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* Copyright (c) 2015 Eclipse RDF4J contributors, Aduna, and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
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* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.resultio;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.concurrent.locks.diagnostics.CleanerTupleQueryResult;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.concurrent.locks.diagnostics.ConcurrentCleaner;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.ValueFactory;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.GraphQueryResult;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.QueryEvaluationException;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.QueryResultHandlerException;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.QueryResults;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.TupleQueryResult;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.TupleQueryResultHandler;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.TupleQueryResultHandlerException;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.impl.QueueCursor;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.impl.TupleQueryResultBuilder;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.resultio.helpers.BackgroundTupleResult;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.resultio.helpers.QueryResultCollector;
* Class offering utility methods related to query results.
* @author Arjohn Kampman
public class QueryResultIO {
private final static ConcurrentCleaner cleaner = new ConcurrentCleaner();
* Tries to match a MIME type against the list of tuple query result formats that can be parsed.
* @param mimeType A MIME type, e.g. "application/sparql-results+xml".
* @return An RDFFormat object if a match was found, or {@link Optional#empty()} otherwise.
public static Optional getParserFormatForMIMEType(String mimeType) {
return TupleQueryResultParserRegistry.getInstance().getFileFormatForMIMEType(mimeType);
* Tries to match the extension of a file name against the list of RDF formats that can be parsed.
* @param fileName A file name.
* @return An TupleQueryResultFormat object if a match was found, or {@link Optional#empty()} otherwise.
public static Optional getParserFormatForFileName(String fileName) {
return TupleQueryResultParserRegistry.getInstance().getFileFormatForFileName(fileName);
* Tries to match a MIME type against the list of tuple query result formats that can be written.
* @param mimeType A MIME type, e.g. "application/sparql-results+xml".
* @return An TupleQueryResultFormat object if a match was found, or {@link Optional#empty()} otherwise.
public static Optional getWriterFormatForMIMEType(String mimeType) {
return TupleQueryResultWriterRegistry.getInstance().getFileFormatForMIMEType(mimeType);
* Tries to match the extension of a file name against the list of RDF formats that can be written.
* @param fileName A file name.
* @return An TupleQueryResultFormat object if a match was found, or {@link Optional#empty()} otherwise.
public static Optional getWriterFormatForFileName(String fileName) {
return TupleQueryResultWriterRegistry.getInstance().getFileFormatForFileName(fileName);
* Tries to match a MIME type against the list of boolean query result formats that can be parsed.
* @param mimeType A MIME type, e.g. "application/sparql-results+xml".
* @return An RDFFormat object if a match was found, or {@link Optional#empty()} otherwise.
public static Optional getBooleanParserFormatForMIMEType(String mimeType) {
return BooleanQueryResultParserRegistry.getInstance().getFileFormatForMIMEType(mimeType);
* Tries to match the extension of a file name against the list of RDF formats that can be parsed.
* @param fileName A file name.
* @return An BooleanQueryResultFormat object if a match was found, or {@link Optional#empty()} otherwise.
public static Optional getBooleanParserFormatForFileName(String fileName) {
return BooleanQueryResultParserRegistry.getInstance().getFileFormatForFileName(fileName);
* Tries to match a MIME type against the list of boolean query result formats that can be written.
* @param mimeType A MIME type, e.g. "application/sparql-results+xml".
* @return An BooleanQueryResultFormat object if a match was found, or {@link Optional#empty()} otherwise.
public static Optional getBooleanWriterFormatForMIMEType(String mimeType) {
return BooleanQueryResultWriterRegistry.getInstance().getFileFormatForMIMEType(mimeType);
* Tries to match the extension of a file name against the list of RDF formats that can be written.
* @param fileName A file name.
* @return An BooleanQueryResultFormat object if a match was found, or {@link Optional#empty()} otherwise.
public static Optional getBooleanWriterFormatForFileName(String fileName) {
return BooleanQueryResultWriterRegistry.getInstance().getFileFormatForFileName(fileName);
* Convenience methods for creating TupleQueryResultParser objects. This method uses the registry returned by
* {@link TupleQueryResultParserRegistry#getInstance()} to get a factory for the specified format and uses this
* factory to create the appropriate parser.
* @return A TupleQueryResultParser matching the given format.
* @throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException If no parser is available for the specified tuple query result
* format.
public static TupleQueryResultParser createTupleParser(QueryResultFormat format)
throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException {
TupleQueryResultParserFactory factory = TupleQueryResultParserRegistry.getInstance()
.orElseThrow(() -> new UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException(
"No parser factory available for tuple query result format " + format));
return factory.getParser();
* Convenience methods for creating TupleQueryResultParser objects that use the specified ValueFactory to create RDF
* model objects.
* @param format
* @param valueFactory
* @return A TupleQueryResultParser matching the given format.
* @throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException If no parser is available for the specified tuple query result
* format.
* @see TupleQueryResultParser#setValueFactory(ValueFactory)
public static TupleQueryResultParser createTupleParser(QueryResultFormat format, ValueFactory valueFactory)
throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException {
TupleQueryResultParser parser = createTupleParser(format);
return parser;
* Convenience methods for creating TupleQueryResultWriter objects.This method uses the registry returned by
* {@link TupleQueryResultWriterRegistry#getInstance()} to get a factory for the specified format and uses this
* factory to create the appropriate writer.
