjects(object, newObjects, unregisteredExistingObjects, visitedObjects, this, cascadeErrors);
* Register the new object with the unit of work.
* This will register the new object without cloning.
* Checks based on existence will be completed and the create will be cascaded based on the
* object's mappings cascade requirements. This is specific to EJB 3.0 support.
* @see #registerObject(Object)
public void registerNewObjectForPersist(Object newObject, Map visitedObjects) {
if (newObject == null) {
if(visitedObjects.containsKey(newObject)) {
visitedObjects.put(newObject, newObject);
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(newObject);
if ((descriptor == null) || descriptor.isDescriptorTypeAggregate()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("not_an_entity", new Object[] { newObject }));
try {
Object registeredObject = checkIfAlreadyRegistered(newObject, descriptor);
if (registeredObject == null) {
registerNotRegisteredNewObjectForPersist(newObject, descriptor);
} else if (this.isObjectDeleted(newObject)) {
//if object is deleted and a create is issued on the that object
// then the object must be transitioned back to existing and not deleted
descriptor.getObjectBuilder().cascadeRegisterNewForCreate(newObject, this, visitedObjects);
// After any cascade persists and assigning any sequence numbers,
// update any derived id attributes on the new object.
updateDerivedIds(newObject, descriptor);
} finally {
* Return if the object was deleted previously (in a flush).
public boolean wasDeleted(Object original) {
// Implemented by subclass
return false;
* Called only by registerNewObjectForPersist method,
* and only if newObject is not already registered.
* Could be overridden in subclasses.
protected void registerNotRegisteredNewObjectForPersist(Object newObject, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
// Ensure that the registered object is not detached.
// Only check existence if validating, as only results in an earlier error.
if (shouldValidateExistence()) {
DoesExistQuery existQuery = descriptor.getQueryManager().getDoesExistQuery();
existQuery = (DoesExistQuery)existQuery.clone();
if (((Boolean)executeQuery(existQuery)).booleanValue()) {
throw ValidationException.cannotPersistExistingObject(newObject, this);
logDebugMessage(newObject, "register_new_for_persist");
ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
// New objects should not have an original until merge.
Object original = null;
Object backupClone = newObject;
if (!descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().isAttributeChangeTrackingPolicy()) {
backupClone = builder.buildNewInstance();
getCloneMapping().put(newObject, backupClone);
assignSequenceNumber(newObject, descriptor);
// Check if the new objects should be cached.
registerNewObjectClone(newObject, original, descriptor); //this method calls registerNewObjectInIdentityMap
* Register the working copy of a new object and its original.
* The user must edit the working copy and the original is used to merge into the parent.
* This mapping is kept both ways because lookup is required in both directions.
protected void registerNewObjectClone(Object clone, Object original, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
// Check if the new objects should be cached.
registerNewObjectInIdentityMap(clone, original, descriptor);
getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal().put(clone, original);
addNewObjectToPrimaryKeyToNewObjects(clone, descriptor);
if (original != null) {
getNewObjectsOriginalToClone().put(original, clone);
// run prePersist callbacks if any
if (descriptor.getEventManager().hasAnyEventListeners()) {
DescriptorEvent event = new DescriptorEvent(clone);
* Add the new object to the cache if set to.
* This is useful for using mergeclone on new objects.
protected void registerNewObjectInIdentityMap(Object clone, Object original, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
if (shouldNewObjectsBeCached()) {
// Put new objects in the cache if it has a valid primary key, this allows for double new object merges,
// and cache hits on pk queries.
// PERF: Only need to extract key using object builder, it will now return null if the key is not valid.
Object key = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(clone, this, true);
if (key != null) {
getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().putInIdentityMap(clone, key, null, 0, descriptor);
* Register the object with the unit of work.
* All newly created root domain objects must be registered to be inserted on commit.
* Also any existing objects that will be edited and were not read from this unit of work
* must also be registered.
* Once registered any changes to the objects will be committed to the database on commit.
* @return the clone of the original object, the return value must be used for editing,
* ** Editing the original is not allowed in the unit of work. **
public Object registerObject(Object object) {
if (object == null) {
return null;
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(object);
if (descriptor == null) {
throw DescriptorException.missingDescriptor(object.getClass().toString());
if (this.isClassReadOnly(descriptor.getJavaClass(), descriptor)) {
return object;
ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
Object implementation = builder.unwrapObject(object, this);
boolean wasWrapped = implementation != object;
Object registeredObject = this.registerObject(implementation, descriptor);
if (wasWrapped) {
return builder.wrapObject(registeredObject, this);
} else {
return registeredObject;
* Allows for calling method to provide the descriptor information for this
* object. Prevents double lookup of descriptor.
* Register the object with the unit of work.
* All newly created root domain objects must be registered to be inserted on commit.
* Also any existing objects that will be edited and were not read from this unit of work
* must also be registered.
* Once registered any changes to the objects will be committed to the database on commit.
* calling this method will also sort the objects into different different groups
* depending on if the object being registered is a bean or a regular Java
* object and if its updates are deferred, non-deferred or if all modifications
* are deferred.
* @return the clone of the original object, the return value must be used for editing,
protected Object registerObject(Object object, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
if (this.isClassReadOnly(descriptor.getJavaClass(), descriptor)) {
return object;
if (isAfterWriteChangesButBeforeCommit()) {
throw ValidationException.illegalOperationForUnitOfWorkLifecycle(this.lifecycle, "registerObject");
logDebugMessage(object, "register");
Object registeredObject;
try {
registeredObject = internalRegisterObject(object, descriptor, false);
} finally {
return registeredObject;
* Register a new object from a nested unit of work into its parent.
public void registerOriginalNewObjectFromNestedUnitOfWork(Object originalObject, Object backupClone, Object newInstance, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
getCloneMapping().put(originalObject, backupClone);
registerNewObjectClone(originalObject, newInstance, descriptor);
* Register this UnitOfWork against an external transaction controller
public void registerWithTransactionIfRequired() {
if (this.parent.hasExternalTransactionController() && ! isSynchronized()) {
//TODO: Throw an exception in case the parent is already synchronized:
// DatabaseSession or ClientSession may have only one synchronized uow at a time.
boolean hasAlreadyStarted = this.parent.wasJTSTransactionInternallyStarted();
this.parent.getExternalTransactionController().registerSynchronizationListener(this, this.parent);
// CR#2998 - registerSynchronizationListener may toggle the wasJTSTransactionInternallyStarted
// flag. As a result, we must compare the states and if the state is changed, then we must set the
// setWasTransactionBegunPrematurely flag to ensure that we handle the transaction depth count
// appropriately
if (!hasAlreadyStarted && this.parent.wasJTSTransactionInternallyStarted()) {
// registerSynchronizationListener caused beginTransaction() called
// and an external transaction internally started.
