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 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 *     Alex Blewitt  - replace new Boolean with Boolean.valueOf -

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;


import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;

import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableWithProgress;

import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadPositionCategoryException;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.Position;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.TextUtilities;

import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.progress.IProgressService;


 * A document merger manages the differences between two documents
 * for either a 2-way or 3-way comparison. 

* This class should not have any UI dependencies. */ public class DocumentMerger { private static final String DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY = CompareUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID + ".DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** Selects between smartTokenDiff and mergingTokenDiff */ private static final boolean USE_MERGING_TOKEN_DIFF= false; /** if true copying conflicts from one side to other concatenates both sides */ private static final boolean APPEND_CONFLICT= true; /** All diffs for calculating scrolling position (includes line ranges without changes) */ private ArrayList fAllDiffs; /** Subset of above: just real differences. */ private ArrayList fChangeDiffs; private final boolean fLeftIsLocal; private IDocumentMergerInput fInput; /** * Interface that defines that input to the document merge process */ public interface IDocumentMergerInput { IDocument getDocument(char contributor); Position getRegion(char contributor); boolean isIgnoreAncestor(); boolean isThreeWay(); CompareConfiguration getCompareConfiguration(); ITokenComparator createTokenComparator(String s); boolean isHunkOnLeft(); int getHunkStart(); boolean isPatchHunk(); boolean isShowPseudoConflicts(); boolean isPatchHunkOk(); } public class Diff { /** character range in ancestor document */ Position fAncestorPos; /** character range in left document */ Position fLeftPos; /** character range in right document */ Position fRightPos; /** if this is a TokenDiff fParent points to the enclosing LineDiff */ Diff fParent; /** if Diff has been resolved */ boolean fResolved; int fDirection; boolean fIsToken= false; /** child token diffs */ ArrayList fDiffs; boolean fIsWhitespace= false; /* * Create Diff from two ranges and an optional parent diff. */ Diff(Diff parent, int dir, IDocument ancestorDoc, Position aRange, int ancestorStart, int ancestorEnd, IDocument leftDoc, Position lRange, int leftStart, int leftEnd, IDocument rightDoc, Position rRange, int rightStart, int rightEnd) { fParent= parent != null ? parent : this; fDirection= dir; fLeftPos= createPosition(leftDoc, lRange, leftStart, leftEnd); fRightPos= createPosition(rightDoc, rRange, rightStart, rightEnd); if (ancestorDoc != null) fAncestorPos= createPosition(ancestorDoc, aRange, ancestorStart, ancestorEnd); } public Position getPosition(char type) { switch (type) { case MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR: return fAncestorPos; case MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR: return fLeftPos; case MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR: return fRightPos; } return null; } boolean isInRange(char type, int pos) { Position p= getPosition(type); return (pos >= p.offset) && (pos < (p.offset+p.length)); } public String changeType() { boolean leftEmpty= fLeftPos.length == 0; boolean rightEmpty= fRightPos.length == 0; if (fDirection == RangeDifference.LEFT) { if (!leftEmpty && rightEmpty) return CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_changeType_addition; if (leftEmpty && !rightEmpty) return CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_changeType_deletion; } else { if (leftEmpty && !rightEmpty) return CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_changeType_addition; if (!leftEmpty && rightEmpty) return CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_changeType_deletion; } return CompareMessages.TextMergeViewer_changeType_change; } public Image getImage() { int code= Differencer.CHANGE; switch (fDirection) { case RangeDifference.RIGHT: code+= Differencer.LEFT; break; case RangeDifference.LEFT: code+= Differencer.RIGHT; break; case RangeDifference.ANCESTOR: case RangeDifference.CONFLICT: code+= Differencer.CONFLICTING; break; } if (code != 0) return getCompareConfiguration().getImage(code); return null; } Position createPosition(IDocument