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 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 *     [email protected] - curved line code
 *     [email protected] - fix for
 *     Max Weninger ([email protected]) - Bug 131895 [Edit] Undo in compare
 *     Max Weninger ([email protected]) - Bug 72936 [Viewers] Show line numbers in comparision
 *     Matt McCutchen ([email protected]) - Bug 178968 [Viewers] Lines scrambled and different font size in compare
 *     Matt McCutchen ([email protected]) - Bug 191524 [Viewers] Synchronize horizontal scrolling by # characters, not % of longest line
 *     Stephan Herrmann ([email protected]) - Bug 291695: Element compare fails to use source range
 *     Robin Stocker ([email protected]) - Bug 398594: [Edit] Enable center arrow buttons when editable and for both sides
 *     Robin Stocker ([email protected]) - Bug 399960: [Edit] Make merge arrow buttons easier to hit

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.IOperationHistoryListener;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.IUndoableOperation;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.OperationHistoryEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.OperationHistoryFactory;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.Action;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.Separator;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.ToolBarManager;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.ErrorDialog;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceConverter;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ColorRegistry;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.JFaceResources;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadPositionCategoryException;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.CursorLinePainter;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultPositionUpdater;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.Document;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentEvent;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentExtension3;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentPartitioner;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IFindReplaceTarget;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IFindReplaceTargetExtension;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IFindReplaceTargetExtension3;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IPositionUpdater;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRewriteTarget;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextPresentationListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IViewportListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.Position;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.TextPresentation;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.CompositeRuler;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.SourceViewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.SourceViewerConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.IPropertyChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.PropertyChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.Util;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleAdapter;
import org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.LineBackgroundEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.LineBackgroundListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyleRange;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ScrollBar;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorSite;
import org.eclipse.ui.IKeyBindingService;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPropertyListener;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchCommandConstants;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPartSite;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionFactory;
import org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IContextService;
import org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.EditorsUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.IEncodingSupport;
import org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.IStorageDocumentProvider;
import org.eclipse.ui.progress.UIJob;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDecoratedTextEditorPreferenceConstants;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ChainedPreferenceStore;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ChangeEncodingAction;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.FindReplaceAction;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.GotoLineAction;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IDocumentProvider;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IDocumentProviderExtension;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IElementStateListener;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IFindReplaceTargetExtension2;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.SourceViewerDecorationSupport;


 * A text merge viewer uses the RangeDifferencer to perform a
 * textual, line-by-line comparison of two (or three) input documents.
 * It is based on the ContentMergeViewer and uses TextViewers
 * to implement the ancestor, left, and right content areas.

* In the three-way compare case ranges of differing lines are highlighted and framed * with different colors to show whether the difference is an incoming, outgoing, or conflicting change. * The TextMergeViewer supports the notion of a current "differing range" * and provides toolbar buttons to navigate from one range to the next (or previous). *

* If there is a current "differing range" and the underlying document is editable * the TextMergeViewer enables actions in context menu and toolbar to * copy a range from one side to the other side, thereby performing a merge operation. *

* In addition to a line-by-line comparison the TextMergeViewer * uses a token based compare on differing lines. * The token compare is activated when navigating into * a range of differing lines. At first the lines are selected as a block. * When navigating into this block the token compare shows for every line * the differing token by selecting them. *

* The TextMergeViewer's default token compare works on characters separated * by whitespace. If a different strategy is needed (for example, Java tokens in * a Java-aware merge viewer), clients can create their own token * comparators by implementing the ITokenComparator interface and overriding the * TextMergeViewer.createTokenComparator factory method). *

* Access to the TextMergeViewer's model is by means of an * IMergeViewerContentProvider. Its getXContent methods must return * either an IDocument, an IDocumentRange, or an IStreamContentAccessor. * In the IDocumentRange case the TextMergeViewer * works on a subrange of a document. In the IStreamContentAccessor case * a document is created internally and initialized from the stream. *

* A TextMergeViewer can be used as is. However clients may subclass * to customize the behavior. For example a MergeTextViewer for Java would override * the configureTextViewer method to configure the TextViewer for Java source code, * the createTokenComparator method to create a Java specific tokenizer. *

* In 3.5 a new API has been introduced to let clients provide their own source * viewers implementation with an option to configure them basing on a * corresponding editor input. * * @see * @see org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer * @see ITokenComparator * @see IDocumentRange * @see */ public class TextMergeViewer extends ContentMergeViewer implements IAdaptable { private static final String COPY_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_INDICATOR = ">"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String COPY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_INDICATOR = "<"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final char ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR = MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR; private static final char RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR = MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR; private static final char LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR = MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR; private static final String DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY = CompareUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID + ".DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY"; //$NON-NLS-1$ static final boolean DEBUG= false; private static final boolean FIX_47640= true; private static final String[] GLOBAL_ACTIONS= { ActionFactory.UNDO.getId(), ActionFactory.REDO.getId(), ActionFactory.CUT.getId(), ActionFactory.COPY.getId(), ActionFactory.PASTE.getId(), ActionFactory.DELETE.getId(), ActionFactory.SELECT_ALL.getId(), ActionFactory.FIND.getId(), ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds.LINE_GOTO }; private static final String[] TEXT_ACTIONS= { MergeSourceViewer.UNDO_ID, MergeSourceViewer.REDO_ID, MergeSourceViewer.CUT_ID, MergeSourceViewer.COPY_ID, MergeSourceViewer.PASTE_ID, MergeSourceViewer.DELETE_ID, MergeSourceViewer.SELECT_ALL_ID, MergeSourceViewer.FIND_ID, MergeSourceViewer.GOTO_LINE_ID }; private static final String BUNDLE_NAME= ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ // the following symbolic constants must match the IDs in Compare's plugin.xml private static final String INCOMING_COLOR= "INCOMING_COLOR"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String OUTGOING_COLOR= "OUTGOING_COLOR"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String CONFLICTING_COLOR= "CONFLICTING_COLOR"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String RESOLVED_COLOR= "RESOLVED_COLOR"; //$NON-NLS-1$ // constants /** Width of left and right vertical bar */ private static final int MARGIN_WIDTH= 6; /** Width of center bar */ private static final int CENTER_WIDTH= 34; /** Width of birds eye view */ private static final int BIRDS_EYE_VIEW_WIDTH= 12; /** Width of birds eye view */ private static final int BIRDS_EYE_VIEW_INSET= 2; /** */ private static final int RESOLVE_SIZE= 5; /** line width of change borders */ private static final int LW= 1; // determines whether a change between left and right is considered incoming or outgoing private boolean fLeftIsLocal; private boolean fShowCurrentOnly= false; private boolean fShowCurrentOnly2= false; private int fMarginWidth= MARGIN_WIDTH; private int fTopInset; // Colors private RGB fBackground; private RGB fForeground; private boolean fIsUsingSystemForeground= true; private boolean fIsUsingSystemBackground= true; private RGB SELECTED_INCOMING; private RGB INCOMING; private RGB INCOMING_FILL; private RGB INCOMING_TEXT_FILL; private RGB SELECTED_CONFLICT; private RGB CONFLICT; private RGB CONFLICT_FILL; private RGB CONFLICT_TEXT_FILL; private RGB SELECTED_OUTGOING; private RGB OUTGOING; private RGB OUTGOING_FILL; private RGB OUTGOING_TEXT_FILL; private RGB RESOLVED; private IPreferenceStore fPreferenceStore; private IPropertyChangeListener fPreferenceChangeListener; private HashMap fNewAncestorRanges= new HashMap(); private HashMap fNewLeftRanges= new HashMap(); private HashMap fNewRightRanges= new HashMap(); private MergeSourceViewer fAncestor; private MergeSourceViewer fLeft; private MergeSourceViewer fRight; private int fLeftLineCount; private int fRightLineCount; private boolean fInScrolling; private int fPts[]= new int[8]; // scratch area for polygon drawing private int fInheritedDirection; // inherited direction private int fTextDirection; // requested direction for embedded SourceViewer private ActionContributionItem fIgnoreAncestorItem; private boolean fHighlightRanges; private boolean fShowPseudoConflicts= false; private boolean fUseSplines= true; private boolean fUseSingleLine= true; private boolean fUseResolveUI= true; private boolean fHighlightTokenChanges = false; private String fSymbolicFontName; private ActionContributionItem fNextDiff; // goto next difference private ActionContributionItem fPreviousDiff; // goto previous difference private ActionContributionItem fCopyDiffLeftToRightItem; private ActionContributionItem fCopyDiffRightToLeftItem; private CompareHandlerService fHandlerService; private boolean fSynchronizedScrolling= true; private MergeSourceViewer fFocusPart; private boolean fSubDoc= true; private IPositionUpdater fPositionUpdater; private boolean fIsMotif; private boolean fIsCarbon; private boolean fIsMac; private boolean fHasErrors; // SWT widgets private BufferedCanvas fAncestorCanvas; private BufferedCanvas fLeftCanvas; private BufferedCanvas fRightCanvas; private Canvas fScrollCanvas; private ScrollBar fVScrollBar; private Canvas fBirdsEyeCanvas; private Canvas fSummaryHeader; private HeaderPainter fHeaderPainter; // SWT resources to be disposed private Map fColors; private Cursor fBirdsEyeCursor; // points for center curves private double[] fBasicCenterCurve; private Button fLeftToRightButton; private Button fRightToLeftButton; private Diff fButtonDiff; private ContributorInfo fLeftContributor; private ContributorInfo fRightContributor; private ContributorInfo fAncestorContributor; private int isRefreshing = 0; private int fSynchronziedScrollPosition; private ActionContributionItem fNextChange; private ActionContributionItem fPreviousChange; private ShowWhitespaceAction showWhitespaceAction; private InternalOutlineViewerCreator fOutlineViewerCreator; private TextEditorPropertyAction toggleLineNumbersAction; private IFindReplaceTarget fFindReplaceTarget; private ChangePropertyAction fIgnoreWhitespace; private List fCompareFilterActions = new ArrayList(); private DocumentMerger fMerger; /** The current diff */ private Diff fCurrentDiff; private Diff fSavedDiff; // Bug 259362 - Update diffs after undo private boolean copyOperationInProgress = false; private IUndoableOperation copyUndoable = null; private IOperationHistoryListener operationHistoryListener; /** * Preference key for highlighting current line. */ private final static String CURRENT_LINE= AbstractDecoratedTextEditorPreferenceConstants.EDITOR_CURRENT_LINE; /** * Preference key for highlight color of current line. */ private final static String CURRENT_LINE_COLOR= AbstractDecoratedTextEditorPreferenceConstants.EDITOR_CURRENT_LINE_COLOR; private List fSourceViewerDecorationSupport = new ArrayList(3); // whether enhanced viewer configuration has been done private boolean isConfigured = false; private boolean fRedoDiff = false; private final class InternalOutlineViewerCreator extends OutlineViewerCreator implements ISelectionChangedListener { public Viewer findStructureViewer(Viewer oldViewer, ICompareInput input, Composite parent, CompareConfiguration configuration) { if (input != getInput()) return null; final Viewer v = CompareUI.findStructureViewer(oldViewer, input, parent, configuration); if (v != null) { v.getControl().addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() { public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) { v.removeSelectionChangedListener(InternalOutlineViewerCreator.this); } }); v.addSelectionChangedListener(this); } return v; } public boolean hasViewerFor(Object input) { return true; } public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) { ISelection s = event.getSelection(); if (s instanceof IStructuredSelection) { IStructuredSelection ss = (IStructuredSelection) s; Object element = ss.getFirstElement(); Diff diff = findDiff(element); if (diff != null) setCurrentDiff(diff, true); } } private Diff findDiff(Object element) { if (element instanceof ICompareInput) { ICompareInput ci = (ICompareInput) element; Position p = getPosition(ci.getLeft()); if (p != null) return findDiff(p, true); p = getPosition(ci.getRight()); if (p != null) return findDiff(p, false); } return null; } private Diff findDiff(Position p, boolean left) { for (Iterator iterator = fMerger.rangesIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Diff diff = (Diff); Position diffPos; if (left) { diffPos = diff.getPosition(LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR); } else { diffPos = diff.getPosition(RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR); } // If the element falls within a diff, highlight that diff if (diffPos.offset + diffPos.length >= p.offset && diff.getKind() != RangeDifference.NOCHANGE) return diff; // Otherwise, highlight the first diff after the elements position if (diffPos.offset >= p.offset) return diff; } return null; } private Position getPosition(ITypedElement left) { if (left instanceof DocumentRangeNode) { DocumentRangeNode drn = (DocumentRangeNode) left; return drn.getRange(); } return null; } public Object getInput() { return TextMergeViewer.this.getInput(); } } class ContributorInfo implements IElementStateListener, VerifyListener, IDocumentListener, IEncodingSupport { private final TextMergeViewer fViewer; private final Object fElement; private char fLeg; private String fEncoding; private IDocumentProvider fDocumentProvider; private IEditorInput fDocumentKey; private ISelection fSelection; private int fTopIndex = -1; private boolean fNeedsValidation = false; private MergeSourceViewer fSourceViewer; public ContributorInfo(TextMergeViewer viewer, Object element, char leg) { fViewer = viewer; fElement = element; fLeg = leg; if (fElement instanceof IEncodedStreamContentAccessor) { try { fEncoding = ((IEncodedStreamContentAccessor)fElement).getCharset(); } catch (CoreException e) { // silently ignored } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.IEncodingSupport#setEncoding(java.lang.String) */ public void setEncoding(String encoding) { if (fDocumentKey == null || fDocumentProvider == null) { return; } if (fDocumentProvider instanceof IStorageDocumentProvider) { IStorageDocumentProvider provider = (IStorageDocumentProvider) fDocumentProvider; String current = provider.getEncoding(fDocumentKey); boolean dirty = fDocumentProvider.canSaveDocument(fDocumentKey); if (!dirty) { String internal = encoding == null ? "" : encoding; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (!internal.equals(current)) { provider.setEncoding(fDocumentKey, encoding); try { fDocumentProvider.resetDocument(fDocumentKey); } catch (CoreException e) { CompareUIPlugin.log(e); } finally { update(true); updateStructure(fLeg); } } } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.IEncodingSupport#getEncoding() */ public String getEncoding() { if (fDocumentProvider != null && fDocumentKey != null && fDocumentProvider instanceof IStorageDocumentProvider) { IStorageDocumentProvider provider = (IStorageDocumentProvider) fDocumentProvider; return provider.getEncoding(fDocumentKey); } return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.IEncodingSupport#getDefaultEncoding() */ public String getDefaultEncoding() { if (fDocumentProvider != null && fDocumentKey != null && fDocumentProvider instanceof IStorageDocumentProvider) { IStorageDocumentProvider provider = (IStorageDocumentProvider) fDocumentProvider; return provider.getDefaultEncoding(); } return null; } private String internalGetEncoding() { if (fElement instanceof IEncodedStreamContentAccessor) { try { fEncoding = ((IEncodedStreamContentAccessor) fElement) .getCharset(); } catch (CoreException e) { // silently ignored } } if (fEncoding != null) { return fEncoding; } return ResourcesPlugin.getEncoding(); } public void setEncodingIfAbsent(ContributorInfo otherContributor) { if (fEncoding == null) fEncoding = otherContributor.fEncoding; } public IDocument getDocument() { if (fDocumentProvider != null) { IDocument document = fDocumentProvider.getDocument(getDocumentKey()); if (document != null) return document; } if (fElement instanceof IDocument) return (IDocument) fElement; if (fElement instanceof IDocumentRange) return ((IDocumentRange) fElement).getDocument(); if (fElement instanceof IStreamContentAccessor) return DocumentManager.get(fElement); return null; } public void setDocument(MergeSourceViewer viewer, boolean isEditable) { // Ensure that this method is only called once Assert.isTrue(fSourceViewer == null); fSourceViewer = viewer; try { internalSetDocument(viewer); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // The error may be due to a stale entry in the DocumentManager (see bug 184489) clearCachedDocument(); throw e; } setEditable(viewer.getSourceViewer(), isEditable); // Verify changes if the document is editable if (isEditable) { fNeedsValidation = true; viewer.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().addVerifyListener(this); } } /* * Returns true if a new Document could be installed. */ private boolean internalSetDocument(MergeSourceViewer tp) { if (tp == null) return false; IDocument newDocument = null; Position range= null; if (fElement instanceof IDocumentRange) { newDocument= ((IDocumentRange)fElement).getDocument(); range= ((IDocumentRange)fElement).getRange(); connectToSharedDocument(); } else if (fElement instanceof IDocument) { newDocument= (IDocument) fElement; setupDocument(newDocument); } else if (fElement instanceof IStreamContentAccessor) { newDocument= DocumentManager.get(fElement); if (newDocument == null) { newDocument = createDocument(); DocumentManager.put(fElement, newDocument); setupDocument(newDocument); } else if (fDocumentProvider == null) { // Connect to a shared document so we can get the proper save synchronization connectToSharedDocument(); } } else if (fElement == null) { // deletion on one side ITypedElement parent= this.fViewer.getParent(fLeg); // we try to find an insertion position within the deletion's parent if (parent instanceof IDocumentRange) { newDocument= ((IDocumentRange)parent).getDocument(); newDocument.addPositionCategory(DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY); Object input= this.fViewer.getInput(); range= this.fViewer.getNewRange(fLeg, input); if (range == null) { int pos= 0; if (input instanceof ICompareInput) pos= this.fViewer.findInsertionPosition(fLeg, (ICompareInput)input); range= new Position(pos, 0); try { newDocument.addPosition(DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY, range); } catch (BadPositionCategoryException ex) { // silently ignored if (TextMergeViewer.DEBUG) System.out.println("BadPositionCategoryException: " + ex); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (BadLocationException ex) { // silently ignored if (TextMergeViewer.DEBUG) System.out.println("BadLocationException: " + ex); //$NON-NLS-1$ } this.fViewer.addNewRange(fLeg, input, range); } } else if (parent instanceof IDocument) { newDocument= ((IDocumentRange)fElement).getDocument(); } } boolean enabled= true; if (newDocument == null) { newDocument= new Document(""); //$NON-NLS-1$ enabled= false; } // Update the viewer document or range IDocument oldDoc= tp.getSourceViewer().getDocument(); if (newDocument != oldDoc) { updateViewerDocument(tp, newDocument, range); } else { // same document but different range updateViewerDocumentRange(tp, range); } newDocument.addDocumentListener(this); tp.setEnabled(enabled); return enabled; } /* * The viewer document is the same but the range has changed */ private void updateViewerDocumentRange(MergeSourceViewer tp, Position range) { tp.setRegion(range); if (this.fViewer.fSubDoc) { if (range != null) { IRegion r= this.fViewer.normalizeDocumentRegion(tp.getSourceViewer().getDocument(), TextMergeViewer.toRegion(range)); tp.getSourceViewer().setVisibleRegion(r.getOffset(), r.getLength()); } else tp.getSourceViewer().resetVisibleRegion(); } else tp.getSourceViewer().resetVisibleRegion(); } /* * The viewer has a new document */ private void updateViewerDocument(MergeSourceViewer tp, IDocument document, Position range) { unsetDocument(tp); if (document == null) return; connectPositionUpdater(document); // install new document tp.setRegion(range); if (this.fViewer.fSubDoc) { if (range != null) { IRegion r= this.fViewer.normalizeDocumentRegion(document, TextMergeViewer.toRegion(range)); tp.getSourceViewer().setDocument(document, r.getOffset(), r.getLength()); } else tp.getSourceViewer().setDocument(document); } else tp.getSourceViewer().setDocument(document); tp.rememberDocument(document); } void connectPositionUpdater(IDocument document) { document.addPositionCategory(DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY); if (this.fViewer.fPositionUpdater == null) this.fViewer.fPositionUpdater= ChildPositionUpdater(DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY); else document.removePositionUpdater(this.fViewer.fPositionUpdater); document.addPositionUpdater(this.fViewer.fPositionUpdater); } private void unsetDocument(MergeSourceViewer tp) { IDocument oldDoc= internalGetDocument(tp); if (oldDoc != null) { tp.rememberDocument(null); try { oldDoc.removePositionCategory(DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY); } catch (BadPositionCategoryException ex) { // Ignore } if (fPositionUpdater != null) oldDoc.removePositionUpdater(fPositionUpdater); oldDoc.removeDocumentListener(this); } } private IDocument createDocument() { // If the content provider is a text content provider, attempt to obtain // a shared document (i.e. file buffer) IDocument newDoc = connectToSharedDocument(); if (newDoc == null) { IStreamContentAccessor sca= (IStreamContentAccessor) fElement; String s= null; try { String encoding = internalGetEncoding(); s = Utilities.readString(sca, encoding); } catch (CoreException ex) { this.fViewer.setError(fLeg, ex.getMessage()); } newDoc= new Document(s != null ? s : ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return newDoc; } /** * Connect to a shared document if possible. Return null * if the connection was not possible. * @return the shared document or null if connection to a * shared document was not possible */ private IDocument connectToSharedDocument() { IEditorInput key = getDocumentKey(); if (key != null) { if (fDocumentProvider != null) { // We've already connected and setup the document return fDocumentProvider.getDocument(key); } IDocumentProvider documentProvider = getDocumentProvider(); if (documentProvider != null) { try { connect(documentProvider, key); setCachedDocumentProvider(key, documentProvider); IDocument newDoc = documentProvider.getDocument(key); this.fViewer.updateDirtyState(key, documentProvider, fLeg); return newDoc; } catch (CoreException e) { // Connection failed. Log the error and continue without a shared document CompareUIPlugin.log(e); } } } return null; } private void connect(IDocumentProvider documentProvider, IEditorInput input) throws CoreException { final ISharedDocumentAdapter sda = (ISharedDocumentAdapter) Utilities.getAdapter(fElement, ISharedDocumentAdapter.class); if (sda != null) { sda.connect(documentProvider, input); } else { documentProvider.connect(input); } } private void disconnect(IDocumentProvider provider, IEditorInput input) { final ISharedDocumentAdapter sda = (ISharedDocumentAdapter) Utilities.getAdapter(fElement, ISharedDocumentAdapter.class); if (sda != null) { sda.disconnect(provider, input); } else { provider.disconnect(input); } } private void setCachedDocumentProvider(IEditorInput key, IDocumentProvider documentProvider) { fDocumentKey = key; fDocumentProvider = documentProvider; documentProvider.addElementStateListener(this); } public void disconnect() { IDocumentProvider provider = null; IEditorInput input = getDocumentKey(); synchronized(this) { if (fDocumentProvider != null) { provider = fDocumentProvider; fDocumentProvider = null; fDocumentKey = null; } } if (provider != null) { disconnect(provider, input); provider.removeElementStateListener(this); } // If we have a listener registered with the widget, remove it if (fSourceViewer != null) { StyledText textWidget = fSourceViewer.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget(); if (textWidget != null && !textWidget.isDisposed()) { if (fNeedsValidation) { fSourceViewer.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().removeVerifyListener(this); fNeedsValidation = false; } IDocument oldDoc= internalGetDocument(fSourceViewer); if (oldDoc != null) { oldDoc.removeDocumentListener(this); } } } clearCachedDocument(); } private void clearCachedDocument() { // Finally, remove the document from the document manager IDocument doc = DocumentManager.get(fElement); if (doc != null) DocumentManager.remove(doc); } private IDocument internalGetDocument(MergeSourceViewer tp) { IDocument oldDoc= tp.getSourceViewer().getDocument(); if (oldDoc == null) { oldDoc= tp.getRememberedDocument(); } return oldDoc; } /** * Return the document key used to obtain a shared document. A null * is returned in the following cases: *

