* Copyright (c) 1998, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0,
* or the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
// Contributors:
// Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
// 04/01/2011-2.3 Guy Pelletier
// - 337323: Multi-tenant with shared schema support (part 2)
// 08/18/2011-2.3.1 Guy Pelletier
// - 355093: Add new 'includeCriteria' flag to Multitenant metadata
// 09/09/2011-2.3.1 Guy Pelletier
// - 356197: Add new VPD type to MultitenantType
// 08/01/2012-2.5 Chris Delahunt
// - 371950: Metadata caching
package org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors;
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedActionException;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.core.descriptors.CoreInheritancePolicy;
import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.invalidation.CacheInvalidationPolicy;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.OptimisticLockingPolicy;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.security.PrivilegedAccessHelper;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.security.PrivilegedClassForName;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.security.PrivilegedNewInstanceFromClass;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord;
import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.remote.*;
* Purpose : Allows customization of an object's inheritance.
* The primary supported inheritance model uses a class type indicator
* column in the table that stores the object's class type.
* The class-to-type mapping is specified on this policy.
* The full class name can also be used for the indicator instead of the mapping.
Each subclass can either share their parents table, or in addition add their
* own table(s).
For legacy models a customized inheritance class-extractor can be provided.
* This allows Java code to be used to compute the class type to use for a row.
* When this customized inheritance model is used an only-instances and with-all-subclasses
* filter expression may be required for concrete and branch querying.
public class InheritancePolicy extends CoreInheritancePolicy implements Serializable, Cloneable {
protected Class parentClass;
protected String parentClassName;
protected ClassDescriptor parentDescriptor;
protected List childDescriptors;
protected DatabaseField classIndicatorField;
protected transient Map classIndicatorMapping;
protected Map classNameIndicatorMapping;
protected transient boolean shouldUseClassNameAsIndicator;
protected transient Boolean shouldReadSubclasses;
protected DatabaseTable readAllSubclassesView;
protected transient List allChildClassIndicators;
protected transient Expression onlyInstancesExpression;
protected transient Expression withAllSubclassesExpression;
// null if there are no childrenTables, otherwise all tables for reference class plus childrenTables
protected transient Vector allTables;
// all tables for all subclasses (subclasses of subclasses included), should be in sync with childrenTablesJoinExpressions.
protected transient List childrenTables;
// join expression for each child table, keyed by the table, should be in sync with childrenTables.
protected transient Map childrenTablesJoinExpressions;
// all expressions from childrenTablesJoinExpressions ANDed together
protected transient Expression childrenJoinExpression;
/** Allow for class extraction method to be specified. */
protected String classExtractorName;
protected transient ClassExtractor classExtractor;
protected ClassDescriptor descriptor;
protected boolean shouldAlwaysUseOuterJoin = false;
//CR 4005
protected boolean useDescriptorsToValidateInheritedObjects = false;
/** Define if an outer join should be used to read subclasses. */
protected boolean shouldOuterJoinSubclasses = false;
// used by the entity-mappings XML writer to determine inheritance strategy
protected boolean isJoinedStrategy;
/** PERF: Cache root descriptor. */
protected ClassDescriptor rootParentDescriptor;
protected boolean describesNonPersistentSubclasses = false;
* Create a new policy.
* Only descriptors involved in inheritance should have a policy.
public InheritancePolicy() {
this.classIndicatorMapping = new HashMap(10);
this.classNameIndicatorMapping = new HashMap(10);
this.shouldUseClassNameAsIndicator = false;
this.allChildClassIndicators = new ArrayList(4);
this.childDescriptors = new ArrayList(4);
* Create a new policy.
* Only descriptors involved in inheritance should have a policy.
public InheritancePolicy(ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
this.descriptor = descriptor;
* Add child descriptor to the parent descriptor.
public void addChildDescriptor(ClassDescriptor childDescriptor) {
* childrenTablesJoinExpressions, childrenTables, allTables and childrenJoinExpression
* are created simultaneously and kept in sync.
protected void addChildTableJoinExpression(DatabaseTable table, Expression expression) {
if (this.childrenTablesJoinExpressions == null) {
this.childrenTablesJoinExpressions = new HashMap();
// childrenTables should've been null, too
this.childrenTables = new ArrayList();
// allTables should've been null, too
this.allTables = new Vector(getDescriptor().getTables());
// Avoid duplicates as two independent subclasses may have the same table.
if (!this.childrenTables.contains(table)) {
if (!this.allTables.contains(table)) {
this.childrenTablesJoinExpressions.put(table, expression);
this.childrenJoinExpression = expression.and(this.childrenJoinExpression);
* call addChildTableJoinExpression on all parents
public void addChildTableJoinExpressionToAllParents(DatabaseTable table, Expression expression) {
ClassDescriptor parentDescriptor = getParentDescriptor();
while(parentDescriptor != null) {
InheritancePolicy parentPolicy = parentDescriptor.getInheritancePolicy();
parentPolicy.addChildTableJoinExpression(table, expression);
parentDescriptor = parentPolicy.getParentDescriptor();
* Add a class indicator for the root classes subclass.
* The indicator is used to determine the class to use for a row read from the database,
* and to query only instances of a class from the database.
* Every concrete persistent subclass must have a single unique indicator defined for it.
* If the root class is concrete then it must also define an indicator.
* Only the root class's descriptor of the entire inheritance hierarchy can define the class indicator mapping.
public void addClassIndicator(Class childClass, Object typeValue) {
// Note we should think about supporting null values.
// Store as key and value for bi-directional lookup.
getClassIndicatorMapping().put(typeValue, childClass);
getClassIndicatorMapping().put(childClass, typeValue);
* Add the class name reference by class name, used by the MW.
public void addClassNameIndicator(String childClassName, Object typeValue) {
getClassNameIndicatorMapping().put(childClassName, typeValue);
* Add abstract class indicator information to the database row. This is
* required when building a row for an insert or an update of a concrete child
* descriptor.