* Release the unit of work. This terminates this unit of work.
* Because the unit of work operates on its own object space (clones) no work is required.
* The unit of work should no longer be used or referenced by the application beyond this point
* so that it can be garbage collected.
* @see #commit()
public void release() {
if (isDead()) {
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "release_unit_of_work");
if (this.eventManager != null) {
RuntimeException exception = null;
// If already succeeded at a writeChanges(), then transaction still open.
// As already issued sql must at least mark the external transaction for rollback only.
if (this.lifecycle == CommitTransactionPending) {
if (hasModifications() || wasTransactionBegunPrematurely()) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
exception = ex;
} else if (wasTransactionBegunPrematurely() && (!this.isNestedUnitOfWork)) {
if (shouldClearForCloseOnRelease()) {
//uow still could be used for instantiating of ValueHolders after it's released.
// To be safe clean up as much state as possible.
this.batchQueries = null;
if (this.eventManager != null) {
if (exception != null) {
throw exception;
* Empties the set of read-only classes.
* It is illegal to call this method on nested UnitOfWork objects. A nested UnitOfWork
* cannot have a subset of its parent's set of read-only classes.
* Also removes classes which are read only because their descriptors are readonly
public void removeAllReadOnlyClasses() throws ValidationException {
if (this.isNestedUnitOfWork) {
throw ValidationException.cannotRemoveFromReadOnlyClassesInNestedUnitOfWork();
* Remove optimistic read lock from the object
* See forceUpdateToVersionField(Object)
public void removeForceUpdateToVersionField(Object lockObject) {
* Remove a privately owned object from the privateOwnedObjects Map.
* The UnitOfWork needs to keep track of privately owned objects in order to
* detect and remove private owned objects which are de-referenced.
* When an object (which is referenced) is removed from the privateOwnedObjects Map,
* it is no longer considered for removal from ChangeSets and the UnitOfWork identitymap.
public void removePrivateOwnedObject(DatabaseMapping mapping, Object privateOwnedObject) {
if (this.privateOwnedObjects != null) {
Set objectsForMapping = this.privateOwnedObjects.get(mapping);
if (objectsForMapping != null){
if (objectsForMapping.isEmpty()) {
* Removes a Class from the receiver's set of read-only classes.
* It is illegal to try to send this method to a nested UnitOfWork.
public void removeReadOnlyClass(Class theClass) throws ValidationException {
if (!canChangeReadOnlySet()) {
throw ValidationException.cannotModifyReadOnlyClassesSetAfterUsingUnitOfWork();
if (this.isNestedUnitOfWork) {
throw ValidationException.cannotRemoveFromReadOnlyClassesInNestedUnitOfWork();
* Revert all changes made to any registered object.
* Clear all deleted and new objects.
* Revert should not be confused with release which it the normal compliment to commit.
* Revert is more similar to commit and resume, however reverts all changes and resumes.
* If you do not require to resume the unit of work release should be used instead.
* @see #commitAndResume()
* @see #release()
public void revertAndResume() {
if (isAfterWriteChangesButBeforeCommit()) {
throw ValidationException.illegalOperationForUnitOfWorkLifecycle(this.lifecycle, "revertAndResume");
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "revert_unit_of_work");
MergeManager manager = new MergeManager(this);
for (Iterator cloneEnum = new IdentityHashMap(getCloneMapping()).keySet().iterator(); cloneEnum.hasNext();) {
Object clone =;
// Revert each clone.
manager.mergeChanges(clone, null, this);
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(clone);
//revert the tracking policy
descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().revertChanges(clone, descriptor, this, getCloneMapping(), true);
// PERF: Avoid initialization of new objects if none.
if (hasNewObjects()) {
for (Iterator cloneEnum = getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal().keySet().iterator();
cloneEnum.hasNext();) {
Object clone =;
// De-register the object.
if (getUnitOfWorkChangeSet() != null) {
// Clear new and deleted objects.
// Reset the all clones collection
this.allClones = null;
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
setObjectsDeletedDuringCommit(new IdentityHashMap());
setDeletedObjects(new IdentityHashMap());
setRemovedObjects(new IdentityHashMap());
setUnregisteredNewObjects(new IdentityHashMap());
if (this.isNestedUnitOfWork) {
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "resume_unit_of_work");
* Revert the object's attributes from the parent.
* This also reverts the object privately-owned parts.
* @return the object reverted.
* @see #shallowRevertObject(Object)
* @see #deepRevertObject(Object)
public Object revertObject(Object clone) {
return revertObject(clone, MergeManager.CASCADE_PRIVATE_PARTS);
* Revert the object's attributes from the parent.
* This uses merging to merge the object changes.
public Object revertObject(Object clone, int cascadeDepth) {
if (clone == null) {
return null;
logDebugMessage(clone, "revert");
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(clone);
ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
Object implementation = builder.unwrapObject(clone, this);
MergeManager manager = new MergeManager(this);
try {
manager.mergeChanges(implementation, null, this);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
return handleException(exception);
if (cascadeDepth != MergeManager.NO_CASCADE) {
builder.instantiateEagerMappings(clone, this);
return clone;
* This is internal to the uow, transactions should not be used explicitly in a uow.
* The uow shares its parents transactions.
public void rollbackTransaction() throws DatabaseException {
* rollbackTransaction() with a twist for external transactions.
* writeChanges() is called outside the JTA beforeCompletion(), so the
* accompanying exception won't propagate up and cause a rollback by itself.
* Instead must mark the transaction for rollback only here.
* If internally started external transaction or no external transaction
* can still rollback normally.
* @param intendedToCommitTransaction whether we were inside a commit or just trying to
* write out changes early.
protected void rollbackTransaction(boolean intendedToCommitTransaction) throws DatabaseException {
if (!intendedToCommitTransaction && this.parent.hasExternalTransactionController() && !this.parent.wasJTSTransactionInternallyStarted()) {
* Scans the UnitOfWork identity map for conforming instances.
* Later this method can be made recursive to check all parent units of
* work also.
