org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.nativerdf.TripleStore Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2015 Eclipse RDF4J contributors, Aduna, and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
package org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.nativerdf;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.SailException;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.nativerdf.TxnStatusFile.TxnStatus;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.nativerdf.btree.BTree;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.nativerdf.btree.RecordComparator;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.nativerdf.btree.RecordIterator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* File-based indexed storage and retrieval of RDF statements. TripleStore stores statements in the form of
* four integer IDs. Each ID represent an RDF value that is stored in a {@link ValueStore}. The four IDs refer
* to the statement's subject, predicate, object and context. The ID 0 is used to represent the
* "null" context and doesn't map to an actual RDF value.
* @author Arjohn Kampman
class TripleStore implements Closeable {
* Constants *
* The default triple indexes.
private static final String DEFAULT_INDEXES = "spoc,posc";
* The file name for the properties file.
private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "triples.prop";
* The key used to store the triple store version in the properties file.
private static final String VERSION_KEY = "version";
* The key used to store the triple indexes specification that specifies which triple indexes exist.
private static final String INDEXES_KEY = "triple-indexes";
* The version number for the current triple store.
* - version 0: The first version which used a single spo-index. This version did not have a properties
* file yet.
- version 1: Introduces configurable triple indexes and the properties file.
- version 10: Introduces a context field, essentially making this a quad store.
- version 10a: Introduces transaction flags, this is backwards compatible with version 10.
private static final int SCHEME_VERSION = 10;
// 17 bytes are used to represent a triple:
// byte 0-3 : subject
// byte 4-7 : predicate
// byte 8-11: object
// byte 12-15: context
// byte 16: additional flag(s)
static final int RECORD_LENGTH = 17;
static final int SUBJ_IDX = 0;
static final int PRED_IDX = 4;
static final int OBJ_IDX = 8;
static final int CONTEXT_IDX = 12;
static final int FLAG_IDX = 16;
* Bit field indicating that a statement has been explicitly added (instead of being inferred).
static final byte EXPLICIT_FLAG = (byte)0x1; // 0000 0001
* Bit field indicating that a statement has been added in a (currently active) transaction.
static final byte ADDED_FLAG = (byte)0x2; // 0000 0010
* Bit field indicating that a statement has been removed in a (currently active) transaction.
static final byte REMOVED_FLAG = (byte)0x4; // 0000 0100
* Bit field indicating that the explicit flag has been toggled (from true to false, or vice versa) in a
* (currently active) transaction.
static final byte TOGGLE_EXPLICIT_FLAG = (byte)0x8; // 0000 1000
* Variables *
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
* The directory that is used to store the index files.
private final File dir;
* Object containing meta-data for the triple store. This includes
private final Properties properties;
* The list of triple indexes that are used to store and retrieve triples.
private final List indexes = new ArrayList();
private final boolean forceSync;
private final TxnStatusFile txnStatusFile;
private volatile RecordCache updatedTriplesCache;
* Constructors *
public TripleStore(File dir, String indexSpecStr)
throws IOException, SailException
this(dir, indexSpecStr, false);
public TripleStore(File dir, String indexSpecStr, boolean forceSync)
throws IOException, SailException
