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webtemplate.language_test.json Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
    "templateId": "language_test",
    "version": "2.3",
    "defaultLanguage": "de",
    "languages": [
    "tree": {
      "id": "language_test",
      "name": "language_test",
      "localizedName": "language_test",
      "rmType": "COMPOSITION",
      "nodeId": "openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1",
      "min": 1,
      "max": 1,
      "localizedNames": {
        "de": "language_test",
        "fi": "language_test",
        "en": "language_test",
        "ar-sy": "language_test"
      "localizedDescriptions": {
        "de": "Interaktion, Kontakt oder Versorgungsereignis, zwischen einem Versorgungsempfänger und einem Gesundheitsdienstleister.",
        "fi": "Hoitohenkilön ja terveydenhuollon tarjoajan välinen vuorovaikutus, kontakti- tai hoitotapahtuma.",
        "en": "Interaction, contact or care event between a subject of care and healthcare provider(s).",
        "ar-sy": "*Interaction, contact or care event between a subject of care and healthcare provider(s).(en)"
      "aqlPath": "",
      "children": [
          "id": "context",
          "rmType": "EVENT_CONTEXT",
          "nodeId": "",
          "min": 1,
          "max": 1,
          "aqlPath": "/context",
          "children": [
              "id": "start_time",
              "name": "Start_time",
              "rmType": "DV_DATE_TIME",
              "min": 0,
              "max": 1,
              "aqlPath": "/context/start_time",
              "inputs": [
                  "type": "DATETIME"
              "inContext": true
              "id": "setting",
              "name": "Setting",
              "rmType": "DV_CODED_TEXT",
              "min": 0,
              "max": 1,
              "aqlPath": "/context/setting",
              "inputs": [
                  "suffix": "code",
                  "type": "TEXT"
                  "suffix": "value",
                  "type": "TEXT"
              "inContext": true
          "id": "blutdruck",
          "name": "Blutdruck",
          "localizedName": "Blutdruck",
          "rmType": "OBSERVATION",
          "nodeId": "openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2",
          "min": 0,
          "max": 1,
          "localizedNames": {
            "de": "Blutdruck",
            "fi": "Verenpaine",
            "en": "Blood pressure",
            "ar-sy": "ضغط الدم"
          "localizedDescriptions": {
            "de": "Die lokale Messung des arteriellen Blutdrucks als Surrogat für den arteriellen Druck in der systemischen Zirkulation.",
            "fi": "Paikallisen valtimopaineen mittaustulos, joka toimii korvikkeena systeemisen verenkierron valtimopaineelle.  Termillä ”verenpaine” viitataan yleensä olkavarresta tehtävään olkavarsivaltimon paineen mittaustulokseen.",
            "en": "The local measurement of arterial blood pressure which is a surrogate for arterial pressure in the systemic circulation.",
            "ar-sy": "قياس موضعي لضغط الدم الشرياني و الذي يحل محل الضغط الشرياني في الدورة الدموية الجهازية. \r\nو عادة ما يستخدم مصطلح \"ضغط الدم\" لللإشارة إلى قياس ضغط دم الشريان العضُدي في أعلى الذراع."
          "annotations": {
            "comment": "Häufig wird der Ausdruck 'Blutdruck' zur Bezeichung der Messung des brachialen Ateriendrucks im Oberarm verwendet."
          "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]",
          "children": [
              "id": "beliebiges_ereignis",
              "name": "Beliebiges Ereignis",
              "localizedName": "Beliebiges Ereignis",
              "rmType": "EVENT",
              "nodeId": "at0006",
              "min": 0,
              "max": -1,
              "localizedNames": {
                "de": "Beliebiges Ereignis",
                "fi": "Mikä tahansa tapahtuma",
                "en": "Any event",
                "ar-sy": "*Any event(en)"
              "localizedDescriptions": {
                "de": "Standardmäßiger, nicht näher beschriebener Zeitpunkt oder Intervall Ereignis welches in einem Template oder bei der Anwendung genauer definiert werden kann.",
                "fi": "Oletusarvoinen, määrittämättömänä ajanhetkenä tai ajanjaksolla ilmenevä tapahtuma, joka voi olla määritetty tarkasti jossakin mallissa tai suorituksen aikana.",
                "en": "Default, unspecified point in time or interval event which may be explicitly defined in a template or at run-time.",
                "ar-sy": "*Default, unspecified point in time or interval event which may be explicitly defined in a template or at run-time.(en)"
              "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at0006]",
              "children": [
                  "id": "systolisch",
                  "name": "Systolisch",
                  "localizedName": "Systolisch",
                  "rmType": "DV_QUANTITY",
                  "nodeId": "at0004",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Systolisch",
                    "fi": "Systolinen",
                    "en": "Systolic",
                    "ar-sy": "الانقباضي"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Der höchste arterielle Blutdruck eines Zyklus - gemessen in der systolischen oder Kontraktionsphase des Herzens.",
                    "fi": "Systeemisen verenkierron valtimoverenpaineen huippuarvo – mitataan sydämenlyönnin systolisessa, eli supistumisvaiheessa.",
                    "en": "Peak systemic arterial blood pressure  - measured in systolic or contraction phase of the heart cycle.",
                    "ar-sy": "ذروة ضغط الدم الشرياني الجهازي - يتم قياسه في طور الانقباض من دورة القلب"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at0006]/data[at0003]/items[at0004]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "suffix": "magnitude",
                      "type": "DECIMAL",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0.0,
                          "maxOp": "<",
                          "max": 1000.0
                        "precision": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0,
                          "maxOp": "<=",
                          "max": 0
                      "suffix": "unit",
                      "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                      "list": [
                          "value": "mm[Hg]",
                          "label": "mm[Hg]",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "mmHg",
                            "fi": "mmHg",
                            "en": "mmHg",
                            "ar-sy": "mmHg"
                          "validation": {
                            "range": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0.0,
                              "maxOp": "<",
                              "max": 1000.0
                            "precision": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0,
                              "maxOp": "<=",
                              "max": 0
                  "termBindings": {
                    "SNOMED-CT": {
                      "value": "[SNOMED-CT(2003)::271649006]",
                      "terminologyId": "SNOMED-CT"
                  "id": "diastolisch",
                  "name": "Diastolisch",
                  "localizedName": "Diastolisch",
                  "rmType": "DV_QUANTITY",
                  "nodeId": "at0005",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Diastolisch",
                    "fi": "Diastolinen",
                    "en": "Diastolic",
                    "ar-sy": "الانبساطي"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Der minimale systemische arterielle Blutdruck eines Zyklus - gemessen in der diastolischen oder Entspannungsphase des Herzens.",
                    "fi": "Systeemisen verenkierron valtimoverenpaineen pienin arvo – mitataan sydämenlyönnin diastolisessa, eli veltostumisvaiheessa.",
                    "en": "Minimum systemic arterial blood pressure - measured in the diastolic or relaxation phase of the heart cycle.",
                    "ar-sy": "الحد الأدني لضغط الدم الشرياني الجهازي - يتم قياسها في طور الانبساط - الارتخاء من دورة القلب"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at0006]/data[at0003]/items[at0005]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "suffix": "magnitude",
                      "type": "DECIMAL",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0.0,
                          "maxOp": "<",
                          "max": 1000.0
                        "precision": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0,
                          "maxOp": "<=",
                          "max": 0
                      "suffix": "unit",
                      "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                      "list": [
                          "value": "mm[Hg]",
                          "label": "mm[Hg]",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "mmHg",
                            "fi": "mmHg",
                            "en": "mmHg",
                            "ar-sy": "mmHg"
                          "validation": {
                            "range": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0.0,
                              "maxOp": "<",
                              "max": 1000.0
                            "precision": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0,
                              "maxOp": "<=",
                              "max": 0
                  "termBindings": {
                    "SNOMED-CT": {
                      "value": "[SNOMED-CT(2003)::271650006]",
                      "terminologyId": "SNOMED-CT"
                  "id": "mittlerer_arterieller_druck",
                  "name": "Mittlerer arterieller Druck",
                  "localizedName": "Mittlerer arterieller Druck",
                  "rmType": "DV_QUANTITY",
                  "nodeId": "at1006",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Mittlerer arterieller Druck",
                    "fi": "Keskivaltimopaine",
                    "en": "Mean arterial pressure",
                    "ar-sy": "متوسط الضغط الشرياني"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Der mittlerer arterielle Druck über den gesamten Verlauf der Konktraktions- und Entspannungsphase des Herzens.",
                    "fi": "Keskiarvo valtimopaineesta, joka ilmenee sydämen koko supistumis- ja veltostumissyklin aikana.",
                    "en": "The average arterial pressure that occurs over the entire course of the heart contraction and relaxation cycle.",
                    "ar-sy": "متوسط الضغط الشرياني الذي يحدث خلال جميع أطوار دورة القلب الواحدة من انقباض و انبساط/ ارتخاء"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at0006]/data[at0003]/items[at1006]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "suffix": "magnitude",
                      "type": "DECIMAL",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0.0,
                          "maxOp": "<",
                          "max": 1000.0
                        "precision": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0,