* @param format
* @param out
* @return A TupleQueryResultWriter matching the given format.
* @throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException If no writer is available for the specified tuple query result
* format.
public static TupleQueryResultWriter createTupleWriter(QueryResultFormat format, OutputStream out)
throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException {
TupleQueryResultWriterFactory factory = TupleQueryResultWriterRegistry.getInstance()
.orElseThrow(() -> new UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException(
"No writer factory available for tuple query result format " + format));
return factory.getWriter(out);
* Convenience methods for creating BooleanQueryResultParser objects.This method uses the registry returned by
* {@link BooleanQueryResultParserRegistry#getInstance()} to get a factory for the specified format and uses this
* factory to create the appropriate parser.
* @param format
* @return A BooleanQueryResultParser matching the given format.
* @throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException If no parser is available for the specified boolean query result
* format.
public static BooleanQueryResultParser createBooleanParser(QueryResultFormat format)
throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException {
BooleanQueryResultParserFactory factory = BooleanQueryResultParserRegistry.getInstance()
.orElseThrow(() -> new UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException(
"No parser factory available for boolean query result format " + format));
return factory.getParser();
* Convenience methods for creating BooleanQueryResultWriter objects.This method uses the registry returned by
* {@link BooleanQueryResultWriterRegistry#getInstance()} to get a factory for the specified format and uses this
* factory to create the appropriate writer.
* @param format
* @param out
* @return A BooleanQueryResultWriter matching the given format.
* @throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException If no writer is available for the specified boolean query result
* format.
public static BooleanQueryResultWriter createBooleanWriter(QueryResultFormat format, OutputStream out)
throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException {
BooleanQueryResultWriterFactory factory = BooleanQueryResultWriterRegistry.getInstance()
.orElseThrow(() -> new UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException(
"No writer factory available for boolean query result format " + format));
return factory.getWriter(out);
* Convenience methods for creating QueryResultWriter objects.This method uses the registry returned by
* {@link TupleQueryResultWriterRegistry#getInstance()} to get a factory for the specified format and uses this
* factory to create the appropriate writer.
* @param format
* @param out
* @return A QueryResultWriter matching the given format.
* @throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException If no writer is available for the specified tuple query result
* format.
public static QueryResultWriter createWriter(QueryResultFormat format, OutputStream out)
throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException {
Supplier exception = () -> new UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException(
"No writer factory available for query result format " + format);
if (format instanceof TupleQueryResultFormat) {
TupleQueryResultWriterFactory factory = TupleQueryResultWriterRegistry.getInstance()
.get((TupleQueryResultFormat) format)
return factory.getWriter(out);
} else if (format instanceof BooleanQueryResultFormat) {
BooleanQueryResultWriterFactory factory = BooleanQueryResultWriterRegistry.getInstance()
.get((BooleanQueryResultFormat) format)
return factory.getWriter(out);
throw exception.get();
* Parses a query result document, reporting the parsed solutions to the supplied TupleQueryResultHandler.
* @param in An InputStream to read the query result document from.
* @param format The query result format of the document to parse. See {@link TupleQueryResultFormat} for the
* list of supported formats.
* @param handler The TupleQueryResultHandler to report the parse results to.
* @param valueFactory
* @throws IOException If an I/O error occurred while reading the query result document
* from the stream.
* @throws TupleQueryResultHandlerException If such an exception is thrown by the supplied
* TupleQueryResultHandler.
* @throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If an unsupported query result file format was specified.
public static void parseTuple(InputStream in, QueryResultFormat format, TupleQueryResultHandler handler,
ValueFactory valueFactory) throws IOException, QueryResultParseException, TupleQueryResultHandlerException,
UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException {
TupleQueryResultParser parser = createTupleParser(format);
try {
} catch (QueryResultHandlerException e) {
if (e instanceof TupleQueryResultHandlerException) {
throw (TupleQueryResultHandlerException) e;
} else {
throw new TupleQueryResultHandlerException(e);
* Parses a query result document and returns it as a TupleQueryResult object.
* @param in An InputStream to read the query result document from.
* @param format The query result format of the document to parse. See {@link TupleQueryResultFormat} for the list
* of supported formats.
* @return A TupleQueryResult containing the query results.
* @throws IOException If an I/O error occurred while reading the query result document
* from the stream.
* @throws TupleQueryResultHandlerException If such an exception is thrown by the used query result parser.
* @throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If an unsupported query result file format was specified.
* @deprecated WeakReference> callerReference argument will be removed
@Deprecated(since = "4.1.2")
public static TupleQueryResult parseTuple(InputStream in, QueryResultFormat format,
WeakReference> callerReference) throws IOException,
QueryResultParseException, TupleQueryResultHandlerException, UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException {
assert callerReference == null;
return parseTupleInternal(in, format, false);
* Parses a query result document and returns it as a TupleQueryResult object, with parsing done on a separate
* thread in the background.
