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org.ejml.dense.row.RandomMatrices_DDRM Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (c) 2009-2020, Peter Abeles. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file is part of Efficient Java Matrix Library (EJML).
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.ejml.dense.row;

import org.ejml.dense.row.mult.SubmatrixOps_DDRM;
import org.ejml.dense.row.mult.VectorVectorMult_DDRM;

import java.util.Random;

 * Contains a list of functions for creating random row real matrices and vectors with different structures.
 * @author Peter Abeles
public class RandomMatrices_DDRM {


* Creates a randomly generated set of orthonormal vectors. At most it can generate the same * number of vectors as the dimension of the vectors. *

* *

* This is done by creating random vectors then ensuring that they are orthogonal * to all the ones previously created with reflectors. *

* *

* NOTE: This employs a brute force O(N3) algorithm. *

* * @param dimen dimension of the space which the vectors will span. * @param numVectors How many vectors it should generate. * @param rand Used to create random vectors. * @return Array of N random orthogonal vectors of unit length. */ // is there a faster algorithm out there? This one is a bit sluggish public static DMatrixRMaj[] span(int dimen, int numVectors , Random rand ) { if( dimen < numVectors ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of vectors must be less than or equal to the dimension"); DMatrixRMaj u[] = new DMatrixRMaj[numVectors]; u[0] = RandomMatrices_DDRM.rectangle(dimen,1,-1,1,rand); NormOps_DDRM.normalizeF(u[0]); for( int i = 1; i < numVectors; i++ ) { // System.out.println(" i = "+i); DMatrixRMaj a = new DMatrixRMaj(dimen,1); DMatrixRMaj r=null; for( int j = 0; j < i; j++ ) { // System.out.println("j = "+j); if( j == 0 ) r = RandomMatrices_DDRM.rectangle(dimen,1,-1,1,rand); // find a vector that is normal to vector j // u[i] = (1/2)*(r + Q[j]*r) a.set(r); VectorVectorMult_DDRM.householder(-2.0,u[j],r,a); CommonOps_DDRM.add(r,a,a); CommonOps_DDRM.scale(0.5,a); // UtilEjml.print(a); DMatrixRMaj t = a; a = r; r = t; // normalize it so it doesn't get too small double val = NormOps_DDRM.normF(r); if( val == 0 || Double.isNaN(val) || Double.isInfinite(val)) throw new RuntimeException("Failed sanity check"); CommonOps_DDRM.divide(r,val); } u[i] = r; } return u; } /** * Creates a random vector that is inside the specified span. * * @param span The span the random vector belongs in. * @param rand RNG * @return A random vector within the specified span. */ public static DMatrixRMaj insideSpan(DMatrixRMaj[] span , double min , double max , Random rand ) { DMatrixRMaj A = new DMatrixRMaj(span.length,1); DMatrixRMaj B = new DMatrixRMaj(span[0].getNumElements(),1); for( int i = 0; i < span.length; i++ ) { B.set(span[i]); double val = rand.nextDouble()*(max-min)+min; CommonOps_DDRM.scale(val,B); CommonOps_DDRM.add(A,B,A); } return A; } /** *

* Creates a random orthogonal or isometric matrix, depending on the number of rows and columns. * The number of rows must be more than or equal to the number of columns. *

* * @param numRows Number of rows in the generated matrix. * @param numCols Number of columns in the generated matrix. * @param rand Random number generator used to create matrices. * @return A new isometric matrix. */ public static DMatrixRMaj orthogonal(int numRows , int numCols , Random rand ) { if( numRows < numCols ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of rows must be more than or equal to the number of columns"); } DMatrixRMaj u[] = span(numRows,numCols,rand); DMatrixRMaj ret = new DMatrixRMaj(numRows,numCols); for( int i = 0; i < numCols; i++ ) { SubmatrixOps_DDRM.setSubMatrix(u[i], ret, 0, 0, 0, i, numRows, 1); } return ret; } /** * Creates a random diagonal matrix where the diagonal elements are selected from a uniform * distribution that goes from min to max. * * @param N Dimension of the matrix. * @param min Minimum value of a diagonal element. * @param max Maximum value of a diagonal element. * @param rand Random number generator. * @return A random diagonal matrix. */ public static DMatrixRMaj diagonal(int N , double min , double max , Random rand ) { return diagonal(N,N,min,max,rand); } /** * Creates a random matrix where all elements are zero but diagonal elements. Diagonal elements * randomly drawn from a uniform distribution from min to max, inclusive. * * @param numRows Number of rows in the returned matrix.. * @param numCols Number of columns in the returned matrix. * @param min Minimum value of a diagonal element. * @param max Maximum value of a diagonal element. * @param rand Random number generator. * @return A random diagonal matrix. */ public static DMatrixRMaj diagonal(int numRows , int numCols , double min , double max , Random rand ) { if( max < min ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The max must be >= the min"); DMatrixRMaj ret = new DMatrixRMaj(numRows,numCols); int N = Math.min(numRows,numCols); double r = max-min; for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) { ret.set(i,i, rand.nextDouble()*r+min); } return ret; } /** *