                          "maxOp": "<=",
                          "max": 0
                      "suffix": "unit",
                      "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                      "list": [
                          "value": "mm[Hg]",
                          "label": "mm[Hg]",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "mmHg",
                            "fi": "mmHg",
                            "en": "mmHg",
                            "ar-sy": "mmHg"
                          "validation": {
                            "range": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0.0,
                              "maxOp": "<",
                              "max": 1000.0
                            "precision": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0,
                              "maxOp": "<=",
                              "max": 0
                  "id": "pulsdruck",
                  "name": "Pulsdruck",
                  "localizedName": "Pulsdruck",
                  "rmType": "DV_QUANTITY",
                  "nodeId": "at1007",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Pulsdruck",
                    "fi": "Pulssipaine",
                    "en": "Pulse pressure",
                    "ar-sy": "الضغط عند النبض"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Der Abstand zwischen dem systolischen und dem diastolischen Blutdruckwert.",
                    "fi": "Systolisen ja diastolisen paineen erotus.",
                    "en": "The difference between the systolic and diastolic pressure.",
                    "ar-sy": "الفرق بين ضغط الدم الانقباضي و الانبساطي"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at0006]/data[at0003]/items[at1007]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "suffix": "magnitude",
                      "type": "DECIMAL",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0.0,
                          "maxOp": "<",
                          "max": 1000.0
                        "precision": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0,
                          "maxOp": "<=",
                          "max": 0
                      "suffix": "unit",
                      "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                      "list": [
                          "value": "mm[Hg]",
                          "label": "mm[Hg]",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "mmHg",
                            "fi": "mmHg",
                            "en": "mmHg",
                            "ar-sy": "mmHg"
                          "validation": {
                            "range": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0.0,
                              "maxOp": "<",
                              "max": 1000.0
                            "precision": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0,
                              "maxOp": "<=",
                              "max": 0
                  "id": "klinische_interpretation",
                  "name": "Klinische Interpretation",
                  "localizedName": "Klinische Interpretation",
                  "rmType": "DV_TEXT",
                  "nodeId": "at1059",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Klinische Interpretation",
                    "fi": "Kliininen tulkinta",
                    "en": "Clinical interpretation",
                    "ar-sy": "*New element(en)"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Einzelnes Wort, Ausdruck oder Kurzbeschreibung der klinischen Bedeutung und Aussagekraft der Blutdruckmessung.",
                    "fi": "Yksittäinen sana, lause tai lyhyt kuvaus, joka edustaa verenpaineen mittauksen kliinistä merkitystä.",
                    "en": "Single word, phrase or brief description that represents the clinical meaning and significance of the blood pressure measurement.",
                    "ar-sy": "**(en)"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at0006]/data[at0003]/items[at1059]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "type": "TEXT"
                  "id": "kommentar",
                  "name": "Kommentar",
                  "localizedName": "Kommentar",
                  "rmType": "DV_TEXT",
                  "nodeId": "at0033",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Kommentar",
                    "fi": "Kommentti",
                    "en": "Comment",
                    "ar-sy": "*Comment(en)"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Zusätzlicher Freitext über die Messung, der nicht in anderen Felder erfasst werden konnte.",
                    "fi": "Mittauksen kertomusmuodossa olevat lisätiedot, joita ei voida ilmoittaa muissa kentissä.",
                    "en": "Additional narrative about the measurement, not captured in other fields.",
                    "ar-sy": "*Additional narrative about the measurement, not captured in other fields.(en)"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at0006]/data[at0003]/items[at0033]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "type": "TEXT"
                  "id": "position",
                  "name": "Position",
                  "localizedName": "Position",
                  "rmType": "DV_CODED_TEXT",
                  "nodeId": "at0008",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "dependsOn": [
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Position",
                    "fi": "Asento",
                    "en": "Position",
                    "ar-sy": "الموضع"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Die Position der untersuchten Person während der Messung.",
                    "fi": "Henkilön asento mittaushetkellä.",
                    "en": "The position of the individual at the time of measurement.",
                    "ar-sy": "موضع الشخص في وقت القياس"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at0006]/state[at0007]/items[at0008]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "suffix": "code",
                      "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                      "list": [
                          "value": "at1000",
                          "label": "Stehend",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "Stehend",
                            "fi": "Seisten",
                            "en": "Standing",
                            "ar-sy": "واقف"
                          "localizedDescriptions": {
                            "de": "Stehend zum Zeitpunkt der Blutdruckmessung.",
                            "fi": "Verenpaine mitataan henkilön seistessä.",
                            "en": "Standing at the time of blood pressure measurement.",
                            "ar-sy": "الشخص واقف عند القيام بقياس ضغط الدم"
                          "value": "at1001",
                          "label": "Sitzend",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "Sitzend",
                            "fi": "Istuen",
                            "en": "Sitting",
                            "ar-sy": "جالس"
                          "localizedDescriptions": {
                            "de": "Sitzend zum Zeitpunkt der Blutdruckmessung (z.B. auf einem Bett oder Stuhl).",
                            "fi": "Verenpaine mitataan henkilön istuessa (esimerkiksi vuoteella tai tuolissa).",
                            "en": "Sitting (for example on bed or chair) at the time of blood pressure measurement.",
                            "ar-sy": "الشخص جالس (مثلا على سرير أو كرسي) عند القيام بقياس ضغط الدم"
                          "value": "at1002",
                          "label": "Zurückgelehnt",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "Zurückgelehnt",
                            "fi": "Taaksepäin nojaten",
                            "en": "Reclining",
                            "ar-sy": "مضطجع"
                          "localizedDescriptions": {
                            "de": "Patient zurückgelehnt zum Zeitpunkt der Blutdruckmessung.",
                            "fi": "Verenpaine mitataan henkilön nojatessa taaksepäin.",
                            "en": "Reclining at the time of blood pressure measurement.",
                            "ar-sy": "الشخص مضطجع عند القيام بقياس ضغط الدم"
                          "value": "at1003",
                          "label": "Liegend",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "Liegend",
                            "fi": "Makuulla",
                            "en": "Lying",
                            "ar-sy": "مستلقٍ"
                          "localizedDescriptions": {
                            "de": "Flach liegend zum Zeitpunkt der Blutdruckmessung.",
                            "fi": "Verenpaine mitataan henkilön maatessa.",
                            "en": "Lying flat at the time of blood pressure measurement.",
                            "ar-sy": "الشخص مستلقٍ بشكل مستوٍ عند القيام بقياس ضغط الدم"
                          "value": "at1014",
                          "label": "Nach links geneigt liegend",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "Nach links geneigt liegend",
                            "fi": "Makuulla vasemmalle kallellaan",
                            "en": "Lying with tilt to left",
                            "ar-sy": "مستلق و مائل لجانبه الأيسر"
                          "localizedDescriptions": {
                            "de": "Flach liegend mit seitlicher Neigung, normalerweise zur linken Seite. Häufig verwendet im letzten Drittel eine Schwangerschaft, um aorto-cavale Kompression zu vermeiden.",
                            "fi": "Makuulla, hiukan kallellaan kyljen suunnassa, yleensä vasemmalle.   Tarvitaan yleensä viimeisellä raskauskolmanneksella supiinioireyhtymän helpottamiseksi.",
                            "en": "Lying flat with some lateral tilt, usually angled towards the left side.   Commonly required in the last trimester of pregnancy to relieve aortocaval compression.",
                            "ar-sy": "الشخص مستلق بشكل مستو مع ميل جانبي بزاوية تجاه جانبه الأيسر. عادة ما يُحتاج إلى هذا الوضع في الأثلوث الأخير من الحمل لتخفيف الانضغاط الأبهري الجوفي"
                  "id": "einflussfaktoren",
                  "name": "Einflussfaktoren",
                  "localizedName": "Einflussfaktoren",
                  "rmType": "DV_TEXT",
                  "nodeId": "at1052",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "dependsOn": [
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Einflussfaktoren",
                    "fi": "Sekoittavat tekijät",
                    "en": "Confounding factors",
                    "ar-sy": "العوامل المربكة"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Kommentar und Aufzeichung anderer Faktoren die ggf. zu dem Ergebnis der Blutdruckmessung beitragen können. Die kann z.B. bei belastenden Situationen der Fall sein (z.B. sog. Weißkittelhypertonie, Schmerzen, Fieber, Änderungen im atmosphärischen Druck).",
                    "fi": "Kommentoi ja kirjaa muita satunnaistekijöitä, jotka saattavat vaikuttaa verenpaineen mittaukseen.  Esimerkiksi ahdistuneisuus tai ”valkotakkiverenpaine”, kipu tai kuume; ilmanpaineen muutokset, jne.",