this.dir = dir;
this.forceSync = forceSync;
this.txnStatusFile = new TxnStatusFile(dir);
File propFile = new File(dir, PROPERTIES_FILE);
if (!propFile.exists()) {
// newly created native store
properties = new Properties();
Set indexSpecs = parseIndexSpecList(indexSpecStr);
if (indexSpecs.isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("No indexes specified, using default indexes: {}", DEFAULT_INDEXES);
indexSpecs = parseIndexSpecList(indexSpecStr);
else {
// Read triple properties file and check format version number
properties = loadProperties(propFile);
// Initialize existing indexes
Set indexSpecs = getIndexSpecs();
// Check transaction status
TxnStatus txnStatus = txnStatusFile.getTxnStatus();
if (txnStatus == TxnStatus.NONE) {
logger.trace("No uncompleted transactions found");
else {
// Compare the existing indexes with the requested indexes
Set reqIndexSpecs = parseIndexSpecList(indexSpecStr);
if (reqIndexSpecs.isEmpty()) {
// No indexes specified, use the existing ones
indexSpecStr = properties.getProperty(INDEXES_KEY);
else if (!reqIndexSpecs.equals(indexSpecs)) {
// Set of indexes needs to be changed
reindex(indexSpecs, reqIndexSpecs);
if (!String.valueOf(SCHEME_VERSION).equals(properties.getProperty(VERSION_KEY))
|| !indexSpecStr.equals(properties.getProperty(INDEXES_KEY)))
// Store up-to-date properties
properties.setProperty(VERSION_KEY, String.valueOf(SCHEME_VERSION));
properties.setProperty(INDEXES_KEY, indexSpecStr);
* Methods *
private void checkVersion()
throws SailException
// Check version number
String versionStr = properties.getProperty(VERSION_KEY);
if (versionStr == null) {
logger.warn("{} missing in TripleStore's properties file", VERSION_KEY);
else {
try {
int version = Integer.parseInt(versionStr);
if (version < 10) {
throw new SailException("Directory contains incompatible triple data");
else if (version > SCHEME_VERSION) {
throw new SailException("Directory contains data that uses a newer data format");
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.warn("Malformed version number in TripleStore's properties file");
private Set getIndexSpecs()
throws SailException
String indexesStr = properties.getProperty(INDEXES_KEY);
if (indexesStr == null) {
throw new SailException(INDEXES_KEY + " missing in TripleStore's properties file");
Set indexSpecs = parseIndexSpecList(indexesStr);
if (indexSpecs.isEmpty()) {
throw new SailException("No " + INDEXES_KEY + " found in TripleStore's properties file");
return indexSpecs;
* Parses a comma/whitespace-separated list of index specifications. Index specifications are required to
* consists of 4 characters: 's', 'p', 'o' and 'c'.
* @param indexSpecStr
* A string like "spoc, pocs, cosp".
* @return A Set containing the parsed index specifications.
private Set parseIndexSpecList(String indexSpecStr)
throws SailException
Set indexes = new HashSet();
if (indexSpecStr != null) {
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(indexSpecStr, ", \t");
while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
String index = tok.nextToken().toLowerCase();
// sanity checks
if (index.length() != 4 || index.indexOf('s') == -1 || index.indexOf('p') == -1
|| index.indexOf('o') == -1 || index.indexOf('c') == -1)
throw new SailException(
"invalid value '" + index + "' in index specification: " + indexSpecStr);
return indexes;
private void initIndexes(Set indexSpecs)
throws IOException
for (String fieldSeq : indexSpecs) {
logger.trace("Initializing index '{}'...", fieldSeq);
indexes.add(new TripleIndex(fieldSeq));
private void processUncompletedTransaction(TxnStatus txnStatus)
throws IOException
switch (txnStatus) {
case COMMITTING:"Detected uncompleted commit, trying to complete");
try {
commit();"Uncompleted commit completed successfully");
catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Failed to restore from uncompleted commit", e);
throw e;
