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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
 * 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
 * 2.0.

import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.AbstractDiffable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.ParseField;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.NamedXContentRegistry;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ObjectParser;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContentObject;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.common.time.TimeUtils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import static org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.ClientHelper.assertNoAuthorizationHeader;
import static;

 * Datafeed configuration options. Describes where to proactively pull input
 * data from.

* If a value has not been set it will be null. Object wrappers are * used around integral types and booleans so they can take null * values. */ public class DatafeedConfig extends AbstractDiffable implements ToXContentObject { public static final int DEFAULT_SCROLL_SIZE = 1000; private static final int SECONDS_IN_MINUTE = 60; private static final int TWO_MINS_SECONDS = 2 * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE; private static final int TWENTY_MINS_SECONDS = 20 * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE; private static final int HALF_DAY_SECONDS = 12 * 60 * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE; public static final int DEFAULT_AGGREGATION_CHUNKING_BUCKETS = 1000; private static final TimeValue MIN_DEFAULT_QUERY_DELAY = TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1); private static final TimeValue MAX_DEFAULT_QUERY_DELAY = TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(2); private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(DatafeedConfig.class); // Used for QueryPage public static final ParseField RESULTS_FIELD = new ParseField("datafeeds"); public static String TYPE = "datafeed"; /** * The field name used to specify document counts in Elasticsearch * aggregations */ public static final String DOC_COUNT = "doc_count"; public static final ParseField ID = new ParseField("datafeed_id"); public static final ParseField CONFIG_TYPE = new ParseField("config_type"); public static final ParseField QUERY_DELAY = new ParseField("query_delay"); public static final ParseField FREQUENCY = new ParseField("frequency"); public static final ParseField INDEXES = new ParseField("indexes"); public static final ParseField INDICES = new ParseField("indices"); public static final ParseField QUERY = new ParseField("query"); public static final ParseField SCROLL_SIZE = new ParseField("scroll_size"); public static final ParseField AGGREGATIONS = new ParseField("aggregations"); public static final ParseField AGGS = new ParseField("aggs"); public static final ParseField SCRIPT_FIELDS = new ParseField("script_fields"); public static final ParseField CHUNKING_CONFIG = new ParseField("chunking_config"); public static final ParseField HEADERS = new ParseField("headers"); public static final ParseField DELAYED_DATA_CHECK_CONFIG = new ParseField("delayed_data_check_config"); public static final ParseField MAX_EMPTY_SEARCHES = new ParseField("max_empty_searches"); public static final ParseField INDICES_OPTIONS = new ParseField("indices_options"); // These parsers follow the pattern that metadata is parsed leniently (to allow for enhancements), whilst config is parsed strictly public static final ObjectParser LENIENT_PARSER = createParser(true); public static final ObjectParser STRICT_PARSER = createParser(false); public static void validateAggregations(AggregatorFactories.Builder aggregations) { if (aggregations == null) { return; } Collection aggregatorFactories = aggregations.getAggregatorFactories(); if (aggregatorFactories.isEmpty()) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.DATAFEED_AGGREGATIONS_REQUIRES_DATE_HISTOGRAM); } AggregationBuilder histogramAggregation = ExtractorUtils.getHistogramAggregation(aggregatorFactories); Builder.checkNoMoreHistogramAggregations(histogramAggregation.getSubAggregations()); Builder.checkHistogramAggregationHasChildMaxTimeAgg(histogramAggregation); Builder.checkHistogramIntervalIsPositive(histogramAggregation); } private static ObjectParser createParser(boolean ignoreUnknownFields) { ObjectParser parser = new