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import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference

import{ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props}
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directive1, Directives}
import akka.util.Timeout
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import org.elasticmq._
import{ElasticMQDirectives, UnmatchedActionRoutes}
import org.elasticmq.util.{Logging, NowProvider}

import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.util.control.Exception._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.xml.{EntityRef, _}

  * By default:
  • *
      for `socketAddress`: when started, the server will bind to `localhost:9324`
      for `serverAddress`: returned queue addresses will use `http://localhost:9324` as the base address.
      for `sqsLimits`: relaxed * */ object SQSRestServerBuilder extends TheSQSRestServerBuilder( None, None, "", 9324, NodeAddress(), true, SQSLimits.Strict, "elasticmq", "000000000000" ) case class TheSQSRestServerBuilder( providedActorSystem: Option[ActorSystem], providedQueueManagerActor: Option[ActorRef], interface: String, port: Int, serverAddress: NodeAddress, generateServerAddress: Boolean, sqsLimits: SQSLimits.Value, _awsRegion: String, _awsAccountId: String ) extends Logging { /** * @param _actorSystem Optional actor system. If one is provided, it will be used to create ElasticMQ and Spray * actors, but its lifecycle (shutdown) will be not managed by the server. If one is not * provided, an actor system will be created, and its lifecycle will be bound to the server's * lifecycle. */ def withActorSystem(_actorSystem: ActorSystem) = this.copy(providedActorSystem = Some(_actorSystem)) /** * @param _queueManagerActor Optional "main" ElasticMQ actor. */ def withQueueManagerActor(_queueManagerActor: ActorRef) = this.copy(providedQueueManagerActor = Some(_queueManagerActor)) /** * @param _interface Hostname to which the server will bind. */ def withInterface(_interface: String) = this.copy(interface = _interface) /** * @param _port Port to which the server will bind. */ def withPort(_port: Int) = this.copy(port = _port) /** * Will assign port automatically (uses port 0). The port to which the socket binds will be logged on successful startup. */ def withDynamicPort() = withPort(0) /** * @param _serverAddress Address which will be returned as the queue address. Requests to this address * should be routed to this server. */ def withServerAddress(_serverAddress: NodeAddress) = this.copy(serverAddress = _serverAddress, generateServerAddress = false) /** * @param _sqsLimits Should "real" SQS limits be used (strict), or should they be relaxed where possible (regarding * e.g. message size). */ def withSQSLimits(_sqsLimits: SQSLimits.Value) = this.copy(sqsLimits = _sqsLimits) /** * @param region Region which will be included in ARM resource ids. */ def withAWSRegion(region: String) = this.copy(_awsRegion = region) /** * @param accountId AccountId which will be included in ARM resource ids. */ def withAWSAccountId(accountId: String) = this.copy(_awsAccountId = accountId) def start(): SQSRestServer = { val (theActorSystem, stopActorSystem) = getOrCreateActorSystem val theQueueManagerActor = getOrCreateQueueManagerActor(theActorSystem) val theServerAddress = if (generateServerAddress) NodeAddress(host = if (interface.isEmpty) "localhost" else interface, port = port) else serverAddress val theLimits = sqsLimits implicit val implicitActorSystem = theActorSystem implicit val implicitMaterializer = ActorMaterializer() val currentServerAddress = new AtomicReference[NodeAddress](theServerAddress) val env = new QueueManagerActorModule with QueueURLModule with SQSLimitsModule with BatchRequestsModule with ElasticMQDirectives with CreateQueueDirectives with DeleteQueueDirectives with QueueAttributesDirectives with ListQueuesDirectives with SendMessageDirectives with SendMessageBatchDirectives with ReceiveMessageDirectives with DeleteMessageDirectives