org.eclipse.compare.structuremergeviewer.DiffTreeViewer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.compare.structuremergeviewer;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import org.eclipse.compare.*;
import org.eclipse.compare.internal.Utilities;
import org.eclipse.compare.internal.patch.DiffViewerComparator;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.*;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.IPropertyChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.PropertyChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.DisposeEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
* A tree viewer that works on objects implementing
* the IDiffContainer
and IDiffElement
* This class may be instantiated; it is not intended to be subclassed outside
* this package.
* @see IDiffContainer
* @see IDiffElement
* @noextend This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
public class DiffTreeViewer extends TreeViewer {
class DiffViewerContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
// empty implementation
public boolean isDeleted(Object element) {
return false;
public void dispose() {
inputChanged(DiffTreeViewer.this, getInput(), null);
public Object getParent(Object element) {
if (element instanceof IDiffElement)
return ((IDiffElement)element).getParent();
return null;
public final boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
if (element instanceof IDiffContainer)
return ((IDiffContainer)element).hasChildren();
return false;
public final Object[] getChildren(Object element) {
if (element instanceof IDiffContainer)
return ((IDiffContainer)element).getChildren();
return new Object[0];
public Object[] getElements(Object element) {
return getChildren(element);
* Takes care of swapping left and right if fLeftIsLocal
* is true.
class DiffViewerLabelProvider extends LabelProvider {
public String getText(Object element) {
if (element instanceof IDiffElement)
return ((IDiffElement)element).getName();
return Utilities.getString(fBundle, "defaultLabel"); //$NON-NLS-1$
public Image getImage(Object element) {
if (element instanceof IDiffElement) {
IDiffElement input= (IDiffElement) element;
int kind= input.getKind();
if (fLeftIsLocal) {
switch (kind & Differencer.DIRECTION_MASK) {
case Differencer.LEFT:
kind= (kind &~ Differencer.LEFT) | Differencer.RIGHT;
case Differencer.RIGHT:
kind= (kind &~ Differencer.RIGHT) | Differencer.LEFT;
return fCompareConfiguration.getImage(input.getImage(), kind);
return null;
static class FilterSame extends ViewerFilter {
public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) {
if (element instanceof IDiffElement)
return (((IDiffElement)element).getKind() & Differencer.PSEUDO_CONFLICT) == 0;
return true;
public boolean isFilterProperty(Object element, Object property) {
return false;
private ResourceBundle fBundle;
private CompareConfiguration fCompareConfiguration;
/* package */ boolean fLeftIsLocal;
private IPropertyChangeListener fPropertyChangeListener;
private Action fCopyLeftToRightAction;
private Action fCopyRightToLeftAction;
private Action fEmptyMenuAction;
private Action fExpandAllAction;
* Creates a new viewer for the given SWT tree control with the specified configuration.
* @param tree the tree control
* @param configuration the configuration for this viewer
public DiffTreeViewer(Tree tree, CompareConfiguration configuration) {
initialize(configuration == null ? new CompareConfiguration() : configuration);
* Creates a new viewer under the given SWT parent and with the specified configuration.