* @param selectionCriteria must be cloned and specially prepared for conforming
* @return Map to facilitate merging with conforming instances
* returned from a query on the database.
public Map scanForConformingInstances(Expression selectionCriteria, Class referenceClass, AbstractRecord arguments, ObjectLevelReadQuery query) {
// for bug 3568141 use the painstaking shouldTriggerIndirection if set
int policy = query.getInMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicyState();
if (policy != InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy.SHOULD_TRIGGER_INDIRECTION) {
Map indexedInterimResult = new IdentityHashMap();
try {
List fromCache = null;
if (selectionCriteria != null) {
// assume objects that have the compared relationship
// untriggered do not conform as they have not been changed.
// bug 2637555
fromCache = getIdentityMapAccessor().getAllFromIdentityMap(selectionCriteria, referenceClass, arguments, policy);
for (Object object : fromCache) {
if (!isObjectDeleted(object)) {
indexedInterimResult.put(object, object);
// Add any new objects that conform to the query.
List newObjects = null;
newObjects = getAllFromNewObjects(selectionCriteria, referenceClass, arguments, policy);
for (Object object : newObjects) {
if (!isObjectDeleted(object)) {
indexedInterimResult.put(object, object);
} catch (QueryException exception) {
if (getShouldThrowConformExceptions() == THROW_ALL_CONFORM_EXCEPTIONS) {
throw exception;
return indexedInterimResult;
* Used to set the collections of all objects in the UnitOfWork.
* @param newUnregisteredExistingObjects Map
protected void setAllClonesCollection(Map objects) {
this.allClones = objects;
* Set the clone mapping.
* The clone mapping contains clone of all registered objects,
* this is required to store the original state of the objects when registered
* so that only what is changed will be committed to the database and the parent,
* (this is required to support parallel unit of work).
protected void setCloneMapping(Map cloneMapping) {
this.cloneMapping = cloneMapping;
* This is only used for EJB entity beans to manage beans accessed in a transaction context.
protected void setContainerBeans(Map containerBeans) {
this.containerBeans = containerBeans;
* This is only used for EJB entity beans to manage beans accessed in a transaction context.
protected void setContainerUnitOfWork(UnitOfWorkImpl containerUnitOfWork) {
this.containerUnitOfWork = containerUnitOfWork;
* set UoW lifecycle state variable to DEATH
public void setDead() {
* The deleted objects stores any objects removed during the unit of work.
* On commit they will all be removed from the database.
protected void setDeletedObjects(Map deletedObjects) {
this.deletedObjects = deletedObjects;
* The life cycle tracks if the unit of work is active and is used for JTS.
protected void setLifecycle(int lifecycle) {
this.lifecycle = lifecycle;
* A reference to the last used merge manager. This is used to track locked
* objects.
public void setMergeManager(MergeManager mergeManager) {
this.lastUsedMergeManager = mergeManager;
* The new objects stores any objects newly created during the unit of work.
* On commit they will all be inserted into the database.
protected void setNewObjectsCloneToOriginal(Map newObjects) {
this.newObjectsCloneToOriginal = newObjects;
* Create the map of primary key to new objects to speed up in-memory querying.
protected void setupPrimaryKeyToNewObjects() {
primaryKeyToNewObjects = null;
if (hasNewObjects()) {
Map newObjects = getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal();
primaryKeyToNewObjects = new HashMap<>(newObjects.size());
newObjects.forEach((object, o2) -> {
* Extracts the primary key from a new object and puts it in primaryKeyToNewObjects.
protected void addNewObjectToPrimaryKeyToNewObjects(Object newObject) {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(newObject.getClass());
addNewObjectToPrimaryKeyToNewObjects(newObject, descriptor);
* Extracts the primary key from a new object and puts it in primaryKeyToNewObjects.
* Allows passing of the ClassDescriptor.
protected void addNewObjectToPrimaryKeyToNewObjects(Object newObject,
ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
ObjectBuilder objectBuilder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
Object pk = objectBuilder.extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(newObject, this,
if (pk != null) {
getPrimaryKeyToNewObjects().putIfAbsent(pk, new IdentityHashSet());
* Extracts the primary key and removes an object from primaryKeyToNewObjects.
protected void removeObjectFromPrimaryKeyToNewObjects(Object object) {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(object.getClass());
ObjectBuilder objectBuilder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
Object pk = objectBuilder.extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(object, this,
removeObjectFromPrimaryKeyToNewObjects(object, pk);
* Removes an object from primaryKeyToNewObjects.
protected void removeObjectFromPrimaryKeyToNewObjects(Object object,
Object primaryKey) {
Map pkToNewObjects = getPrimaryKeyToNewObjects();
if (pkToNewObjects.containsKey(primaryKey)) {
IdentityHashSet newObjects = pkToNewObjects.get(primaryKey);
if (newObjects.isEmpty()) {
* The new objects stores any objects newly created during the unit of work.
* On commit they will all be inserted into the database.
protected void setNewObjectsOriginalToClone(Map newObjects) {
this.newObjectsOriginalToClone = newObjects;
* Set the objects that have been deleted.
public void setObjectsDeletedDuringCommit(Map deletedObjects) {
objectsDeletedDuringCommit = deletedObjects;
* Set the parent.
* This is a unit of work if nested, otherwise a database session or client session.
public void setParent(AbstractSession parent) {
this.parent = parent;
* set UoW lifecycle state variable to PENDING_MERGE
public void setPendingMerge() {
* @param preDeleteComplete the preDeleteComplete to set
public void setPreDeleteComplete(boolean preDeleteComplete) {
this.preDeleteComplete = preDeleteComplete;
* Gives a new set of read-only classes to the receiver.
* This set of classes given are checked that subclasses of a read-only class are also
* in the read-only set provided.
public void setReadOnlyClasses(List classes) {
if (classes.isEmpty()) {
this.readOnlyClasses = null;
int size = classes.size();
this.readOnlyClasses = new HashSet(size);
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
* The removed objects stores any newly registered objects removed during the nested unit of work.
* On commit they will all be removed from the parent unit of work.
protected void setRemovedObjects(Map removedObjects) {
this.removedObjects = removedObjects;
* Set if this UnitofWork should be resumed after the end of the transaction
* Used when UnitOfWork is synchronized with external transaction control
public void setResumeUnitOfWorkOnTransactionCompletion(boolean resumeUnitOfWork) {
this.resumeOnTransactionCompletion = resumeUnitOfWork;
* Set if this UnitofWork should discover new objects on commit.
public boolean shouldDiscoverNewObjects() {
return this.shouldDiscoverNewObjects;
* Set if this UnitofWork should discover new objects on commit.
public void setShouldDiscoverNewObjects(boolean shouldDiscoverNewObjects) {
this.shouldDiscoverNewObjects = shouldDiscoverNewObjects;
* True if the value holder for the joined attribute should be triggered.