* IMPORTANT: As this method may spawn a new thread in the background, it is vitally important that the
* TupleQueryResult be closed consistently when it is no longer required, to prevent resource leaks.
* @param in An InputStream to read the query result document from.
* @param format The query result format of the document to parse. See {@link TupleQueryResultFormat} for the list
* of supported formats.
* @return A TupleQueryResult containing the query results, which must be closed to prevent resource leaks.
* @throws IOException If an I/O error occurred while reading the query result document
* from the stream.
* @throws TupleQueryResultHandlerException If such an exception is thrown by the used query result parser.
* @throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If an unsupported query result file format was specified.
* @deprecated WeakReference> callerReference argument will be removed
@Deprecated(since = "4.1.2")
public static TupleQueryResult parseTupleBackground(InputStream in, QueryResultFormat format,
WeakReference> callerReference) throws IOException,
QueryResultParseException, TupleQueryResultHandlerException, UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException {
assert callerReference == null;
return parseTupleInternal(in, format, true);
private static TupleQueryResult parseTupleInternal(InputStream in, QueryResultFormat format,
boolean parseOnBackgroundThread)
throws IOException, QueryResultParseException,
TupleQueryResultHandlerException, UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException {
TupleQueryResultParser parser = createTupleParser(format);
if (parseOnBackgroundThread) {
BackgroundTupleResult result = new BackgroundTupleResult(
new QueueCursor<>(new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(1)),
parser, in);
// Start a new thread in the background, which will be completed
// when the BackgroundTupleResult is either closed or interrupted
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw t;
return new CleanerTupleQueryResult(result, cleaner);
} else {
TupleQueryResultBuilder qrBuilder = new TupleQueryResultBuilder();
try {
} catch (QueryResultHandlerException e) {
if (e instanceof TupleQueryResultHandlerException) {
throw (TupleQueryResultHandlerException) e;
} else {
throw new TupleQueryResultHandlerException(e);
return qrBuilder.getQueryResult();
* Parses a boolean query result document and returns the parsed value.
* @param in An InputStream to read the query result document from.
* @param format The file format of the document to parse.
* @return A boolean representing the result of parsing the given InputStream.
* @throws IOException If an I/O error occurred while reading the query result document
* from the stream.
* @throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException If an unsupported query result file format was specified.
public static boolean parseBoolean(InputStream in, QueryResultFormat format)
throws IOException, QueryResultParseException, UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException {
BooleanQueryResultParser parser = createBooleanParser(format);
try {
QueryResultCollector handler = new QueryResultCollector();
if (handler.getHandledBoolean()) {
return handler.getBoolean();
} else {
throw new QueryResultParseException("Did not find a boolean result");
} catch (QueryResultHandlerException e) {
throw new QueryResultParseException(e);
* Writes a query result document in a specific query result format to an output stream.
* @param tqr The query result to write.
* @param format The file format of the document to write.
* @param out An OutputStream to write the document to.
* @throws IOException If an I/O error occurred while writing the query result document to
* the stream.
* @throws TupleQueryResultHandlerException If such an exception is thrown by the used query result writer.
* @throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException
* @throws QueryEvaluationException If an unsupported query result file format was specified.
public static void writeTuple(TupleQueryResult tqr, QueryResultFormat format, OutputStream out) throws IOException,
TupleQueryResultHandlerException, UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException, QueryEvaluationException {
TupleQueryResultWriter writer = createTupleWriter(format, out);
try {
writer.startHeader();, writer);
} catch (QueryResultHandlerException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException) e.getCause();
} else if (e instanceof TupleQueryResultHandlerException) {
throw (TupleQueryResultHandlerException) e;
} else {
throw new TupleQueryResultHandlerException(e);
* Writes a boolean query result document in a specific boolean query result format to an output stream.
* @param value The value to write.
* @param format The file format of the document to write.
* @param out An OutputStream to write the document to.
* @throws QueryResultHandlerException If an I/O or other error occurred while writing the query result
* document to the stream.
* @throws UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException If an unsupported query result file format was specified.
public static void writeBoolean(boolean value, QueryResultFormat format, OutputStream out)
throws QueryResultHandlerException, UnsupportedQueryResultFormatException {
BooleanQueryResultWriter writer = createBooleanWriter(format, out);
* Writes a graph query result document in a specific RDF format to an output stream.
* @param gqr The query result to write.
* @param format The file format of the document to write.
* @param out An OutputStream to write the document to.
* @throws IOException If an I/O error occurred while writing the query result document to the
* stream.
* @throws RDFHandlerException If such an exception is thrown by the used RDF writer.
* @throws QueryEvaluationException
* @throws UnsupportedRDFormatException If an unsupported query result file format was specified.
public static void writeGraph(GraphQueryResult gqr, RDFFormat format, OutputStream out)
throws IOException, RDFHandlerException, UnsupportedRDFormatException, QueryEvaluationException {
RDFWriter writer = Rio.createWriter(format, out);
try {, writer);
} catch (RDFHandlerException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException) e.getCause();
} else {
throw e;