org.eclipse.compare.internal.merge.DocumentMerger Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2007, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Alex Blewitt - replace new Boolean with Boolean.valueOf - https://bugs.eclipse.org/470344
package org.eclipse.compare.internal.merge;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableWithProgress;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadPositionCategoryException;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.Position;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.TextUtilities;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.progress.IProgressService;
import org.eclipse.compare.CompareConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.compare.ICompareFilter;
import org.eclipse.compare.contentmergeviewer.ITokenComparator;
import org.eclipse.compare.internal.CompareContentViewerSwitchingPane;
import org.eclipse.compare.internal.CompareMessages;
import org.eclipse.compare.internal.ComparePreferencePage;
import org.eclipse.compare.internal.CompareUIPlugin;
import org.eclipse.compare.internal.DocLineComparator;
import org.eclipse.compare.internal.MergeViewerContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.compare.internal.Utilities;
import org.eclipse.compare.internal.core.LCS;
import org.eclipse.compare.rangedifferencer.IRangeComparator;
import org.eclipse.compare.rangedifferencer.RangeDifference;
import org.eclipse.compare.rangedifferencer.RangeDifferencer;
import org.eclipse.compare.structuremergeviewer.Differencer;
* A document merger manages the differences between two documents
* for either a 2-way or 3-way comparison.
* This class should not have any UI dependencies.
public class DocumentMerger {
private static final String DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY = CompareUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID + ".DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Selects between smartTokenDiff and mergingTokenDiff */
private static final boolean USE_MERGING_TOKEN_DIFF= false;
/** if true copying conflicts from one side to other concatenates both sides */
private static final boolean APPEND_CONFLICT= true;
/** All diffs for calculating scrolling position (includes line ranges without changes) */
private ArrayList fAllDiffs;
/** Subset of above: just real differences. */
private ArrayList fChangeDiffs;
private final boolean fLeftIsLocal;
private IDocumentMergerInput fInput;
* Interface that defines that input to the document merge process
public interface IDocumentMergerInput {
IDocument getDocument(char contributor);
Position getRegion(char contributor);
boolean isIgnoreAncestor();
boolean isThreeWay();
CompareConfiguration getCompareConfiguration();
ITokenComparator createTokenComparator(String s);
boolean isHunkOnLeft();
int getHunkStart();
boolean isPatchHunk();
boolean isShowPseudoConflicts();
boolean isPatchHunkOk();
public class Diff {
/** character range in ancestor document */
Position fAncestorPos;
/** character range in left document */
Position fLeftPos;
/** character range in right document */
Position fRightPos;
/** if this is a TokenDiff fParent points to the enclosing LineDiff */
Diff fParent;
/** if Diff has been resolved */
boolean fResolved;
int fDirection;
boolean fIsToken= false;
/** child token diffs */
ArrayList fDiffs;
boolean fIsWhitespace= false;
* Create Diff from two ranges and an optional parent diff.
Diff(Diff parent, int dir, IDocument ancestorDoc, Position aRange, int ancestorStart, int ancestorEnd,
IDocument leftDoc, Position lRange, int leftStart, int leftEnd,
IDocument rightDoc, Position rRange, int rightStart, int rightEnd) {
fParent= parent != null ? parent : this;
fDirection= dir;
fLeftPos= createPosition(leftDoc, lRange, leftStart, leftEnd);
fRightPos= createPosition(rightDoc, rRange, rightStart, rightEnd);
if (ancestorDoc != null)
fAncestorPos= createPosition(ancestorDoc, aRange, ancestorStart, ancestorEnd);
public Position getPosition(char type) {
switch (type) {
case MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR:
return fAncestorPos;
case MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR:
return fLeftPos;
case MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR:
return fRightPos;
return null;
boolean isInRange(char type, int pos) {
Position p= getPosition(type);
return (pos >= p.offset) && (pos < (p.offset+p.length));
public String changeType() {
boolean leftEmpty= fLeftPos.length == 0;
boolean rightEmpty= fRightPos.length == 0;
if (fDirection == RangeDifference.LEFT) {
if (!leftEmpty && rightEmpty)
return CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_changeType_addition;
if (leftEmpty && !rightEmpty)
return CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_changeType_deletion;
} else {
if (leftEmpty && !rightEmpty)
return CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_changeType_addition;
if (!leftEmpty && rightEmpty)
return CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_changeType_deletion;
return CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_changeType_change;
