org.eclipse.compare.structuremergeviewer.Differencer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.compare.structuremergeviewer;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.compare.IStreamContentAccessor;
import org.eclipse.compare.ITypedElement;
import org.eclipse.compare.internal.MergeViewerContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.compare.internal.Utilities;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException;
import com.ibm.icu.text.MessageFormat;
* A generic two-way or three-way differencing engine.
* The engine is used by calling one of the findDifferences
methods and passing
* in the objects to compare.
* The engine calls the following methods on the input objects to perform the compare:
* getChildren
: for enumerating the children of an object (if any),
* contentsEqual
: for comparing the content of leaf objects, that is, objects without children,
* visit
: for every pair of compared object the compare result is passed in.
* Clients may use as is, or subclass to provide a custom implementation for the three hooks.
* However the default implementation already deals with the typical case:
* getChildren
: tries to apply the IStructureComparator
* interface to enumerate the children,
* contentsEqual
: tries to apply the IStreamContentAccessor
* to perform a byte-wise content comparison,
* visit
: creates a DiffNode
for any detected difference between the compared objects and
* links it under a parent node effectively creating a tree of differences.
* The different kind of changes detected by the engine are decoded as follows:
* In the two-way case only NO_CHANGE, ADDITION, DELETION, and CHANGE are used.
* In the three-way case these constants are bitwise ORed with one of directional constants
public class Differencer {
// The kind of differences.
* Difference constant (value 0) indicating no difference.
public static final int NO_CHANGE= 0;
* Difference constant (value 1) indicating one side was added.
public static final int ADDITION= 1;
* Difference constant (value 2) indicating one side was removed.
public static final int DELETION= 2;
* Difference constant (value 3) indicating side changed.
public static final int CHANGE= 3;
* Bit mask (value 3) for extracting the kind of difference.
public static final int CHANGE_TYPE_MASK= 3;
// The direction of a three-way change.
* Three-way change constant (value 4) indicating a change on left side.
public static final int LEFT= 4;
* Three-way change constant (value 8) indicating a change on right side.
public static final int RIGHT= 8;
* Three-way change constant (value 12) indicating a change on left and
* right sides.
public static final int CONFLICTING= 12;
* Bit mask (value 12) for extracting the direction of a three-way change.
public static final int DIRECTION_MASK= 12;
* Constant (value 16) indicating a change on left and
* right side (with respect to ancestor) but left and right are identical.
public static final int PSEUDO_CONFLICT= 16;
static class Node {
List fChildren;
int fCode;
Object fAncestor;
Object fLeft;
Object fRight;
Node() {
// nothing to do
Node(Node parent, Object ancestor, Object left, Object right) {
fAncestor= ancestor;
fLeft= left;
fRight= right;
void add(Node child) {
if (fChildren == null)
fChildren= new ArrayList();
Object visit(Differencer d, Object parent, int level) {
if (fCode == NO_CHANGE)
return null;
Object data= d.visit(parent, fCode, fAncestor, fLeft, fRight);
if (fChildren != null) {
Iterator i= fChildren.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Node n= (Node) i.next();
n.visit(d, data, level+1);
return data;
// private void dump(int level) {
// String name= null;
// if (fAncestor instanceof ITypedElement)
// name= ((ITypedElement)fAncestor).getName();
// if (name == null && fLeft instanceof ITypedElement)
// name= ((ITypedElement)fLeft).getName();
// if (name == null && fRight instanceof ITypedElement)
// name= ((ITypedElement)fRight).getName();
// if (name == null)
// name= "???"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// for (int i= 0; i < level; i++)
// System.out.print(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$
// System.out.println(getDiffType(fCode) + name);
// }
// private String getDiffType(int code) {
// String dir= " "; //$NON-NLS-1$
// switch (code & DIRECTION_MASK) {
// case LEFT:
// dir= ">"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// break;
// case RIGHT:
// dir= "<"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// break;
// dir= "!"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// break;
// }
// String change= "="; //$NON-NLS-1$
// switch (code & CHANGE_TYPE_MASK) {
// case ADDITION:
// change= "+"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// break;
// case DELETION:
// change= "-"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// break;
// case CHANGE:
// change= "#"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// break;
// }
// return dir + change + " "; //$NON-NLS-1$
// }
* Creates a new differencing engine.
public Differencer() {
// nothing to do
* Starts the differencing engine on the three input objects. If threeWay is true
* three-way comparison is performed, otherwise a two-way compare (in the latter case the ancestor argument is ignored).
