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org.ekrich.config.impl.ConfigDocumentParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 *   Copyright (C) 2015 Typesafe Inc. 
package org.ekrich.config.impl

import java.{lang => jl}
import java.{util => ju}
import scala.util.control.Breaks._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayStack
import org.ekrich.config._

object ConfigDocumentParser {
  private[impl] def parse(
      tokens: ju.Iterator[Token],
      origin: ConfigOrigin,
      options: ConfigParseOptions
  ): ConfigNodeRoot = {
    val syntax =
      if (options.getSyntax == null) ConfigSyntax.CONF else options.getSyntax
    val context =
      new ParseContext(syntax, origin, tokens)
  private[impl] def parseValue(
      tokens: ju.Iterator[Token],
      origin: ConfigOrigin,
      options: ConfigParseOptions
  ): AbstractConfigNodeValue = {
    val syntax =
      if (options.getSyntax == null) ConfigSyntax.CONF else options.getSyntax
    val context =
      new ParseContext(syntax, origin, tokens)
  private object ParseContext {
    private def isIncludeKeyword(t: Token): Boolean =
      Tokens.isUnquotedText(t) && Tokens.getUnquotedText(t) == "include"
    private def isUnquotedWhitespace(t: Token): Boolean = {
      if (!Tokens.isUnquotedText(t)) return false
      val s = Tokens.getUnquotedText(t)
      var i = 0
      while (i < s.length) {
        val c = s.charAt(i)
        if (!ConfigImplUtil.isWhitespace(c.toInt)) return false
        i += 1
  final private class ParseContext(
      val flavor: ConfigSyntax,
      val baseOrigin: ConfigOrigin,
      val tokens: ju.Iterator[Token]
  ) {
    private var lineNumber   = 1
    final private var buffer = new ArrayStack[Token]
    // this is the number of "equals" we are inside,
    // used to modify the error message to reflect that
    // someone may think this is .properties format.
    private[impl] var equalsCount = 0

    private def popToken: Token = {
      if (buffer.isEmpty) return
    private def nextToken: Token = {
      val t = popToken
      if (flavor eq ConfigSyntax.JSON)
        if (Tokens.isUnquotedText(t) && !ParseContext
          throw parseError(
            "Token not allowed in valid JSON: '" + Tokens
              .getUnquotedText(t) + "'"
        else if (Tokens.isSubstitution(t))
          throw parseError("Substitutions (${} syntax) not allowed in JSON")
    private def nextTokenCollectingWhitespace(
        nodes: ju.Collection[AbstractConfigNode]
    ): Token = {
      var retToken: Token = null // added for Scala

      breakable {
        while (true) {
          val t: Token = nextToken
          if (Tokens.isIgnoredWhitespace(t) || Tokens.isNewline(t) || ParseContext
                .isUnquotedWhitespace(t)) {
            nodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t))
            if (Tokens.isNewline(t)) {
              lineNumber = t.lineNumber + 1
          } else if (Tokens.isComment(t)) {
            nodes.add(new ConfigNodeComment(t))
          } else {
            val newNumber = t.lineNumber
            if (newNumber >= 0) lineNumber = newNumber
            //return t
            retToken = t
            break // break - added for Scala to "return"

    private def putBack(token: Token): Unit = { buffer.push(token) }
    // In arrays and objects, comma can be omitted
    // as long as there's at least one newline instead.
    // this skips any newlines in front of a comma,
    // skips the comma, and returns true if it found
    // either a newline or a comma. The iterator
    // is left just after the comma or the newline.
    private def checkElementSeparator(
        nodes: ju.Collection[AbstractConfigNode]
    ): Boolean = {
      if (flavor eq ConfigSyntax.JSON) {
        val t = nextTokenCollectingWhitespace(nodes)
        if (t eq Tokens.COMMA) {
          nodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t))
        } else {
      } else {
        var sawSeparatorOrNewline = false
        var t                     = nextToken
        var retTrue               = false // added for Scala for break below
        breakable {
          while (true) {
            if (Tokens.isIgnoredWhitespace(t) || ParseContext
              nodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t))
            else if (Tokens.isComment(t)) nodes.add(new ConfigNodeComment(t))
            else if (Tokens.isNewline(t)) {
              sawSeparatorOrNewline = true
              lineNumber += 1
              nodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t))
              // we want to continue to also eat
              // a comma if there is one.
            } else if (t eq Tokens.COMMA) {
              nodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t))
              //return true
              retTrue = true
              break // break - added for Scala to "return"
            } else {
              // non-newline-or-comma
              //return sawSeparatorOrNewline
              break // break - added for Scala to "return"
            t = nextToken
        if (retTrue) true else sawSeparatorOrNewline
    // parse a concatenation. If there is no concatenation, return the next value
    private def consolidateValues(
        nodes: ju.Collection[AbstractConfigNode]
    ): AbstractConfigNodeValue = {
      // this trick is not done in JSON
      if (flavor eq ConfigSyntax.JSON) return null
      // create only if we have value tokens
      val values =
        new ju.ArrayList[AbstractConfigNode]
      var valueCount = 0
      // ignore a newline up front
      var t = nextTokenCollectingWhitespace(nodes)

