org.ehrbase.dao.access.interfaces.I_CompositionAccess Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2019 vitasystems GmbH and Hannover Medical School.
* This file is part of project EHRbase
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.ehrbase.dao.access.interfaces;
import static org.ehrbase.jooq.pg.Tables.COMPOSITION;
import static org.ehrbase.jooq.pg.Tables.CONCEPT;
import static org.ehrbase.jooq.pg.Tables.EVENT_CONTEXT;
import static org.ehrbase.jooq.pg.Tables.IDENTIFIER;
import static org.ehrbase.jooq.pg.Tables.LANGUAGE;
import static org.ehrbase.jooq.pg.Tables.PARTICIPATION;
import static org.ehrbase.jooq.pg.Tables.PARTY_IDENTIFIED;
import static org.ehrbase.jooq.pg.Tables.TERRITORY;
import com.nedap.archie.rm.archetyped.FeederAudit;
import com.nedap.archie.rm.archetyped.Link;
import com.nedap.archie.rm.composition.Composition;
import com.nedap.archie.rm.composition.EventContext;
import com.nedap.archie.rm.support.identification.ObjectVersionId;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.ehrbase.api.exception.InternalServerException;
import org.ehrbase.api.exception.ObjectNotFoundException;
import org.ehrbase.dao.access.jooq.CompositionAccess;
import org.ehrbase.ehr.knowledge.I_KnowledgeCache;
import org.ehrbase.jooq.pg.tables.records.CompositionHistoryRecord;
import org.ehrbase.jooq.pg.tables.records.CompositionRecord;
import org.ehrbase.jooq.pg.tables.records.ConceptRecord;
import org.ehrbase.jooq.pg.tables.records.EventContextRecord;
import org.ehrbase.jooq.pg.tables.records.IdentifierRecord;
import org.ehrbase.jooq.pg.tables.records.ParticipationRecord;
import org.ehrbase.jooq.pg.tables.records.PartyIdentifiedRecord;
import org.ehrbase.jooq.pg.tables.records.TerritoryRecord;
import org.jooq.Record1;
import org.jooq.Result;
import org.jooq.Table;
import org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException;
* Composition Access Layer Interface
* Interface CRUD and specific methods
public interface I_CompositionAccess extends I_VersionedCRUD, I_Compensatable {
// definitions of aliases used in joins
String COMPOSITION_JOIN = "composition_join";
String COMPOSER_JOIN = "composer_ref";
String COMPOSER_ID = "composer_id";
String FACILITY_JOIN = "facility_ref";
String FACILITY_ID = "facility_id";
String EVENT_CONTEXT_JOIN = "event_context_ref";
String PARTICIPATION_JOIN = "participation_ref";
String PERFORMER_JOIN = "performer_ref";
String TERRITORY_JOIN = "territory_ref";
String CONCEPT_JOIN = "concept_ref";
String F_VERSION = "version";
String F_COMPOSITION_ID = "composition_id";
String F_ENTRY = "jsonb_entry";
String F_ENTRY_TEMPLATE = "template_id";
String F_LANGUAGE = "language";
String F_TERRITORY = "territory";
String F_TERRITORY_CODE = "territory_code";
String F_COMPOSER_NAME = "composer_name";
String F_COMPOSER_REF_VALUE = "composer_ref_value";
String F_COMPOSER_REF_SCHEME = "composer_ref_scheme";
String F_COMPOSER_REF_NAMESPACE = "composer_ref_namespace";
String F_COMPOSER_REF_TYPE = "composer_ref_type";
String F_COMPOSER_ID_VALUE = "composer_id_value";
String F_COMPOSER_ID_ISSUER = "composer_id_issuer";
String F_COMPOSER_ID_TYPE_NAME = "composer_id_type_name";
String F_CONTEXT_START_TIME = "context_start_time";
String F_CONTEXT_START_TIME_TZID = "context_start_time_tzid";
String F_CONTEXT_END_TIME = "context_end_time";
String F_CONTEXT_END_TIME_TZID = "context_end_time_tzid";
String F_CONTEXT_LOCATION = "context_location";
String F_CONTEXT_SETTING = "context_setting";
String F_CONTEXT_OTHER_CONTEXT = "context_other_context";
String F_FACILITY_NAME = "facility_name";
String F_FACILITY_REF_VALUE = "facility_ref_value";
String F_FACILITY_REF_SCHEME = "facility_ref_scheme";
String F_FACILITY_REF_NAMESPACE = "facility_ref_namespace";
String F_FACILITY_REF_TYPE = "facility_ref_type";
String F_FACILITY_ID_VALUE = "facility_id_value";
String F_FACILITY_ID_ISSUER = "facility_id_issuer";
String F_FACILITY_ID_TYPE_NAME = "facility_id_type_name";
String F_PARTICIPATION_FUNCTION = "participation_function";
String F_PARTICIPATION_MODE = "participation_mode";
String F_PARTICIPATION_START_TIME = "participation_start_time";
String F_PARTICIPATION_START_TIME_TZID = "participation_start_time_tzid";
String F_PERFORMER_NAME = "performer_name";
String F_PERFORMER_REF_VALUE = "performer_ref_value";
String F_PERFORMER_REF_SCHEME = "performer_ref_scheme";
String F_PERFORMER_REF_NAMESPACE = "performer_ref_namespace";
String F_PERFORMER_REF_TYPE = "performer_ref_type";
String F_PERFORMER_ID_VALUE = "performer_id_value";
String F_PERFORMER_ID_ISSUER = "performer_id_issuer";
String F_PERFORMER_ID_TYPE_NAME = "performer_id_type_name";
String F_CONCEPT_ID = "concept_id";