case ROLLING_BACK:"Detected uncompleted rollback, trying to complete");
try {
rollback();"Uncompleted rollback completed successfully");
catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Failed to restore from uncompleted rollback", e);
throw e;
case ACTIVE:"Detected unfinished transaction, trying to roll back");
try {
rollback();"Unfinished transaction rolled back successfully");
catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Failed to roll back unfinished transaction", e);
throw e;
case UNKNOWN:"Read invalid or unknown transaction status, trying to roll back");
try {
"Successfully performed a rollback for invalid or unknown transaction status");
catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Failed to perform rollback for invalid or unknown transaction status", e);
throw e;
private void reindex(Set currentIndexSpecs, Set newIndexSpecs)
throws IOException, SailException
Map currentIndexes = new HashMap();
for (TripleIndex index : indexes) {
currentIndexes.put(new String(index.getFieldSeq()), index);
// Determine the set of newly added indexes and initialize these using an
// existing index as source
Set addedIndexSpecs = new HashSet(newIndexSpecs);
if (!addedIndexSpecs.isEmpty()) {
TripleIndex sourceIndex = indexes.get(0);
for (String fieldSeq : addedIndexSpecs) {
logger.debug("Initializing new index '{}'...", fieldSeq);
TripleIndex addedIndex = new TripleIndex(fieldSeq);
BTree addedBTree = null;
RecordIterator sourceIter = null;
try {
addedBTree = addedIndex.getBTree();
sourceIter = sourceIndex.getBTree().iterateAll();
byte[] value = null;
while ((value = != null) {
finally {
try {
if (sourceIter != null) {
finally {
if (addedBTree != null) {
currentIndexes.put(fieldSeq, addedIndex);
logger.debug("New index(es) initialized");
// Determine the set of removed indexes
Set removedIndexSpecs = new HashSet(currentIndexSpecs);
List removedIndexExceptions = new ArrayList<>();
// Delete files for removed indexes
for (String fieldSeq : removedIndexSpecs) {
try {
TripleIndex removedIndex = currentIndexes.remove(fieldSeq);
boolean deleted = removedIndex.getBTree().delete();
if (deleted) {
logger.debug("Deleted file(s) for removed {} index", fieldSeq);
else {
logger.warn("Unable to delete file(s) for removed {} index", fieldSeq);
catch (Throwable e) {
if (!removedIndexExceptions.isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException(removedIndexExceptions.get(0));
// Update the indexes variable, using the specified index order
for (String fieldSeq : newIndexSpecs) {
private String getCurrentIndexSpecStr() {
return properties.getProperty(INDEXES_KEY);
public void close()
throws IOException
try {
List caughtExceptions = new ArrayList<>();
for (TripleIndex index : indexes) {
try {
catch (Throwable e) {
logger.warn("Failed to close file for {} index", new String(index.getFieldSeq()));
if (!caughtExceptions.isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException(caughtExceptions.get(0));
finally {
try {
finally {
// Should have been removed upon commit() or rollback(), but just to be sure
RecordCache toCloseUpdatedTriplesCache = updatedTriplesCache;
updatedTriplesCache = null;
if (toCloseUpdatedTriplesCache != null) {
public RecordIterator getTriples(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context)
throws IOException
// Return all triples except those that were added but not yet committed
return getTriples(subj, pred, obj, context, 0, ADDED_FLAG);
public RecordIterator getTriples(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context, boolean readTransaction)
throws IOException
if (readTransaction) {
// Don't read removed statements
return getTriples(subj, pred, obj, context, 0, TripleStore.REMOVED_FLAG);
else {
// Don't read added statements
return getTriples(subj, pred, obj, context, 0, TripleStore.ADDED_FLAG);
* If an index exists by context - use it, otherwise return null.