                    "en": "Comment on and record other incidental factors that may be contributing to the blood pressure measurement.  For example, level of anxiety or 'white coat syndrome'; pain or fever; changes in atmospheric pressure etc.",
                    "ar-sy": "تعليق حول و تسجيل للعوامل الطارئة التي قد تسهم في قياس ضغط الدم. مثلا, مستوى القلق أو متلازمة البالطو الأبيض أو الألم أو الحمى أو التغييرات في الضغط الجوي,, إلى آخره"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at0006]/state[at0007]/items[at1052]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "type": "TEXT"
                  "id": "schlafzustand",
                  "name": "Schlafzustand",
                  "localizedName": "Schlafzustand",
                  "rmType": "DV_CODED_TEXT",
                  "nodeId": "at1043",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "dependsOn": [
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Schlafzustand",
                    "fi": "Unitila",
                    "en": "Sleep status",
                    "ar-sy": "حالة النوم"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Schlafzustand - unterstützt die Auswertung von 24-stündigen ambulanten Aufzeichnungen des Blutdrucks.",
                    "fi": "Unitila – tukee 24 tunnin ambulatorisen verenpainemittauksen tulosten tulkintaa.",
                    "en": "Sleep status - supports interpretation of 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure records.",
                    "ar-sy": "حالة النوم - تدعم تفسير قياسات ضغط الدم المِسيارية خلال 24 ساعة"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at0006]/state[at0007]/items[at1043]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "suffix": "code",
                      "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                      "list": [
                          "value": "at1044",
                          "label": "Aufmerksam und wach",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "Aufmerksam und wach",
                            "fi": "Valpas ja hereillä",
                            "en": "Awake",
                            "ar-sy": "متنبه و يقظ"
                          "localizedDescriptions": {
                            "de": "Die untersuchte Person ist bei vollem Bewusstsein.",
                            "fi": "Tutkittava on täysin tajuissaan.",
                            "en": "The individual is fully conscious.",
                            "ar-sy": "الشخص واعٍ بشكل كامل"
                          "value": "at1045",
                          "label": "Schlafend",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "Schlafend",
                            "fi": "Nukkuu",
                            "en": "Sleeping",
                            "ar-sy": "نائم"
                          "localizedDescriptions": {
                            "de": "Die untersuchte Person schläft.",
                            "fi": "Tutkittavan keho on luonnollisessa lepotilassa.",
                            "en": "The individual is in the natural state of bodily rest.",
                            "ar-sy": "الشخص في الحالة الطبيعية الخاصة بالراحة الجسدية"
                  "id": "neigung",
                  "name": "Neigung",
                  "localizedName": "Neigung",
                  "rmType": "DV_QUANTITY",
                  "nodeId": "at1005",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "dependsOn": [
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Neigung",
                    "fi": "Kallistuma",
                    "en": "Tilt",
                    "ar-sy": "*Tilt(en)"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Die kraniokaudale Neigung der Oberfläche auf der die Person zum Zeitpunkt der Messung liegt.",
                    "fi": "Kraniokaudaalinen kallistuma alustalla, jolla henkilö makaa mittauksen aikana.",
                    "en": "The craniocaudal tilt of the surface on which the person is lying at the time of measurement.",
                    "ar-sy": "*The craniocaudal tilt of the surface on which the person is lying at the time of measurement.(en)"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at0006]/state[at0007]/items[at1005]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "suffix": "magnitude",
                      "type": "DECIMAL",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": -90.0,
                          "maxOp": "<=",
                          "max": 90.0
                        "precision": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0,
                          "maxOp": "<=",
                          "max": 0
                      "suffix": "unit",
                      "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                      "list": [
                          "value": "deg",
                          "label": "deg",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "°",
                            "fi": "°",
                            "en": "°",
                            "ar-sy": "°"
                          "validation": {
                            "range": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": -90.0,
                              "maxOp": "<=",
                              "max": 90.0
                            "precision": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0,
                              "maxOp": "<=",
                              "max": 0
                  "id": "time",
                  "name": "Time",
                  "rmType": "DV_DATE_TIME",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at0006]/time",
                  "inputs": [
                      "type": "DATETIME"
                  "inContext": true
              "id": "a24_stunden_durchschnitt",
              "name": "24 Stunden Durchschnitt",
              "localizedName": "24 Stunden Durchschnitt",
              "rmType": "INTERVAL_EVENT",
              "nodeId": "at1042",
              "min": 0,
              "max": 1,
              "localizedNames": {
                "de": "24 Stunden Durchschnitt",
                "fi": "24 tunnin keskiarvo",
                "en": "24 hour average",
                "ar-sy": "المتوسط خلال 24 ساعة"
              "localizedDescriptions": {
                "de": "Schätzung des durchschnittlichen Blutdrucks über einen 24-stündigen Zeitraum.",
                "fi": "Arvio verenpaineen keskiarvosta 24 tunnin ajanjaksona.",
                "en": "Estimate of the average blood pressure over a 24 hour period.",
                "ar-sy": "تقدير متوسط ضغط الدم خلال فترة من 24 ساعة"
              "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at1042]",
              "children": [
                  "id": "math_function",
                  "rmType": "DV_CODED_TEXT",
                  "nodeId": "",
                  "min": 1,
                  "max": 1,
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at1042]/math_function",
                  "inputs": [
                      "suffix": "code",
                      "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                      "list": [
                          "value": "146",
                          "label": "Durchschnitt",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "Durchschnitt",
                            "fi": "",
                            "en": "mean",
                            "ar-sy": ""
                      "terminology": "openehr"
                  "id": "width",
                  "rmType": "DV_DURATION",
                  "nodeId": "",
                  "min": 1,
                  "max": 1,
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at1042]/width",
                  "inputs": [
                      "suffix": "year",
                      "type": "INTEGER",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0
                      "suffix": "month",
                      "type": "INTEGER",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0
                      "suffix": "day",
                      "type": "INTEGER",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0
                      "suffix": "week",
                      "type": "INTEGER",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0
                      "suffix": "hour",
                      "type": "INTEGER",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 24,
                          "maxOp": "<=",
                          "max": 24
                      "suffix": "minute",
                      "type": "INTEGER",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0
                      "suffix": "second",
                      "type": "INTEGER",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0
                  "id": "systolisch",
                  "name": "Systolisch",
                  "localizedName": "Systolisch",
                  "rmType": "DV_QUANTITY",
                  "nodeId": "at0004",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Systolisch",
                    "fi": "Systolinen",
                    "en": "Systolic",
                    "ar-sy": "الانقباضي"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Der höchste arterielle Blutdruck eines Zyklus - gemessen in der systolischen oder Kontraktionsphase des Herzens.",
                    "fi": "Systeemisen verenkierron valtimoverenpaineen huippuarvo – mitataan sydämenlyönnin systolisessa, eli supistumisvaiheessa.",
                    "en": "Peak systemic arterial blood pressure  - measured in systolic or contraction phase of the heart cycle.",
                    "ar-sy": "ذروة ضغط الدم الشرياني الجهازي - يتم قياسه في طور الانقباض من دورة القلب"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at1042]/data[at0003]/items[at0004]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "suffix": "magnitude",
                      "type": "DECIMAL",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0.0,
                          "maxOp": "<",
                          "max": 1000.0
                        "precision": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0,
                          "maxOp": "<=",
                          "max": 0
                      "suffix": "unit",
                      "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                      "list": [
                          "value": "mm[Hg]",
                          "label": "mm[Hg]",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "mmHg",
                            "fi": "mmHg",
                            "en": "mmHg",
                            "ar-sy": "mmHg"
                          "validation": {
                            "range": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0.0,
                              "maxOp": "<",
                              "max": 1000.0
                            "precision": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0,
                              "maxOp": "<=",
                              "max": 0
                  "termBindings": {
                    "SNOMED-CT": {
                      "value": "[SNOMED-CT(2003)::271649006]",