  1. This contributor does not have a shared document adapter.
  2. *
  3. This text merge viewer has a document partitioner but uses the default partitioning.
  4. *
  5. This text merge viewer does not use he default content provider.
  6. *
* @return the document key used to obtain a shared document or null */ private IEditorInput getDocumentKey() { if (fDocumentKey != null) return fDocumentKey; if (isUsingDefaultContentProvider() && fElement != null && canHaveSharedDocument()) { ISharedDocumentAdapter sda = (ISharedDocumentAdapter)Utilities.getAdapter(fElement, ISharedDocumentAdapter.class, true); if (sda != null) { return sda.getDocumentKey(fElement); } } return null; } private IDocumentProvider getDocumentProvider() { if (fDocumentProvider != null) return fDocumentProvider; // We will only use document providers if the content provider is the // default content provider if (isUsingDefaultContentProvider()) { IEditorInput input = getDocumentKey(); if (input != null) return SharedDocumentAdapter.getDocumentProvider(input); } return null; } private boolean isUsingDefaultContentProvider() { return fViewer.isUsingDefaultContentProvider(); } private boolean canHaveSharedDocument() { return fViewer.canHaveSharedDocument(); } boolean hasSharedDocument(Object object) { return (fElement == object && fDocumentProvider != null && fDocumentProvider.getDocument(getDocumentKey()) != null); } public boolean flush() throws CoreException { if (fDocumentProvider != null) { IEditorInput input = getDocumentKey(); IDocument document = fDocumentProvider.getDocument(input); if (document != null) { final ISharedDocumentAdapter sda = (ISharedDocumentAdapter) Utilities.getAdapter(fElement, ISharedDocumentAdapter.class); if (sda != null) { sda.flushDocument(fDocumentProvider, input, document, false); return true; } try { fDocumentProvider.aboutToChange(input); fDocumentProvider.saveDocument(new NullProgressMonitor(), input, document, false); return true; } finally { fDocumentProvider.changed(input); } } } return false; } public void elementMoved(Object originalElement, Object movedElement) { IEditorInput input = getDocumentKey(); if (input != null && input.equals(originalElement)) { // This method will only get called if the buffer is not dirty resetDocument(); } } public void elementDirtyStateChanged(Object element, boolean isDirty) { if (!checkState()) return; IEditorInput input = getDocumentKey(); if (input != null && input.equals(element)) { this.fViewer.updateDirtyState(input, getDocumentProvider(), fLeg); } } public void elementDeleted(Object element) { IEditorInput input = getDocumentKey(); if (input != null && input.equals(element)) { // This method will only get called if the buffer is not dirty resetDocument(); } } private void resetDocument() { // Need to remove the document from the manager before refreshing // or the old document will still be found clearCachedDocument(); // TODO: This is fine for now but may need to be revisited if a refresh is performed // higher up as well (e.g. perhaps a refresh request that waits until after all parties // have been notified). if (checkState()) fViewer.refresh(); } private boolean checkState() { if (fViewer == null) return false; Control control = fViewer.getControl(); if (control == null) return false; return !control.isDisposed(); } public void elementContentReplaced(Object element) { if (!checkState()) return; IEditorInput input = getDocumentKey(); if (input != null && input.equals(element)) { this.fViewer.updateDirtyState(input, getDocumentProvider(), fLeg); // recalculate diffs and update controls new UIJob(CompareMessages.DocumentMerger_0) { public IStatus runInUIThread(IProgressMonitor monitor) { update(true); updateStructure(fLeg); return Status.OK_STATUS; } }.schedule(); } } public void elementContentAboutToBeReplaced(Object element) { // Nothing to do } public Object getElement() { return fElement; } public void cacheSelection(MergeSourceViewer viewer) { if (viewer == null) { this.fSelection = null; this.fTopIndex = -1; } else { this.fSelection = viewer.getSourceViewer().getSelection(); this.fTopIndex = viewer.getSourceViewer().getTopIndex(); } } public void updateSelection(MergeSourceViewer viewer, boolean includeScroll) { if (fSelection != null) viewer.getSourceViewer().setSelection(fSelection); if (includeScroll && fTopIndex != -1) { viewer.getSourceViewer().setTopIndex(fTopIndex); } } public void transferContributorStateFrom( ContributorInfo oldContributor) { if (oldContributor != null) { fSelection = oldContributor.fSelection; fTopIndex = oldContributor.fTopIndex; fEncoding = oldContributor.fEncoding; } } public boolean validateChange() { if (fElement == null) return true; if (fDocumentProvider instanceof IDocumentProviderExtension) { IDocumentProviderExtension ext = (IDocumentProviderExtension)fDocumentProvider; if (ext.isReadOnly(fDocumentKey)) { try { ext.validateState(fDocumentKey, getControl().getShell()); ext.updateStateCache(fDocumentKey); } catch (CoreException e) { ErrorDialog.openError(getControl().getShell(), CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_12, CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_13, e.getStatus()); return false; } } return !ext.isReadOnly(fDocumentKey); } IEditableContentExtension ext = (IEditableContentExtension)Utilities.getAdapter(fElement, IEditableContentExtension.class); if (ext != null) { if (ext.isReadOnly()) { IStatus status = ext.validateEdit(getControl().getShell()); if (!status.isOK()) { if (status.getSeverity() == IStatus.ERROR) { ErrorDialog.openError(getControl().getShell(), CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_14, CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_15, status); return false; } if (status.getSeverity() == IStatus.CANCEL) return false; } } } return true; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void verifyText(VerifyEvent e) { if (!validateChange()) { e.doit= false; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentListener#documentAboutToBeChanged(org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentEvent) */ public void documentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent e) { // nothing to do } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentListener#documentChanged(org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentEvent) */ public void documentChanged(DocumentEvent e) { boolean dirty = true; if (fDocumentProvider != null && fDocumentKey != null) { dirty = fDocumentProvider.canSaveDocument(fDocumentKey); } TextMergeViewer.this.documentChanged(e, dirty); // Remove our verify listener since the document is now dirty if (fNeedsValidation && fSourceViewer != null && !fSourceViewer.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().isDisposed()) { fSourceViewer.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().removeVerifyListener(this); fNeedsValidation = false; } } } class HeaderPainter implements PaintListener { private static final int INSET= BIRDS_EYE_VIEW_INSET; private RGB fIndicatorColor; private Color fSeparatorColor; public HeaderPainter() { fSeparatorColor= fSummaryHeader.getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_NORMAL_SHADOW); } /* * Returns true on color change */ public boolean setColor(RGB color) { RGB oldColor= fIndicatorColor; fIndicatorColor= color; if (color == null) return oldColor != null; if (oldColor != null) return !color.equals(oldColor); return true; } private void drawBevelRect(GC gc, int x, int y, int w, int h, Color topLeft, Color bottomRight) { gc.setForeground(topLeft); gc.drawLine(x, y, x + w -1, y); gc.drawLine(x, y, x, y + h -1); gc.setForeground(bottomRight); gc.drawLine(x + w, y, x + w, y + h); gc.drawLine(x, y + h, x + w, y + h); } public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) { Point s= fSummaryHeader.getSize(); if (fIndicatorColor != null) { Display d= fSummaryHeader.getDisplay(); e.gc.setBackground(getColor(d, fIndicatorColor)); int min= Math.min(s.x, s.y)-2*INSET; Rectangle r= new Rectangle((s.x-min)/2, (s.y-min)/2, min, min); e.gc.fillRectangle(r); if (d != null) drawBevelRect(e.gc, r.x, r.y, r.width -1, r.height -1, d.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_NORMAL_SHADOW), d.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_HIGHLIGHT_SHADOW)); e.gc.setForeground(fSeparatorColor); e.gc.setLineWidth(0 /* 1 */); e.gc.drawLine(0+1, s.y-1, s.x-1-1, s.y-1); } } } /* * The position updater used to adapt the positions representing * the child document ranges to changes of the parent document. */ class ChildPositionUpdater extends DefaultPositionUpdater { /* * Creates the position updated. */ protected ChildPositionUpdater(String category) { super(category); } /* * Child document ranges cannot be deleted other then by calling * freeChildDocument. */ protected boolean notDeleted() { return true; } /* * If an insertion happens at a child document's start offset, the * position is extended rather than shifted. Also, if something is added * right behind the end of the position, the position is extended rather * than kept stable. */ protected void adaptToInsert() { if (fPosition == fLeft.getRegion() || fPosition == fRight.getRegion()) { int myStart= fPosition.offset; int myEnd= fPosition.offset + fPosition.length; myEnd= Math.max(myStart, myEnd); int yoursStart= fOffset; int yoursEnd= fOffset + fReplaceLength -1; yoursEnd= Math.max(yoursStart, yoursEnd); if (myEnd < yoursStart) return; if (myStart <= yoursStart) fPosition.length += fReplaceLength; else fPosition.offset += fReplaceLength; } else { super.adaptToInsert(); } } } private class ChangeHighlighter implements ITextPresentationListener { private final MergeSourceViewer viewer; public ChangeHighlighter(MergeSourceViewer viewer) { this.viewer = viewer; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextPresentationListener#applyTextPresentation(org.eclipse.jface.text.TextPresentation) */ public void applyTextPresentation(TextPresentation textPresentation) { if (!fHighlightTokenChanges) return; IRegion region= textPresentation.getExtent(); Diff[] changeDiffs = fMerger.getChangeDiffs(getLeg(viewer), region); for (int i = 0; i < changeDiffs.length; i++) { Diff diff = changeDiffs[i]; StyleRange range = getStyleRange(diff, region); if (range != null) textPresentation.mergeStyleRange(range); } } private StyleRange getStyleRange(Diff diff, IRegion region) { //Color cText = getColor(null, getTextColor()); Color cTextFill = getColor(null, getTextFillColor(diff)); if (cTextFill == null) return null; Position p = diff.getPosition(getLeg(viewer)); int start = p.getOffset(); int length = p.getLength(); // Don't start before the region if (start < region.getOffset()) { length = length - (region.getOffset() - start); start = region.getOffset(); } // Don't go past the end of the region int regionEnd = region.getOffset() + region.getLength(); if (start + length > regionEnd) { length = regionEnd - start; } if (length < 0) return null; return new StyleRange(start, length, null, cTextFill); } private RGB getTextFillColor(Diff diff) { if (isThreeWay() && !isIgnoreAncestor()) { switch (diff.getKind()) { case RangeDifference.RIGHT: if (fLeftIsLocal) return INCOMING_TEXT_FILL; return OUTGOING_TEXT_FILL; case RangeDifference.ANCESTOR: return CONFLICT_TEXT_FILL; case RangeDifference.LEFT: if (fLeftIsLocal) return OUTGOING_TEXT_FILL; return INCOMING_TEXT_FILL; case RangeDifference.CONFLICT: return CONFLICT_TEXT_FILL; } return null; } return OUTGOING_TEXT_FILL; } } private class FindReplaceTarget implements IFindReplaceTarget, IFindReplaceTargetExtension, IFindReplaceTargetExtension2, IFindReplaceTargetExtension3 { public boolean canPerformFind() { return fFocusPart != null; } public int findAndSelect(int widgetOffset, String findString, boolean searchForward, boolean caseSensitive, boolean wholeWord) { return fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getFindReplaceTarget().findAndSelect(widgetOffset, findString, searchForward, caseSensitive, wholeWord); } public Point getSelection() { return fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getFindReplaceTarget().getSelection(); } public String getSelectionText() { return fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getFindReplaceTarget().getSelectionText(); } public boolean isEditable() { return fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getFindReplaceTarget().isEditable(); } public void replaceSelection(String text) { fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getFindReplaceTarget().replaceSelection(text); } public int findAndSelect(int offset, String findString, boolean searchForward, boolean caseSensitive, boolean wholeWord, boolean regExSearch) { IFindReplaceTarget findReplaceTarget = fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getFindReplaceTarget(); if (findReplaceTarget instanceof IFindReplaceTargetExtension3) { return ((IFindReplaceTargetExtension3) findReplaceTarget).findAndSelect(offset, findString, searchForward, caseSensitive, wholeWord, regExSearch); } // fallback like in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.FindReplaceTarget if (!regExSearch && findReplaceTarget != null) return findReplaceTarget.findAndSelect(offset, findString, searchForward, caseSensitive, wholeWord); return -1; } public void replaceSelection(String text, boolean regExReplace) { IFindReplaceTarget findReplaceTarget = fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getFindReplaceTarget(); if (findReplaceTarget instanceof IFindReplaceTargetExtension3) { ((IFindReplaceTargetExtension3) findReplaceTarget).replaceSelection(text, regExReplace); return; } // fallback like in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.FindReplaceTarget if (!regExReplace && findReplaceTarget != null) findReplaceTarget.replaceSelection(text); } public boolean validateTargetState() { IFindReplaceTarget findReplaceTarget = fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getFindReplaceTarget(); if (findReplaceTarget instanceof IFindReplaceTargetExtension2) { return ((IFindReplaceTargetExtension2) findReplaceTarget).validateTargetState(); } return true; } public void beginSession() { IFindReplaceTarget findReplaceTarget = fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getFindReplaceTarget(); if (findReplaceTarget instanceof IFindReplaceTargetExtension) { ((IFindReplaceTargetExtension) findReplaceTarget).beginSession(); } } public void endSession() { IFindReplaceTarget findReplaceTarget = fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getFindReplaceTarget(); if (findReplaceTarget instanceof IFindReplaceTargetExtension) { ((IFindReplaceTargetExtension) findReplaceTarget).endSession(); } } public IRegion getScope() { IFindReplaceTarget findReplaceTarget = fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getFindReplaceTarget(); if (findReplaceTarget instanceof IFindReplaceTargetExtension) { return ((IFindReplaceTargetExtension) findReplaceTarget).getScope(); } return null; } public void setScope(IRegion scope) { IFindReplaceTarget findReplaceTarget = fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getFindReplaceTarget(); if (findReplaceTarget instanceof IFindReplaceTargetExtension) { ((IFindReplaceTargetExtension) findReplaceTarget).setScope(scope); } } public Point getLineSelection() { IFindReplaceTarget findReplaceTarget = fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getFindReplaceTarget(); if (findReplaceTarget instanceof IFindReplaceTargetExtension) { return ((IFindReplaceTargetExtension) findReplaceTarget).getLineSelection(); } return null; } public void setSelection(int offset, int length) { IFindReplaceTarget findReplaceTarget = fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getFindReplaceTarget(); if (findReplaceTarget instanceof IFindReplaceTargetExtension) { ((IFindReplaceTargetExtension) findReplaceTarget).setSelection(offset, length); } } public void setScopeHighlightColor(Color color) { IFindReplaceTarget findReplaceTarget = fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getFindReplaceTarget(); if (findReplaceTarget instanceof IFindReplaceTargetExtension) { ((IFindReplaceTargetExtension) findReplaceTarget).setScopeHighlightColor(color); } } public void setReplaceAllMode(boolean replaceAll) { IFindReplaceTarget findReplaceTarget = fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getFindReplaceTarget(); if (findReplaceTarget instanceof IFindReplaceTargetExtension) { ((IFindReplaceTargetExtension) findReplaceTarget).setReplaceAllMode(replaceAll); } } } //---- MergeTextViewer /** * Creates a text merge viewer under the given parent control. * * @param parent the parent control * @param configuration the configuration object */ public TextMergeViewer(Composite parent, CompareConfiguration configuration) { this(parent, SWT.NULL, configuration); } /** * Creates a text merge viewer under the given parent control. * * @param parent the parent control * @param style SWT style bits for top level composite of this viewer * @param configuration the configuration object */ public TextMergeViewer(Composite parent, int style, CompareConfiguration configuration) { super(style, ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE_NAME), configuration); operationHistoryListener = new IOperationHistoryListener() { public void historyNotification(OperationHistoryEvent event) { TextMergeViewer.this.historyNotification(event); } }; OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory() .addOperationHistoryListener(operationHistoryListener); fMerger = new DocumentMerger(new IDocumentMergerInput() { public ITokenComparator createTokenComparator(String line) { return TextMergeViewer.this.createTokenComparator(line); } public CompareConfiguration getCompareConfiguration() { return TextMergeViewer.this.getCompareConfiguration(); } public IDocument getDocument(char contributor) { switch (contributor) { case LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR: return fLeft.getSourceViewer().getDocument(); case RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR: return fRight.getSourceViewer().getDocument(); case ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR: return fAncestor.getSourceViewer().getDocument(); } return null; } public int getHunkStart() { return TextMergeViewer.this.getHunkStart(); } public Position getRegion(char contributor) { switch (contributor) { case LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR: return fLeft.getRegion(); case RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR: return fRight.getRegion(); case ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR: return fAncestor.getRegion(); } return null; } public boolean isHunkOnLeft() { ITypedElement left = ((ICompareInput)getInput()).getRight(); return left != null && Utilities.getAdapter(left, IHunk.class) != null; } public boolean isIgnoreAncestor() { return TextMergeViewer.this.isIgnoreAncestor(); } public boolean isPatchHunk() { return TextMergeViewer.this.isPatchHunk(); } public boolean isShowPseudoConflicts() { return fShowPseudoConflicts; } public boolean isThreeWay() { return TextMergeViewer.this.isThreeWay(); } public boolean isPatchHunkOk() { return TextMergeViewer.this.isPatchHunkOk(); } }); int inheritedStyle= parent.getStyle(); if ((inheritedStyle & SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) != 0) fInheritedDirection= SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT; else if ((inheritedStyle & SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) != 0) fInheritedDirection= SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT; else fInheritedDirection= SWT.NONE; if ((style & SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) != 0) fTextDirection= SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT; else if ((style & SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) != 0) fTextDirection= SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT; else fTextDirection= SWT.NONE; fSymbolicFontName= getSymbolicFontName(); fIsMotif= Util.isMotif(); fIsCarbon= Util.isCarbon(); fIsMac= Util.isMac(); if (fIsMotif) fMarginWidth= 0; fPreferenceChangeListener= new IPropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) { TextMergeViewer.this.handlePropertyChangeEvent(event); } }; fPreferenceStore= createChainedPreferenceStore(); if (fPreferenceStore != null) { fPreferenceStore.addPropertyChangeListener(fPreferenceChangeListener); fLeftIsLocal= Utilities.getBoolean(getCompareConfiguration(), "LEFT_IS_LOCAL", false); //$NON-NLS-1$ fSynchronizedScrolling= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.SYNCHRONIZE_SCROLLING); fShowPseudoConflicts= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.SHOW_PSEUDO_CONFLICTS); //fUseSplines= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.USE_SPLINES); fUseSingleLine= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.USE_SINGLE_LINE); fHighlightTokenChanges= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.HIGHLIGHT_TOKEN_CHANGES); //fUseResolveUI= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.USE_RESOLVE_UI); } buildControl(parent); setColors(); INavigatable nav= new INavigatable() { public boolean selectChange(int flag) { if (flag == INavigatable.FIRST_CHANGE || flag == INavigatable.LAST_CHANGE) { selectFirstDiff(flag == INavigatable.FIRST_CHANGE); return false; } return navigate(flag == INavigatable.NEXT_CHANGE, false, false); } public Object getInput() { return TextMergeViewer.this.getInput(); } public boolean openSelectedChange() { return false; } public boolean hasChange(int flag) { return getNextVisibleDiff(flag == INavigatable.NEXT_CHANGE, false) != null; } }; fComposite.setData(INavigatable.NAVIGATOR_PROPERTY, nav); fBirdsEyeCursor= new Cursor(parent.getDisplay(), SWT.CURSOR_HAND); JFaceResources.getFontRegistry().addListener(fPreferenceChangeListener); JFaceResources.getColorRegistry().addListener(fPreferenceChangeListener); updateFont(); } private static class LineNumberRulerToggleAction extends TextEditorPropertyAction { public LineNumberRulerToggleAction(String label, MergeSourceViewer[] viewers, String preferenceKey) { super(label, viewers, preferenceKey); } protected boolean toggleState(boolean checked) { return true; } } private ChainedPreferenceStore createChainedPreferenceStore() { ArrayList stores= new ArrayList(2); stores.add(getCompareConfiguration().getPreferenceStore()); stores.add(EditorsUI.getPreferenceStore()); return new ChainedPreferenceStore((IPreferenceStore[]) stores.toArray(new IPreferenceStore[stores.size()])); } /** * Creates a color from the information stored in the given preference store. * Returns null if there is no such information available. * @param store preference store * @param key preference key * @return the color or null */ private static RGB createColor(IPreferenceStore store, String key) { if (!store.contains(key)) return null; if (store.isDefault(key)) return PreferenceConverter.getDefaultColor(store, key); return PreferenceConverter.getColor(store, key); } private void setColors() { fIsUsingSystemBackground= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(AbstractTextEditor.PREFERENCE_COLOR_BACKGROUND_SYSTEM_DEFAULT); if (!fIsUsingSystemBackground) fBackground= createColor(fPreferenceStore, AbstractTextEditor.PREFERENCE_COLOR_BACKGROUND); fIsUsingSystemForeground= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(AbstractTextEditor.PREFERENCE_COLOR_FOREGROUND_SYSTEM_DEFAULT); if (!fIsUsingSystemForeground) fForeground= createColor(fPreferenceStore, AbstractTextEditor.PREFERENCE_COLOR_FOREGROUND); updateColors(null); } private String getSymbolicFontName() { Class clazz= getClass(); do { String fontName= clazz.getName(); if (JFaceResources.getFontRegistry().hasValueFor(fontName)) return fontName; clazz= clazz.getSuperclass(); } while (clazz != null); // use text compare font if no font has been registered for subclass return getClass().getName(); } private void updateFont() { Font f= JFaceResources.getFont(fSymbolicFontName); if (f != null) { if (fAncestor != null) fAncestor.setFont(f); if (fLeft != null) fLeft.setFont(f); if (fRight != null) fRight.setFont(f); } } private void checkForColorUpdate(Display display) { if (fIsUsingSystemBackground) { RGB bg= display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_LIST_BACKGROUND).getRGB(); if (!bg.equals(getBackground(display))) { updateColors(display); } } } /** * Sets the viewer's background color to the given RGB value. * If the value is null the system's default background color is used. * @param background the background color or null to use the system's default background color * @since 2.0 */ public void setBackgroundColor(RGB background) { fIsUsingSystemBackground= (background == null); fBackground= background; updateColors(null); } private RGB getBackground(Display display) { if (fBackground != null) return fBackground; if (display == null) display= fComposite.getDisplay(); return display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_LIST_BACKGROUND).getRGB(); } /** * Sets the viewer's foreground color to the given RGB value. * If the value is null the system's default foreground color is used. * @param foreground the foreground color or null to use the system's default foreground color * @since 2.0 */ public void setForegroundColor(RGB foreground) { fIsUsingSystemForeground= (foreground == null); fForeground= foreground; updateColors(null); } private void updateColors(Display display) { if (display == null) display = fComposite.getDisplay(); Color bgColor = null; if (fBackground != null) bgColor = getColor(display, fBackground); if (fAncestor != null) fAncestor.setBackgroundColor(bgColor); if (fLeft != null) fLeft.setBackgroundColor(bgColor); if (fRight != null) fRight.setBackgroundColor(bgColor); Color fgColor = null; if (fForeground != null) fgColor = getColor(display, fForeground); if (fAncestor != null) fAncestor.setForegroundColor(fgColor); if (fLeft != null) fLeft.setForegroundColor(fgColor); if (fRight != null) fRight.setForegroundColor(fgColor); ColorRegistry registry= JFaceResources.getColorRegistry(); RGB bg= getBackground(display); SELECTED_INCOMING= registry.getRGB(INCOMING_COLOR); if (SELECTED_INCOMING == null) SELECTED_INCOMING= new RGB(0, 0, 255); // BLUE INCOMING= interpolate(SELECTED_INCOMING, bg, 0.6); INCOMING_FILL= interpolate(SELECTED_INCOMING, bg, 0.97); INCOMING_TEXT_FILL= interpolate(SELECTED_INCOMING, bg, 0.85); SELECTED_OUTGOING= registry.getRGB(OUTGOING_COLOR); if (SELECTED_OUTGOING == null) SELECTED_OUTGOING= new RGB(0, 0, 0); // BLACK OUTGOING= interpolate(SELECTED_OUTGOING, bg, 0.6); OUTGOING_FILL= interpolate(SELECTED_OUTGOING, bg, 0.97); OUTGOING_TEXT_FILL= interpolate(SELECTED_OUTGOING, bg, 0.85); SELECTED_CONFLICT= registry.getRGB(CONFLICTING_COLOR); if (SELECTED_CONFLICT == null) SELECTED_CONFLICT= new RGB(255, 0, 0); // RED CONFLICT= interpolate(SELECTED_CONFLICT, bg, 0.6); CONFLICT_FILL= interpolate(SELECTED_CONFLICT, bg, 0.97); CONFLICT_TEXT_FILL= interpolate(SELECTED_CONFLICT, bg, 0.85); RESOLVED= registry.getRGB(RESOLVED_COLOR); if (RESOLVED == null) RESOLVED= new RGB(0, 255, 0); // GREEN updatePresentation(); } private void updatePresentation() { refreshBirdsEyeView(); invalidateLines(); invalidateTextPresentation(); } /** * Invalidates the current presentation by invalidating the three text viewers. * @since 2.0 */ public void invalidateTextPresentation() { if (fAncestor != null) fAncestor.getSourceViewer().invalidateTextPresentation(); if (fLeft != null) fLeft.getSourceViewer().invalidateTextPresentation(); if (fRight != null) fRight.getSourceViewer().invalidateTextPresentation(); } /** * Configures the passed text viewer. This method is called after the three * text viewers have been created for the content areas. The * TextMergeViewer implementation of this method will * configure the viewer with a {@link SourceViewerConfiguration}. * Subclasses may reimplement to provide a specific configuration for the * text viewer. * * @param textViewer * the text viewer to configure */ protected void configureTextViewer(TextViewer textViewer) { // to get undo for all text files, bugzilla 131895, 33665 if(textViewer instanceof ISourceViewer){ SourceViewerConfiguration configuration= new SourceViewerConfiguration(); ((ISourceViewer)textViewer).configure(configuration); } } /** * Creates an ITokenComparator which is used to show the * intra line differences. * The TextMergeViewer implementation of this method returns a * tokenizer that breaks a line into words separated by whitespace. * Subclasses may reimplement to provide a specific tokenizer. * @param line the line for which to create the ITokenComparator * @return a ITokenComparator which is used for a second level token compare. */ protected ITokenComparator createTokenComparator(String line) { return new TokenComparator(line); } /** * Setup the given document for use with this viewer. By default, * the partitioner returned from {@link #getDocumentPartitioner()} * is registered as the default partitioner for the document. * Subclasses that return a partitioner must also override * {@link #getDocumentPartitioning()} if they wish to be able to use shared * documents (i.e. file buffers). * @param document the document to be set up * * @since 3.3 */ protected void setupDocument(IDocument document) { String partitioning = getDocumentPartitioning(); if (partitioning == null || !(document instanceof IDocumentExtension3)) { if (document.getDocumentPartitioner() == null) { IDocumentPartitioner partitioner= getDocumentPartitioner(); if (partitioner != null) { document.setDocumentPartitioner(partitioner); partitioner.connect(document); } } } else { IDocumentExtension3 ex3 = (IDocumentExtension3) document; if (ex3.getDocumentPartitioner(partitioning) == null) { IDocumentPartitioner partitioner= getDocumentPartitioner(); if (partitioner != null) { ex3.setDocumentPartitioner(partitioning, partitioner); partitioner.connect(document); } } } } /** * Returns a document partitioner which is suitable for the underlying content type. * This method is only called if the input provided by the content provider is a * IStreamContentAccessor and an internal document must be obtained. This * document is initialized with the partitioner returned from this method. *

* The TextMergeViewer implementation of this method returns * null. Subclasses may reimplement to create a partitioner for a * specific content type. Subclasses that do return a partitioner should also * return a partitioning from {@link #getDocumentPartitioning()} in order to make * use of shared documents (e.g. file buffers). * * @return a document partitioner, or null */ protected IDocumentPartitioner getDocumentPartitioner() { return null; } /** * Return the partitioning to which the partitioner returned from * {@link #getDocumentPartitioner()} is to be associated. Return null * only if partitioning is not needed or if the subclass * overrode {@link #setupDocument(IDocument)} directly. * By default, null is returned which means that shared * documents that return a partitioner from {@link #getDocumentPartitioner()} * will not be able to use shared documents. * @see IDocumentExtension3 * @return a partitioning * * @since 3.3 */ protected String getDocumentPartitioning() { return null; } /** * Called on the viewer disposal. * Unregisters from the compare configuration. * Clients may extend if they have to do additional cleanup. * @param event */ protected void handleDispose(DisposeEvent event) { OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory() .removeOperationHistoryListener(operationHistoryListener); if (fHandlerService != null) fHandlerService.dispose(); Object input= getInput(); removeFromDocumentManager(ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR, input); removeFromDocumentManager(LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR, input); removeFromDocumentManager(RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR, input); if (DEBUG) DocumentManager.dump(); if (fPreferenceChangeListener != null) { JFaceResources.getFontRegistry().removeListener(fPreferenceChangeListener); JFaceResources.getColorRegistry().removeListener(fPreferenceChangeListener); if (fPreferenceStore != null) fPreferenceStore.removePropertyChangeListener(fPreferenceChangeListener); fPreferenceChangeListener= null; } fLeftCanvas= null; fRightCanvas= null; fVScrollBar= null; fBirdsEyeCanvas= null; fSummaryHeader= null; fAncestorContributor.unsetDocument(fAncestor); fLeftContributor.unsetDocument(fLeft); fRightContributor.unsetDocument(fRight); disconnect(fLeftContributor); disconnect(fRightContributor); disconnect(fAncestorContributor); if (fBirdsEyeCursor != null) { fBirdsEyeCursor.dispose(); fBirdsEyeCursor= null; } if (showWhitespaceAction != null) showWhitespaceAction.dispose(); if (toggleLineNumbersAction != null) toggleLineNumbersAction.dispose(); if (fIgnoreWhitespace != null) fIgnoreWhitespace.dispose(); getCompareConfiguration().setProperty( ChangeCompareFilterPropertyAction.COMPARE_FILTERS_INITIALIZING, Boolean.TRUE); disposeCompareFilterActions(false); if (fSourceViewerDecorationSupport != null) { for (Iterator iterator = fSourceViewerDecorationSupport.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { ((SourceViewerDecorationSupport); } fSourceViewerDecorationSupport = null; } if (fAncestor != null) fAncestor.dispose(); fAncestor = null; if (fLeft != null) fLeft.dispose(); fLeft = null; if (fRight != null) fRight.dispose(); fRight = null; if (fColors != null) { Iterator i= fColors.values().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Color color= (Color); if (!color.isDisposed()) color.dispose(); } fColors= null; } // don't add anything here, disposing colors should be done last super.handleDispose(event); } private void disconnect(ContributorInfo legInfo) { if (legInfo != null) legInfo.disconnect(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--- internal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Creates the specific SWT controls for the content areas. * Clients must not call or override this method. */ protected void createControls(Composite composite) { PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getHelpSystem().setHelp(composite, ICompareContextIds.TEXT_MERGE_VIEW); // 1st row if (fMarginWidth > 0) { fAncestorCanvas= new BufferedCanvas(composite, SWT.NONE) { public void doPaint(GC gc) { paintSides(gc, fAncestor, fAncestorCanvas, false); } }; fAncestorCanvas.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) { setCurrentDiff2(handleMouseInSides(fAncestorCanvas, fAncestor, e.y), false); } } ); } fAncestor= createPart(composite); setEditable(fAncestor.getSourceViewer(), false); fAncestor.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().getAccessible().addAccessibleListener(new AccessibleAdapter() { public void getName(AccessibleEvent e) { e.result = NLS.bind(CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_accessible_ancestor, getCompareConfiguration().getAncestorLabel(getInput())); } }); fAncestor.getSourceViewer().addTextPresentationListener(new ChangeHighlighter(fAncestor)); fSummaryHeader= new Canvas(composite, SWT.NONE); fHeaderPainter= new HeaderPainter(); fSummaryHeader.addPaintListener(fHeaderPainter); updateResolveStatus(); // 2nd row if (fMarginWidth > 0) { fLeftCanvas= new BufferedCanvas(composite, SWT.NONE) { public void doPaint(GC gc) { paintSides(gc, fLeft, fLeftCanvas, false); } }; fLeftCanvas.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) { setCurrentDiff2(handleMouseInSides(fLeftCanvas, fLeft, e.y), false); } } ); } fLeft= createPart(composite); fLeft.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().getVerticalBar().setVisible(!fSynchronizedScrolling); fLeft.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().getAccessible().addAccessibleListener(new AccessibleAdapter() { public void getName(AccessibleEvent e) { e.result = NLS.bind(CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_accessible_left, getCompareConfiguration().getLeftLabel(getInput())); } }); fLeft.getSourceViewer().addTextPresentationListener(new ChangeHighlighter(fLeft)); fRight= createPart(composite); fRight.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().getVerticalBar().setVisible(!fSynchronizedScrolling); fRight.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().getAccessible().addAccessibleListener(new AccessibleAdapter() { public void getName(AccessibleEvent e) { e.result = NLS.bind(CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_accessible_right, getCompareConfiguration().getRightLabel(getInput())); } }); fRight.getSourceViewer().addTextPresentationListener(new ChangeHighlighter(fRight)); IWorkbenchPart part = getCompareConfiguration().getContainer().getWorkbenchPart(); // part is not available for contexts different than editor if (part != null) { ISelectionProvider selectionProvider = part.getSite().getSelectionProvider(); if (selectionProvider instanceof CompareEditorSelectionProvider) { CompareEditorSelectionProvider cesp = (CompareEditorSelectionProvider) selectionProvider; SourceViewer focusSourceViewer = fFocusPart == null ? null : fFocusPart.getSourceViewer(); cesp.setViewers(new SourceViewer[] { fLeft.getSourceViewer(), fRight.getSourceViewer(), fAncestor.getSourceViewer() }, focusSourceViewer); } } hsynchViewport(fAncestor.getSourceViewer(), fLeft.getSourceViewer(), fRight.getSourceViewer()); hsynchViewport(fLeft.getSourceViewer(), fAncestor.getSourceViewer(), fRight.getSourceViewer()); hsynchViewport(fRight.getSourceViewer(), fAncestor.getSourceViewer(), fLeft.getSourceViewer()); if (fMarginWidth > 0) { fRightCanvas= new BufferedCanvas(composite, SWT.NONE) { public void doPaint(GC gc) { paintSides(gc, fRight, fRightCanvas, fSynchronizedScrolling); } }; fRightCanvas.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) { setCurrentDiff2(handleMouseInSides(fRightCanvas, fRight, e.y), false); } } ); } fScrollCanvas= new Canvas(composite, SWT.V_SCROLL); Rectangle trim= fLeft.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().computeTrim(0, 0, 0, 0); fTopInset= trim.y; fVScrollBar= fScrollCanvas.getVerticalBar(); fVScrollBar.setIncrement(1); fVScrollBar.setVisible(true); fVScrollBar.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(Event e) { int vpos= ((ScrollBar)e.widget).getSelection(); synchronizedScrollVertical(vpos); } } ); fBirdsEyeCanvas= new BufferedCanvas(composite, SWT.NONE) { public void doPaint(GC gc) { paintBirdsEyeView(this, gc); } }; fBirdsEyeCanvas.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) { setCurrentDiff2(handlemouseInBirdsEyeView(fBirdsEyeCanvas, e.y), true); } } ); fBirdsEyeCanvas.addMouseMoveListener( new MouseMoveListener() { private Cursor fLastCursor; public void mouseMove(MouseEvent e) { Cursor cursor= null; Diff diff= handlemouseInBirdsEyeView(fBirdsEyeCanvas, e.y); if (diff != null && diff.getKind() != RangeDifference.NOCHANGE) cursor= fBirdsEyeCursor; if (fLastCursor != cursor) { fBirdsEyeCanvas.setCursor(cursor); fLastCursor= cursor; } } } ); IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getCompareConfiguration().getContainer().getWorkbenchPart(); if (workbenchPart != null) { IContextService service = workbenchPart.getSite().getService(IContextService.class); if (service != null) { service.activateContext("org.eclipse.ui.textEditorScope"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } private void hsynchViewport(final TextViewer tv1, final TextViewer tv2, final TextViewer tv3) { final StyledText st1= tv1.getTextWidget(); final StyledText st2= tv2.getTextWidget(); final StyledText st3= tv3.getTextWidget(); final ScrollBar sb1= st1.getHorizontalBar(); sb1.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { if (fSynchronizedScrolling) { int v= sb1.getSelection(); if (st2.isVisible()) st2.setHorizontalPixel(v); if (st3.isVisible()) st3.setHorizontalPixel(v); } } }); } private void setCurrentDiff2(Diff diff, boolean reveal) { if (diff != null && diff.getKind() != RangeDifference.NOCHANGE) { //fCurrentDiff= null; setCurrentDiff(diff, reveal); } } private Diff handleMouseInSides(Canvas canvas, MergeSourceViewer tp, int my) { int lineHeight= tp.