String F_CONCEPT_DESCRIPTION = "concept_description";
Table compositionRef = COMPOSITION.as(COMPOSITION_JOIN);
Table composerId = IDENTIFIER.as(COMPOSER_ID);
Table facilityId = IDENTIFIER.as(FACILITY_ID);
Table territoryRef = TERRITORY.as(TERRITORY_JOIN);
Table conceptRef = CONCEPT.as(CONCEPT_JOIN);
* Get a new Composition Access Instance
* @param domain SQL context, knowledge
* @param composition a valid RM composition
* @param ehrId the EHR holding this instance
* @return {@link I_CompositionAccess} object of the new access instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when retrieval failed because of wrong input
static I_CompositionAccess getNewInstance(
I_DomainAccess domain, Composition composition, UUID ehrId, Short sysTenant) {
return new CompositionAccess(domain, composition, ehrId, sysTenant);
* Retrieve composition(s) for an identified version
* @param domainAccess SQL context
* @param id the versioned_object uuid
* @param version version number
* @return {@link I_CompositionAccess} object of the matching access instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when version number is not greater 0
* @throws ObjectNotFoundException when not matching composition can't be found
static I_CompositionAccess retrieveCompositionVersion(I_DomainAccess domainAccess, UUID id, int version) {
return CompositionAccess.retrieveCompositionVersion(domainAccess, id, version);
* Calculate the version corresponding to a {@link com.nedap.archie.rm.ehr.VersionedComposition} which is the closest in time (before) the {@link Timestamp} provided.
* @param domainAccess The {@link I_DomainAccess} containing the persistence information and DB connection parameters for persisting a composition.
* @param vCompositionUid The {@link UUID} corresponding to a {@link com.nedap.archie.rm.ehr.VersionedComposition}
* @param timeCommitted {@link Timestamp} of commit
* @return version number
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if no version is available for the {@link Timestamp} provided.
* @throws InternalServerException when SQL statements fail due to internal problems.
static int getVersionFromTimeStamp(I_DomainAccess domainAccess, UUID vCompositionUid, Timestamp timeCommitted) {
return CompositionAccess.getVersionFromTimeStamp(domainAccess, vCompositionUid, timeCommitted);
* Returns the instance of a {@link com.nedap.archie.rm.ehr.VersionedComposition} corresponding to the version which is the closest in time before the timeCommitted provided.
* @param domainAccess {@link I_DomainAccess} with the persistence SQL Context and knowledge cache
* @param compositionUid {@link UUID} that identifies the composition.
* @param timeCommitted {java.sql.Timestamp} that indicates the point in time to search version for the composition backwards.
* @return the number of the version that is the closest in time (before) the timeCommitted parameter provided. If a null timeCommitted is provided the latest composition will be returned.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* @throws InternalServerException
* @throws ObjectNotFoundException
static I_CompositionAccess retrieveInstanceByTimestamp(
I_DomainAccess domainAccess, UUID compositionUid, Timestamp timeCommitted) {
return CompositionAccess.retrieveInstanceByTimestamp(domainAccess, compositionUid, timeCommitted);
* Retrieve a composition access instance from the persistence layer
* @param domainAccess SQL context, knowledge
* @param id a composition uuid
* @return a valid {@link I_CompositionAccess}
static I_CompositionAccess retrieveInstance(I_DomainAccess domainAccess, UUID id) {
return CompositionAccess.retrieveInstance(domainAccess, id);
* Retrieve a map of composition accesses for all compositions referencing a contribution
* @param domainAccess SQL context, knowledge
* @param contributionId contribution object uuid
* @param node Name of local node, for creation of object version ID
* @return a map of {@link I_CompositionAccess} and their version ID, that match the condition
* @throws IllegalArgumentException on DB inconsistency
static Map retrieveInstancesInContribution(
I_DomainAccess domainAccess, UUID contributionId, String node) {
return CompositionAccess.retrieveCompositionsInContribution(domainAccess, contributionId, node);
* check if a composition has a previous version in history
* @param domainAccess
* @param compositionId
* @return
static boolean hasPreviousVersion(I_DomainAccess domainAccess, UUID compositionId) {
return CompositionAccess.hasPreviousVersion(domainAccess, compositionId);
* Creates Map containing all versions as their Access object with their matching version number.
