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org.cesecore.certificates.certificateprofile.CertificateProfile Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 *                                                                       *
 *  CESeCore: CE Security Core                                           *
 *                                                                       *
 *  This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or       *
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public           *
 *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either         *
 *  version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.                    *
 *                                                                       *
 *  See terms of license at                                     *
 *                                                                       *
package org.cesecore.certificates.certificateprofile;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ocsp.OCSPObjectIdentifiers;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Extension;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.KeyPurposeId;
import org.cesecore.certificates.certificate.CertificateConstants;
import org.cesecore.certificates.certificate.IllegalKeyException;
import org.cesecore.certificates.util.AlgorithmConstants;
import org.cesecore.certificates.util.AlgorithmTools;
import org.cesecore.certificates.util.DNFieldExtractor;
import org.cesecore.certificates.util.DnComponents;
import org.cesecore.internal.InternalResources;
import org.cesecore.internal.UpgradeableDataHashMap;
import org.cesecore.keys.util.KeyTools;
import org.cesecore.util.CertTools;
import org.cesecore.util.ValidityDate;

 * CertificateProfile is a basic class used to customize a certificate configuration or be inherited by fixed certificate profiles.
 * @version $Id: 31311 2019-01-24 13:54:02Z lauri_k_helmes $
public class CertificateProfile extends UpgradeableDataHashMap implements Serializable, Cloneable {
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CertificateProfile.class);
    /** Internal localization of logs and errors */
    private static final InternalResources intres = InternalResources.getInstance();

    // Public Constants
    public static final float LATEST_VERSION = (float) 46.0;

    public static final String ROOTCAPROFILENAME = "ROOTCA";
    public static final String SUBCAPROFILENAME = "SUBCA";
    public static final String ENDUSERPROFILENAME = "ENDUSER";
    public static final String OCSPSIGNERPROFILENAME = "OCSPSIGNER";
    public static final String SERVERPROFILENAME = "SERVER";
    public static final String HARDTOKENENCPROFILENAME = "HARDTOKEN_ENC";

    public static final List FIXED_PROFILENAMES = new ArrayList<>();
    static {
     * Determines if a de-serialized file is compatible with this class.
     * Maintainers must change this value if and only if the new version of this class is not compatible with old versions. See Sun docs for  details. 
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -8069608639716545206L;

    /** Microsoft Template Constants */
    public static final String MSTEMPL_DOMAINCONTROLLER = "DomainController";


    public static final String TRUE = "true";
    public static final String FALSE = "false";

     * Determines the access rights in CV Certificates. CV Certificates is used by EU EAC ePassports and is issued by a CVC CA. DG3 is access to
     * fingerprints and DG4 access to iris.
    public static final int CVC_ACCESS_NONE = 0;
    public static final int CVC_ACCESS_DG3 = 1;
    public static final int CVC_ACCESS_DG4 = 2;
    public static final int CVC_ACCESS_DG3DG4 = 3;
    // For signature terminals (defined in version 2.10 of the EAC specification)
    public static final int CVC_ACCESS_SIGN = 16;
    public static final int CVC_ACCESS_QUALSIGN = 32;
    public static final int CVC_ACCESS_SIGN_AND_QUALSIGN = 48;

     * CVC terminal types. Controls which set of roles and access rights are available.
    public static final int CVC_TERMTYPE_IS = 0;
    /** Authentication terminal */
    public static final int CVC_TERMTYPE_AT = 1;
    /** Signature terminal */
    public static final int CVC_TERMTYPE_ST = 2;

    /** Accreditation Body DV for signature terminals. ABs accredits CSPs */
    public static final int CVC_SIGNTERM_DV_AB = 0;
    /** Certification Service Provider DV for signature terminals */
    public static final int CVC_SIGNTERM_DV_CSP = 1;

    /** Supported certificate versions. */
    public static final String VERSION_X509V3 = "X509v3";
    public static final String CUSTOMPROFILENAME = "CUSTOM";

    /** Constant indicating that any CA can be used with this certificate profile. */
    public static final int ANYCA = -1;
    /** Constant indicating that any elliptic curve may be used with this profile. */
    public static final String ANY_EC_CURVE = "ANY_EC_CURVE";

    /** Constant holding the default available bit lengths for certificate profiles */
    public static final int[] DEFAULTBITLENGTHS = { 0, 192, 224, 239, 256, 384, 512, 521, 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, 8192 };
    public static final byte[] DEFAULT_CVC_RIGHTS_AT = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

    /** Constants for validity and private key usage period. */
    public static final String DEFAULT_CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY = "2y";
    /** Constant for default validity for fixed profiles is 25 years including 6 or 7 leap days. */
    public static final String DEFAULT_CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY_FOR_FIXED_CA = "25y7d";
    /** Constant for default validity offset (for backward compatibility': -10m'!) */
    public static final String DEFAULT_CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY_OFFSET = "-10m";
    public static final long DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_USAGE_PERIOD_OFFSET = 0;
    public static final long DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_USAGE_PERIOD_LENGTH = 730 * 24 * 3600;

    // Profile fields
    protected static final String CERTVERSION = "certversion";
    protected static final String VALIDITY = "validity";
    protected static final String ENCODED_VALIDITY = "encodedvalidity";
    protected static final String USE_CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY_OFFSET = "usecertificatevalidityoffset";
    protected static final String CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY_OFFSET = "certificatevalidityoffset";
    protected static final String USE_EXPIRATION_RESTRICTION_FOR_WEEKDAYS = "useexpirationrestrictionforweekdays";
    protected static final String EXPIRATION_RESTRICTION_FOR_WEEKDAYS_BEFORE = "expirationrestrictionforweekdaysbefore";
    protected static final String EXPIRATION_RESTRICTION_WEEKDAYS = "expirationrestrictionweekdays";
    protected static final String ALLOWVALIDITYOVERRIDE = "allowvalidityoverride";
    protected static final String ALLOWKEYUSAGEOVERRIDE = "allowkeyusageoverride";
    protected static final String ALLOWBACKDATEDREVOCATION = "allowbackdatedrevokation";
    protected static final String ALLOWEXTENSIONOVERRIDE = "allowextensionoverride";
    protected static final String ALLOWDNOVERRIDE = "allowdnoverride";
    protected static final String ALLOWDNOVERRIDEBYEEI = "allowdnoverridebyeei";
    protected static final String ALLOWCERTSNOVERIDE = "allowcertsnoverride";
    protected static final String AVAILABLEKEYALGORITHMS = "availablekeyalgorithms";
    protected static final String AVAILABLEECCURVES = "availableeccurves";
    protected static final String AVAILABLEBITLENGTHS = "availablebitlengths";
    protected static final String MINIMUMAVAILABLEBITLENGTH = "minimumavailablebitlength";
    protected static final String MAXIMUMAVAILABLEBITLENGTH = "maximumavailablebitlength";
    public static final String TYPE = "type";
    protected static final String AVAILABLECAS = "availablecas";
    protected static final String USEDPUBLISHERS = "usedpublishers";
    protected static final String USECNPOSTFIX = "usecnpostfix";
    protected static final String CNPOSTFIX = "cnpostfix";
    protected static final String USESUBJECTDNSUBSET = "usesubjectdnsubset";
    protected static final String SUBJECTDNSUBSET = "subjectdnsubset";
    protected static final String USESUBJECTALTNAMESUBSET = "usesubjectaltnamesubset";
    protected static final String SUBJECTALTNAMESUBSET = "subjectaltnamesubset";
    protected static final String USEDCERTIFICATEEXTENSIONS = "usedcertificateextensions";
     * @deprecated since 6.8.0, where approval settings and profiles became interlinked.
    protected static final String APPROVALSETTINGS = "approvalsettings";
     * @deprecated since 6.6.0, use the appropriate approval profile instead
     * Needed for a while in order to be able to import old statedumps from 6.5 and earlier
    public static final String NUMOFREQAPPROVALS = "numofreqapprovals";
     * @deprecated since 6.8.0, where approval settings and profiles became interlinked.
    protected static final String APPROVALPROFILE = "approvalProfile";
    protected static final String APPROVALS = "approvals";
    protected static final String SIGNATUREALGORITHM = "signaturealgorithm";
    protected static final String USECERTIFICATESTORAGE = "usecertificatestorage";
    protected static final String STORECERTIFICATEDATA = "storecertificatedata";
    protected static final String STORESUBJECTALTNAME = "storesubjectaltname";
    // CRL extensions
    protected static final String USECRLNUMBER = "usecrlnumber";
    protected static final String CRLNUMBERCRITICAL = "crlnumbercritical";
    // Certificate extensions
    protected static final String USEBASICCONSTRAINTS = "usebasicconstrants";
    protected static final String BASICCONSTRAINTSCRITICAL = "basicconstraintscritical";
    protected static final String USEPATHLENGTHCONSTRAINT = "usepathlengthconstraint";
    protected static final String PATHLENGTHCONSTRAINT = "pathlengthconstraint";
    protected static final String USEKEYUSAGE = "usekeyusage";
    protected static final String KEYUSAGECRITICAL = "keyusagecritical";
    protected static final String KEYUSAGE = "keyusage";
    protected static final String USESUBJECTKEYIDENTIFIER = "usesubjectkeyidentifier";
    protected static final String SUBJECTKEYIDENTIFIERCRITICAL = "subjectkeyidentifiercritical";
    protected static final String USEAUTHORITYKEYIDENTIFIER = "useauthoritykeyidentifier";
    protected static final String AUTHORITYKEYIDENTIFIERCRITICAL = "authoritykeyidentifiercritical";
    protected static final String USESUBJECTALTERNATIVENAME = "usesubjectalternativename";
    protected static final String SUBJECTALTERNATIVENAMECRITICAL = "subjectalternativenamecritical";
    protected static final String USEISSUERALTERNATIVENAME = "useissueralternativename";
    protected static final String ISSUERALTERNATIVENAMECRITICAL = "issueralternativenamecritical";
    protected static final String USECRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINT = "usecrldistributionpoint";
    protected static final String USEDEFAULTCRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINT = "usedefaultcrldistributionpoint";
    protected static final String CRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINTCRITICAL = "crldistributionpointcritical";
    protected static final String CRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINTURI = "crldistributionpointuri";
    protected static final String CRLISSUER = "crlissuer";
    protected static final String USEFRESHESTCRL = "usefreshestcrl";
    protected static final String USECADEFINEDFRESHESTCRL = "usecadefinedfreshestcrl";
    protected static final String FRESHESTCRLURI = "freshestcrluri";
    protected static final String USECERTIFICATEPOLICIES = "usecertificatepolicies";
    protected static final String CERTIFICATEPOLICIESCRITICAL = "certificatepoliciescritical";
    /** Policy containing oid, User Notice and Cps Url */
    protected static final String CERTIFICATE_POLICIES = "certificatepolicies";
    protected static final String USEEXTENDEDKEYUSAGE = "useextendedkeyusage";
    protected static final String EXTENDEDKEYUSAGE = "extendedkeyusage";
    protected static final String EXTENDEDKEYUSAGECRITICAL = "extendedkeyusagecritical";
    protected static final String USEDOCUMENTTYPELIST = "usedocumenttypelist";
    protected static final String DOCUMENTTYPELISTCRITICAL = "documenttypelistcritical";
    protected static final String DOCUMENTTYPELIST = "documenttypelist";
    protected static final String USEOCSPNOCHECK = "useocspnocheck";
    protected static final String USEAUTHORITYINFORMATIONACCESS = "useauthorityinformationaccess";
    protected static final String USEOCSPSERVICELOCATOR = "useocspservicelocator";
    protected static final String USEDEFAULTCAISSUER = "usedefaultcaissuer";
    protected static final String USEDEFAULTOCSPSERVICELOCATOR = "usedefaultocspservicelocator";
    protected static final String OCSPSERVICELOCATORURI = "ocspservicelocatoruri";
    protected static final String USECAISSUERS = "usecaissuersuri";
    protected static final String CAISSUERS = "caissuers";
    protected static final String USELDAPDNORDER = "useldapdnorder";
    protected static final String USEMICROSOFTTEMPLATE = "usemicrosofttemplate";
    protected static final String MICROSOFTTEMPLATE = "microsofttemplate";
    protected static final String USECARDNUMBER = "usecardnumber";
    protected static final String USEQCSTATEMENT = "useqcstatement";
    protected static final String USEPKIXQCSYNTAXV2 = "usepkixqcsyntaxv2";
    protected static final String QCSTATEMENTCRITICAL = "useqcstatementcritical";
    protected static final String QCSTATEMENTRANAME = "useqcstatementraname";
    protected static final String QCSSEMANTICSID = "useqcsematicsid";
    protected static final String USEQCETSIQCCOMPLIANCE = "useqcetsiqccompliance";
    protected static final String USEQCETSIVALUELIMIT = "useqcetsivaluelimit";
    protected static final String QCETSIVALUELIMIT = "qcetsivaluelimit";
    protected static final String QCETSIVALUELIMITEXP = "qcetsivaluelimitexp";
    protected static final String QCETSIVALUELIMITCURRENCY = "qcetsivaluelimitcurrency";
    protected static final String USEQCETSIRETENTIONPERIOD = "useqcetsiretentionperiod";
    protected static final String QCETSIRETENTIONPERIOD = "qcetsiretentionperiod";
    protected static final String USEQCETSISIGNATUREDEVICE = "useqcetsisignaturedevice";
    protected static final String USEQCETSITYPE = "useqcetsitype";
    protected static final String QCETSITYPE = "qcetsitype";
    protected static final String QCETSIPDS = "qcetsipds";
    /** @deprecated since EJBCA 6.6.1. It was only used in 6.6.0, and is needed to handle upgrades from that version
     * PDS URLs are now handled in QCETSIPDS */
    protected static final String QCETSIPDSURL = "qcetsipdsurl";
    /** @deprecated since EJBCA 6.6.1. It was only used in 6.6.0, and is needed to handle upgrades from that version
    * PDS URLs are now handled in QCETSIPDS */
    protected static final String QCETSIPDSLANG = "qcetsipdslang";
    protected static final String USEQCPSD2 = "useqcpsd2";
    protected static final String USEQCCUSTOMSTRING = "useqccustomstring";
    protected static final String QCCUSTOMSTRINGOID = "qccustomstringoid";
    protected static final String QCCUSTOMSTRINGTEXT = "qccustomstringtext";
    protected static final String USENAMECONSTRAINTS = "usenameconstraints";
    protected static final String NAMECONSTRAINTSCRITICAL = "nameconstraintscritical";
    protected static final String USESUBJECTDIRATTRIBUTES = "usesubjectdirattributes";
    protected static final String CVCTERMINALTYPE = "cvctermtype";
    protected static final String CVCACCESSRIGHTS = "cvcaccessrights";
    protected static final String CVCLONGACCESSRIGHTS = "cvclongaccessrights";
    protected static final String CVCSIGNTERMDVTYPE = "cvcsigntermdvtype";
    protected static final String USEPRIVKEYUSAGEPERIOD          = "useprivkeyusageperiod";
    protected static final String USEPRIVKEYUSAGEPERIODNOTBEFORE = "useprivkeyusageperiodnotbefore";
    protected static final String USEPRIVKEYUSAGEPERIODNOTAFTER  = "useprivkeyusageperiodnotafter";
    protected static final String PRIVKEYUSAGEPERIODSTARTOFFSET  = "privkeyusageperiodstartoffset";
    protected static final String PRIVKEYUSAGEPERIODLENGTH           = "privkeyusageperiodlength";
    protected static final String USECERTIFICATETRANSPARENCYINCERTS = "usecertificatetransparencyincerts";
    protected static final String USECERTIFICATETRANSPARENCYINOCSP  = "usecertificatetransparencyinocsp";
    protected static final String USECERTIFICATETRANSPARENCYINPUBLISHERS  = "usecertificatetransparencyinpublisher";
    /* Certificate Transparency */
    protected static final String CTSUBMITEXISTING  = "ctsubmitexisting";
    protected static final String CTLOGS = "ctlogs";
    protected static final String CTLABELS = "ctlabels";
    protected static final String CT_MIN_TOTAL_SCTS = "ctminscts"; // This key is the same as in previous versions
    protected static final String CT_MIN_TOTAL_SCTS_OCSP = "ctminsctsocsp"; // This key is also the same as in previous versions
    protected static final String CT_MAX_SCTS = "ctmaxscts"; // Only used to fetch old value after upgrade, replaced by CT_MAX_NON_MANDATORY_SCTS and CT_MAX_MANDATORY_SCTS
    protected static final String CT_MAX_SCTS_OCSP = "ctmaxsctsocsp"; // Only used to fetch old value after upgrade, replaced by CT_MAX_NONMANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP and CT_MAX_MANDATORY_SCTS
    /* All deprecated below were removed in 6.10.1. Keep for upgrade purposes or move keys to UpgradeSessionBean */
    protected static final String CT_MIN_MANDATORY_SCTS = "ctminmandatoryscts";
    protected static final String CT_MAX_MANDATORY_SCTS = "ctmaxmandatoryscts";
    protected static final String CT_MIN_MANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP = "ctminmandatorysctsocsp";
    protected static final String CT_MAX_MANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP = "ctmaxmandatorysctsocsp";
    protected static final String CT_MIN_NONMANDATORY_SCTS = "ctminnonmandatoryscts";
    protected static final String CT_MAX_NONMANDATORY_SCTS = "ctmaxnonmandatoryscts";
    protected static final String CT_MIN_NONMANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP = "ctminnonmandatorysctsocsp";
    protected static final String CT_MAX_NONMANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP = "ctmaxnonmandatorysctsocsp";
    protected static final String CT_SCTS_MIN = "ctsctsmin";
    protected static final String CT_SCTS_MAX = "ctsctsmax";
    protected static final String CT_SCTS_MIN_OCSP = "ctsctsminocsp";
    protected static final String CT_SCTS_MAX_OCSP = "ctsctsmaxocsp";
    protected static final String CT_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_VALIDITY = "ctnumberofsctsbyvalidity";
    protected static final String CT_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_CUSTOM = "ctnumberofsctsbycustom";
    protected static final String CT_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_VALIDITY = "ctmaxnumberofsctsbyvalidity";
    protected static final String CT_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_CUSTOM = "ctmaxnumberofsctsbycustom";
    protected static final String CTMAXRETRIES = "ctmaxretries";