* @param parent the SWT control under which to create the viewer
* @param configuration the configuration for this viewer
public DiffTreeViewer(Composite parent, CompareConfiguration configuration) {
super(new Tree(parent, SWT.MULTI));
initialize(configuration == null ? new CompareConfiguration() : configuration);
private void initialize(CompareConfiguration configuration) {
Control tree= getControl();
INavigatable nav= new INavigatable() {
public boolean selectChange(int flag) {
if (flag == INavigatable.FIRST_CHANGE) {
flag = INavigatable.NEXT_CHANGE;
} else if (flag == INavigatable.LAST_CHANGE) {
flag = INavigatable.PREVIOUS_CHANGE;
// Fix for http://dev.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=20106
return internalNavigate(flag == INavigatable.NEXT_CHANGE, true);
public Object getInput() {
return DiffTreeViewer.this.getInput();
public boolean openSelectedChange() {
return internalOpen();
public boolean hasChange(int changeFlag) {
return getNextItem(changeFlag == INavigatable.NEXT_CHANGE, false) != null;
tree.setData(INavigatable.NAVIGATOR_PROPERTY, nav);
fLeftIsLocal= Utilities.getBoolean(configuration, "LEFT_IS_LOCAL", false); //$NON-NLS-1$
tree.setData(CompareUI.COMPARE_VIEWER_TITLE, getTitle());
Composite parent= tree.getParent();
fBundle= ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.eclipse.compare.structuremergeviewer.DiffTreeViewerResources"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// register for notification with the CompareConfiguration
fCompareConfiguration= configuration;
if (fCompareConfiguration != null) {
fPropertyChangeListener= new IPropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
setContentProvider(new DiffViewerContentProvider());
setLabelProvider(new DiffViewerLabelProvider());
new ISelectionChangedListener() {
public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent se) {
setComparator(new DiffViewerComparator());
ToolBarManager tbm= CompareViewerPane.getToolBarManager(parent);
if (tbm != null) {
tbm.add(new Separator("merge")); //$NON-NLS-1$
tbm.add(new Separator("modes")); //$NON-NLS-1$
tbm.add(new Separator("navigation")); //$NON-NLS-1$
MenuManager mm= new MenuManager();
new IMenuListener() {
public void menuAboutToShow(IMenuManager mm2) {
if (mm2.isEmpty()) {
if (fEmptyMenuAction == null) {
fEmptyMenuAction= new Action(Utilities.getString(fBundle, "emptyMenuItem")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
// left empty
* Returns the viewer's name.
* @return the viewer's name
public String getTitle() {
String title= Utilities.getString(fBundle, "title", null); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (title == null)
title= Utilities.getString("DiffTreeViewer.title"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return title;
* Returns the resource bundle.
* @return the viewer's resource bundle
protected ResourceBundle getBundle() {
return fBundle;
* Returns the compare configuration of this viewer.
* @return the compare configuration of this viewer
public CompareConfiguration getCompareConfiguration() {
return fCompareConfiguration;
* Called on the viewer disposal.
* Unregisters from the compare configuration.
* Clients may extend if they have to do additional cleanup.
* @param event dispose event that triggered call to this method
protected void handleDispose(DisposeEvent event) {
if (fCompareConfiguration != null) {
if (fPropertyChangeListener != null)
fCompareConfiguration= null;
fPropertyChangeListener= null;
* Tracks property changes of the configuration object.
* Clients may extend to track their own property changes.
* @param event property change event that triggered call to this method
protected void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
// empty default implementation
protected void inputChanged(Object in, Object oldInput) {
super.inputChanged(in, oldInput);
if (in != oldInput) {
* This hook method is called from within inputChanged
* after a new input has been set but before any controls are updated.
* This default implementation calls navigate(true)
* to select and expand the first leaf node.
* Clients can override this method and are free to decide whether
* they want to call the inherited method.
* @since 2.0
protected void initialSelection() {
* Overridden to avoid expanding DiffNode
s that shouldn't expand.
* @param node the node to expand
* @param level non-negative level, or ALL_LEVELS
to collapse all levels of the tree
protected void internalExpandToLevel(Widget node, int level) {
Object data= node.getData();
if (dontExpand(data))
super.internalExpandToLevel(node, level);
* This hook method is called from within internalExpandToLevel
* to control whether a given model node should be expanded or not.
* This default implementation checks whether the object is a DiffNode
* calls dontExpand()
on it.
* Clients can override this method and are free to decide whether
* they want to call the inherited method.
* @param o the model object to be expanded
* @return false
if a node should be expanded, true
to prevent expanding
* @since 2.0
protected boolean dontExpand(Object o) {
return o instanceof DiffNode && ((DiffNode)o).dontExpand();
//---- merge action support
* This factory method is called after the viewer's controls have been created.
* It installs four actions in the given ToolBarManager
. Two actions
* allow for copying one side of a DiffNode
to the other side.
* Two other actions are for navigating from one node to the next (previous).
