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org.eclipse.tycho.compiler.AbstractOsgiCompilerMojo Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * 	Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.eclipse.tycho.compiler;

import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringJoiner;

import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionRequest;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionResult;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.project.artifact.ProjectArtifact;
import org.apache.maven.repository.RepositorySystem;
import org.apache.maven.toolchain.ToolchainManager;
import org.apache.maven.toolchain.ToolchainManagerPrivate;
import org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.CompilerConfiguration;
import org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.util.scan.InclusionScanException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.util.scan.SimpleSourceInclusionScanner;
import org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.util.scan.SourceInclusionScanner;
import org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.util.scan.StaleSourceScanner;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.DirectoryScanner;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.CtSym;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.JRTUtil;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.ManifestElement;
import org.eclipse.tycho.DefaultArtifactKey;
import org.eclipse.tycho.ReactorProject;
import org.eclipse.tycho.classpath.ClasspathEntry;
import org.eclipse.tycho.classpath.ClasspathEntry.AccessRule;
import org.eclipse.tycho.classpath.JavaCompilerConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.tycho.classpath.SourcepathEntry;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.BundleProject;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.TychoProject;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.dotClasspath.JREClasspathEntry;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.dotClasspath.M2ClasspathVariable;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.dotClasspath.ProjectClasspathEntry;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.maven.ToolchainProvider;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.maven.ToolchainProvider.JDKUsage;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.osgitools.BundleReader;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.osgitools.DefaultClasspathEntry;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.osgitools.DefaultClasspathEntry.DefaultAccessRule;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.osgitools.DefaultReactorProject;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.osgitools.OsgiBundleProject;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.osgitools.OsgiManifest;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.osgitools.project.EclipsePluginProject;
import org.eclipse.tycho.core.utils.TychoProjectUtils;
import org.eclipse.tycho.runtime.Adaptable;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.Filter;
import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil;
import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;
import org.osgi.framework.Version;
import org.osgi.framework.namespace.ExecutionEnvironmentNamespace;
import org.osgi.resource.Namespace;


public abstract class AbstractOsgiCompilerMojo extends AbstractCompilerMojo
        implements JavaCompilerConfiguration, Adaptable {

    public static final String RULE_SEPARATOR = File.pathSeparator;

     * Exclude all but keep looking for other another match
    public static final String RULE_EXCLUDE_ALL = "?**/*";

    private static final Set MATCH_ALL = Collections.singleton("**/*");

    private static final String PREFS_FILE_PATH = ".settings" + File.separator + "org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs";

    @Parameter(property = "project", readonly = true)
    protected MavenProject project;

     * Transitively add specified maven artifacts to compile classpath in addition to elements
     * calculated according to OSGi rules. All packages from additional entries will be accessible
     * at compile time.
     * Useful when OSGi runtime classpath contains elements not defined using normal dependency
     * mechanisms. For example, when Eclipse Equinox is started from application server with
     * -Dosgi.parentClassloader=fwk parameter.
    private Dependency[] extraClasspathElements;

    @Parameter(property = "session", readonly = true)
    private MavenSession session;

    private RepositorySystem repositorySystem;