* This is only used to build a template row.
public void addClassIndicatorFieldToInsertRow(AbstractRecord databaseRow) {
if (hasClassExtractor()) {
DatabaseField field = getClassIndicatorField();
databaseRow.put(field, null);
* Add abstract class indicator information to the database row. This is
* required when building a row for an insert or an update of a concrete child
* descriptor.
public void addClassIndicatorFieldToRow(AbstractRecord databaseRow) {
if (hasClassExtractor()) {
DatabaseField field = getClassIndicatorField();
Object value = getClassIndicatorValue();
databaseRow.put(field, value);
* Post initialize the child descriptors
protected void addClassIndicatorTypeToParent(Object indicator) {
ClassDescriptor parentDescriptor = getDescriptor().getInheritancePolicy().getParentDescriptor();
if (parentDescriptor.getInheritancePolicy().isChildDescriptor()) {
if (parentDescriptor.getInheritancePolicy().shouldReadSubclasses()) {
* Recursively adds fields to all the parents
protected void addFieldsToParent(Vector fields) {
if (isChildDescriptor()) {
if (getParentDescriptor().isInvalid()) {
ClassDescriptor parentDescriptor = getParentDescriptor();
if (parentDescriptor.getInheritancePolicy().shouldReadSubclasses()) {
Helper.addAllUniqueToVector(parentDescriptor.getAllFields(), fields);
* Return a select statement that will be used to query the class indicators required to query.
* This is used in the abstract-multiple read.
public SQLSelectStatement buildClassIndicatorSelectStatement(ObjectLevelReadQuery query) {
SQLSelectStatement selectStatement;
selectStatement = new SQLSelectStatement();
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
Map clonedExpressions = new IdentityHashMap();
selectStatement.setWhereClause(((ExpressionQueryMechanism)query.getQueryMechanism()).buildBaseSelectionCriteria(false, clonedExpressions));
if (query.isReadAllQuery() && ((ReadAllQuery)query).hasHierarchicalExpressions()) {
ReadAllQuery readAllQuery = (ReadAllQuery)query;
selectStatement.setHierarchicalQueryExpressions(readAllQuery.getStartWithExpression(), readAllQuery.getConnectByExpression(), readAllQuery.getOrderSiblingsByExpressions(), readAllQuery.getDirection());
selectStatement.normalize(query.getSession(), getDescriptor(), clonedExpressions);
return selectStatement;
* Append the branch with all subclasses expression to the statement.
public void appendWithAllSubclassesExpression(SQLSelectStatement selectStatement) {
if (getWithAllSubclassesExpression() != null) {
// For Flashback: Must always rebuild with simple expression on right.
if (selectStatement.getWhereClause() == null) {
} else {
* Build a select statement for all subclasses on the view using the same
* selection criteria as the query.
public SQLSelectStatement buildViewSelectStatement(ObjectLevelReadQuery query) {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
Map clonedExpressions = new IdentityHashMap();
ExpressionQueryMechanism mechanism = (ExpressionQueryMechanism)query.getQueryMechanism();
// CR#3166555 - Have the mechanism build the statement to avoid duplicating code and ensure that lock-mode, hints, hierarchical, etc. are set.
SQLSelectStatement selectStatement = mechanism.buildBaseSelectStatement(false, clonedExpressions);
// Case, normal read for branch inheritance class that reads subclasses all in its own table(s).
if (getWithAllSubclassesExpression() != null) {
Expression branchIndicator = (Expression)getWithAllSubclassesExpression().clone();
if (branchIndicator != null) {
selectStatement.setFields(mechanism.getSelectionFields(selectStatement, true));
selectStatement.normalizeForView(query.getSession(), getDescriptor(), clonedExpressions);
// Allow for joining indexes to be computed to ensure distinct rows
if (query.hasJoining()) {
query.getJoinedAttributeManager().computeJoiningMappingIndexes(false, query.getSession(), 0);
return selectStatement;
* This method is invoked only for the abstract descriptors.
public Class classFromRow(AbstractRecord rowFromDatabase, AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException {
if (hasClassExtractor()) {
return getClassExtractor().extractClassFromRow(rowFromDatabase, session);
Object classFieldValue = session.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager().convertObject(rowFromDatabase.get(getClassIndicatorField()), getClassIndicatorField().getType());
if (classFieldValue == null) {
throw DescriptorException.missingClassIndicatorField(rowFromDatabase, getDescriptor());
return classFromValue(classFieldValue, session);
* This method is used to turn the a raw database field value classFieldValue into a Class object. Used to determine
* which class objects to build from database results, and for class type expression
public Class classFromValue(Object classFieldValue, AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException {
Class concreteClass;
if (!shouldUseClassNameAsIndicator()) {
concreteClass = (Class)getClassIndicatorMapping().get(classFieldValue);
if (concreteClass == null) {
throw DescriptorException.missingClassForIndicatorFieldValue(classFieldValue, getDescriptor());
} else {
try {
String className = (String)classFieldValue;
//PWK can not use class for name, must go through conversion manager.
//Should use the root ClassDescriptor's classloader to avoid loading from a loader other
//than the one that loaded the project
concreteClass = getDescriptor().getJavaClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(className);
if (concreteClass == null) {
throw DescriptorException.missingClassForIndicatorFieldValue(classFieldValue, getDescriptor());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw DescriptorException.missingClassForIndicatorFieldValue(classFieldValue, getDescriptor());
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw DescriptorException.missingClassForIndicatorFieldValue(classFieldValue, getDescriptor());
return concreteClass;
* Clone the policy
public Object clone() {
InheritancePolicy clone = null;
try {
clone = (InheritancePolicy)super.clone();
if (hasClassIndicator()) {
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw new InternalError("clone failed");
return clone;
* Convert all the class-name-based settings in this InheritancePolicy to actual class-based settings.
* This method is used when converting a project that has been built with class names to a project with classes.
* It will also convert referenced classes to the versions of the classes from the classLoader.
public void convertClassNamesToClasses(ClassLoader classLoader) {
Iterator keysEnum = getClassNameIndicatorMapping().keySet().iterator();
Iterator valuesEnum = getClassNameIndicatorMapping().values().iterator();
// Clear old classes (after class names have been lazy initialized).
classIndicatorMapping = new HashMap();
while (keysEnum.hasNext()) {
Object key = keysEnum.next();
Object value = valuesEnum.next();
Class theClass = convertClassNameToClass((String) key, classLoader);
classIndicatorMapping.put(theClass, value);
classIndicatorMapping.put(value, theClass);
// Initialize the parent class name.
if (getParentClassName() != null){
setParentClass(convertClassNameToClass(getParentClassName(), classLoader));
// Initialize the class extractor name.
if (classExtractorName != null) {
Class classExtractorClass = convertClassNameToClass(classExtractorName, classLoader);
try {
if (PrivilegedAccessHelper.shouldUsePrivilegedAccess()) {
try {
setClassExtractor((ClassExtractor) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedNewInstanceFromClass(classExtractorClass)));
} catch (PrivilegedActionException exception) {
throw ValidationException.classNotFoundWhileConvertingClassNames(classExtractorName, exception.getException());
} else {
setClassExtractor((ClassExtractor) PrivilegedAccessHelper.newInstanceFromClass(classExtractorClass));
} catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
throw ValidationException.reflectiveExceptionWhileCreatingClassInstance(classExtractorName, ex);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw ValidationException.reflectiveExceptionWhileCreatingClassInstance(classExtractorName, e);
* Convert the given className to an actual class.
protected Class convertClassNameToClass(String className, ClassLoader classLoader) {
try {
if (PrivilegedAccessHelper.shouldUsePrivilegedAccess()){
try {
return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedClassForName(className, true, classLoader));
} catch (PrivilegedActionException exception) {
throw ValidationException.classNotFoundWhileConvertingClassNames(className, (Exception)exception.getCause());
} else {
return PrivilegedAccessHelper.getClassForName(className, true, classLoader);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException exc){
throw ValidationException.classNotFoundWhileConvertingClassNames(className, exc);
* Set the descriptor to only read instance of itself when queried.