      breakable {
        while (true) {
          var v: AbstractConfigNodeValue = null
          if (Tokens.isIgnoredWhitespace(t)) {
            values.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t))
          } else if (Tokens.isValue(t) || Tokens.isUnquotedText(t) || Tokens
                       .isSubstitution(t) ||
                     (t eq Tokens.OPEN_CURLY) || (t eq Tokens.OPEN_SQUARE)) {
            // there may be newlines _within_ the objects and arrays
            v = parseValue(t)
            valueCount += 1
            if (v == null) throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken("no value")
          } else {
            break // break
          t = nextToken // but don't consolidate across a newline

      // original converted Java code
      //while (true) {
      //    var v: : AbstractConfigNodeValue = null
      //    if (Tokens.isIgnoredWhitespace(t)) {
      //        values.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t))
      //        t = nextToken
      //        continue //todo: continue is not supported
      //    } else if (Tokens.isValue(t) || Tokens.isUnquotedText(t) || Tokens.isSubstitution(
      //        t
      //    ) || (t eq Tokens.OPEN_CURLY) || (t eq Tokens.OPEN_SQUARE)) { // there may be newlines _within_ the objects and arrays
      //        v = parseValue(t)
      //        valueCount += 1
      //    } else break//todo: break is not supported
      //    if (v == null) throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken("no value")
      //    values.add(v)
      //    t = nextToken // but don't consolidate across a newline
      // No concatenation was seen, but a single value may have been parsed, so return it, and put back
      // all succeeding tokens
      if (valueCount < 2) {
        var value: AbstractConfigNodeValue = null
        import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
        for (node <- values.asScala) {
          if (node.isInstanceOf[AbstractConfigNodeValue])
            value = node.asInstanceOf[AbstractConfigNodeValue]
          else if (value == null) nodes.add(node)
          else putBack(new ju.ArrayList[Token](node.tokens).get(0))
        return value
      // Put back any trailing whitespace, as the parent object is responsible for tracking
      // any leading/trailing whitespace
      var i = values.size - 1
      breakable {
        while (i >= 0) {
          if (values.get(i).isInstanceOf[ConfigNodeSingleToken]) {
          } else {
            break // break
          i -= 1
      new ConfigNodeConcatenation(values)
    private def parseError(message: String): ConfigException =
      parseError(message, null)
    private def parseError(message: String, cause: Throwable): ConfigException =
      new ConfigException.Parse(
    private def addQuoteSuggestion(badToken: String, message: String): String =
      addQuoteSuggestion(null, equalsCount > 0, badToken, message)
    private def addQuoteSuggestion(
        lastPath: Path,
        insideEquals: Boolean,
        badToken: String,
        message: String
    ): String = {
      val previousFieldName =
        if (lastPath != null) lastPath.render else null
      var part: String = null
      if (badToken == Tokens.END.toString) { // EOF requires special handling for the error to make sense.
        if (previousFieldName != null)
          part = message + " (if you intended '" + previousFieldName + "' to be part of a value, instead of a key, " + "try adding double quotes around the whole value"
        else return message
      } else if (previousFieldName != null)
        part = message + " (if you intended " + badToken + " to be part of the value for '" + previousFieldName + "', " + "try enclosing the value in double quotes"
        part = message + " (if you intended " + badToken + " to be part of a key or string value, " + "try enclosing the key or value in double quotes"
      if (insideEquals)
        part + ", or you may be able to rename the file .properties rather than .conf)"
      else part + ")"
    private def parseValue(t: Token): AbstractConfigNodeValue = {
      var v: AbstractConfigNodeValue = null
      val startingEqualsCount        = equalsCount
      if (Tokens.isValue(t) || Tokens.isUnquotedText(t) || Tokens
            .isSubstitution(t)) v = new ConfigNodeSimpleValue(t)
      else if (t eq Tokens.OPEN_CURLY) v = parseObject(true)
      else if (t eq Tokens.OPEN_SQUARE) v = parseArray
        throw parseError(
            "Expecting a value but got wrong token: " + t
      if (equalsCount != startingEqualsCount)
        throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken(
          "Bug in config parser: unbalanced equals count"
    private def parseKey(token: Token) =
      if (flavor eq ConfigSyntax.JSON)
        if (Tokens.isValueWithType(token, ConfigValueType.STRING))
          throw parseError(
            "Expecting close brace } or a field name here, got " + token
      else {
        val expression = new ju.ArrayList[Token]
        var t          = token
        while (Tokens.isValue(t) || Tokens.isUnquotedText(t)) {
          t = nextToken // note: don't cross a newline
        if (expression.isEmpty)
          throw parseError(ExpectingClosingParenthesisError + t)
        putBack(t) // put back the token we ended with