* Required by ejb30 fetch join.
public void setShouldCascadeCloneToJoinedRelationship(boolean shouldCascadeCloneToJoinedRelationship) {
this.shouldCascadeCloneToJoinedRelationship = shouldCascadeCloneToJoinedRelationship;
* Calculate whether we should read directly from the database to the UOW.
* This may be necessary in subclasses of UnitOfWork that have special behavior
* @see RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork
public boolean shouldForceReadFromDB(ObjectBuildingQuery query, Object primaryKey){
return false;
* By default new objects are not cached until the exist on the database.
* Occasionally if mergeClone is used on new objects and is required to allow multiple merges
* on the same new object, then if the new objects are not cached, each mergeClone will be
* interpretted as a different new object.
* By setting new objects to be cached mergeClone can be performed multiple times before commit.
* New objects cannot be cached unless they have a valid assigned primary key before being registered.
* New object with non-null invalid primary keys such as 0 or '' can cause problems and should not be used with this option.
public void setShouldNewObjectsBeCached(boolean shouldNewObjectsBeCached) {
this.shouldNewObjectsBeCached = shouldNewObjectsBeCached;
* By default deletes are performed last in a unit of work.
* Sometimes you may want to have the deletes performed before other actions.
public void setShouldPerformDeletesFirst(boolean shouldPerformDeletesFirst) {
this.shouldPerformDeletesFirst = shouldPerformDeletesFirst;
* Conforming queries can be set to provide different levels of detail about the
* exceptions they encounter
* There are two levels:
public void setShouldThrowConformExceptions(int shouldThrowExceptions) {
this.shouldThrowConformExceptions = shouldThrowExceptions;
* Set smart merge flag. This feature is used in WL to merge dependent values without SessionAccessor
public static void setSmartMerge(boolean option) {
SmartMerge = option;
* Set isSynchronized flag to indicate that this session is a synchronized unit of work.
public void setSynchronized(boolean synched) {
* Sets the current UnitOfWork change set to be the one passed in.
public void setUnitOfWorkChangeSet(UnitOfWorkChangeSet unitOfWorkChangeSet) {
this.unitOfWorkChangeSet = unitOfWorkChangeSet;
* Used to set the unregistered existing objects vector used when validation has been turned off.
* @param newUnregisteredExistingObjects Map
protected void setUnregisteredExistingObjects(Map newUnregisteredExistingObjects) {
unregisteredExistingObjects = newUnregisteredExistingObjects;
protected void setUnregisteredNewObjects(Map newObjects) {
unregisteredNewObjects = newObjects;
protected void setUnregisteredNewObjectsInParent(Map newObjects) {
unregisteredNewObjectsInParent = newObjects;
* The unit of work performs validations such as,
* ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work,
* ensuring deleted objects are not referred after commit,
* ensures that objects from the parent cache are not referred in the unit of work cache.
* The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under
* advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work.
* It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.
public void setValidationLevel(int validationLevel) {
this.validationLevel = validationLevel;
* Set a flag in the root UOW to indicate that a pess. locking or non-selecting SQL query was executed
* and forced a transaction to be started.
public void setWasTransactionBegunPrematurely(boolean wasTransactionBegunPrematurely) {
if (this.isNestedUnitOfWork) {
this.wasTransactionBegunPrematurely = wasTransactionBegunPrematurely;
* Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy.
* This can be used for objects that are returned from the client through
* RMI serialization (or other serialization mechanisms), because the RMI object will
* be a clone this will merge its attributes correctly to preserve object identity
* within the unit of work and record its changes.
* Only direct attributes are merged.
* @return the registered version for the clone being merged.
* @see #mergeClone(Object)
* @see #deepMergeClone(Object)
public Object shallowMergeClone(Object rmiClone) {
return mergeClone(rmiClone, MergeManager.NO_CASCADE, false);
* Revert the object's attributes from the parent.
* This only reverts the object's direct attributes.
* @return the object reverted.
* @see #revertObject(Object)
* @see #deepRevertObject(Object)
public Object shallowRevertObject(Object clone) {
return revertObject(clone, MergeManager.NO_CASCADE);
* Unregister the object with the unit of work.
* This can be used to delete an object that was just created and is not yet persistent.
* Delete object can also be used, but will result in inserting the object and then deleting it.
* The method will only unregister the clone, none of its parts.
public void shallowUnregisterObject(Object clone) {
unregisterObject(clone, DescriptorIterator.NoCascading);
* True if the value holder for the joined attribute should be triggered.
* Required by ejb30 fetch join.
public boolean shouldCascadeCloneToJoinedRelationship() {
return shouldCascadeCloneToJoinedRelationship;
* By default new objects are not cached until the exist on the database.
* Occasionally if mergeClone is used on new objects and is required to allow multiple merges
* on the same new object, then if the new objects are not cached, each mergeClone will be
* interpretted as a different new object.
* By setting new objects to be cached mergeClone can be performed multiple times before commit.
* New objects cannot be cached unless they have a valid assigned primary key before being registered.
* New object with non-null invalid primary keys such as 0 or '' can cause problems and should not be used with this option.
public boolean shouldNewObjectsBeCached() {
return shouldNewObjectsBeCached;
* Return the default to determine if does-exist should be performed on persist.
public boolean shouldValidateExistence() {
return shouldValidateExistence;
* Set the default to determine if does-exist should be performed on persist.
public void setShouldValidateExistence(boolean shouldValidateExistence) {
this.shouldValidateExistence = shouldValidateExistence;
* By default all objects are inserted and updated in the database before
* any object is deleted. If this flag is set to true, deletes will be
* performed before inserts and updates
public boolean shouldPerformDeletesFirst() {
return shouldPerformDeletesFirst;
* The unit of work performs validations such as,
* ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work,
* ensuring deleted objects are not referred after commit,
* ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache.
* The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under
* advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work.
* It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.
public boolean shouldPerformFullValidation() {
return getValidationLevel() == Full;
* The unit of work performs validations such as,
* ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work,
* ensuring deleted objects are not referred after commit,
* ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache.
* The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under
* advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work.
* It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violated in the unit of work.
public boolean shouldPerformNoValidation() {
return getValidationLevel() == None;
* The unit of work performs validations such as,
* ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work,
* ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit,
* ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache.
* The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under
* advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work.