* This is used with inheritance to configure the result of queries.
* By default this is true for root inheritance descriptors, and false for all others.
public void dontReadSubclassesOnQueries() {
* Set the descriptor not to use the class' full name as the indicator.
* The class indicator is used with inheritance to determine the class from a row.
* By default a class indicator mapping is required, this can be set to true if usage of the class name is desired.
* The field must be of a large enough size to store the fully qualified class name.
public void dontUseClassNameAsIndicator() {
* Stores class indicators for all child and children's children.
* Used for queries on branch classes only.
protected List getAllChildClassIndicators() {
if (allChildClassIndicators == null) {
allChildClassIndicators = new ArrayList(4);
return allChildClassIndicators;
* Returns all the child descriptors, even descriptors for subclasses of
* subclasses.
* Required for bug 3019934.
public List getAllChildDescriptors() {
// Guess the number of child descriptors...
List allChildDescriptors = new ArrayList(this.getAllChildClassIndicators().size());
return getAllChildDescriptors(allChildDescriptors);
* Recursive subroutine of getAllChildDescriptors.
protected List getAllChildDescriptors(List allChildDescriptors) {
for (ClassDescriptor childDescriptor : getChildDescriptors()) {
return allChildDescriptors;
* if reads subclasses, all tables for all read subclasses (indirect included).
public List getChildrenTables() {
return childrenTables;
* join expression for each child table, keyed by the table
public Map getChildrenTablesJoinExpressions() {
return childrenTablesJoinExpressions;
* all expressions from childrenTablesJoinExpressions ANDed together
public Expression getChildrenJoinExpression() {
return childrenJoinExpression;
* all tables for reference class plus childrenTables
public Vector getAllTables() {
if (allTables == null) {
return this.getDescriptor().getTables();
} else {
return allTables;
* Return all the immediate child descriptors. Only descriptors from
* direct subclasses are returned.
public List getChildDescriptors() {
return childDescriptors;
* Return all the classExtractionMethod
protected Method getClassExtractionMethod() {
if (classExtractor instanceof MethodClassExtractor) {
return ((MethodClassExtractor)classExtractor).getClassExtractionMethod();
} else {
return null;
* A class extraction method can be registered with the descriptor to override the default inheritance mechanism.
* This allows for a user defined class indicator in place of providing an explicit class indicator field.
* The method registered must be a static method on the class which has that descriptor. The method must take a
* Record as an argument (for example, a DatabaseRecord), and must return the class to use for that record.
* This method will be used to decide which class to instantiate when reading from the database.
* It is the application's responsibility to populate any typing information in the database required
* to determine the class from the record.
* If this method is used, then the class indicator field and mapping cannot be used, and in addition,
* the descriptor's withAllSubclasses and onlyInstances expressions must also be setup correctly.
* @see #setWithAllSubclassesExpression(Expression)
* @see #setOnlyInstancesExpression(Expression)
public String getClassExtractionMethodName() {
if (classExtractor instanceof MethodClassExtractor) {
return ((MethodClassExtractor)classExtractor).getClassExtractionMethodName();
} else {
return null;
* A class extractor can be registered with the descriptor to override the default inheritance mechanism.
* This allows for a user defined class indicator in place of providing an explicit class indicator field.
* The instance registered must extend the ClassExtractor class and implement the extractClass(Map) method.
* The method must take database row (a Record/Map) as an argument and must return the class to use for that row.
* This method will be used to decide which class to instantiate when reading from the database.
* It is the application's responsibility to populate any typing information in the database required
* to determine the class from the row, such as usage of a direct or transformation mapping for the type fields.
* If this method is used then the class indicator field and mapping cannot be used, and in addition,
* the descriptor's withAllSubclasses and onlyInstances expressions must also be setup correctly.
* @see #setWithAllSubclassesExpression(Expression)
* @see #setOnlyInstancesExpression(Expression)
public ClassExtractor getClassExtractor() {
return classExtractor;
* A class extractor can be registered with the descriptor to override the default inheritance mechanism.
* This allows for a user defined class indicator in place of providing an explicit class indicator field.
* The instance registered must extend the ClassExtractor class and implement the extractClass(Map) method.
* The method must take database row (a Record/Map) as an argument and must return the class to use for that row.
* This method will be used to decide which class to instantiate when reading from the database.
* It is the application's responsibility to populate any typing information in the database required
* to determine the class from the row, such as usage of a direct or transformation mapping for the type fields.
* If this method is used then the class indicator field and mapping cannot be used, and in addition,
* the descriptor's withAllSubclasses and onlyInstances expressions must also be setup correctly.
* @see #setWithAllSubclassesExpression(Expression)
* @see #setOnlyInstancesExpression(Expression)
public void setClassExtractor(ClassExtractor classExtractor) {
this.classExtractor = classExtractor;
* Set the class extractor class name. At descriptor initialize time this
* class will be converted to a Class and set as the ClassExtractor. This
* method is called from JPA.
* @see #setClassExtractor setClassExtractor for more information on the ClassExtractor class.
public void setClassExtractorName(String classExtractorName) {
this.classExtractorName = classExtractorName;
* Return the class indicator associations for XML.
* List of class-name/value associations.
public Vector getClassIndicatorAssociations() {
Vector associations = new Vector(getClassNameIndicatorMapping().size() / 2);
Iterator classesEnum = getClassNameIndicatorMapping().keySet().iterator();
Iterator valuesEnum = getClassNameIndicatorMapping().values().iterator();
while (classesEnum.hasNext()) {
Object className = classesEnum.next();
// If the project was built in runtime is a class, MW is a string.
if (className instanceof Class) {
className = ((Class)className).getName();
Object value = valuesEnum.next();
associations.addElement(new TypedAssociation(className, value));
return associations;
* Returns field that the class type indicator is store when using inheritance.
public DatabaseField getClassIndicatorField() {
return classIndicatorField;
* Return the class indicator field name.