    protected static final String USERSINGLEACTIVECERTIFICATECONSTRAINT = "usesingleactivecertificateconstraint";
    protected static final String USECUSTOMDNORDER = "usecustomdnorder";
    protected static final String USECUSTOMDNORDERLDAP = "usecustomdnorderldap";
    protected static final String CUSTOMDNORDER = "customdnorder";
    protected static final String OVERRIDABLEEXTENSIONOIDS = "overridableextensionoids";
    protected static final String NONOVERRIDABLEEXTENSIONOIDS = "nonoverridableextensionoids";

     * OID for creating Smartcard Number Certificate Extension SEIS Cardnumber Extension according to SS 614330/31
    public static final String OID_CARDNUMBER = "1.2.752.34.2.1";

    /** Constants holding the use properties for certificate extensions */
    protected static final HashMap useStandardCertificateExtensions = new HashMap<>();
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USEBASICCONSTRAINTS, Extension.basicConstraints.getId());
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USEKEYUSAGE, Extension.keyUsage.getId());
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USESUBJECTKEYIDENTIFIER, Extension.subjectKeyIdentifier.getId());
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USEAUTHORITYKEYIDENTIFIER, Extension.authorityKeyIdentifier.getId());
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USESUBJECTALTERNATIVENAME, Extension.subjectAlternativeName.getId());
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USEISSUERALTERNATIVENAME, Extension.issuerAlternativeName.getId());
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USECRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINT, Extension.cRLDistributionPoints.getId());
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USEFRESHESTCRL, Extension.freshestCRL.getId());
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USECERTIFICATEPOLICIES, Extension.certificatePolicies.getId());
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USEEXTENDEDKEYUSAGE, Extension.extendedKeyUsage.getId());
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USEDOCUMENTTYPELIST, "");
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USEQCSTATEMENT, Extension.qCStatements.getId());
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USENAMECONSTRAINTS, Extension.nameConstraints.getId());
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USESUBJECTDIRATTRIBUTES, Extension.subjectDirectoryAttributes.getId());
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USEAUTHORITYINFORMATIONACCESS, Extension.authorityInfoAccess.getId());
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USEPRIVKEYUSAGEPERIOD, Extension.privateKeyUsagePeriod.getId());
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USEOCSPNOCHECK, OCSPObjectIdentifiers.id_pkix_ocsp_nocheck.getId());
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USEMICROSOFTTEMPLATE, CertTools.OID_MSTEMPLATE);
        useStandardCertificateExtensions.put(USECARDNUMBER, OID_CARDNUMBER);

    // Old values used to upgrade from v22 to v23
    protected static final String CERTIFICATEPOLICYID = "certificatepolicyid";
    /** Policy Notice Url to CPS field alias in the data structure */
    protected static final String POLICY_NOTICE_CPS_URL = "policynoticecpsurl";
    /** Policy Notice User Notice field alias in the data structure */
    protected static final String POLICY_NOTICE_UNOTICE_TEXT = "policynoticeunoticetext";

    // Public Methods

     * Creates a new instance of CertificateProfile. The default contructor creates a basic CertificateProfile
     * that is the same as an End User certificateProfile, except that there are _no_ key usages. this means that a certificate
     * issued with a default profile should not be usable for anything. Should be used for testing and where you want to create your own
     * CertificateProfile for specific purposes.
    public CertificateProfile() {

     * Creates a new instance of CertificateProfile
     * These settings are general for all sub-profiles, only differing values are overridden in the sub-profiles. If changing any present value here
     * you must therefore go through all sub-profiles and add an override there. I.e. only add new values here, don't change any present settings.
     * @param type
     *            one of CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_XX, for example CertificateConstants.CERTPROFILE_NO_PROFILE, CERTPROFILE_NO_ENDUSER, etc
    public CertificateProfile(int type) {

    private void setCommonDefaults() {


        setStoreSubjectAlternativeName(true); // New profiles created after EJBCA 6.6.0 will store SAN by default







        ArrayList policies = new ArrayList<>();


        setKeyUsage(new boolean[9]);

        setExtendedKeyUsage(new ArrayList());

        setDocumentTypeList(new ArrayList());

        ArrayList availablecas = new ArrayList<>();

        setPublisherList(new ArrayList());





        setSubjectDNSubSet(new ArrayList());
        setSubjectAltNameSubSet(new ArrayList());




        setCaIssuers(new ArrayList());

        // Default to have access to fingerprint and iris

        setUsedCertificateExtensions(new ArrayList());
        setApprovals(new LinkedHashMap());

        // PrivateKeyUsagePeriod extension


        setOverridableExtensionOIDs(new LinkedHashSet());
        setNonOverridableExtensionOIDs(new LinkedHashSet());

     * @param type
     *            one of CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_XX, for example CertificateConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_ROOTCA

    private void setDefaultValues(int type) {
        if (type == CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_ROOTCA) {
            setKeyUsage(new boolean[9]);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.DIGITALSIGNATURE, true);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.KEYCERTSIGN, true);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.CRLSIGN, true);
        } else if (type == CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_SUBCA) {
            setKeyUsage(new boolean[9]);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.DIGITALSIGNATURE, true);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.KEYCERTSIGN, true);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.CRLSIGN, true);
        } else if (type == CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_ENDUSER) {
            // Standard key usages for end users are: digitalSignature | nonRepudiation, and/or (keyEncipherment or keyAgreement)
            // Default key usage is digitalSignature | nonRepudiation | keyEncipherment
            // Create an array for KeyUsage according to X509Certificate.getKeyUsage()
            setKeyUsage(new boolean[9]);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.DIGITALSIGNATURE, true);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.NONREPUDIATION, true);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.KEYENCIPHERMENT, true);
            ArrayList eku = new ArrayList<>();
        } else if (type == CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_OCSPSIGNER) {
            // Default key usage for an OCSP signer is digitalSignature
            // Create an array for KeyUsage acoording to X509Certificate.getKeyUsage()
            setKeyUsage(new boolean[9]);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.DIGITALSIGNATURE, true);
            ArrayList eku = new ArrayList<>();
        } else if (type == CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_SERVER) {
            // Standard key usages for server are: digitalSignature | (keyEncipherment or keyAgreement)
            // Default key usage is digitalSignature | keyEncipherment
            // Create an array for KeyUsage acoording to X509Certificate.getKeyUsage()
            setKeyUsage(new boolean[9]);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.DIGITALSIGNATURE, true);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.KEYENCIPHERMENT, true);
            ArrayList eku = new ArrayList<>();
        } else if (type == CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_HARDTOKENAUTH) {
            setKeyUsage(new boolean[9]);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.DIGITALSIGNATURE, true);
            ArrayList eku = new ArrayList<>();
        } else if (type == CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_HARDTOKENAUTHENC) {
            setKeyUsage(new boolean[9]);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.KEYENCIPHERMENT, true);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.DIGITALSIGNATURE, true);
            ArrayList eku = new ArrayList<>();
        } else if (type == CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_HARDTOKENENC) {
            setKeyUsage(new boolean[9]);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.KEYENCIPHERMENT, true);
            ArrayList eku = new ArrayList<>();
        } else if (type == CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_HARDTOKENSIGN) {
            setKeyUsage(new boolean[9]);
            setKeyUsage(CertificateConstants.NONREPUDIATION, true);
            ArrayList eku = new ArrayList<>();

    // Public Methods.
    /** Returns the version of the certificate, should be one of the VERSION_ constants defined in CertificateProfile class. */
    public String getCertificateVersion() {
        return (String) data.get(CERTVERSION);

     * Returns the version of the certificate, should be one of the VERSION_ constants defined in CertificateProfile class.
    public void setCertificateVersion(String version) {
        data.put(CERTVERSION, version);

     * @see ValidityDate#getDateBeforeVersion661(long, java.util.Date)
     * @return a long that is used to provide the end date of certificates for this profile, interpreted by ValidityDate#getDate
     * @deprecated since since EJBCA 6.6.1
    public long getValidity() {
        return ((Long) data.get(VALIDITY)).longValue();

     * Gets the encoded validity.
     * @return the validity as ISO8601 date or relative time.
     * @See {@link org.cesecore.util.ValidityDate ValidityDate}
     * @See {@link org.cesecore.util.SimpleTime SimpleTime}
    public String getEncodedValidity() {
        String result = (String) data.get(ENCODED_VALIDITY);
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(result)) {
            result = ValidityDate.getStringBeforeVersion661(getValidity());
        return result;

     * Sets the encoded validity .
     * @param encodedValidity the validity as ISO8601 date or relative time.
     * @See {@link org.cesecore.util.ValidityDate ValidityDate}
     * @See {@link org.cesecore.util.SimpleTime SimpleTime}
    public void setEncodedValidity(String encodedValidity) {
        data.put(ENCODED_VALIDITY, encodedValidity);

     * Gets the certificate validity offset.
     * @return true if we should overwrite the default certificate validity offset with the one specified in the certificate profile.
     * @see {@link #setCertificateValidityOffset(String)}
    public boolean getUseCertificateValidityOffset() {
        // Extra null check to handle in-development upgrades
        if (data.get(USE_CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY_OFFSET) != null) {
            return Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) data.get(USE_CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY_OFFSET));
        } else {
            return false;

