org.eclipse.swt.browser.AppFileLocProvider Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.swt.browser;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.mozilla.*;
class AppFileLocProvider {
XPCOMObject supports;
XPCOMObject directoryServiceProvider;
XPCOMObject directoryServiceProvider2;
int refCount = 0;
String mozillaPath, profilePath, cacheParentPath;
String[] pluginDirs;
boolean isXULRunner;
static final String SEPARATOR_OS = System.getProperty ("file.separator"); //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String CHROME_DIR = "chrome"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String COMPONENTS_DIR = "components"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String HISTORY_FILE = "history.dat"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String LOCALSTORE_FILE = "localstore.rdf"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String MIMETYPES_FILE = "mimeTypes.rdf"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String MOZILLA_PLUGIN_PATH = "MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String PLUGINS_DIR = "plugins"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String USER_PLUGINS_DIR = ".mozilla" + SEPARATOR_OS + "plugins"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
static final String PREFERENCES_FILE = "prefs.js"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static boolean IsSparc;
static {
String osName = System.getProperty ("").toLowerCase (); //$NON-NLS-1$
String osArch = System.getProperty ("os.arch").toLowerCase (); //$NON-NLS-1$
IsSparc = (osName.startsWith ("sunos") || osName.startsWith ("solaris")) && osArch.startsWith("sparc"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
AppFileLocProvider (String mozillaPath, String profilePath, String cacheParentPath, boolean isXULRunner) {
this.mozillaPath = mozillaPath + SEPARATOR_OS;
this.profilePath = profilePath + SEPARATOR_OS;
this.cacheParentPath = cacheParentPath;
this.isXULRunner = isXULRunner;
if (!Compatibility.fileExists (profilePath, "")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
int /*long*/[] result = new int /*long*/[1];
nsEmbedString pathString = new nsEmbedString (profilePath);
int rc = XPCOM.NS_NewLocalFile (pathString.getAddress (), 1, result);
if (rc != XPCOM.NS_OK) Mozilla.error (rc);
if (result[0] == 0) Mozilla.error (XPCOM.NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER);
pathString.dispose ();
nsILocalFile file = new nsILocalFile (result [0]);
rc = file.Create (nsILocalFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0700);
if (rc != XPCOM.NS_OK) Mozilla.error (rc);
file.Release ();
createCOMInterfaces ();
int AddRef () {
return refCount;
void createCOMInterfaces () {
/* Create each of the interfaces that this object implements */
supports = new XPCOMObject (new int[] {2, 0, 0}) {
public int /*long*/ method0 (int /*long*/[] args) {return QueryInterface (args[0], args[1]);}
public int /*long*/ method1 (int /*long*/[] args) {return AddRef ();}
public int /*long*/ method2 (int /*long*/[] args) {return Release ();}
directoryServiceProvider = new XPCOMObject (new int[] {2, 0, 0, 3}) {
public int /*long*/ method0 (int /*long*/[] args) {return QueryInterface (args[0], args[1]);}
public int /*long*/ method1 (int /*long*/[] args) {return AddRef ();}
public int /*long*/ method2 (int /*long*/[] args) {return Release ();}
public int /*long*/ method3 (int /*long*/[] args) {return getFile (args[0], args[1], args[2]);}
directoryServiceProvider2 = new XPCOMObject (new int[] {2, 0, 0, 3, 2}) {
public int /*long*/ method0 (int /*long*/[] args) {return QueryInterface (args[0], args[1]);}
public int /*long*/ method1 (int /*long*/[] args) {return AddRef ();}
public int /*long*/ method2 (int /*long*/[] args) {return Release ();}
public int /*long*/ method3 (int /*long*/[] args) {return getFile (args[0], args[1], args[2]);}
public int /*long*/ method4 (int /*long*/[] args) {return getFiles (args[0], args[1]);}
void disposeCOMInterfaces () {
if (supports != null) {
supports.dispose ();
supports = null;
if (directoryServiceProvider != null) {
directoryServiceProvider.dispose ();
directoryServiceProvider = null;
if (directoryServiceProvider2 != null) {
directoryServiceProvider2.dispose ();
directoryServiceProvider2 = null;
int /*long*/ getAddress () {
return directoryServiceProvider.getAddress ();