* This is the name of the field in the table that stores what type of object this is.
public String getClassIndicatorFieldName() {
if (getClassIndicatorField() == null) {
return null;
} else {
return getClassIndicatorField().getQualifiedName();
* Return the association of indicators and classes using specified ConversionManager
public Map getClassIndicatorMapping() {
if (classIndicatorMapping == null) {
classIndicatorMapping = new HashMap(10);
return classIndicatorMapping;
* Return the mapping from class name to indicator, used by MW.
public Map getClassNameIndicatorMapping() {
if (classNameIndicatorMapping.isEmpty() && classIndicatorMapping!=null && !classIndicatorMapping.isEmpty()) {
Iterator keysEnum = classIndicatorMapping.keySet().iterator();
Iterator valuesEnum = classIndicatorMapping.values().iterator();
while (keysEnum.hasNext()) {
Object key = keysEnum.next();
Object value = valuesEnum.next();
if (key instanceof Class) {
String className = ((Class)key).getName();
classNameIndicatorMapping.put(className, value);
return classNameIndicatorMapping;
* Returns value of the abstract class indicator for the Java class.
protected Object getClassIndicatorValue() {
return getClassIndicatorValue(getDescriptor().getJavaClass());
* Returns the indicator field value for the given class
* If no abstract indicator mapping is specified, use the class name.
protected Object getClassIndicatorValue(Class javaClass) {
if (shouldUseClassNameAsIndicator()) {
return javaClass.getName();
} else {
return getClassIndicatorMapping().get(javaClass);
* Returns the descriptor which the policy belongs to.
public ClassDescriptor getDescriptor() {
return descriptor;
* Determines whether the descriptors using this inheritance policy
* should be used as descriptors for subclasses of the classes they
* describe if those subclasses do not have their own descriptor
* e.g. If Employee.class has a descriptor and EmployeeSubClass does
* not have a descriptor, if describesNonPersistenceSubclasses is true
* Employee's descriptor will be used as the descriptor for Employee
public boolean getDescribesNonPersistentSubclasses(){
return describesNonPersistentSubclasses;
* Return the 'only instances expression'.
public Expression getOnlyInstancesExpression() {
return onlyInstancesExpression;
* Return the parent class.
public Class getParentClass() {
return parentClass;
* Return the parent class name.
public String getParentClassName() {
if ((parentClassName == null) && (parentClass != null)) {
parentClassName = parentClass.getName();
return parentClassName;
* Return the parent descriptor.
public ClassDescriptor getParentDescriptor() {
return parentDescriptor;
* The view can be used to optimize/customize the query for all subclasses where they have multiple tables.
* This view can do the outer join, we require the view because we cannot generate dynamic platform independent SQL
* for outer joins (i.e. not possible to do so either).
public DatabaseTable getReadAllSubclassesView() {
return readAllSubclassesView;
* The view can be used to optimize/customize the query for all subclasses where they have multiple tables.
* This view can use outer joins or unions to combine the results of selecting from all of the subclass tables.
* If a view is not given then TopLink must make an individual call for each subclass.
public String getReadAllSubclassesViewName() {
if (getReadAllSubclassesView() == null) {
return null;
return getReadAllSubclassesView().getName();
* Return the root parent descriptor
public ClassDescriptor getRootParentDescriptor() {
if (this.rootParentDescriptor == null) {
if (isRootParentDescriptor()) {
this.rootParentDescriptor = getDescriptor();
} else {
this.rootParentDescriptor = getParentDescriptor().getInheritancePolicy().getRootParentDescriptor();
return rootParentDescriptor;
* use aggregate in inheritance
public ClassDescriptor getSubclassDescriptor(Class theClass) {
if (hasChildren()) {
for (Iterator enumtr = getChildDescriptors().iterator(); enumtr.hasNext();) {
ClassDescriptor childDescriptor = (ClassDescriptor)enumtr.next();
if (childDescriptor.getJavaClass().equals(theClass)) {
return childDescriptor;
} else {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = childDescriptor.getInheritancePolicy().getSubclassDescriptor(theClass);
if (descriptor != null) {
return descriptor;
return null;
* Returns descriptor corresponding to the class owning the policy or its subclass - otherwise null.
public ClassDescriptor getDescriptor(Class theClass) {
if(getDescriptor().getJavaClass().equals(theClass)) {
return getDescriptor();
} else {
return getSubclassDescriptor(theClass);
* return if we should use the descriptor inheritance to determine
* if an object can be returned from the identity map or not.
public boolean getUseDescriptorsToValidateInheritedObjects() {
return useDescriptorsToValidateInheritedObjects;
* Return the Expression which gets all subclasses.
public Expression getWithAllSubclassesExpression() {
return withAllSubclassesExpression;
* Check if descriptor has children
public boolean hasChildren() {
return !getChildDescriptors().isEmpty();
public boolean hasClassExtractor() {
return getClassExtractor() != null;
* Checks if the class is involved in inheritance
public boolean hasClassIndicator() {
return getClassIndicatorField() != null;
* Return if any children of this descriptor require information from another table
* not specified at the parent level.
public boolean hasMultipleTableChild() {
return childrenTables != null;
* Return if a view is used for inheritance reads.
public boolean hasView() {
return getReadAllSubclassesView() != null;
* Initialize the inheritance properties of the descriptor once the mappings are initialized.
* This is done before formal postInitialize during the end of mapping initialize.
public void initialize(AbstractSession session) {
// Must reset this in the case that a child thinks it wants to read its subclasses.
if ((this.shouldReadSubclasses == null) || shouldReadSubclasses()) {
if (isChildDescriptor()) {
getDescriptor().setMappings(Helper.concatenateVectors(getParentDescriptor().getMappings(), getDescriptor().getMappings()));
getDescriptor().setQueryKeys(Helper.concatenateMaps(getParentDescriptor().getQueryKeys(), getDescriptor().getQueryKeys()));
// Parents fields must be first for indexing to work.