doc, Position range, int start, int end) { try { int l= end-start; if (range != null) { int dl= range.length; if (l > dl) l= dl; } else { int dl= doc.getLength(); if (start+l > dl) l= dl-start; } Position p= null; try { p= new Position(start, l); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { p= new Position(0, 0); } try { doc.addPosition(DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY, p); } catch (BadPositionCategoryException ex) { // silently ignored } return p; } catch (BadLocationException ee) { // silently ignored } return null; } void add(Diff d) { if (fDiffs == null) fDiffs= new ArrayList(); fDiffs.add(d); } public boolean isDeleted() { if (fAncestorPos != null && fAncestorPos.isDeleted()) return true; return fLeftPos.isDeleted() || fRightPos.isDeleted(); } void setResolved(boolean r) { fResolved= r; if (r) fDiffs= null; } public boolean isResolved() { if (!fResolved && fDiffs != null) { Iterator e= fDiffs.iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { Diff d= (Diff); if (!d.isResolved()) return false; } return true; } return fResolved; } // private boolean isIncoming() { // switch (fDirection) { // case RangeDifference.RIGHT: // if (fLeftIsLocal) // return true; // break; // case RangeDifference.LEFT: // if (!fLeftIsLocal) // return true; // break; // } // return false; // } public boolean isIncomingOrConflicting() { switch (fDirection) { case RangeDifference.RIGHT: if (fLeftIsLocal) return true; break; case RangeDifference.LEFT: if (!fLeftIsLocal) return true; break; case RangeDifference.CONFLICT: return true; } return false; } // private boolean isUnresolvedIncoming() { // if (fResolved) // return false; // return isIncoming(); // } public boolean isUnresolvedIncomingOrConflicting() { if (fResolved) return false; return isIncomingOrConflicting(); } Position getPosition(int contributor) { if (contributor == MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR) return fLeftPos; if (contributor == MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR) return fRightPos; if (contributor == MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR) return fAncestorPos; return null; } /* * Returns true if given character range overlaps with this Diff. */ public boolean overlaps(int contributor, int start, int end, int docLength) { Position h= getPosition(contributor); if (h != null) { int ds= h.getOffset(); int de= ds + h.getLength(); if ((start < de) && (end >= ds)) return true; if ((start == docLength) && (start <= de) && (end >= ds)) return true; } return false; } public int getMaxDiffHeight() { Point region= new Point(0, 0); int h= getLineRange(getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR), fLeftPos, region).y; if (isThreeWay()) h= Math.max(h, getLineRange(getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR), fAncestorPos, region).y); return Math.max(h, getLineRange(getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR), fRightPos, region).y); } public int getAncestorHeight() { Point region= new Point(0, 0); return getLineRange(getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR), fAncestorPos, region).y; } public int getLeftHeight() { Point region= new Point(0, 0); return getLineRange(getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR), fLeftPos, region).y; } public int getRightHeight() { Point region= new Point(0, 0); return getLineRange(getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR), fRightPos, region).y; } public Diff[] getChangeDiffs(int contributor, IRegion region) { if (fDiffs != null && intersectsRegion(contributor, region)) { List result = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iterator = fDiffs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Diff diff = (Diff); if (diff.intersectsRegion(contributor, region)) { result.add(diff); } } return (Diff[]) result.toArray(new Diff[result.size()]); } return new Diff[0]; } private boolean intersectsRegion(int contributor, IRegion region) { Position p = getPosition(contributor); if (p != null) return p.overlapsWith(region.getOffset(), region.getLength()); return false; } public boolean hasChildren() { return fDiffs != null && !fDiffs.isEmpty(); } public int getKind() { return fDirection; } public boolean isToken() { return fIsToken; } public Diff getParent() { return fParent; } public Iterator childIterator() { if (fDiffs == null) return new ArrayList().iterator(); return fDiffs.iterator(); } } public DocumentMerger(IDocumentMergerInput input) { this.fInput = input; fLeftIsLocal= Utilities.getBoolean(getCompareConfiguration(), "LEFT_IS_LOCAL", false); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * Perform a two level 