* It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.
public boolean shouldPerformPartialValidation() {
return getValidationLevel() == Partial;
* Returns true if this UnitofWork should be resumed after the end of the transaction
* Used when UnitOfWork is synchronized with external transaction control
public boolean shouldResumeUnitOfWorkOnTransactionCompletion(){
return this.resumeOnTransactionCompletion;
* This is a JPA setting that is off by default in regular EclipseLink. It's
* used to avoid updating the shared cache when the cacheStoreMode property
* is set to BYPASS.
* @see RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork.
public boolean shouldStoreBypassCache() {
return false;
* Store the ModifyAllQuery's from the UoW in the list. They are always
* deferred to commit time
public void storeModifyAllQuery(DatabaseQuery query) {
if (this.modifyAllQueries == null) {
this.modifyAllQueries = new ArrayList();
* Store the deferred UpdateAllQuery's from the UoW in the list for execution.
public void storeDeferredModifyAllQuery(DatabaseQuery query, AbstractRecord translationRow) {
if (deferredModifyAllQueries == null) {
deferredModifyAllQueries = new ArrayList();
deferredModifyAllQueries.add(new Object[]{query, translationRow});
* Synchronize the clones and update their backup copies.
* Called after commit and commit and resume.
public void synchronizeAndResume() {
// For pessimistic locking all locks were released by commit.
this.pessimisticLockedObjects = null;
if (hasProperties()) {
// The collections of clones may change in the new UnitOfWork
this.allClones = null;
this.removedObjects = null;
//Reset lifecycle
this.lifecycle = Birth;
this.isSynchronized = false;
this.unregisteredNewObjectsInParent = null;
if (this.isNestedUnitOfWork) {
* Resume the unit of work state after a flush, or resume operation.
* This will occur on commitAndResume, JPA commit and JPA flush.
public void resumeUnitOfWork() {
// Resume new objects.
if (hasNewObjects() && !this.isNestedUnitOfWork) {
Iterator newEntries = this.newObjectsCloneToOriginal.entrySet().iterator();
Map cloneToOriginals = getCloneToOriginals();
while (newEntries.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
Object clone = entry.getKey();
Object original = entry.getValue();
if (original != null) {
// No longer new to this unit of work, so need to store original.
cloneToOriginals.put(clone, original);
this.newObjectsCloneToOriginal = null;
this.newObjectsOriginalToClone = null;
this.primaryKeyToNewObjects = null;
this.unregisteredExistingObjects = null;
this.unregisteredNewObjects = null;
Map cloneMapping = getCloneMapping();
// Clear all changes, reset backup clones.
// PERF: only clear objects that changed.
// The change sets include new objects as well.
if (this.unitOfWorkChangeSet != null) {
for (Map objectChanges : this.unitOfWorkChangeSet.getObjectChanges().values()) {
for (ObjectChangeSet changeSet : objectChanges.values()) {
Object clone = changeSet.getUnitOfWorkClone();
ClassDescriptor descriptor = this.getDescriptor(clone);
// Build backup clone for DeferredChangeDetectionPolicy or ObjectChangeTrackingPolicy,
// but not for AttributeChangeTrackingPolicy.
descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().revertChanges(clone, descriptor, this, cloneMapping, false);
// Resume deleted objects.
// bug 4730595: fix puts deleted objects in the UnitOfWorkChangeSet as they are removed.
this.deletedObjects = null;
// Unregister all deleted objects,
// keep them along with their original and backup values in unregisteredDeletedObjectsCloneToBackupAndOriginal.
if (hasObjectsDeletedDuringCommit()) {
if (this.unregisteredDeletedObjectsCloneToBackupAndOriginal == null) {
this.unregisteredDeletedObjectsCloneToBackupAndOriginal = new IdentityHashMap(this.objectsDeletedDuringCommit.size());
Iterator iterator = this.objectsDeletedDuringCommit.keySet().iterator();
Map cloneToOriginals = getCloneToOriginals();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Object deletedObject =;
Object[] backupAndOriginal = {cloneMapping.get(deletedObject), cloneToOriginals.get(deletedObject)};
this.unregisteredDeletedObjectsCloneToBackupAndOriginal.put(deletedObject, backupAndOriginal);
// If object exists in IM remove it from the IM and also from clone mapping.
this.objectsDeletedDuringCommit = null;
// Clean up, new objects are now existing.
this.unitOfWorkChangeSet = null;
this.changeTrackedHardList = null;
* This method is used to transition an object from the deleted objects list
* to be simply be register.
protected void undeleteObject(Object object) {
if (this.parent.isUnitOfWork()) {
* Unregister the object with the unit of work.
* This can be used to delete an object that was just created and is not yet persistent.
* Delete object can also be used, but will result in inserting the object and then deleting it.
* The method will only unregister the object and its privately owned parts
public void unregisterObject(Object clone) {
unregisterObject(clone, DescriptorIterator.CascadePrivateParts);
* Unregister the object with the unit of work.
* This can be used to delete an object that was just created and is not yet persistent.
* Delete object can also be used, but will result in inserting the object and then deleting it.
public void unregisterObject(Object clone, int cascadeDepth) {
unregisterObject(clone, cascadeDepth, false);
* Unregister the object with the unit of work.
* This can be used to delete an object that was just created and is not yet persistent.
* Delete object can also be used, but will result in inserting the object and then deleting it.
public void unregisterObject(Object clone, int cascadeDepth, boolean forDetach) {
// Allow register to be called with null and just return true
if (clone == null) {
logDebugMessage(clone, "unregister");
Object implementation = getDescriptor(clone).getObjectBuilder().unwrapObject(clone, this);
// This define an inner class for process the itteration operation, don't be scared, its just an inner class.
DescriptorIterator iterator = new DescriptorIterator() {
public void iterate(Object object) {
if (isClassReadOnly(object.getClass(), getCurrentDescriptor())) {
// Check if object exists in the IM.