with DeleteMessageBatchDirectives with ChangeMessageVisibilityDirectives with ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchDirectives with GetQueueUrlDirectives with PurgeQueueDirectives with AddPermissionDirectives with AttributesModule with TagQueueDirectives with TagsModule with UnmatchedActionRoutes { def serverAddress = currentServerAddress.get() lazy val actorSystem = theActorSystem lazy val materializer = implicitMaterializer lazy val queueManagerActor = theQueueManagerActor lazy val sqsLimits = theLimits lazy val timeout = Timeout(21, TimeUnit.SECONDS) // see application.conf lazy val awsRegion: String = _awsRegion lazy val awsAccountId: String = _awsAccountId } import env._ def rawRoutes(p: AnyParams) = // 1. Sending, receiving, deleting messages sendMessage(p) ~ sendMessageBatch(p) ~ receiveMessage(p) ~ deleteMessage(p) ~ deleteMessageBatch(p) ~ // 2. Getting, creating queues getQueueUrl(p) ~ createQueue(p) ~ listQueues(p) ~ purgeQueue(p) ~ // 3. Other changeMessageVisibility(p) ~ changeMessageVisibilityBatch(p) ~ deleteQueue(p) ~ getQueueAttributes(p) ~ setQueueAttributes(p) ~ addPermission(p) ~ tagQueue(p) ~ untagQueue(p) ~ listQueueTags(p) ~ // 4. Unmatched action unmatchedAction(p) val config = new ElasticMQConfig implicit val bindingTimeout = Timeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS) val routes = handleServerExceptions { handleRejectionsWithSQSError { anyParamsMap { p => if (config.debug) { logRequestResult("") { rawRoutes(p) } } else rawRoutes(p) } } } val appStartFuture = Http().bindAndHandle(routes, interface, port) appStartFuture.foreach { sb: Http.ServerBinding => if (generateServerAddress && port != sb.localAddress.getPort) { currentServerAddress.set(theServerAddress.copy(port = sb.localAddress.getPort)) } "Started SQS rest server, bind address %s:%d, visible server address %s" .format( interface, sb.localAddress.getPort, if (env.serverAddress.isWildcard) "* (depends on incoming request path) " else env.serverAddress.fullAddress ) ) } appStartFuture.failed.foreach { case NonFatal(e) => TheSQSRestServerBuilder.this.logger .error("Cannot start SQS rest server, bind address %s:%d".format(interface, port), e) } SQSRestServer( appStartFuture, () => appStartFuture.flatMap(_.unbind()).flatMap(_ => stopActorSystem()) ) } private def getOrCreateActorSystem: (ActorSystem, () => Future[Any]) = { providedActorSystem .map((_, () => Future.successful(()))) .getOrElse { val actorSystem = ActorSystem("elasticmq") (actorSystem, actorSystem.terminate _) } } private def getOrCreateQueueManagerActor(actorSystem: ActorSystem) = { providedQueueManagerActor.getOrElse(actorSystem.actorOf(Props(new QueueManagerActor(new NowProvider())))) } } case class SQSRestServer(startFuture: Future[Http.ServerBinding], stopAndGetFuture: () => Future[Any]) { def waitUntilStarted() = { Await.result(startFuture, 1.minute) } def stopAndWait() = { val stopFuture = stopAndGetFuture() Await.result(stopFuture, 1.minute) } } object Constants { val EmptyRequestId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" val SqsDefaultVersion = "2012-11-05" val ReceiptHandleParameter = "ReceiptHandle" val VisibilityTimeoutParameter = "VisibilityTimeout" val RedrivePolicyParameter = "RedrivePolicy" val DelaySecondsAttribute = "DelaySeconds" val ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSecondsAttribute = "ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds" val QueueArnAttribute = "QueueArn" val IdSubParameter = "Id" val InvalidParameterValueErrorName = "InvalidParameterValue" val MissingParameterName = "MissingParameter" val QueueUrlContext = "queue" } object ParametersUtil { implicit class ParametersParser(parameters: Map[String, String]) { def parseOptionalLong(name: String) = { val param = parameters.get(name) try { } catch { case _: NumberFormatException => throw SQSException.invalidParameterValue } } } } object MD5Util { def md5Digest(s: String) = { val md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5") md5.reset() md5.update(s.getBytes("UTF-8")) md5 .digest() .map(0xFF & _) .map { "%02x".format(_) } .foldLeft("") { _ + _ } } def md5AttributeDigest(attributes: Map[String, MessageAttribute]): String = { def addEncodedString(b: ByteArrayOutputStream, s: String) = { val str = s.getBytes("UTF-8") b.write(ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(s.length).array) // Sadly, we'll need ByteBuffer here to get a properly encoded 4-byte int (alternatively, we could encode by hand) b.write(str) } def addEncodedByteArray(b: ByteArrayOutputStream, a: Array[Byte]) = { b.write(ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(a.length).array) b.write(a) } val byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream TreeMap(attributes.toSeq: _*).foreach { case (k, v) => // TreeMap is for sorting, a requirement of algorithm addEncodedString(byteStream, k) addEncodedString(byteStream, v.getDataType()) v match { case s: StringMessageAttribute => byteStream.write(1) addEncodedString(byteStream, s.stringValue) case n: NumberMessageAttribute => byteStream.write(1) addEncodedString(byteStream, n.stringValue.toString) case b: BinaryMessageAttribute => byteStream.write(2) addEncodedByteArray(byteStream, b.binaryValue) case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported message attribute type: ${v.getClass.getName}") } } val md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5") md5.reset() md5.update(byteStream.toByteArray) md5 .digest() .map(0xFF & _) .map { "%02x".format(_) } .foldLeft("") { _ + _ } } } object XmlUtil { private val CR = EntityRef("#13") def convertTexWithCRToNodeSeq(text: String): NodeSeq = { val parts = text.split("\r") val partsCount = parts.length if (partsCount == 1) { Text(text) } else { val combined = new ArrayBuffer[scala.xml.Node]() for (i <- 0 until partsCount) { combined += Text(parts(i)) if (i != partsCount - 1) { combined += CR } } combined } } } trait QueueManagerActorModule { def queueManagerActor: ActorRef } trait QueueURLModule { def serverAddress: NodeAddress import Directives._ def baseQueueURL: Directive1[String] = { val baseAddress = if (serverAddress.isWildcard) { { req => val incomingAddress = req.uri.copy(rawQueryString = None, fragment = None).toString val incomingAddressNoSlash = if (incomingAddress.endsWith("/")) { incomingAddress.substring(0, incomingAddress.length - 1) } else incomingAddress // removing the final /queue or /queue/ if present, it will be re-added later if (incomingAddressNoSlash.endsWith(QueueUrlContext)) { incomingAddressNoSlash.substring(0, incomingAddressNoSlash.length - QueueUrlContext.length - 1) } else incomingAddressNoSlash } } else { provide(serverAddress.fullAddress) } + "/" + QueueUrlContext) } def queueURL(queueData: QueueData): Directive1[String] = { => base + "/" + } } object SQSLimits extends Enumeration { val Strict = Value val Relaxed = Value } trait SQSLimitsModule { val NUMBER_ATTR_MAX_VALUE = BigDecimal.valueOf(10).pow(126) val NUMBER_ATTR_MIN_VALUE = -BigDecimal.valueOf(10).pow(128) def sqsLimits: SQSLimits.Value def ifStrictLimits(condition: => Boolean)(exception: String): Unit = { if (sqsLimits == SQSLimits.Strict && condition) { throw new SQSException(exception) } } def verifyMessageNumberAttribute(strValue: String): Unit = { ifStrictLimits( !allCatch .opt(BigDecimal(strValue)) .filter(v => v >= NUMBER_ATTR_MIN_VALUE) .exists(v => v <= NUMBER_ATTR_MAX_VALUE) ) { s"Number attribute value $strValue should be in range (-10**128..10**126)" } } def verifyMessageWaitTime(messageWaitTimeOpt: Option[Long]): Unit = { messageWaitTimeOpt.foreach { messageWaitTime => if (messageWaitTime < 0) { throw SQSException.invalidParameterValue } ifStrictLimits(messageWaitTime > 20 || messageWaitTime < 0) { InvalidParameterValueErrorName } } } } class ElasticMQConfig { private lazy val rootConfig = ConfigFactory.load() private lazy val elasticMQConfig = rootConfig.getConfig("elasticmq") lazy val debug = elasticMQConfig.getBoolean("debug") }

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