int QueryInterface (int /*long*/ riid, int /*long*/ ppvObject) {
if (riid == 0 || ppvObject == 0) return XPCOM.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
nsID guid = new nsID ();
XPCOM.memmove (guid, riid, nsID.sizeof);
if (guid.Equals (XPCOM.NS_ISUPPORTS_IID)) {
XPCOM.memmove (ppvObject, new int /*long*/[] {supports.getAddress ()}, C.PTR_SIZEOF);
AddRef ();
return XPCOM.NS_OK;
XPCOM.memmove (ppvObject, new int /*long*/[] {directoryServiceProvider.getAddress ()}, C.PTR_SIZEOF);
AddRef ();
return XPCOM.NS_OK;
XPCOM.memmove (ppvObject, new int /*long*/[] {directoryServiceProvider2.getAddress ()}, C.PTR_SIZEOF);
AddRef ();
return XPCOM.NS_OK;
XPCOM.memmove (ppvObject, new int /*long*/[] {0}, C.PTR_SIZEOF);
int Release () {
if (refCount == 0) disposeCOMInterfaces ();
return refCount;
/* nsIDirectoryServiceProvider2 */
int getFiles (int /*long*/ prop, int /*long*/ _retval) {
int size = XPCOM.strlen (prop);
byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
XPCOM.memmove (bytes, prop, size);
String propertyName = new String (MozillaDelegate.mbcsToWcs (null, bytes));
String[] propertyValues = null;
if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_APP_PLUGINS_DIR_LIST)) {
if (pluginDirs == null) {
int index = 0;
/* set the first value(s) to the MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable value if it's defined */
int /*long*/ ptr = C.getenv (MozillaDelegate.wcsToMbcs (null, MOZILLA_PLUGIN_PATH, true));
if (ptr != 0) {
int length = C.strlen (ptr);
byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
C.memmove (buffer, ptr, length);
String value = new String (MozillaDelegate.mbcsToWcs (null, buffer));
if (value.length () > 0) {
String separator = System.getProperty ("path.separator"); // $NON-NLS-1$
List segments = new ArrayList ();
int start, end = -1;
do {
start = end + 1;
end = value.indexOf (separator, start);
String segment;
if (end == -1) {
segment = value.substring (start);
} else {
segment = value.substring (start, end);
if (segment.length () > 0) segments.add (segment);
} while (end != -1);
int segmentsSize = segments.size ();
pluginDirs = new String [segmentsSize + (IsSparc ? 1 : 2)];
for (index = 0; index < segmentsSize; index++) {
pluginDirs[index] = segments.get (index);
if (pluginDirs == null) {
pluginDirs = new String[IsSparc ? 1 : 2];
/* set the next value to the GRE path + "plugins" */
* Bug on Solaris SPARC. Attempting to start the java plug-in fails with an
* error indicating that PR_NewMonitor could not be found. This is a well-
* known problem that many other apps have also encountered, with no
* resolution other than to remove this plug-in. The Browser workaround is
* to not add the directory containing this plug-in to the plug-in search path.
if (!IsSparc) {
pluginDirs[index++] = mozillaPath + PLUGINS_DIR;
/* set the next value to the home directory + "/.mozilla/plugins" */
pluginDirs[index++] = System.getProperty("user.home") + SEPARATOR_OS + USER_PLUGINS_DIR;
propertyValues = pluginDirs;
XPCOM.memmove(_retval, new int /*long*/[] {0}, C.PTR_SIZEOF);
if (propertyValues != null) {
int /*long*/[] result = new int /*long*/[1];
nsISupports[] files = new nsISupports [propertyValues.length];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < propertyValues.length; i++) {
nsEmbedString pathString = new nsEmbedString (propertyValues[i]);
int rc = XPCOM.NS_NewLocalFile (pathString.getAddress (), 1, result);
/* value appears to be a valid pathname */
if (rc != XPCOM.NS_OK) Mozilla.error (rc);
if (result[0] == 0) Mozilla.error (XPCOM.NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER);
nsILocalFile localFile = new nsILocalFile (result[0]);
result[0] = 0;
rc = localFile.QueryInterface (IIDStore.GetIID (nsIFile.class), result);
if (rc != XPCOM.NS_OK) Mozilla.error (rc);
if (result[0] == 0) Mozilla.error (XPCOM.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE);
localFile.Release ();
nsIFile file = new nsIFile (result[0]);
files[index++] = file;
pathString.dispose ();
result[0] = 0;
if (index < propertyValues.length) {
/* there were some invalid values so remove the trailing empty array slots */
nsISupports[] temp = new nsISupports [index];
System.arraycopy (files, 0, temp, 0, index);
files = temp;
SimpleEnumerator enumerator = new SimpleEnumerator (files);
enumerator.AddRef ();