public Image getImage() {
int code= Differencer.CHANGE;
switch (fDirection) {
case RangeDifference.RIGHT:
code+= Differencer.LEFT;
case RangeDifference.LEFT:
code+= Differencer.RIGHT;
case RangeDifference.ANCESTOR:
case RangeDifference.CONFLICT:
code+= Differencer.CONFLICTING;
if (code != 0)
return getCompareConfiguration().getImage(code);
return null;
Position createPosition(IDocument doc, Position range, int start, int end) {
try {
int l= end-start;
if (range != null) {
int dl= range.length;
if (l > dl)
l= dl;
} else {
int dl= doc.getLength();
if (start+l > dl)
l= dl-start;
Position p= null;
try {
p= new Position(start, l);
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
p= new Position(0, 0);
try {
doc.addPosition(DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY, p);
} catch (BadPositionCategoryException ex) {
// silently ignored
return p;
} catch (BadLocationException ee) {
// silently ignored
return null;
void add(Diff d) {
if (fDiffs == null)
fDiffs= new ArrayList();
public boolean isDeleted() {
if (fAncestorPos != null && fAncestorPos.isDeleted())
return true;
return fLeftPos.isDeleted() || fRightPos.isDeleted();
void setResolved(boolean r) {
fResolved= r;
if (r)
fDiffs= null;
public boolean isResolved() {
if (!fResolved && fDiffs != null) {
Iterator e= fDiffs.iterator();
while (e.hasNext()) {
Diff d= (Diff) e.next();
if (!d.isResolved())
return false;
return true;
return fResolved;
// private boolean isIncoming() {
// switch (fDirection) {
// case RangeDifference.RIGHT:
// if (fLeftIsLocal)
// return true;
// break;
// case RangeDifference.LEFT:
// if (!fLeftIsLocal)
// return true;
// break;
// }
// return false;
// }
public boolean isIncomingOrConflicting() {
switch (fDirection) {
case RangeDifference.RIGHT:
if (fLeftIsLocal)
return true;
case RangeDifference.LEFT:
if (!fLeftIsLocal)
return true;
case RangeDifference.CONFLICT:
return true;
return false;
// private boolean isUnresolvedIncoming() {
// if (fResolved)
// return false;
// return isIncoming();
// }
public boolean isUnresolvedIncomingOrConflicting() {
if (fResolved)
return false;
return isIncomingOrConflicting();
Position getPosition(int contributor) {
if (contributor == MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR)
return fLeftPos;
if (contributor == MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR)
return fRightPos;
if (contributor == MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR)
return fAncestorPos;
return null;
* Returns true if given character range overlaps with this Diff.
public boolean overlaps(int contributor, int start, int end, int docLength) {
Position h= getPosition(contributor);
if (h != null) {
int ds= h.getOffset();
int de= ds + h.getLength();
if ((start < de) && (end >= ds))
return true;
if ((start == docLength) && (start <= de) && (end >= ds))
return true;
return false;
public int getMaxDiffHeight() {
Point region= new Point(0, 0);
int h= getLineRange(getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR), fLeftPos, region).y;
if (isThreeWay())
h= Math.max(h, getLineRange(getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR), fAncestorPos, region).y);
return Math.max(h, getLineRange(getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR), fRightPos, region).y);
public int getAncestorHeight() {
Point region= new Point(0, 0);
return getLineRange(getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR), fAncestorPos, region).y;
public int getLeftHeight() {
Point region= new Point(0, 0);
return getLineRange(getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR), fLeftPos, region).y;
public int getRightHeight() {
Point region= new Point(0, 0);
return getLineRange(getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR), fRightPos, region).y;
public Diff[] getChangeDiffs(int contributor, IRegion region) {
if (fDiffs != null && intersectsRegion(contributor, region)) {
List result = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator iterator = fDiffs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Diff diff = (Diff) iterator.next();
if (diff.intersectsRegion(contributor, region)) {
return (Diff[]) result.toArray(new Diff[result.size()]);
return new Diff[0];
private boolean intersectsRegion(int contributor, IRegion region) {
Position p = getPosition(contributor);
if (p != null)
return p.overlapsWith(region.getOffset(), region.getLength());
return false;
public boolean hasChildren() {
return fDiffs != null && !fDiffs.isEmpty();
public int getKind() {
return fDirection;
public boolean isToken() {
return fIsToken;
public Diff getParent() {
return fParent;
public Iterator childIterator() {
if (fDiffs == null)
return new ArrayList().iterator();
return fDiffs.iterator();
public DocumentMerger(IDocumentMergerInput input) {
this.fInput = input;
fLeftIsLocal= Utilities.getBoolean(getCompareConfiguration(), "LEFT_IS_LOCAL", false); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Perform a two level 2- or 3-way diff.
* The first level is based on line comparison, the second level on token comparison.