     * Use certificate validity offset.
     * @param enabled
    public void setUseCertificateValidityOffset(boolean enabled) {
        data.put(USE_CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY_OFFSET, Boolean.valueOf(enabled));

     * Gets the certificate validity offset.
     * @return the offset as simple time string with seconds precision (i.e. '-10m')
     * @see #link{org.cesecore.util.SimpleTime}
    public String getCertificateValidityOffset() {
        return (String) data.get(CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY_OFFSET);

     * Sets the certificate not before offset.
     * @param simpleTime the offset as simple time string with seconds precision.
     * @see org.cesecore.util.SimpleTime
    public void setCertificateValidityOffset(String simpleTime) {
        data.put(CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY_OFFSET, simpleTime);

     * @return true if we should apply restrictions that certificate expiration can only occur on week days specified by setExpirationRestrictionWeekday
     * @see #setExpirationRestrictionWeekdays(boolean[])
    public boolean getUseExpirationRestrictionForWeekdays() {
        return Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) data.get(USE_EXPIRATION_RESTRICTION_FOR_WEEKDAYS));

     * Use validity expiration restriction.
     * @param enabled
    public void setUseExpirationRestrictionForWeekdays(boolean enabled) {
        data.put(USE_EXPIRATION_RESTRICTION_FOR_WEEKDAYS, Boolean.valueOf(enabled));

     * @return true if we should roll back expiration or false of we should roll forward expiration to match week days specified by setExpirationRestrictionWeekday
     * @see #setExpirationRestrictionWeekdays(boolean[])
    public boolean getExpirationRestrictionForWeekdaysExpireBefore() {
        return Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) data.get(EXPIRATION_RESTRICTION_FOR_WEEKDAYS_BEFORE));

     * Sets if the certificate validity shall expire earlier as requested if a the expiration
     * restriction was applied?
     * @param enabled true, otherwise false.
    public void setExpirationRestrictionForWeekdaysExpireBefore(boolean enabled) {
        data.put(EXPIRATION_RESTRICTION_FOR_WEEKDAYS_BEFORE, Boolean.valueOf(enabled));

     * @param weekday (see java.util.Calendar.MONDAY - SUNDAY)
     * @return true if the weekday is selected as validity expiration restriction.
    public boolean getExpirationRestrictionWeekday(int weekday) {
        return ((ArrayList) data.get(EXPIRATION_RESTRICTION_WEEKDAYS)).get(weekday-1).booleanValue();

     * Include a weekday as validity expiration restriction.
     * @param weekday (see java.util.Calendar.MONDAY - SUNDAY)
     * @param enabled
    public void setExpirationRestrictionWeekday(int weekday, boolean enabled) {
        ((ArrayList) data.get(EXPIRATION_RESTRICTION_WEEKDAYS)).set(weekday-1, Boolean.valueOf(enabled));

     * Gets a copy of the List where validity restriction for weekdays are stored.
     * @return boolean array.
    public boolean[] getExpirationRestrictionWeekdays() {
        final ArrayList list = (ArrayList) data.get(EXPIRATION_RESTRICTION_WEEKDAYS);
        final boolean[] result = new boolean[list.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
            result[i] = list.get(i).booleanValue();
        return result;

    private void setExpirationRestrictionWeekdays(boolean[] weekdays) {
        final ArrayList list = new ArrayList(weekdays.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < weekdays.length; i++) {

    private void setDefaultExpirationRestrictionWeekdays() {
        setExpirationRestrictionWeekdays(new boolean[7]);
        setExpirationRestrictionWeekday(Calendar.MONDAY, true);
        setExpirationRestrictionWeekday(Calendar.FRIDAY, true);
        setExpirationRestrictionWeekday(Calendar.SATURDAY, true);
        setExpirationRestrictionWeekday(Calendar.SUNDAY, true);

     * If validity override is allowed, a certificate can have a shorter validity than the one specified in the certificate profile, but never longer.
     * A certificate created with validity override can hava a starting point in the future.
     * @return true if validity override is allowed
    public boolean getAllowValidityOverride() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(ALLOWVALIDITYOVERRIDE)).booleanValue();

     * If validity override is allowed, a certificate can have a shorter validity than the one specified in the certificate profile, but never longer.
     * A certificate created with validity override can hava a starting point in the future.
    public void setAllowValidityOverride(boolean allowvalidityoverride) {
        data.put(ALLOWVALIDITYOVERRIDE, Boolean.valueOf(allowvalidityoverride));

     * If extension override is allowed, the X509 certificate extension created in a certificate can come from the request sent by the user. If the
     * request contains an extension than will be used instead of the one defined in the profile. If the request does not contain an extension, the
     * one defined in the profile will be used.
    public boolean getAllowExtensionOverride() {
        Object d = data.get(ALLOWEXTENSIONOVERRIDE);
        if (d == null) {
            return false;
        return ((Boolean) d).booleanValue();

    /** @see #getAllowExtensionOverride() */
    public void setAllowExtensionOverride(boolean allowextensionoverride) {
        data.put(ALLOWEXTENSIONOVERRIDE, Boolean.valueOf(allowextensionoverride));

     * If DN override is allowed, the X509 subject DN extension created in a certificate can
     * come directly from the CSR in the request sent by the user. This is instead of the normal way where the user's
     * registered DN is used.
    public boolean getAllowDNOverride() {
        Object d = data.get(ALLOWDNOVERRIDE);
        if (d == null) {
            return false;
        return ((Boolean) d).booleanValue();

    /** @see #getAllowDNOverride() */
    public void setAllowDNOverride(boolean allowdnoverride) {
        data.put(ALLOWDNOVERRIDE, Boolean.valueOf(allowdnoverride));

     * If DN override by End Entity Information is allowed, the X509 subject DN extension created in a certificate can
     * come directly from the request meta information sent by the user. This is instead of the normal way where the
     * user's registered DN is used.
    public boolean getAllowDNOverrideByEndEntityInformation() {
        Object d = data.get(ALLOWDNOVERRIDEBYEEI);
        if (d == null) {
            return false;
        return ((Boolean) d).booleanValue();

    /** @see #getAllowDNOverrideByEndEntityInformation() */
    public void setAllowDNOverrideByEndEntityInformation(final boolean value) {
        data.put(ALLOWDNOVERRIDEBYEEI, Boolean.valueOf(value));

     * If override is allowed the serial number could be specified.
     * @return true if allowed
    public boolean getAllowCertSerialNumberOverride() {
        Object d = data.get(ALLOWCERTSNOVERIDE);
        if (d == null) {
            return false;
        return ((Boolean) d).booleanValue();

     * @see #getAllowDNOverride()
     * @param allowdnoverride
     *            new value
    public void setAllowCertSerialNumberOverride(boolean allowdnoverride) {
        data.put(ALLOWCERTSNOVERIDE, Boolean.valueOf(allowdnoverride));

    public boolean getUseBasicConstraints() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEBASICCONSTRAINTS)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseBasicConstraints(boolean usebasicconstraints) {
        data.put(USEBASICCONSTRAINTS, Boolean.valueOf(usebasicconstraints));

    public boolean getBasicConstraintsCritical() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(BASICCONSTRAINTSCRITICAL)).booleanValue();

    public void setBasicConstraintsCritical(boolean basicconstraintscritical) {
        data.put(BASICCONSTRAINTSCRITICAL, Boolean.valueOf(basicconstraintscritical));

    public boolean getUseKeyUsage() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEKEYUSAGE)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseKeyUsage(boolean usekeyusage) {
        data.put(USEKEYUSAGE, Boolean.valueOf(usekeyusage));

    public boolean getKeyUsageCritical() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(KEYUSAGECRITICAL)).booleanValue();

    public void setKeyUsageCritical(boolean keyusagecritical) {
        data.put(KEYUSAGECRITICAL, Boolean.valueOf(keyusagecritical));

    public boolean getUseSubjectKeyIdentifier() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USESUBJECTKEYIDENTIFIER)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseSubjectKeyIdentifier(boolean usesubjectkeyidentifier) {
        data.put(USESUBJECTKEYIDENTIFIER, Boolean.valueOf(usesubjectkeyidentifier));

    public boolean getSubjectKeyIdentifierCritical() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(SUBJECTKEYIDENTIFIERCRITICAL)).booleanValue();

    public void setSubjectKeyIdentifierCritical(boolean subjectkeyidentifiercritical) {
        data.put(SUBJECTKEYIDENTIFIERCRITICAL, Boolean.valueOf(subjectkeyidentifiercritical));

    public boolean getUseAuthorityKeyIdentifier() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEAUTHORITYKEYIDENTIFIER)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseAuthorityKeyIdentifier(boolean useauthoritykeyidentifier) {
        data.put(USEAUTHORITYKEYIDENTIFIER, Boolean.valueOf(useauthoritykeyidentifier));

    public boolean getAuthorityKeyIdentifierCritical() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(AUTHORITYKEYIDENTIFIERCRITICAL)).booleanValue();

    public void setAuthorityKeyIdentifierCritical(boolean authoritykeyidentifiercritical) {
        data.put(AUTHORITYKEYIDENTIFIERCRITICAL, Boolean.valueOf(authoritykeyidentifiercritical));

    public boolean getUseSubjectAlternativeName() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USESUBJECTALTERNATIVENAME)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseSubjectAlternativeName(boolean usesubjectalternativename) {
        data.put(USESUBJECTALTERNATIVENAME, Boolean.valueOf(usesubjectalternativename));

    public boolean getStoreCertificateData() {
        // Lazy upgrade for profiles created prior to EJBCA 6.2.10
        final Boolean value = (Boolean) data.get(STORECERTIFICATEDATA);
        if (value == null) {
            // Default for existing profiles is true
            return true;
        } else {
            return value.booleanValue();

    public void setStoreCertificateData(boolean storeCertificateData) {
        data.put(STORECERTIFICATEDATA, Boolean.valueOf(storeCertificateData));

    /** @return true if the CertificateData.subjectAltName column should be populated. */
    public boolean getStoreSubjectAlternativeName() {
        // Lazy upgrade for profiles created prior to EJBCA 6.6.0
        final Boolean value = (Boolean) data.get(STORESUBJECTALTNAME);
        if (value == null) {
            // Old profiles created before EJBCA 6.6.0 will not store SAN by default.
            return false;
        } else {
            return value.booleanValue();

    public void setStoreSubjectAlternativeName(final boolean storeSubjectAlternativeName) {
        data.put(STORESUBJECTALTNAME, Boolean.valueOf(storeSubjectAlternativeName));

    public boolean getSubjectAlternativeNameCritical() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(SUBJECTALTERNATIVENAMECRITICAL)).booleanValue();

    public void setSubjectAlternativeNameCritical(boolean subjectalternativenamecritical) {
        data.put(SUBJECTALTERNATIVENAMECRITICAL, Boolean.valueOf(subjectalternativenamecritical));

    public boolean getUseIssuerAlternativeName() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEISSUERALTERNATIVENAME)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseIssuerAlternativeName(boolean useissueralternativename) {
        data.put(USEISSUERALTERNATIVENAME, Boolean.valueOf(useissueralternativename));

    public boolean getIssuerAlternativeNameCritical() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(ISSUERALTERNATIVENAMECRITICAL)).booleanValue();

    public void setIssuerAlternativeNameCritical(boolean issueralternativenamecritical) {
        data.put(ISSUERALTERNATIVENAMECRITICAL, Boolean.valueOf(issueralternativenamecritical));

    public boolean getUseCRLDistributionPoint() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USECRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINT)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseCRLDistributionPoint(boolean usecrldistributionpoint) {
        data.put(USECRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINT, Boolean.valueOf(usecrldistributionpoint));

    public boolean getUseDefaultCRLDistributionPoint() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEDEFAULTCRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINT)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseDefaultCRLDistributionPoint(boolean usedefaultcrldistributionpoint) {
        data.put(USEDEFAULTCRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINT, Boolean.valueOf(usedefaultcrldistributionpoint));

    public boolean getCRLDistributionPointCritical() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(CRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINTCRITICAL)).booleanValue();

    public void setCRLDistributionPointCritical(boolean crldistributionpointcritical) {
        data.put(CRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINTCRITICAL, Boolean.valueOf(crldistributionpointcritical));

    public String getCRLDistributionPointURI() {
        return (String) data.get(CRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINTURI);

    public void setCRLDistributionPointURI(String crldistributionpointuri) {
        if (crldistributionpointuri == null) {
            data.put(CRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINTURI, "");
        } else {
            data.put(CRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINTURI, crldistributionpointuri);

    public String getCRLIssuer() {
        return (String) data.get(CRLISSUER);

    public void setCRLIssuer(String crlissuer) {
        if (crlissuer == null) {
            data.put(CRLISSUER, "");
        } else {
            data.put(CRLISSUER, crlissuer);

    public boolean getUseFreshestCRL() {
        Object obj = data.get(USEFRESHESTCRL);
        if (obj == null) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return ((Boolean) obj).booleanValue();

    public void setUseFreshestCRL(boolean usefreshestcrl) {
        data.put(USEFRESHESTCRL, Boolean.valueOf(usefreshestcrl));

    public boolean getUseCADefinedFreshestCRL() {
        Object obj = data.get(USECADEFINEDFRESHESTCRL);
        if (obj == null) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return ((Boolean) obj).booleanValue();

    public void setUseCADefinedFreshestCRL(boolean usecadefinedfreshestcrl) {
        data.put(USECADEFINEDFRESHESTCRL, Boolean.valueOf(usecadefinedfreshestcrl));

    public String getFreshestCRLURI() {
        return ((String) data.get(FRESHESTCRLURI));