* @param readTransaction
* @return All triples sorted by context or null if no context index exists
* @throws IOException
public RecordIterator getAllTriplesSortedByContext(boolean readTransaction)
throws IOException
if (readTransaction) {
// Don't read removed statements
return getAllTriplesSortedByContext(0, TripleStore.REMOVED_FLAG);
else {
// Don't read added statements
return getAllTriplesSortedByContext(0, TripleStore.ADDED_FLAG);
public RecordIterator getTriples(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context, boolean explicit,
boolean readTransaction)
throws IOException
int flags = 0;
int flagsMask = 0;
if (readTransaction) {
flagsMask |= TripleStore.REMOVED_FLAG;
// 'explicit' is handled through an ExplicitStatementFilter
else {
flagsMask |= TripleStore.ADDED_FLAG;
if (explicit) {
flags |= TripleStore.EXPLICIT_FLAG;
flagsMask |= TripleStore.EXPLICIT_FLAG;
RecordIterator btreeIter = getTriples(subj, pred, obj, context, flags, flagsMask);
if (readTransaction && explicit) {
// Filter implicit statements from the result
btreeIter = new ExplicitStatementFilter(btreeIter);
else if (!explicit) {
// Filter out explicit statements from the result
btreeIter = new ImplicitStatementFilter(btreeIter);
return btreeIter;
* Inner class ExplicitStatementFilter *
private static class ExplicitStatementFilter implements RecordIterator {
private final RecordIterator wrappedIter;
public ExplicitStatementFilter(RecordIterator wrappedIter) {
this.wrappedIter = wrappedIter;
public byte[] next()
throws IOException
byte[] result;
while ((result = != null) {
byte flags = result[TripleStore.FLAG_IDX];
boolean explicit = (flags & TripleStore.EXPLICIT_FLAG) != 0;
boolean toggled = (flags & TripleStore.TOGGLE_EXPLICIT_FLAG) != 0;
if (explicit != toggled) {
// Statement is either explicit and hasn't been toggled, or vice
// versa
return result;
public void set(byte[] value)
throws IOException
public void close()
throws IOException
} // end inner class ExplicitStatementFilter
private static class ImplicitStatementFilter implements RecordIterator {
private final RecordIterator wrappedIter;
public ImplicitStatementFilter(RecordIterator wrappedIter) {
this.wrappedIter = wrappedIter;
public byte[] next()
throws IOException
byte[] result;
while ((result = != null) {
byte flags = result[TripleStore.FLAG_IDX];
boolean explicit = (flags & TripleStore.EXPLICIT_FLAG) != 0;
if (!explicit) {
// Statement is implicit
return result;
public void set(byte[] value)
throws IOException
public void close()
throws IOException
} // end inner class ImplicitStatementFilter
private RecordIterator getTriples(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context, int flags, int flagsMask)
throws IOException
TripleIndex index = getBestIndex(subj, pred, obj, context);
boolean doRangeSearch = index.getPatternScore(subj, pred, obj, context) > 0;
return getTriplesUsingIndex(subj, pred, obj, context, flags, flagsMask, index, doRangeSearch);
private RecordIterator getAllTriplesSortedByContext(int flags, int flagsMask)
throws IOException
for (TripleIndex index : indexes) {
if (index.getFieldSeq()[0] == 'c') {
// found a context-first index
return getTriplesUsingIndex(-1, -1, -1, -1, flags, flagsMask, index, false);
return null;
private RecordIterator getTriplesUsingIndex(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context, int flags,
int flagsMask, TripleIndex index, boolean rangeSearch)
byte[] searchKey = getSearchKey(subj, pred, obj, context, flags);
byte[] searchMask = getSearchMask(subj, pred, obj, context, flagsMask);
if (rangeSearch) {
// Use ranged search
byte[] minValue = getMinValue(subj, pred, obj, context);
byte[] maxValue = getMaxValue(subj, pred, obj, context);
return index.getBTree().iterateRangedValues(searchKey, searchMask, minValue, maxValue);
else {
// Use sequential scan
return index.getBTree().iterateValues(searchKey, searchMask);
protected double cardinality(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context)
throws IOException