* @throws CoreException
public void doDiff() throws CoreException {
fChangeDiffs= new ArrayList();
IDocument lDoc = getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR);
IDocument rDoc = getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR);
if (lDoc == null || rDoc == null)
Position lRegion= getRegion(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR);
Position rRegion= getRegion(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR);
IDocument aDoc = null;
Position aRegion= null;
if (isThreeWay() && !isIgnoreAncestor()) {
aDoc= getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR);
aRegion= getRegion(MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR);
boolean ignoreWhiteSpace= isIgnoreWhitespace();
ICompareFilter[] compareFilters = getCompareFilters();
DocLineComparator sright = new DocLineComparator(rDoc,
toRegion(rRegion), ignoreWhiteSpace, compareFilters,
DocLineComparator sleft = new DocLineComparator(lDoc,
toRegion(lRegion), ignoreWhiteSpace, compareFilters,
DocLineComparator sancestor = null;
if (aDoc != null) {
sancestor = new DocLineComparator(aDoc, toRegion(aRegion),
ignoreWhiteSpace, compareFilters,
/*if (isPatchHunk()) {
if (isHunkOnLeft()) {
sright= new DocLineComparator(aDoc, toRegion(aRegion), ignoreWhiteSpace);
} else {
sleft= new DocLineComparator(aDoc, toRegion(aRegion), ignoreWhiteSpace);
final Object[] result= new Object[1];
final DocLineComparator sa= sancestor, sl= sleft, sr= sright;
IRunnableWithProgress runnable= new IRunnableWithProgress() {
public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException {
monitor.beginTask(CompareMessages.DocumentMerger_0, maxWork(sa, sl, sr));
try {
result[0]= RangeDifferencer.findRanges(monitor, sa, sl, sr);
} catch (OutOfMemoryError ex) {
throw new InvocationTargetException(ex);
if (monitor.isCanceled()) { // canceled
throw new InterruptedException();
RangeDifference[] e= null;
try {
getCompareConfiguration().getContainer().run(true, true, runnable);
e= (RangeDifference[]) result[0];
} catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
// we create a NOCHANGE range for the whole document
Diff diff= new Diff(null, RangeDifference.NOCHANGE,
aDoc, aRegion, 0, aDoc != null ? aDoc.getLength() : 0,
lDoc, lRegion, 0, lDoc.getLength(),
rDoc, rRegion, 0, rDoc.getLength());
fAllDiffs = new ArrayList();
throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, CompareUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, 0, CompareMessages.DocumentMerger_1, ex.getTargetException()));
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// we create a NOCHANGE range for the whole document
Diff diff= new Diff(null, RangeDifference.NOCHANGE,
aDoc, aRegion, 0, aDoc != null ? aDoc.getLength() : 0,
lDoc, lRegion, 0, lDoc.getLength(),
rDoc, rRegion, 0, rDoc.getLength());
fAllDiffs = new ArrayList();
if (isCapped(sa, sl, sr))
ArrayList newAllDiffs = new ArrayList();
for (int i= 0; i < e.length; i++) {
RangeDifference es= e[i];
int ancestorStart= 0;
int ancestorEnd= 0;
if (sancestor != null) {
ancestorStart= sancestor.getTokenStart(es.ancestorStart());
ancestorEnd= getTokenEnd2(sancestor, es.ancestorStart(), es.ancestorLength());
int leftStart= sleft.getTokenStart(es.leftStart());
int leftEnd= getTokenEnd2(sleft, es.leftStart(), es.leftLength());
int rightStart= sright.getTokenStart(es.rightStart());
int rightEnd= getTokenEnd2(sright, es.rightStart(), es.rightLength());
/*if (isPatchHunk()) {
if (isHunkOnLeft()) {
rightStart = rightEnd = getHunkStart();
} else {
leftStart = leftEnd = getHunkStart();
Diff diff= new Diff(null, es.kind(),
aDoc, aRegion, ancestorStart, ancestorEnd,
lDoc, lRegion, leftStart, leftEnd,
rDoc, rRegion, rightStart, rightEnd);
newAllDiffs.add(diff); // remember all range diffs for scrolling
if (isPatchHunk()) {
if (useChange(diff)) {
} else {
if (ignoreWhiteSpace || useChange(es.kind())) {
// Extract the string for each contributor.