    public void setFreshestCRLURI(String freshestcrluri) {
        if (freshestcrluri == null) {
            data.put(FRESHESTCRLURI, "");
        } else {
            data.put(FRESHESTCRLURI, freshestcrluri);

    public boolean getUseCertificatePolicies() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USECERTIFICATEPOLICIES)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseCertificatePolicies(boolean usecertificatepolicies) {
        data.put(USECERTIFICATEPOLICIES, Boolean.valueOf(usecertificatepolicies));

    public boolean getUseCertificateStorage() {
        //Lazy upgrade for profiles created prior to EJBCA 6.2.10
        Boolean value = (Boolean) data.get(USECERTIFICATESTORAGE);
        if (value == null) {
            //Default is true
            return true;
        } else {
            return value.booleanValue();

    public void setUseCertificateStorage(boolean useCertificateStorage) {
        data.put(USECERTIFICATESTORAGE, Boolean.valueOf(useCertificateStorage));

    public boolean getCertificatePoliciesCritical() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(CERTIFICATEPOLICIESCRITICAL)).booleanValue();

    public void setCertificatePoliciesCritical(boolean certificatepoliciescritical) {
        data.put(CERTIFICATEPOLICIESCRITICAL, Boolean.valueOf(certificatepoliciescritical));

    public List getCertificatePolicies() {
        List l = (List) data.get(CERTIFICATE_POLICIES);
        if (l == null) {
            l = new ArrayList();
        } else {
            // Check class name, because we changed this in EJBCA 5 and need to support older versions in the database for 100% upgrade
            if (l.size() > 0) {
                try {
                    // Don't remove the unused test object
                    CertificatePolicy test = l.get(0); // NOPMD: we need to actually get the text object, otherwise the cast will not be tried
                } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("CertificatePolicy in profile is old class name (< EJBCA 5), post-upgrade has not been run. Converting in code to return new class type.");
                    List oldl = (List) data.get(CERTIFICATE_POLICIES);
                    // In worst case they can have mixed old and new classes, therefore we use a "normal" iterator so we can verify the cast
                    l = new ArrayList();
                    for (int i = 0; i < oldl.size(); i++) {
                        try {
                   oldPol = (;
                            CertificatePolicy newPol = new CertificatePolicy(oldPol.getPolicyID(), oldPol.getQualifierId(), oldPol.getQualifier());
                            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                                log.trace("Adding converted policy");
                        } catch (ClassCastException e2) {
                            // This was already a new class, there are mixed policies here...
                            CertificatePolicy newPol = (CertificatePolicy)oldl.get(i);
                            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                                log.trace("Adding non-converted policy");
        return l;

    public void addCertificatePolicy(CertificatePolicy policy) {
        if (data.get(CERTIFICATE_POLICIES) == null) {
            setCertificatePolicies(new ArrayList());
        ((List) data.get(CERTIFICATE_POLICIES)).add(policy);

    public void setCertificatePolicies(List policies) {
        if (policies == null) {
            data.put(CERTIFICATE_POLICIES, new ArrayList(0));
        } else {
            data.put(CERTIFICATE_POLICIES, policies);

    public void removeCertificatePolicy(CertificatePolicy policy) {
        if (data.get(CERTIFICATE_POLICIES) != null) {
            ((List) data.get(CERTIFICATE_POLICIES)).remove(policy);

    /** Type is used when setting BasicConstraints, i.e. to determine if it is a CA or an end entity
     * @see CertificateConstants.CERTTYPE_ROOTCA, etc
    public int getType() {
        return ((Integer) data.get(TYPE)).intValue();

    /** Type is used when setting BasicConstraints, i.e. to determine if it is a CA or an end entity
     * @see CertificateConstants.CERTTYPE_ROOTCA, etc
    public void setType(int type) {
        data.put(TYPE, Integer.valueOf(type));

    public boolean isTypeSubCA() {
        return ((Integer) data.get(TYPE)).intValue() == CertificateConstants.CERTTYPE_SUBCA;

    public boolean isTypeRootCA() {
        return ((Integer) data.get(TYPE)).intValue() == CertificateConstants.CERTTYPE_ROOTCA;

    public boolean isTypeEndEntity() {
        return ((Integer) data.get(TYPE)).intValue() == CertificateConstants.CERTTYPE_ENDENTITY;

    public String[] getAvailableKeyAlgorithms() {
        final List availableKeyAlgorithms = getAvailableKeyAlgorithmsAsList();
        return availableKeyAlgorithms.toArray(new String[availableKeyAlgorithms.size()]);
    public List getAvailableKeyAlgorithmsAsList() {
        return (ArrayList) data.get(AVAILABLEKEYALGORITHMS);
    public void setAvailableKeyAlgorithms(final String[] availableKeyAlgorithms) {
    public void setAvailableKeyAlgorithmsAsList(final List availableKeyAlgorithms) {
        data.put(AVAILABLEKEYALGORITHMS, new ArrayList<>(availableKeyAlgorithms));
    public String[] getAvailableEcCurves() {
        final List availableEcCurves = getAvailableEcCurvesAsList();
        return availableEcCurves.toArray(new String[availableEcCurves.size()]);
    public List getAvailableEcCurvesAsList() {
        return (ArrayList) data.get(AVAILABLEECCURVES);
    public void setAvailableEcCurves(final String[] availableEcCurves) {
    public void setAvailableEcCurvesAsList(final List availableEcCurves) {
        data.put(AVAILABLEECCURVES, new ArrayList<>(availableEcCurves));

	public int[] getAvailableBitLengths() {
        final List availablebitlengths = getAvailableBitLengthsAsList();
        final int[] returnval = new int[availablebitlengths.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < availablebitlengths.size(); i++) {
            returnval[i] = availablebitlengths.get(i).intValue();
        return returnval;
    public List getAvailableBitLengthsAsList() {
        return (ArrayList) data.get(AVAILABLEBITLENGTHS);

    public void setAvailableBitLengths(List availablebitlengths) {
        // Strange values here, but it makes the <> below work for sure
        int minimumavailablebitlength = 99999999;
        int maximumavailablebitlength = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < availablebitlengths.size(); i++) {
            if (availablebitlengths.get(i) > maximumavailablebitlength) {
                maximumavailablebitlength = availablebitlengths.get(i);
            if (availablebitlengths.get(i) < minimumavailablebitlength) {
                minimumavailablebitlength = availablebitlengths.get(i);
        data.put(AVAILABLEBITLENGTHS, availablebitlengths);
        data.put(MINIMUMAVAILABLEBITLENGTH, Integer.valueOf(minimumavailablebitlength));
        data.put(MAXIMUMAVAILABLEBITLENGTH, Integer.valueOf(maximumavailablebitlength));

    public void setAvailableBitLengths(int[] availablebitlengths) {
        ArrayList availbitlengths = new ArrayList<>(availablebitlengths.length);

        for (int i = 0; i < availablebitlengths.length; i++) {

    public int getMinimumAvailableBitLength() {
        return ((Integer) data.get(MINIMUMAVAILABLEBITLENGTH)).intValue();

    public int getMaximumAvailableBitLength() {
        return ((Integer) data.get(MAXIMUMAVAILABLEBITLENGTH)).intValue();

     * Returns true if the given combination of keyAlgorithm/keySpecification is allowed by this certificate profile.
    public boolean isKeyTypeAllowed(final String keyAlgorithm, final String keySpecification) {
        final List availableKeyAlgorithms = getAvailableKeyAlgorithmsAsList();
        final List availableBitLengths = getAvailableBitLengthsAsList();
        final List availableEcCurves = getAvailableEcCurvesAsList();
        if (!availableKeyAlgorithms.contains(keyAlgorithm)) { return false; }
        if (StringUtils.isNumeric(keySpecification)) {
            // keySpecification is a bit length (RSA)
            return availableBitLengths.contains(Integer.parseInt(keySpecification));
        } else {
            // keySpecification is a curve name (EC)
            return availableEcCurves.contains(keySpecification) || availableEcCurves.contains(CertificateProfile.ANY_EC_CURVE);

     * Returns the chosen algorithm to be used for signing the certificates or null if it is to be inherited from the CA (i.e., it is the same as the
     * algorithm used to sign the CA certificate).
     * @see org.cesecore.certificates.util.core.model.AlgorithmConstants.AVAILABLE_SIGALGS
     * @return JCE identifier for the signature algorithm or null if it is to be inherited from the CA (i.e., it is the same as the algorithm used to
     *         sign the CA certificate).
    public String getSignatureAlgorithm() {
        // If it's null, it is inherited from issuing CA.
        return (String) data.get(SIGNATUREALGORITHM);

     * Sets the algorithm to be used for signing the certificates. A null value means that the signature algorithm is to be inherited from the CA
     * (i.e., it is the same as the algorithm used to sign the CA certificate).
     * @param signAlg
     *            JCE identifier for the signature algorithm or null if it is to be inherited from the CA (i.e., it is the same as the algorithm used
     *            to sign the CA certificate).
     * @see org.cesecore.certificates.util.core.model.AlgorithmConstants.AVAILABLE_SIGALGS
    public void setSignatureAlgorithm(String signAlg) {
        data.put(SIGNATUREALGORITHM, signAlg);

    public boolean[] getKeyUsage() {
        ArrayList keyusage = (ArrayList) data.get(KEYUSAGE);
        boolean[] returnval = new boolean[keyusage.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < keyusage.size(); i++) {
            returnval[i] = keyusage.get(i).booleanValue();
        return returnval;

     * @param keyusageconstant
     *            from CertificateConstants.DIGITALSIGNATURE etc
     * @return true or false if the key usage is set or not.
    public boolean getKeyUsage(int keyusageconstant) {
        return ((ArrayList) data.get(KEYUSAGE)).get(keyusageconstant).booleanValue();

    public void setKeyUsage(boolean[] keyusage) {
        ArrayList keyuse = new ArrayList(keyusage.length);

        for (int i = 0; i < keyusage.length; i++) {
        data.put(KEYUSAGE, keyuse);

     * @param keyusageconstant
     *            from CertificateConstants.DIGITALSIGNATURE etc
     * @param value
     *            true or false if the key usage is set or not.
    public void setKeyUsage(int keyusageconstant, boolean value) {
        ((ArrayList) data.get(KEYUSAGE)).set(keyusageconstant, Boolean.valueOf(value));

    public void setAllowKeyUsageOverride(boolean override) {
        data.put(ALLOWKEYUSAGEOVERRIDE, Boolean.valueOf(override));

    public boolean getAllowKeyUsageOverride() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(ALLOWKEYUSAGEOVERRIDE)).booleanValue();

    public void setAllowBackdatedRevocation(boolean override) {, Boolean.valueOf(override));
    public boolean getAllowBackdatedRevocation() {
        final Object value =;
        return value!=null && value instanceof Boolean && ((Boolean)value).booleanValue();

    public void setUseDocumentTypeList(boolean use) {
        data.put(USEDOCUMENTTYPELIST, Boolean.valueOf(use));

    public boolean getUseDocumentTypeList() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEDOCUMENTTYPELIST)).booleanValue();

    public void setDocumentTypeListCritical(boolean critical) {
        data.put(DOCUMENTTYPELISTCRITICAL, Boolean.valueOf(critical));

    public boolean getDocumentTypeListCritical() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(DOCUMENTTYPELISTCRITICAL)).booleanValue();

    public void setDocumentTypeList(ArrayList docTypes) {
        data.put(DOCUMENTTYPELIST, docTypes);

    public ArrayList getDocumentTypeList() {
        return (ArrayList) data.get(DOCUMENTTYPELIST);

    public void setUseExtendedKeyUsage(boolean use) {
        data.put(USEEXTENDEDKEYUSAGE, Boolean.valueOf(use));

    public boolean getUseExtendedKeyUsage() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEEXTENDEDKEYUSAGE)).booleanValue();

    public void setExtendedKeyUsageCritical(boolean critical) {
        data.put(EXTENDEDKEYUSAGECRITICAL, Boolean.valueOf(critical));

    public boolean getExtendedKeyUsageCritical() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(EXTENDEDKEYUSAGECRITICAL)).booleanValue();

     * Extended Key Usage is an arraylist of oid Strings. Usually oids comes from KeyPurposeId in BC.
    public void setExtendedKeyUsage(ArrayList extendedkeyusage) {
        data.put(EXTENDEDKEYUSAGE, extendedkeyusage);

     * Extended Key Usage is an arraylist of Strings with eku oids.
    public ArrayList getExtendedKeyUsageOids() {
        return (ArrayList) data.get(EXTENDEDKEYUSAGE);
    public void setExtendedKeyUsageOids(final ArrayList extendedKeyUsageOids) {

    public void setUseCustomDnOrder(boolean use) {
        data.put(USECUSTOMDNORDER, Boolean.valueOf(use));

    public boolean getUseCustomDnOrder() {
        boolean ret = false; // Default value is false here
        Object o = data.get(USECUSTOMDNORDER);
        if (o != null) {
            ret = ((Boolean) o).booleanValue();
        return ret;

    /** Set to true if we should apply the rules for LDAP DN Order (separate flag) 
     * to the custom DN order
     * @param useldap true or false
    public void setUseCustomDnOrderWithLdap(boolean useldap) {
        data.put(USECUSTOMDNORDERLDAP, Boolean.valueOf(useldap));

     * @return true if we should apply the rules for LDAP DN Order (separate flag), default to false for new usage, where no custom order exists, 
     * and to true for old usage to be backward compatible 
    public boolean getUseCustomDnOrderWithLdap() {
        boolean ret = true; // Default value is true here
        Object o = data.get(USECUSTOMDNORDERLDAP);
        if (o != null) {
            ret = ((Boolean) o).booleanValue();
        } else if (getCustomDnOrder().isEmpty()) {
            // We have not set a value for this checkbox, and we have no custom DN order defined
            // in this case we default to false (new usage)
            ret = false;
        return ret;