                      "terminologyId": "SNOMED-CT"
                  "id": "diastolisch",
                  "name": "Diastolisch",
                  "localizedName": "Diastolisch",
                  "rmType": "DV_QUANTITY",
                  "nodeId": "at0005",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Diastolisch",
                    "fi": "Diastolinen",
                    "en": "Diastolic",
                    "ar-sy": "الانبساطي"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Der minimale systemische arterielle Blutdruck eines Zyklus - gemessen in der diastolischen oder Entspannungsphase des Herzens.",
                    "fi": "Systeemisen verenkierron valtimoverenpaineen pienin arvo – mitataan sydämenlyönnin diastolisessa, eli veltostumisvaiheessa.",
                    "en": "Minimum systemic arterial blood pressure - measured in the diastolic or relaxation phase of the heart cycle.",
                    "ar-sy": "الحد الأدني لضغط الدم الشرياني الجهازي - يتم قياسها في طور الانبساط - الارتخاء من دورة القلب"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at1042]/data[at0003]/items[at0005]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "suffix": "magnitude",
                      "type": "DECIMAL",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0.0,
                          "maxOp": "<",
                          "max": 1000.0
                        "precision": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0,
                          "maxOp": "<=",
                          "max": 0
                      "suffix": "unit",
                      "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                      "list": [
                          "value": "mm[Hg]",
                          "label": "mm[Hg]",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "mmHg",
                            "fi": "mmHg",
                            "en": "mmHg",
                            "ar-sy": "mmHg"
                          "validation": {
                            "range": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0.0,
                              "maxOp": "<",
                              "max": 1000.0
                            "precision": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0,
                              "maxOp": "<=",
                              "max": 0
                  "termBindings": {
                    "SNOMED-CT": {
                      "value": "[SNOMED-CT(2003)::271650006]",
                      "terminologyId": "SNOMED-CT"
                  "id": "mittlerer_arterieller_druck",
                  "name": "Mittlerer arterieller Druck",
                  "localizedName": "Mittlerer arterieller Druck",
                  "rmType": "DV_QUANTITY",
                  "nodeId": "at1006",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Mittlerer arterieller Druck",
                    "fi": "Keskivaltimopaine",
                    "en": "Mean arterial pressure",
                    "ar-sy": "متوسط الضغط الشرياني"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Der mittlerer arterielle Druck über den gesamten Verlauf der Konktraktions- und Entspannungsphase des Herzens.",
                    "fi": "Keskiarvo valtimopaineesta, joka ilmenee sydämen koko supistumis- ja veltostumissyklin aikana.",
                    "en": "The average arterial pressure that occurs over the entire course of the heart contraction and relaxation cycle.",
                    "ar-sy": "متوسط الضغط الشرياني الذي يحدث خلال جميع أطوار دورة القلب الواحدة من انقباض و انبساط/ ارتخاء"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at1042]/data[at0003]/items[at1006]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "suffix": "magnitude",
                      "type": "DECIMAL",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0.0,
                          "maxOp": "<",
                          "max": 1000.0
                        "precision": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0,
                          "maxOp": "<=",
                          "max": 0
                      "suffix": "unit",
                      "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                      "list": [
                          "value": "mm[Hg]",
                          "label": "mm[Hg]",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "mmHg",
                            "fi": "mmHg",
                            "en": "mmHg",
                            "ar-sy": "mmHg"
                          "validation": {
                            "range": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0.0,
                              "maxOp": "<",
                              "max": 1000.0
                            "precision": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0,
                              "maxOp": "<=",
                              "max": 0
                  "id": "pulsdruck",
                  "name": "Pulsdruck",
                  "localizedName": "Pulsdruck",
                  "rmType": "DV_QUANTITY",
                  "nodeId": "at1007",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Pulsdruck",
                    "fi": "Pulssipaine",
                    "en": "Pulse pressure",
                    "ar-sy": "الضغط عند النبض"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Der Abstand zwischen dem systolischen und dem diastolischen Blutdruckwert.",
                    "fi": "Systolisen ja diastolisen paineen erotus.",
                    "en": "The difference between the systolic and diastolic pressure.",
                    "ar-sy": "الفرق بين ضغط الدم الانقباضي و الانبساطي"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at1042]/data[at0003]/items[at1007]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "suffix": "magnitude",
                      "type": "DECIMAL",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0.0,
                          "maxOp": "<",
                          "max": 1000.0
                        "precision": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0,
                          "maxOp": "<=",
                          "max": 0
                      "suffix": "unit",
                      "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                      "list": [
                          "value": "mm[Hg]",
                          "label": "mm[Hg]",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "mmHg",
                            "fi": "mmHg",
                            "en": "mmHg",
                            "ar-sy": "mmHg"
                          "validation": {
                            "range": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0.0,
                              "maxOp": "<",
                              "max": 1000.0
                            "precision": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0,
                              "maxOp": "<=",
                              "max": 0
                  "id": "klinische_interpretation",
                  "name": "Klinische Interpretation",
                  "localizedName": "Klinische Interpretation",
                  "rmType": "DV_TEXT",
                  "nodeId": "at1059",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Klinische Interpretation",
                    "fi": "Kliininen tulkinta",
                    "en": "Clinical interpretation",
                    "ar-sy": "*New element(en)"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Einzelnes Wort, Ausdruck oder Kurzbeschreibung der klinischen Bedeutung und Aussagekraft der Blutdruckmessung.",
                    "fi": "Yksittäinen sana, lause tai lyhyt kuvaus, joka edustaa verenpaineen mittauksen kliinistä merkitystä.",
                    "en": "Single word, phrase or brief description that represents the clinical meaning and significance of the blood pressure measurement.",
                    "ar-sy": "**(en)"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at1042]/data[at0003]/items[at1059]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "type": "TEXT"
                  "id": "kommentar",
                  "name": "Kommentar",
                  "localizedName": "Kommentar",
                  "rmType": "DV_TEXT",
                  "nodeId": "at0033",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Kommentar",
                    "fi": "Kommentti",
                    "en": "Comment",
                    "ar-sy": "*Comment(en)"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Zusätzlicher Freitext über die Messung, der nicht in anderen Felder erfasst werden konnte.",
                    "fi": "Mittauksen kertomusmuodossa olevat lisätiedot, joita ei voida ilmoittaa muissa kentissä.",
                    "en": "Additional narrative about the measurement, not captured in other fields.",
                    "ar-sy": "*Additional narrative about the measurement, not captured in other fields.(en)"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at1042]/data[at0003]/items[at0033]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "type": "TEXT"
                  "id": "position",
                  "name": "Position",
                  "localizedName": "Position",
                  "rmType": "DV_CODED_TEXT",
                  "nodeId": "at0008",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "dependsOn": [
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Position",
                    "fi": "Asento",
                    "en": "Position",
                    "ar-sy": "الموضع"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Die Position der untersuchten Person während der Messung.",
                    "fi": "Henkilön asento mittaushetkellä.",
                    "en": "The position of the individual at the time of measurement.",
                    "ar-sy": "موضع الشخص في وقت القياس"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at1042]/state[at0007]/items[at0008]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "suffix": "code",
                      "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                      "list": [
                          "value": "at1000",
                          "label": "Stehend",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "Stehend",
                            "fi": "Seisten",
                            "en": "Standing",
                            "ar-sy": "واقف"
                          "localizedDescriptions": {
                            "de": "Stehend zum Zeitpunkt der Blutdruckmessung.",
                            "fi": "Verenpaine mitataan henkilön seistessä.",
                            "en": "Standing at the time of blood pressure measurement.",
                            "ar-sy": "الشخص واقف عند القيام بقياس ضغط الدم"
                          "value": "at1001",
                          "label": "Sitzend",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "Sitzend",
                            "fi": "Istuen",
                            "en": "Sitting",
                            "ar-sy": "جالس"
                          "localizedDescriptions": {