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().getLineHeight(); int visibleHeight= tp.getViewportHeight(); if (! fHighlightRanges) return null; if (fMerger.hasChanges()) { int shift= tp.getVerticalScrollOffset() + (2-LW); Point region= new Point(0, 0); char leg = getLeg(tp); for (Iterator iterator = fMerger.changesIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Diff diff = (Diff); if (diff.isDeleted()) continue; if (fShowCurrentOnly2 && !isCurrentDiff(diff)) continue; tp.getLineRange(diff.getPosition(leg), region); int y= (region.x * lineHeight) + shift; int h= region.y * lineHeight; if (y+h < 0) continue; if (y >= visibleHeight) break; if (my >= y && my < y+h) return diff; } } return null; } private Diff getDiffUnderMouse(Canvas canvas, int mx, int my, Rectangle r) { if (! fSynchronizedScrolling) return null; int lineHeight= fLeft.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().getLineHeight(); int visibleHeight= fRight.getViewportHeight(); Point size= canvas.getSize(); int w= size.x; if (! fHighlightRanges) return null; if (fMerger.hasChanges()) { int lshift= fLeft.getVerticalScrollOffset(); int rshift= fRight.getVerticalScrollOffset(); Point region= new Point(0, 0); for (Iterator iterator = fMerger.changesIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Diff diff = (Diff); if (diff.isDeleted()) continue; if (fShowCurrentOnly2 && !isCurrentDiff(diff)) continue; fLeft.getLineRange(diff.getPosition(LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR), region); int ly= (region.x * lineHeight) + lshift; int lh= region.y * lineHeight; fRight.getLineRange(diff.getPosition(RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR), region); int ry= (region.x * lineHeight) + rshift; int rh= region.y * lineHeight; if (Math.max(ly+lh, ry+rh) < 0) continue; if (Math.min(ly, ry) >= visibleHeight) break; int SIZE= fIsCarbon ? 30 : 20; int cx= (w-SIZE)/2; int cy= ((ly+lh/2) + (ry+rh/2) - SIZE)/2; if (my >= cy && my < cy+SIZE && mx >= cx && mx < cx+SIZE) { if (r != null) { r.x= cx; r.y= cy; r.width= SIZE; r.height= SIZE; } return diff; } } } return null; } private Diff handlemouseInBirdsEyeView(Canvas canvas, int my) { return fMerger.findDiff(getViewportHeight(), fSynchronizedScrolling, canvas.getSize(), my); } private void paintBirdsEyeView(Canvas canvas, GC gc) { Color c; Rectangle r= new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); int yy, hh; Point size= canvas.getSize(); int virtualHeight= fSynchronizedScrolling ? fMerger.getVirtualHeight() : fMerger.getRightHeight(); if (virtualHeight < getViewportHeight()) return; Display display= canvas.getDisplay(); int y= 0; for (Iterator iterator = fMerger.rangesIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Diff diff = (Diff); int h= fSynchronizedScrolling ? diff.getMaxDiffHeight() : diff.getRightHeight(); if (fMerger.useChange(diff)) { yy= (y*size.y)/virtualHeight; hh= (h*size.y)/virtualHeight; if (hh < 3) hh= 3; c= getColor(display, getFillColor(diff)); if (c != null) { gc.setBackground(c); gc.fillRectangle(BIRDS_EYE_VIEW_INSET, yy, size.x-(2*BIRDS_EYE_VIEW_INSET),hh); } c= getColor(display, getStrokeColor(diff)); if (c != null) { gc.setForeground(c); r.x= BIRDS_EYE_VIEW_INSET; r.y= yy; r.width= size.x-(2*BIRDS_EYE_VIEW_INSET)-1; r.height= hh; if (isCurrentDiff(diff)) { gc.setLineWidth(2); r.x++; r.y++; r.width--; r.height--; } else { gc.setLineWidth(0 /* 1 */); } gc.drawRectangle(r); } } y+= h; } } private void refreshBirdsEyeView() { if (fBirdsEyeCanvas != null) fBirdsEyeCanvas.redraw(); } /** * Override to give focus to the pane that previously had focus or to a suitable * default pane. * @see * @since 3.3 */ protected boolean handleSetFocus() { if (fRedoDiff) { new UIJob(CompareMessages.DocumentMerger_0) { public IStatus runInUIThread(IProgressMonitor monitor) { update(true); updateStructure(); return Status.OK_STATUS; } }.schedule(); fRedoDiff = false; } if (fFocusPart == null) { if (fLeft != null && fLeft.getEnabled()) { fFocusPart= fLeft; } else if (fRight != null && fRight.getEnabled()) { fFocusPart= fRight; } else if (fAncestor != null && fAncestor.getEnabled()) { fFocusPart= fAncestor; } } if (fFocusPart != null) { StyledText st= fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget(); if (st != null) return st.setFocus(); } return false; // could not set focus } class HoverResizer extends Resizer { Canvas fCanvas; public HoverResizer(Canvas c, int dir) { super(c, dir); fCanvas= c; } public void mouseMove(MouseEvent e) { if (!fIsDown && fUseSingleLine && isAnySideEditable() && handleMouseMoveOverCenter(fCanvas, e.x, e.y)) return; super.mouseMove(e); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ protected final Control createCenterControl(Composite parent) { if (fSynchronizedScrolling) { final Canvas canvas= new BufferedCanvas(parent, SWT.NONE) { public void doPaint(GC gc) { paintCenter(this, gc); } }; if (fUseResolveUI) { new HoverResizer(canvas, HORIZONTAL); if (fNormalCursor == null) fNormalCursor= new Cursor(canvas.getDisplay(), SWT.CURSOR_ARROW); int style= fIsMac ? SWT.FLAT : SWT.PUSH; fLeftToRightButton= new Button(canvas, style); fLeftToRightButton.setCursor(fNormalCursor); fLeftToRightButton.setText(COPY_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_INDICATOR); fLeftToRightButton.setToolTipText( Utilities.getString(getResourceBundle(), "action.CopyDiffLeftToRight.tooltip")); //$NON-NLS-1$ fLeftToRightButton.pack(); fLeftToRightButton.setVisible(false); fLeftToRightButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { handleCenterButtonSelection(true); } } ); fRightToLeftButton= new Button(canvas, style); fRightToLeftButton.setCursor(fNormalCursor); fRightToLeftButton.setText(COPY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_INDICATOR); fRightToLeftButton.setToolTipText( Utilities.getString(getResourceBundle(), "action.CopyDiffRightToLeft.tooltip")); //$NON-NLS-1$ fRightToLeftButton.pack(); fRightToLeftButton.setVisible(false); fRightToLeftButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { handleCenterButtonSelection(false); } } ); } else { new Resizer(canvas, HORIZONTAL); } return canvas; } return super.createCenterControl(parent); } private void handleCenterButtonSelection(boolean leftToRight) { fLeftToRightButton.setVisible(false); fRightToLeftButton.setVisible(false); if (fButtonDiff != null) { setCurrentDiff(fButtonDiff, false); copy(fCurrentDiff, leftToRight, false); } } private boolean handleMouseMoveOverCenter(Canvas canvas, int x, int y) { Rectangle r= new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); Diff diff= getDiffUnderMouse(canvas, x, y, r); if (diff != null && !diff.isUnresolvedIncomingOrConflicting()) diff= null; if (diff != fButtonDiff) { if (diff != null) { fButtonDiff= diff; boolean leftEditable= fLeft.getSourceViewer().isEditable(); boolean rightEditable= fRight.getSourceViewer().isEditable(); if (leftEditable && rightEditable) { int height= r.height; int leftToRightY= r.y - height/2; int rightToLeftY= leftToRightY + height; Rectangle bounds = canvas.getBounds(); if (leftToRightY < 0) { // button must not be hidden at top leftToRightY= 0; rightToLeftY= height; } else if (rightToLeftY + height > bounds.height) { // button must not be hidden at bottom leftToRightY= bounds.height - height - height; rightToLeftY= leftToRightY + height; } Rectangle leftToRightBounds= new Rectangle(r.x, leftToRightY, r.width, r.height); fLeftToRightButton.setBounds(leftToRightBounds); fLeftToRightButton.setVisible(true); Rectangle rightToLeftBounds= new Rectangle(r.x, rightToLeftY, r.width, r.height); fRightToLeftButton.setBounds(rightToLeftBounds); fRightToLeftButton.setVisible(true); } else if (leftEditable) { fRightToLeftButton.setBounds(r); fRightToLeftButton.setVisible(true); fLeftToRightButton.setVisible(false); } else if (rightEditable) { fLeftToRightButton.setBounds(r); fLeftToRightButton.setVisible(true); fRightToLeftButton.setVisible(false); } else fButtonDiff= null; } else { fRightToLeftButton.setVisible(false); fLeftToRightButton.setVisible(false); fButtonDiff= null; } } return fButtonDiff != null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ protected final int getCenterWidth() { if (fSynchronizedScrolling) return CENTER_WIDTH; return super.getCenterWidth(); } private int getDirection() { switch (fTextDirection) { case SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT: case SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT: if (fInheritedDirection == fTextDirection) return SWT.NONE; return fTextDirection; } return fInheritedDirection; } /** * Creates a new source viewer. This method is called when creating and * initializing the content areas of the merge viewer (see * {@link #createControls(Composite)}). It is called three * times for each text part of the comparison: ancestor, left, right. * Clients may implement to provide their own type of source viewers. The * viewer is not expected to be configured with a source viewer * configuration. * * @param parent * the parent of the viewer's control * @param textOrientation * style constant bit for text orientation * @return Default implementation returns an instance of * {@link SourceViewer}. * @since 3.5 */ protected SourceViewer createSourceViewer(Composite parent, int textOrientation) { return new SourceViewer(parent, new CompositeRuler(), textOrientation | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL); } /** * Tells whether the given text viewer is backed by an editor. * * @param textViewer the text viewer to check * @return true if the viewer is backed by an editor * @since 3.5 */ protected boolean isEditorBacked(ITextViewer textViewer) { return false; } /** * Returns an editor input for the given source viewer. The method returns * null when no input is available, for example when the input * for the merge viewer has not been set yet. * * @param sourceViewer * the source viewer to get input for * @return input for the given viewer or null when no input is * available * * @since 3.5 */ protected IEditorInput getEditorInput(ISourceViewer sourceViewer) { if (fLeft != null && sourceViewer == fLeft.getSourceViewer()) if (fLeftContributor != null) return fLeftContributor.getDocumentKey(); if (fRight != null && sourceViewer == fRight.getSourceViewer()) if (fRightContributor != null) return fRightContributor.getDocumentKey(); if (fAncestor != null && sourceViewer == fAncestor.getSourceViewer()) if (fAncestorContributor != null) return fAncestorContributor.getDocumentKey(); return null; } /* * Creates and initializes a text part. */ private MergeSourceViewer createPart(Composite parent) { final MergeSourceViewer viewer = new MergeSourceViewer( createSourceViewer(parent, getDirection()), getResourceBundle(), getCompareConfiguration().getContainer()); final StyledText te= viewer.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget(); if (!fConfirmSave) viewer.hideSaveAction(); te.addPaintListener( new PaintListener() { public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) { paint(e, viewer); } } ); te.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { handleSelectionChanged(viewer); } } ); te.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) { //syncViewport(part); handleSelectionChanged(viewer); } } ); te.addFocusListener( new FocusAdapter() { public void focusGained(FocusEvent fe) { setActiveViewer(viewer, true); } public void focusLost(FocusEvent fe) { setActiveViewer(viewer, false); } } ); viewer.getSourceViewer().addViewportListener( new IViewportListener() { public void viewportChanged(int verticalPosition) { syncViewport(viewer); } } ); Font font= JFaceResources.getFont(fSymbolicFontName); if (font != null) te.setFont(font); if (fBackground != null) // not default te.setBackground(getColor(parent.getDisplay(), fBackground)); // Add the find action to the popup menu of the viewer contributeFindAction(viewer); contributeGotoLineAction(viewer); contributeChangeEncodingAction(viewer); contributeDiffBackgroundListener(viewer); return viewer; } private void setActiveViewer(MergeSourceViewer viewer, boolean activate) { connectContributedActions(viewer, activate); if (activate) { fFocusPart= viewer; connectGlobalActions(fFocusPart); } else { connectGlobalActions(null); } } private SourceViewerDecorationSupport getSourceViewerDecorationSupport(ISourceViewer viewer) { SourceViewerDecorationSupport support = new SourceViewerDecorationSupport(viewer, null, null, EditorsUI.getSharedTextColors()); support.setCursorLinePainterPreferenceKeys(CURRENT_LINE, CURRENT_LINE_COLOR); fSourceViewerDecorationSupport.add(support); return support; } private void contributeFindAction(MergeSourceViewer viewer) { IAction action; IWorkbenchPart wp = getCompareConfiguration().getContainer().getWorkbenchPart(); if (wp != null) action = new FindReplaceAction(getResourceBundle(), "Editor.FindReplace.", wp); //$NON-NLS-1$ else action = new FindReplaceAction(getResourceBundle(), "Editor.FindReplace.", viewer.getSourceViewer().getControl().getShell(), getFindReplaceTarget()); //$NON-NLS-1$ action.setActionDefinitionId(IWorkbenchCommandConstants.EDIT_FIND_AND_REPLACE); viewer.addAction(MergeSourceViewer.FIND_ID, action); } private void contributeGotoLineAction(MergeSourceViewer viewer) { IAction action = new GotoLineAction((ITextEditor) viewer.getAdapter(ITextEditor.class)); action.setActionDefinitionId(ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds.LINE_GOTO); viewer.addAction(MergeSourceViewer.GOTO_LINE_ID, action); } private void contributeChangeEncodingAction(MergeSourceViewer viewer) { IAction action = new ChangeEncodingAction(getTextEditorAdapter()); viewer.addAction(MergeSourceViewer.CHANGE_ENCODING_ID, action); } private void contributeDiffBackgroundListener(final MergeSourceViewer viewer) { viewer.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().addLineBackgroundListener( new LineBackgroundListener() { public void lineGetBackground(LineBackgroundEvent event) { StyledText textWidget = viewer.getSourceViewer() .getTextWidget(); if (textWidget != null) { int caret = textWidget.getCaretOffset(); int length = event.lineText.length(); if (event.lineOffset <= caret && caret <= event.lineOffset + length) { // current line, do nothing // decorated by CursorLinePainter } else { // find diff for the event line Diff diff = findDiff(viewer, event.lineOffset, event.lineOffset + length); if (diff != null && updateDiffBackground(diff)) { // highlights only the event line, not the // whole diff event.lineBackground = getColor(fComposite .getDisplay(), getFillColor(diff)); } } } } }); } private void connectGlobalActions(final MergeSourceViewer part) { if (fHandlerService != null) { if (part != null) part.updateActions(); fHandlerService.updatePaneActionHandlers(new Runnable() { public void run() { for (int i= 0; i < GLOBAL_ACTIONS.length; i++) { IAction action= null; if (part != null) { action= part.getAction(TEXT_ACTIONS[i]); } fHandlerService.setGlobalActionHandler(GLOBAL_ACTIONS[i], action); } } }); } } private void connectContributedActions(final MergeSourceViewer viewer, final boolean connect) { if (fHandlerService != null) { fHandlerService.updatePaneActionHandlers(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (viewer != null) { setActionsActivated(viewer.getSourceViewer(), connect); if (isEditorBacked(viewer.getSourceViewer()) && connect) { /* * If editor backed, activating contributed actions * might have disconnected actions provided in * CompareEditorContributor => when connecting, * refresh active editor in the contributor, when * disconnecting do nothing. See bug 261229. */ IWorkbenchPart part = getCompareConfiguration().getContainer().getWorkbenchPart(); if (part instanceof CompareEditor) { ((CompareEditor) part).refreshActionBarsContributor(); } } } } }); } } /** * Activates or deactivates actions of the given source viewer. *

* The default implementation does nothing, but clients should override to properly react to * viewers switching. *

* * @param sourceViewer the source viewer * @param state true if activated * @since 3.5 */ protected void setActionsActivated(SourceViewer sourceViewer, boolean state) { // default implementation does nothing } private IDocument getElementDocument(char type, Object element) { if (element instanceof IDocument) { return (IDocument) element; } ITypedElement te= Utilities.getLeg(type, element); // First check the contributors for the document IDocument document = null; switch (type) { case ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR: document = getDocument(te, fAncestorContributor); break; case LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR: document = getDocument(te, fLeftContributor); break; case RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR: document = getDocument(te, fRightContributor); break; } if (document != null) return document; // The document is not associated with the input of the viewer so try to find the document return Utilities.getDocument(type, element, isUsingDefaultContentProvider(), canHaveSharedDocument()); } private boolean isUsingDefaultContentProvider() { return getContentProvider() instanceof MergeViewerContentProvider; } private boolean canHaveSharedDocument() { return getDocumentPartitioning() != null || getDocumentPartitioner() == null; } private IDocument getDocument(ITypedElement te, ContributorInfo info) { if (info != null && info.getElement() == te) return info.getDocument(); return null; } IDocument getDocument(char type, Object input) { IDocument doc= getElementDocument(type, input); if (doc != null) return doc; if (input instanceof IDiffElement) { IDiffContainer parent= ((IDiffElement)input).getParent(); return getElementDocument(type, parent); } return null; } /* * Returns true if the given inputs map to the same documents */ boolean sameDoc(char type, Object newInput, Object oldInput) { IDocument newDoc= getDocument(type, newInput); IDocument oldDoc= getDocument(type, oldInput); return newDoc == oldDoc; } /** * Overridden to prevent save confirmation if new input is sub document of current input. * @param newInput the new input of this viewer, or null if there is no new input * @param oldInput the old input element, or null if there was previously no input * @return true if saving was successful, or if the user didn't want to save (by pressing 'NO' in the confirmation dialog). * @since 2.0 */ protected boolean doSave(Object newInput, Object oldInput) { // TODO: Would be good if this could be restated in terms of Saveables and moved up if (oldInput != null && newInput != null) { // check whether underlying documents have changed. if (sameDoc(ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR, newInput, oldInput) && sameDoc(LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR, newInput, oldInput) && sameDoc(RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR, newInput, oldInput)) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("----- Same docs !!!!"); //$NON-NLS-1$ return false; } } if (DEBUG) System.out.println("***** New docs !!!!"); //$NON-NLS-1$ removeFromDocumentManager(ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR, oldInput); removeFromDocumentManager(LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR, oldInput); removeFromDocumentManager(RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR, oldInput); if (DEBUG) DocumentManager.dump(); return super.doSave(newInput, oldInput); } private void removeFromDocumentManager(char leg, Object oldInput) { IDocument document= getDocument(leg, oldInput); if (document != null) DocumentManager.remove(document); } private ITypedElement getParent(char type) { Object input= getInput(); if (input instanceof IDiffElement) { IDiffContainer parent= ((IDiffElement)input).getParent(); return Utilities.getLeg(type, parent); } return null; } /* * Initializes the text viewers of the three content areas with the given input objects. * Subclasses may extend. */ protected void updateContent(Object ancestor, Object left, Object right) { boolean emptyInput= (ancestor == null && left == null && right == null); Object input= getInput(); configureCompareFilterActions(input, ancestor, left, right); Position leftRange= null; Position rightRange= null; // if one side is empty use container