Vector parentsFields = (Vector)getParentDescriptor().getFields().clone();
//bug fix on Oracle duplicate field SQL using "order by"
Helper.addAllUniqueToVector(parentsFields, getDescriptor().getFields());
if (getClassIndicatorValue() != null) {
if (shouldReadSubclasses()) {
if (!getDescriptor().hasReturningPolicy() && getParentDescriptor().hasReturningPolicy()) {
getDescriptor().setReturningPolicy(new ReturningPolicy());
// create CMPPolicy on child if parent has one and it does not. Then copy individual fields
CMPPolicy parentCMPPolicy = getDescriptor().getInheritancePolicy().getParentDescriptor().getCMPPolicy();
if (parentCMPPolicy != null) {
CMPPolicy cmpPolicy = getDescriptor().getCMPPolicy();
if (cmpPolicy == null) {
cmpPolicy = new CMPPolicy();
//copy pessimistic locking policy from the parent if this child does not have one
if (parentCMPPolicy.hasPessimisticLockingPolicy() && !cmpPolicy.hasPessimisticLockingPolicy()) {
// copy forceUpdate value if not set in child
if (cmpPolicy.internalGetForceUpdate() == null) {
// copy updateAllFields value if not set in child
if (cmpPolicy.internalGetUpdateAllFields() == null) {
// Inherit the native connection requirement.
if (getParentDescriptor().isNativeConnectionRequired()) {
if (getDescriptor().getPartitioningPolicy() == null) {
if (hasView()) {
// Set the table qualifier on the inheritance view.
if ((session.getDatasourcePlatform().getTableQualifier().length() != 0) && (getReadAllSubclassesView().getTableQualifier().length() == 0)) {
* Setup the default classExtractionMethod, or if one was specified by the user make sure it is valid.
protected void initializeClassExtractor(AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException {
if (getClassExtractor() == null) {
if (isChildDescriptor()) {
} else {
getClassExtractor().initialize(getDescriptor(), session);
* Initialize the expression to use to check the specific type field.
protected void initializeOnlyInstancesExpression() throws DescriptorException {
if (getOnlyInstancesExpression() == null) {
if (hasClassExtractor()) {
Object typeValue = getClassIndicatorValue();
if (typeValue == null) {
if (shouldReadSubclasses()) {
return;// No indicator is allowed in this case.
throw DescriptorException.valueNotFoundInClassIndicatorMapping(getParentDescriptor(), getDescriptor());
DatabaseField typeField = getClassIndicatorField();
if (typeField == null) {
throw DescriptorException.classIndicatorFieldNotFound(getParentDescriptor(), getDescriptor());
// cr3546
if (shouldAlwaysUseOuterJoin()) {
setOnlyInstancesExpression(new ExpressionBuilder().getField(typeField).equalOuterJoin(typeValue));
} else {
setOnlyInstancesExpression(new ExpressionBuilder().getField(typeField).equal(typeValue));
// If subclasses are read, this is anded dynamically.
if (!shouldReadSubclasses()) {
* Potentially override the optimistic locking behavior
protected void initializeOptimisticLocking(){
// CR#3214106, do not override if specified in subclass.
if (!getDescriptor().usesOptimisticLocking() && getParentDescriptor().usesOptimisticLocking()) {
* Potentially override the cache invalidation behavior
protected void initializeCacheInvalidationPolicy() {
CacheInvalidationPolicy parentPolicyClone = (CacheInvalidationPolicy)getParentDescriptor().getCacheInvalidationPolicy().clone();
* Initialize the expression to use for queries to the class and its subclasses.
protected void initializeWithAllSubclassesExpression() throws DescriptorException {
if (getWithAllSubclassesExpression() == null) {
if (hasClassExtractor()) {
if (isChildDescriptor() && shouldReadSubclasses()) {
setWithAllSubclassesExpression(new ExpressionBuilder().getField(getClassIndicatorField()).in(getAllChildClassIndicators()));
* Check if it is a child descriptor.
public boolean isChildDescriptor() {
return getParentClassName() != null;
* Indicate whether a single table or joined inheritance strategy is being used. Since we currently do
* not support TABLE_PER_CLASS, indicating either joined/not joined is sufficient.
* @return isJoinedStrategy value
public boolean isJoinedStrategy() {
return isJoinedStrategy;
* Return whether or not is root parent descriptor
public boolean isRootParentDescriptor() {
return getParentDescriptor() == null;
* Initialized the inheritance properties that cannot be initialized
* until after the mappings have been.
public void postInitialize(AbstractSession session) {
if (isChildDescriptor()) {
ClassDescriptor parent = getParentDescriptor();
if (getDescriptor().shouldAcquireCascadedLocks()){
if (getDescriptor().hasRelationships()){
while (parent != null) {
if (parent.hasMultipleTableConstraintDependecy()) {
parent = parent.getInheritancePolicy().getParentDescriptor();
* Allow the inheritance properties of the descriptor to be initialized.
* The descriptor's parent must first be initialized.
public void preInitialize(AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException {
// Make sure that parent is already preinitialized.
if (isChildDescriptor()) {
// Clone the multitenant policy and set on child descriptor.
if (getParentDescriptor().hasMultitenantPolicy()) {
MultitenantPolicy clonedMultitenantPolicy = getParentDescriptor().getMultitenantPolicy().clone(getDescriptor());
// Initialize properties.
getDescriptor().setAdditionalTablePrimaryKeyFields(Helper.concatenateMaps(getParentDescriptor().getAdditionalTablePrimaryKeyFields(), getDescriptor().getAdditionalTablePrimaryKeyFields()));
Expression localExpression = getDescriptor().getQueryManager().getMultipleTableJoinExpression();
Expression parentExpression = getParentDescriptor().getQueryManager().getMultipleTableJoinExpression();
if (localExpression != null) {
} else if (parentExpression != null) {
Expression localAdditionalExpression = getDescriptor().getQueryManager().getAdditionalJoinExpression();
Expression parentAdditionalExpression = getParentDescriptor().getQueryManager().getAdditionalJoinExpression();
if (localAdditionalExpression != null) {
} else if (parentAdditionalExpression != null) {
//if child has sequencing setting, do not bother to call the parent
if (!getDescriptor().usesSequenceNumbers()) {
} else {
// This must be done now before any other initialization occurs.
if (!isChildDescriptor()) {
// build abstract class indicator field.
if ((getClassIndicatorField() == null) && (!hasClassExtractor())) {
session.getIntegrityChecker().handleError(DescriptorException.classIndicatorFieldNotFound(getDescriptor(), getDescriptor()));
if (getClassIndicatorField() != null) {
// Determine and set the class indicator classification.
if (shouldUseClassNameAsIndicator()) {
} else if (!getClassIndicatorMapping().isEmpty()) {
Class type = null;
Iterator fieldValuesEnum = getClassIndicatorMapping().values().iterator();
while (fieldValuesEnum.hasNext() && (type == null)) {
Object value = fieldValuesEnum.next();
if (value.getClass() != getClass().getClass()) {
type = value.getClass();
* Set the descriptor to read instance of itself and its subclasses when queried.