Object primaryKey = getCurrentDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(object, UnitOfWorkImpl.this, true);
if (primaryKey != null) {
// If object exists in IM remove it from the IM and also from clone mapping.
getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().removeFromIdentityMap(primaryKey, object.getClass(), getCurrentDescriptor(), object);
//remove from deleted objects.
if (hasDeletedObjects()) {
// Remove object from the new object cache
// PERF: Avoid initialization of new objects if none.
if (hasNewObjects()) {
Object original = getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal().remove(object);
removeObjectFromPrimaryKeyToNewObjects(object, primaryKey);
if (original != null) {
// Also need to remove the original merged object.
if (UnitOfWorkImpl.this.newObjectsCloneToMergeOriginal != null) {
original = UnitOfWorkImpl.this.newObjectsCloneToMergeOriginal.remove(object);
if (original != null) {
if (forDetach){
CascadeCondition detached = CascadeCondition(){
public boolean shouldNotCascade(DatabaseMapping mapping){
return ! (mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping() && ((ForeignReferenceMapping)mapping).isCascadeDetach());
* This method is used internally to update the tracked objects if required
public void updateChangeTrackersIfRequired(Object objectToWrite, ObjectChangeSet changeSetToWrite, UnitOfWorkImpl uow, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
//this is a no op in this unitOfWork Class see subclasses for implementation.
* On persist and flush operations we must update any derived id fields.
protected Object updateDerivedIds(Object clone, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
Object key = null;
if (descriptor.hasDerivedId()) {
for (DatabaseMapping derivesIdMapping : descriptor.getDerivesIdMappinps()) {
DatabaseMapping derivedIdMapping = derivesIdMapping.getDerivedIdMapping();
// If there is no derived id mapping, then there is no update required. Case #1a-#6a
// from the JPA spec.
if (derivedIdMapping != null) {
ClassDescriptor parentDescriptor = derivesIdMapping.getReferenceDescriptor();
Object parentClone = derivesIdMapping.getRealAttributeValueFromObject(clone, this);
// If the parent clone is null, we don't have any work to do, continue to the next
// mapping. Some mappings may be part of a composite primary key that allows for a
// null setting or the mapping may just not be set.
if (parentClone != null) {
// Recurse up the chain to figure out the key. The first dependent will figure
// it out and pass it to its sub-dependents (keeping it the same)
if (parentDescriptor.hasDerivedId()) {
key = updateDerivedIds(parentClone, parentDescriptor);
} else {
key = parentDescriptor.getCMPPolicy().createPrimaryKeyInstance(parentClone, this);
if (derivesIdMapping.hasMapsIdValue()) {
// Case #1b, #2b and #3b from the JPA spec. The derived id is within our
// embedded id. We need to deal with that object and its mapping within the clone.
Object aggregateClone = derivedIdMapping.getRealAttributeValueFromObject(clone, this);
// If the aggregate clone is null, create one and set it on the clone.
if (aggregateClone == null) {
aggregateClone = derivedIdMapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().buildNewInstance();
derivedIdMapping.setRealAttributeValueInObject(clone, aggregateClone);
// Now get the actual derived id mapping from the aggregate and populate it on the aggregate clone.
DatabaseMapping aggregateMapping = derivedIdMapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().getMappingForAttributeName(derivesIdMapping.getMapsIdValue());
aggregateMapping.setRealAttributeValueInObject(aggregateClone, key);
// The key should be the aggregate clone when we are done.
key = aggregateClone;
} else {
// Case #4b, #5b, #6b from the JPA spec. Our id mapping is the derived id.
// We will deal with the clone provided.
derivedIdMapping.setRealAttributeValueInObject(clone, key);
// Return the key once we have had an opportunity to update all the
// parts of it.
return key;
* This can be used to help debugging an object-space corruption.
* An object-space corruption is when your application has incorrectly related a clone to an original object.
* This method will validate that all registered objects are in a correct state and throw
* an error if not, it will contain the full stack of object references in the error message.
* If you call this method after each register or change you perform it will pin-point where the error was made.
public void validateObjectSpace() {
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "validate_object_space");
// This define an inner class for process the iteration operation, don't be scared, its just an inner class.
DescriptorIterator iterator = new DescriptorIterator() {
public void iterate(Object object) {
try {
if (isClassReadOnly(object.getClass(), getCurrentDescriptor())) {
} else {
getBackupClone(object, getCurrentDescriptor());
} catch (EclipseLinkException exception) {
log(SessionLog.FINEST, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "stack_of_visited_objects_that_refer_to_the_corrupt_object", getVisitedStack());
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "corrupt_object_referenced_through_mapping", getCurrentMapping());
throw exception;
for (Iterator clonesEnum = getCloneMapping().keySet().iterator(); clonesEnum.hasNext();) {
* Indicates if a transaction was begun by a pessimistic locking or non-selecting query.
* Traverse to the root UOW to get value.
// * Nov 17, 2000 JED
// * Prs 25751 Changed to make this method public
public boolean wasTransactionBegunPrematurely() {
if (this.isNestedUnitOfWork) {
return ((UnitOfWorkImpl)this.parent).wasTransactionBegunPrematurely();
return wasTransactionBegunPrematurely;
* A query execution failed due to an invalid query.
* Re-connect and retry the query.
public Object retryQuery(DatabaseQuery query, AbstractRecord row, DatabaseException databaseException, int retryCount, AbstractSession executionSession) {
return getParent().retryQuery(query, row, databaseException, retryCount, executionSession);
* ADVANCED: Writes all changes now before commit().
* The commit process will begin and all changes will be written out to the datastore, but the datastore transaction will not
* be committed, nor will changes be merged into the global cache.
* A subsequent commit (on UnitOfWork or global transaction) will be required to finalize the commit process.
* As the commit process has begun any attempt to register objects, or execute object-level queries will
* generate an exception. Report queries, non-caching queries, and data read/modify queries are allowed.
* On exception any global transaction will be rolled back or marked rollback only. No recovery of this UnitOfWork will be possible.
* Can only be called once. It can not be used to write out changes in an incremental fashion.
* Use to partially commit a transaction outside of a JTA transaction's callbacks. Allows you to get back any exception directly.