if (FIX_47640 && !emptyInput && (left == null || right == null)) { if (input instanceof IDiffElement) { IDiffContainer parent= ((IDiffElement)input).getParent(); if (parent instanceof ICompareInput) { ICompareInput ci= (ICompareInput) parent; if (ci.getAncestor() instanceof IDocumentRange || ci.getLeft() instanceof IDocumentRange || ci.getRight() instanceof IDocumentRange) { if (left instanceof IDocumentRange) leftRange= ((IDocumentRange)left).getRange(); if (right instanceof IDocumentRange) rightRange= ((IDocumentRange)right).getRange(); ancestor= ci.getAncestor(); left= ci.getLeft(); right= ci.getRight(); } } } } int n= 0; if (left != null) n++; if (right != null) n++; fHighlightRanges= n > 1; resetDiffs(); fHasErrors= false; // start with no errors CompareConfiguration cc= getCompareConfiguration(); IMergeViewerContentProvider cp= getMergeContentProvider(); if (cp instanceof MergeViewerContentProvider) { MergeViewerContentProvider mcp= (MergeViewerContentProvider) cp; mcp.setAncestorError(null); mcp.setLeftError(null); mcp.setRightError(null); } // Record current contributors so we disconnect after creating the new ones. // This is done in case the old and new use the same document. ContributorInfo oldLeftContributor = fLeftContributor; ContributorInfo oldRightContributor = fRightContributor; ContributorInfo oldAncestorContributor = fAncestorContributor; // Create the new contributor fLeftContributor = createLegInfoFor(left, LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR); fRightContributor = createLegInfoFor(right, RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR); fAncestorContributor = createLegInfoFor(ancestor, ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR); fLeftContributor.transferContributorStateFrom(oldLeftContributor); fRightContributor.transferContributorStateFrom(oldRightContributor); fAncestorContributor.transferContributorStateFrom(oldAncestorContributor); // Now disconnect the old ones disconnect(oldLeftContributor); disconnect(oldRightContributor); disconnect(oldAncestorContributor); // Get encodings from streams. If an encoding is null, abide by the other one // Defaults to workbench encoding only if both encodings are null fLeftContributor.setEncodingIfAbsent(fRightContributor); fRightContributor.setEncodingIfAbsent(fLeftContributor); fAncestorContributor.setEncodingIfAbsent(fLeftContributor); if (!isConfigured) { configureSourceViewer(fAncestor.getSourceViewer(), false, null); configureSourceViewer(fLeft.getSourceViewer(), cc.isLeftEditable() && cp.isLeftEditable(input), fLeftContributor); configureSourceViewer(fRight.getSourceViewer(), cc.isRightEditable() && cp.isRightEditable(input), fRightContributor); isConfigured = true; // configure once } // set new documents fLeftContributor.setDocument(fLeft, cc.isLeftEditable() && cp.isLeftEditable(input)); fLeftLineCount= fLeft.getLineCount(); fRightContributor.setDocument(fRight, cc.isRightEditable() && cp.isRightEditable(input)); fRightLineCount= fRight.getLineCount(); fAncestorContributor.setDocument(fAncestor, false); //if the input is part of a patch hunk, toggle synchronized scrolling /*if (isPatchHunk()){ setSyncScrolling(false); } else { setSyncScrolling(fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.SYNCHRONIZE_SCROLLING)); }*/ setSyncScrolling(fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.SYNCHRONIZE_SCROLLING)); update(false); if (!fHasErrors && !emptyInput && !fComposite.isDisposed()) { if (isRefreshing()) { fLeftContributor.updateSelection(fLeft, !fSynchronizedScrolling); fRightContributor.updateSelection(fRight, !fSynchronizedScrolling); fAncestorContributor.updateSelection(fAncestor, !fSynchronizedScrolling); if (fSynchronizedScrolling && fSynchronziedScrollPosition != -1) { synchronizedScrollVertical(fSynchronziedScrollPosition); } } else { if (isPatchHunk()) { if (right != null && Utilities.getAdapter(right, IHunk.class) != null) fLeft.getSourceViewer().setTopIndex(getHunkStart()); else fRight.getSourceViewer().setTopIndex(getHunkStart()); } else { Diff selectDiff= null; if (FIX_47640) { if (leftRange != null) selectDiff= fMerger.findDiff(LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR, leftRange); else if (rightRange != null) selectDiff= fMerger.findDiff(RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR, rightRange); } if (selectDiff != null) setCurrentDiff(selectDiff, true); else selectFirstDiff(true); } } } } private void configureSourceViewer(SourceViewer sourceViewer, boolean editable, ContributorInfo contributor) { setEditable(sourceViewer, editable); configureTextViewer(sourceViewer); if (editable && contributor != null) { IDocument document = sourceViewer.getDocument(); if (document != null) contributor.connectPositionUpdater(document); } if (!isCursorLinePainterInstalled(sourceViewer)) getSourceViewerDecorationSupport(sourceViewer).install(fPreferenceStore); } private boolean isCursorLinePainterInstalled(SourceViewer viewer) { Listener[] listeners = viewer.getTextWidget().getListeners(3001/*StyledText.LineGetBackground*/); for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { if (listeners[i] instanceof TypedListener) { TypedListener listener = (TypedListener) listeners[i]; if (listener.getEventListener() instanceof CursorLinePainter) return true; } } return false; } /** * Sets the editable state of the given source viewer. * * @param sourceViewer * the source viewer * @param state * the state * @since 3.5 */ protected void setEditable(ISourceViewer sourceViewer, boolean state) { sourceViewer.setEditable(state); } private boolean isRefreshing() { return isRefreshing > 0; } private ContributorInfo createLegInfoFor(Object element, char leg) { return new ContributorInfo(this, element, leg); } private boolean updateDiffBackground(Diff diff) { if (!fHighlightRanges) return false; if (diff == null || diff.isToken()) return false; if (fShowCurrentOnly && !isCurrentDiff(diff)) return false; return true; } /* * Called whenever one of the documents changes. * Sets the dirty state of this viewer and updates the lines. * Implements IDocumentListener. */ private void documentChanged(DocumentEvent e, boolean dirty) { final IDocument doc= e.getDocument(); if (doc == fLeft.getSourceViewer().getDocument()) { setLeftDirty(dirty); } else if (doc == fRight.getSourceViewer().getDocument()) { setRightDirty(dirty); } if (!isLeftDirty() && !isRightDirty()) { fRedoDiff = false; final Diff oldDiff = getLastDiff(); new UIJob(CompareMessages.DocumentMerger_0) { public IStatus runInUIThread(IProgressMonitor monitor) { if (!getControl().isDisposed()) { doDiff(); if (!getControl().isDisposed()) { Diff newDiff = findNewDiff(oldDiff); if (newDiff != null) { updateStatus(newDiff); setCurrentDiff(newDiff, true); } invalidateLines(); updateLines(doc); } } return Status.OK_STATUS; } }.schedule(); } else { updateLines(doc); } } private void saveDiff() { fSavedDiff = fCurrentDiff; } private Diff getLastDiff() { if (fCurrentDiff != null) { return fCurrentDiff; } return fSavedDiff; } private Diff findNewDiff(Diff oldDiff) { if (oldDiff == null) return null; Diff newDiff = findNewDiff(oldDiff, LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR); if (newDiff == null) { newDiff = findNewDiff(oldDiff, RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR); } return newDiff; } private Diff findNewDiff(Diff oldDiff, char type) { int offset = oldDiff.getPosition(type).offset; int length = oldDiff.getPosition(type).length; // DocumentMerger.findDiff method doesn't really work well with 0-length // diffs if (length == 0) { if (offset > 0) offset--; length = 1; } return fMerger.findDiff(type, offset, offset + length); } /* * This method is called if a range of text on one side is copied into an empty sub-document * on the other side. The method returns the position where the sub-document is placed into the base document. * This default implementation determines the position by using the text range differencer. * However this position is not always optimal for specific types of text. * So subclasses (which are aware of the type of text they are dealing with) * may override this method to find a better position where to insert a newly added * piece of text. * @param type the side for which the insertion position should be determined: 'A' for ancestor, 'L' for left hand side, 'R' for right hand side. * @param input the current input object of this viewer * @since 2.0 */ protected int findInsertionPosition(char type, ICompareInput input) { ITypedElement other= null; char otherType= 0; switch (type) { case ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR: other= input.getLeft(); otherType= LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR; if (other == null) { other= input.getRight(); otherType= RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR; } break; case LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR: other= input.getRight(); otherType= RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR; if (other == null) { other= input.getAncestor(); otherType= ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR; } break; case RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR: other= input.getLeft(); otherType= LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR; if (other == null) { other= input.getAncestor(); otherType= ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR; } break; } if (other instanceof IDocumentRange) { IDocumentRange dr= (IDocumentRange) other; Position p= dr.getRange(); Diff diff= findDiff(otherType, p.offset); return fMerger.findInsertionPoint(diff, type); } return 0; } private void setError(char type, String message) { IMergeViewerContentProvider cp= getMergeContentProvider(); if (cp instanceof MergeViewerContentProvider) { MergeViewerContentProvider mcp= (MergeViewerContentProvider) cp; switch (type) { case ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR: mcp.setAncestorError(message); break; case LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR: mcp.setLeftError(message); break; case RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR: mcp.setRightError(message); break; } } fHasErrors= true; } private void updateDirtyState(IEditorInput key, IDocumentProvider documentProvider, char type) { boolean dirty = documentProvider.canSaveDocument(key); boolean oldLeftDirty = isLeftDirty(); boolean oldRightDirty = isRightDirty(); if (type == LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR) setLeftDirty(dirty); else if (type == RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR) setRightDirty(dirty); if ((oldLeftDirty && !isLeftDirty()) || (oldRightDirty && !isRightDirty())) { /* * Dirty state has changed from true to false, combined dirty state * is false. _In most cases_ this means that save has taken place * outside compare editor. Ask to redo diff calculation when the * editor gets focus. * * However, undoing all the changes made in another editor would * result in asking for redo diff as well. In this case, we set the * flag back to false, see * TextMergeViewer.documentChanged(DocumentEvent, boolean) */ fRedoDiff = true; } } private Position getNewRange(char type, Object input) { switch (type) { case ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR: return (Position) fNewAncestorRanges.get(input); case LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR: return (Position) fNewLeftRanges.get(input); case RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR: return (Position) fNewRightRanges.get(input); } return null; } private void addNewRange(char type, Object input, Position range) { switch (type) { case ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR: fNewAncestorRanges.put(input, range); break; case LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR: fNewLeftRanges.put(input, range); break; case RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR: fNewRightRanges.put(input, range); break; } } /** * Returns the contents of the underlying document as an array of bytes using the current workbench encoding. * * @param left if true the contents of the left side is returned; otherwise the right side * @return the contents of the left or right document or null */ protected byte[] getContents(boolean left) { MergeSourceViewer v= left ? fLeft : fRight; if (v != null) { IDocument d= v.getSourceViewer().getDocument(); if (d != null) { String contents= d.get(); if (contents != null) { byte[] bytes; try { bytes= contents.getBytes(left ? fLeftContributor.internalGetEncoding() : fRightContributor.internalGetEncoding()); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { // use default encoding bytes= contents.getBytes(); } return bytes; } } } return null; } private IRegion normalizeDocumentRegion(IDocument doc, IRegion region) { if (region == null || doc == null) return region; int maxLength= doc.getLength(); int start= region.getOffset(); if (start < 0) start= 0; else if (start > maxLength) start= maxLength; int length= region.getLength(); if (length < 0) length= 0; else if (start + length > maxLength) length= maxLength - start; return new Region(start, length); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, int, int, int) */ protected final void handleResizeAncestor(int x, int y, int width, int height) { if (width > 0) { Rectangle trim= fLeft.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().computeTrim(0, 0, 0, 0); int scrollbarHeight= trim.height; if (Utilities.okToUse(fAncestorCanvas)) fAncestorCanvas.setVisible(true); if (fAncestor.isControlOkToUse()) fAncestor.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().setVisible(true); if (fAncestorCanvas != null) { fAncestorCanvas.setBounds(x, y, fMarginWidth, height-scrollbarHeight); x+= fMarginWidth; width-= fMarginWidth; } fAncestor.setBounds(x, y, width, height); } else { if (Utilities.okToUse(fAncestorCanvas)) fAncestorCanvas.setVisible(false); if (fAncestor.isControlOkToUse()) { StyledText t= fAncestor.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget(); t.setVisible(false); fAncestor.setBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); if (fFocusPart == fAncestor) { fFocusPart= fLeft; fFocusPart.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().setFocus(); } } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, int, int, int, int, int) */ protected final void handleResizeLeftRight(int x, int y, int width1, int centerWidth, int width2, int height) { if (fBirdsEyeCanvas != null) width2-= BIRDS_EYE_VIEW_WIDTH; Rectangle trim= fLeft.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().computeTrim(0, 0, 0, 0); int scrollbarHeight= trim.height + trim.x; Composite composite= (Composite) getControl(); int leftTextWidth= width1; if (fLeftCanvas != null) { fLeftCanvas.setBounds(x, y, fMarginWidth, height-scrollbarHeight); x+= fMarginWidth; leftTextWidth-= fMarginWidth; } fLeft.setBounds(x, y, leftTextWidth, height); x+= leftTextWidth; if (fCenter == null || fCenter.isDisposed()) fCenter= createCenterControl(composite); fCenter.setBounds(x, y, centerWidth, height-scrollbarHeight); x+= centerWidth; if (!fSynchronizedScrolling) { // canvas is to the left of text if (fRightCanvas != null) { fRightCanvas.setBounds(x, y, fMarginWidth, height-scrollbarHeight); fRightCanvas.redraw(); x+= fMarginWidth; } // we draw the canvas to the left of the text widget } int scrollbarWidth= 0; if (fSynchronizedScrolling && fScrollCanvas != null) { trim= fLeft.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().computeTrim(0, 0, 0, 0); // one pixel was cut off scrollbarWidth= trim.width + 2*trim.x+1; } int rightTextWidth= width2-scrollbarWidth; if (fRightCanvas != null) rightTextWidth-= fMarginWidth; fRight.setBounds(x, y, rightTextWidth, height); x+= rightTextWidth; if (fSynchronizedScrolling) { if (fRightCanvas != null) { // canvas is to the right of the text fRightCanvas.setBounds(x, y, fMarginWidth, height-scrollbarHeight); x+= fMarginWidth; } if (fScrollCanvas != null) fScrollCanvas.setBounds(x, y, scrollbarWidth, height-scrollbarHeight); } if (fBirdsEyeCanvas != null) { int verticalScrollbarButtonHeight= scrollbarWidth; int horizontalScrollbarButtonHeight= scrollbarHeight; if (fIsMac) { verticalScrollbarButtonHeight+= 2; horizontalScrollbarButtonHeight= 18; } if (fSummaryHeader != null) fSummaryHeader.setBounds(x+scrollbarWidth, y, BIRDS_EYE_VIEW_WIDTH, verticalScrollbarButtonHeight); y+= verticalScrollbarButtonHeight; fBirdsEyeCanvas.setBounds(x+scrollbarWidth, y, BIRDS_EYE_VIEW_WIDTH, height-(2*verticalScrollbarButtonHeight+horizontalScrollbarButtonHeight)); } // doesn't work since TextEditors don't have their correct size yet. updateVScrollBar(); refreshBirdsEyeView(); } /* * Track selection changes to update the current Diff. */ private void handleSelectionChanged(MergeSourceViewer tw) { Point p= tw.getSourceViewer().getSelectedRange(); Diff d= findDiff(tw, p.x, p.x+p.y); updateStatus(d); setCurrentDiff(d, false); // don't select or reveal } private static IRegion toRegion(Position position) { if (position != null) return new Region(position.getOffset(), position.getLength()); return null; } //---- the differencing /** * Perform a two level 2- or 3-way diff. * The first level is based on line comparison, the second level on token comparison. */ private void doDiff() { IDocument lDoc= fLeft.getSourceViewer().getDocument(); IDocument rDoc= fRight.getSourceViewer().getDocument(); if (lDoc == null || rDoc == null) return; fAncestor.resetLineBackground(); fLeft.resetLineBackground(); fRight.resetLineBackground(); saveDiff(); fCurrentDiff= null; try { fMerger.doDiff(); } catch (CoreException e) { CompareUIPlugin.log(e.getStatus()); String title= Utilities.getString(getResourceBundle(), "tooComplexError.title"); //$NON-NLS-1$ String msg= Utilities.getString(getResourceBundle(), "tooComplexError.message"); //$NON-NLS-1$ MessageDialog.openError(fComposite.getShell(), title, msg); } invalidateTextPresentation(); } private Diff findDiff(char type, int pos) { try { return fMerger.findDiff(type, pos); } catch (CoreException e) { CompareUIPlugin.log(e.getStatus()); String title= Utilities.getString(getResourceBundle(), "tooComplexError.title"); //$NON-NLS-1$ String msg= Utilities.getString(getResourceBundle(), "tooComplexError.message"); //$NON-NLS-1$ MessageDialog.openError(fComposite.getShell(), title, msg); return null; } } private void resetPositions(IDocument doc) { if (doc == null) return; try { doc.removePositionCategory(DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY); } catch (BadPositionCategoryException e) { // Ignore } doc.addPositionCategory(DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY); } //---- update UI stuff private void updateControls() { if (getControl().isDisposed()) return; boolean leftToRight= false; boolean rightToLeft= false; updateStatus(fCurrentDiff); updateResolveStatus(); if (fCurrentDiff != null) { IMergeViewerContentProvider cp= getMergeContentProvider(); if (cp != null) { if (!isPatchHunk()) { rightToLeft= cp.isLeftEditable(getInput()); leftToRight= cp.isRightEditable(getInput()); } } } if (fDirectionLabel != null) { if (fHighlightRanges && fCurrentDiff != null && isThreeWay() && !isIgnoreAncestor()) { fDirectionLabel.setImage(fCurrentDiff.getImage()); } else { fDirectionLabel.setImage(null); } } if (fCopyDiffLeftToRightItem != null) ((Action)fCopyDiffLeftToRightItem.getAction()).setEnabled(leftToRight); if (fCopyDiffRightToLeftItem != null) ((Action)fCopyDiffRightToLeftItem.getAction()).setEnabled(rightToLeft); if (fNextDiff != null) { IAction a = fNextDiff.getAction(); a.setEnabled(isNavigationButtonEnabled(true, false)); } if (fPreviousDiff != null) { IAction a = fPreviousDiff.getAction(); a.setEnabled(isNavigationButtonEnabled(false, false)); } if (fNextChange != null) { IAction a = fNextChange.getAction(); a.setEnabled(isNavigationButtonEnabled(true, true)); } if (fPreviousChange != null) { IAction a = fPreviousChange.getAction(); a.setEnabled(isNavigationButtonEnabled(false, true)); } } private boolean isNavigationButtonEnabled(boolean down, boolean deep) { String value = fPreferenceStore .getString(ICompareUIConstants.PREF_NAVIGATION_END_ACTION); if (value.equals(ICompareUIConstants.PREF_VALUE_DO_NOTHING)) { return getNextVisibleDiff(down, deep) != null; } else if (value.equals(ICompareUIConstants.PREF_VALUE_LOOP)) { return isNavigationPossible(); } else if (value.equals(ICompareUIConstants.PREF_VALUE_NEXT)) { return getNextVisibleDiff(down, deep) != null || hasNextElement(down); } else if (value.equals(ICompareUIConstants.PREF_VALUE_PROMPT)) { return isNavigationPossible() || hasNextElement(true); } Assert.isTrue(false); return false; } private void updateResolveStatus() { RGB rgb= null; if (showResolveUI()) { // we only show red or green if there is at least one incoming or conflicting change int incomingOrConflicting= 0; int unresolvedIncoming= 0; int unresolvedConflicting= 0; if (fMerger.hasChanges()) { for (Iterator iterator = fMerger.changesIterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { Diff d = (Diff); if (d.isIncomingOrConflicting() /* && useChange(d.fDirection) && !d.fIsWhitespace */) { incomingOrConflicting++; if (!d.isResolved()) { if (d.getKind() == RangeDifference.CONFLICT) { unresolvedConflicting++; break; // we can stop here because a conflict has the maximum priority } unresolvedIncoming++; } } } } if (incomingOrConflicting > 0) { if (unresolvedConflicting > 0) rgb= SELECTED_CONFLICT; else if (unresolvedIncoming > 0) rgb= SELECTED_INCOMING; else rgb= RESOLVED; } } if (fHeaderPainter.setColor(rgb)) fSummaryHeader.redraw(); } private void updateStatus(Diff diff) { String diffDescription; if (diff == null) { diffDescription= CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_diffDescription_noDiff_format; } else { if (diff.isToken()) // we don't show special info for token diffs diff= diff.getParent(); String format= CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_diffDescription_diff_format; diffDescription= MessageFormat.format(format, getDiffType(diff), // 0: diff type getDiffNumber(diff), // 1: diff number getDiffRange(fLeft, diff.getPosition(LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR)), // 2: left start line getDiffRange(fRight, diff.getPosition(RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR)) // 3: left end line ); } String format= CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_statusLine_format; String s= MessageFormat.format(format, getCursorPosition(fLeft), // 0: left column getCursorPosition(fRight), // 1: right column diffDescription // 2: diff description ); getCompareConfiguration().getContainer().setStatusMessage(s); } private String getDiffType(Diff diff) { String s= ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ switch(diff.getKind()) { case RangeDifference.LEFT: s= CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_direction_outgoing; break; case RangeDifference.RIGHT: s= CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_direction_incoming; break; case RangeDifference.CONFLICT: s= CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_direction_conflicting; break; } String format= CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_diffType_format; return MessageFormat.format(format, s, diff.changeType()); } private String getDiffNumber(Diff diff) { // find the diff's number int diffNumber= 0; if (fMerger.hasChanges()) { for (Iterator iterator = fMerger.changesIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Diff d = (Diff); diffNumber++; if (d == diff) break; } } return Integer.toString(diffNumber); } private String getDiffRange(MergeSourceViewer v, Position pos) { Point p= v.getLineRange(pos, new Point(0, 0)); int startLine= p.x+1; int endLine= p.x+p.y; String format; if (endLine < startLine) format= CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_beforeLine_format; else format= CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_range_format; return MessageFormat.format(format, Integer.toString(startLine), Integer.toString(endLine)); } /* * Returns a description of the cursor position. * * @return a description of the cursor position */ private String getCursorPosition(MergeSourceViewer v) { if (v != null) { StyledText styledText= v.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget(); IDocument document= v.getSourceViewer().getDocument(); if (document != null) { int offset= v.getSourceViewer().getVisibleRegion().getOffset(); int caret= offset + styledText.getCaretOffset(); try { int line=document.getLineOfOffset(caret); int lineOffset= document.getLineOffset(line); int occurrences= 0; for (int i= lineOffset; i < caret; i++) if ('\t' == document.getChar(i)) ++ occurrences; int tabWidth= styledText.getTabs(); int column= caret - lineOffset + (tabWidth -1) * occurrences; String format= CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_cursorPosition_format; return MessageFormat.format(format, Integer.toString(line + 1), Integer.toString(column + 1) ); } catch (BadLocationException x) { // silently ignored } } } return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ } protected void updateHeader() { super.updateHeader(); updateControls(); } /* * Creates the two items for copying a difference range from one side to the other * and adds them to the given toolbar manager. */ protected void createToolItems(ToolBarManager tbm) { fHandlerService= CompareHandlerService.createFor(getCompareConfiguration().getContainer(), fLeft.getSourceViewer().getControl().getShell()); final String ignoreAncestorActionKey= "action.IgnoreAncestor."; //$NON-NLS-1$ Action ignoreAncestorAction= new Action() { public void run() { // First make sure the ancestor is hidden if (!isIgnoreAncestor()) getCompareConfiguration().setProperty(ICompareUIConstants.PROP_ANCESTOR_VISIBLE, Boolean.FALSE); // Then set the property to ignore the ancestor getCompareConfiguration().setProperty(ICompareUIConstants.PROP_IGNORE_ANCESTOR, Boolean.valueOf(!isIgnoreAncestor())); Utilities.initToggleAction(this, getResourceBundle(), ignoreAncestorActionKey, isIgnoreAncestor()); } }; ignoreAncestorAction.setChecked(isIgnoreAncestor()); Utilities.initAction(ignoreAncestorAction, getResourceBundle(), ignoreAncestorActionKey); Utilities.initToggleAction(ignoreAncestorAction, getResourceBundle(), ignoreAncestorActionKey, isIgnoreAncestor()); fIgnoreAncestorItem= new ActionContributionItem(ignoreAncestorAction); fIgnoreAncestorItem.setVisible(false); tbm.appendToGroup("modes", fIgnoreAncestorItem); //$NON-NLS-1$ tbm.add(new Separator()); Action a= new Action() { public void run() { if (navigate(true, false, false)) { endOfDocumentReached(true); } } }; Utilities.initAction(a, getResourceBundle(), "action.NextDiff."); //$NON-NLS-1$ fNextDiff= new ActionContributionItem(a); tbm.appendToGroup("navigation", fNextDiff); //$NON-NLS-1$ // Don't register this action since it is probably registered by the container a= new Action() { public void run() { if (navigate(false, false, false)) { endOfDocumentReached(false); } } }; Utilities.initAction(a, getResourceBundle(), "action.PrevDiff."); //$NON-NLS-1$ fPreviousDiff= new ActionContributionItem(a); tbm.appendToGroup("navigation", fPreviousDiff); //$NON-NLS-1$ // Don't register this action since it is probably registered by the container a= new Action() { public void run() { if (navigate(true, false, true)) { endOfDocumentReached(true); } } }; Utilities.initAction(a, getResourceBundle(), "action.NextChange."); //$NON-NLS-1$ fNextChange= new ActionContributionItem(a); tbm.appendToGroup("navigation", fNextChange); //$NON-NLS-1$ fHandlerService.registerAction(a, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ a= new Action() { public void run() { if (navigate(false, false, true)) { endOfDocumentReached(false); } } }; Utilities.initAction(a, getResourceBundle(), "action.PrevChange."); //$NON-NLS-1$ fPreviousChange= new ActionContributionItem(a); tbm.appendToGroup("navigation", fPreviousChange); //$NON-NLS-1$ fHandlerService.registerAction(a, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ CompareConfiguration cc= getCompareConfiguration(); if (cc.isRightEditable()) { a= new Action() { public void run() { copyDiffLeftToRight(); } }; Utilities.initAction(a, getResourceBundle(), "action.CopyDiffLeftToRight."); //$NON-NLS-1$ fCopyDiffLeftToRightItem= new ActionContributionItem(a); fCopyDiffLeftToRightItem.setVisible(true); tbm.appendToGroup("merge", fCopyDiffLeftToRightItem); //$NON-NLS-1$ fHandlerService.registerAction(a, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (cc.isLeftEditable()) { a= new Action() { public void run() { copyDiffRightToLeft(); } }; Utilities.initAction(a, getResourceBundle(), "action.CopyDiffRightToLeft."); //$NON-NLS-1$ fCopyDiffRightToLeftItem= new ActionContributionItem(a); fCopyDiffRightToLeftItem.setVisible(true); tbm.appendToGroup("merge", fCopyDiffRightToLeftItem); //$NON-NLS-1$ fHandlerService.registerAction(a, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ } fIgnoreWhitespace= ChangePropertyAction.createIgnoreWhiteSpaceAction(getResourceBundle(), getCompareConfiguration()); fIgnoreWhitespace.setActionDefinitionId(ICompareUIConstants.COMMAND_IGNORE_WHITESPACE); fLeft.addTextAction(fIgnoreWhitespace); fRight.addTextAction(fIgnoreWhitespace); fAncestor.addTextAction(fIgnoreWhitespace); fHandlerService.registerAction(fIgnoreWhitespace, fIgnoreWhitespace.getActionDefinitionId()); boolean needsLeftPainter= !isEditorBacked(fLeft.getSourceViewer()); boolean needsRightPainter= !isEditorBacked(fLeft.getSourceViewer()); boolean needsAncestorPainter= !isEditorBacked(fAncestor.getSourceViewer()); showWhitespaceAction = new ShowWhitespaceAction( new MergeSourceViewer[] {fLeft, fRight, fAncestor}, new boolean[] {needsLeftPainter, needsRightPainter, needsAncestorPainter }); fHandlerService.registerAction(showWhitespaceAction, ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds.SHOW_WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS); toggleLineNumbersAction = new LineNumberRulerToggleAction(CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_16, new MergeSourceViewer[] { fLeft, fRight, fAncestor }, AbstractDecoratedTextEditorPreferenceConstants.EDITOR_LINE_NUMBER_RULER); fHandlerService.registerAction(toggleLineNumbersAction, ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds.LINENUMBER_TOGGLE); } private void configureCompareFilterActions(Object input, Object ancestor, Object left, Object right) { if (getCompareConfiguration() != null) { CompareFilterDescriptor[] compareFilterDescriptors = CompareUIPlugin .getDefault().findCompareFilters(input); Object current = getCompareConfiguration().getProperty( ChangeCompareFilterPropertyAction.COMPARE_FILTER_ACTIONS); boolean currentFiltersMatch = false; if (current != null && current instanceof List && ((List) current).size() == compareFilterDescriptors.length) { currentFiltersMatch = true; List currentFilterActions = (List) current; for (int i = 0; i < compareFilterDescriptors.length; i++) { boolean match = false; for (int j = 0; j < currentFilterActions.size(); j++) { if (compareFilterDescriptors[i] .getFilterId() .equals(((ChangeCompareFilterPropertyAction) currentFilterActions .get(j)).getFilterId())) { match = true; break; } } if (!match) { currentFiltersMatch = false; break; } } } if (!currentFiltersMatch) { getCompareConfiguration() .setProperty( ChangeCompareFilterPropertyAction.COMPARE_FILTERS_INITIALIZING, Boolean.TRUE); disposeCompareFilterActions(true); fCompareFilterActions.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < compareFilterDescriptors.length; i++) { ChangeCompareFilterPropertyAction compareFilterAction = new ChangeCompareFilterPropertyAction( compareFilterDescriptors[i], getCompareConfiguration()); compareFilterAction.setInput(input, ancestor, left, right); fCompareFilterActions.add(compareFilterAction); fLeft.addTextAction(compareFilterAction); fRight.addTextAction(compareFilterAction); fAncestor.addTextAction(compareFilterAction); if (getCompareConfiguration().getContainer() .getActionBars() != null) { getCompareConfiguration() .getContainer() .getActionBars() .getToolBarManager() .appendToGroup( CompareEditorContributor.FILTER_SEPARATOR, compareFilterAction); if (compareFilterAction.getActionDefinitionId() != null) getCompareConfiguration() .getContainer() .getActionBars() .setGlobalActionHandler( compareFilterAction .getActionDefinitionId(), compareFilterAction); } } if (!fCompareFilterActions.isEmpty() && getCompareConfiguration().getContainer() .getActionBars() != null) { getCompareConfiguration().getContainer().getActionBars() .getToolBarManager().markDirty(); getCompareConfiguration().getContainer().getActionBars() .getToolBarManager().update(true); getCompareConfiguration().getContainer().getActionBars() .updateActionBars(); } getCompareConfiguration() .setProperty( ChangeCompareFilterPropertyAction.COMPARE_FILTER_ACTIONS, fCompareFilterActions); getCompareConfiguration() .setProperty( ChangeCompareFilterPropertyAction.COMPARE_FILTERS_INITIALIZING, null); } else { for (int i = 0; i < fCompareFilterActions.size(); i++) { ((ChangeCompareFilterPropertyAction) fCompareFilterActions .get(i)).setInput(input, ancestor, left, right); } } } } private void disposeCompareFilterActions(boolean updateActionBars) { Iterator compareFilterActionsIterator = fCompareFilterActions .iterator(); while (compareFilterActionsIterator.hasNext()) { ChangeCompareFilterPropertyAction compareFilterAction = (ChangeCompareFilterPropertyAction) compareFilterActionsIterator .next(); fLeft.removeTextAction(compareFilterAction); fRight.removeTextAction(compareFilterAction); fAncestor.removeTextAction(compareFilterAction); if (updateActionBars && getCompareConfiguration().getContainer().getActionBars() != null) { getCompareConfiguration().getContainer().getActionBars() .getToolBarManager() .remove(compareFilterAction.getId()); if (compareFilterAction.getActionDefinitionId() != null) getCompareConfiguration() .getContainer() .getActionBars() .setGlobalActionHandler( compareFilterAction.getActionDefinitionId(), null); } compareFilterAction.dispose(); } if (updateActionBars && !fCompareFilterActions.isEmpty() && getCompareConfiguration().getContainer().getActionBars() != null) { getCompareConfiguration().getContainer().getActionBars() .getToolBarManager().markDirty(); getCompareConfiguration().getContainer().getActionBars() .getToolBarManager().update(true); } fCompareFilterActions.clear(); getCompareConfiguration().setProperty( ChangeCompareFilterPropertyAction.COMPARE_FILTERS, null); getCompareConfiguration().setProperty( ChangeCompareFilterPropertyAction.COMPARE_FILTER_ACTIONS, null); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ protected void handlePropertyChangeEvent(PropertyChangeEvent event) { String key= event.getProperty(); if (key.equals(CompareConfiguration.IGNORE_WHITESPACE) || key.equals(ComparePreferencePage.SHOW_PSEUDO_CONFLICTS) || (key.equals(ChangeCompareFilterPropertyAction.COMPARE_FILTERS) && getCompareConfiguration() .getProperty( ChangeCompareFilterPropertyAction.COMPARE_FILTERS_INITIALIZING) == null)) { fShowPseudoConflicts= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.SHOW_PSEUDO_CONFLICTS); update(true); // selectFirstDiff(true); if (fFocusPart != null) handleSelectionChanged(fFocusPart); // } else if (key.equals(ComparePreferencePage.USE_SPLINES)) { // fUseSplines= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.USE_SPLINES); // invalidateLines(); } else if (key.equals(ComparePreferencePage.USE_SINGLE_LINE)) { fUseSingleLine= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.USE_SINGLE_LINE); // fUseResolveUI= fUseSingleLine; fBasicCenterCurve= null; updateControls(); invalidateLines(); } else if (key.equals(ComparePreferencePage.HIGHLIGHT_TOKEN_CHANGES)) { fHighlightTokenChanges= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.HIGHLIGHT_TOKEN_CHANGES); updateControls(); updatePresentation(); // } else if (key.equals(ComparePreferencePage.USE_RESOLVE_UI)) { // fUseResolveUI= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.USE_RESOLVE_UI); // updateResolveStatus(); // invalidateLines(); } else if (key.equals(fSymbolicFontName)) { updateFont(); invalidateLines(); } else if (key.equals(INCOMING_COLOR) || key.equals(OUTGOING_COLOR) || key.equals(CONFLICTING_COLOR) || key.equals(RESOLVED_COLOR)) { updateColors(null); invalidateLines(); invalidateTextPresentation(); } else if (key.equals(ComparePreferencePage.SYNCHRONIZE_SCROLLING)) { boolean b= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.SYNCHRONIZE_SCROLLING); setSyncScrolling(b); } else if (key.equals(AbstractTextEditor.PREFERENCE_COLOR_BACKGROUND)) { if (!fIsUsingSystemBackground) { setBackgroundColor(createColor(fPreferenceStore, AbstractTextEditor.PREFERENCE_COLOR_BACKGROUND)); } } else if (key.equals(AbstractTextEditor.PREFERENCE_COLOR_BACKGROUND_SYSTEM_DEFAULT)) { fIsUsingSystemBackground= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(AbstractTextEditor.PREFERENCE_COLOR_BACKGROUND_SYSTEM_DEFAULT); if (fIsUsingSystemBackground) { setBackgroundColor(null); } else { setBackgroundColor(createColor(fPreferenceStore, AbstractTextEditor.PREFERENCE_COLOR_BACKGROUND)); } } else if (key.equals(AbstractTextEditor.PREFERENCE_COLOR_FOREGROUND)) { if (!fIsUsingSystemForeground) { setForegroundColor(createColor(fPreferenceStore, AbstractTextEditor.PREFERENCE_COLOR_FOREGROUND)); } } else if (key.equals(AbstractTextEditor.PREFERENCE_COLOR_FOREGROUND_SYSTEM_DEFAULT)) { fIsUsingSystemForeground= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(AbstractTextEditor.PREFERENCE_COLOR_FOREGROUND_SYSTEM_DEFAULT); if (fIsUsingSystemForeground) { setForegroundColor(null); } else { setForegroundColor(createColor(fPreferenceStore, AbstractTextEditor.PREFERENCE_COLOR_FOREGROUND)); } } else if (key.equals(ICompareUIConstants.PREF_NAVIGATION_END_ACTION)) { updateControls(); } else if (key.equals(CompareContentViewerSwitchingPane.DISABLE_CAPPING_TEMPORARILY)) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(event.getNewValue())) { getCompareConfiguration().setProperty(CompareContentViewerSwitchingPane.DISABLE_CAPPING_TEMPORARILY, null); handleCompareInputChange(); } } else { super.handlePropertyChangeEvent(event); if (key.equals(ICompareUIConstants.PROP_IGNORE_ANCESTOR)) { update(true); selectFirstDiff(true); } } } private void selectFirstDiff(boolean first) { if (fLeft == null || fRight == null) { return; } if (fLeft.getSourceViewer().getDocument() == null || fRight.getSourceViewer().getDocument() == null) { return; } Diff firstDiff= null; if (first) firstDiff= findNext(fRight, -1, -1, false); else firstDiff= findPrev(fRight, 9999999, 9999999, false); setCurrentDiff(firstDiff, true); } private void setSyncScrolling(boolean newMode) { if (fSynchronizedScrolling != newMode) { fSynchronizedScrolling= newMode; scrollVertical(0, 0, 0, null); // throw away central control (Sash or Canvas) Control center= getCenterControl(); if (center != null && !center.isDisposed()) center.dispose(); fLeft.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().getVerticalBar().setVisible(!fSynchronizedScrolling); fRight.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().getVerticalBar().setVisible(!fSynchronizedScrolling); fComposite.layout(true); } } protected void updateToolItems() { //only update toolbar items if diffs need to be calculated (which //dictates whether a toolbar gets added at all) if (!isPatchHunk()){ if (fIgnoreAncestorItem != null) fIgnoreAncestorItem.setVisible(isThreeWay()); if (fCopyDiffLeftToRightItem != null) { IAction a= fCopyDiffLeftToRightItem.getAction(); if (a != null) a.setEnabled(a.isEnabled() && !fHasErrors); } if (fCopyDiffRightToLeftItem != null) { IAction a= fCopyDiffRightToLeftItem.getAction(); if (a != null) a.setEnabled(a.isEnabled() && !fHasErrors); } super.updateToolItems(); } } //---- painting lines private void updateLines(IDocument d) { boolean left= false; boolean right= false; // FIXME: this optimization is incorrect because // it doesn't take replace operations into account where // the old and new line count does not differ if (d == fLeft.getSourceViewer().getDocument()) { int l= fLeft.getLineCount(); left= fLeftLineCount != l; fLeftLineCount= l; } else if (d == fRight.getSourceViewer().getDocument()) { int l= fRight.getLineCount(); right= fRightLineCount != l; fRightLineCount= l; } if (left || right) { if (left) { if (fLeftCanvas != null) fLeftCanvas.redraw(); } else { if (fRightCanvas != null) fRightCanvas.redraw(); } Control center= getCenterControl(); if (center != null) center.redraw(); updateVScrollBar(); refreshBirdsEyeView(); } } private void invalidateLines() { if (isThreeWay() && isAncestorVisible()) { if (Utilities.okToUse(fAncestorCanvas)) fAncestorCanvas.redraw(); if (fAncestor != null && fAncestor.isControlOkToUse()) fAncestor.