* This is used with inheritance to configure the result of queries.
* By default this is true for root inheritance descriptors, and false for all others.
public void readSubclassesOnQueries() {
* Used to initialize a remote descriptor.
public void remoteInitialization(DistributedSession session) {
if (isChildDescriptor()) {
if (session.hasCorrespondingDescriptor(getParentDescriptor())) {
} else {
Vector tempChildren = new Vector(getChildDescriptors().size());
for (ClassDescriptor childDescriptor : getChildDescriptors()) {
if (session.hasCorrespondingDescriptor(childDescriptor)) {
} else {
* Return if this descriptor has children that define additional tables and needs to read them.
* This case requires a special read, because the query cannot be done through a single SQL call with normal joins.
public boolean requiresMultipleTableSubclassRead() {
return hasMultipleTableChild() && shouldReadSubclasses();
* Select all rows from a abstract table descriptor.
* This is accomplished by selecting for all of the concrete classes and then merging the rows.
* This does not optimize using type select, as the type information is not known.
* @return vector containing database rows.
* @exception DatabaseException - an error has occurred on the database.
protected Vector selectAllRowUsingCustomMultipleTableSubclassRead(ObjectLevelReadQuery query) throws DatabaseException {
Vector rows = new Vector();
// CR#3701077, it must either have a filter only instances expression, or not have subclasses.
// This method recurses, so even though this is only called when shouldReadSubclasses is true, it may be false for subclasses.
if ((getOnlyInstancesExpression() != null) || (! shouldReadSubclasses())) {
ObjectLevelReadQuery concreteQuery = (ObjectLevelReadQuery)query.clone();
Vector concreteRows = ((ExpressionQueryMechanism)concreteQuery.getQueryMechanism()).selectAllRowsFromConcreteTable();
rows = Helper.concatenateVectors(rows, concreteRows);
// Recursively collect all rows from all concrete children and their children.
// If this descriptor did not have a child with its own table, then the concrete select
// would have selected them all.
if (hasMultipleTableChild() || !shouldReadSubclasses()) {
for (ClassDescriptor concreteDescriptor : getChildDescriptors()) {
Vector concreteRows = concreteDescriptor.getInheritancePolicy().selectAllRowUsingCustomMultipleTableSubclassRead(query);
rows = Helper.concatenateVectors(rows, concreteRows);
return rows;
* Select all rows from a abstract table descriptor.
* This is accomplished by selecting for all of the concrete classes and then merging the rows.
* @return vector containing database rows.
* @exception DatabaseException - an error has occurred on the database.
protected Vector selectAllRowUsingDefaultMultipleTableSubclassRead(ObjectLevelReadQuery query) throws DatabaseException, QueryException {
// Get all rows for the given class indicator field
// The indicator select is prepared in the original query, so can just be executed.
List classIndicators = ((ExpressionQueryMechanism)query.getQueryMechanism()).selectAllRowsFromTable();
List classes = new ArrayList();
Set uniqueClasses = new HashSet();
for (AbstractRecord row : classIndicators) {
Class concreteClass = classFromRow(row, query.getSession());
if (!uniqueClasses.contains(concreteClass)) { // Ensure unique (a distinct is used, but may have been disabled)
Vector rows = new Vector();
// joinedMappingIndexes contains Integer indexes corresponding to the number of fields
// to which the query reference class is mapped, for instance:
// referenceClass = SmallProject => joinedMappingIndexes(0) = 6;
// referenceClass = LargeProject => joinedMappingIndexes(0) = 8;
// This information should be preserved in the main query against the parent class,
// therefore in this case joinedMappedIndexes contains a Map of classes to Integers:
// referenceClass = Project => joinedMappingIndexes(0) = Map {SmallProject -> 6; LargeProject -> 8}.
// These maps are populated in the loop below, and set into the main query joinedMappingIndexes.
HashMap joinedMappingIndexes = null;
if (query.hasJoining()) {
joinedMappingIndexes = new HashMap();
ClassDescriptor rootDescriptor = query.getDescriptor();
for (Class concreteClass : classes) {
if (!uniqueClasses.contains(concreteClass)) {
Set subclasses = new HashSet();
ClassDescriptor concreteDescriptor = getDescriptor(concreteClass);
if (concreteDescriptor == null) {
throw QueryException.noDescriptorForClassFromInheritancePolicy(query, concreteClass);
InheritancePolicy concretePolicy = concreteDescriptor.getInheritancePolicy();
ClassDescriptor parentDescriptor = concretePolicy.getParentDescriptor();
// Find the root most parent with its own table.
while ((parentDescriptor != null) && (parentDescriptor != rootDescriptor)
&& !parentDescriptor.getInheritancePolicy().hasMultipleTableChild() && parentDescriptor.getInheritancePolicy().shouldReadSubclasses()) {
concreteDescriptor = parentDescriptor;
concreteClass = concreteDescriptor.getJavaClass();
concretePolicy = concreteDescriptor.getInheritancePolicy();
parentDescriptor = concretePolicy.getParentDescriptor();
// If this class has children select them all.
if (concretePolicy.hasChildren() && !concretePolicy.hasMultipleTableChild()) {
removeChildren(concreteDescriptor, uniqueClasses, subclasses);
ObjectLevelReadQuery concreteQuery = (ObjectLevelReadQuery)query.clone();
Vector concreteRows = ((ExpressionQueryMechanism)concreteQuery.getQueryMechanism()).selectAllRowsFromConcreteTable();
rows = Helper.concatenateVectors(rows, concreteRows);
if (joinedMappingIndexes != null) {
// Need to set mapping index for each select, as each row size is different.
for (Map.Entry entry : concreteQuery.getJoinedAttributeManager().getJoinedMappingIndexes_().entrySet()) {
HashMap mappingIndexes = (HashMap)joinedMappingIndexes.get(entry.getKey());
if (mappingIndexes == null) {
mappingIndexes = new HashMap(classes.size());
joinedMappingIndexes.put(entry.getKey(), mappingIndexes);
for (Class subclass : subclasses) {
mappingIndexes.put(subclass, entry.getValue());
if (joinedMappingIndexes != null) {
return rows;
* Remove all of the subclasses (and so on) from the set of classes.
protected void removeChildren(ClassDescriptor descriptor, Set classes, Set subclasses) {
for (ClassDescriptor childDescriptor : descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().getChildDescriptors()) {
removeChildren(childDescriptor, classes, subclasses);
* Select all rows from a abstract table descriptor.