    private def isKeyValueSeparatorToken(t: Token) =
      if (flavor eq ConfigSyntax.JSON) t eq Tokens.COLON
        (t eq Tokens.COLON) || (t eq Tokens.EQUALS) || (t eq Tokens.PLUS_EQUALS)

    final private val ExpectingClosingParenthesisError =
      "expecting a close parentheses ')' here, not: "

    private def parseInclude(children: ju.ArrayList[AbstractConfigNode]) = {
      var t = nextTokenCollectingWhitespace(children)
      // we either have a 'required()' or a quoted string or the "file()" syntax
      if (Tokens.isUnquotedText(t)) {
        val kindText = Tokens.getUnquotedText(t)
        if (kindText.startsWith("required(")) {
          val r = kindText.replaceFirst("required\\(", "")
          if (r.length > 0) putBack(Tokens.newUnquotedText(t.origin, r))
          children.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t))
          //children.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(tOpen));
          val res = parseIncludeResource(children, true)
          t = nextTokenCollectingWhitespace(children)
          if (Tokens.isUnquotedText(t) && Tokens.getUnquotedText(t) == ")") {
            // OK, close paren
          } else throw parseError(ExpectingClosingParenthesisError + t)
        } else {
          parseIncludeResource(children, false)
      } else {
        parseIncludeResource(children, false)
    private def parseIncludeResource(
        children: ju.ArrayList[AbstractConfigNode],
        isRequired: Boolean
    ): ConfigNodeInclude = {
      var t = nextTokenCollectingWhitespace(children)
      // we either have a quoted string or the "file()" syntax
      if (Tokens.isUnquotedText(t)) {
        // get foo(
        val kindText                = Tokens.getUnquotedText(t)
        var kind: ConfigIncludeKind = null
        var prefix: String          = null
        if (kindText.startsWith("url(")) {
          kind = ConfigIncludeKind.URL
          prefix = "url("
        } else if (kindText.startsWith("file(")) {
          kind = ConfigIncludeKind.FILE
          prefix = "file("
        } else if (kindText.startsWith("classpath(")) {
          kind = ConfigIncludeKind.CLASSPATH
          prefix = "classpath("
        } else
          throw parseError(
            "expecting include parameter to be quoted filename, file(), classpath(), or url(). No spaces are allowed before the open paren. Not expecting: " + t
        val r = kindText.replaceFirst("[^(]*\\(", "")
        if (r.length > 0) putBack(Tokens.newUnquotedText(t.origin, r))
        children.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t))
        // skip space inside parens
        t = nextTokenCollectingWhitespace(children)
        // quoted string
        if (!Tokens.isValueWithType(t, ConfigValueType.STRING))
          throw parseError(
            "expecting include " + prefix + ") parameter to be a quoted string, rather than: " + t
        children.add(new ConfigNodeSimpleValue(t))
        // skip space after string, inside parens
        t = nextTokenCollectingWhitespace(children)
        if (Tokens.isUnquotedText(t) && Tokens
              .startsWith(")")) {
          val rest = Tokens.getUnquotedText(t).substring(1)
          if (rest.length > 0) putBack(Tokens.newUnquotedText(t.origin, rest))
        } else throw parseError(ExpectingClosingParenthesisError + t)
        new ConfigNodeInclude(children, kind, isRequired)
      } else if (Tokens.isValueWithType(t, ConfigValueType.STRING)) {
        children.add(new ConfigNodeSimpleValue(t))
        new ConfigNodeInclude(children, ConfigIncludeKind.HEURISTIC, isRequired)
      } else
        throw parseError(
          "include keyword is not followed by a quoted string, but by: " + t
    private def parseObject(hadOpenCurly: Boolean): ConfigNodeComplexValue = {
      // invoked just after the OPEN_CURLY (or START, if !hadOpenCurly)
      var afterComma       = false
      val lastPath: Path   = null // always null here ??
      var lastInsideEquals = false
      val objectNodes =
        new ju.ArrayList[AbstractConfigNode]
      var keyValueNodes: ju.ArrayList[AbstractConfigNode] = null
      val keys                                            = new ju.HashMap[String, jl.Boolean]