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().redraw(); } if (Utilities.okToUse(fLeftCanvas)) fLeftCanvas.redraw(); if (fLeft != null && fLeft.isControlOkToUse()) fLeft.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().redraw(); if (Utilities.okToUse(getCenterControl())) getCenterControl().redraw(); if (fRight != null && fRight.isControlOkToUse()) fRight.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().redraw(); if (Utilities.okToUse(fRightCanvas)) fRightCanvas.redraw(); } private boolean showResolveUI() { if (!fUseResolveUI || !isThreeWay() || isIgnoreAncestor()) return false; return isAnySideEditable(); } private boolean isAnySideEditable() { CompareConfiguration cc= getCompareConfiguration(); // we only enable the new resolve UI if exactly one side is editable boolean l= cc.isLeftEditable(); boolean r= cc.isRightEditable(); //return (l && !r) || (r && !l); return l || r; } private void paintCenter(Canvas canvas, GC g) { Display display= canvas.getDisplay(); checkForColorUpdate(display); if (! fSynchronizedScrolling) return; int lineHeightLeft= fLeft.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().getLineHeight(); int lineHeightRight= fRight.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().getLineHeight(); int visibleHeight= fRight.getViewportHeight(); Point size= canvas.getSize(); int x= 0; int w= size.x; g.setBackground(canvas.getBackground()); g.fillRectangle(x+1, 0, w-2, size.y); if (!fIsMotif) { // draw thin line between center ruler and both texts g.setBackground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_NORMAL_SHADOW)); g.fillRectangle(0, 0, 1, size.y); g.fillRectangle(w-1, 0, 1, size.y); } if (! fHighlightRanges) return; boolean isAnySideEditable= isAnySideEditable(); if (fMerger.hasChanges()) { int lshift= fLeft.getVerticalScrollOffset(); int rshift= fRight.getVerticalScrollOffset(); Point region= new Point(0, 0); for (Iterator iterator = fMerger.changesIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Diff diff = (Diff); if (diff.isDeleted()) continue; if (fShowCurrentOnly2 && !isCurrentDiff(diff)) continue; fLeft.getLineRange(diff.getPosition(LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR), region); int ly= (region.x * lineHeightLeft) + lshift; int lh= region.y * lineHeightLeft; fRight.getLineRange(diff.getPosition(RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR), region); int ry= (region.x * lineHeightRight) + rshift; int rh= region.y * lineHeightRight; if (Math.max(ly+lh, ry+rh) < 0) continue; if (Math.min(ly, ry) >= visibleHeight) break; fPts[0]= x; fPts[1]= ly; fPts[2]= w; fPts[3]= ry; fPts[6]= x; fPts[7]= ly+lh; fPts[4]= w; fPts[5]= ry+rh; Color fillColor= getColor(display, getFillColor(diff)); Color strokeColor= getColor(display, getStrokeColor(diff)); if (fUseSingleLine) { int w2= 3; g.setBackground(fillColor); g.fillRectangle(0, ly, w2, lh); // left g.fillRectangle(w-w2, ry, w2, rh); // right g.setLineWidth(0 /* LW */); g.setForeground(strokeColor); g.drawRectangle(0-1, ly, w2, lh); // left g.drawRectangle(w-w2, ry, w2, rh); // right if (fUseSplines) { int[] points= getCenterCurvePoints(w2, ly+lh/2, w-w2, ry+rh/2); for (int i= 1; i < points.length; i++) g.drawLine(w2+i-1, points[i-1], w2+i, points[i]); } else { g.drawLine(w2, ly+lh/2, w-w2, ry+rh/2); } } else { // two lines if (fUseSplines) { g.setBackground(fillColor); g.setLineWidth(0 /* LW */); g.setForeground(strokeColor); int[] topPoints= getCenterCurvePoints(fPts[0], fPts[1], fPts[2], fPts[3]); int[] bottomPoints= getCenterCurvePoints(fPts[6], fPts[7], fPts[4], fPts[5]); g.setForeground(fillColor); g.drawLine(0, bottomPoints[0], 0, topPoints[0]); for (int i= 1; i < bottomPoints.length; i++) { g.setForeground(fillColor); g.drawLine(i, bottomPoints[i], i, topPoints[i]); g.setForeground(strokeColor); g.drawLine(i-1, topPoints[i-1], i, topPoints[i]); g.drawLine(i-1, bottomPoints[i-1], i, bottomPoints[i]); } } else { g.setBackground(fillColor); g.fillPolygon(fPts); g.setLineWidth(0 /* LW */); g.setForeground(strokeColor); g.drawLine(fPts[0], fPts[1], fPts[2], fPts[3]); g.drawLine(fPts[6], fPts[7], fPts[4], fPts[5]); } } if (fUseSingleLine && isAnySideEditable && diff.isUnresolvedIncomingOrConflicting()) { // draw resolve state int cx= (w-RESOLVE_SIZE)/2; int cy= ((ly+lh/2) + (ry+rh/2) - RESOLVE_SIZE)/2; g.setBackground(fillColor); g.fillRectangle(cx, cy, RESOLVE_SIZE, RESOLVE_SIZE); g.setForeground(strokeColor); g.drawRectangle(cx, cy, RESOLVE_SIZE, RESOLVE_SIZE); } } } } private int[] getCenterCurvePoints(int startx, int starty, int endx, int endy) { if (fBasicCenterCurve == null) buildBaseCenterCurve(endx-startx); double height= endy - starty; height= height/2; int width= endx-startx; int[] points= new int[width]; for (int i= 0; i < width; i++) { points[i]= (int) (-height * fBasicCenterCurve[i] + height + starty); } return points; } private void buildBaseCenterCurve(int w) { double width= w; fBasicCenterCurve= new double[getCenterWidth()]; for (int i= 0; i < getCenterWidth(); i++) { double r= i / width; fBasicCenterCurve[i]= Math.cos(Math.PI * r); } } private void paintSides(GC g, MergeSourceViewer tp, Canvas canvas, boolean right) { Display display= canvas.getDisplay(); int lineHeight= tp.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().getLineHeight(); int visibleHeight= tp.getViewportHeight(); Point size= canvas.getSize(); int x= 0; int w= fMarginWidth; int w2= w/2; g.setBackground(canvas.getBackground()); g.fillRectangle(x, 0, w, size.y); if (!fIsMotif) { // draw thin line between ruler and text g.setBackground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_NORMAL_SHADOW)); if (right) g.fillRectangle(0, 0, 1, size.y); else g.fillRectangle(size.x-1, 0, 1, size.y); } if (! fHighlightRanges) return; if (fMerger.hasChanges()) { int shift= tp.getVerticalScrollOffset() + (2-LW); Point region= new Point(0, 0); char leg = getLeg(tp); for (Iterator iterator = fMerger.changesIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Diff diff = (Diff); if (diff.isDeleted()) continue; if (fShowCurrentOnly2 && !isCurrentDiff(diff)) continue; tp.getLineRange(diff.getPosition(leg), region); int y= (region.x * lineHeight) + shift; int h= region.y * lineHeight; if (y+h < 0) continue; if (y >= visibleHeight) break; g.setBackground(getColor(display, getFillColor(diff))); if (right) g.fillRectangle(x, y, w2, h); else g.fillRectangle(x+w2, y, w2, h); g.setLineWidth(0 /* LW */); g.setForeground(getColor(display, getStrokeColor(diff))); if (right) g.drawRectangle(x-1, y-1, w2, h); else g.drawRectangle(x+w2, y-1, w2, h); } } } private void paint(PaintEvent event, MergeSourceViewer tp) { if (! fHighlightRanges) return; if (!fMerger.hasChanges()) return; Control canvas= (Control) event.widget; GC g= event.gc; Display display= canvas.getDisplay(); int lineHeight= tp.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().getLineHeight(); int w= canvas.getSize().x; int shift= tp.getVerticalScrollOffset() + (2-LW); int maxh= event.y+event.height; // visibleHeight //if (fIsMotif) shift+= fTopInset; Point range= new Point(0, 0); char leg = getLeg(tp); for (Iterator iterator = fMerger.changesIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Diff diff = (Diff); if (diff.isDeleted()) continue; if (fShowCurrentOnly && !isCurrentDiff(diff)) continue; tp.getLineRange(diff.getPosition(leg), range); int y= (range.x * lineHeight) + shift; int h= range.y * lineHeight; if (y+h < event.y) continue; if (y > maxh) break; g.setBackground(getColor(display, getStrokeColor(diff))); g.fillRectangle(0, y-1, w, LW); g.fillRectangle(0, y+h-1, w, LW); } } private RGB getFillColor(Diff diff) { boolean selected= fCurrentDiff != null && fCurrentDiff.getParent() == diff; RGB selected_fill= getBackground(null); if (isThreeWay() && !isIgnoreAncestor()) { switch (diff.getKind()) { case RangeDifference.RIGHT: if (fLeftIsLocal) return selected ? selected_fill : INCOMING_FILL; return selected ? selected_fill : OUTGOING_FILL; case RangeDifference.ANCESTOR: return selected ? selected_fill : CONFLICT_FILL; case RangeDifference.LEFT: if (fLeftIsLocal) return selected ? selected_fill : OUTGOING_FILL; return selected ? selected_fill : INCOMING_FILL; case RangeDifference.CONFLICT: return selected ? selected_fill : CONFLICT_FILL; } return null; } return selected ? selected_fill : OUTGOING_FILL; } private RGB getStrokeColor(Diff diff) { boolean selected= fCurrentDiff != null && fCurrentDiff.getParent() == diff; if (isThreeWay() && !isIgnoreAncestor()) { switch (diff.getKind()) { case RangeDifference.RIGHT: if (fLeftIsLocal) return selected ? SELECTED_INCOMING : INCOMING; return selected ? SELECTED_OUTGOING : OUTGOING; case RangeDifference.ANCESTOR: return selected ? SELECTED_CONFLICT : CONFLICT; case RangeDifference.LEFT: if (fLeftIsLocal) return selected ? SELECTED_OUTGOING : OUTGOING; return selected ? SELECTED_INCOMING : INCOMING; case RangeDifference.CONFLICT: return selected ? SELECTED_CONFLICT : CONFLICT; } return null; } return selected ? SELECTED_OUTGOING : OUTGOING; } private Color getColor(Display display, RGB rgb) { if (rgb == null) return null; if (fColors == null) fColors= new HashMap(20); Color c= (Color) fColors.get(rgb); if (c == null) { c= new Color(display, rgb); fColors.put(rgb, c); } return c; } static RGB interpolate(RGB fg, RGB bg, double scale) { if (fg != null && bg != null) return new RGB( (int)((1.0-scale) * + scale *, (int)((1.0-scale) * + scale *, (int)((1.0-scale) * + scale * ); if (fg != null) return fg; if (bg != null) return bg; return new RGB(128, 128, 128); // a gray } //---- Navigating and resolving Diffs private Diff getNextVisibleDiff(boolean down, boolean deep) { Diff diff= null; MergeSourceViewer part= getNavigationPart(); if (part == null) return null; Point s = part.getSourceViewer().getSelectedRange(); char leg = getLeg(part); for (;;) { diff = null; diff = internalGetNextDiff(down, deep, part, s); if (diff != null && diff.getKind() == RangeDifference.ANCESTOR && !isAncestorVisible()) { Position position = diff.getPosition(leg); s = new Point(position.getOffset(), position.getLength()); diff= null; continue; } break; } return diff; } private Diff internalGetNextDiff(boolean down, boolean deep, MergeSourceViewer part, Point s) { if (fMerger.hasChanges()) { if (down) return findNext(part, s.x, s.x+s.y, deep); return findPrev(part, s.x, s.x+s.y, deep); } return null; } private MergeSourceViewer getNavigationPart() { MergeSourceViewer part= fFocusPart; if (part == null) part= fRight; return part; } private Diff getWrappedDiff(Diff diff, boolean down) { return fMerger.getWrappedDiff(diff, down); } /* * Returns true if end (or beginning) of document reached. */ private boolean navigate(boolean down, boolean wrap, boolean deep) { Diff diff= null; boolean wrapped = false; for (;;) { diff = getNextVisibleDiff(down, deep); if (diff == null && wrap) { if (wrapped) // We've already wrapped once so break out break; wrapped = true; diff = getWrappedDiff(diff, down); } if (diff != null) setCurrentDiff(diff, true, deep); if (diff != null && diff.getKind() == RangeDifference.ANCESTOR && !isAncestorVisible()) continue; break; } return diff == null; } private void endOfDocumentReached(boolean down) { Control c= getControl(); if (Utilities.okToUse(c)) { handleEndOfDocumentReached(c.getShell(), down); } } private void handleEndOfDocumentReached(Shell shell, boolean next) { IPreferenceStore store = CompareUIPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore(); String value = store.getString(ICompareUIConstants.PREF_NAVIGATION_END_ACTION); if (!value.equals(ICompareUIConstants.PREF_VALUE_PROMPT)) { performEndOfDocumentAction(shell, store, ICompareUIConstants.PREF_NAVIGATION_END_ACTION, next); } else { shell.getDisplay().beep(); String loopMessage; String nextMessage; String message; String title; if (next) { title = CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_0; message = CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_1; loopMessage = CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_2; nextMessage = CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_3; } else { title = CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_4; message = CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_5; loopMessage = CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_6; nextMessage = CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_7; } String[] localLoopOption = new String[] { loopMessage, ICompareUIConstants.PREF_VALUE_LOOP }; String[] nextElementOption = new String[] { nextMessage, ICompareUIConstants.PREF_VALUE_NEXT}; String[] doNothingOption = new String[] { CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_17, ICompareUIConstants.PREF_VALUE_DO_NOTHING}; NavigationEndDialog dialog = new NavigationEndDialog(shell, title, null, message, new String[][] { localLoopOption, nextElementOption, doNothingOption }); int result =; if (result == Window.OK) { performEndOfDocumentAction(shell, store, ICompareUIConstants.PREF_NAVIGATION_END_ACTION_LOCAL, next); if (dialog.getToggleState()) { String oldValue = store.getString(ICompareUIConstants.PREF_NAVIGATION_END_ACTION); store.putValue(ICompareUIConstants.PREF_NAVIGATION_END_ACTION, store.getString(ICompareUIConstants.PREF_NAVIGATION_END_ACTION_LOCAL)); store.firePropertyChangeEvent(ICompareUIConstants.PREF_NAVIGATION_END_ACTION, oldValue, store.getString(ICompareUIConstants.PREF_NAVIGATION_END_ACTION_LOCAL)); } } } } private void performEndOfDocumentAction(Shell shell, IPreferenceStore store, String key, boolean next) { String value = store.getString(key); if (value.equals(ICompareUIConstants.PREF_VALUE_DO_NOTHING)) { return; } if (value.equals(ICompareUIConstants.PREF_VALUE_NEXT)) { ICompareNavigator navigator = getCompareConfiguration() .getContainer().getNavigator(); if (hasNextElement(next)) { navigator.selectChange(next); } } else { selectFirstDiff(next); } } private boolean hasNextElement(boolean down) { ICompareNavigator navigator = getCompareConfiguration().getContainer().getNavigator(); if (navigator instanceof CompareNavigator) { CompareNavigator n = (CompareNavigator) navigator; return n.hasChange(down); } return false; } /* * Find the Diff that overlaps with the given TextPart's text range. * If the range doesn't overlap with any range null * is returned. */ private Diff findDiff(MergeSourceViewer tp, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd) { char contributor = getLeg(tp); return fMerger.findDiff(contributor, rangeStart, rangeEnd); } private Diff findNext(MergeSourceViewer tp, int start, int end, boolean deep) { return fMerger.findNext(getLeg(tp), start, end, deep); } private Diff findPrev(MergeSourceViewer tp, int start, int end, boolean deep) { return fMerger.findPrev(getLeg(tp), start, end, deep); } /* * Set the currently active Diff and update the toolbars controls and lines. * If revealAndSelect is true the Diff is revealed and * selected in both TextParts. */ private void setCurrentDiff(Diff d, boolean revealAndSelect) { setCurrentDiff(d, revealAndSelect, false); } /* * Set the currently active Diff and update the toolbars controls and lines. * If revealAndSelect is true the Diff is revealed and * selected in both TextParts. */ private void setCurrentDiff(Diff d, boolean revealAndSelect, boolean deep) { // if (d == fCurrentDiff) // return; boolean diffChanged = fCurrentDiff != d; if (fLeftToRightButton != null && !fLeftToRightButton.isDisposed()) fLeftToRightButton.setVisible(false); if (fRightToLeftButton != null && !fRightToLeftButton.isDisposed()) fRightToLeftButton.setVisible(false); if (d != null && revealAndSelect) { // before we set fCurrentDiff we change the selection // so that the paint code uses the old background colors // otherwise selection isn't drawn correctly if (d.isToken() || !fHighlightTokenChanges || deep || !d.hasChildren()) { if (isThreeWay() && !isIgnoreAncestor()) fAncestor.setSelection(d.getPosition(ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR)); fLeft.setSelection(d.getPosition(LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR)); fRight.setSelection(d.getPosition(RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR)); } else { if (isThreeWay() && !isIgnoreAncestor()) fAncestor.setSelection(new Position(d.getPosition(ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR).offset, 0)); fLeft.setSelection(new Position(d.getPosition(LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR).offset, 0)); fRight.setSelection(new Position(d.getPosition(RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR).offset, 0)); } // now switch diffs saveDiff(); fCurrentDiff= d; revealDiff(d, d.isToken()); } else { saveDiff(); fCurrentDiff= d; } updateControls(); if (diffChanged) invalidateLines(); refreshBirdsEyeView(); } /* * Smart determines whether */ private void revealDiff(Diff d, boolean smart) { boolean ancestorIsVisible= false; boolean leftIsVisible= false; boolean rightIsVisible= false; if (smart) { Point region= new Point(0, 0); // find the starting line of the diff in all text widgets int ls= fLeft.getLineRange(d.getPosition(LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR), region).x; int rs= fRight.getLineRange(d.getPosition(RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR), region).x; if (isThreeWay() && !isIgnoreAncestor()) { int as= fAncestor.getLineRange(d.getPosition(ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR), region).x; if (as >= fAncestor.getSourceViewer().getTopIndex() && as <= fAncestor.getSourceViewer().getBottomIndex()) ancestorIsVisible= true; } if (ls >= fLeft.getSourceViewer().getTopIndex() && ls <= fLeft.getSourceViewer().getBottomIndex()) leftIsVisible= true; if (rs >= fRight.getSourceViewer().getTopIndex() && rs <= fRight.getSourceViewer().getBottomIndex()) rightIsVisible= true; } // vertical scrolling if (!leftIsVisible || !rightIsVisible) { int avpos= 0, lvpos= 0, rvpos= 0; MergeSourceViewer allButThis= null; if (leftIsVisible) { avpos= lvpos= rvpos= realToVirtualPosition(LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR, fLeft.getSourceViewer().getTopIndex()); allButThis= fLeft; } else if (rightIsVisible) { avpos= lvpos= rvpos= realToVirtualPosition(RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR, fRight.getSourceViewer().getTopIndex()); allButThis= fRight; } else if (ancestorIsVisible) { avpos= lvpos= rvpos= realToVirtualPosition(ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR, fAncestor.getSourceViewer().getTopIndex()); allButThis= fAncestor; } else { int vpos= 0; for (Iterator iterator = fMerger.rangesIterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { Diff diff = (Diff); if (diff == d) break; if (fSynchronizedScrolling) { vpos+= diff.getMaxDiffHeight(); } else { avpos+= diff.getAncestorHeight(); lvpos+= diff.getLeftHeight(); rvpos+= diff.getRightHeight(); } } if (fSynchronizedScrolling) avpos= lvpos= rvpos= vpos; int delta= fRight.getViewportLines()/4; avpos-= delta; if (avpos < 0) avpos= 0; lvpos-= delta; if (lvpos < 0) lvpos= 0; rvpos-= delta; if (rvpos < 0) rvpos= 0; } scrollVertical(avpos, lvpos, rvpos, allButThis); if (fVScrollBar != null) fVScrollBar.setSelection(avpos); } // horizontal scrolling if (d.isToken()) { // we only scroll horizontally for token diffs reveal(fAncestor, d.getPosition(ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR)); reveal(fLeft, d.getPosition(LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR)); reveal(fRight, d.getPosition(RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR)); } else { // in all other cases we reset the horizontal offset hscroll(fAncestor); hscroll(fLeft); hscroll(fRight); } } private static void reveal(MergeSourceViewer v, Position p) { if (v != null && p != null) { StyledText st= v.