                            "de": "Sitzend zum Zeitpunkt der Blutdruckmessung (z.B. auf einem Bett oder Stuhl).",
                            "fi": "Verenpaine mitataan henkilön istuessa (esimerkiksi vuoteella tai tuolissa).",
                            "en": "Sitting (for example on bed or chair) at the time of blood pressure measurement.",
                            "ar-sy": "الشخص جالس (مثلا على سرير أو كرسي) عند القيام بقياس ضغط الدم"
                          "value": "at1002",
                          "label": "Zurückgelehnt",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "Zurückgelehnt",
                            "fi": "Taaksepäin nojaten",
                            "en": "Reclining",
                            "ar-sy": "مضطجع"
                          "localizedDescriptions": {
                            "de": "Patient zurückgelehnt zum Zeitpunkt der Blutdruckmessung.",
                            "fi": "Verenpaine mitataan henkilön nojatessa taaksepäin.",
                            "en": "Reclining at the time of blood pressure measurement.",
                            "ar-sy": "الشخص مضطجع عند القيام بقياس ضغط الدم"
                          "value": "at1003",
                          "label": "Liegend",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "Liegend",
                            "fi": "Makuulla",
                            "en": "Lying",
                            "ar-sy": "مستلقٍ"
                          "localizedDescriptions": {
                            "de": "Flach liegend zum Zeitpunkt der Blutdruckmessung.",
                            "fi": "Verenpaine mitataan henkilön maatessa.",
                            "en": "Lying flat at the time of blood pressure measurement.",
                            "ar-sy": "الشخص مستلقٍ بشكل مستوٍ عند القيام بقياس ضغط الدم"
                          "value": "at1014",
                          "label": "Nach links geneigt liegend",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "Nach links geneigt liegend",
                            "fi": "Makuulla vasemmalle kallellaan",
                            "en": "Lying with tilt to left",
                            "ar-sy": "مستلق و مائل لجانبه الأيسر"
                          "localizedDescriptions": {
                            "de": "Flach liegend mit seitlicher Neigung, normalerweise zur linken Seite. Häufig verwendet im letzten Drittel eine Schwangerschaft, um aorto-cavale Kompression zu vermeiden.",
                            "fi": "Makuulla, hiukan kallellaan kyljen suunnassa, yleensä vasemmalle.   Tarvitaan yleensä viimeisellä raskauskolmanneksella supiinioireyhtymän helpottamiseksi.",
                            "en": "Lying flat with some lateral tilt, usually angled towards the left side.   Commonly required in the last trimester of pregnancy to relieve aortocaval compression.",
                            "ar-sy": "الشخص مستلق بشكل مستو مع ميل جانبي بزاوية تجاه جانبه الأيسر. عادة ما يُحتاج إلى هذا الوضع في الأثلوث الأخير من الحمل لتخفيف الانضغاط الأبهري الجوفي"
                  "id": "einflussfaktoren",
                  "name": "Einflussfaktoren",
                  "localizedName": "Einflussfaktoren",
                  "rmType": "DV_TEXT",
                  "nodeId": "at1052",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "dependsOn": [
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Einflussfaktoren",
                    "fi": "Sekoittavat tekijät",
                    "en": "Confounding factors",
                    "ar-sy": "العوامل المربكة"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Kommentar und Aufzeichung anderer Faktoren die ggf. zu dem Ergebnis der Blutdruckmessung beitragen können. Die kann z.B. bei belastenden Situationen der Fall sein (z.B. sog. Weißkittelhypertonie, Schmerzen, Fieber, Änderungen im atmosphärischen Druck).",
                    "fi": "Kommentoi ja kirjaa muita satunnaistekijöitä, jotka saattavat vaikuttaa verenpaineen mittaukseen.  Esimerkiksi ahdistuneisuus tai ”valkotakkiverenpaine”, kipu tai kuume; ilmanpaineen muutokset, jne.",
                    "en": "Comment on and record other incidental factors that may be contributing to the blood pressure measurement.  For example, level of anxiety or 'white coat syndrome'; pain or fever; changes in atmospheric pressure etc.",
                    "ar-sy": "تعليق حول و تسجيل للعوامل الطارئة التي قد تسهم في قياس ضغط الدم. مثلا, مستوى القلق أو متلازمة البالطو الأبيض أو الألم أو الحمى أو التغييرات في الضغط الجوي,, إلى آخره"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at1042]/state[at0007]/items[at1052]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "type": "TEXT"
                  "id": "schlafzustand",
                  "name": "Schlafzustand",
                  "localizedName": "Schlafzustand",
                  "rmType": "DV_CODED_TEXT",
                  "nodeId": "at1043",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "dependsOn": [
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Schlafzustand",
                    "fi": "Unitila",
                    "en": "Sleep status",
                    "ar-sy": "حالة النوم"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Schlafzustand - unterstützt die Auswertung von 24-stündigen ambulanten Aufzeichnungen des Blutdrucks.",
                    "fi": "Unitila – tukee 24 tunnin ambulatorisen verenpainemittauksen tulosten tulkintaa.",
                    "en": "Sleep status - supports interpretation of 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure records.",
                    "ar-sy": "حالة النوم - تدعم تفسير قياسات ضغط الدم المِسيارية خلال 24 ساعة"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at1042]/state[at0007]/items[at1043]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "suffix": "code",
                      "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                      "list": [
                          "value": "at1044",
                          "label": "Aufmerksam und wach",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "Aufmerksam und wach",
                            "fi": "Valpas ja hereillä",
                            "en": "Awake",
                            "ar-sy": "متنبه و يقظ"
                          "localizedDescriptions": {
                            "de": "Die untersuchte Person ist bei vollem Bewusstsein.",
                            "fi": "Tutkittava on täysin tajuissaan.",
                            "en": "The individual is fully conscious.",
                            "ar-sy": "الشخص واعٍ بشكل كامل"
                          "value": "at1045",
                          "label": "Schlafend",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "Schlafend",
                            "fi": "Nukkuu",
                            "en": "Sleeping",
                            "ar-sy": "نائم"
                          "localizedDescriptions": {
                            "de": "Die untersuchte Person schläft.",
                            "fi": "Tutkittavan keho on luonnollisessa lepotilassa.",
                            "en": "The individual is in the natural state of bodily rest.",
                            "ar-sy": "الشخص في الحالة الطبيعية الخاصة بالراحة الجسدية"
                  "id": "neigung",
                  "name": "Neigung",
                  "localizedName": "Neigung",
                  "rmType": "DV_QUANTITY",
                  "nodeId": "at1005",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "dependsOn": [
                  "localizedNames": {
                    "de": "Neigung",
                    "fi": "Kallistuma",
                    "en": "Tilt",
                    "ar-sy": "*Tilt(en)"
                  "localizedDescriptions": {
                    "de": "Die kraniokaudale Neigung der Oberfläche auf der die Person zum Zeitpunkt der Messung liegt.",
                    "fi": "Kraniokaudaalinen kallistuma alustalla, jolla henkilö makaa mittauksen aikana.",
                    "en": "The craniocaudal tilt of the surface on which the person is lying at the time of measurement.",
                    "ar-sy": "*The craniocaudal tilt of the surface on which the person is lying at the time of measurement.(en)"
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at1042]/state[at0007]/items[at1005]/value",
                  "inputs": [
                      "suffix": "magnitude",
                      "type": "DECIMAL",
                      "validation": {
                        "range": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": -90.0,
                          "maxOp": "<=",
                          "max": 90.0
                        "precision": {
                          "minOp": ">=",
                          "min": 0,
                          "maxOp": "<=",
                          "max": 0
                      "suffix": "unit",
                      "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                      "list": [
                          "value": "deg",
                          "label": "deg",
                          "localizedLabels": {
                            "de": "°",
                            "fi": "°",
                            "en": "°",
                            "ar-sy": "°"
                          "validation": {
                            "range": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": -90.0,
                              "maxOp": "<=",
                              "max": 90.0
                            "precision": {
                              "minOp": ">=",
                              "min": 0,
                              "maxOp": "<=",
                              "max": 0
                  "id": "time",
                  "name": "Time",
                  "rmType": "DV_DATE_TIME",
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 1,
                  "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/data[at0001]/events[at1042]/time",
                  "inputs": [
                      "type": "DATETIME"
                  "inContext": true
              "id": "manschettengröße",
              "name": "Manschettengröße",
              "localizedName": "Manschettengröße",
              "rmType": "DV_CODED_TEXT",
              "nodeId": "at0013",
              "min": 0,
              "max": 1,
              "dependsOn": [
              "localizedNames": {
                "de": "Manschettengröße",
                "fi": "Mansetin koko",
                "en": "Cuff size",
                "ar-sy": "حجم الكُفَّة"
              "localizedDescriptions": {
                "de": "Die Größe der Manschette, die zur Blutdruckmessung benutzt wurde.",
                "fi": "Verenpaineen mittauksessa käytetyn mansetin koko.",
                "en": "The size of the cuff used for blood pressure measurement.",
                "ar-sy": "حجم الكُفَّة المستخدمة في قياس ضغط الدم"
              "annotations": {
                "comment": "Perloff D, Grim C, Flack J, Frohlich ED, Hill M, McDonald M, Morgenstern BZ. Human blood pressure determination by sphygmomanometry. Circulation 1993;88;2460-2470."