    /** Custom DN order is an ArrayList of DN strings
     * @see DnComponents
     * @return ArrayList of Strings or an empty ArrayList
    public ArrayList getCustomDnOrder() {
        if (data.get(CUSTOMDNORDER) == null) {
            return new ArrayList<>();
        return (ArrayList) data.get(CUSTOMDNORDER);

    public void setCustomDnOrder(final ArrayList dnOrder) {
        data.put(CUSTOMDNORDER, dnOrder);

    public boolean getUseLdapDnOrder() {
        boolean ret = true; // Default value is true here
        Object o = data.get(USELDAPDNORDER);
        if (o != null) {
            ret = ((Boolean) o).booleanValue();
        return ret;

    public void setUseLdapDnOrder(boolean use) {
        data.put(USELDAPDNORDER, Boolean.valueOf(use));

    public boolean getUseMicrosoftTemplate() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEMICROSOFTTEMPLATE)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseMicrosoftTemplate(boolean use) {
        data.put(USEMICROSOFTTEMPLATE, Boolean.valueOf(use));

    public String getMicrosoftTemplate() {
        return (String) data.get(MICROSOFTTEMPLATE);

    public void setMicrosoftTemplate(String mstemplate) {
        data.put(MICROSOFTTEMPLATE, mstemplate);

    public boolean getUseCardNumber() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USECARDNUMBER)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseCardNumber(boolean use) {
        data.put(USECARDNUMBER, Boolean.valueOf(use));

    public boolean getUseCNPostfix() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USECNPOSTFIX)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseCNPostfix(boolean use) {
        data.put(USECNPOSTFIX, Boolean.valueOf(use));

    public String getCNPostfix() {
        return (String) data.get(CNPOSTFIX);

    public void setCNPostfix(String cnpostfix) {
        data.put(CNPOSTFIX, cnpostfix);


    public boolean getUseSubjectDNSubSet() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USESUBJECTDNSUBSET)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseSubjectDNSubSet(boolean use) {
        data.put(USESUBJECTDNSUBSET, Boolean.valueOf(use));

     * Returns a List of Integer (DNFieldExtractor constants) indicating which subject dn fields that should be used in certificate.
    public List getSubjectDNSubSet() {
        return (List) data.get(SUBJECTDNSUBSET);

     * Should contain a collection of Integer (DNFieldExtractor constants) indicating which subject dn fields that should be used in certificate.
     * Will come in as a list of string from the GUI, because JSP doesn't always care about type safety.
    public void setSubjectDNSubSet(List subjectdns) {
        List convertedList = new ArrayList<>();
        for(String value : subjectdns) {
        data.put(SUBJECTDNSUBSET, convertedList);


     * Overridable Extension OIDs is an Set of oid Strings.
     * It is used to list what are the extensions that can be overridden when allow extension override is enabled in the Certificate Profile.
     * @param Set of oids (strings), or an empty set, should not be null
    public void setOverridableExtensionOIDs(Set overridableextensionoids) {
        data.put(OVERRIDABLEEXTENSIONOIDS, new LinkedHashSet(overridableextensionoids));

     * Overridable Extension OIDs is an Set of oid Strings.
     * It is used to list what are the extensions that can be overridden when allow extension override is enabled in the Certificate Profile.
     * @return Set of strings containing oids, or an empty set, never null
    public Set getOverridableExtensionOIDs() {
    	if (data.get(OVERRIDABLEEXTENSIONOIDS) == null) {
    		return new LinkedHashSet();
        return (Set) data.get(OVERRIDABLEEXTENSIONOIDS);

     * Non Overridable Extension OIDs is a Set of oid Strings.
     * It is used to list what are the extensions that can not be overridden when allow extension override is enabled in the Certificate Profile..
     * @param Set of oids (strings) that are not allowed to be overridden, or empty set to not disallow anything, not null
    public void setNonOverridableExtensionOIDs(Set nonoverridableextensionoids) {
        data.put(NONOVERRIDABLEEXTENSIONOIDS, new LinkedHashSet(nonoverridableextensionoids));

     * Non Overridable Extension OIDs is a Set of oid Strings.
     * It is used to list what are the extensions that can not be overridde when allow extension override is enabled in the Certificate Profile..
     * @return Set of strings containing oids, or an empty set, never null
    public Set getNonOverridableExtensionOIDs() {
    	if (data.get(NONOVERRIDABLEEXTENSIONOIDS) == null) {
    		return new LinkedHashSet();
        return (Set) data.get(NONOVERRIDABLEEXTENSIONOIDS);

     * Method taking a full user dn and returns a DN only containing the DN fields specified in the subjectdn sub set array.
     * @param dn
     * @return a subset of original DN

    public String createSubjectDNSubSet(String dn) {
        DNFieldExtractor extractor = new DNFieldExtractor(dn, DNFieldExtractor.TYPE_SUBJECTDN);
        return constructUserData(extractor, getSubjectDNSubSet(), true);

    public boolean getUseSubjectAltNameSubSet() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USESUBJECTALTNAMESUBSET)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseSubjectAltNameSubSet(boolean use) {
        data.put(USESUBJECTALTNAMESUBSET, Boolean.valueOf(use));

     * Returns a List of Integer (DNFieldExtractor constants) indicating which subject altnames fields that should be used in certificate.
    public List getSubjectAltNameSubSet() {
        return (List) data.get(SUBJECTALTNAMESUBSET);

     * Sets a List of Integer (DNFieldExtractor constants) indicating which subject altnames fields that should be used in certificate.
    public void setSubjectAltNameSubSet(List subjectaltnames) {
        data.put(SUBJECTALTNAMESUBSET, subjectaltnames);


     * Method taking a full user dn and returns a AltName only containing the AltName fields specified in the subjectaltname sub set array.
     * @param dn
     * @return a subset of original DN
    public String createSubjectAltNameSubSet(String subjectaltname) {
        DNFieldExtractor extractor = new DNFieldExtractor(subjectaltname, DNFieldExtractor.TYPE_SUBJECTALTNAME);
        return constructUserData(extractor, getSubjectAltNameSubSet(), false);

     * Help method converting a full DN or Subject Alt Name to one usng only specified fields
     * @param extractor
     * @param usefields
     * @return
    protected static String constructUserData(DNFieldExtractor extractor, Collection usefields, boolean subjectdn) {
        String retval = "";

        if (usefields instanceof List) {
            Collections.sort((List) usefields);
        String dnField = null;
        for (Integer next : usefields) {
            dnField = extractor.getFieldString(next.intValue());
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dnField)) {
                if (retval.length() == 0) {
                    retval += dnField; // first item, don't start with a comma
                } else {
                    retval += "," + dnField;
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("CertificateProfile: constructed DN or AltName: " + retval);
        return retval;

     * Returns a List of caids (Integer), indicating which CAs the profile should be applicable to.
     * If it contains the constant ANYCA then the profile is applicable to all CAs
    public List getAvailableCAs() {
        return (List) data.get(AVAILABLECAS);

     * Saves the CertificateProfile's list of CAs the cert profile is applicable to.
     * @param availablecas
     *            a List of caids (Integer)

    public void setAvailableCAs(List availablecas) {
        data.put(AVAILABLECAS, availablecas);

    public boolean isApplicableToAnyCA() {
        return ((List) data.get(AVAILABLECAS)).contains(Integer.valueOf(ANYCA));

     * Returns a List of publisher id's (Integer) indicating which publishers a certificate created with this profile should be published to.
     * Never returns null.
    public List getPublisherList() {
        Object o = data.get(USEDPUBLISHERS);
        if (o == null) {
            o = new ArrayList();
        return (List) o;

     * Saves the CertificateProfile's list of publishers that certificates created with this profile should be published to.
     * @param publishers
     *            a List of publisher Ids

    public void setPublisherList(List publisher) {
        data.put(USEDPUBLISHERS, publisher);

     * Method indicating that Path Length Constraint should be used in the BasicConstaint
    public boolean getUsePathLengthConstraint() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEPATHLENGTHCONSTRAINT)).booleanValue();

     * Method indicating that Path Length Constraint should be used in the BasicConstaint
    public void setUsePathLengthConstraint(boolean use) {
        data.put(USEPATHLENGTHCONSTRAINT, Boolean.valueOf(use));

    public int getPathLengthConstraint() {
        return ((Integer) data.get(PATHLENGTHCONSTRAINT)).intValue();

    public void setPathLengthConstraint(int pathlength) {
        data.put(PATHLENGTHCONSTRAINT, Integer.valueOf(pathlength));

    public void setCaIssuers(List caIssuers) {
        data.put(CAISSUERS, caIssuers);

    public void addCaIssuer(String caIssuer) {
        caIssuer = caIssuer.trim();
        if (caIssuer.length() < 1) {
        if (data.get(CAISSUERS) == null) {
            List caIssuers = new ArrayList<>();
        } else {
            ((List) data.get(CAISSUERS)).add(caIssuer);

    public List getCaIssuers() {
        if (data.get(CAISSUERS) == null) {
            return new ArrayList<>();
        } else {
            return (List) data.get(CAISSUERS);

    public void removeCaIssuer(String caIssuer) {
        if (data.get(CAISSUERS) != null) {
            ((List) data.get(CAISSUERS)).remove(caIssuer);

    public boolean getUseOcspNoCheck() {
        if (data.get(USEOCSPNOCHECK) == null) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return ((Boolean) data.get(USEOCSPNOCHECK)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseOcspNoCheck(boolean useocspnocheck) {
        data.put(USEOCSPNOCHECK, Boolean.valueOf(useocspnocheck));

    public boolean getUseAuthorityInformationAccess() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEAUTHORITYINFORMATIONACCESS)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseAuthorityInformationAccess(boolean useauthorityinformationaccess) {
        data.put(USEAUTHORITYINFORMATIONACCESS, Boolean.valueOf(useauthorityinformationaccess));

    public boolean getUseDefaultCAIssuer() {
        //Lazy instantiation in case upgrade for some reason fails
        if(data.get(USEDEFAULTCAISSUER) == null) {
            data.put(USEDEFAULTCAISSUER, false);
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEDEFAULTCAISSUER)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseDefaultCAIssuer(boolean usedefaultcaissuer) {
        data.put(USEDEFAULTCAISSUER, Boolean.valueOf(usedefaultcaissuer));

    public boolean getUseDefaultOCSPServiceLocator() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEDEFAULTOCSPSERVICELOCATOR)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseDefaultOCSPServiceLocator(boolean usedefaultocspservicelocator) {
        data.put(USEDEFAULTOCSPSERVICELOCATOR, Boolean.valueOf(usedefaultocspservicelocator));

    public String getOCSPServiceLocatorURI() {
        return (String) data.get(OCSPSERVICELOCATORURI);

    public void setOCSPServiceLocatorURI(String ocspservicelocatoruri) {
        if (ocspservicelocatoruri == null) {
            data.put(OCSPSERVICELOCATORURI, "");
        } else {
            data.put(OCSPSERVICELOCATORURI, ocspservicelocatoruri);

    public boolean getUseQCStatement() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEQCSTATEMENT)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseQCStatement(boolean useqcstatement) {
        data.put(USEQCSTATEMENT, Boolean.valueOf(useqcstatement));

    public boolean getUsePkixQCSyntaxV2() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEPKIXQCSYNTAXV2)).booleanValue();

    public void setUsePkixQCSyntaxV2(boolean pkixqcsyntaxv2) {
        data.put(USEPKIXQCSYNTAXV2, Boolean.valueOf(pkixqcsyntaxv2));

    public boolean getQCStatementCritical() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(QCSTATEMENTCRITICAL)).booleanValue();

    public void setQCStatementCritical(boolean qcstatementcritical) {
        data.put(QCSTATEMENTCRITICAL, Boolean.valueOf(qcstatementcritical));

    /** @return String with RAName or empty string */
    public String getQCStatementRAName() {
        return (String) data.get(QCSTATEMENTRANAME);

    public void setQCStatementRAName(String qcstatementraname) {
        if (qcstatementraname == null) {
            data.put(QCSTATEMENTRANAME, "");
        } else {
            data.put(QCSTATEMENTRANAME, qcstatementraname);

    /** @return String with SemanticsId or empty string */
    public String getQCSemanticsId() {
        return (String) data.get(QCSSEMANTICSID);

    public void setQCSemanticsId(String qcsemanticsid) {
        if (qcsemanticsid == null) {
            data.put(QCSSEMANTICSID, "");
        } else {
            data.put(QCSSEMANTICSID, qcsemanticsid);

    public boolean getUseQCEtsiQCCompliance() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEQCETSIQCCOMPLIANCE)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseQCEtsiQCCompliance(boolean useqcetsiqccompliance) {
        data.put(USEQCETSIQCCOMPLIANCE, Boolean.valueOf(useqcetsiqccompliance));

    public boolean getUseQCEtsiValueLimit() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEQCETSIVALUELIMIT)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseQCEtsiValueLimit(boolean useqcetsivaluelimit) {
        data.put(USEQCETSIVALUELIMIT, Boolean.valueOf(useqcetsivaluelimit));

    public int getQCEtsiValueLimit() {
        return ((Integer) data.get(QCETSIVALUELIMIT)).intValue();

    public void setQCEtsiValueLimit(int qcetsivaluelimit) {
        data.put(QCETSIVALUELIMIT, Integer.valueOf(qcetsivaluelimit));

    public int getQCEtsiValueLimitExp() {
        return ((Integer) data.get(QCETSIVALUELIMITEXP)).intValue();

    public void setQCEtsiValueLimitExp(int qcetsivaluelimitexp) {
        data.put(QCETSIVALUELIMITEXP, Integer.valueOf(qcetsivaluelimitexp));