String a= null;
if (sancestor != null)
a= extract2(aDoc, sancestor, es.ancestorStart(), es.ancestorLength());
String s= extract2(lDoc, sleft, es.leftStart(), es.leftLength());
String d= extract2(rDoc, sright, es.rightStart(), es.rightLength());
// Indicate whether all contributors are whitespace
if (ignoreWhiteSpace
&& (a == null || a.trim().length() == 0)
&& s.trim().length() == 0
&& d.trim().length() == 0) {
diff.fIsWhitespace= true;
// If the diff is of interest, record it and generate the token diffs
if (useChange(diff)) {
if (s.length() > 0 && d.length() > 0) {
if (a == null && sancestor != null)
a= extract2(aDoc, sancestor, es.ancestorStart(), es.ancestorLength());
mergingTokenDiff(diff, aDoc, a, rDoc, d, lDoc, s);
simpleTokenDiff(diff, aDoc, a, rDoc, d, lDoc, s);
fAllDiffs = newAllDiffs;
private boolean isCapped(DocLineComparator ancestor,
DocLineComparator left, DocLineComparator right) {
if (isCappingDisabled())
return false;
int aLength = ancestor == null? 0 : ancestor.getRangeCount();
int lLength = left.getRangeCount();
int rLength = right.getRangeCount();
if ((double) aLength * (double) lLength > LCS.TOO_LONG
|| (double) aLength * (double) rLength > LCS.TOO_LONG
|| (double) lLength * (double) rLength > LCS.TOO_LONG)
return true;
return false;
public Diff findDiff(char type, int pos) throws CoreException {
IDocument aDoc= null;
IDocument lDoc= getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR);
IDocument rDoc= getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR);
if (lDoc == null || rDoc == null)
return null;
Position aRegion= null;
Position lRegion= null;
Position rRegion= null;
boolean threeWay= isThreeWay();
if (threeWay && !isIgnoreAncestor())
aDoc= getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR);
boolean ignoreWhiteSpace= isIgnoreWhitespace();
ICompareFilter[] compareFilters = getCompareFilters();
DocLineComparator sright= new DocLineComparator(rDoc, toRegion(rRegion), ignoreWhiteSpace, compareFilters, MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR);
DocLineComparator sleft= new DocLineComparator(lDoc, toRegion(lRegion), ignoreWhiteSpace, compareFilters, MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR);
DocLineComparator sancestor= null;
if (aDoc != null)
sancestor= new DocLineComparator(aDoc, toRegion(aRegion), ignoreWhiteSpace, compareFilters, MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR);
final Object[] result= new Object[1];
final DocLineComparator sa= sancestor, sl= sleft, sr= sright;
IRunnableWithProgress runnable= new IRunnableWithProgress() {
public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException {
monitor.beginTask(CompareMessages.DocumentMerger_2, maxWork(sa, sl, sr));
try {
result[0]= RangeDifferencer.findRanges(monitor, sa, sl, sr);
} catch (OutOfMemoryError ex) {
throw new InvocationTargetException(ex);
if (monitor.isCanceled()) { // canceled
throw new InterruptedException();
IProgressService progressService= PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getProgressService();
RangeDifference[] e= null;
try {
progressService.run(true, true, runnable);
e= (RangeDifference[]) result[0];
} catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, CompareUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, 0, CompareMessages.DocumentMerger_3, ex.getTargetException()));
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
if (e != null) {
for (int i= 0; i < e.length; i++) {
RangeDifference es= e[i];
int kind= es.kind();
int ancestorStart= 0;
int ancestorEnd= 0;
if (sancestor != null) {
ancestorStart= sancestor.getTokenStart(es.ancestorStart());
ancestorEnd= getTokenEnd2(sancestor, es.ancestorStart(), es.ancestorLength());
int leftStart= sleft.getTokenStart(es.leftStart());
int leftEnd= getTokenEnd2(sleft, es.leftStart(), es.leftLength());
int rightStart= sright.getTokenStart(es.rightStart());
int rightEnd= getTokenEnd2(sright, es.rightStart(), es.rightLength());
Diff diff= new Diff(null, kind,
aDoc, aRegion, ancestorStart, ancestorEnd,
lDoc, lRegion, leftStart, leftEnd,
rDoc, rRegion, rightStart, rightEnd);
if (diff.isInRange(type, pos))
return diff;
return null;
private void recordChangeDiff(Diff diff) {
fChangeDiffs.add(diff); // here we remember only the real diffs
/*private boolean isHunkOnLeft() {
return fInput.isHunkOnLeft();
private int getHunkStart() {
return fInput.getHunkStart();
private boolean isPatchHunk() {
return fInput.isPatchHunk();
private boolean isIgnoreWhitespace() {
return Utilities.getBoolean(getCompareConfiguration(), CompareConfiguration.IGNORE_WHITESPACE, false);
private ICompareFilter[] getCompareFilters() {
return Utilities.getCompareFilters(getCompareConfiguration());
private boolean isCappingDisabled() {
return CompareUIPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.CAPPING_DISABLED);
private IDocument getDocument(char contributor) {
return fInput.getDocument(contributor);
private Position getRegion(char contributor) {
return fInput.getRegion(contributor);
public boolean isIgnoreAncestor() {
return fInput.isIgnoreAncestor();
public boolean isThreeWay() {
return fInput.isThreeWay();
* Return the compare configuration associated with this merger.