     * Which JDK to use for compilation. Default value is SYSTEM which means the currently running
     * JDK. If BREE is specified, MANIFEST header Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment
     * is used to define the JDK to compile against. In this case, you need to provide a
     * toolchains.xml
     * configuration file. The value of BREE will be matched against the id of the toolchain
     * elements in toolchains.xml. Example:
     * <toolchains>
     *   <toolchain>
     *      <type>jdk</type>
     *      <provides>
     *          <id>J2SE-1.5</id>
     *      </provides>
     *      <configuration>
     *         <jdkHome>/path/to/jdk/1.5</jdkHome>
     *      </configuration>
     *   </toolchain>
     * </toolchains>
* * The default value of the bootclasspath used for compilation is * <jdkHome>/lib/*;<jdkHome>/lib/ext/*;<jdkHome>/lib/endorsed/* . * * For JDKs with different filesystem layouts, the bootclasspath can be specified explicitly in * the configuration section. * * Example: * *
     * <configuration>
     *   <jdkHome>/path/to/jdk/1.5</jdkHome>
     *   <bootClassPath>
     *     <includes>
     *       <include>jre/lib/amd64/default/jclSC160/*.jar</include>
     *     </includes>
     *     <excludes>
     *       <exclude>**/alt-*.jar</exclude>
     *     </excludes>
     *   </bootClassPath>
     * </configuration>
* */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "SYSTEM") private JDKUsage useJDK; @Component private ToolchainManagerPrivate toolChainManager; /** * A list of inclusion filters for the compiler. */ @Parameter private Set includes = new HashSet<>(); /** * A list of exclusion filters for the compiler. */ @Parameter private Set excludes = new HashSet<>(); /** * A list of exclusion filters for non-java resource files which should not be copied to the * output directory. */ @Parameter private Set excludeResources = new HashSet<>(); /** * Whether a bundle is required to explicitly import non-java.* packages from the JDK. This is * the design-time equivalent to the equinox runtime option * osgi.compatibility.bootdelegation. * * @deprecated OSGI requires all packages to be imported and support for * osgi.compatibility.bootdelegation will be removed in one of the next Tycho * releases. * @see #requireJavaPackageImports */ @Parameter() @Deprecated private Boolean requireJREPackageImports; /** * Since OSGi R7 it is * allowed to * import java.* packages as well and considered good practice. This option controls if * Tycho enforces this rule. */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "false") private boolean requireJavaPackageImports; /** * If set to false (the default) issue a warning if effective compiler target level * is incompatible with bundle minimal execution environment. If set to true will * fail the build if effective compiler target and minimal BREE are incompatible. */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "false") private boolean strictCompilerTarget; /** * If set to true, the settings file * ${project.basedir}/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs will be passed to the compiler. If * the file is not present, the build will not fail. */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "true") private boolean useProjectSettings; /** * Whether the -release argument for the Java compiler should be derived from the * target level. Enabled by default. *

* Disabling this can be useful in situations where compiling using -release cannot * be used, e.g. when referencing internal JDK classes exported via an OSGI framework extension. * In that case <release> should also be explicitly set to an empty value to * prevent it from being inherited. */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "true") private boolean deriveReleaseCompilerArgumentFromTargetLevel = true; @Component(role = TychoProject.class) private Map projectTypes; @Component private BundleReader bundleReader; /** * Whether all resources in the source folders should be copied to * ${}. * * true (default) means that all resources are copied from the source folders to * ${}. * * false means that no resources are copied from the source folders to * ${}. * * Set this to false in case you want to keep resources separate from java files in * src/main/resources and handle them using * * maven-resources-plugin (e.g. for resource * filtering. * */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "true") private boolean copyResources; /** * The directory where the compiler log files should be placed. For each output jar a log file * will be created and stored in this directory. Logging into files is only enabled if * {@link #log} is specified. Default: ${}/compile-logs */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "${}/compile-logs") private File logDirectory; /** * The format of the compiler log file. plain will log into a plain text file * (.log), xml will log in xml format (.xml). If omitted, no logging into files is * done. The log file name is derived from the jar file name: * *