2- or 3-way diff. * The first level is based on line comparison, the second level on token comparison. * @throws CoreException */ public void doDiff() throws CoreException { fChangeDiffs= new ArrayList(); IDocument lDoc = getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR); IDocument rDoc = getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR); if (lDoc == null || rDoc == null) return; Position lRegion= getRegion(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR); Position rRegion= getRegion(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR); IDocument aDoc = null; Position aRegion= null; if (isThreeWay() && !isIgnoreAncestor()) { aDoc= getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR); aRegion= getRegion(MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR); } resetPositions(lDoc); resetPositions(rDoc); resetPositions(aDoc); boolean ignoreWhiteSpace= isIgnoreWhitespace(); ICompareFilter[] compareFilters = getCompareFilters(); DocLineComparator sright = new DocLineComparator(rDoc, toRegion(rRegion), ignoreWhiteSpace, compareFilters, MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR); DocLineComparator sleft = new DocLineComparator(lDoc, toRegion(lRegion), ignoreWhiteSpace, compareFilters, MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR); DocLineComparator sancestor = null; if (aDoc != null) { sancestor = new DocLineComparator(aDoc, toRegion(aRegion), ignoreWhiteSpace, compareFilters, MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR); /*if (isPatchHunk()) { if (isHunkOnLeft()) { sright= new DocLineComparator(aDoc, toRegion(aRegion), ignoreWhiteSpace); } else { sleft= new DocLineComparator(aDoc, toRegion(aRegion), ignoreWhiteSpace); } }*/ } final Object[] result= new Object[1]; final DocLineComparator sa= sancestor, sl= sleft, sr= sright; IRunnableWithProgress runnable= new IRunnableWithProgress() { public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException { monitor.beginTask(CompareMessages.DocumentMerger_0, maxWork(sa, sl, sr)); try { result[0]= RangeDifferencer.findRanges(monitor, sa, sl, sr); } catch (OutOfMemoryError ex) { System.gc(); throw new InvocationTargetException(ex); } if (monitor.isCanceled()) { // canceled throw new InterruptedException(); } monitor.done(); } }; RangeDifference[] e= null; try { getCompareConfiguration().getContainer().run(true, true, runnable); e= (RangeDifference[]) result[0]; } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { // we create a NOCHANGE range for the whole document Diff diff= new Diff(null, RangeDifference.NOCHANGE, aDoc, aRegion, 0, aDoc != null ? aDoc.getLength() : 0, lDoc, lRegion, 0, lDoc.getLength(), rDoc, rRegion, 0, rDoc.getLength()); fAllDiffs = new ArrayList(); fAllDiffs.add(diff); throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, CompareUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, 0, CompareMessages.DocumentMerger_1, ex.getTargetException())); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // we create a NOCHANGE range for the whole document Diff diff= new Diff(null, RangeDifference.NOCHANGE, aDoc, aRegion, 0, aDoc != null ? aDoc.getLength() : 0, lDoc, lRegion, 0, lDoc.getLength(), rDoc, rRegion, 0, rDoc.getLength()); fAllDiffs = new ArrayList(); fAllDiffs.add(diff); return; } if (isCapped(sa, sl, sr)) fInput.getCompareConfiguration().setProperty( CompareContentViewerSwitchingPane.OPTIMIZED_ALGORITHM_USED, Boolean.TRUE); else fInput.getCompareConfiguration().setProperty( CompareContentViewerSwitchingPane.OPTIMIZED_ALGORITHM_USED, Boolean.FALSE); ArrayList newAllDiffs = new ArrayList(); for (int i= 0; i < e.length; i++) { RangeDifference es= e[i]; int ancestorStart= 0; int ancestorEnd= 0; if (sancestor != null) { ancestorStart= sancestor.getTokenStart(es.ancestorStart()); ancestorEnd= getTokenEnd2(sancestor, es.ancestorStart(), es.ancestorLength()); } int leftStart= sleft.getTokenStart(es.leftStart()); int leftEnd= getTokenEnd2(sleft, es.leftStart(), es.leftLength()); int rightStart= sright.getTokenStart(es.rightStart()); int rightEnd= getTokenEnd2(sright, es.rightStart(), es.rightLength()); /*if (isPatchHunk()) { if (isHunkOnLeft()) { rightStart = rightEnd = getHunkStart(); } else { leftStart = leftEnd = getHunkStart(); } }*/ Diff diff= new Diff(null, es.kind(), aDoc, aRegion, ancestorStart, ancestorEnd, lDoc, lRegion, leftStart, leftEnd, rDoc, rRegion, rightStart, rightEnd); newAllDiffs.add(diff); // remember all range diffs for scrolling if (isPatchHunk()) { if (useChange(diff)) { recordChangeDiff(diff); } } else { if (ignoreWhiteSpace || useChange(es.kind())) { // Extract the string for each contributor. String a= null; if (sancestor != null) a= extract2(aDoc, sancestor, es.ancestorStart(), es.ancestorLength()); String s= extract2(lDoc, sleft, es.leftStart(), es.leftLength()); String d= extract2(rDoc, sright, es.rightStart(), es.rightLength()); // Indicate whether all contributors are whitespace if (ignoreWhiteSpace && (a == null || a.trim().length() == 0) && s.trim().length() == 0 && d.trim().length() == 0) { diff.fIsWhitespace= true; } // If the diff is of interest, record it and generate the token diffs if (useChange(diff)) { recordChangeDiff(diff); if (s.length() > 0 && d.length() > 0) { if (a == null && sancestor != null) a= extract2(aDoc, sancestor, es.ancestorStart(), es.ancestorLength()); if (USE_MERGING_TOKEN_DIFF) mergingTokenDiff(diff, aDoc, a, rDoc, d, lDoc, s); else simpleTokenDiff(diff, aDoc, a, rDoc, d, lDoc, s); } } } } } fAllDiffs = newAllDiffs; } private boolean isCapped(DocLineComparator ancestor, DocLineComparator left, DocLineComparator right) { if (isCappingDisabled()) return false; int aLength = ancestor == null? 0 : ancestor.getRangeCount(); int lLength = left.getRangeCount(); int rLength = right.getRangeCount(); if ((double) aLength * (double) lLength > LCS.TOO_LONG || (double) aLength * (double) rLength > LCS.TOO_LONG || (double) lLength * (double) rLength > LCS.TOO_LONG) return true; return false; } public Diff findDiff(char type, int pos) throws CoreException { IDocument aDoc= null; IDocument lDoc= getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR); IDocument rDoc= getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR); if (lDoc == null || rDoc == null) return null; Position aRegion= null; Position lRegion= null; Position rRegion= null; boolean threeWay= isThreeWay(); if (threeWay && !isIgnoreAncestor()) aDoc= getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR); boolean ignoreWhiteSpace= isIgnoreWhitespace(); ICompareFilter[] compareFilters = getCompareFilters(); DocLineComparator sright= new DocLineComparator(rDoc, toRegion(rRegion), ignoreWhiteSpace, compareFilters, MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR); DocLineComparator sleft= new DocLineComparator(lDoc, toRegion(lRegion), ignoreWhiteSpace, compareFilters, MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR); DocLineComparator sancestor= null; if (aDoc != null) sancestor= new DocLineComparator(aDoc, toRegion(aRegion), ignoreWhiteSpace, compareFilters, MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR); final Object[] result= new Object[1]; final DocLineComparator sa= sancestor, sl= sleft, sr= sright; IRunnableWithProgress runnable= new IRunnableWithProgress() { public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException { monitor.beginTask(CompareMessages.DocumentMerger_2, maxWork(sa, sl, sr)); try { result[0]= RangeDifferencer.findRanges(monitor, sa, sl, sr); } catch (OutOfMemoryError ex) { System.gc(); throw new InvocationTargetException(ex); } if (monitor.isCanceled()) { // canceled throw new InterruptedException(); } monitor.done(); } }; IProgressService progressService= PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getProgressService(); RangeDifference[] e= null; try {, true, runnable); e= (RangeDifference[]) result[0]; } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, CompareUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, 0, CompareMessages.DocumentMerger_3, ex.getTargetException())); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // } if (e != null) { for (int i= 0; i < e.length; i++) { RangeDifference es= e[i]; int kind= es.kind(); int ancestorStart= 0; int ancestorEnd= 0; if (sancestor != null) { ancestorStart= sancestor.getTokenStart(es.ancestorStart()); ancestorEnd= getTokenEnd2(sancestor, es.ancestorStart(), es.ancestorLength()); } int leftStart= sleft.getTokenStart(es.leftStart()); int leftEnd= getTokenEnd2(sleft, es.leftStart(), es.leftLength()); int rightStart= sright.getTokenStart(es.rightStart()); int rightEnd= getTokenEnd2(sright, es.rightStart(), es.rightLength()); Diff diff= new Diff(null, kind, aDoc, aRegion, ancestorStart, ancestorEnd, lDoc, lRegion, leftStart, leftEnd, rDoc, rRegion, rightStart, rightEnd); if (diff.isInRange(type, pos)) return diff; } } return null; } private void recordChangeDiff(Diff diff) { fChangeDiffs.add(diff); // here we remember only the real diffs } /*private boolean isHunkOnLeft() { return fInput.isHunkOnLeft(); } private int getHunkStart() { return fInput.getHunkStart(); }*/ private boolean isPatchHunk() { return fInput.isPatchHunk(); } private boolean isIgnoreWhitespace() { return Utilities.getBoolean(getCompareConfiguration(), CompareConfiguration.IGNORE_WHITESPACE, false); } private