* @return the compare configuration associated with this merger
public CompareConfiguration getCompareConfiguration() {
return fInput.getCompareConfiguration();
* Returns true if kind of change should be shown.
public boolean useChange(Diff diff) {
if (diff.fIsWhitespace)
return false;
int kind = diff.getKind();
return useChange(kind);
private boolean useChange(int kind) {
if (kind == RangeDifference.NOCHANGE)
return false;
if (fInput.getCompareConfiguration().isChangeIgnored(kind))
return false;
if (kind == RangeDifference.ANCESTOR)
return fInput.isShowPseudoConflicts();
return true;
private int getTokenEnd(ITokenComparator tc, int start, int count) {
if (count <= 0)
return tc.getTokenStart(start);
int index= start + count - 1;
return tc.getTokenStart(index) + tc.getTokenLength(index);
private static int getTokenEnd2(ITokenComparator tc, int start, int length) {
return tc.getTokenStart(start + length);
* Returns the content of lines in the specified range as a String.
* This includes the line separators.
* @param doc the document from which to extract the characters
* @param start index of first line
* @param length number of lines
* @return the contents of the specified line range as a String
private String extract2(IDocument doc, ITokenComparator tc, int start, int length) {
int count= tc.getRangeCount();
if (length > 0 && count > 0) {
// int startPos= tc.getTokenStart(start);
// int endPos= startPos;
// if (length > 1)
// endPos= tc.getTokenStart(start + (length-1));
// endPos+= tc.getTokenLength(start + (length-1));
int startPos= tc.getTokenStart(start);
int endPos;
if (length == 1) {
endPos= startPos + tc.getTokenLength(start);
} else {
endPos= tc.getTokenStart(start + length);
try {
return doc.get(startPos, endPos - startPos);
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
// silently ignored
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static IRegion toRegion(Position position) {
if (position != null)
return new Region(position.getOffset(), position.getLength());
return null;
* Performs a "smart" token based 3-way diff on the character range specified by the given baseDiff.
* It is "smart" because it tries to minimize the number of token diffs by merging them.
private void mergingTokenDiff(Diff baseDiff,
IDocument ancestorDoc, String a,
IDocument rightDoc, String d,
IDocument leftDoc, String s) {
ITokenComparator sa= null;
int ancestorStart= 0;
if (ancestorDoc != null) {
sa= createTokenComparator(a);
ancestorStart= baseDiff.fAncestorPos.getOffset();
int rightStart= baseDiff.fRightPos.getOffset();
ITokenComparator sm= createTokenComparator(d);
int leftStart= baseDiff.fLeftPos.getOffset();
ITokenComparator sy= createTokenComparator(s);
RangeDifference[] r= RangeDifferencer.findRanges(sa, sy, sm);
for (int i= 0; i < r.length; i++) {
RangeDifference es= r[i];
// determine range of diffs in one line
int start= i;
int leftLine= -1;
int rightLine= -1;
try {
leftLine= leftDoc.getLineOfOffset(leftStart+sy.getTokenStart(es.leftStart()));
rightLine= rightDoc.getLineOfOffset(rightStart+sm.getTokenStart(es.rightStart()));
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
// silently ignored
for (; i < r.length; i++) {
es= r[i];
try {
if (leftLine != leftDoc.getLineOfOffset(leftStart+sy.getTokenStart(es.leftStart())))
if (rightLine != rightDoc.getLineOfOffset(rightStart+sm.getTokenStart(es.rightStart())))
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
// silently ignored
int end= i;
// find first diff from left
RangeDifference first= null;
for (int ii= start; ii < end; ii++) {
es= r[ii];
if (useChange(es.kind())) {
first= es;
// find first diff from mine
RangeDifference last= null;
for (int ii= end-1; ii >= start; ii--) {
es= r[ii];
if (useChange(es.kind())) {
last= es;
if (first != null && last != null) {
int ancestorStart2= 0;
int ancestorEnd2= 0;
if (ancestorDoc != null) {
ancestorStart2= ancestorStart+sa.getTokenStart(first.ancestorStart());
ancestorEnd2= ancestorStart+getTokenEnd(sa, last.ancestorStart(), last.ancestorLength());
int leftStart2= leftStart+sy.getTokenStart(first.leftStart());
int leftEnd2= leftStart+getTokenEnd(sy, last.leftStart(), last.leftLength());
int rightStart2= rightStart+sm.getTokenStart(first.rightStart());
int rightEnd2= rightStart+getTokenEnd(sm, last.rightStart(), last.rightLength());
Diff diff= new Diff(baseDiff, first.kind(),
ancestorDoc, null, ancestorStart2, ancestorEnd2,
leftDoc, null, leftStart2, leftEnd2,
rightDoc, null, rightStart2, rightEnd2);
diff.fIsToken= true;
* Performs a token based 3-way diff on the character range specified by the given baseDiff.