TripleIndex index = getBestIndex(subj, pred, obj, context);
BTree btree = index.btree;
double rangeSize;
if (index.getPatternScore(subj, pred, obj, context) == 0) {
rangeSize = btree.getValueCountEstimate();
else {
byte[] minValue = getMinValue(subj, pred, obj, context);
byte[] maxValue = getMaxValue(subj, pred, obj, context);
rangeSize = btree.getValueCountEstimate(minValue, maxValue);
return rangeSize;
protected TripleIndex getBestIndex(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context) {
int bestScore = -1;
TripleIndex bestIndex = null;
for (TripleIndex index : indexes) {
int score = index.getPatternScore(subj, pred, obj, context);
if (score > bestScore) {
bestScore = score;
bestIndex = index;
return bestIndex;
public void clear()
throws IOException
for (TripleIndex index : indexes) {
public boolean storeTriple(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context)
throws IOException
return storeTriple(subj, pred, obj, context, true);
public boolean storeTriple(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context, boolean explicit)
throws IOException
boolean stAdded = false;
byte[] data = getData(subj, pred, obj, context, 0);
byte[] storedData = indexes.get(0).getBTree().get(data);
if (storedData == null) {
// Statement does not yet exist
if (explicit) {
stAdded = true;
else {
// Statement already exists, only modify its flags, see txn-flags.txt
// for a description of the flag transformations
byte flags = storedData[FLAG_IDX];
boolean wasExplicit = (flags & EXPLICIT_FLAG) != 0;
boolean wasAdded = (flags & ADDED_FLAG) != 0;
boolean wasRemoved = (flags & REMOVED_FLAG) != 0;
boolean wasToggled = (flags & TOGGLE_EXPLICIT_FLAG) != 0;
if (wasAdded) {
// Statement has been added in the current transaction and is
// invisible to other connections, we can simply modify its flags
if (explicit || wasExplicit) {
else {
// Committed statement, must keep explicit flag the same
if (wasExplicit) {
if (explicit) {
if (!wasExplicit) {
// Make inferred statement explicit
else {
if (wasRemoved) {
if (wasExplicit) {
// Re-add removed explicit statement as inferred
else if (wasToggled) {
// Statement is new if it was removed before
stAdded = wasRemoved;
if (storedData == null || !Arrays.equals(data, storedData)) {
for (TripleIndex index : indexes) {
return stAdded;
public int removeTriples(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context)
throws IOException
RecordIterator iter = getTriples(subj, pred, obj, context, 0, 0);
return removeTriples(iter);
* @param subj
* The subject for the pattern, or -1 for a wildcard.
* @param pred
* The predicate for the pattern, or -1 for a wildcard.
* @param obj
* The object for the pattern, or -1 for a wildcard.
* @param context
* The context for the pattern, or -1 for a wildcard.
* @param explicit
* Flag indicating whether explicit or inferred statements should be removed; true removes
* explicit statements that match the pattern, false removes inferred statements that
* match the pattern.
* @return The number of triples that were removed.
* @throws IOException
public int removeTriples(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context, boolean explicit)
throws IOException
byte flags = explicit ? EXPLICIT_FLAG : 0;
RecordIterator iter = getTriples(subj, pred, obj, context, flags, EXPLICIT_FLAG);
return removeTriples(iter);
private int removeTriples(RecordIterator iter)
throws IOException
byte[] data =;
if (data == null) {
// no triples to remove
return 0;
int count = 0;
// Store the values that need to be removed in a tmp file and then
// iterate over this file to set the REMOVED flag
RecordCache removedTriplesCache = new SequentialRecordCache(dir, RECORD_LENGTH);
try {
while (data != null) {
if ((data[FLAG_IDX] & REMOVED_FLAG) == 0) {
data =;
count = (int)removedTriplesCache.getRecordCount();
// Set the REMOVED flag by overwriting the affected records
for (TripleIndex index : indexes) {
BTree btree = index.getBTree();