      if (hadOpenCurly)
        objectNodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(Tokens.OPEN_CURLY))
      breakable {
        while (true) {
          var t = nextTokenCollectingWhitespace(objectNodes)
          if (t eq Tokens.CLOSE_CURLY) {
            if ((flavor eq ConfigSyntax.JSON) && afterComma)
              throw parseError(
                  "expecting a field name after a comma, got a close brace } instead"
            else if (!hadOpenCurly)
              throw parseError(
                  "unbalanced close brace '}' with no open brace"
            objectNodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(Tokens.CLOSE_CURLY))
            break // break
          } else if ((t eq Tokens.END) && !hadOpenCurly) {
            break // break
          } else if ((flavor ne ConfigSyntax.JSON) && ParseContext
                       .isIncludeKeyword(t)) {
            val includeNodes =
              new ju.ArrayList[AbstractConfigNode]
            includeNodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t))
            afterComma = false
          } else {
            keyValueNodes = new ju.ArrayList[AbstractConfigNode]
            val keyToken = t
            val path     = parseKey(keyToken)
            val afterKey                           = nextTokenCollectingWhitespace(keyValueNodes)
            var insideEquals                       = false
            var nextValue: AbstractConfigNodeValue = null
            if ((flavor eq ConfigSyntax.CONF) && (afterKey eq Tokens.OPEN_CURLY)) {
              // can omit the ':' or '=' before an object value
              nextValue = parseValue(afterKey)
            } else {
              if (!isKeyValueSeparatorToken(afterKey))
                throw parseError(
                    "Key '" + path.render + "' may not be followed by token: " + afterKey
              keyValueNodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(afterKey))
              if (afterKey eq Tokens.EQUALS) {
                insideEquals = true
                equalsCount += 1
              nextValue = consolidateValues(keyValueNodes)
              if (nextValue == null)
                nextValue =
            if (insideEquals) equalsCount -= 1
            lastInsideEquals = insideEquals
            val key       = path.value.first
            val remaining = path.value.remainder
            if (remaining == null) {
              val existing = keys.get(key)
              if (existing != null) {
                // In strict JSON, dups should be an error; while in
                // our custom config language, they should be merged
                // if the value is an object (or substitution that
                // could become an object).
                if (flavor eq ConfigSyntax.JSON)
                  throw parseError(
                    "JSON does not allow duplicate fields: '" + key + "' was already seen"
              keys.put(key, true)
            } else {
              if (flavor eq ConfigSyntax.JSON)
                throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken(
                  "somehow got multi-element path in JSON mode"
              keys.put(key, true)
            afterComma = false
            objectNodes.add(new ConfigNodeField(keyValueNodes))
          if (checkElementSeparator(objectNodes)) {
            // continue looping
            afterComma = true
          } else {
            t = nextTokenCollectingWhitespace(objectNodes)
            if (t eq Tokens.CLOSE_CURLY) {
              if (!hadOpenCurly)
                throw parseError(
                    "unbalanced close brace '}' with no open brace"
              objectNodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t))
              break // break
            } else if (hadOpenCurly) {
              throw parseError(
                  "Expecting close brace } or a comma, got " + t
            } else {
              if (t eq Tokens.END) {
                break // break
              } else
                throw parseError(
                    "Expecting end of input or a comma, got " + t
      new ConfigNodeObject(objectNodes)

