org.eclipse.debug.ui.package.html Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Eclipse Debug Tools
Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard
workbench extension points.
Package Specification
The Eclipse platform debug UI plug-in provides a set of classes and interfaces to
support a language independent debugger user interface. A generic debug perspective is provided with a common
set of views. Clients contribute actions to the debug views via the
standard workbench extension points.
The Debug View
The debug view presents a tree of launched programs in debug and non-debug (run) mode.
The view provides support for standard interactions such as terminating, stepping, suspending, and resuming
threads, debug targets, and processes. The debug view is linked to an editor view, variable view, and
console. The editor view is used to display source code for stack frames. A selection in
the debug view causes the line of code being executed to be highlighted in the editor
view. The variable view shows the visible variables in the selected stack frame, and the
console view handles I/O for the debuggable process.
The Variables View
The variables view presents a tree of variables for the currently selected stack frame.
A "details" area may be hidden/shown which provides a detailed description of
the selected variable. For example, the Java debugger displays the result of
invoking 'toString()' on the selected variable in this area.
The Breakpoints View
The breakpoints view presents a list of all breakpoints currently defined in the
workspace. It supports enabling/disabling and breakpoint removal.
The Expression View
The expression view presents a tree of expressions and their corresponding values.
Debug Model Presentation
The debug UI plug-in defines an extension (org.eclipse.debug.ui.debugModelPresentations)
point to allow implementations of debug models to provide custom rendering and
presentation of its debug elements. Extensions are registered for a specific debug
model. It is intended that an implementation of a debug model will also provide an
implementation of a debug model presentation. The presentation provides:
- an image for a debug element or breakpoint
- a label for a debug element or breakpoint
- an editor input and editor id used to display a debug element, breakpoint, or source element
- a detailed description of a variable value, used to display
in the "details" section of the variables view
Launch Configuration Dialog
The debug UI plug-in provides a lanuch configuration dialog for
creating and editing launch configurations. Clients may contribute
tabs to the launch configuration dialog via the launchConfigurationTabGroup
extension point.