* Use to commit a UnitOfWork in two stages.
public void writeChanges() {
if (!isActive()) {
throw ValidationException.inActiveUnitOfWork("writeChanges");
if (isAfterWriteChangesButBeforeCommit()) {
throw ValidationException.cannotWriteChangesTwice();
if (this.isNestedUnitOfWork) {
throw ValidationException.writeChangesOnNestedUnitOfWork();
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "begin_unit_of_work_flush");
if(eventManager != null) {
try {
//bug:5526260 - flush batch mechanisms
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw exception;
log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "end_unit_of_work_flush");
if(eventManager != null) {
* This method notifies the accessor that a particular sets of writes has
* completed. This notification can be used for such thing as flushing the
* batch mechanism
public void writesCompleted() {
* log the message and debug info if option is set. (reduce the duplicate codes)
private void logDebugMessage(Object object, String debugMessage) {
log(SessionLog.FINEST, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, debugMessage, object);
* When in transaction batch read objects must use query local
* to the unit of work.
public Map getBatchQueries() {
if (batchQueries == null) {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
batchQueries = createMap();
return batchQueries;
* When in transaction batch read objects must use query local
* to the unit of work.
public void setBatchQueries(Map batchQueries) {
this.batchQueries = batchQueries;
public Map getPessimisticLockedObjects() {
if (pessimisticLockedObjects == null) {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
pessimisticLockedObjects = new IdentityHashMap();
return pessimisticLockedObjects;
public void addToChangeTrackedHardList(Object obj){
if (this.referenceMode != ReferenceMode.HARD){
public void addPessimisticLockedClone(Object clone) {
log(SessionLog.FINEST, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "tracking_pl_object", clone, Integer.valueOf(this.hashCode()));
getPessimisticLockedObjects().put(clone, clone);
* Add a privately owned object to the privateOwnedObjectsMap.
* The UnitOfWork needs to keep track of privately owned objects in order to
* detect and remove private owned objects which are de-referenced.
public void addPrivateOwnedObject(DatabaseMapping mapping, Object privateOwnedObject) {
// only allow mapped, non-null objects to be added
if (privateOwnedObject != null && getDescriptor(privateOwnedObject) != null) {
Map privateOwnedObjects = getPrivateOwnedObjects();
Set objectsForMapping = privateOwnedObjects.get(mapping);
if (objectsForMapping == null) {
objectsForMapping = new IdentityHashSet();
privateOwnedObjects.put(mapping, objectsForMapping);
* Return if the clone has been pessimistic locked in this unit of work.
public boolean isPessimisticLocked(Object clone) {
return (this.pessimisticLockedObjects != null )&& this.pessimisticLockedObjects.containsKey(clone);
* Return true if there are any pessimistic locked objects in this unit of work, false otherwise.
public boolean hasPessimisticLockedObjects() {
return (this.pessimisticLockedObjects != null) && (this.pessimisticLockedObjects.size() != 0);
* @return the preDeleteComplete
public boolean isPreDeleteComplete() {
return preDeleteComplete;
* True if either DataModifyQuery or ModifyAllQuery was executed.
* In absense of transaction the query execution starts one, therefore
* the flag may only be true in transaction, it's reset on commit or rollback.
public void setWasNonObjectLevelModifyQueryExecuted(boolean wasNonObjectLevelModifyQueryExecuted) {
this.wasNonObjectLevelModifyQueryExecuted = wasNonObjectLevelModifyQueryExecuted;
* True if either DataModifyQuery or ModifyAllQuery was executed.
public boolean wasNonObjectLevelModifyQueryExecuted() {
return wasNonObjectLevelModifyQueryExecuted;
* Indicates whether readObject should return the object read from the db
* in case there is no object in uow cache (as opposed to fetching the object from
* parent's cache). Note that wasNonObjectLevelModifyQueryExecuted()==true implies inTransaction()==true.
public boolean shouldReadFromDB() {
return wasNonObjectLevelModifyQueryExecuted();
* Release the read connection to the read connection pool.
public void releaseReadConnection(Accessor connection) {
//bug 4668234 -- used to only release connections on server sessions but should always release
* This method will clear all registered objects from this UnitOfWork.
* If parameter value is 'true' then the cache(s) are cleared, too.
public void clear(boolean shouldClearCache) {
this.cloneToOriginals = null;
this.cloneMapping = null;
this.newObjectsCloneToOriginal = null;
this.newObjectsOriginalToClone = null;
this.primaryKeyToNewObjects = null;
this.deletedObjects = null;
this.allClones = null;
this.objectsDeletedDuringCommit = null;
this.removedObjects = null;
this.unregisteredNewObjects = null;
this.unregisteredExistingObjects = null;
this.newAggregates = null;
this.unitOfWorkChangeSet = null;
this.pessimisticLockedObjects = null;
this.optimisticReadLockObjects = null;
this.batchQueries = null;
this.privateOwnedObjects = null;
this.newObjectsCloneToMergeOriginal = null;
if(shouldClearCache) {
* Clear the identityMaps
private void clearIdentityMapCache() {
if (this.parent instanceof IsolatedClientSession) {
* Call this method if the uow will no longer be used for committing transactions:
* all the change sets will be dereferenced, and (optionally) the cache cleared.
* If the uow is not released, but rather kept around for ValueHolders, then identity maps shouldn't be cleared:
* the parameter value should be 'false'. The lifecycle set to Birth so that uow ValueHolder still could be used.
* Alternatively, if called from release method then everything should go and therefore parameter value should be 'true'.
* In this case lifecycle won't change - uow.release (optionally) calls this method when it (uow) is already dead.
* The reason for calling this method from release is to free maximum memory right away:
* the uow might still be referenced by objects using UOWValueHolders (though they shouldn't be around
* they still might).
* We defer a clear() call to release() if the uow lifecycle is 1,2 or 4 (*Pending).
public void clearForClose(boolean shouldClearCache) {
if (isActive()) {
//Reset lifecycle
this.lifecycle = Birth;
this.isSynchronized = false;
* Indicates whether clearForClose method should be called by release method.
public boolean shouldClearForCloseOnRelease() {
return false;
* Copy statements counts into UOW properties.
private void copyStatementsCountIntoProperties(){
Accessor accessor = null;
try {
accessor = getAccessor();
} catch(DatabaseException exception){
//ignore for bug 290703
if(accessor!=null && accessor instanceof DatasourceAccessor){
* This method is used internally to create a map to hold the persistenceContexts. A weak map is returned if ReferenceMode is weak.
protected Map createMap(){
if (this.referenceMode != null && this.referenceMode != ReferenceMode.HARD) {
return new IdentityWeakHashMap();
return new IdentityHashMap();
* This method is used internally to create a map to hold the persistenceContexts. A weak map is returned if ReferenceMode is weak.
* @param size
protected Map createMap(int size){
if (this.referenceMode != null && this.referenceMode != ReferenceMode.HARD) {
return new IdentityWeakHashMap(size);
return new IdentityHashMap(size);
* This method is used internally to clone a map that holds the persistenceContexts. A weak map is returned if ReferenceMode is weak.
protected Map cloneMap(Map map){
// bug 270413. This method is needed to avoid the class cast exception when the reference mode is weak.
if (this.referenceMode != null && this.referenceMode != ReferenceMode.HARD) {
return (IdentityWeakHashMap)((IdentityWeakHashMap)map).clone();
return (IdentityHashMap)((IdentityHashMap)map).clone();
public ReferenceMode getReferenceMode() {
return referenceMode;
* Return the list of object with changes.