ICompareFilter[] getCompareFilters() { return Utilities.getCompareFilters(getCompareConfiguration()); } private boolean isCappingDisabled() { return CompareUIPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.CAPPING_DISABLED); } private IDocument getDocument(char contributor) { return fInput.getDocument(contributor); } private Position getRegion(char contributor) { return fInput.getRegion(contributor); } public boolean isIgnoreAncestor() { return fInput.isIgnoreAncestor(); } public boolean isThreeWay() { return fInput.isThreeWay(); } /** * Return the compare configuration associated with this merger. * @return the compare configuration associated with this merger */ public CompareConfiguration getCompareConfiguration() { return fInput.getCompareConfiguration(); } /* * Returns true if kind of change should be shown. */ public boolean useChange(Diff diff) { if (diff.fIsWhitespace) return false; int kind = diff.getKind(); return useChange(kind); } private boolean useChange(int kind) { if (kind == RangeDifference.NOCHANGE) return false; if (fInput.getCompareConfiguration().isChangeIgnored(kind)) return false; if (kind == RangeDifference.ANCESTOR) return fInput.isShowPseudoConflicts(); return true; } private int getTokenEnd(ITokenComparator tc, int start, int count) { if (count <= 0) return tc.getTokenStart(start); int index= start + count - 1; return tc.getTokenStart(index) + tc.getTokenLength(index); } private static int getTokenEnd2(ITokenComparator tc, int start, int length) { return tc.getTokenStart(start + length); } /** * Returns the content of lines in the specified range as a String. * This includes the line separators. * * @param doc the document from which to extract the characters * @param start index of first line * @param length number of lines * @return the contents of the specified line range as a String */ private String extract2(IDocument doc, ITokenComparator tc, int start, int length) { int count= tc.getRangeCount(); if (length > 0 && count > 0) { // // int startPos= tc.getTokenStart(start); // int endPos= startPos; // // if (length > 1) // endPos= tc.getTokenStart(start + (length-1)); // endPos+= tc.getTokenLength(start + (length-1)); // int startPos= tc.getTokenStart(start); int endPos; if (length == 1) { endPos= startPos + tc.getTokenLength(start); } else { endPos= tc.getTokenStart(start + length); } try { return doc.get(startPos, endPos - startPos); } catch (BadLocationException e) { // silently ignored } } return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ } private static IRegion toRegion(Position position) { if (position != null) return new Region(position.getOffset(), position.getLength()); return null; } /* * Performs a "smart" token based 3-way diff on the character range specified by the given baseDiff. * It is "smart" because it tries to minimize the number of token diffs by merging them. */ private void mergingTokenDiff(Diff baseDiff, IDocument ancestorDoc, String a, IDocument rightDoc, String d, IDocument leftDoc, String s) { ITokenComparator sa= null; int ancestorStart= 0; if (ancestorDoc != null) { sa= createTokenComparator(a); ancestorStart= baseDiff.fAncestorPos.getOffset(); } int rightStart= baseDiff.fRightPos.getOffset(); ITokenComparator sm= createTokenComparator(d); int leftStart= baseDiff.fLeftPos.getOffset(); ITokenComparator sy= createTokenComparator(s); RangeDifference[] r= RangeDifferencer.findRanges(sa, sy, sm); for (int i= 0; i < r.length; i++) { RangeDifference es= r[i]; // determine range of diffs in one line int start= i; int leftLine= -1; int rightLine= -1; try { leftLine= leftDoc.getLineOfOffset(leftStart+sy.getTokenStart(es.leftStart())); rightLine= rightDoc.getLineOfOffset(rightStart+sm.getTokenStart(es.rightStart())); } catch (BadLocationException e) { // silently ignored } i++; for (; i < r.length; i++) { es= r[i]; try { if (leftLine != leftDoc.getLineOfOffset(leftStart+sy.getTokenStart(es.leftStart()))) break; if (rightLine != rightDoc.getLineOfOffset(rightStart+sm.getTokenStart(es.rightStart()))) break; } catch (BadLocationException e) { // silently ignored } } int end= i; // find first diff from left RangeDifference first= null; for (int ii= start; ii < end; ii++) { es= r[ii]; if (useChange(es.kind())) { first= es; break; } } // find first diff from mine RangeDifference last= null; for (int ii= end-1; ii >= start; ii--) { es= r[ii]; if (useChange(es.kind())) { last= es; break; } } if (first != null && last != null) { int ancestorStart2= 0; int ancestorEnd2= 0; if (ancestorDoc != null) { ancestorStart2= ancestorStart+sa.getTokenStart(first.ancestorStart()); ancestorEnd2= ancestorStart+getTokenEnd(sa, last.ancestorStart(), last.ancestorLength()); } int