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org.eclipse.serializer.Serializer Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package org.eclipse.serializer;

import static org.eclipse.serializer.util.X.mayNull;
import static org.eclipse.serializer.util.X.notNull;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.function.Function;

 * #%L
 * Eclipse Serializer
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2023 MicroStream Software
 * %%
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made
 * available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * which is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * #L%

import org.eclipse.serializer.collections.HashTable;
import org.eclipse.serializer.collections.types.XGettingCollection;
import org.eclipse.serializer.hashing.XHashing;
import org.eclipse.serializer.memory.XMemory;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.binary.types.Binary;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.binary.types.BinaryStorer;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.binary.types.ChunksBuffer;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.binary.types.ChunksBufferByteReversing;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.binary.types.ChunksWrapper;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.exceptions.PersistenceExceptionTransfer;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.types.PersistenceIdSet;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.types.PersistenceManager;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.types.PersistenceObjectIdRequestor;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.types.PersistenceObjectManager;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.types.PersistenceSource;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.types.PersistenceStoreHandler;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.types.PersistenceStorer;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.types.PersistenceTarget;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.types.PersistenceTypeHandler;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.types.PersistenceTypeHandlerManager;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.types.Persister;
import org.eclipse.serializer.persistence.types.Storer;
import org.eclipse.serializer.reference.Lazy;
import org.eclipse.serializer.reference.ObjectSwizzling;
import org.eclipse.serializer.reference.Swizzling;
import org.eclipse.serializer.util.BufferSizeProviderIncremental;
import org.eclipse.serializer.util.X;

 * Convenient API layer to use the binary persistence functionality for a simple serializer.

* It is based on a {@link org.eclipse.serializer.SerializerFoundation}, which can be configured to various needs. *