    /** @return String with Currency or empty string */
    public String getQCEtsiValueLimitCurrency() {
        return (String) data.get(QCETSIVALUELIMITCURRENCY);

    public void setQCEtsiValueLimitCurrency(String qcetsivaluelimitcurrency) {
        if (qcetsivaluelimitcurrency == null) {
            data.put(QCETSIVALUELIMITCURRENCY, "");
        } else {
            data.put(QCETSIVALUELIMITCURRENCY, qcetsivaluelimitcurrency);

    public boolean getUseQCEtsiRetentionPeriod() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEQCETSIRETENTIONPERIOD)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseQCEtsiRetentionPeriod(boolean useqcetsiretentionperiod) {
        data.put(USEQCETSIRETENTIONPERIOD, Boolean.valueOf(useqcetsiretentionperiod));

    public int getQCEtsiRetentionPeriod() {
        return ((Integer) data.get(QCETSIRETENTIONPERIOD)).intValue();

    public void setQCEtsiRetentionPeriod(int qcetsiretentionperiod) {
        data.put(QCETSIRETENTIONPERIOD, Integer.valueOf(qcetsiretentionperiod));

    public boolean getUseQCEtsiSignatureDevice() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEQCETSISIGNATUREDEVICE)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseQCEtsiSignatureDevice(boolean useqcetsisignaturedevice) {
        data.put(USEQCETSISIGNATUREDEVICE, Boolean.valueOf(useqcetsisignaturedevice));

    /** @return String with Type OID or null (or empty string) if it's not to be used (EN 319 412-05)
     * = id-etsi-qct-esign
     * = id-etsi-qct-eseal
     * = id-etsi-qct-web
    public String getQCEtsiType() {
        return (String) data.get(QCETSITYPE);
    public void setQCEtsiType(String qcetsitype) {
        data.put(QCETSITYPE, qcetsitype);

     * Returns the PKI Disclosure Statements (EN 319 412-05) used in this profile, or null if none are present.
    public List getQCEtsiPds() {
        List result = null;
        List pdsList = (List)data.get(QCETSIPDS);
        if (pdsList != null && !pdsList.isEmpty()) {
            result = new ArrayList<>(pdsList.size());
            try {
                for (final PKIDisclosureStatement pds : pdsList) {
                    result.add((PKIDisclosureStatement) pds.clone());
            } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(e);
        return result;

     * Sets the PKI Disclosure Statements (EN 319 412-05).
     * Both null and empty lists are interpreted as an "none".
    public void setQCEtsiPds(final List pds) {
        if (pds == null || pds.isEmpty()) { // never store an empty list
            data.put(QCETSIPDS, null);
        } else {
            data.put(QCETSIPDS, new ArrayList<>(pds));
        // Remove old data from EJBCA < 6.6.1

     * @return true if the PSD2 QC statement should be included, or false (default) if it should not
    public boolean getUseQCPSD2() {
        Boolean ret = ((Boolean) data.get(USEQCPSD2));
        if (ret == null) {
            return false; // default value
        return ret.booleanValue();

    public void setUseQCPSD2(boolean useqcpsd2) {
        data.put(USEQCPSD2, Boolean.valueOf(useqcpsd2));

    public boolean getUseQCCustomString() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEQCCUSTOMSTRING)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseQCCustomString(boolean useqccustomstring) {
        data.put(USEQCCUSTOMSTRING, Boolean.valueOf(useqccustomstring));

    /** @return String with oid or empty string */
    public String getQCCustomStringOid() {
        return (String) data.get(QCCUSTOMSTRINGOID);

    public void setQCCustomStringOid(String qccustomstringoid) {
        if (qccustomstringoid == null) {
            data.put(QCCUSTOMSTRINGOID, "");
        } else {
            data.put(QCCUSTOMSTRINGOID, qccustomstringoid);

    /** @return String with custom text or empty string */
    public String getQCCustomStringText() {
        return (String) data.get(QCCUSTOMSTRINGTEXT);

    public void setQCCustomStringText(String qccustomstringtext) {
        if (qccustomstringtext == null) {
            data.put(QCCUSTOMSTRINGTEXT, "");
        } else {
            data.put(QCCUSTOMSTRINGTEXT, qccustomstringtext);

    public boolean getUseNameConstraints() {
        Boolean b = (Boolean) data.get(USENAMECONSTRAINTS);
        return b != null && b.booleanValue();

    public void setUseNameConstraints(boolean use) {
        data.put(USENAMECONSTRAINTS, Boolean.valueOf(use));

    public boolean getNameConstraintsCritical() {
        Boolean b = (Boolean) data.get(NAMECONSTRAINTSCRITICAL);
        return b != null && b.booleanValue();

    public void setNameConstraintsCritical(boolean use) {
        data.put(NAMECONSTRAINTSCRITICAL, Boolean.valueOf(use));

    public boolean getUseSubjectDirAttributes() {
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USESUBJECTDIRATTRIBUTES)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseSubjectDirAttributes(boolean use) {
        data.put(USESUBJECTDIRATTRIBUTES, Boolean.valueOf(use));

    public void setSingleActiveCertificateConstraint(final boolean enabled) {
        data.put(USERSINGLEACTIVECERTIFICATECONSTRAINT, Boolean.valueOf(enabled));

    public boolean isSingleActiveCertificateConstraint() {
        Object constraintObject = data.get(USERSINGLEACTIVECERTIFICATECONSTRAINT);
        if(constraintObject == null) {
            //For upgrading from versions prior to 6.3.1
            return false;
        } else {
            return ((Boolean) data.get(USERSINGLEACTIVECERTIFICATECONSTRAINT)).booleanValue();

     * Returns which type of terminals are used in this ca/certificate hierarchy.
     * The values correspond to the id-roles-1/2/3 OIDs.
    public int getCVCTerminalType() {
        if (data.get(CVCTERMINALTYPE) == null) {
            return CertificateProfile.CVC_TERMTYPE_IS;
        return ((Integer) data.get(CVCTERMINALTYPE)).intValue();

    public void setCVCTerminalType(int termtype) {
        data.put(CVCTERMINALTYPE, Integer.valueOf(termtype));
    public boolean isCvcTerminalTypeIs() { return getCVCTerminalType() == CertificateProfile.CVC_TERMTYPE_IS; }
    public boolean isCvcTerminalTypeAt() { return getCVCTerminalType() == CertificateProfile.CVC_TERMTYPE_AT; }
    public boolean isCvcTerminalTypeSt() { return getCVCTerminalType() == CertificateProfile.CVC_TERMTYPE_ST; }

    public int getCVCAccessRights() {
        if (data.get(CVCACCESSRIGHTS) == null) {
            return CertificateProfile.CVC_ACCESS_NONE;
        return ((Integer) data.get(CVCACCESSRIGHTS)).intValue();

    public void setCVCAccessRights(int access) {
        data.put(CVCACCESSRIGHTS, Integer.valueOf(access));

     * Used for bitmasks that don't fit in an int.
     * E.g. the 5-byte bitmask for Authentication Terminals
    public byte[] getCVCLongAccessRights() {
        if (data.get(CVCLONGACCESSRIGHTS) == null) {
            return null;
        List rightsList = (List)data.get(CVCLONGACCESSRIGHTS);
        return ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(rightsList.toArray(new Byte[0]));

    public void setCVCLongAccessRights(byte[] access) {
        if (access == null) {
            data.put(CVCLONGACCESSRIGHTS, null);
        } else {
            // Convert to List since byte[] doesn't work with database protection
            data.put(CVCLONGACCESSRIGHTS, new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(ArrayUtils.toObject(access))));

    public int getCVCSignTermDVType() {
        if (data.get(CVCSIGNTERMDVTYPE) == null) {
            return CertificateProfile.CVC_SIGNTERM_DV_CSP;
        return ((Integer) data.get(CVCSIGNTERMDVTYPE)).intValue();

    public void setCVCSignTermDVType(int type) {
        data.put(CVCSIGNTERMDVTYPE, Integer.valueOf(type));

     * Method returning a list of (Integers) of ids of used CUSTOM certificate extensions. I.e. those custom certificate extensions selected for this
     * profile. Never null.
     * Autoupgradable method
    public List getUsedCertificateExtensions() {
        if (data.get(USEDCERTIFICATEEXTENSIONS) == null) {
            return new ArrayList<>();
        return (List) data.get(USEDCERTIFICATEEXTENSIONS);

     * Method setting a list of used certificate extensions a list of Integers containing CertificateExtension Id is expected
     * @param usedCertificateExtensions
    public void setUsedCertificateExtensions(List usedCertificateExtensions) {
        if (usedCertificateExtensions == null) {
            data.put(USEDCERTIFICATEEXTENSIONS, new ArrayList());
        } else {
            data.put(USEDCERTIFICATEEXTENSIONS, usedCertificateExtensions);

     * Function that looks up in the profile all certificate extensions that we should use if the value is that we should use it, the oid for this
     * extension is returned in the list
     * @return List of oid Strings for standard certificate extensions that should be used
    public List getUsedStandardCertificateExtensions() {
        ArrayList ret = new ArrayList<>();
        Iterator iter = useStandardCertificateExtensions.keySet().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            String s =;
            if ((data.get(s) != null) && ((Boolean) data.get(s)).booleanValue()) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Using standard certificate extension: " + s);
            } else {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Not using standard certificate extensions: " + s);
        return ret;

     * @return a List of Integers (CAInfo.REQ_APPROVAL_ constants) of which action that requires approvals, default none, never null
     * @deprecated since 6.8.0. Use getApprovals() instead;
    public List getApprovalSettings() {
        List approvalSettings = (List) data.get(APPROVALSETTINGS);
        if (approvalSettings != null) {
            return approvalSettings;
        } else {
            return new ArrayList<>();

     * List of Integers (CAInfo.REQ_APPROVAL_ constants) of which action that requires approvals
     * @deprecated since 6.8.0. Use setApprovals() instead;
    public void setApprovalSettings(List approvalSettings) {
        data.put(APPROVALSETTINGS, approvalSettings);

     * Returns the number of different administrators that needs to approve an action, default 1.
     * @deprecated since 6.6.0, use the appropriate approval profile instead
     * Needed for a while in order to be able to import old statedumps from 6.5 and earlier
    public int getNumOfReqApprovals() {
        Integer result = (Integer) data.get(NUMOFREQAPPROVALS);
        if(result != null) {
            return result.intValue();
        } else {
            return 1;

     * The number of different administrators that needs to approve
     * @deprecated since 6.6.0, use the appropriate approval profile instead
     * Needed for a while in order to be able to import old statedumps from 6.5 and earlier
    public void setNumOfReqApprovals(int numOfReqApprovals) {
        data.put(NUMOFREQAPPROVALS, Integer.valueOf(numOfReqApprovals));

     * @return the id of the approval profile. ID -1 means  that no approval profile was set
     * @deprecated since 6.8.0. Use getApprovals() instead;
    public int getApprovalProfileID() {
        Integer approvalProfileId = (Integer) data.get(APPROVALPROFILE);
        if(approvalProfileId != null) {
            return approvalProfileId.intValue();
        } else {
            return -1;

     * @return the ID of an approval profile
     * @deprecated since 6.8.0. Use setApprovals() instead;
    public void setApprovalProfileID(int approvalProfileID) {
        data.put(APPROVALPROFILE, Integer.valueOf(approvalProfileID));

    public void setApprovals(Map approvals) {
        if(approvals == null) {
            approvals = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        // We must store this as a predictable order map in the database, in order for databaseprotection to work
        data.put(APPROVALS, new LinkedHashMap(approvals));

     * @return a map of approvals, mapped as approval setting (as defined in this class) : approval profile ID. Never returns null.
    public Map getApprovals() {
        if (data.get(APPROVALS) == null) {
            Map approvals = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            int approvalProfileId = getApprovalProfileID();
            if(approvalProfileId != -1) {
                for(int approvalSetting : getApprovalSettings()) {
                    approvals.put(ApprovalRequestType.getFromIntegerValue(approvalSetting), approvalProfileId);
        return (Map) data.get(APPROVALS);

     * @return If the PrivateKeyUsagePeriod extension should be used and with the notBefore component.
    public boolean isUsePrivateKeyUsagePeriodNotBefore() {
        if (data.get(USEPRIVKEYUSAGEPERIODNOTAFTER) == null) {
            return false;
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEPRIVKEYUSAGEPERIODNOTBEFORE)).booleanValue();

     * Sets if the PrivateKeyUsagePeriod extension should be used and with
     * the notBefore component.
     * Setting this to true means that there will be an PrivateKeyUsagePeriod
     * extension and that it also at least will contain an notBefore component.
     * Setting this to false means that the extension will not contain an
     * notBefore component. In that case if there will be an extension depends
     * on if {@link #isUsePrivateKeyUsagePeriodNotAfter()} is true.
     * @param use True if the notBefore component should be used.
    public void setUsePrivateKeyUsagePeriodNotBefore(final boolean use) {
            data.put(USEPRIVKEYUSAGEPERIOD, use || isUsePrivateKeyUsagePeriodNotAfter());

     * @return If the PrivateKeyUsagePeriod extension should be used and with the notAfter component.
    public boolean isUsePrivateKeyUsagePeriodNotAfter() {
        if (data.get(USEPRIVKEYUSAGEPERIODNOTAFTER) == null) {
            return false;
        return ((Boolean) data.get(USEPRIVKEYUSAGEPERIODNOTAFTER)).booleanValue();