private void simpleTokenDiff(final Diff baseDiff,
IDocument ancestorDoc, String a,
IDocument rightDoc, String d,
IDocument leftDoc, String s) {
int ancestorStart= 0;
ITokenComparator sa= null;
if (ancestorDoc != null) {
ancestorStart= baseDiff.fAncestorPos.getOffset();
sa= createTokenComparator(a);
int rightStart= baseDiff.fRightPos.getOffset();
ITokenComparator sm= createTokenComparator(d);
int leftStart= baseDiff.fLeftPos.getOffset();
ITokenComparator sy= createTokenComparator(s);
RangeDifference[] e= RangeDifferencer.findRanges(sa, sy, sm);
for (int i= 0; i < e.length; i++) {
RangeDifference es= e[i];
int kind= es.kind();
if (kind != RangeDifference.NOCHANGE) {
int ancestorStart2= ancestorStart;
int ancestorEnd2= ancestorStart;
if (ancestorDoc != null) {
ancestorStart2 += sa.getTokenStart(es.ancestorStart());
ancestorEnd2 += getTokenEnd(sa, es.ancestorStart(), es.ancestorLength());
int leftStart2= leftStart + sy.getTokenStart(es.leftStart());
int leftEnd2= leftStart + getTokenEnd(sy, es.leftStart(), es.leftLength());
int rightStart2= rightStart + sm.getTokenStart(es.rightStart());
int rightEnd2= rightStart + getTokenEnd(sm, es.rightStart(), es.rightLength());
Diff diff= new Diff(baseDiff, kind,
ancestorDoc, null, ancestorStart2, ancestorEnd2,
leftDoc, null, leftStart2, leftEnd2,
rightDoc, null, rightStart2, rightEnd2);
// ensure that token diff is smaller than basediff
int leftS= baseDiff.fLeftPos.offset;
int leftE= baseDiff.fLeftPos.offset+baseDiff.fLeftPos.length;
int rightS= baseDiff.fRightPos.offset;
int rightE= baseDiff.fRightPos.offset+baseDiff.fRightPos.length;
if (leftS != leftStart2 || leftE != leftEnd2 ||
rightS != rightStart2 || rightE != rightEnd2) {
diff.fIsToken= true;
// add to base Diff
private ITokenComparator createTokenComparator(String s) {
return fInput.createTokenComparator(s);
private static int maxWork(IRangeComparator a, IRangeComparator l, IRangeComparator r) {
int ln= l.getRangeCount();
int rn= r.getRangeCount();
if (a != null) {
int an= a.getRangeCount();
return (2 * Math.max(an, ln)) + (2 * Math.max(an, rn));
return 2 * Math.max(ln, rn);
private void resetPositions(IDocument doc) {
if (doc == null)
try {
} catch (BadPositionCategoryException e) {
// Ignore
* Returns the start line and the number of lines which correspond to the given position.
* Starting line number is 0 based.
protected Point getLineRange(IDocument doc, Position p, Point region) {
if (p == null || doc == null) {
region.x= 0;
region.y= 0;
return region;
int start= p.getOffset();
int length= p.getLength();
int startLine= 0;
try {
startLine= doc.getLineOfOffset(start);
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
// silently ignored
int lineCount= 0;
if (length == 0) {
// // if range length is 0 and if range starts a new line
// try {
// if (start == doc.getLineStartOffset(startLine)) {
// lines--;
// }
// } catch (BadLocationException e) {
// lines--;
// }
} else {
int endLine= 0;
try {
endLine= doc.getLineOfOffset(start + length - 1); // why -1?
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
// silently ignored
lineCount= endLine-startLine+1;
region.x= startLine;
region.y= lineCount;
return region;
public Diff findDiff(Position p, boolean left) {
for (Iterator iterator = fAllDiffs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Diff diff = (Diff) iterator.next();
Position diffPos;
if (left) {
diffPos = diff.fLeftPos;
} else {
diffPos = diff.fRightPos;
// If the element falls within a diff, highlight that diff
if (diffPos.offset + diffPos.length >= p.offset && diff.fDirection != RangeDifference.NOCHANGE)
return diff;
// Otherwise, highlight the first diff after the elements position
if (diffPos.offset >= p.offset)
return diff;
return null;
public void reset() {
fChangeDiffs= null;
fAllDiffs= null;
* Returns the virtual position for the given view position.