RecordIterator recIter = removedTriplesCache.getRecords();
try {
while ((data = != null) {
finally {
finally {
return count;
public void startTransaction()
throws IOException
// Create a record cache for storing updated triples with a maximum of
// some 10% of the number of triples
long maxRecords = indexes.get(0).getBTree().getValueCountEstimate() / 10L;
if (updatedTriplesCache == null) {
updatedTriplesCache = new SortedRecordCache(dir, RECORD_LENGTH, maxRecords,
new TripleComparator("spoc"));
else {
assert updatedTriplesCache.getRecordCount() == 0L : "updatedTripleCache should have been cleared upon commit or rollback";
public void commit()
throws IOException
// updatedTriplesCache will be null when recovering from a crashed commit
boolean validCache = updatedTriplesCache != null && updatedTriplesCache.isValid();
for (TripleIndex index : indexes) {
BTree btree = index.getBTree();
RecordIterator iter;
if (validCache) {
// Use the cached set of updated triples
iter = updatedTriplesCache.getRecords();
else {
// Cache is invalid; too much updates(?). Iterate over all triples
iter = btree.iterateAll();
try {
byte[] data;
while ((data = != null) {
byte flags = data[FLAG_IDX];
boolean wasAdded = (flags & ADDED_FLAG) != 0;
boolean wasRemoved = (flags & REMOVED_FLAG) != 0;
boolean wasToggled = (flags & TOGGLE_EXPLICIT_FLAG) != 0;
if (wasRemoved) {
else if (wasAdded || wasToggled) {
if (wasToggled) {
if (wasAdded) {
if (validCache) {
// We're iterating the cache
else {
// We're iterating the BTree itself
finally {
if (updatedTriplesCache != null) {
// checkAllCommitted();
private void checkAllCommitted()
throws IOException
for (TripleIndex index : indexes) {
System.out.println("Checking " + index + " index");
BTree btree = index.getBTree();
RecordIterator iter = btree.iterateAll();
try {
for (byte[] data =; data != null; data = {
byte flags = data[FLAG_IDX];
boolean wasAdded = (flags & ADDED_FLAG) != 0;
boolean wasRemoved = (flags & REMOVED_FLAG) != 0;
boolean wasToggled = (flags & TOGGLE_EXPLICIT_FLAG) != 0;
if (wasAdded || wasRemoved || wasToggled) {
System.out.println("unexpected triple: " + ByteArrayUtil.toHexString(data));
finally {
public void rollback()
throws IOException
// updatedTriplesCache will be null when recovering from a crash
boolean validCache = updatedTriplesCache != null && updatedTriplesCache.isValid();
for (TripleIndex index : indexes) {
BTree btree = index.getBTree();
RecordIterator iter;
if (validCache) {
// Use the cached set of updated triples
iter = updatedTriplesCache.getRecords();
else {
// Cache is invalid; too much updates(?). Iterate over all triples
iter = btree.iterateAll();
try {
byte[] data = null;
while ((data = != null) {
byte flags = data[FLAG_IDX];
boolean wasAdded = (flags & ADDED_FLAG) != 0;
boolean wasRemoved = (flags & REMOVED_FLAG) != 0;
boolean wasToggled = (flags & TOGGLE_EXPLICIT_FLAG) != 0;
if (wasAdded) {
else {
if (wasRemoved || wasToggled) {
data[FLAG_IDX] &= txnFlagsMask;
if (validCache) {
// We're iterating the cache
else {
// We're iterating the BTree itself
finally {
if (updatedTriplesCache != null) {
protected void sync()
throws IOException
List exceptions = new ArrayList<>();
for (TripleIndex index : indexes) {
try {
catch (Throwable e) {
if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException(exceptions.get(0));
private byte[] getData(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context, int flags) {
byte[] data = new byte[RECORD_LENGTH];
ByteArrayUtil.putInt(subj, data, SUBJ_IDX);
ByteArrayUtil.putInt(pred, data, PRED_IDX);
ByteArrayUtil.putInt(obj, data, OBJ_IDX);
ByteArrayUtil.putInt(context, data, CONTEXT_IDX);
data[FLAG_IDX] = (byte)flags;
return data;
private byte[] getSearchKey(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context, int flags) {
return getData(subj, pred, obj, context, flags);
private byte[] getSearchMask(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context, int flags) {
byte[] mask = new byte[RECORD_LENGTH];
if (subj != -1) {