* Creates a random matrix which will have the provided singular values. The length of sv * is assumed to be the rank of the matrix. This can be useful for testing purposes when one * needs to ensure that a matrix is not singular but randomly generated. *

* * @param numRows Number of rows in generated matrix. * @param numCols NUmber of columns in generated matrix. * @param rand Random number generator. * @param sv Singular values of the matrix. * @return A new matrix with the specified singular values. */ public static DMatrixRMaj singular(int numRows, int numCols, Random rand, double { DMatrixRMaj U,V,S; // speed it up in compact format if( numRows > numCols ) { U = RandomMatrices_DDRM.orthogonal(numRows, numCols, rand); V = RandomMatrices_DDRM.orthogonal(numCols, numCols, rand); S = new DMatrixRMaj(numCols, numCols); } else { U = RandomMatrices_DDRM.orthogonal(numRows, numRows, rand); V = RandomMatrices_DDRM.orthogonal(numCols, numCols, rand); S = new DMatrixRMaj(numRows, numCols); } int min = Math.min(numRows,numCols); min = Math.min(min,sv.length); for( int i = 0; i < min; i++ ) { S.set(i,i,sv[i]); } DMatrixRMaj tmp = new DMatrixRMaj(numRows,numCols); CommonOps_DDRM.mult(U,S,tmp); S.reshape(numRows,numCols); CommonOps_DDRM.multTransB(tmp,V,S); return S; } /** * Creates a new random symmetric matrix that will have the specified real eigenvalues. * * @param num Dimension of the resulting matrix. * @param rand Random number generator. * @param eigenvalues Set of real eigenvalues that the matrix will have. * @return A random matrix with the specified eigenvalues. */ public static DMatrixRMaj symmetricWithEigenvalues(int num, Random rand , double ...eigenvalues ) { DMatrixRMaj V = RandomMatrices_DDRM.orthogonal(num,num,rand); DMatrixRMaj D = CommonOps_DDRM.diag(eigenvalues); DMatrixRMaj temp = new DMatrixRMaj(num,num); CommonOps_DDRM.mult(V,D,temp); CommonOps_DDRM.multTransB(temp,V,D); return D; } /** * Returns a matrix where all the elements are selected independently from * a uniform distribution between 0 and 1 inclusive. * * @param numRow Number of rows in the new matrix. * @param numCol Number of columns in the new matrix. * @param rand Random number generator used to fill the matrix. * @return The randomly generated matrix. */ public static DMatrixRMaj rectangle(int numRow , int numCol , Random rand ) { DMatrixRMaj mat = new DMatrixRMaj(numRow,numCol); fillUniform(mat, 0, 1, rand); return mat; } /** * Returns new boolean matrix with true or false values selected with equal probability. * * @param numRow Number of rows in the new matrix. * @param numCol Number of columns in the new matrix. * @param rand Random number generator used to fill the matrix. * @return The randomly generated matrix. */ public static BMatrixRMaj randomBinary(int numRow , int numCol , Random rand ) { BMatrixRMaj mat = new BMatrixRMaj(numRow,numCol); setRandomB(mat, rand); return mat; } /** *

* Adds random values to each element in the matrix from an uniform distribution.
* aij = aij + U(min,max)

* * @param A The matrix who is to be randomized. Modified * @param min The minimum value each element can be. * @param max The maximum value each element can be.. * @param rand Random number generator used to fill the matrix. */ public static void addUniform(DMatrixRMaj A , double min , double max , Random rand ) { double d[] = A.getData(); int size = A.getNumElements(); double r = max-min; for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { d[i] += r*rand.nextDouble()+min; } } /** *

* Returns a matrix where all the elements are selected independently from * a uniform distribution between 'min' and 'max' inclusive. *

* * @param numRow Number of rows in the new matrix. * @param numCol Number of columns in the new matrix. * @param min The minimum value each element can be. * @param max The maximum value each element can be. * @param rand Random number generator used to fill the matrix. * @return The randomly generated matrix. */ public static DMatrixRMaj rectangle(int numRow , int numCol , double min , double max , Random rand ) { DMatrixRMaj mat = new DMatrixRMaj(numRow,numCol); fillUniform(mat,min,max,rand); return mat; } /** *

* Sets each element in the matrix to a value drawn from an uniform distribution from 0 to 1 inclusive. *

* * @param mat The matrix who is to be randomized. Modified. * @param rand Random number generator used to fill the matrix. */ public static void fillUniform(DMatrixRMaj mat , Random rand ) { fillUniform(mat,0,1,rand); } /** *

* Sets each element in the matrix to a value drawn from an uniform distribution from 'min' to 'max' inclusive. *

* * @param min The minimum value each element can be. * @param max The maximum value each element can be. * @param mat The matrix who is to be randomized. Modified. * @param rand Random number generator used to fill the matrix. */ public static void fillUniform(DMatrixD1 mat , double min , double max , Random rand ) { double d[] = mat.getData(); int size = mat.getNumElements(); double r = max-min; for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { d[i] = r*rand.nextDouble()+min; } } /** *

* Sets each element in the boolean matrix to true or false with equal probability *