leftStart2= leftStart+sy.getTokenStart(first.leftStart()); int leftEnd2= leftStart+getTokenEnd(sy, last.leftStart(), last.leftLength()); int rightStart2= rightStart+sm.getTokenStart(first.rightStart()); int rightEnd2= rightStart+getTokenEnd(sm, last.rightStart(), last.rightLength()); Diff diff= new Diff(baseDiff, first.kind(), ancestorDoc, null, ancestorStart2, ancestorEnd2, leftDoc, null, leftStart2, leftEnd2, rightDoc, null, rightStart2, rightEnd2); diff.fIsToken= true; baseDiff.add(diff); } } } /* * Performs a token based 3-way diff on the character range specified by the given baseDiff. */ private void simpleTokenDiff(final Diff baseDiff, IDocument ancestorDoc, String a, IDocument rightDoc, String d, IDocument leftDoc, String s) { int ancestorStart= 0; ITokenComparator sa= null; if (ancestorDoc != null) { ancestorStart= baseDiff.fAncestorPos.getOffset(); sa= createTokenComparator(a); } int rightStart= baseDiff.fRightPos.getOffset(); ITokenComparator sm= createTokenComparator(d); int leftStart= baseDiff.fLeftPos.getOffset(); ITokenComparator sy= createTokenComparator(s); RangeDifference[] e= RangeDifferencer.findRanges(sa, sy, sm); for (int i= 0; i < e.length; i++) { RangeDifference es= e[i]; int kind= es.kind(); if (kind != RangeDifference.NOCHANGE) { int ancestorStart2= ancestorStart; int ancestorEnd2= ancestorStart; if (ancestorDoc != null) { ancestorStart2 += sa.getTokenStart(es.ancestorStart()); ancestorEnd2 += getTokenEnd(sa, es.ancestorStart(), es.ancestorLength()); } int leftStart2= leftStart + sy.getTokenStart(es.leftStart()); int leftEnd2= leftStart + getTokenEnd(sy, es.leftStart(), es.leftLength()); int rightStart2= rightStart + sm.getTokenStart(es.rightStart()); int rightEnd2= rightStart + getTokenEnd(sm, es.rightStart(), es.rightLength()); Diff diff= new Diff(baseDiff, kind, ancestorDoc, null, ancestorStart2, ancestorEnd2, leftDoc, null, leftStart2, leftEnd2, rightDoc, null, rightStart2, rightEnd2); // ensure that token diff is smaller than basediff int leftS= baseDiff.fLeftPos.offset; int leftE= baseDiff.fLeftPos.offset+baseDiff.fLeftPos.length; int rightS= baseDiff.fRightPos.offset; int rightE= baseDiff.fRightPos.offset+baseDiff.fRightPos.length; if (leftS != leftStart2 || leftE != leftEnd2 || rightS != rightStart2 || rightE != rightEnd2) { diff.fIsToken= true; // add to base Diff baseDiff.add(diff); } } } } private ITokenComparator createTokenComparator(String s) { return fInput.createTokenComparator(s); } private static int maxWork(IRangeComparator a, IRangeComparator l, IRangeComparator r) { int ln= l.getRangeCount(); int rn= r.getRangeCount(); if (a != null) { int an= a.getRangeCount(); return (2 * Math.max(an, ln)) + (2 * Math.max(an, rn)); } return 2 * Math.max(ln, rn); } private void resetPositions(IDocument doc) { if (doc == null) return; try { doc.removePositionCategory(DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY); } catch (BadPositionCategoryException e) { // Ignore } doc.addPositionCategory(DIFF_RANGE_CATEGORY); } /* * Returns the start line and the number of lines which correspond to the given position. * Starting line number is 0 based. */ protected Point getLineRange(IDocument doc, Position p, Point region) { if (p == null || doc == null) { region.x= 0; region.y= 0; return region; } int start= p.getOffset(); int length= p.getLength(); int startLine= 0; try { startLine= doc.getLineOfOffset(start); } catch (BadLocationException e) { // silently ignored } int lineCount= 0; if (length == 0) { // // if range length is 0 and if range starts a new line // try { // if (start == doc.getLineStartOffset(startLine)) { // lines--; // } // } catch (BadLocationException e) { // lines--; // } } else { int endLine= 0; try { endLine= doc.getLineOfOffset(start + length - 1); // why -1? } catch (BadLocationException e) { // silently ignored } lineCount= endLine-startLine+1; } region.x= startLine; region.y= lineCount; return region; } public Diff findDiff(Position p, boolean left) { for (Iterator iterator = fAllDiffs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Diff diff = (Diff); Position diffPos; if (left) { diffPos = diff.fLeftPos; } else { diffPos = diff.fRightPos; } // If the element falls within a diff, highlight that diff if (diffPos.offset + diffPos.length >= p.offset && diff.fDirection != RangeDifference.NOCHANGE) return diff; // Otherwise, highlight the first diff after the elements position if (diffPos.offset >= p.offset) return diff; } return null; } public void reset() { fChangeDiffs= null; fAllDiffs= null; } /** * Returns the virtual position for the given view position. * @param