     * Example:
     * output.lib1/library.jar = lib1bin/ 
     * output.lib2/library.jar = lib2bin/ 
     * output.. = bin/
     * And a configuration:
     * <configuration>
     *   <logEnabled>true</logEnabled>
     *   <logDirectory>${}/logfiles</logDirectory>
     *   <log>xml</log> 
     * </configuration>
     * Will produce the following log files
     * ${}/logfiles/@dot.xml
     * ${}/logfiles/lib1_library.jar.xml
     * ${}/logfiles/lib2_library.jar.xml
*/ @Parameter private String log; @Component ToolchainProvider toolchainProvider; @Component private ToolchainManager toolchainManager; @Component private Logger logger; private StandardExecutionEnvironment[] manifestBREEs; private File currentOutputDirectory; private List currentSourceRoots; private List currentExcludes; @Override public final void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { getLog().debug("Manifest BREEs: " + Arrays.toString(getBREE())); getLog().debug("Target Platform EE: " + getTargetExecutionEnvironment()); String effectiveTargetLevel = getTargetLevel(); getLog().debug("Effective source/target: " + getSourceLevel() + "/" + effectiveTargetLevel); checkTargetLevelCompatibleWithManifestBREEs(effectiveTargetLevel, manifestBREEs); doCompile(); doFinish(); } private void doCompile() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { List sourcepath = getSourcepath(); if (sourcepath.isEmpty()) { return; } Map> outputMap = Collectors.groupingBy(SourcepathEntry::getOutputDirectory, LinkedHashMap::new, Collectors.toList())); for (Entry> entry : outputMap.entrySet()) { this.currentOutputDirectory = entry.getKey(); this.currentOutputDirectory.mkdirs(); this.currentSourceRoots = entry.getValue().stream().map(SourcepathEntry::getSourcesRoot) .map(root -> new File(root.toURI().normalize()).toString()).collect(Collectors.toList()); this.currentExcludes = entry.getValue().stream().map(SourcepathEntry::getExcludes).filter(Objects::nonNull) .flatMap(Collection::stream).distinct().collect(Collectors.toList()); super.execute(); doCopyResources(); } this.currentOutputDirectory = null; this.currentSourceRoots = null; this.currentExcludes = null; } /** * Subclasses might override this method to perform final tasks and as a last opportunity to * fail the compile * * @throws MojoExecutionException */ protected void doFinish() throws MojoExecutionException { //empty } /** * Only public for tests purpose! */ public StandardExecutionEnvironment[] getBREE() { if (manifestBREEs == null) { OsgiManifest manifest = bundleReader.loadManifest(project.getBasedir()); manifestBREEs = .map(ee -> ExecutionEnvironmentUtils.getExecutionEnvironment(ee, toolchainManager, session, logger)) .toArray(StandardExecutionEnvironment[]::new); if (manifestBREEs.length == 0) { ManifestElement[] requireCapability = manifest.getManifestElements(Constants.REQUIRE_CAPABILITY); if (requireCapability != null) { List eeFilters = .filter(element -> ExecutionEnvironmentNamespace.EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT_NAMESPACE .equals(element.getValue())) // .map(element -> element.getDirective(Namespace.REQUIREMENT_FILTER_DIRECTIVE)) // .map(filterDirective -> { try { return FrameworkUtil.createFilter(filterDirective); } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }).filter(Objects::nonNull).collect(Collectors.toList()); manifestBREEs = ExecutionEnvironmentUtils.getProfileNames(toolchainManager, session, logger) .stream() // .map(name -> name.split("-")) // .map(segments -> Map.of(ExecutionEnvironmentNamespace.EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT_NAMESPACE, segments[0], "version", segments[1])) .filter(eeCapability -> -> filter.matches(eeCapability))) .map(ee -> ee.get(ExecutionEnvironmentNamespace.EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT_NAMESPACE) + '-' + ee.get("version")) .map(ee -> ExecutionEnvironmentUtils.getExecutionEnvironment(ee, toolchainManager, session, logger)) .toArray(StandardExecutionEnvironment[]::new); } } } return manifestBREEs; } /* * mimics the behavior of the PDE incremental builder which by default copies all (non-java) * resource files in source directories into the target folder */ private void doCopyResources() throws MojoExecutionException { if (!copyResources) { return; } List compileSourceRoots = getCompileSourceRoots(); for (String sourceRoot : compileSourceRoots) { // StaleSourceScanner.getIncludedSources throws IllegalStateException // if directory doesnt't exist File sourceRootFile = new