* * @param mat The matrix who is to be randomized. Modified. * @param rand Random number generator used to fill the matrix. */ public static void setRandomB(BMatrixRMaj mat , Random rand ) { boolean d[] =; int size = mat.getNumElements(); for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { d[i] = rand.nextBoolean(); } } /** *

* Sets each element in the matrix to a value drawn from an Gaussian distribution with the specified mean and * standard deviation *

* * * @param numRow Number of rows in the new matrix. * @param numCol Number of columns in the new matrix. * @param mean Mean value in the distribution * @param stdev Standard deviation in the distribution * @param rand Random number generator used to fill the matrix. */ public static DMatrixRMaj rectangleGaussian(int numRow , int numCol , double mean , double stdev , Random rand ) { DMatrixRMaj m = new DMatrixRMaj(numRow,numCol); fillGaussian(m,mean,stdev,rand); return m; } /** *

* Sets each element in the matrix to a value drawn from an Gaussian distribution with the specified mean and * standard deviation *

* * @param mat The matrix who is to be randomized. Modified. * @param mean Mean value in the distribution * @param stdev Standard deviation in the distribution * @param rand Random number generator used to fill the matrix. */ public static void fillGaussian(DMatrixD1 mat , double mean , double stdev , Random rand ) { double d[] = mat.getData(); int size = mat.getNumElements(); for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { d[i] = mean + stdev * (double)rand.nextGaussian(); } } /** * Creates a random symmetric positive definite matrix. * * @param width The width of the square matrix it returns. * @param rand Random number generator used to make the matrix. * @return The random symmetric positive definite matrix. */ public static DMatrixRMaj symmetricPosDef(int width, Random rand) { // This is not formally proven to work. It just seems to work. DMatrixRMaj a = new DMatrixRMaj(width,1); DMatrixRMaj b = new DMatrixRMaj(width,width); for( int i = 0; i < width; i++ ) { a.set(i,0,rand.nextDouble()); } CommonOps_DDRM.multTransB(a,a,b); for( int i = 0; i < width; i++ ) { b.add(i,i,1); } return b; } /** * Creates a random symmetric matrix whose values are selected from an uniform distribution * from min to max, inclusive. * * @param length Width and height of the matrix. * @param min Minimum value an element can have. * @param max Maximum value an element can have. * @param rand Random number generator. * @return A symmetric matrix. */ public static DMatrixRMaj symmetric(int length, double min, double max, Random rand) { DMatrixRMaj A = new DMatrixRMaj(length,length); symmetric(A,min,max,rand); return A; } /** * Sets the provided square matrix to be a random symmetric matrix whose values are selected from an uniform distribution * from min to max, inclusive. * * @param A The matrix that is to be modified. Must be square. Modified. * @param min Minimum value an element can have. * @param max Maximum value an element can have. * @param rand Random number generator. */ public static void symmetric(DMatrixRMaj A, double min, double max, Random rand) { if( A.numRows != A.numCols ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("A must be a square matrix"); double range = max-min; int length = A.numRows; for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { for( int j = i; j < length; j++ ) { double val = rand.nextDouble()*range + min; A.set(i,j,val); A.set(j,i,val); } } } /** * Creates an upper triangular matrix whose values are selected from a uniform distribution. If hessenberg * is greater than zero then a hessenberg matrix of the specified degree is created instead. * * @param dimen Number of rows and columns in the matrix.. * @param hessenberg 0 for triangular matrix and > 0 for hessenberg matrix. * @param min minimum value an element can be. * @param max maximum value an element can be. * @param rand random number generator used. * @return The randomly generated matrix. */ public static DMatrixRMaj triangularUpper(int dimen , int hessenberg , double min , double max , Random rand ) { if( hessenberg < 0 ) throw new RuntimeException("hessenberg must be more than or equal to 0"); double range = max-min; DMatrixRMaj A = new DMatrixRMaj(dimen,dimen); for( int i = 0; i < dimen; i++ ) { int start = i <= hessenberg ? 0 : i-hessenberg; for( int j = start; j < dimen; j++ ) { A.set(i,j, rand.nextDouble()*range+min); } } return A; } /** * Creates a lower triangular matrix whose values are selected from a uniform distribution. If hessenberg * is greater than zero then a hessenberg matrix of the specified degree is created instead. * * @param dimen Number of rows and columns in the matrix.. * @param hessenberg 0 for triangular matrix and > 0 for hessenberg matrix. * @param min minimum value an element can be. * @param max maximum value an element can be. * @param rand random number generator used. * @return The randomly generated matrix. */ public static DMatrixRMaj triangularLower(int dimen , int hessenberg , double min , double max , Random rand ) { if( hessenberg < 0 ) throw new RuntimeException("hessenberg must be more than or equal to 0"); double range = max-min; DMatrixRMaj A = new DMatrixRMaj(dimen,dimen); for( int i = 0; i < dimen; i++ ) { int end = Math.min(dimen,i+hessenberg+1); for( int j = 0; j < end; j++ ) { A.set(i,j, rand.nextDouble()*range+min); } } return A; } }

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