* The progress monitor is passed to the method updateProgress
which is called for every node or
* leaf compare. The method returns the object that was returned from the top-most call to method visit
* At most two of the ancestor, left, and right parameters are allowed to be null
* @param threeWay if true
a three-way comparison is performed, otherwise a two-way compare
* @param pm a progress monitor which is passed to method updateProgress
* @param data a client data that is passed to the top-level call to visit
* @param ancestor the ancestor object of the compare (may be null
* @param left the left object of the compare
* @param right the right object of the compare
* @return the object returned from the top most call to method visit
* possibly null
public Object findDifferences(boolean threeWay, IProgressMonitor pm, Object data, Object ancestor, Object left, Object right) {
Node root= new Node();
int code= traverse(threeWay, root, pm, threeWay ? ancestor : null, left, right);
if (code != NO_CHANGE) {
List l= root.fChildren;
if (l.size() > 0) {
Node first= (Node)l.get(0);
return first.visit(this, data, 0);
return null;
* Traverse tree in postorder.
private int traverse(boolean threeWay, Node parent, IProgressMonitor pm, Object ancestor, Object left, Object right) {
Object[] ancestorChildren= getChildren(ancestor);
Object[] rightChildren= getChildren(right);
Object[] leftChildren= getChildren(left);
int code= NO_CHANGE;
Node node= new Node(parent, ancestor, left, right);
boolean content= true; // we reset this if we have at least one child
if (((threeWay && ancestorChildren != null) || !threeWay)
&& rightChildren != null && leftChildren != null) {
// we only recurse down if no leg is null
// a node
Set allSet= new HashSet(20);
Map ancestorSet= null;
Map rightSet= null;
Map leftSet= null;
if (ancestorChildren != null) {
ancestorSet= new HashMap(10);
for (int i= 0; i < ancestorChildren.length; i++) {
Object ancestorChild= ancestorChildren[i];
ancestorSet.put(ancestorChild, ancestorChild);
if (rightChildren != null) {
rightSet= new HashMap(10);
for (int i= 0; i < rightChildren.length; i++) {
Object rightChild= rightChildren[i];
rightSet.put(rightChild, rightChild);
if (leftChildren != null) {
leftSet= new HashMap(10);
for (int i= 0; i < leftChildren.length; i++) {
Object leftChild= leftChildren[i];
leftSet.put(leftChild, leftChild);
Iterator e= allSet.iterator();
while (e.hasNext()) {
Object keyChild= e.next();
if (pm != null) {
if (pm.isCanceled())
throw new OperationCanceledException();
updateProgress(pm, keyChild);
Object ancestorChild= ancestorSet != null ? ancestorSet.get(keyChild) : null;
Object leftChild= leftSet != null ? leftSet.get(keyChild) : null;
Object rightChild= rightSet != null ? rightSet.get(keyChild) : null;
int c= traverse(threeWay, node, pm, ancestorChild, leftChild, rightChild);
code|= CHANGE; // deletions and additions of child result in a change of the container
code|= (c & DIRECTION_MASK); // incoming & outgoing are just ored
content= false;
if (content) // a leaf
code= compare(threeWay, ancestor, left, right);
node.fCode= code;
return code;
* Called for every node or leaf comparison.
* The differencing engine passes in the input objects of the compare and the result of the compare.
* The data object is the value returned from a call to the visit
method on the parent input.
* It can be considered the "parent" reference and is useful when building a tree.
* The Differencer
implementation returns a new
* DiffNode
which is initialized with the corresponding values.
* Subclasses may override.
* @param data object returned from parent call to visit
* possibly null
* @param result the result of the compare operation performed on the three inputs
* @param ancestor the compare ancestor of the left and right inputs
* @param left the left input to the compare
* @param right the right input to the compare
* @return the result, possibly null
protected Object visit(Object data, int result, Object ancestor, Object left, Object right) {
return new DiffNode((IDiffContainer) data, result, (ITypedElement)ancestor, (ITypedElement)left, (ITypedElement)right);
* Performs a 2-way or 3-way compare of the given leaf elements and returns an integer
* describing the kind of difference.