* Per default {@link Binary} and byte[] are supported as medium types. * * @param the medium type */ public interface Serializer extends AutoCloseable { /** * Serializes the given object graph into the medium type. * @param object the graph's root * @return the binary format */ public M serialize(Object object); /** * Recreates an object graph based on the given data. * @param the object's type * @param medium the medium to read from * @return the deserialized object graph */ public T deserialize(M medium); public static Serializer Bytes() { return Bytes(SerializerFoundation.New()); } public static Serializer Bytes(final SerializerFoundation foundation) { return New( foundation , Static::toBytes , Static::toBinary ); } public static Serializer Binary() { return Binary(SerializerFoundation.New()); } public static Serializer Binary(final SerializerFoundation foundation) { return New( foundation , Function.identity(), Function.identity() ); } public static Serializer New( final Function toMedium, final Function toBinary ) { return New( SerializerFoundation.New(), toMedium , toBinary ); } public static Serializer New( final SerializerFoundation foundation, final Function toMedium , final Function toBinary ) { return new Default<>( notNull(foundation), notNull(toMedium ), notNull(toBinary ) ); } public final static class Static { public static byte[] toBytes(final Binary binary) { return XMemory.toArray(binary.buffers()); } public static Binary toBinary(final byte[] bytes) { final ByteBuffer buffer = XMemory.allocateDirectNative(bytes.length); buffer.put(bytes); buffer.flip(); return ChunksWrapper.New(buffer); } /** * Dummy constructor to prevent instantiation of this static-only utility class. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException when called */ private Static() { // static only throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } public static interface Source extends PersistenceSource { @Override default XGettingCollection readByObjectIds(final PersistenceIdSet[] oids) throws PersistenceExceptionTransfer { return null; } } public static interface Target extends PersistenceTarget { @Override default boolean isWritable() { return true; } } public static class Default implements Serializer { private final SerializerFoundation foundation ; private final Function toMedium ; private final Function toBinary ; private PersistenceManager persistenceManager; private Storer storer ; private Binary input ; private Binary output ; Default( final SerializerFoundation foundation, final Function toMedium , final Function toBinary ) { super(); = foundation; this.toMedium = toMedium ; this.toBinary = toBinary ; this.lazyInit(); } @Override public synchronized M serialize(final Object object) {; this.storer.commit(); return this.toMedium.apply(this.output); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public synchronized T deserialize(final M data) { this.input = this.toBinary.apply(data); return (T)this.persistenceManager.get(); } @Override public synchronized void close() { if(this.persistenceManager != null) { this.persistenceManager.objectRegistry().truncateAll(); this.persistenceManager.close(); this.persistenceManager = null; this.input = null; this.output = null; } } private void lazyInit() { if(this.persistenceManager == null) { final Source source = () -> X.Constant(this.input); final Target target = data -> this.output = data ; this.persistenceManager = .setPersistenceSource(source) .setPersistenceTarget(target) .createPersistenceManager() ; this.storer = this.persistenceManager.createStorer( new SerializerStorer.Creator( ); } else { this.persistenceManager.objectRegistry().truncateAll(); } } static class SerializerStorer implements BinaryStorer, PersistenceStoreHandler, PersistenceObjectIdRequestor { static class Creator implements PersistenceStorer.Creator { private final boolean switchByteOrder; Creator(final boolean switchByteOrder) { super(); this.switchByteOrder = switchByteOrder; } @Override public PersistenceStorer createLazyStorer( final PersistenceTypeHandlerManager typeManager , final PersistenceObjectManager objectManager , final ObjectSwizzling objectRetriever , final PersistenceTarget target , final BufferSizeProviderIncremental bufferSizeProvider, final Persister persister ) { return this.createEagerStorer( typeManager , objectManager , objectRetriever , target , bufferSizeProvider, persister ); } @Override public PersistenceStorer createEagerStorer( final PersistenceTypeHandlerManager typeManager , final PersistenceObjectManager objectManager , final ObjectSwizzling objectRetriever , final PersistenceTarget target , final BufferSizeProviderIncremental bufferSizeProvider, final Persister persister ) { final SerializerStorer storer = new SerializerStorer( objectManager , objectRetriever , typeManager , target , bufferSizeProvider , this.switchByteOrder, persister ); return storer; } } protected static int defaultSlotSize() { return 1024; } private final boolean switchByteOrder; private final PersistenceObjectManager objectManager ; private final ObjectSwizzling objectRetriever; private final PersistenceTypeHandlerManager typeManager ; private final PersistenceTarget target ; private final Persister persister ; private final BufferSizeProviderIncremental bufferSizeProvider; private ChunksBuffer[] chunks; final Item head = new Item(null, 0L, null, null); private Item tail; private HashTable hashSlots; public SerializerStorer( final PersistenceObjectManager objectManager , final ObjectSwizzling objectRetriever , final PersistenceTypeHandlerManager typeManager , final PersistenceTarget target , final BufferSizeProviderIncremental bufferSizeProvider, final boolean switchByteOrder , final Persister persister ) { super(); this.objectManager = notNull(objectManager) ; this.objectRetriever = notNull(objectRetriever) ; this.typeManager = notNull(typeManager) ; = notNull(target) ; this.bufferSizeProvider = notNull(bufferSizeProvider); this.switchByteOrder = switchByteOrder ; this.persister = mayNull(persister) ; this.defaultInitialize(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // methods // //////////// @Override public final ObjectSwizzling getObjectRetriever() { return this.objectRetriever; } @Override public final long maximumCapacity() { return Long.MAX_VALUE; } @Override public final long currentCapacity() { return this.hashSlots.size(); } @Override public final long size() { return this.hashSlots.size(); } @Override public PersistenceStorer reinitialize() { // does locking internally this.defaultInitialize(); return this; } @Override public PersistenceStorer reinitialize(final long initialCapacity) { // does locking internally this.internalInitialize(XHashing.padHashLength(initialCapacity)); return this; } @Override public void clear() { // clearing means just to reinitialize (with default values). this.reinitialize(); } private void defaultInitialize() { // does locking internally this.internalInitialize(defaultSlotSize()); } protected void internalInitialize(final int hashLength) { this.hashSlots = HashTable.NewCustom(hashLength); // initializing/clearing item chain (this.tail = this.head).next = null; final ChunksBuffer[] chunks = this.chunks = new ChunksBuffer[1]; chunks[0] = this.switchByteOrder ? ChunksBufferByteReversing.New(chunks, this.bufferSizeProvider) : ChunksBuffer.New(chunks, this.bufferSizeProvider) ; } @Override public PersistenceStorer ensureCapacity(final long desiredCapacity) { //no-op; done by Hashtable return this; } @Override public long apply(final T instance) { return this.applyEager(instance); } @Override public long apply(final T instance, final PersistenceTypeHandler localTypeHandler) { return this.applyEager(instance, localTypeHandler); } @Override public final long applyEager(final T instance) { if(instance == null) { return Swizzling.nullId(); } /* * "Eager" must still mean that if this storer has already stored the passed instance, * it may not store it again. That would not only be data-wise redundant and unnecessary, * but would also create infinite storing loops and overflows. * So "eager" can only mean to not check the global registry, but it must still mean to check * the local registry. */ final long objectIdLocal; if(Swizzling.isFoundId(objectIdLocal = this.lookupOid(instance))) { // returning 0 is a valid case: an instance registered to be skipped by using the null-OID. return objectIdLocal; } return this.registerGuaranteed(instance); } @Override public long applyEager(final T instance, final PersistenceTypeHandler localTypeHandler) { if(instance == null) { return Swizzling.nullId(); } /* * "Eager" must still mean that if this storer has already stored the passed instance, * it may not store it again. That would not only be data-wise redundant and unnecessary, * but would also create infinite storing loops and overflows. * So "eager" can only mean to not check the global registry, but it must still mean to check * the local registry. */ final long objectIdLocal; if(Swizzling.isFoundId(objectIdLocal = this.lookupOid(instance))) { // returning 0 is a valid case: an instance registered to be skipped by using the null-OID. return objectIdLocal; } return this.objectManager.ensureObjectIdGuaranteedRegister(instance, this, localTypeHandler); } protected void checkSerializationSupport(final Object instance) { if(instance instanceof Lazy) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Lazy references cannot be serialized"); } } /** * Stores the passed instance (always) and interprets it as the root of a graph to be traversed and * have its instances stored recursively if deemed necessary by the logic until all instance * that can be reached by that logic have been handled. * * @param root the root object of the graph * @return the root's object id */ protected final long storeGraph(final Object root) { // initial registration. After that, storing adds via recursing the graph and processing items iteratively. final long rootOid = this.registerGuaranteed(notNull(root)); // process and collect required instances uniquely in item chain (graph recursion transformed to iteration) for(Item item = this.tail; item != null; item = {[0], item.instance, item.oid, this); } return rootOid; } @Override public final long store(final Object root) { return this.storeGraph(root); } @Override public final long[] storeAll(final Object... instances) { final long[] oids = new long[instances.length]; for(int i = 0; i < instances.length; i++) { oids[i] = this.storeGraph(instances[i]); } return oids; } @Override public void storeAll(final Iterable instances) { for(final Object instance : instances) { this.storeGraph(instance); } } @Override public final Object commit() { // isEmpty locks internally if(!this.isEmpty()) { // must validate here, too, in case the WriteController disabled writing during the storer's existence.;[0].complete()); } this.clear(); // not used (yet?) return null; } public final long lookupOid(final Object object) { final Item item = this.hashSlots.get(object); if(item != null) { return item.oid; } // returning 0 is a valid case: an instance registered to be skipped by using the null-OID. return Swizzling.notFoundId(); } @Override public final void registerGuaranteed( final long objectId , final T instance , final PersistenceTypeHandler optionalHandler ) { this.checkSerializationSupport(instance); // ensure handler (or fail if type is not persistable) before ensuring an OID. final PersistenceTypeHandler typeHandler = optionalHandler != null ? optionalHandler : this.typeManager.ensureTypeHandler(instance) ; this.tail = = this.registerObjectId(instance, typeHandler, objectId); } @Override public void registerLazyOptional( final long objectId , final T instance , final PersistenceTypeHandler optionalHandler ) { // default is eager logic, so no-op } @Override public void registerEagerOptional( final long objectId , final T instance , final PersistenceTypeHandler optionalHandler ) { // default is eager logic. this.registerGuaranteed(objectId, instance, optionalHandler); } protected final long registerGuaranteed(final Object instance) { /* Note: * - ensureObjectId may never be called under a storer lock or a deadlock might happen! * - calls back to #register(long, Object), guaranteeing the registration */ return this.objectManager.ensureObjectIdGuaranteedRegister(instance, this, null); } @Override public final boolean skipMapped(final Object instance, final long objectId) { return this.internalSkip(instance, objectId); } @Override public final boolean skip(final Object instance) { final long foundObjectId = this.objectManager.lookupObjectId(instance); // not found means store as null. Lookup will never return 0 if(Swizzling.isNotFoundId(foundObjectId)) { return this.skipNulled(instance); } return this.internalSkip(instance, foundObjectId); } @Override public final boolean skipNulled(final Object instance) { return this.internalSkip(instance, Swizzling.nullId()); } final boolean internalSkip(final Object instance, final long objectId) { // lookup returns -1 on failure, so 0 is a valid lookup result. Main reason for -1 vs. 0 distinction! if(Swizzling.isNotFoundId(this.lookupOid(instance))) { // only register if not found locally, of course this.registerObjectId(instance, null, objectId); return true; } // already locally present (found), do nothing. return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public final Item registerObjectId( final T instance , final PersistenceTypeHandler typeHandler, final long objectId ) { final Item item = new Item( instance, objectId, (PersistenceTypeHandler)typeHandler, null); this.hashSlots.put(instance, item); return item; } @Override public Persister getPersister() { return this.persister; } static final class Item { final PersistenceTypeHandler typeHandler; final Object instance ; final long oid ; Item link, next ; Item( final Object instance , final long oid , final PersistenceTypeHandler typeHandler, final Item link ) { super(); this.instance = instance ; this.oid = oid ; this.typeHandler = typeHandler; = link ; } } } } }

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