     * Sets if the PrivateKeyUsagePeriod extension should be used and with
     * the notAfter component.
     * Setting this to true means that there will be an PrivateKeyUsagePeriod
     * extension and that it also at least will contain an notAfter component.
     * Setting this to false means that the extension will not contain an
     * notAfter component. In that case if there will be an extension depends
     * on if {@link #isUsePrivateKeyUsagePeriodNotBefore()} is true.
     * @param use True if the notAfter component should be used.
    public void setUsePrivateKeyUsagePeriodNotAfter(final boolean use) {
            data.put(USEPRIVKEYUSAGEPERIOD, use || isUsePrivateKeyUsagePeriodNotBefore());

     * @return How long (in seconds) after the certificate's notBefore date the
     * PrivateKeyUsagePeriod's notBefore date should be.
    public long getPrivateKeyUsagePeriodStartOffset() {
            return ((Long) data.get(PRIVKEYUSAGEPERIODSTARTOFFSET)).longValue();

     * Sets how long (in seconds) after the certificate's notBefore date the PrivateKeyUsagePeriod's notBefore date should be.
     * @param start Offset from certificate issuance.
    public void setPrivateKeyUsagePeriodStartOffset(final long start) {

     * @return The private key usage period (private key validity) length (in seconds).
    public long getPrivateKeyUsagePeriodLength() {
        return ((Long) data.get(PRIVKEYUSAGEPERIODLENGTH)).longValue();

     * Sets the private key usage period (private key validity) length (in seconds).
     * @param validity The length.
    public void setPrivateKeyUsagePeriodLength(final long validity) {
        data.put(PRIVKEYUSAGEPERIODLENGTH, validity);

     * Whether Certificate Transparency (CT) should be used when generating new certificates. CT is specified in RFC 6962
    public boolean isUseCertificateTransparencyInCerts() {
        if (data.get(USECERTIFICATETRANSPARENCYINCERTS) == null) {
            return false;
        return ((Boolean)data.get(USECERTIFICATETRANSPARENCYINCERTS)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseCertificateTransparencyInCerts(boolean use) {

     * Whether Certificate Transparency (CT) should be used in OCSP responses. CT is specified in RFC 6962
    public boolean isUseCertificateTransparencyInOCSP() {
        if (data.get(USECERTIFICATETRANSPARENCYINOCSP) == null) {
            return false;
        return ((Boolean)data.get(USECERTIFICATETRANSPARENCYINOCSP)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseCertificateTransparencyInOCSP(boolean use) {

     * Whether Certificate Transparency (CT) should be used in publishers.
     * You have to create a publisher and enable it in the profile also!
    public boolean isUseCertificateTransparencyInPublishers() {
            // Default to being enabled if CT in OCSP was enabled
            return isUseCertificateTransparencyInOCSP();
        return ((Boolean)data.get(USECERTIFICATETRANSPARENCYINPUBLISHERS)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseCertificateTransparencyInPublishers(boolean use) {
    public boolean isCtEnabled() {
        return isUseCertificateTransparencyInCerts() ||
            isUseCertificateTransparencyInOCSP() ||

    public boolean isNumberOfSctByValidity() {
        if (data.get(CT_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_VALIDITY) == null) {
            // Default value
            return true;
        return (Boolean)data.get(CT_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_VALIDITY);
    public void setNumberOfSctByValidity(boolean use) {
        data.put(CT_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_VALIDITY, use);

    public boolean isNumberOfSctByCustom() {
        if (data.get(CT_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_CUSTOM) == null) {
            // Default value
            return false;
        return (Boolean)data.get(CT_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_CUSTOM);
    public void setNumberOfSctByCustom(boolean use) {
        data.put(CT_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_CUSTOM, use);
    public String getNumberOfSctBy() {
        if (isNumberOfSctByValidity()) {
            return CT_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_VALIDITY;
    public void setNumberOfSctBy(String choice) {
        if (CT_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_VALIDITY.equals(choice)) {
        } else {
    public String getMaxNumberOfSctBy() {
        if (isMaxNumberOfSctByValidity()) {
            return CT_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_VALIDITY;
    public void setMaxNumberOfSctBy(String choice) {
        if (CT_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_VALIDITY.equals(choice)) {
        } else {
    public boolean isMaxNumberOfSctByValidity() {
        if (data.get(CT_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_VALIDITY) == null) {
            // Default value
            return false;
        return (Boolean)data.get(CT_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_VALIDITY);
    public void setMaxNumberOfSctByValidity(boolean use) {
        data.put(CT_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_VALIDITY, use);
    public boolean isMaxNumberOfSctByCustom() {
        if (data.get(CT_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_CUSTOM) == null) {
            // Default value
            return true;
        return (Boolean)data.get(CT_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_CUSTOM);
    public void setMaxNumberOfSctByCustom(boolean use) {
        data.put(CT_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SCTS_BY_CUSTOM, use);
     * Whether existing certificates should be submitted by the CT publisher and the CT OCSP extension class.
    public boolean isUseCTSubmitExisting() {
        if (data.get(CTSUBMITEXISTING) == null) {
            return true;
        return ((Boolean)data.get(CTSUBMITEXISTING)).booleanValue();

    public void setUseCTSubmitExisting(boolean use) {
        data.put(CTSUBMITEXISTING, use);

     * Gets the IDs of the CT logs that are activated in this profile.
    public Set getEnabledCTLogs() {
        if (data.get(CTLOGS) == null) {
            return new LinkedHashSet<>();

        return (Set)data.get(CTLOGS);

    /** Sets the enabled CT logs. NOTE: The argument must be a LinkedHashSet, since order is important */
    public void setEnabledCTLogs(LinkedHashSet logIds) {
        data.put(CTLOGS, new LinkedHashSet<>(logIds));

    public Set getEnabledCtLabels() {
        if (data.get(CTLABELS) == null) {
            return new LinkedHashSet<>();
        return (Set)data.get(CTLABELS);
    public void setEnabledCTLabels(LinkedHashSet ctLabels) {
        data.put(CTLABELS, ctLabels);

Number of CT logs to require an SCT from, or it will be considered an error. If zero, CT is completely optional and * ignored if no log servers can be contacted.


This value is used for certificates and publishers. For OCSP responses, @see CertificateProfile#getCtMinTotalSctsOcsp *

* @return the total number of SCTs required */ @Deprecated public int getCtMinTotalScts() { if (data.get(CT_MIN_TOTAL_SCTS) == null) { return 0; // setting is OFF } return (Integer) data.get(CT_MIN_TOTAL_SCTS); } /** @param value minimum number of SCTs required in total */ @Deprecated public void setCtMinTotalScts(int value) { data.put(CT_MIN_TOTAL_SCTS, value); } /** @see CertificateProfile#getCtMinTotalScts */ @Deprecated public int getCtMinTotalSctsOcsp() { if (data.get(CT_MIN_TOTAL_SCTS_OCSP) == null) { return getCtMinTotalScts(); } return (Integer) data.get(CT_MIN_TOTAL_SCTS_OCSP); } /** @param value minimum number of SCTs for OCSP responses required in total */ @Deprecated public void setCtMinTotalSctsOcsp(int value) { data.put(CT_MIN_TOTAL_SCTS_OCSP, value); } /** *

Number of SCTs retrieved after which we will stop contacting non-mandatory log servers.

* @return the maximum number of non-mandatory SCTs */ @Deprecated public int getCtMaxNonMandatoryScts() { if (data.get(CT_MAX_NONMANDATORY_SCTS) == null) { if (data.get(CT_MAX_SCTS) == null) {"CT_MAX_NON_MANDATORY_SCTS is null => legacy value is also null, using 1 log as default."); return 1; }"CT_MAX_NON_MANDATORY_SCTS is null => using legacy value: " + data.get(CT_MAX_SCTS)); return (Integer) data.get(CT_MAX_SCTS); } return (Integer) data.get(CT_MAX_NONMANDATORY_SCTS); } /** @param value the maximum number of non-mandatory SCTs */ @Deprecated public void setCtMaxNonMandatoryScts(int value) { data.put(CT_MAX_NONMANDATORY_SCTS, value); } /** @see CertificateProfile#getCtMaxNonMandatoryScts */ @Deprecated public int getCtMaxNonMandatorySctsOcsp() { if (data.get(CT_MAX_NONMANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP) == null) { if (data.get(CT_MAX_SCTS_OCSP) == null) {"CT_MAX_NON_MANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP is null => legacy value is also null, using 1 log as default."); return 1; }"CT_MAX_NON_MANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP is null => using legacy value: " + data.get(CT_MAX_SCTS_OCSP)); return (Integer) data.get(CT_MAX_SCTS_OCSP); } return (Integer) data.get(CT_MAX_NONMANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP); } /** @param value maximum value number of non-mandatory SCTs for OCSP responses */ @Deprecated public void setCtMaxNonMandatorySctsOcsp(int value) { data.put(CT_MAX_NONMANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP, value); } /** *

Number of CT logs marked as "not mandatory" to require an SCT from, or it will be considered an error. Default is zero logs.


For publishers, certificates are submitted to all enabled logs.