contributor * @param vpos * @return the virtual position for the given view position */ public int realToVirtualPosition(char contributor, int vpos) { if (fAllDiffs == null) return vpos; int viewPos= 0; // real view position int virtualPos= 0; // virtual position Point region= new Point(0, 0); Iterator e= fAllDiffs.iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { Diff diff= (Diff); Position pos= diff.getPosition(contributor); getLineRange(getDocument(contributor),pos, region); int realHeight= region.y; int virtualHeight= diff.getMaxDiffHeight(); if (vpos <= viewPos + realHeight) { // OK, found! vpos-= viewPos; // make relative to this slot // now scale position within this slot to virtual slot if (realHeight <= 0) vpos= 0; else vpos= (vpos*virtualHeight)/realHeight; return virtualPos+vpos; } viewPos+= realHeight; virtualPos+= virtualHeight; } return virtualPos; } /** * maps given virtual position into a real view position of this view. * @param contributor * @param v * @return the real view position */ public int virtualToRealPosition(char contributor, int v) { if (fAllDiffs == null) return v; int virtualPos= 0; int viewPos= 0; Point region= new Point(0, 0); Iterator e= fAllDiffs.iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { Diff diff= (Diff); Position pos= diff.getPosition(contributor); int viewHeight= getLineRange(getDocument(contributor), pos, region).y; int virtualHeight= diff.getMaxDiffHeight(); if (v < (virtualPos + virtualHeight)) { v-= virtualPos; // make relative to this slot if (viewHeight <= 0) { v= 0; } else { v= (int) (v * ((double)viewHeight/virtualHeight)); } return viewPos+v; } virtualPos+= virtualHeight; viewPos+= viewHeight; } return viewPos; } /* * Calculates virtual height (in lines) of views by adding the maximum of corresponding diffs. */ public int getVirtualHeight() { int h= 1; if (fAllDiffs != null) { Iterator e= fAllDiffs.iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { Diff diff= (Diff); h+= diff.getMaxDiffHeight(); } } return h; } /* * Calculates height (in lines) of right view by adding the height of the right diffs. */ public int getRightHeight() { int h= 1; if (fAllDiffs != null) { Iterator e= fAllDiffs.iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { Diff diff= (Diff); h+= diff.getRightHeight(); } } return h; } public int findInsertionPoint(Diff diff, char type) { if (diff != null) { switch (type) { case MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR: if (diff.fAncestorPos != null) return diff.fAncestorPos.offset; break; case MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR: if (diff.fLeftPos != null) return diff.fLeftPos.offset; break; case MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR: if (diff.fRightPos != null) return diff.fRightPos.offset; break; } } return 0; } public Diff[] getChangeDiffs(char contributor, IRegion region) { if (fChangeDiffs == null) return new Diff[0]; List intersectingDiffs = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iterator = fChangeDiffs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Diff diff = (Diff); Diff[] changeDiffs = diff.getChangeDiffs(contributor, region); for (int i = 0; i < changeDiffs.length; i++) { Diff changeDiff = changeDiffs[i]; intersectingDiffs.add(changeDiff); } } return (Diff[]) intersectingDiffs.toArray(new Diff[intersectingDiffs.size()]); } public Diff findDiff(int viewportHeight, boolean synchronizedScrolling, Point size, int my) { int virtualHeight= synchronizedScrolling ? getVirtualHeight() : getRightHeight(); if (virtualHeight < viewportHeight) return null; int yy, hh; int y= 0; if (fAllDiffs != null) { Iterator e= fAllDiffs.iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { Diff diff= (Diff); int h= synchronizedScrolling ? diff.getMaxDiffHeight() : diff.getRightHeight(); if (useChange(diff.getKind()) && !diff.fIsWhitespace) { yy= (y*size.y)/virtualHeight; hh= (h*size.y)/virtualHeight; if (hh < 3) hh= 3; if (my >= yy && my < yy+hh) return diff; } y+= h; } } return null; } public boolean hasChanges() { return fChangeDiffs != null && !fChangeDiffs.isEmpty(); } public Iterator changesIterator() { if (fChangeDiffs == null) return new ArrayList().iterator(); return fChangeDiffs.iterator(); } public Iterator rangesIterator() { if (fAllDiffs == null) return new ArrayList().iterator(); return fAllDiffs.iterator(); } public boolean isFirstChildDiff(char contributor, int childStart, Diff diff) { if (!diff.hasChildren()) return false; Diff d = (Diff)diff.fDiffs.get(0); Position p= d.getPosition(contributor); return (p.getOffset() >= childStart); } public Diff getWrappedDiff(Diff diff, boolean down) { if (fChangeDiffs != null && fChangeDiffs.size() > 0) { if (down) return (Diff) fChangeDiffs.get(0); return (Diff) fChangeDiffs.get(fChangeDiffs.size()-1); } return null; } /* * Copy the contents of the given diff from one side to the other but * doesn't reveal anything. * Returns true if copy was successful. */ public boolean copy(Diff diff, boolean leftToRight) { if (diff != null) { Position fromPos= null; Position toPos= null; IDocument fromDoc= null; IDocument toDoc= null; if (leftToRight) { fromPos= diff.getPosition(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR); toPos= diff.getPosition(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR); fromDoc= getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR); toDoc= getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR); } else { fromPos= diff.getPosition(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR); toPos= diff.getPosition(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR); fromDoc= getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR); toDoc= getDocument(MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR); } if (fromDoc != null) { int fromStart= fromPos.getOffset(); int fromLen= fromPos.getLength(); int toStart= toPos.getOffset(); int toLen= toPos.getLength(); try { String s= null; switch (diff.getKind()) { case RangeDifference.RIGHT: case RangeDifference.LEFT: s= fromDoc.get(fromStart, fromLen); break; case RangeDifference.ANCESTOR: break; case RangeDifference.CONFLICT: if (APPEND_CONFLICT) { s= toDoc.get(toStart, toLen); String ls = TextUtilities.getDefaultLineDelimiter(toDoc); if (!s.endsWith(ls)) s += ls; s+= fromDoc.get(fromStart, fromLen); } else s= fromDoc.get(fromStart, fromLen); break; } if (s != null) { toDoc.replace(toStart, toLen, s); toPos.setOffset(toStart); toPos.setLength(s.length()); } } catch (BadLocationException e) { // silently ignored } } diff.setResolved(true); return true; } return false; } public int changesCount() { if (fChangeDiffs == null) return 0; return fChangeDiffs.size(); } public Diff findDiff(char contributor, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd) { if (hasChanges()) { for (Iterator iterator = changesIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Diff diff = (Diff); if (diff.isDeleted() || diff.getKind() == RangeDifference.NOCHANGE) continue; if (diff.overlaps(contributor, rangeStart, rangeEnd, getDocument(contributor).getLength())) return diff; } } return null; } public Diff findDiff(char contributor, Position range) { int start= range.getOffset(); int end= start + range.getLength(); return findDiff(contributor, start, end); } public Diff findNext(char contributor, int start, int end, boolean deep) { return findNext(contributor, fChangeDiffs, start, end, deep); } private Diff findNext(char contributor, List v, int start, int end, boolean deep) { if (v == null) return null; for (int i= 0; i < v.size(); i++) { Diff diff= (Diff) v.get(i); Position p= diff.getPosition(contributor); if (p != null) { int startOffset= p.getOffset(); if (end < startOffset) // <= return diff; if (deep && diff.hasChildren()) { Diff d= null; int endOffset= startOffset + p.getLength(); if (start == startOffset && (end == endOffset || end == endOffset-1)) { d= findNext(contributor, diff.fDiffs, start-1, start-1, deep); } else if (end < endOffset) { d= findNext(contributor, diff.fDiffs, start, end, deep); } if (d != null) return d; } } } return null; } public Diff findPrev(char contributor, int start, int end, boolean deep) { return findPrev(contributor, fChangeDiffs, start, end, deep); } private Diff findPrev(char contributor, List v, int start, int end, boolean deep) { if (v == null) return null; for (int i= v.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { Diff diff= (Diff) v.get(i); Position p= diff.getPosition(contributor); if (p != null) { int startOffset= p.getOffset(); int endOffset= startOffset + p.getLength(); if (start > endOffset) { if (deep && diff.hasChildren()) { // If we are going deep, find the last change in the diff return findPrev(contributor, diff.fDiffs, end, end, deep); } return diff; } if (deep && diff.hasChildren()) { Diff d= null; if (start == startOffset && end == endOffset) { // A whole diff is selected so we'll fall through // and go the the last change in the previous diff } else if (start >= startOffset) { // If we are at or before the first diff, select the // entire diff so next and previous are symmetrical if (isFirstChildDiff(contributor, start, diff)) { return diff; } d= findPrev(contributor, diff.fDiffs, start, end, deep); } if (d != null) return d; } } } return null; } }

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