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget(); if (st != null) { Rectangle r= st.getClientArea(); if (!r.isEmpty()) // workaround for #7320: Next diff scrolls when going into current diff v.getSourceViewer().revealRange(p.offset, p.length); } } } private static void hscroll(MergeSourceViewer v) { if (v != null) { StyledText st= v.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget(); if (st != null) st.setHorizontalIndex(0); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void copyAllUnresolved(boolean leftToRight) { if (fMerger.hasChanges() && isThreeWay() && !isIgnoreAncestor()) { IRewriteTarget target= leftToRight ? fRight.getSourceViewer().getRewriteTarget() : fLeft.getSourceViewer().getRewriteTarget(); boolean compoundChangeStarted= false; try { for (Iterator iterator = fMerger.changesIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Diff diff = (Diff); switch (diff.getKind()) { case RangeDifference.LEFT: if (leftToRight) { if (!compoundChangeStarted) { target.beginCompoundChange(); compoundChangeStarted= true; } copy(diff, leftToRight); } break; case RangeDifference.RIGHT: if (!leftToRight) { if (!compoundChangeStarted) { target.beginCompoundChange(); compoundChangeStarted= true; } copy(diff, leftToRight); } break; default: continue; } } } finally { if (compoundChangeStarted) { target.endCompoundChange(); } } } } /* * Copy whole document from one side to the other. */ protected void copy(boolean leftToRight) { if (!validateChange(!leftToRight)) return; if (showResolveUI()) { copyAllUnresolved(leftToRight); invalidateLines(); return; } copyOperationInProgress = true; if (leftToRight) { if (fLeft.getEnabled()) { // copy text String text= fLeft.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().getText(); fRight.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().setText(text); fRight.setEnabled(true); } else { // delete fRight.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().setText(""); //$NON-NLS-1$ fRight.setEnabled(false); } fRightLineCount= fRight.getLineCount(); setRightDirty(true); } else { if (fRight.getEnabled()) { // copy text String text= fRight.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().getText(); fLeft.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().setText(text); fLeft.setEnabled(true); } else { // delete fLeft.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget().setText(""); //$NON-NLS-1$ fLeft.setEnabled(false); } fLeftLineCount= fLeft.getLineCount(); setLeftDirty(true); } copyOperationInProgress = false; update(false); selectFirstDiff(true); } private void historyNotification(OperationHistoryEvent event) { switch (event.getEventType()) { case OperationHistoryEvent.OPERATION_ADDED: if (copyOperationInProgress) { copyUndoable = event.getOperation(); } break; case OperationHistoryEvent.UNDONE: if (copyUndoable == event.getOperation()) { update(false); } break; default: // Nothing to do break; } } private void copyDiffLeftToRight() { copy(fCurrentDiff, true, false); } private void copyDiffRightToLeft() { copy(fCurrentDiff, false, false); } /* * Copy the contents of the given diff from one side to the other. */ private void copy(Diff diff, boolean leftToRight, boolean gotoNext) { if (copy(diff, leftToRight)) { if (gotoNext) { navigate(true, true, false /* don't step in */); } else { revealDiff(diff, true); updateControls(); } } } /* * Copy the contents of the given diff from one side to the other but * doesn't reveal anything. * Returns true if copy was successful. */ private boolean copy(Diff diff, boolean leftToRight) { if (diff != null) { if (!validateChange(!leftToRight)) return false; if (leftToRight) { fRight.setEnabled(true); } else { fLeft.setEnabled(true); } boolean result = fMerger.copy(diff, leftToRight); if (result) updateResolveStatus(); return result; } return false; } private boolean validateChange(boolean left) { ContributorInfo info; if (left) info = fLeftContributor; else info = fRightContributor; return info.validateChange(); } //---- scrolling /* * The height of the TextEditors in lines. */ private int getViewportHeight() { StyledText te= fLeft.getSourceViewer().getTextWidget(); int vh= te.getClientArea().height; if (vh == 0) { Rectangle trim= te.computeTrim(0, 0, 0, 0); int scrollbarHeight= trim.height; int headerHeight= getHeaderHeight(); Composite composite= (Composite) getControl(); Rectangle r= composite.getClientArea(); vh= r.height-headerHeight-scrollbarHeight; } return vh / te.getLineHeight(); } /* * Returns the virtual position for the given view position. */ private int realToVirtualPosition(char contributor, int vpos) { if (! fSynchronizedScrolling) return vpos; return fMerger.realToVirtualPosition(contributor, vpos); } private void scrollVertical(int avpos, int lvpos, int rvpos, MergeSourceViewer allBut) { int s= 0; if (fSynchronizedScrolling) { s= fMerger.getVirtualHeight() - rvpos; int height= fRight.getViewportLines()/4; if (s < 0) s= 0; if (s > height) s= height; } fInScrolling= true; if (isThreeWay() && allBut != fAncestor) { if (fSynchronizedScrolling || allBut == null) { int y= virtualToRealPosition(ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR, avpos+s)-s; fAncestor.vscroll(y); } } if (allBut != fLeft) { if (fSynchronizedScrolling || allBut == null) { int y= virtualToRealPosition(LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR, lvpos+s)-s; fLeft.vscroll(y); } } if (allBut != fRight) { if (fSynchronizedScrolling || allBut == null) { int y= virtualToRealPosition(RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR, rvpos+s)-s; fRight.vscroll(y); } } fInScrolling= false; if (isThreeWay() && fAncestorCanvas != null) fAncestorCanvas.repaint(); if (fLeftCanvas != null) fLeftCanvas.repaint(); Control center= getCenterControl(); if (center instanceof BufferedCanvas) ((BufferedCanvas)center).repaint(); if (fRightCanvas != null) fRightCanvas.repaint(); } /* * Updates Scrollbars with viewports. */ private void syncViewport(MergeSourceViewer w) { if (fInScrolling) return; int ix= w.getSourceViewer().getTopIndex(); int ix2= w.getDocumentRegionOffset(); int viewPosition= realToVirtualPosition(getLeg(w), ix-ix2); scrollVertical(viewPosition, viewPosition, viewPosition, w); // scroll all but the given views if (fVScrollBar != null) { int value= Math.max(0, Math.min(viewPosition, fMerger.getVirtualHeight() - getViewportHeight())); fVScrollBar.setSelection(value); //refreshBirdEyeView(); } } /** */ private void updateVScrollBar() { if (Utilities.okToUse(fVScrollBar) && fSynchronizedScrolling) { int virtualHeight= fMerger.getVirtualHeight(); int viewPortHeight= getViewportHeight(); int pageIncrement= viewPortHeight-1; int thumb= (viewPortHeight > virtualHeight) ? virtualHeight : viewPortHeight; fVScrollBar.setPageIncrement(pageIncrement); fVScrollBar.setMaximum(virtualHeight); fVScrollBar.setThumb(thumb); } } /* * maps given virtual position into a real view position of this view. */ private int virtualToRealPosition(char contributor, int v) { if (! fSynchronizedScrolling) return v; return fMerger.virtualToRealPosition(contributor, v); } void flushLeftSide(Object oldInput, IProgressMonitor monitor){ IMergeViewerContentProvider content= getMergeContentProvider(); Object leftContent = content.getLeftContent(oldInput); if (leftContent != null && getCompareConfiguration().isLeftEditable() && isLeftDirty()) { if (fLeftContributor.hasSharedDocument(leftContent)) { if (flush(fLeftContributor)) setLeftDirty(false); } } if (!(content instanceof MergeViewerContentProvider) || isLeftDirty()) { super.flushLeftSide(oldInput, monitor); } } void flushRightSide(Object oldInput, IProgressMonitor monitor){ IMergeViewerContentProvider content= getMergeContentProvider(); Object rightContent = content.getRightContent(oldInput); if (rightContent != null && getCompareConfiguration().isRightEditable() && isRightDirty()) { if (fRightContributor.hasSharedDocument(rightContent)) { if (flush(fRightContributor)) setRightDirty(false); } } if (!(content instanceof MergeViewerContentProvider) || isRightDirty()) { super.flushRightSide(oldInput, monitor); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ protected void flushContent(Object oldInput, IProgressMonitor monitor) { flushLeftSide(oldInput, monitor); flushRightSide(oldInput, monitor); IMergeViewerContentProvider content = getMergeContentProvider(); if (!(content instanceof MergeViewerContentProvider) || isLeftDirty() || isRightDirty()) { super.flushContent(oldInput, monitor); } } private boolean flush(final ContributorInfo info) { try { return info.flush(); } catch (CoreException e) { handleException(e); } return false; } private void handleException(Throwable throwable) { // TODO: Should show error to the user if (throwable instanceof InvocationTargetException) { InvocationTargetException ite = (InvocationTargetException) throwable; handleException(ite.getTargetException()); return; } CompareUIPlugin.log(throwable); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable#getAdapter(java.lang.Class) */ public Object getAdapter(Class adapter) { if (adapter == IMergeViewerTestAdapter.class) { return new IMergeViewerTestAdapter() { public IDocument getDocument(char leg) { switch (leg) { case LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR: return fLeft.getSourceViewer().getDocument(); case RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR: return fRight.getSourceViewer().getDocument(); case ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR: return fAncestor.getSourceViewer().getDocument(); } return null; } public int getChangesCount() { return fMerger.changesCount(); } }; } if (adapter == OutlineViewerCreator.class) { if (fOutlineViewerCreator == null) fOutlineViewerCreator = new InternalOutlineViewerCreator(); return fOutlineViewerCreator; } if (adapter == IFindReplaceTarget.class) return getFindReplaceTarget(); if (adapter == CompareHandlerService.class) return fHandlerService; if (adapter == CompareHandlerService[].class) { return new CompareHandlerService[] { fHandlerService, super.getCompareHandlerService() }; } if (adapter == IEditorInput.class) { // return active editor input if (fLeft != null && fLeft == fFocusPart) if (fLeftContributor != null) return fLeftContributor.getDocumentKey(); if (fRight != null && fRight == fFocusPart) if (fRightContributor != null) return fRightContributor.getDocumentKey(); if (fAncestor != null && fAncestor == fFocusPart) if (fAncestorContributor != null) return fAncestorContributor.getDocumentKey(); } return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ protected void handleCompareInputChange() { try { beginRefresh(); super.handleCompareInputChange(); } finally { endRefresh(); } } private void beginRefresh() { isRefreshing++; fLeftContributor.cacheSelection(fLeft); fRightContributor.cacheSelection(fRight); fAncestorContributor.cacheSelection(fAncestor); if (fSynchronizedScrolling) { fSynchronziedScrollPosition = fVScrollBar.getSelection(); } } private void endRefresh() { isRefreshing--; fLeftContributor.cacheSelection(null); fRightContributor.cacheSelection(null); fAncestorContributor.cacheSelection(null); fSynchronziedScrollPosition = -1; } private void synchronizedScrollVertical(int vpos) { scrollVertical(vpos, vpos, vpos, null); } private boolean isIgnoreAncestor() { return Utilities.getBoolean(getCompareConfiguration(), ICompareUIConstants.PROP_IGNORE_ANCESTOR, false); } /* package */ void update(boolean includeControls) { if (getControl().isDisposed()) return; if (fHasErrors) { resetDiffs(); } else { doDiff(); } if (includeControls) updateControls(); updateVScrollBar(); updatePresentation(); } private void resetDiffs() { // clear stuff saveDiff(); fCurrentDiff= null; fMerger.reset(); resetPositions(fLeft.getSourceViewer().getDocument()); resetPositions(fRight.getSourceViewer().getDocument()); resetPositions(fAncestor.getSourceViewer().getDocument()); } private boolean isPatchHunk() { return Utilities.isHunk(getInput()); } private boolean isPatchHunkOk() { if (isPatchHunk()) return Utilities.isHunkOk(getInput()); return false; } /** * Return the provided start position of the hunk in the target file. * @return the provided start position of the hunk in the target file */ private int getHunkStart() { Object input = getInput(); if (input != null && input instanceof DiffNode){ ITypedElement right = ((DiffNode) input).getRight(); if (right != null) { Object element = Utilities.getAdapter(right, IHunk.class); if (element instanceof IHunk) return ((IHunk)element).getStartPosition(); } ITypedElement left = ((DiffNode) input).getLeft(); if (left != null) { Object element = Utilities.getAdapter(left, IHunk.class); if (element instanceof IHunk) return ((IHunk)element).getStartPosition(); } } return 0; } private IFindReplaceTarget getFindReplaceTarget() { if (fFindReplaceTarget == null) fFindReplaceTarget= new FindReplaceTarget(); return fFindReplaceTarget; } /* package */ char getLeg(MergeSourceViewer w) { if (w == fLeft) return LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR; if (w == fRight) return RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR; if (w == fAncestor) return ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR; return ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR; } private boolean isCurrentDiff(Diff diff) { if (diff == null) return false; if (diff == fCurrentDiff) return true; if (fCurrentDiff != null && fCurrentDiff.getParent() == diff) return true; return false; } private boolean isNavigationPossible() { if (fCurrentDiff == null && fMerger.hasChanges()) return true; else if (fMerger.changesCount() > 1) return true; else if (fCurrentDiff != null && fCurrentDiff.hasChildren()) return true; else if (fCurrentDiff != null && fCurrentDiff.isToken()) return true; return false; } /** * This method returns {@link ITextEditor} used in the * {@link ChangeEncodingAction}. It provides implementation of methods that * are used by the action by delegating them to {@link ContributorInfo} that * corresponds to the side that has focus. * * @return the text editor adapter */ private ITextEditor getTextEditorAdapter() { return new ITextEditor() { public void close(boolean save) { // Implementing interface method } public void doRevertToSaved() { // Implementing interface method } public IAction getAction(String actionId) { // Implementing interface method return null; } public IDocumentProvider getDocumentProvider() { // Implementing interface method return null; } public IRegion getHighlightRange() { // Implementing interface method return null; } public ISelectionProvider getSelectionProvider() { // Implementing interface method return null; } public boolean isEditable() { // Implementing interface method return false; } public void removeActionActivationCode(String actionId) { // Implementing interface method } public void resetHighlightRange() { // Implementing interface method } public void selectAndReveal(int offset, int length) { // Implementing interface method } public void setAction(String actionId, IAction action) { // Implementing interface method } public void setActionActivationCode(String actionId, char activationCharacter, int activationKeyCode, int activationStateMask) { // Implementing interface method } public void setHighlightRange(int offset, int length, boolean moveCursor) { // Implementing interface method } public void showHighlightRangeOnly(boolean showHighlightRangeOnly) { // Implementing interface method } public boolean showsHighlightRangeOnly() { // Implementing interface method return false; } public IEditorInput getEditorInput() { if (fFocusPart == fAncestor && fAncestorContributor != null) { return fAncestorContributor.getDocumentKey(); } else if (fFocusPart == fLeft && fLeftContributor != null) { return fLeftContributor.getDocumentKey(); } else if (fFocusPart == fRight && fRightContributor != null) { return fRightContributor.getDocumentKey(); } else { return null; } } public IEditorSite getEditorSite() { // Implementing interface method return null; } public void init(IEditorSite site, IEditorInput input) throws PartInitException { // Implementing interface method } public void addPropertyListener(IPropertyListener listener) { // Implementing interface method } public void createPartControl(Composite parent) { // Implementing interface method } public void dispose() { // Implementing interface method } public IWorkbenchPartSite getSite() { // Implementing interface method return new IWorkbenchPartSite() { public String getId() { // Implementing interface method return null; } public IKeyBindingService getKeyBindingService() { // Implementing interface method return null; } public IWorkbenchPart getPart() { // Implementing interface method return null; } public String getPluginId() { // Implementing interface method return null; } public String getRegisteredName() { // Implementing interface method return null; } public void registerContextMenu(MenuManager menuManager, ISelectionProvider selectionProvider) { // Implementing interface method } public void registerContextMenu(String menuId, MenuManager menuManager, ISelectionProvider selectionProvider) { // Implementing interface method } public IWorkbenchPage getPage() { // Implementing interface method return null; } public ISelectionProvider getSelectionProvider() { // Implementing interface method return null; } public Shell getShell() { return fComposite.getShell(); } public IWorkbenchWindow getWorkbenchWindow() { // Implementing interface method return null; } public void setSelectionProvider(ISelectionProvider provider) { // Implementing interface method } public Object getAdapter(Class adapter) { // Implementing interface method return null; } public Object getService(Class api) { // Implementing interface method return null; } public boolean hasService(Class api) { // Implementing interface method return false; } }; } public String getTitle() { // Implementing interface method return null; } public Image getTitleImage() { // Implementing interface method return null; } public String getTitleToolTip() { // Implementing interface method return null; } public void removePropertyListener(IPropertyListener listener) { // Implementing interface method } public void setFocus() { // Implementing interface method } public Object getAdapter(Class adapter) { if (adapter == IEncodingSupport.class) { if (fFocusPart == fAncestor) { return getEncodingSupport(fAncestorContributor); } else if (fFocusPart == fLeft) { return getEncodingSupport(fLeftContributor); } else if (fFocusPart == fRight) { return getEncodingSupport(fRightContributor); } } return null; } private IEncodingSupport getEncodingSupport(ContributorInfo contributor) { if (contributor != null && contributor.getDefaultEncoding() != null) { return contributor; } return null; } public void doSave(IProgressMonitor monitor) { // Implementing interface method } public void doSaveAs() { // Implementing interface method } public boolean isDirty() { if (fFocusPart == fLeft) { return isLeftDirty(); } else if (fFocusPart == fRight) { return isRightDirty(); } return false; } public boolean isSaveAsAllowed() { // Implementing interface method return false; } public boolean isSaveOnCloseNeeded() { // Implementing interface method return false; } }; } private void updateStructure() { getCompareConfiguration().setProperty("ALL_STRUCTURE_REFRESH", null); //$NON-NLS-1$ } private void updateStructure(char leg) { String key = null; switch (leg) { case ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR: key = "ANCESTOR_STRUCTURE_REFRESH"; //$NON-NLS-1$ break; case LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR: key = "LEFT_STRUCTURE_REFRESH"; //$NON-NLS-1$ break; case RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR: key = "RIGHT_STRUCTURE_REFRESH"; //$NON-NLS-1$ break; } Assert.isNotNull(key); getCompareConfiguration().setProperty(key, null); } }

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