File(sourceRoot); if (!sourceRootFile.isDirectory()) { getLog().warn("Source directory " + sourceRoot + " does not exist"); continue; } Set excludes = new HashSet<>(); excludes.addAll(excludeResources); excludes.addAll(getCompileSourceExcludePaths()); excludes.addAll(getEclipsePluginProject().getBuildProperties().getBinExcludes()); excludes.add("**/*.java"); // keep ignoring the following files after // excludes.add("**/.gitignore"); excludes.add("**/.gitattributes"); StaleSourceScanner scanner = new StaleSourceScanner(0L, MATCH_ALL, excludes); CopyMapping copyMapping = new CopyMapping(); scanner.addSourceMapping(copyMapping); try { scanner.getIncludedSources(sourceRootFile, getOutputDirectory()); for (CopyMapping.SourceTargetPair sourceTargetPair : copyMapping.getSourceTargetPairs()) { FileUtils.copyFile(new File(sourceRoot, sourceTargetPair.source),; } } catch (InclusionScanException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Exception while scanning for resource files in " + sourceRoot, e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "Exception copying resource files from " + sourceRoot + " to " + getOutputDirectory(), e); } } } /** public for testing purposes */ public EclipsePluginProject getEclipsePluginProject() throws MojoExecutionException { return ((OsgiBundleProject) getBundleProject()).getEclipsePluginProject(DefaultReactorProject.adapt(project)); } @Override protected File getOutputDirectory() { return this.currentOutputDirectory; } @Override public List getClasspathElements() throws MojoExecutionException { final List classpath = new ArrayList<>(); Set seen = new HashSet<>(); for (ClasspathEntry cpe : getClasspath()) { for (File location : cpe.getLocations()) { String entry = location.getAbsolutePath() + toString(cpe.getAccessRules()); if (seen.add(entry)) { classpath.add(entry); } } } if (session != null) { ArtifactRepository repository = session.getLocalRepository(); if (repository != null) { String basedir = repository.getBasedir(); Collection classpathEntries = getEclipsePluginProject().getClasspathEntries(); for (ProjectClasspathEntry cpe : classpathEntries) { if (cpe instanceof M2ClasspathVariable) { M2ClasspathVariable cpv = (M2ClasspathVariable) cpe; String entry = new File(basedir, cpv.getRepositoryPath()).getAbsolutePath(); if (seen.add(entry)) { classpath.add(entry); } } } } } return classpath; } protected BundleProject getBundleProject() throws MojoExecutionException { TychoProject projectType = projectTypes.get(project.getPackaging()); if (!(projectType instanceof BundleProject)) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Not a bundle project " + project.toString()); } return (BundleProject) projectType; } private String toString(Collection rules) { StringJoiner result = new StringJoiner(RULE_SEPARATOR, "[", "]"); // include all if (rules != null) { for (AccessRule rule : rules) { result.add((rule.isDiscouraged() ? "~" : "+") + rule.getPattern()); } result.add(RULE_EXCLUDE_ALL); } else { // include everything, not strictly necessary, but lets make this obvious //result.append("[+**/*]"); return ""; } return result.toString(); } @Override protected final List getCompileSourceRoots() throws MojoExecutionException { return currentSourceRoots; } @Override protected final List getCompileSourceExcludePaths() throws MojoExecutionException { return currentExcludes; } @Override protected SourceInclusionScanner getSourceInclusionScanner(int staleMillis) { SourceInclusionScanner scanner = null; if (includes.isEmpty() && excludes.isEmpty()) { scanner = new StaleSourceScanner(staleMillis); } else { if (includes.isEmpty()) { includes.add("**/*.java"); } scanner = new StaleSourceScanner(staleMillis, includes, excludes); } return scanner; } @Override protected SourceInclusionScanner getSourceInclusionScanner(String inputFileEnding) { SourceInclusionScanner scanner = null; if (includes.isEmpty() && excludes.isEmpty()) { includes = Collections.singleton("**/*." + inputFileEnding); scanner = new SimpleSourceInclusionScanner(includes, Collections. emptySet()); } else { if (includes.isEmpty()) { includes.add("**/*." + inputFileEnding); } scanner = new SimpleSourceInclusionScanner(includes, excludes); } return scanner; } @Override protected CompilerConfiguration getCompilerConfiguration(List compileSourceRoots, List compileSourceExcludes) throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration = super.getCompilerConfiguration(compileSourceRoots, compileSourceExcludes); if (useProjectSettings) { String prefsFilePath = project.getBasedir() + File.separator + PREFS_FILE_PATH; if (!new File(prefsFilePath).exists()) { getLog().warn("Parameter 'useProjectSettings' is set to true, but preferences file '" + prefsFilePath + "' could not be found!"); } else { // make sure that "-properties" is the first custom argument, otherwise it's not possible to override // any project setting on the command line because the last argument wins. List> copy = new ArrayList<>( compilerConfiguration.getCustomCompilerArgumentsEntries()); compilerConfiguration.getCustomCompilerArgumentsEntries().clear(); compilerConfiguration.addCompilerCustomArgument("-properties", prefsFilePath); compilerConfiguration.getCustomCompilerArgumentsEntries().addAll(copy); } } compilerConfiguration.setTargetVersion(getTargetLevel()); compilerConfiguration.setSourceVersion(getSourceLevel()); String releaseLevel = getReleaseLevel(); if (releaseLevel != null) { compilerConfiguration.setReleaseVersion(releaseLevel); } configureJavaHome(compilerConfiguration); configureBootclasspathAccessRules(compilerConfiguration); configureCompilerLog(compilerConfiguration); Collection classpathEntries = getEclipsePluginProject().getClasspathEntries(); for (ProjectClasspathEntry cpe : classpathEntries) { if (cpe instanceof JREClasspathEntry) { JREClasspathEntry jreClasspathEntry = (JREClasspathEntry) cpe; if (jreClasspathEntry.isModule()) { Collection modules = jreClasspathEntry.getLimitModules(); if (!modules.isEmpty()) { compilerConfiguration.addCompilerCustomArgument("--limit-modules", String.join(",", modules)); } } } } return compilerConfiguration; } private void configureCompilerLog(CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration) throws MojoFailureException { if (log == null) { return; } if (compilerConfiguration.getCustomCompilerArgumentsAsMap().containsKey("-log")) { throw new MojoFailureException("Compiler logging is configured by the 'log' compiler" + " plugin parameter and the custom compiler argument '-log'. Only either of them is allowed."); } logDirectory.mkdirs(); String logFileName = null; if (new File(project.getBuild().getOutputDirectory()).getAbsolutePath() .equals(getOutputDirectory().getAbsolutePath())) { logFileName = "@dot"; } else { String suffix = "-classes"; String basePath = new File(project.getBuild().getDirectory()).getAbsolutePath(); String subPath = getOutputDirectory().getAbsolutePath().substring(basePath.length()).replace('\\', '/'); if (subPath.startsWith("/")) { subPath = subPath.substring(1); } String name = subPath.replaceAll("/", "_"); if (name.endsWith(suffix)) { logFileName = name.substring(0, name.length() - suffix.length()); } else { logFileName = name; } } String logPath = logDirectory.getAbsolutePath(); if (!logPath.endsWith(File.separator)) { logPath = logPath + File.separator; } String fileExtension = log; if ("plain".equals(log)) { fileExtension = "log"; } logPath = logPath + logFileName + "." + fileExtension; compilerConfiguration.addCompilerCustomArgument("-log", logPath); } private void configureBootclasspathAccessRules(CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration) throws MojoExecutionException { List accessRules = new ArrayList<>(); if (requireJREPackageImports != null) { logger.warn( "Configuration option requireJREPackageImports is deprecated and will be removed in a future Tycho version!"); } if (requireJREPackageImports == null || requireJREPackageImports) { if (!requireJavaPackageImports) { accessRules.add(new DefaultAccessRule("java/**", false)); } accessRules.addAll(getStrictBootClasspathAccessRules()); } else { accessRules.add(new DefaultAccessRule("java/**", false)); getTargetExecutionEnvironment().getSystemPackages().stream() // .map(systemPackage -> systemPackage.packageName) // .distinct() // .map(packageName -> packageName.trim().replace('.', '/') + "/*") // .map(accessRule -> new DefaultAccessRule(accessRule, false)) // .forEach(accessRules::add); // now add packages exported by framework extension bundles accessRules .addAll(getBundleProject().getBootClasspathExtraAccessRules(DefaultReactorProject.adapt(project))); } if (!accessRules.isEmpty()) { compilerConfiguration.addCompilerCustomArgument("org.osgi.framework.system.packages", toString(accessRules)); } } private List getStrictBootClasspathAccessRules() throws MojoExecutionException { return ((OsgiBundleProject) getBundleProject()).getBundleClassPath(DefaultReactorProject.adapt(project)) .getStrictBootClasspathAccessRules(); } private