* @param contributor
* @param vpos
* @return the virtual position for the given view position
public int realToVirtualPosition(char contributor, int vpos) {
if (fAllDiffs == null)
return vpos;
int viewPos= 0; // real view position
int virtualPos= 0; // virtual position
Point region= new Point(0, 0);
Iterator e= fAllDiffs.iterator();
while (e.hasNext()) {
Diff diff= (Diff) e.next();
Position pos= diff.getPosition(contributor);
getLineRange(getDocument(contributor),pos, region);
int realHeight= region.y;
int virtualHeight= diff.getMaxDiffHeight();
if (vpos <= viewPos + realHeight) { // OK, found!
vpos-= viewPos; // make relative to this slot
// now scale position within this slot to virtual slot
if (realHeight <= 0)
vpos= 0;
vpos= (vpos*virtualHeight)/realHeight;
return virtualPos+vpos;
viewPos+= realHeight;
virtualPos+= virtualHeight;
return virtualPos;
* maps given virtual position into a real view position of this view.
* @param contributor
* @param v
* @return the real view position
public int virtualToRealPosition(char contributor, int v) {
if (fAllDiffs == null)
return v;
int virtualPos= 0;
int viewPos= 0;
Point region= new Point(0, 0);
Iterator e= fAllDiffs.iterator();
while (e.hasNext()) {
Diff diff= (Diff) e.next();
Position pos= diff.getPosition(contributor);
int viewHeight= getLineRange(getDocument(contributor), pos, region).y;
int virtualHeight= diff.getMaxDiffHeight();
if (v < (virtualPos + virtualHeight)) {
v-= virtualPos; // make relative to this slot
if (viewHeight <= 0) {
v= 0;
} else {
v= (int) (v * ((double)viewHeight/virtualHeight));
return viewPos+v;
virtualPos+= virtualHeight;
viewPos+= viewHeight;
return viewPos;
* Calculates virtual height (in lines) of views by adding the maximum of corresponding diffs.
public int getVirtualHeight() {
int h= 1;
if (fAllDiffs != null) {
Iterator e= fAllDiffs.iterator();
while (e.hasNext()) {
Diff diff= (Diff) e.next();
h+= diff.getMaxDiffHeight();
return h;
* Calculates height (in lines) of right view by adding the height of the right diffs.
public int getRightHeight() {
int h= 1;
if (fAllDiffs != null) {
Iterator e= fAllDiffs.iterator();
while (e.hasNext()) {
Diff diff= (Diff) e.next();
h+= diff.getRightHeight();
return h;
public int findInsertionPoint(Diff diff, char type) {
if (diff != null) {
switch (type) {
case MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR:
if (diff.fAncestorPos != null)
return diff.fAncestorPos.offset;
case MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR:
if (diff.fLeftPos != null)
return diff.fLeftPos.offset;
case MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR:
if (diff.fRightPos != null)
return diff.fRightPos.offset;
return 0;
public Diff[] getChangeDiffs(char contributor, IRegion region) {
if (fChangeDiffs == null)
return new Diff[0];
List intersectingDiffs = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator iterator = fChangeDiffs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Diff diff = (Diff) iterator.next();
Diff[] changeDiffs = diff.getChangeDiffs(contributor, region);
for (int i = 0; i < changeDiffs.length; i++) {
Diff changeDiff = changeDiffs[i];
return (Diff[]) intersectingDiffs.toArray(new Diff[intersectingDiffs.size()]);
public Diff findDiff(int viewportHeight, boolean synchronizedScrolling, Point size, int my) {
int virtualHeight= synchronizedScrolling ? getVirtualHeight() : getRightHeight();
if (virtualHeight < viewportHeight)
return null;
int yy, hh;
int y= 0;
if (fAllDiffs != null) {
Iterator e= fAllDiffs.iterator();
while (e.hasNext()) {
Diff diff= (Diff) e.next();
int h= synchronizedScrolling ? diff.getMaxDiffHeight()
: diff.getRightHeight();
if (useChange(diff.getKind()) && !diff.fIsWhitespace) {
yy= (y*size.y)/virtualHeight;
hh= (h*size.y)/virtualHeight;
if (hh < 3)
hh= 3;
if (my >= yy && my < yy+hh)
return diff;
y+= h;
return null;
public boolean hasChanges() {
return fChangeDiffs != null && !fChangeDiffs.isEmpty();
public Iterator changesIterator() {
if (fChangeDiffs == null)
return new ArrayList().iterator();
return fChangeDiffs.iterator();
public Iterator rangesIterator() {
if (fAllDiffs == null)
return new ArrayList().iterator();
return fAllDiffs.iterator();
public boolean isFirstChildDiff(char contributor, int childStart, Diff diff) {
if (!diff.hasChildren())
return false;
Diff d = (Diff)diff.fDiffs.get(0);
Position p= d.getPosition(contributor);
return (p.getOffset() >= childStart);
public Diff getWrappedDiff(Diff diff, boolean down) {
if (fChangeDiffs != null && fChangeDiffs.size() > 0) {
if (down)
return (Diff) fChangeDiffs.get(0);
return (Diff) fChangeDiffs.get(fChangeDiffs.size()-1);
return null;
* Copy the contents of the given diff from one side to the other but
* doesn't reveal anything.