*/ @Deprecated public int getCtMinNonMandatoryScts() { if (data.get(CT_MIN_NONMANDATORY_SCTS) == null) { return getCtMinTotalScts(); } return (Integer) data.get(CT_MIN_NONMANDATORY_SCTS); } /** @param value minimum number of non-mandatory SCTs */ @Deprecated public void setCtMinNonMandatoryScts(int value) { data.put(CT_MIN_NONMANDATORY_SCTS, value); } /** @see CertificateProfile#getCtMinNonMandatoryScts */ @Deprecated public int getCtMinNonMandatorySctsOcsp() { if (data.get(CT_MIN_NONMANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP) == null) { return getCtMinNonMandatoryScts(); } return (Integer) data.get(CT_MIN_NONMANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP); } /** @param value minimum number of non-mandatory SCTs */ @Deprecated public void setCtMinNonMandatorySctsOcsp(int value) { data.put(CT_MIN_NONMANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP, value); } public int getCtMinScts() { if (data.get(CT_SCTS_MIN) == null) { return getCtMinTotalScts(); } return (Integer) data.get(CT_SCTS_MIN); } public void setCtMinScts(int value) { data.put(CT_SCTS_MIN, value); } public int getCtMaxScts() { if (data.get(CT_SCTS_MAX) == null) { return getCtMinTotalScts(); } return (Integer) data.get(CT_SCTS_MAX); } public void setCtMaxScts(int value) { data.put(CT_SCTS_MAX, value); } public int getCtMinSctsOcsp() { if (data.get(CT_SCTS_MIN_OCSP) == null) { return getCtMinTotalScts(); } return (Integer) data.get(CT_SCTS_MIN_OCSP); } public void setCtMinSctsOcsp(int value) { data.put(CT_SCTS_MIN_OCSP, value); } public int getCtMaxSctsOcsp() { if (data.get(CT_SCTS_MAX_OCSP) == null) { return getCtMinTotalScts(); } return (Integer) data.get(CT_SCTS_MAX_OCSP); } public void setCtMaxSctsOcsp(int value) { data.put(CT_SCTS_MAX_OCSP, value); } /** Number of times to retry connecting to a Certificate Transparency log */ public int getCTMaxRetries() { if (data.get(CTMAXRETRIES) == null) { return 0; } return (Integer)data.get(CTMAXRETRIES); } public void setCTMaxRetries(int numRetries) { data.put(CTMAXRETRIES, numRetries); } /** * Usage only intended for post upgrade! * Removes CT data prior to EJBCA 6.10.1 from certificate profile. * */ public void removeLegacyCtData() { if (data.get(CT_MAX_SCTS) != null) { data.remove(CT_MAX_SCTS); } if (data.get(CT_MAX_SCTS_OCSP) != null) { data.remove(CT_MAX_SCTS_OCSP); } if (data.get(CT_MIN_MANDATORY_SCTS) != null) { data.remove(CT_MIN_MANDATORY_SCTS); } if (data.get(CT_MAX_MANDATORY_SCTS) != null) { data.remove(CT_MAX_MANDATORY_SCTS); } if (data.get(CT_MIN_MANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP) != null) { data.remove(CT_MIN_MANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP); } if (data.get(CT_MAX_MANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP) != null) { data.remove(CT_MAX_MANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP); } if (data.get(CT_MIN_NONMANDATORY_SCTS) != null) { data.remove(CT_MIN_NONMANDATORY_SCTS); } if (data.get(CT_MAX_NONMANDATORY_SCTS) != null) { data.remove(CT_MAX_NONMANDATORY_SCTS); } if (data.get(CT_MIN_NONMANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP) != null) { data.remove(CT_MIN_NONMANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP); } if (data.get(CT_MAX_NONMANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP) != null) { data.remove(CT_MAX_NONMANDATORY_SCTS_OCSP); } } /** * Checks that a public key fulfills the policy in the CertificateProfile * * @param publicKey PublicKey to verify * @throws IllegalKeyException if the PublicKey does not fulfill policy in CertificateProfile */ public void verifyKey(final PublicKey publicKey) throws IllegalKeyException { final String keyAlgorithm = AlgorithmTools.getKeyAlgorithm(publicKey); final int keyLength = KeyTools.getKeyLength(publicKey); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("KeyAlgorithm: " + keyAlgorithm + " KeyLength: " + keyLength); } // Verify that the key algorithm is compliant with the certificate profile if (!getAvailableKeyAlgorithmsAsList().contains(keyAlgorithm)) { if(log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("List of available algorithms " + getAvailableKeyAlgorithmsAsList() + " does not contain the on of the public key: " + keyAlgorithm); } throw new IllegalKeyException(intres.getLocalizedMessage("createcert.illegalkeyalgorithm", keyAlgorithm)); } if (AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_ECDSA.equals(keyAlgorithm)) { final List availableEcCurves = getAvailableEcCurvesAsList(); final String keySpecification = AlgorithmTools.getKeySpecification(publicKey); for (final String ecNamedCurveAlias : AlgorithmTools.getEcKeySpecAliases(keySpecification)) { if (availableEcCurves.contains(ecNamedCurveAlias)) { // Curve is allowed, so we don't check key strength return; } } if (!availableEcCurves.contains(ANY_EC_CURVE)) { // Curve will never be allowed by bit length check throw new IllegalKeyException(intres.getLocalizedMessage("createcert.illegaleccurve", keySpecification)); } } // Verify key length that it is compliant with certificate profile if (keyLength == -1) { throw new IllegalKeyException(intres.getLocalizedMessage("createcert.unsupportedkeytype", publicKey.getClass().getName())); } if ((keyLength < (getMinimumAvailableBitLength() - 1)) || (keyLength > (getMaximumAvailableBitLength()))) { throw new IllegalKeyException(intres.getLocalizedMessage("createcert.illegalkeylength", Integer.valueOf(keyLength))); } } /** * Checks that provided caId is allowed. * * @param caId caId to verify * @return Returns true, if caId belongs to availableCas or if any CA is allowed (-1 is in availableCAs list) */ public boolean isCaAllowed(int caId) { List availableCAs = getAvailableCAs(); return availableCAs.contains(-1) || availableCAs.contains(caId); } @Override public CertificateProfile clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { final CertificateProfile clone = new CertificateProfile(0); // We need to make a deep copy of the hashmap here = new LinkedHashMap<>(data.size()); for (final Entry entry : data.entrySet()) { Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value instanceof ArrayList) { // We need to make a clone of this object, but the stored immutables can still be referenced value = ((ArrayList)value).clone(); }, value); } return clone; } /** Implementation of UpgradableDataHashMap function getLatestVersion */ @Override public float getLatestVersion() { return LATEST_VERSION; } /** * Function setting the current version of the class data. Used for JUnit testing */ protected void setVersion(float version) { data.put(VERSION, Float.valueOf(version)); } /** * Implementation of UpgradableDataHashMap function upgrade. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public void upgrade() { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(">upgrade: " + getLatestVersion() + ", " + getVersion()); } if (, getVersion()) != 0) { // New version of the class, upgrade String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("certprofile.upgrade", new Float(getVersion()));; if (data.get(ALLOWKEYUSAGEOVERRIDE) == null) { data.put(ALLOWKEYUSAGEOVERRIDE, Boolean.TRUE); } if (data.get(USEEXTENDEDKEYUSAGE) == null) { data.put(USEEXTENDEDKEYUSAGE, Boolean.FALSE); } if (data.get(EXTENDEDKEYUSAGE) == null) { data.put(EXTENDEDKEYUSAGE, new ArrayList()); } if (data.get(EXTENDEDKEYUSAGECRITICAL) == null) { data.put(EXTENDEDKEYUSAGECRITICAL, Boolean.FALSE); } if (data.get(AVAILABLECAS) == null) { ArrayList availablecas = new ArrayList<>(); availablecas.add(Integer.valueOf(ANYCA)); data.put(AVAILABLECAS, availablecas); } if (data.get(USEDPUBLISHERS) == null) { data.put(USEDPUBLISHERS, new ArrayList()); } if ( (data.get(USEOCSPSERVICELOCATOR) == null) && (data.get(USEAUTHORITYINFORMATIONACCESS) == null) ) { // Only set this flag if we have not already set the new flag USEAUTHORITYINFORMATIONACCESS // setUseOCSPServiceLocator(false); data.put(USEOCSPSERVICELOCATOR, Boolean.FALSE); setOCSPServiceLocatorURI(""); } if (data.get(USEMICROSOFTTEMPLATE) == null) { setUseMicrosoftTemplate(false); setMicrosoftTemplate(""); } if (data.get(USECNPOSTFIX) == null) { setUseCNPostfix(false); setCNPostfix(""); } if (data.get(USESUBJECTDNSUBSET) == null) { setUseSubjectDNSubSet(false); setSubjectDNSubSet(new ArrayList()); setUseSubjectAltNameSubSet(false); setSubjectAltNameSubSet(new ArrayList()); } if (data.get(USEPATHLENGTHCONSTRAINT) == null) { setUsePathLengthConstraint(false); setPathLengthConstraint(0); } if (data.get(USEQCSTATEMENT) == null) { setUseQCStatement(false); setUsePkixQCSyntaxV2(false); setQCStatementCritical(false); setQCStatementRAName(null); setQCSemanticsId(null); setUseQCEtsiQCCompliance(false); setUseQCEtsiSignatureDevice(false); setUseQCEtsiValueLimit(false); setUseQCEtsiRetentionPeriod(false); setQCEtsiRetentionPeriod(0); setQCEtsiValueLimit(0); setQCEtsiValueLimitExp(0); setQCEtsiValueLimitCurrency(null); } if (data.get(USEDEFAULTCRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINT) == null) { setUseDefaultCRLDistributionPoint(false); setUseDefaultOCSPServiceLocator(false); } if (data.get(USEQCCUSTOMSTRING) == null) { setUseQCCustomString(false); setQCCustomStringOid(null); setQCCustomStringText(null); } if (data.get(USESUBJECTDIRATTRIBUTES) == null) { setUseSubjectDirAttributes(false); } if (data.get(ALLOWVALIDITYOVERRIDE) == null) { setAllowValidityOverride(false); } if (data.get(CRLISSUER) == null) { setCRLIssuer(null); // v20 } if (data.get(USEOCSPNOCHECK) == null) { setUseOcspNoCheck(false); // v21 } if (data.get(USEFRESHESTCRL) == null) { setUseFreshestCRL(false); // v22 setUseCADefinedFreshestCRL(false); setFreshestCRLURI(null); } if (data.get(CERTIFICATE_POLICIES) == null) { // v23 if (data.get(CERTIFICATEPOLICYID) != null) { String ids = (String) data.get(CERTIFICATEPOLICYID); String unotice = null; String cpsuri = null; if (data.get(POLICY_NOTICE_UNOTICE_TEXT) != null) { unotice = (String) data.get(POLICY_NOTICE_UNOTICE_TEXT); } if (data.get(POLICY_NOTICE_CPS_URL) != null) { cpsuri = (String) data.get(POLICY_NOTICE_CPS_URL); } // Only the first policy could have user notice and cpsuri in the old scheme StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(ids, ";", false); if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String id = tokenizer.nextToken(); CertificatePolicy newpolicy = null; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(unotice)) { newpolicy = new CertificatePolicy(id, CertificatePolicy.id_qt_unotice, unotice); addCertificatePolicy(newpolicy); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(cpsuri)) { newpolicy = new CertificatePolicy(id, CertificatePolicy.id_qt_cps, cpsuri); addCertificatePolicy(newpolicy); } // If it was a lonely policy id if (newpolicy == null) { newpolicy = new CertificatePolicy(id, null, null); addCertificatePolicy(newpolicy); } } while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String id = tokenizer.nextToken(); CertificatePolicy newpolicy = new CertificatePolicy(id, null, null); addCertificatePolicy(newpolicy); } } } if ( (data.get(USECAISSUERS) == null) && (data.get(USEAUTHORITYINFORMATIONACCESS) == null) ) { // Only set this flag if we have not already set the new flag USEAUTHORITYINFORMATIONACCESS // setUseCaIssuers(false); // v24 data.put(USECAISSUERS, Boolean.FALSE); // v24 setCaIssuers(new ArrayList()); } if ( ((data.get(USEOCSPSERVICELOCATOR) != null) || (data.get(USECAISSUERS) != null)) && (data.get(USEAUTHORITYINFORMATIONACCESS) == null) ) { // Only do this if we have not already set the new flag USEAUTHORITYINFORMATIONACCESS boolean ocsp = false; if ((data.get(USEOCSPSERVICELOCATOR) != null)) { ocsp = ((Boolean) data.get(USEOCSPSERVICELOCATOR)).booleanValue(); } boolean caissuers = false; if ((data.get(USECAISSUERS) != null)) { caissuers = ((Boolean) data.get(USECAISSUERS)).booleanValue(); } if (ocsp || caissuers) { setUseAuthorityInformationAccess(true); // v25 } else { setUseAuthorityInformationAccess(false); // v25 } } else if (data.get(USEAUTHORITYINFORMATIONACCESS) == null) { setUseAuthorityInformationAccess(false); } if (data.get(ALLOWEXTENSIONOVERRIDE) == null) { setAllowExtensionOverride(false); // v26 } if (data.get(USEQCETSIRETENTIONPERIOD) == null) { setUseQCEtsiRetentionPeriod(false); // v27 setQCEtsiRetentionPeriod(0); } if (data.get(CVCACCESSRIGHTS) == null) { setCVCAccessRights(CertificateProfile.CVC_ACCESS_NONE); // v28 } if (data.get(USELDAPDNORDER) == null) { setUseLdapDnOrder(true); // v29, default value is true } if (data.get(USECARDNUMBER) == null) { // v30, default value is false setUseCardNumber(false); } if (data.get(ALLOWDNOVERRIDE) == null) { setAllowDNOverride(false); // v31 } if (data.get(NUMOFREQAPPROVALS) == null) { // v 33 setNumOfReqApprovals(1); } if (data.get(APPROVALSETTINGS) == null) { // v 33 setApprovalSettings(new ArrayList()); } if (data.get(SIGNATUREALGORITHM) == null) { // v 34 setSignatureAlgorithm(null); } if (data.get(USEPRIVKEYUSAGEPERIODNOTBEFORE) == null) { // v 35 setUsePrivateKeyUsagePeriodNotBefore(false); } if (data.get(USEPRIVKEYUSAGEPERIODNOTAFTER) == null) { // v 35 setUsePrivateKeyUsagePeriodNotAfter(false); } if (data.get(PRIVKEYUSAGEPERIODSTARTOFFSET) == null) { // v 35 setPrivateKeyUsagePeriodStartOffset(DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_USAGE_PERIOD_OFFSET); } if (data.get(PRIVKEYUSAGEPERIODLENGTH) == null) { // v 35 setPrivateKeyUsagePeriodLength(DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_USAGE_PERIOD_LENGTH); } if(data.get(USEISSUERALTERNATIVENAME) == null) { // v 36 setUseIssuerAlternativeName(false); } if(data.get(ISSUERALTERNATIVENAMECRITICAL) == null) { // v 36 setIssuerAlternativeNameCritical(false); } if(data.get(USEDOCUMENTTYPELIST) == null) { // v 37 setUseDocumentTypeList(false); } if(data.get(DOCUMENTTYPELISTCRITICAL) == null) { // v 37 setDocumentTypeListCritical(false); } if(data.get(DOCUMENTTYPELIST) == null) { // v 37 setDocumentTypeList(new ArrayList()); } if(data.get(AVAILABLEKEYALGORITHMS) == null) { // v 39 // Make some intelligent guesses what key algorithm this profile is used for final List availableKeyAlgorithms = AlgorithmTools.getAvailableKeyAlgorithms(); if (getMinimumAvailableBitLength()>521) { availableKeyAlgorithms.remove(AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_ECDSA); availableKeyAlgorithms.remove(AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_DSTU4145); availableKeyAlgorithms.remove(AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_ECGOST3410); } if (getMinimumAvailableBitLength()>1024 || getMaximumAvailableBitLength()<1024) { availableKeyAlgorithms.remove(AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_DSA); } if (getMaximumAvailableBitLength()<1024) { availableKeyAlgorithms.remove(AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA); } setAvailableKeyAlgorithmsAsList(availableKeyAlgorithms); } if (data.get(AVAILABLEECCURVES) == null) { // v 40 setAvailableEcCurves(new String[]{ ANY_EC_CURVE }); } if(data.get(APPROVALPROFILE) == null) { // v41 setApprovalProfileID(-1); } // v42. ETSI QC Type and PDS specified in EN 319 412-05. // Nothing to set though, since null values means to not use the new values // v43, ECA-5304. if (data.get(USEDEFAULTCAISSUER) == null) { setUseDefaultCAIssuer(false); } // v44. ECA-5141 // 'encodedValidity' is derived by the former long value! if(null == data.get(ENCODED_VALIDITY)) { if (data.get(VALIDITY) != null) { // avoid NPE if this is a very raw profile setEncodedValidity(ValidityDate.getStringBeforeVersion661(getValidity())); } // Don't upgrade to anything is there was nothing to upgrade } // v44. ECA-5330 // initialize fields for expiration restriction for weekdays. use is false because of backward compatibility, the before restriction default is true if(null == data.get(USE_EXPIRATION_RESTRICTION_FOR_WEEKDAYS)) { setUseExpirationRestrictionForWeekdays(false); } if(null == data.get(EXPIRATION_RESTRICTION_WEEKDAYS)) { setDefaultExpirationRestrictionWeekdays(); } if(null == data.get(EXPIRATION_RESTRICTION_FOR_WEEKDAYS_BEFORE)) { setExpirationRestrictionForWeekdaysExpireBefore(true); } // v44. ECA-3554 // initialize default certificate not before offset (default '-10m' because of backward compatibility). if(null == data.get(USE_CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY_OFFSET)) { setUseCertificateValidityOffset(false); } if(null == data.get(CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY_OFFSET)) { setCertificateValidityOffset(DEFAULT_CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY_OFFSET); } // v45: Multiple ETSI QC PDS values (ECA-5478) if (!data.containsKey(QCETSIPDS)) { final String url = (String) data.get(QCETSIPDSURL); final String lang = (String) data.get(QCETSIPDSLANG); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(url)) { final List pdsList = new ArrayList<>(); pdsList.add(new PKIDisclosureStatement(url, lang)); data.put(QCETSIPDS, pdsList); } else { data.put(QCETSIPDS, null); } } // v46: approvals changed type to LinkedHashMap setApprovals(getApprovals()); data.put(VERSION, new Float(LATEST_VERSION)); } log.trace("