void configureJavaHome(CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration) throws MojoExecutionException { if (useJDK != JDKUsage.BREE) { return; } StandardExecutionEnvironment[] brees = getBREE(); String toolchainId = null; if (brees.length > 0) { toolchainId = brees[0].getProfileName(); } else { getLog().warn( "useJDK=BREE configured, but no BREE is set in bundle. Fail back to currently running execution environment (" + getTargetExecutionEnvironment().getProfileName() + ")."); toolchainId = getTargetExecutionEnvironment().getProfileName(); } DefaultJavaToolChain toolChain = (DefaultJavaToolChain) ExecutionEnvironmentUtils.getToolchainFor(toolchainId, toolchainManager, session, logger); if (toolChain == null) { throw new MojoExecutionException("useJDK = BREE configured, but no toolchain of type 'jdk' with id '" + toolchainId + "' found. See"); } compilerConfiguration.addCompilerCustomArgument("", toolChain.getJavaHome()); configureBootClassPath(compilerConfiguration, toolChain); } private void configureBootClassPath(CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration, DefaultJavaToolChain javaToolChain) { Xpp3Dom config = (Xpp3Dom) javaToolChain.getModel().getConfiguration(); if (config != null) { Xpp3Dom bootClassPath = config.getChild("bootClassPath"); if (bootClassPath != null) { Xpp3Dom includeParent = bootClassPath.getChild("includes"); if (includeParent != null) { Xpp3Dom[] includes = includeParent.getChildren("include"); if (includes.length > 0) { compilerConfiguration.addCompilerCustomArgument("-bootclasspath", scanBootclasspath( javaToolChain.getJavaHome(), includes, bootClassPath.getChild("excludes"))); } } } } } private String scanBootclasspath(String javaHome, Xpp3Dom[] includes, Xpp3Dom excludeParent) { DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner(); scanner.setBasedir(javaHome); scanner.setIncludes(getValues(includes)); if (excludeParent != null) { Xpp3Dom[] excludes = excludeParent.getChildren("exclude"); if (excludes.length > 0) { scanner.setExcludes(getValues(excludes)); } } scanner.scan(); StringBuilder bootClassPath = new StringBuilder(); String[] includedFiles = scanner.getIncludedFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < includedFiles.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { bootClassPath.append(File.pathSeparator); } bootClassPath.append(new File(javaHome, includedFiles[i]).getAbsolutePath()); } return bootClassPath.toString(); } private static String[] getValues(Xpp3Dom[] doms) { String[] values = new String[doms.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { values[i] = doms[i].getValue(); } return values; } private ExecutionEnvironment getTargetExecutionEnvironment() { // never null return TychoProjectUtils.getExecutionEnvironmentConfiguration(DefaultReactorProject.adapt(project)) .getFullSpecification(); } @Override public List getClasspath() throws MojoExecutionException { TychoProject projectType = getBundleProject(); ArrayList classpath = new ArrayList<>( ((BundleProject) projectType).getClasspath(DefaultReactorProject.adapt(project))); if (extraClasspathElements != null) { ArtifactRepository localRepository = session.getLocalRepository(); List remoteRepositories = project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories(); for (Dependency extraDependency : extraClasspathElements) { Artifact artifact = repositorySystem.createDependencyArtifact(extraDependency); ArtifactResolutionRequest request = new ArtifactResolutionRequest(); request.setArtifact(artifact); request.setLocalRepository(localRepository); request.setRemoteRepositories(remoteRepositories); request.setResolveRoot(true); request.setResolveTransitively(true); ArtifactResolutionResult result = repositorySystem.resolve(request); if (result.hasExceptions()) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Could not resolve extra classpath entry", result.getExceptions().get(0)); } for (Artifact b : result.getArtifacts()) { ReactorProject bProject = null; if (b instanceof ProjectArtifact) { bProject = DefaultReactorProject.adapt(((ProjectArtifact) b).getProject()); } ArrayList bLocations = new ArrayList<>(); bLocations.add(b.getFile()); // TODO properly handle multiple project locations maybe classpath.add(new DefaultClasspathEntry(bProject, ((OsgiBundleProject) getBundleProject()).readOrCreateArtifactKey(b.getFile(), () -> { return new DefaultArtifactKey(b.getType(), b.getGroupId() + "." + b.getArtifactId(), b.getVersion()); }), bLocations, null)); } } } return