XPCOM.memmove (_retval, new int /*long*/[] {enumerator.getAddress ()}, C.PTR_SIZEOF);
return XPCOM.NS_OK;
/* nsIDirectoryServiceProvider implementation */
int getFile(int /*long*/ prop, int /*long*/ persistent, int /*long*/ _retval) {
int size = XPCOM.strlen (prop);
byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
XPCOM.memmove (bytes, prop, size);
String propertyName = new String (MozillaDelegate.mbcsToWcs (null, bytes));
String propertyValue = null;
if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_APP_HISTORY_50_FILE)) {
propertyValue = profilePath + HISTORY_FILE;
} else if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_APP_USER_MIMETYPES_50_FILE)) {
propertyValue = profilePath + MIMETYPES_FILE;
} else if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_APP_PREFS_50_FILE)) {
propertyValue = profilePath + PREFERENCES_FILE;
} else if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_APP_PREFS_50_DIR)) {
propertyValue = profilePath;
} else if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_APP_USER_CHROME_DIR)) {
propertyValue = profilePath + CHROME_DIR;
} else if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR)) {
propertyValue = profilePath;
} else if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_APP_LOCALSTORE_50_FILE)) {
propertyValue = profilePath + LOCALSTORE_FILE;
} else if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_APP_CACHE_PARENT_DIR)) {
propertyValue = cacheParentPath;
} else if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_OS_HOME_DIR)) {
propertyValue = System.getProperty("user.home"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_OS_TEMP_DIR)) {
propertyValue = System.getProperty(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_GRE_DIR)) {
propertyValue = mozillaPath;
} else if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_GRE_COMPONENT_DIR)) {
if (MozillaVersion.CheckVersion (MozillaVersion.VERSION_XR24, false)) {
propertyValue = mozillaPath + COMPONENTS_DIR;
} else {
propertyValue = profilePath + COMPONENTS_DIR;
} else if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_XPCOM_INIT_CURRENT_PROCESS_DIR)) {
propertyValue = mozillaPath;
} else if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_OS_CURRENT_PROCESS_DIR)) {
propertyValue = mozillaPath;
} else if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_XPCOM_COMPONENT_DIR)) {
if (MozillaVersion.CheckVersion (MozillaVersion.VERSION_XR24, false)) {
propertyValue = profilePath + COMPONENTS_DIR;
} else {
propertyValue = mozillaPath + COMPONENTS_DIR;
} else if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_XPCOM_CURRENT_PROCESS_DIR)) {
if (MozillaVersion.CheckVersion (MozillaVersion.VERSION_XR24, false)) {
propertyValue = profilePath;
} else {
propertyValue = mozillaPath;
} else if (propertyName.equals (XPCOM.NS_APP_PREF_DEFAULTS_50_DIR)) {
* Answering a value for this property causes problems in Mozilla versions
* < 1.7. Unfortunately this property is queried early enough in the
* Browser creation process that the Mozilla version being used is not
* yet determined. However it is known if XULRunner is being used or not.
* For now answer a value for this property iff XULRunner is the GRE.
* If the range of Mozilla versions supported by the Browser is changed
* in the future to be >= 1.7 then this value can always be answered.
if (isXULRunner) propertyValue = profilePath;
XPCOM.memmove (persistent, new boolean[] {true});
XPCOM.memmove (_retval, new int /*long*/[] {0}, C.PTR_SIZEOF);
if (propertyValue != null && propertyValue.length () > 0) {
int /*long*/[] result = new int /*long*/[1];
nsEmbedString pathString = new nsEmbedString (propertyValue);
int rc = XPCOM.NS_NewLocalFile (pathString.getAddress (), 1, result);
if (rc != XPCOM.NS_OK) Mozilla.error (rc);
if (result[0] == 0) Mozilla.error (XPCOM.NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER);
pathString.dispose ();
nsILocalFile localFile = new nsILocalFile (result [0]);
result[0] = 0;
rc = localFile.QueryInterface (IIDStore.GetIID (nsIFile.class), result);
if (rc != XPCOM.NS_OK) Mozilla.error (rc);
if (result[0] == 0) Mozilla.error (XPCOM.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE);
XPCOM.memmove (_retval, new int /*long*/[] {result[0]}, C.PTR_SIZEOF);
localFile.Release ();
return XPCOM.NS_OK;
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