* Clients can override this method and are free to decide whether they want to call
* the inherited method.
* @param toolbarManager the toolbar manager for which to add the actions
protected void createToolItems(ToolBarManager toolbarManager) {
// fCopyLeftToRightAction= new Action() {
// public void run() {
// copySelected(true);
// }
// };
// Utilities.initAction(fCopyLeftToRightAction, fBundle, "action.TakeLeft.");
// toolbarManager.appendToGroup("merge", fCopyLeftToRightAction);
// fCopyRightToLeftAction= new Action() {
// public void run() {
// copySelected(false);
// }
// };
// Utilities.initAction(fCopyRightToLeftAction, fBundle, "action.TakeRight.");
// toolbarManager.appendToGroup("merge", fCopyRightToLeftAction);
// fNextAction= new Action() {
// public void run() {
// navigate(true);
// }
// };
// Utilities.initAction(fNextAction, fBundle, "action.NextDiff."); //$NON-NLS-1$
// toolbarManager.appendToGroup("navigation", fNextAction); //$NON-NLS-1$
// fPreviousAction= new Action() {
// public void run() {
// navigate(false);
// }
// };
// Utilities.initAction(fPreviousAction, fBundle, "action.PrevDiff."); //$NON-NLS-1$
// toolbarManager.appendToGroup("navigation", fPreviousAction); //$NON-NLS-1$
* This method is called to add actions to the viewer's context menu.
* It installs actions for expanding tree nodes, copying one side of a DiffNode
to the other side.
* Clients can override this method and are free to decide whether they want to call
* the inherited method.
* @param manager the menu manager for which to add the actions
protected void fillContextMenu(IMenuManager manager) {
if (fExpandAllAction == null) {
fExpandAllAction= new Action() {
public void run() {
Utilities.initAction(fExpandAllAction, fBundle, "action.ExpandAll."); //$NON-NLS-1$
boolean enable= false;
ISelection selection= getSelection();
if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
Iterator elements= ((IStructuredSelection)selection).iterator();
while (elements.hasNext()) {
Object element= elements.next();
if (element instanceof IDiffContainer) {
if (((IDiffContainer)element).hasChildren()) {
enable= true;
if (fCopyLeftToRightAction != null)
if (fCopyRightToLeftAction != null)
* Expands to infinity all items in the selection.
* @since 2.0
protected void expandSelection() {
ISelection selection= getSelection();
if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
Iterator elements= ((IStructuredSelection)selection).iterator();
while (elements.hasNext()) {
Object next= elements.next();
expandToLevel(next, ALL_LEVELS);
* Copies one side of all DiffNode
s in the current selection to the other side.
* Called from the (internal) actions for copying the sides of a DiffNode
* Clients may override.
* @param leftToRight if true
the left side is copied to the right side.
* If false
the right side is copied to the left side
protected void copySelected(boolean leftToRight) {
ISelection selection= getSelection();
if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
Iterator e= ((IStructuredSelection) selection).iterator();
while (e.hasNext()) {
Object element= e.next();
if (element instanceof ICompareInput)
copyOne((ICompareInput) element, leftToRight);
* Called to copy one side of the given node to the other.
* This default implementation delegates the call to ICompareInput.copy(...)
* Clients may override.
* @param node the node to copy
* @param leftToRight if true
the left side is copied to the right side.
* If false
the right side is copied to the left side
protected void copyOne(ICompareInput node, boolean leftToRight) {
// update node's image
update(new Object[] { node }, null);
* Selects the next (or previous) node of the current selection.
* If there is no current selection the first (last) node in the tree is selected.
* Wraps around at end or beginning.
* Clients may override.
* @param next if true
the next node is selected, otherwise the previous node
protected void navigate(boolean next) {
// Fix for http://dev.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=20106
internalNavigate(next, false);
//---- private
* Selects the next (or previous) node of the current selection.
* If there is no current selection the first (last) node in the tree is selected.
* Wraps around at end or beginning.
* Clients may override.