private int compare(boolean threeway, Object ancestor, Object left, Object right) {
int description= NO_CHANGE;
if (threeway) {
if (ancestor == null) {
if (left == null) {
if (right == null) {
// shouldn't happen
} else {
description= RIGHT | ADDITION;
} else {
if (right == null) {
description= LEFT | ADDITION;
} else {
if (contentsEqual(left, MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR, right, MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR))
description|= PSEUDO_CONFLICT;
} else {
if (left == null) {
if (right == null) {
} else {
if (contentsEqual(ancestor, MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR, right, MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR))
description= LEFT | DELETION;
description= CONFLICTING | CHANGE;
} else {
if (right == null) {
if (contentsEqual(ancestor, MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR, left, MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR))
description= RIGHT | DELETION;
description= CONFLICTING | CHANGE;
} else {
boolean ay= contentsEqual(ancestor, MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR, left, MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR);
boolean am= contentsEqual(ancestor, MergeViewerContentProvider.ANCESTOR_CONTRIBUTOR, right, MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR);
if (ay && am) {
// empty
} else if (ay && !am) {
description= RIGHT | CHANGE;
} else if (!ay && am) {
description= LEFT | CHANGE;
} else {
description= CONFLICTING | CHANGE;
if (contentsEqual(left, MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR, right, MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR))
description|= PSEUDO_CONFLICT;
} else { // two way compare ignores ancestor
if (left == null) {
if (right == null) {
// shouldn't happen
} else {
description= ADDITION;
} else {
if (right == null) {
description= DELETION;
} else {
if (! contentsEqual(left, MergeViewerContentProvider.LEFT_CONTRIBUTOR, right, MergeViewerContentProvider.RIGHT_CONTRIBUTOR))
description= CHANGE;
return description;
* Performs a content compare on the two given inputs.
* The Differencer
implementation returns
* contentsEqual(Object input1, Object input2)
. Subclasses may
* override to implement a different content compare on the given inputs.
* @param input1
* first input to contents compare
* @param contributor1
* the contributor of input1
* @param input2
* second input to contents compare
* @param contributor2
* the contributor of input2
* @return true
if content is equal
* @noreference This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
* @since 3.6
protected boolean contentsEqual(Object input1, char contributor1,
Object input2, char contributor2) {
return contentsEqual(input1, input2);
* Performs a content compare on the two given inputs.
* The Differencer
* returns true
if both inputs implement IStreamContentAccessor
* and their byte contents is identical. Subclasses may override to implement
* a different content compare on the given inputs.
* @param input1 first input to contents compare
* @param input2 second input to contents compare
* @return true
if content is equal
protected boolean contentsEqual(Object input1, Object input2) {
if (input1 == input2)
return true;
InputStream is1= getStream(input1);
InputStream is2= getStream(input2);
if (is1 == null && is2 == null) // no byte contents
return true;
try {
if (is1 == null || is2 == null) // only one has contents
return false;
while (true) {
int c1= is1.read();
int c2= is2.read();
if (c1 == -1 && c2 == -1)
return true;
if (c1 != c2)
} catch (IOException ex) {
// NeedWork
} finally {
if (is1 != null) {
try {
} catch(IOException ex) {
// silently ignored
if (is2 != null) {
try {
} catch(IOException ex) {
// silently ignored
return false;
* Tries to return an InputStream for the given object.
* Returns null
if the object not an IStreamContentAccessor
* or an error occurred.
private InputStream getStream(Object o) {
if (o instanceof IStreamContentAccessor) {
try {
return ((IStreamContentAccessor)o).getContents();
} catch(CoreException ex) {
// NeedWork
return null;
* Returns the children of the given input or null
if there are no children.
* The Differencer
implementation checks whether the input
* implements the IStructureComparator
interface. If yes it is used
* to return an array containing all children. Otherwise null
is returned.
* Subclasses may override to implement a different strategy to enumerate children.
* @param input the object for which to return children
* @return the children of the given input or null
if there are no children.
protected Object[] getChildren(Object input) {
if (input instanceof IStructureComparator)
return ((IStructureComparator)input).getChildren();
return null;
* Called for every leaf or node compare to update progress information.
* The Differencer
implementation shows the name of the input object
* as a subtask. Subclasses may override.
* @param progressMonitor the progress monitor for reporting progress
* @param node the currently processed non-null
protected void updateProgress(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor, Object node) {
if (node instanceof ITypedElement) {
String name= ((ITypedElement)node).getName();
String fmt= Utilities.getString("Differencer.progressFormat"); //$NON-NLS-1$
String msg= MessageFormat.format(fmt, name );