* @param domainAccess Data Access
* @param compositionId Given composition ID
* @return Map referencing all versions by their version number
static Map getVersionMapOfComposition(
I_DomainAccess domainAccess, UUID compositionId) {
return CompositionAccess.getVersionMapOfComposition(domainAccess, compositionId);
* retrieve the number of versions for this composition or 1 if no history present
* @param domainAccess
* @param compositionId
* @return
static Integer getLastVersionNumber(I_DomainAccess domainAccess, UUID compositionId) {
return CompositionAccess.getLastVersionNumber(domainAccess, compositionId);
// TODO: doc! what's the logic behind the returned int code?
static int fetchTerritoryCode(I_DomainAccess domainAccess, String territoryAsString) {
I_KnowledgeCache.TerritoryValue territory = domainAccess
.getTerritoryCodeByTwoLetterCode(territoryAsString, tlc -> domainAccess
.fetchOptional(TERRITORY, TERRITORY.TWOLETTER.equal(territoryAsString))
.map(r -> new I_KnowledgeCache.TerritoryValue(
r.getCode(), r.getTwoletter(), r.getThreeletter(), r.getText()))
if (territory == null) return -1;
return territory.getCode();
static boolean isValidLanguageCode(I_DomainAccess domainAccess, String languageCode) {
I_KnowledgeCache.LanguageValue language = domainAccess
.getLanguageByCode(languageCode, lc -> domainAccess
.fetchOptional(LANGUAGE, LANGUAGE.CODE.equal(lc))
.map(r -> new I_KnowledgeCache.LanguageValue(r.getCode(), r.getDescription()))
return language != null;
static UUID getEhrId(I_DomainAccess domainAccess, UUID compositionId) {
return Optional.ofNullable(domainAccess
Timestamp getSysTransaction();
* Gets time_committed from contribution of composition.
* @return Timestamp of time of commitment
Timestamp getTimeCommitted();
* get the composition Id
* @return
UUID getId();
* get the EHR id to which this composition belongs to
* @return {@link UUID}
UUID getEhrid();
* set the EHR id
* @param ehrId {@link UUID}
void setEhrid(UUID ehrId);
* get the composer Id
* @return {@link UUID}
UUID getComposerId();
* set the composer id
* @param composerId {@link UUID}
void setComposerId(UUID composerId);
* get the event context id
* @return Optional with ID if it exists, otherwise empty Optional
Optional getContextId();
* get the contribution id
* @return {@link UUID}
UUID getContributionId();
* get the language code for this composition (eg. 'en', 'fr' etc.)
* @return language code as string
String getLanguageCode();
* set the language code
* @param code String
void setLanguageCode(String code);
* FIXME: bug? comment says 2-letter while methods are saying Integer
* get the 2-letters country code
* @return
Integer getTerritoryCode();
* FIXME: bug? comment says 2-letter while methods are saying Integer
* set the 2-letters territory code
* @param code String
void setTerritoryCode(Integer code);
String getFeederAudit();
void setFeederAudit(FeederAudit feederAudit);
void setLinks(List links);
String getLinks();
* set the event context id
* @param contextId {@link UUID}
* @throws DataAccessException on problem updating context
void setContextCompositionId(UUID contextId);
* Get the entry linked to the composition.
* @return the entry
* @see I_EntryAccess
I_EntryAccess getContent();
void setContent(I_EntryAccess content);
* set the contribution id for this composition
* @param contributionId
void setContributionId(UUID contributionId);
void setCompositionRecord(CompositionRecord record);
* Set the record via converting from a history record.
* @param record History record
void setCompositionRecord(CompositionHistoryRecord record);
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when handling of record failed
void setCompositionRecord(Result> records);
void setComposition(Composition composition);
void setContributionAccess(I_ContributionAccess contributionAccess);
void setAuditDetailsAccess(I_AuditDetailsAccess auditDetailsAccess);
Integer getVersion();
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when seeking language code, territory code or composer ID failed
void updateCompositionData(Composition newComposition);
void setContext(EventContext historicalEventContext);
UUID getAuditDetailsId();
I_AuditDetailsAccess getAuditDetailsAccess();
void setAuditDetailsId(UUID auditId);
* Checks if the given versionedObjectID points to an existing composition.
* @param domainAccess Data access object
* @param versionedObjectId ID to be checked
* @return True if exists
* @throws ObjectNotFoundException if ID does not exist
static boolean exists(I_DomainAccess domainAccess, UUID versionedObjectId) {
return CompositionAccess.exists(domainAccess, versionedObjectId);
* Checks if given composition ID is ID of a logically deleted composition.
* @param domainAccess Data access object
* @param versionedObjectId ID to be checked
* @return True if deleted, false if not
* @throws ObjectNotFoundException If no composition entries at all can be found
* @throws InternalServerException If DB is inconsistent or some other problem occurs
static boolean isDeleted(I_DomainAccess domainAccess, UUID versionedObjectId) {
return CompositionAccess.isDeleted(domainAccess, versionedObjectId);
* Invoke physical deletion.
void adminDelete();
UUID getAttestationRef();
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