* Returns true if copy was successful.
public boolean copy(Diff diff, boolean leftToRight) {
if (diff != null) {
Position fromPos= null;
Position toPos= null;
IDocument fromDoc= null;
IDocument toDoc= null;
if (leftToRight) {
fromPos= diff.getPosition(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR);
toPos= diff.getPosition(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR);
fromDoc= getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR);
toDoc= getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR);
} else {
fromPos= diff.getPosition(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR);
toPos= diff.getPosition(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR);
fromDoc= getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR);
toDoc= getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR);
if (fromDoc != null) {
int fromStart= fromPos.getOffset();
int fromLen= fromPos.getLength();
int toStart= toPos.getOffset();
int toLen= toPos.getLength();
try {
String s= null;
switch (diff.getKind()) {
case RangeDifference.RIGHT:
case RangeDifference.LEFT:
s= fromDoc.get(fromStart, fromLen);
case RangeDifference.ANCESTOR:
case RangeDifference.CONFLICT:
s= toDoc.get(toStart, toLen);
String ls = TextUtilities.getDefaultLineDelimiter(toDoc);
if (!s.endsWith(ls))
s += ls;
s+= fromDoc.get(fromStart, fromLen);
} else
s= fromDoc.get(fromStart, fromLen);
if (s != null) {
toDoc.replace(toStart, toLen, s);
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
// silently ignored
return true;
return false;
public int changesCount() {
if (fChangeDiffs == null)
return 0;
return fChangeDiffs.size();
public Diff findDiff(char contributor, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd) {
if (hasChanges()) {
for (Iterator iterator = changesIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Diff diff = (Diff) iterator.next();
if (diff.isDeleted() || diff.getKind() == RangeDifference.NOCHANGE)
if (diff.overlaps(contributor, rangeStart, rangeEnd, getDocument(contributor).getLength()))
return diff;
return null;
public Diff findDiff(char contributor, Position range) {
int start= range.getOffset();
int end= start + range.getLength();
return findDiff(contributor, start, end);
public Diff findNext(char contributor, int start, int end, boolean deep) {
return findNext(contributor, fChangeDiffs, start, end, deep);
private Diff findNext(char contributor, List v, int start, int end, boolean deep) {
if (v == null)
return null;
for (int i= 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
Diff diff= (Diff) v.get(i);
Position p= diff.getPosition(contributor);
if (p != null) {
int startOffset= p.getOffset();
if (end < startOffset) // <=
return diff;
if (deep && diff.hasChildren()) {
Diff d= null;
int endOffset= startOffset + p.getLength();
if (start == startOffset && (end == endOffset || end == endOffset-1)) {
d= findNext(contributor, diff.fDiffs, start-1, start-1, deep);
} else if (end < endOffset) {
d= findNext(contributor, diff.fDiffs, start, end, deep);
if (d != null)
return d;
return null;
public Diff findPrev(char contributor, int start, int end, boolean deep) {
return findPrev(contributor, fChangeDiffs, start, end, deep);
private Diff findPrev(char contributor, List v, int start, int end, boolean deep) {
if (v == null)
return null;
for (int i= v.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
Diff diff= (Diff) v.get(i);
Position p= diff.getPosition(contributor);
if (p != null) {
int startOffset= p.getOffset();
int endOffset= startOffset + p.getLength();
if (start > endOffset) {
if (deep && diff.hasChildren()) {
// If we are going deep, find the last change in the diff
return findPrev(contributor, diff.fDiffs, end, end, deep);
return diff;
if (deep && diff.hasChildren()) {
Diff d= null;
if (start == startOffset && end == endOffset) {
// A whole diff is selected so we'll fall through
// and go the the last change in the previous diff
} else if (start >= startOffset) {
// If we are at or before the first diff, select the
// entire diff so next and previous are symmetrical
if (isFirstChildDiff(contributor, start, diff)) {
return diff;
d= findPrev(contributor, diff.fDiffs, start, end, deep);
if (d != null)
return d;
return null;