    private def parseArray: ConfigNodeComplexValue = {
      val children =
        new ju.ArrayList[AbstractConfigNode]
      children.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(Tokens.OPEN_SQUARE))
      // invoked just after the OPEN_SQUARE
      var t: Token  = null
      var nextValue = consolidateValues(children)
      if (nextValue != null) children.add(nextValue)
      else {
        t = nextTokenCollectingWhitespace(children)
        // special-case the first element
        if (t eq Tokens.CLOSE_SQUARE) {
          children.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t))
          return new ConfigNodeArray(children)
        } else if (Tokens.isValue(t) || (t eq Tokens.OPEN_CURLY) || (t eq Tokens.OPEN_SQUARE) || Tokens
                     .isUnquotedText(t) || Tokens.isSubstitution(t)) {
          nextValue = parseValue(t)
        } else
          throw parseError(
            "List should have ] or a first element after the open [, instead had token: " + t + " (if you want " + t + " to be part of a string value, then double-quote it)"
      // now remaining elements
      breakable {
        while (true) {
          // just after a value
          if (checkElementSeparator(children)) {
            // comma (or newline equivalent) consumed
          } else {
            t = nextTokenCollectingWhitespace(children)
            if (t eq Tokens.CLOSE_SQUARE) {
              children.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t))
              //return new ConfigNodeArray(children)
              break // break - added for Scala to force return from while loop
            } else
              throw parseError(
                "List should have ended with ] or had a comma, instead had token: " +
                  t + " (if you want " + t + " to be part of a string value, then double-quote it)"
          // now just after a comma
          nextValue = consolidateValues(children)
          if (nextValue != null) children.add(nextValue)
          else {
            t = nextTokenCollectingWhitespace(children)
            if (Tokens.isValue(t) || (t eq Tokens.OPEN_CURLY) || (t eq Tokens.OPEN_SQUARE) || Tokens
                  .isUnquotedText(t) || Tokens.isSubstitution(t)) {
              nextValue = parseValue(t)
            } else if ((flavor ne ConfigSyntax.JSON) && (t eq Tokens.CLOSE_SQUARE)) {
              // we allow one trailing comma
            } else
              throw parseError(
                "List should have had new element after a comma, instead had token: " +
                  t + " (if you want the comma or " +
                  t + " to be part of a string value, then double-quote it)"
      return new ConfigNodeArray(children)

    private[impl] def parse: ConfigNodeRoot = {
      val children = new ju.ArrayList[AbstractConfigNode]
      var t        = nextToken
      if (t eq Tokens.START) {
        // OK
      } else
        throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken(
          "token stream did not begin with START, had " + t
      t = nextTokenCollectingWhitespace(children)
      var result: AbstractConfigNode = null
      var missingCurly               = false
      if ((t eq Tokens.OPEN_CURLY) || (t eq Tokens.OPEN_SQUARE))
        result = parseValue(t)
      else if (flavor eq ConfigSyntax.JSON)
        if (t eq Tokens.END) throw parseError("Empty document")
          throw parseError(
            "Document must have an object or array at root, unexpected token: " + t
      else { // the root object can omit the surrounding braces.
        // this token should be the first field's key, or part
        // of it, so put it back.
        missingCurly = true
        result = parseObject(false)
      // Need to pull the children out of the resulting node so we can keep leading
      // and trailing whitespace if this was a no-brace object. Otherwise, we need to add
      // the result into the list of children.
      if (result.isInstanceOf[ConfigNodeObject] && missingCurly)
      else children.add(result)
      t = nextTokenCollectingWhitespace(children)
      if (t eq Tokens.END)
        if (missingCurly) { // If there were no braces, the entire document should be treated as a single object
          new ConfigNodeRoot(
              new ConfigNodeObject(children).asInstanceOf[AbstractConfigNode]
        } else new ConfigNodeRoot(children, baseOrigin)
        throw parseError(
          "Document has trailing tokens after first object or array: " + t
    // Parse a given input stream into a single value node. Used when doing a replace inside a ConfigDocument.
    private[impl] def parseSingleValue: AbstractConfigNodeValue = {
      var t = nextToken
      if (t eq Tokens.START) {
        // OK
      } else {
        throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken(
          "token stream did not begin with START, had " + t
      t = nextToken
      if (Tokens.isIgnoredWhitespace(t) || Tokens.isNewline(t) || ParseContext
            .isUnquotedWhitespace(t) || Tokens.isComment(t))
        throw parseError(
          "The value from withValueText cannot have leading or trailing newlines, whitespace, or comments"
      if (t eq Tokens.END) throw parseError("Empty value")
      if (flavor eq ConfigSyntax.JSON) {
        val node = parseValue(t)
        t = nextToken
        if (t eq Tokens.END) return node
          throw parseError(
            "Parsing JSON and the value set in withValueText was either a concatenation or " + "had trailing whitespace, newlines, or comments"
      } else {
        val nodes = new ju.ArrayList[AbstractConfigNode]
        val node  = consolidateValues(nodes)
        t = nextToken
        if (t eq Tokens.END) return node
          throw parseError(
            "The value from withValueText cannot have leading or trailing newlines, whitespace, or comments"

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