* This is accomplished by selecting for all of the concrete classes and then merging the rows.
* @return vector containing database rows.
* @exception DatabaseException - an error has occurred on the database.
public Vector selectAllRowUsingMultipleTableSubclassRead(ObjectLevelReadQuery query) throws DatabaseException {
if (hasClassExtractor()) {
return selectAllRowUsingCustomMultipleTableSubclassRead(query);
} else {
return selectAllRowUsingDefaultMultipleTableSubclassRead(query);
* Select one rows from a abstract table descriptor.
* This is accomplished by selecting for all of the concrete classes until a row is found.
* This does not optimize using type select, as the type information is not known.
* @exception DatabaseException - an error has occurred on the database.
protected AbstractRecord selectOneRowUsingCustomMultipleTableSubclassRead(ReadObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException {
// CR#3701077, it must either have a filter only instances expression, or not have subclasses.
// This method recurses, so even though this is only called when shouldReadSubclasses is true, it may be false for subclasses.
if ((getOnlyInstancesExpression() != null) || (! shouldReadSubclasses())) {
ReadObjectQuery concreteQuery = (ReadObjectQuery)query.clone();
AbstractRecord row = ((ExpressionQueryMechanism)concreteQuery.getQueryMechanism()).selectOneRowFromConcreteTable();
if (row != null) {
return row;
// Recursively collect all rows from all concrete children and their children.
for (ClassDescriptor concreteDescriptor : getChildDescriptors()) {
AbstractRecord row = concreteDescriptor.getInheritancePolicy().selectOneRowUsingCustomMultipleTableSubclassRead(query);
if (row != null) {
return row;
return null;
* Select one row of any concrete subclass,
* This must use two selects, the first retrieves the type field only.
protected AbstractRecord selectOneRowUsingDefaultMultipleTableSubclassRead(ReadObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException, QueryException {
// Get the row for the given class indicator field
// The indicator select is prepared in the original query, so can just be executed.
AbstractRecord typeRow = ((ExpressionQueryMechanism)query.getQueryMechanism()).selectOneRowFromTable();
if (typeRow == null) {
return null;
Class concreteClass = classFromRow(typeRow, query.getSession());
ClassDescriptor concreteDescriptor = getDescriptor(concreteClass);
if (concreteDescriptor == null) {
throw QueryException.noDescriptorForClassFromInheritancePolicy(query, concreteClass);
ReadObjectQuery concreteQuery = (ReadObjectQuery)query.clone();
AbstractRecord resultRow = ((ExpressionQueryMechanism)concreteQuery.getQueryMechanism()).selectOneRowFromConcreteTable();
return resultRow;
* Select one row of any concrete subclass,
* This must use two selects, the first retrieves the type field only.
public AbstractRecord selectOneRowUsingMultipleTableSubclassRead(ReadObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException, QueryException {
if (hasClassExtractor()) {
return selectOneRowUsingCustomMultipleTableSubclassRead(query);
} else {
return selectOneRowUsingDefaultMultipleTableSubclassRead(query);
protected void setAllChildClassIndicators(Vector allChildClassIndicators) {
this.allChildClassIndicators = allChildClassIndicators;
public void setChildDescriptors(List childDescriptors) {
this.childDescriptors = childDescriptors;
* A class extraction method can be registered with the descriptor to override the default inheritance mechanism.
* This allows for a user defined class indicator in place of providing an explicit class indicator field.
* The method registered must be a static method on the class which has that descriptor. The method must take Record
* as an argument (for example, a DatabaseRecord), and must return the class to use for that record.
* This method will be used to decide which class to instantiate when reading from the database.
* It is the application's responsibility to populate any typing information in the database required
* to determine the class from the record.
* If this method is used then the class indicator field and mapping cannot be used, and in addition,
* the descriptor's withAllSubclasses and onlyInstances expressions must also be set up correctly.
* @see #setWithAllSubclassesExpression(Expression)
* @see #setOnlyInstancesExpression(Expression)
public void setClassExtractionMethodName(String staticClassClassExtractionMethod) {
if ((staticClassClassExtractionMethod == null) || (staticClassClassExtractionMethod.length() == 0)) {
if (!(getClassExtractor() instanceof MethodClassExtractor)) {
setClassExtractor(new MethodClassExtractor());
* Set the class indicator associations from reading the deployment XML.
public void setClassIndicatorAssociations(Vector classIndicatorAssociations) {
setClassNameIndicatorMapping(new HashMap(classIndicatorAssociations.size() + 1));
setClassIndicatorMapping(new HashMap((classIndicatorAssociations.size() * 2) + 1));
for (Iterator iterator = classIndicatorAssociations.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Association association = (Association)iterator.next();
Object key = association.getKey();
// Allow for 904 format which stored class name, may not use correct class loader.
if (key instanceof String) {
key = ConversionManager.getDefaultManager().convertClassNameToClass((String)key);
addClassIndicator((Class)key, association.getValue());
* To set the class indicator field.
* This can be used for advanced field types, such as XML nodes, or to set the field type.
public void setClassIndicatorField(DatabaseField classIndicatorField) {
this.classIndicatorField = classIndicatorField;
* To set the class indicator field name.
* This is the name of the field in the table that stores what type of object this is.
public void setClassIndicatorFieldName(String fieldName) {
if (fieldName == null) {
} else {
setClassIndicatorField(new DatabaseField(fieldName));
* Set the association of indicators and classes.
* This may be desired to be used by clients in strange inheritance models.
public void setClassIndicatorMapping(Map classIndicatorMapping) {
this.classIndicatorMapping = classIndicatorMapping;
* Set the class name indicator mapping, used by the MW.
public void setClassNameIndicatorMapping(Map classNameIndicatorMapping) {
this.classNameIndicatorMapping = classNameIndicatorMapping;
* Set the descriptor.
public void setDescriptor(ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
this.descriptor = descriptor;
* Determines whether the descriptors using this inheritance policy
* should be used as descriptors for subclasses of the classes they
* describe if those subclasses do not have their own descriptor
* e.g. If Employee.class has a descriptor and EmployeeSubClass does
* not have a descriptor, if describesNonPersistenceSubclasses is true
* Employee's descriptor will be used as the descriptor for Employee
* @param describesNonPersistentSubclasses
public void setDescribesNonPersistentSubclasses(boolean describesNonPersistentSubclasses){
this.describesNonPersistentSubclasses = describesNonPersistentSubclasses;
* Used to indicate a JOINED inheritance strategy.
public void setJoinedStrategy() {
isJoinedStrategy = true;
* Sets the expression used to select instance of the class only. Can be used to customize the
* inheritance class indicator expression.
public void setOnlyInstancesExpression(Expression onlyInstancesExpression) {
this.onlyInstancesExpression = onlyInstancesExpression;
* Set the parent class.