              "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/protocol[at0011]/items[at0013]/value",
              "inputs": [
                  "suffix": "code",
                  "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                  "list": [
                      "value": "at0015",
                      "label": "Oberschenkel eines Erwachsenen",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Oberschenkel eines Erwachsenen",
                        "fi": "Aikuisen reisi",
                        "en": "Adult Thigh",
                        "ar-sy": "فخذ البالغ"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Eine Manschette für den Oberschenkel eines Erwachsenen - ca. 20cm x 42cm.",
                        "fi": "Aikuisen reidessä käytettävä mansetti.",
                        "en": "A cuff used for an adult thigh.",
                        "ar-sy": "كفة تستخدم لفخذ البالغ - مثانة/ كيسة من 20 سينتيمتر * 42 سينتيمتر تقريبا"
                      "value": "at0016",
                      "label": "Großer Erwachsener",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Großer Erwachsener",
                        "fi": "Aikuiset, suuri",
                        "en": "Large Adult",
                        "ar-sy": "بالغ كبير"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Eine Manschette für Erwachsene mit größeren Armen - ca. 16cm x 38cm.",
                        "fi": "Mansetti aikuisille, joilla on paksut käsivarret.",
                        "en": "A cuff for adults with larger arms.",
                        "ar-sy": "كفة للبالغين ذوي الأذرع الكبيرة - المثانة/ الكيسة 16 سينتيمتر * 38 سينتيمتر تقريبا"
                      "value": "at0017",
                      "label": "Erwachsener",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Erwachsener",
                        "fi": "Aikuinen",
                        "en": "Adult",
                        "ar-sy": "البالغ"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Eine Standard-Manschette für einen Erwachsenen - ca. 13cm x 30cm.",
                        "fi": "Standardikokoinen mansetti aikuisille.",
                        "en": "A cuff that is standard for an adult.",
                        "ar-sy": "كفة عيارية للبالغين - مثانة من 13 سينتيمتر * 30 سينتيمتر تقريبا"
                      "value": "at1008",
                      "label": "Kleiner Erwachsener",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Kleiner Erwachsener",
                        "fi": "Aikuiset, pieni",
                        "en": "Small Adult",
                        "ar-sy": "البالغ الصغير"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Eine Manschette für einen kleinen Erwachsenen - ca. 10cm x 24cm.",
                        "fi": "Pienikokoiselle aikuiselle käytettävä mansetti.",
                        "en": "A cuff used for a small adult.",
                        "ar-sy": "كفة تستخدم للبالغ الصغير - مثانة/ كيسة من 10 سينتيمتر * 24 سينتيمتر تقريبا"
                      "value": "at1009",
                      "label": "Pädiatrisch/Kind",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Pädiatrisch/Kind",
                        "fi": "Pediatrinen/lapsi",
                        "en": "Paediatric/Child",
                        "ar-sy": "طفل"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Eine Manschette für ein Kind oder auch einen Erwachsenen mit einem schmalen Arm - 8cm x 21cm.",
                        "fi": "Mansetti, joka sopii lapselle tai ohutkäsivartiselle aikuiselle.",
                        "en": "A cuff that is appropriate for a child or adult with a thin arm.",
                        "ar-sy": "كفة تستخدم للطفل أو البالغ ذي الذراع الرفيعة - من 8 سينتيمتر * 21 سينتيمتر تقريبا"
                      "value": "at1018",
                      "label": "Kleinkind",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Kleinkind",
                        "fi": "Vauva",
                        "en": "Infant",
                        "ar-sy": "رضيع"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Eine Manschette für Kleinkinder und Säuglinge - ca. 5cm x 15cm.",
                        "fi": "Vauvoille käytettävä mansetti.",
                        "en": "A cuff used for infants.",
                        "ar-sy": "كفة تستخدم للرضيع - مثانة/ كيسة من 5 سينتيمتر * 15 سينتيمتر تقريبا"
                      "value": "at1019",
                      "label": "Neonatal",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Neonatal",
                        "fi": "Vastasyntynyt",
                        "en": "Neonatal",
                        "ar-sy": "حديث الولادة"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Eine Manschette für Neugeborene mit passender Größe für die Reife und das Geburtsgewicht des Neugeborenen.",
                        "fi": "Vastasyntyneille käytettävä mansetti, mikäli mansetti on oikean kokoinen vastasyntyneen kokoon ja kehitystasoon nähden.",
                        "en": "A cuff used for a neonate, assuming cuff is the appropriate size for maturity and birthweight of the neonate.",
                        "ar-sy": "الكفة المستخدمة لحديثي الولادة, على افتراض أن الكفة مناسبة للحجم و النضج و الوزن عند ولادة الطفل"
              "termBindings": {
                "SNOMED-CT": {
                  "value": "[SNOMED-CT(2003)::246153002]",
                  "terminologyId": "SNOMED-CT"
              "id": "stelle_der_messung",
              "name": "Stelle der Messung",
              "localizedName": "Stelle der Messung",
              "rmType": "DV_CODED_TEXT",
              "nodeId": "at0014",
              "min": 0,
              "max": 1,
              "dependsOn": [
              "localizedNames": {
                "de": "Stelle der Messung",
                "fi": "Mittauskohta",
                "en": "Location of measurement",
                "ar-sy": "*Location of measurement(en)"
              "localizedDescriptions": {
                "de": "Einfache Körperstelle an der der Blutdruck gemessen wurde.",
                "fi": "Kehon yksinkertaisesti ilmaistu kohta, josta verenpaine mitattiin.",
                "en": "Simple body site where blood pressure was measured.",
                "ar-sy": "*Simple body site where blood pressure was measured.(en)"
              "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/protocol[at0011]/items[at0014]/value",
              "inputs": [
                  "suffix": "code",
                  "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                  "list": [
                      "value": "at0025",
                      "label": "Rechter Arm",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Rechter Arm",
                        "fi": "Oikea käsivarsi",
                        "en": "Right arm",
                        "ar-sy": "الذراع الأيمن"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Der rechte Arm der Person.",
                        "fi": "Henkilön oikea käsivarsi.",
                        "en": "The right arm of the person.",
                        "ar-sy": "الذراع الأيمن للشخص"
                      "value": "at0026",
                      "label": "Linker Arm",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Linker Arm",
                        "fi": "Vasen käsivarsi",
                        "en": "Left arm",
                        "ar-sy": "الذراع الأيسر"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Der linke Arm der Person.",
                        "fi": "Henkilön vasen käsivarsi.",
                        "en": "The left arm of the person.",
                        "ar-sy": "الذراع الأيسر للشخص"
                      "value": "at0027",
                      "label": "Rechter Oberschenkel",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Rechter Oberschenkel",
                        "fi": "Oikea reisi",
                        "en": "Right thigh",
                        "ar-sy": "الفخذ الأيمن"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Der rechte Oberschenkel der Person.",
                        "fi": "Henkilön oikea reisi.",
                        "en": "The right thigh of the person.",
                        "ar-sy": "الفخذ الأيمن للشخص"
                      "value": "at0028",
                      "label": "Linker Oberschenkel",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Linker Oberschenkel",
                        "fi": "Vasen reisi",
                        "en": "Left thigh",
                        "ar-sy": "الفخذ الأيسر"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Der linke Oberschenkel der Person.",
                        "fi": "Henkilön vasen reisi.",
                        "en": "The left thigh of the person.",
                        "ar-sy": "الفخذ الأيسر للشخص"
                      "value": "at1020",
                      "label": "Rechtes Handgelenk",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Rechtes Handgelenk",
                        "fi": "Oikea ranne",