classpath; } @Override public String getExecutionEnvironment() throws MojoExecutionException { return getTargetExecutionEnvironment().getProfileName(); } @Override public String getSourceLevel() throws MojoExecutionException { // first, explicit POM configuration if (source != null) { return source; } // then, String javacSource = getEclipsePluginProject().getBuildProperties().getJavacSource(); if (javacSource != null) { return javacSource; } String profileName = getEclipsePluginProject().getBuildProperties().getJreCompilationProfile(); if (profileName != null) { return ExecutionEnvironmentUtils.getExecutionEnvironment(profileName, toolchainManager, session, logger) .getCompilerSourceLevelDefault(); } return // .map(ExecutionEnvironment::getCompilerSourceLevelDefault) // .filter(Objects::nonNull) // .min(Comparator.comparing(Version::parseVersion)) // .or(() -> Optional.ofNullable(getTargetExecutionEnvironment().getCompilerSourceLevelDefault())) // .orElse(DEFAULT_SOURCE_VERSION); } @Override public String getTargetLevel() throws MojoExecutionException { // first, explicit POM configuration if (target != null) { return target; } // then, String javacTarget = getEclipsePluginProject().getBuildProperties().getJavacTarget(); if (javacTarget != null) { return javacTarget; } String profileName = getEclipsePluginProject().getBuildProperties().getJreCompilationProfile(); if (profileName != null) { return ExecutionEnvironmentUtils.getExecutionEnvironment(profileName, toolchainManager, session, logger) .getCompilerTargetLevelDefault(); } return // .map(ExecutionEnvironment::getCompilerTargetLevelDefault) // .filter(Objects::nonNull) // .min(Comparator.comparing(Version::parseVersion)) // .or(() -> Optional.ofNullable(getTargetExecutionEnvironment().getCompilerTargetLevelDefault())) // .orElse(DEFAULT_TARGET_VERSION); } @Override public String getReleaseLevel() throws MojoExecutionException { // first, explicit POM configuration if (release != null) { return release; } // implicit determination disabled if (!deriveReleaseCompilerArgumentFromTargetLevel) { return null; } String targetLevel = getTargetLevel(); String[] targetLevelSplit = targetLevel.split("\\."); String releaseLevel; if (targetLevelSplit.length == 1 && targetLevelSplit[0].matches("\\d+")) { releaseLevel = targetLevelSplit[0]; } else if (targetLevelSplit.length == 2 && "1".equals(targetLevelSplit[0]) && targetLevelSplit[1].matches("\\d+")) { releaseLevel = targetLevelSplit[1]; } else { logger.debug("Cannot determining 'maven.compiler.release' property automatically, because target level '" + targetLevel + "' has an unexpected format."); return null; } CtSym ctSym; try { ctSym = JRTUtil.getCtSym(Paths.get(System.getProperty("java.home"))); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Unable to determine 'maven.compiler.release' property automatically", e); return null; } // TODO: Replace this with CtSym#getReleaseCode(String) once eclipse.jdt.core/5ba272a2d4a7478e0eb3951208ab49b7c069f37d is available with newer ECJ release int releaseLevelInt = Integer.parseInt(releaseLevel); String releaseCode = releaseLevelInt < 10 ? releaseLevel : String.valueOf((char) ('A' + (releaseLevelInt - 10))); List releaseRoots = ctSym.releaseRoots(releaseCode); if (!releaseRoots.isEmpty()) { return releaseLevel; } else { logger.debug("Not determining 'maven.compiler.release' property automatically, because level '" + releaseLevel + "' is not supported by compiler."); return null; } } private void checkTargetLevelCompatibleWithManifestBREEs(String effectiveTargetLevel, StandardExecutionEnvironment[] manifestBREEs) throws MojoExecutionException { List incompatibleBREEs = new ArrayList<>(); for (StandardExecutionEnvironment ee : manifestBREEs) { if (!ee.isCompatibleCompilerTargetLevel(effectiveTargetLevel)) { incompatibleBREEs.add(ee.getProfileName() + " (assumes " + ee.getCompilerTargetLevelDefault() + ")"); } } if (!incompatibleBREEs.isEmpty()) { String message = "The effective compiler target level " + effectiveTargetLevel + " is incompatible with the following OSGi execution environments: " + incompatibleBREEs + " @ " + project; if (strictCompilerTarget) { throw new MojoExecutionException(message); } getLog().warn(message); } } @Override public T getAdapter(Class adapter) { if (adapter.isAssignableFrom(JavaCompilerConfiguration.class)) { return adapter.cast(this); } return null; } }

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