* A descriptor can inherit from another descriptor through defining it as its parent.
* The root descriptor must define a class indicator field and mapping.
* All children must share the same table as their parent but can add additional tables.
* All children must share the root descriptor primary key.
public void setParentClass(Class parentClass) {
this.parentClass = parentClass;
if (parentClass != null) {
* Set the parent class name, used by MW to avoid referencing the real class for
* deployment XML generation.
public void setParentClassName(String parentClassName) {
this.parentClassName = parentClassName;
public void setParentDescriptor(ClassDescriptor parentDescriptor) {
this.parentDescriptor = parentDescriptor;
* The view can be used to optimize/customize the query for all subclasses where they have multiple tables.
* This view can do the outer join, we require the view because we cannot generate dynamic platform independent SQL
* for outer joins (i.e. not possible to do so either).
protected void setReadAllSubclassesView(DatabaseTable readAllSubclassesView) {
this.readAllSubclassesView = readAllSubclassesView;
* The view can be used to optimize/customize the query for all subclasses where they have multiple tables.
* This view can use outer joins or unions to combine the results of selecting from all of the subclass tables.
* If a view is not given then TopLink must make an individual call for each subclass.
public void setReadAllSubclassesViewName(String readAllSubclassesViewName) {
if (readAllSubclassesViewName == null) {
} else {
setReadAllSubclassesView(new DatabaseTable(readAllSubclassesViewName));
* Set the descriptor to read instance of itself and its subclasses when queried.
* This is used with inheritance to configure the result of queries.
* By default this is true for root inheritance descriptors, and false for all others.
public void setShouldReadSubclasses(Boolean shouldReadSubclasses) {
this.shouldReadSubclasses = shouldReadSubclasses;
* Set the descriptor to read instance of itself and its subclasses when queried.
* This is used with inheritance to configure the result of queries.
* By default this is true for root inheritance descriptors, and false for all others.
public void setShouldReadSubclasses(boolean shouldReadSubclasses) {
this.shouldReadSubclasses = Boolean.valueOf(shouldReadSubclasses);
* Set if the descriptor uses the classes fully qualified name as the indicator.
* The class indicator is used with inheritance to determine the class from a row.
* By default a class indicator mapping is required, this can be set to true if usage of the class
* name is desired.
* The field must be of a large enough size to store the fully qualified class name.
public void setShouldUseClassNameAsIndicator(boolean shouldUseClassNameAsIndicator) {
this.shouldUseClassNameAsIndicator = shouldUseClassNameAsIndicator;
* Sets the inheritance policy to always use an outer join when querying across a relationship of class.
* used when using getAllowingNull(), or anyOfAllowingNone()
// cr3546
public void setAlwaysUseOuterJoinForClassType(boolean choice) {
this.shouldAlwaysUseOuterJoin = choice;
* Used to indicate a SINGLE_TABLE inheritance strategy. Since only JOINED and SINGLE_TABLE
* strategies are supported at this time (no support for TABLE_PER_CLASS) using a
* !isJoinedStrategy an an indicator for SINGLE_TABLE is sufficient.
public void setSingleTableStrategy() {
isJoinedStrategy = false;
* Sets if we should use the descriptor inheritance to determine
* if an object can be returned from the identity map or not.
public void setUseDescriptorsToValidateInheritedObjects(boolean useDescriptorsToValidateInheritedObjects) {
//CR 4005
this.useDescriptorsToValidateInheritedObjects = useDescriptorsToValidateInheritedObjects;
* Sets the expression to be used for querying for a class and all its subclasses. Can be used
* to customize the inheritance class indicator expression.
public void setWithAllSubclassesExpression(Expression withAllSubclassesExpression) {
this.withAllSubclassesExpression = withAllSubclassesExpression;
* Return true if this descriptor should read instances of itself and subclasses on queries.
public boolean shouldReadSubclasses() {
if (shouldReadSubclasses == null) {
return true;
return shouldReadSubclasses.booleanValue();
* Return true if this descriptor should read instances of itself and subclasses on queries.
public Boolean shouldReadSubclassesValue() {
return shouldReadSubclasses;
* returns if the inheritance policy will always use an outerjoin when selecting class type
// cr3546
public boolean shouldAlwaysUseOuterJoin() {
return this.shouldAlwaysUseOuterJoin;
* Return if an outer join should be used to read subclasses.
* By default a separate query is done for each subclass when querying for
* a root or branch inheritance class that has subclasses that span multiple tables.
public boolean shouldOuterJoinSubclasses() {
return shouldOuterJoinSubclasses;
* Set if an outer join should be used to read subclasses.
* By default a separate query is done for each subclass when querying for
* a root or branch inheritance class that has subclasses that span multiple tables.
public void setShouldOuterJoinSubclasses(boolean shouldOuterJoinSubclasses) {
this.shouldOuterJoinSubclasses = shouldOuterJoinSubclasses;
* Return true if the descriptor use the classes full name as the indicator.
* The class indicator is used with inheritance to determine the class from a row.
* By default a class indicator mapping is required, this can be set to true if usage of the class
* name is desired.
* The field must be of a large enough size to store the fully qualified class name.
public boolean shouldUseClassNameAsIndicator() {
return shouldUseClassNameAsIndicator;
public String toString() {
return Helper.getShortClassName(getClass()) + "(" + getDescriptor() + ")";
* set the tables on the child descriptor
* overridden in org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.QNameInheritancePolicy
protected void updateTables(){
// Unique is required because the builder can add the same table many times.
Vector childTables = getDescriptor().getTables();
Vector parentTables = getParentDescriptor().getTables();
Vector uniqueTables = Helper.concatenateUniqueVectors(parentTables, childTables);
// After filtering out any duplicate tables, set the default table
// if one is not already set. This must be done now before any other
// initialization occurs. In a joined strategy case, the default
// table will be at an index greater than 0. Which is where
// setDefaultTable() assumes it is. Therefore, we need to send the
// actual default table instead.
if (childTables.isEmpty()) {
} else {
* Set the descriptor to use the classes full name as the indicator.
* The class indicator is used with inheritance to determine the class from a row.
* By default a class indicator mapping is required, this can be set to true if usage of the class
* name is desired.
* The field must be of a large enough size to store the fully qualified class name.
public void useClassNameAsIndicator() {