                        "en": "Right wrist",
                        "ar-sy": "الساعد الأيمن"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Das rechte Handgelenk der Person.",
                        "fi": "Tutkittavan oikea ranne.",
                        "en": "The right wrist of the individual.",
                        "ar-sy": "الساعد الأيمن للشخص"
                      "value": "at1021",
                      "label": "Linkes Handgelenk",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Linkes Handgelenk",
                        "fi": "Vasen ranne",
                        "en": "Left wrist",
                        "ar-sy": "الساعد الأيسر"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Das linke Handgelenk der Person.",
                        "fi": "Tutkittavan vasen ranne.",
                        "en": "The left wrist of the individual.",
                        "ar-sy": "الساعد الأيسر للشخص"
                      "value": "at1026",
                      "label": "Rechtes Fußgelenk",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Rechtes Fußgelenk",
                        "fi": "Oikea nilkka",
                        "en": "Right ankle",
                        "ar-sy": "الكاحل الأيمن"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Das rechte Fußgelenk der Person.",
                        "fi": "Tutkittavan oikea nilkka.",
                        "en": "The right ankle of the individual.",
                        "ar-sy": "الكاحل الأيمن للشخص"
                      "value": "at1031",
                      "label": "Linkes Fußgelenk",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Linkes Fußgelenk",
                        "fi": "Vasen nilkka",
                        "en": "Left ankle",
                        "ar-sy": "الكاحل الأيسر"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Das linke Fußgelenk der Person",
                        "fi": "Tutkittavan vasen nilkka.",
                        "en": "The left ankle of the individual.",
                        "ar-sy": "الكاحل الأيسر للشخص"
                      "value": "at1032",
                      "label": "Finger",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Finger",
                        "fi": "Sormi",
                        "en": "Finger",
                        "ar-sy": "*Finger(en)"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Ein Finger des Individuums.",
                        "fi": "Tutkittavan sormi.",
                        "en": "A finger of the individual.",
                        "ar-sy": "*A finger of the individual.(en)"
                      "value": "at1051",
                      "label": "Zeh",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Zeh",
                        "fi": "Varvas",
                        "en": "Toe",
                        "ar-sy": "*Toe(en)"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Ein Zeh des Individuums.",
                        "fi": "Tutkittavan varvas.",
                        "en": "A toe of the individual.",
                        "ar-sy": "*A toe of the individual.(en)"
                      "value": "at1056",
                      "label": "Fußrücken",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Fußrücken",
                        "fi": "Jalanselkä",
                        "en": "Dorsum of foot",
                        "ar-sy": "*Dorsum of foot(en)"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Fußrücken des Individuums.",
                        "fi": "Tutkittavan jalanselkä.",
                        "en": "The individual's dorsum of the foot.",
                        "ar-sy": "**(en)"
                      "value": "at1053",
                      "label": "Intraarteriell",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Intraarteriell",
                        "fi": "Valtimonsisäinen",
                        "en": "Intra-arterial",
                        "ar-sy": "*Intra-arterial(en)"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Invasive Messung mittels Transducer über einen arteriellen Zugang.",
                        "fi": "Invasiivinen mittaus valtimoon sijoitetulla katetrinpääanturilla.",
                        "en": "Invasive measurement via transducer access line within an artery.",
                        "ar-sy": "*Invasive measurement via transducer access line within an artery.(en)"
                  "listOpen": true
                  "suffix": "other",
                  "type": "TEXT"
              "id": "methode",
              "name": "Methode",
              "localizedName": "Methode",
              "rmType": "DV_CODED_TEXT",
              "nodeId": "at1035",
              "min": 0,
              "max": 1,
              "dependsOn": [
              "localizedNames": {
                "de": "Methode",
                "fi": "Menetelmä",
                "en": "Method",
                "ar-sy": "الطريقة"
              "localizedDescriptions": {
                "de": "Methode der Messung des Blutdrucks.",
                "fi": "Verenpaineen mittausmenetelmä.",
                "en": "Method of measurement of blood pressure.",
                "ar-sy": "طريقة قياس ضغط الدم"
              "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/protocol[at0011]/items[at1035]/value",
              "inputs": [
                  "suffix": "code",
                  "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                  "list": [
                      "value": "at1036",
                      "label": "Auskultation",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Auskultation",
                        "fi": "Auskultaatio",
                        "en": "Auscultation",
                        "ar-sy": "التسمع"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Auskulatorische Messung unter Benutzung eines Stethoskops und der Korotkoff-Geräusche.",
                        "fi": "Menetelmä, jolla verenpaine mitataan ulkoisesti käyttämällä stetoskooppia ja Korotkoffin ääniä.",
                        "en": "Method of measuring blood pressure externally, using a stethoscope and Korotkoff sounds.",
                        "ar-sy": "طريقة خارجية لقياس ضغط الدم, باستخدام سماعة طبيب أو أصوات كوروتكوف"
                      "value": "at1037",
                      "label": "Palpation",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Palpation",
                        "fi": "Palpaatio",
                        "en": "Palpation",
                        "ar-sy": "الجس"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Palpatorische Messung, normalerweise an den brachialen oder radialen Arterien.",
                        "fi": "Menetelmä, jolla verenpaine mitataan ulkoisesti palpoimalla (yleensä olkavarsi- tai värttinävaltimosta).",
                        "en": "Method of measuring blood pressure externally, using palpation (usually of the brachial or radial arteries).",
                        "ar-sy": "طريقة خارجية لقياس ضغط الدم, باستخدام الجس - عادةً الشرايين الذراعية و الكعبري"
                      "value": "at1039",
                      "label": "Machine",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Machine",
                        "fi": "Kone",
                        "en": "Machine",
                        "ar-sy": "الآلة"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Messung durch eine Blutdruckmaschine.",
                        "fi": "Menetelmä, jolla verenpaine mitataan ulkoisesti koneella.",
                        "en": "Method of measuring blood pressure externally, using a blood pressure machine.",
                        "ar-sy": "طريقة خارجية لقياس ضغط الدم بالستخدام آلة قياس ضغط الدم"
                      "value": "at1040",
                      "label": "Invasiv",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Invasiv",
                        "fi": "Invasiivinen",
                        "en": "Invasive",
                        "ar-sy": "باضع"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Invasive Messung des Blutdrucks innerhalb eines Gefäßes.",
                        "fi": "Menetelmä, jolla verenpaine mitataan sisäisesti, eli ihon läpi tunkeutuen ja verisuonen sisältä.",
                        "en": "Method of measuring blood pressure internally ie involving penetration of the skin and measuring inside blood vessels.",
                        "ar-sy": "طريقة داخلية لقيسا ضغط الدم, و ذلك يعني اختراق الجلد/ البشرة داخل الأوعية الدموية"
              "id": "formel_für_mittleren_arterieller_druck",
              "name": "Formel für mittleren arterieller Druck",
              "localizedName": "Formel für mittleren arterieller Druck",
              "rmType": "DV_TEXT",
              "nodeId": "at1038",
              "min": 0,
              "max": 1,
              "dependsOn": [
              "localizedNames": {
                "de": "Formel für mittleren arterieller Druck",
                "fi": "Keskivaltimopaineen kaava",
                "en": "Mean arterial pressure formula",