ByteArrayUtil.putInt(0xffffffff, mask, SUBJ_IDX);
if (pred != -1) {
ByteArrayUtil.putInt(0xffffffff, mask, PRED_IDX);
if (obj != -1) {
ByteArrayUtil.putInt(0xffffffff, mask, OBJ_IDX);
if (context != -1) {
ByteArrayUtil.putInt(0xffffffff, mask, CONTEXT_IDX);
mask[FLAG_IDX] = (byte)flags;
return mask;
private byte[] getMinValue(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context) {
byte[] minValue = new byte[RECORD_LENGTH];
ByteArrayUtil.putInt((subj == -1 ? 0x00000000 : subj), minValue, SUBJ_IDX);
ByteArrayUtil.putInt((pred == -1 ? 0x00000000 : pred), minValue, PRED_IDX);
ByteArrayUtil.putInt((obj == -1 ? 0x00000000 : obj), minValue, OBJ_IDX);
ByteArrayUtil.putInt((context == -1 ? 0x00000000 : context), minValue, CONTEXT_IDX);
minValue[FLAG_IDX] = (byte)0;
return minValue;
private byte[] getMaxValue(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context) {
byte[] maxValue = new byte[RECORD_LENGTH];
ByteArrayUtil.putInt((subj == -1 ? 0xffffffff : subj), maxValue, SUBJ_IDX);
ByteArrayUtil.putInt((pred == -1 ? 0xffffffff : pred), maxValue, PRED_IDX);
ByteArrayUtil.putInt((obj == -1 ? 0xffffffff : obj), maxValue, OBJ_IDX);
ByteArrayUtil.putInt((context == -1 ? 0xffffffff : context), maxValue, CONTEXT_IDX);
maxValue[FLAG_IDX] = (byte)0xff;
return maxValue;
private Properties loadProperties(File propFile)
throws IOException
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(propFile);
try {
Properties properties = new Properties();
return properties;
finally {
private void storeProperties(File propFile)
throws IOException
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(propFile);
try {, "triple indexes meta-data, DO NOT EDIT!");
finally {
* Inner class TripleIndex *
private class TripleIndex {
private final TripleComparator tripleComparator;
private final BTree btree;
public TripleIndex(String fieldSeq)
throws IOException
tripleComparator = new TripleComparator(fieldSeq);
btree = new BTree(dir, getFilenamePrefix(fieldSeq), 2048, RECORD_LENGTH, tripleComparator,
private String getFilenamePrefix(String fieldSeq) {
return "triples-" + fieldSeq;
public char[] getFieldSeq() {
return tripleComparator.getFieldSeq();
public BTree getBTree() {
return btree;
* Determines the 'score' of this index on the supplied pattern of subject, predicate, object and
* context IDs. The higher the score, the better the index is suited for matching the pattern. Lowest
* score is 0, which means that the index will perform a sequential scan.
public int getPatternScore(int subj, int pred, int obj, int context) {
int score = 0;
for (char field : tripleComparator.getFieldSeq()) {
switch (field) {
case 's':
if (subj >= 0) {
else {
return score;
case 'p':
if (pred >= 0) {
else {
return score;
case 'o':
if (obj >= 0) {
else {
return score;
case 'c':
if (context >= 0) {
else {
return score;
throw new RuntimeException("invalid character '" + field + "' in field sequence: "
+ new String(tripleComparator.getFieldSeq()));
return score;
public String toString() {
return new String(getFieldSeq());
* Inner class TripleComparator *
* A RecordComparator that can be used to create indexes with a configurable order of the subject,
* predicate, object and context fields.
private static class TripleComparator implements RecordComparator {
private final char[] fieldSeq;
public TripleComparator(String fieldSeq) {
this.fieldSeq = fieldSeq.toCharArray();
public char[] getFieldSeq() {
return fieldSeq;
public final int compareBTreeValues(byte[] key, byte[] data, int offset, int length) {
for (char field : fieldSeq) {
int fieldIdx = 0;
switch (field) {
case 's':
fieldIdx = SUBJ_IDX;
case 'p':
fieldIdx = PRED_IDX;
case 'o':
fieldIdx = OBJ_IDX;
case 'c':
fieldIdx = CONTEXT_IDX;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid character '" + field
+ "' in field sequence: " + new String(fieldSeq));
int diff = ByteArrayUtil.compareRegion(key, fieldIdx, data, offset + fieldIdx, 4);
if (diff != 0) {
return diff;
return 0;
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