* This is used in weak reference mode to avoid garbage collection of changed objects.
public Set getChangeTrackedHardList() {
if (this.changeTrackedHardList == null) {
this.changeTrackedHardList = new IdentityHashSet();
return this.changeTrackedHardList;
* Get an instance, whose state may be lazily fetched.
* If the requested instance does not exist in the database, null is returned, or the object will fail when accessed.
* The instance will be lazy when it does not exist in the cache, and supports fetch groups.
* @param primaryKey - The primary key of the object, either as a List, singleton, IdClass or an instance of the object.
public Object getReference(Class theClass, Object id) {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(theClass);
if (descriptor == null || descriptor.isDescriptorTypeAggregate()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("unknown_bean_class", new Object[] { theClass }));
Object reference;
if (id == null) { //gf721 - check for null PK
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("null_pk"));
Object primaryKey;
if (id instanceof List) {
if (descriptor.getCachePolicy().getCacheKeyType() == CacheKeyType.ID_VALUE) {
if (((List)id).isEmpty()) {
primaryKey = null;
} else {
primaryKey = ((List)id).get(0);
} else {
primaryKey = new CacheId(((List)id).toArray());
} else if (id instanceof CacheId) {
primaryKey = id;
} else {
if (descriptor.getCMPPolicy() != null) {
if (descriptor.getCMPPolicy().getPKClass() != null && !descriptor.getCMPPolicy().getPKClass().isAssignableFrom(id.getClass())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("invalid_pk_class", new Object[] { descriptor.getCMPPolicy().getPKClass(), id.getClass() }));
primaryKey = descriptor.getCMPPolicy().createPrimaryKeyFromId(id, this);
} else {
if (!id.getClass().equals(theClass)) {
primaryKey = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(id, this);
} else {
primaryKey = id;
// If the class supports fetch groups then return a un-fetched instance.
if (descriptor.hasFetchGroupManager()) {
reference = getIdentityMapAccessor().getFromIdentityMap(primaryKey, theClass);
if (reference == null) {
if ((id instanceof List) || (id instanceof CacheId) || (descriptor.getCMPPolicy() == null)) {
AbstractRecord row = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildRowFromPrimaryKeyValues(primaryKey, this);
reference = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildNewInstance();
descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildPrimaryKeyAttributesIntoObject(reference, row, new ReadObjectQuery(), this);
} else {
reference = descriptor.getCMPPolicy().createBeanUsingKey(id, this);
descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getIdEntityFetchGroup().setOnEntity(reference, this);
reference = registerExistingObject(reference);
} else {
ReadObjectQuery query = new ReadObjectQuery(descriptor.getJavaClass());
reference = executeQuery(query);
return reference;
* 272022: Avoid releasing locks on the wrong server thread.
* If the current thread and the active thread on the mutex do not match - switch them
* Before we release acquired locks (do the same as we do for mergeClonesBeforeCompletion())
* Check that the current thread is the active thread on all lock managers by
* checking the cached lockThread on the mergeManager.
* If we find that these 2 threads are different - then all threads in the acquired locks list are different.
* Switch the activeThread on the mutex to this current thread for each lock.
* @return true if threads were switched
public boolean verifyMutexThreadIntegrityBeforeRelease() {
if (this.lastUsedMergeManager != null) { // mergeManager may be null in a afterCompletion() callback
Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
Thread lockThread = this.lastUsedMergeManager.getLockThread();
if (currentThread != lockThread) {
if (ConcurrencyManager.getDeferredLockManager(lockThread) != null){
// check for transitioned old deferred lock manager and switch to the new thread.
currentThread, ConcurrencyManager.DEFERRED_LOCK_MANAGERS.remove(lockThread));
ArrayList locks = this.getMergeManager().getAcquiredLocks();
if (null != locks) {
Iterator locksIterator = locks.iterator();
log(SessionLog.FINER, AbstractSessionLog.CACHE, "active_thread_is_different_from_current_thread",
lockThread, getMergeManager(), currentThread);
while (locksIterator.hasNext()) {
ConcurrencyManager lockMutex =;
if (null != lockMutex) {
Thread activeThread = lockMutex.getActiveThread();
// check for different acquire and release threads
if (currentThread != activeThread) {
// Switch activeThread to currentThread - we will release the lock later
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Return if updates should be ordered by primary key to avoid possible database deadlocks.
public boolean shouldOrderUpdates() {
return this.commitOrder != CommitOrderType.NONE;
* Set updates should be ordered by primary key to avoid possible database deadlocks.
public void setShouldOrderUpdates(boolean shouldOrderUpdates) {
if (shouldOrderUpdates) {
this.commitOrder = CommitOrderType.ID;
} else {
this.commitOrder = CommitOrderType.NONE;
public DatabaseValueHolder createCloneQueryValueHolder(ValueHolderInterface attributeValue, Object clone, AbstractRecord row, ForeignReferenceMapping mapping) {
return new UnitOfWorkQueryValueHolder(attributeValue, clone, mapping, row, this);
public DatabaseValueHolder createCloneTransformationValueHolder(ValueHolderInterface attributeValue, Object original, Object clone, AbstractTransformationMapping mapping) {
return new UnitOfWorkTransformerValueHolder(attributeValue, original, clone, mapping, this);
* Return deleted objects that have reference to other deleted objects.
* This is need to delete cycles of objects in the correct order.
public Map> getDeletionDependencies() {
if (this.deletionDependencies == null) {
this.deletionDependencies = new HashMap>();
return this.deletionDependencies;
* Record deleted objects that have reference to other deleted objects.
* This is need to delete cycles of objects in the correct order.
public void addDeletionDependency(Object target, Object source) {
if (this.deletionDependencies == null) {
this.deletionDependencies = new HashMap>();
Set dependencies = this.deletionDependencies.get(target);
if (dependencies == null) {
dependencies = new HashSet();
this.deletionDependencies.put(target, dependencies);
* Return references to other deleted objects for this deleted object.
* This is need to delete cycles of objects in the correct order.
public Set getDeletionDependencies(Object deletedObject) {
if (this.deletionDependencies == null) {
return null;
return this.deletionDependencies.get(deletedObject);
* Return the commit order.
public CommitOrderType getCommitOrder() {
return commitOrder;
* Set the commit order.
public void setCommitOrder(CommitOrderType order) {
this.commitOrder = order;