                "ar-sy": "صيغة متوسط الضغط الشرياني"
              "localizedDescriptions": {
                "de": "Die Formel die ggf. verwendet wurde, um den mittleren arteriellen Druck zu berechnen.",
                "fi": "Keskivaltimopaineen laskennassa käytettävä kaava (jos kirjattu tietoihin).",
                "en": "Formula used to calculate the Mean Arterial Pressure (if recorded in data).",
                "ar-sy": "الصيغة المستخدمة لقياس متوسط الضغط الشرياني - إذا تم تسجيل بياناتها"
              "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/protocol[at0011]/items[at1038]/value",
              "inputs": [
                  "type": "TEXT"
              "id": "formel_für_systolischen_druck",
              "name": "Formel für systolischen Druck",
              "localizedName": "Formel für systolischen Druck",
              "rmType": "DV_TEXT",
              "nodeId": "at1054",
              "min": 0,
              "max": 1,
              "dependsOn": [
              "localizedNames": {
                "de": "Formel für systolischen Druck",
                "fi": "Systolisen paineen kaava",
                "en": "Systolic pressure formula",
                "ar-sy": "*Systolic pressure formula(en)"
              "localizedDescriptions": {
                "de": "Formel, die benutzt wurde, um den systolischen Druck vom mittleren arteriellen Druck zu berechnen (wenn erfasst).",
                "fi": "Kaava jota käytetään systolisen paineen laskemiseen keskivaltimopaineesta (jos kirjattu tietoihin).",
                "en": "Formula used to calculate the systolic pressure from from mean arterial pressure (if recorded in data).",
                "ar-sy": "*Formula used to calculate the systolic pressure from from mean arterial pressure (if recorded in data).(en)"
              "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/protocol[at0011]/items[at1054]/value",
              "inputs": [
                  "type": "TEXT"
              "id": "formel_für_diastolischen_druck",
              "name": "Formel für diastolischen Druck",
              "localizedName": "Formel für diastolischen Druck",
              "rmType": "DV_TEXT",
              "nodeId": "at1055",
              "min": 0,
              "max": 1,
              "dependsOn": [
              "localizedNames": {
                "de": "Formel für diastolischen Druck",
                "fi": "Diastolisen paineen kaava",
                "en": "Diastolic pressure formula",
                "ar-sy": "*Diastolic pressure formula(en)"
              "localizedDescriptions": {
                "de": "Formel, die benutzt wurde, um den distolischen Druck vom mittleren arteriellen Druck zu berechnen (wenn erfasst).",
                "fi": "Kaava jota käytetään diastolisen paineen laskemiseen keskivaltimopaineesta (jos kirjattu tietoihin).",
                "en": "Formula used to calculate the diastolic pressure from mean arterial pressure (if recorded in data).",
                "ar-sy": "*Formula used to calculate the diastolic pressure from mean arterial pressure (if recorded in data).(en)"
              "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/protocol[at0011]/items[at1055]/value",
              "inputs": [
                  "type": "TEXT"
              "id": "diastolischer_endpunkt",
              "name": "Diastolischer Endpunkt",
              "localizedName": "Diastolischer Endpunkt",
              "rmType": "DV_CODED_TEXT",
              "nodeId": "at1010",
              "min": 0,
              "max": 1,
              "dependsOn": [
              "localizedNames": {
                "de": "Diastolischer Endpunkt",
                "fi": "Diastolinen päätetapahtuma",
                "en": "Diastolic endpoint",
                "ar-sy": "النقطة النهائية الانبساطية/ الارتخائية"
              "localizedDescriptions": {
                "de": "Dient der Dokumentation des Korotkoff-Geräusches, das verwendet wird, um bei auskultarischer Messung den diastolischen Blutdruck zu bestimmen.",
                "fi": "Tieto siitä, minkä Korotkoffin äänen perusteella diastolinen paine määritetään auskultoitaessa.",
                "en": "Record which Korotkoff sound is used for determining diastolic pressure using auscultative method.",
                "ar-sy": "تستخدم أصوات كورتكوف لتحديد ضغط الدم الانبساطي باستخدام طريقة التسمُّع"
              "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/protocol[at0011]/items[at1010]/value",
              "inputs": [
                  "suffix": "code",
                  "type": "CODED_TEXT",
                  "list": [
                      "value": "at1011",
                      "label": "Phase IV",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Phase IV",
                        "fi": "Vaihe IV",
                        "en": "Phase IV",
                        "ar-sy": "الطور الرابع"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Das 4. Korotkoff-Geräusch - Die Geräusche klingen plätzlich gedämpft.",
                        "fi": "Neljäs Korotkoffin ääni määrittään äänien äkilliseksi heikkenemiseksi.",
                        "en": "The fourth Korotkoff sound is identified as an abrupt muffling of sounds.",
                        "ar-sy": "يتم التعرف على صوت كورتكوف الرابع على أنه تخفيت منفصل"
                      "value": "at1012",
                      "label": "Phase V",
                      "localizedLabels": {
                        "de": "Phase V",
                        "fi": "Vaihe V",
                        "en": "Phase V",
                        "ar-sy": "الطور الخامس"
                      "localizedDescriptions": {
                        "de": "Das 5. Korotkoff-Geräusch - die Geräusche verschwinden völlig während der Manschettendruck unter den diastolischen Blutdruck fällt.",
                        "fi": "Viides Korotkoffin ääni määritetään äänien kuulumisen lakkaamiseksi, kun mansetin paine laskee diastolisen verenpaineen alapuolelle.",
                        "en": "The fifth Korotkoff sound is identified by absence of sounds as the cuff pressure drops below the diastolic blood pressure.",
                        "ar-sy": "يتم التعرف على صوت كورتكوف الخامس بغياب الأصوات حيث ينخفض ضغط الكفة تحت ضغط الدم الانبساطي"
              "id": "language",
              "name": "Language",
              "rmType": "CODE_PHRASE",
              "min": 0,
              "max": 1,
              "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/language",
              "inContext": true
              "id": "encoding",
              "name": "Encoding",
              "rmType": "CODE_PHRASE",
              "min": 0,
              "max": 1,
              "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/encoding",
              "inContext": true
              "id": "subject",
              "name": "Subject",
              "rmType": "PARTY_PROXY",
              "min": 0,
              "max": 1,
              "aqlPath": "/content[openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v2]/subject",
              "inputs": [
                  "suffix": "id",
                  "type": "TEXT"
                  "suffix": "id_scheme",
                  "type": "TEXT"
                  "suffix": "id_namespace",
                  "type": "TEXT"
                  "suffix": "name",
                  "type": "TEXT"
              "inContext": true
          "termBindings": {
            "SNOMED-CT": {
              "value": "[SNOMED-CT(2003)::364090009]",
              "terminologyId": "SNOMED-CT"
          "id": "category",
          "rmType": "DV_CODED_TEXT",
          "nodeId": "",
          "min": 1,
          "max": 1,
          "aqlPath": "/category",
          "inputs": [
              "suffix": "code",
              "type": "CODED_TEXT",
              "list": [
                  "value": "433",
                  "label": "event",
                  "localizedLabels": {
                    "de": "",
                    "fi": "",
                    "en": "event",
                    "ar-sy": ""
              "terminology": "openehr"
          "inContext": true
          "id": "language",
          "name": "Language",
          "rmType": "CODE_PHRASE",
          "min": 0,
          "max": 1,
          "aqlPath": "/language",
          "inContext": true
          "id": "territory",
          "name": "Territory",
          "rmType": "CODE_PHRASE",
          "min": 0,
          "max": 1,
          "aqlPath": "/territory",
          "inContext": true
          "id": "composer",
          "name": "Composer",
          "rmType": "PARTY_PROXY",
          "min": 0,
          "max": 1,
          "aqlPath": "/composer",
          "inputs": [
              "suffix": "id",
              "type": "TEXT"
              "suffix": "id_scheme",
              "type": "TEXT"
              "suffix": "id_namespace",
              "type": "TEXT"
              "suffix": "name",
              "type": "TEXT"
          "inContext": true

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