* @param next if true
the next node is selected, otherwise the previous node
* @param fireOpen if true
an open event is fired.
* @return true
if at end (or beginning)
private boolean internalNavigate(boolean next, boolean fireOpen) {
Control c= getControl();
if (!(c instanceof Tree) || c.isDisposed())
return false;
TreeItem item = getNextItem(next, true);
if (item != null) {
internalSetSelection(item, fireOpen);
return item == null;
private TreeItem getNextItem(boolean next, boolean expand) {
Control c= getControl();
if (!(c instanceof Tree) || c.isDisposed())
return null;
Tree tree= (Tree) c;
TreeItem item= null;
TreeItem children[]= tree.getSelection();
if (children != null && children.length > 0)
item= children[0];
if (item == null) {
children= tree.getItems();
if (children != null && children.length > 0) {
item= children[0];
if (item != null && item.getItemCount() <= 0) {
return item;
while (true) {
item= findNextPrev(item, next, expand);
if (item == null)
if (item.getItemCount() <= 0)
return item;
private TreeItem findNextPrev(TreeItem item, boolean next, boolean expand) {
if (item == null)
return null;
TreeItem children[]= null;
if (!next) {
TreeItem parent= item.getParentItem();
if (parent != null)
children= parent.getItems();
children= item.getParent().getItems();
if (children != null && children.length > 0) {
// goto previous child
int index= 0;
for (; index < children.length; index++)
if (children[index] == item)
if (index > 0) {
item= children[index-1];
while (true) {
int n= item.getItemCount();
if (n <= 0)
if (expand)
item= item.getItems()[n-1];
// previous
return item;
// go up
item= parent;
} else {
if (expand)
if (item.getItemCount() > 0) {
// has children: go down
children= item.getItems();
return children[0];
while (item != null) {
children= null;
TreeItem parent= item.getParentItem();
if (parent != null)
children= parent.getItems();
children= item.getParent().getItems();
if (children != null && children.length > 0) {
// goto next child
int index= 0;
for (; index < children.length; index++)
if (children[index] == item)
if (index < children.length-1) {
// next
return children[index+1];
// go up
item= parent;
return item;
private void internalSetSelection(TreeItem ti, boolean fireOpen) {
if (ti != null) {
Object data= ti.getData();
if (data != null) {
// Fix for http://dev.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=20106
ISelection selection= new StructuredSelection(data);
setSelection(selection, true);
ISelection currentSelection= getSelection();
if (fireOpen && currentSelection != null && selection.equals(currentSelection)) {
fireOpen(new OpenEvent(this, selection));
private final boolean isEditable(Object element, boolean left) {
if (element instanceof ICompareInput) {
ICompareInput diff= (ICompareInput) element;
Object side= left ? diff.getLeft() : diff.getRight();
if (side == null && diff instanceof IDiffElement) {
IDiffContainer container= ((IDiffElement)diff).getParent();
if (container instanceof ICompareInput) {
ICompareInput parent= (ICompareInput) container;
side= left ? parent.getLeft() : parent.getRight();
if (side instanceof IEditableContent)
return ((IEditableContent) side).isEditable();
return false;
private void updateActions() {
int leftToRight= 0;
int rightToLeft= 0;
ISelection selection= getSelection();
if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
IStructuredSelection ss= (IStructuredSelection) selection;
Iterator e= ss.iterator();
while (e.hasNext()) {
Object element= e.next();
if (element instanceof ICompareInput) {
if (isEditable(element, false))
if (isEditable(element, true))
if (leftToRight > 0 && rightToLeft > 0)
if (fExpandAllAction != null)
if (fCopyLeftToRightAction != null)
fCopyLeftToRightAction.setEnabled(leftToRight > 0);
if (fCopyRightToLeftAction != null)
fCopyRightToLeftAction.setEnabled(rightToLeft > 0);
* Fix for http://dev.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=20106
private boolean internalOpen() {
ISelection selection= getSelection();
if (selection != null && !selection.isEmpty()) {
fireOpen(new OpenEvent(this, selection));
return true;
return false;