ObjectParser<>("datafeed_config", ignoreUnknownFields, Builder::new); parser.declareString(Builder::setId, ID); parser.declareString((c, s) -> {}, CONFIG_TYPE); parser.declareString(Builder::setJobId, Job.ID); parser.declareStringArray(Builder::setIndices, INDEXES); parser.declareStringArray(Builder::setIndices, INDICES); parser.declareString((builder, val) -> builder.setQueryDelay(TimeValue.parseTimeValue(val, QUERY_DELAY.getPreferredName())), QUERY_DELAY); parser.declareString((builder, val) -> builder.setFrequency(TimeValue.parseTimeValue(val, FREQUENCY.getPreferredName())), FREQUENCY); parser.declareObject(Builder::setQueryProvider, (p, c) -> QueryProvider.fromXContent(p, ignoreUnknownFields, Messages.DATAFEED_CONFIG_QUERY_BAD_FORMAT), QUERY); parser.declareObject(Builder::setAggregationsSafe, (p, c) -> AggProvider.fromXContent(p, ignoreUnknownFields), AGGREGATIONS); parser.declareObject(Builder::setAggregationsSafe, (p, c) -> AggProvider.fromXContent(p, ignoreUnknownFields), AGGS); parser.declareObject(Builder::setScriptFields, (p, c) -> { List parsedScriptFields = new ArrayList<>(); while (p.nextToken() != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { parsedScriptFields.add(new SearchSourceBuilder.ScriptField(p)); } parsedScriptFields.sort(Comparator.comparing(SearchSourceBuilder.ScriptField::fieldName)); return parsedScriptFields; }, SCRIPT_FIELDS); parser.declareInt(Builder::setScrollSize, SCROLL_SIZE); parser.declareObject(Builder::setChunkingConfig, ignoreUnknownFields ? ChunkingConfig.LENIENT_PARSER : ChunkingConfig.STRICT_PARSER, CHUNKING_CONFIG); if (ignoreUnknownFields) { // Headers are not parsed by the strict (config) parser, so headers supplied in the _body_ of a REST request will be rejected. // (For config, headers are explicitly transferred from the auth headers by code in the put/update datafeed actions.) parser.declareObject(Builder::setHeaders, (p, c) -> p.mapStrings(), HEADERS); } parser.declareObject(Builder::setDelayedDataCheckConfig, ignoreUnknownFields ? DelayedDataCheckConfig.LENIENT_PARSER : DelayedDataCheckConfig.STRICT_PARSER, DELAYED_DATA_CHECK_CONFIG); parser.declareInt(Builder::setMaxEmptySearches, MAX_EMPTY_SEARCHES); parser.declareObject(Builder::setIndicesOptions, (p, c) -> IndicesOptions.fromMap(, SearchRequest.DEFAULT_INDICES_OPTIONS), INDICES_OPTIONS); parser.declareObject(Builder::setRuntimeMappings, (p, c) ->, SearchSourceBuilder.RUNTIME_MAPPINGS_FIELD); return parser; } private final String id; private final String jobId; /** * The delay before starting to query a period of time */ private final TimeValue queryDelay; /** * The frequency with which queries are executed */ private final TimeValue frequency; private final List indices; private final QueryProvider queryProvider; private final AggProvider aggProvider; private final List scriptFields; private final Integer scrollSize; private final ChunkingConfig chunkingConfig; private final Map headers; private final DelayedDataCheckConfig delayedDataCheckConfig; private final Integer maxEmptySearches; private final IndicesOptions indicesOptions; private final Map runtimeMappings; private DatafeedConfig(String id, String jobId, TimeValue queryDelay, TimeValue frequency, List indices, QueryProvider queryProvider, AggProvider aggProvider, List scriptFields, Integer scrollSize, ChunkingConfig chunkingConfig, Map headers, DelayedDataCheckConfig delayedDataCheckConfig, Integer maxEmptySearches, IndicesOptions indicesOptions, Map runtimeMappings) { = id; this.jobId = jobId; this.queryDelay = queryDelay; this.frequency = frequency; this.indices = indices == null ? null : Collections.unmodifiableList(indices); this.queryProvider = queryProvider == null ? null : new QueryProvider(queryProvider); this.aggProvider = aggProvider == null ? null : new AggProvider(aggProvider); this.scriptFields = scriptFields == null ? null : Collections.unmodifiableList(scriptFields); this.scrollSize = scrollSize; this.chunkingConfig = chunkingConfig; this.headers = Collections.unmodifiableMap(headers); this.delayedDataCheckConfig = delayedDataCheckConfig; this.maxEmptySearches = maxEmptySearches; this.indicesOptions = ExceptionsHelper.requireNonNull(indicesOptions, INDICES_OPTIONS); this.runtimeMappings = Collections.unmodifiableMap(runtimeMappings); } public DatafeedConfig(StreamInput in) throws IOException { = in.readString(); this.jobId = in.readString(); this.queryDelay = in.readOptionalTimeValue(); this.frequency = in.readOptionalTimeValue(); if (in.readBoolean()) { this.indices = Collections.unmodifiableList(in.readStringList()); } else { this.indices = null; } // This consumes the list of types if there was one. if (in.getVersion().before(Version.V_7_0_0)) { if (in.readBoolean()) { in.readStringList(); } } // each of these writables are version aware this.queryProvider = QueryProvider.fromStream(in); // This reads a boolean from the stream, if true, it sends the stream to the `fromStream` method this.aggProvider = in.readOptionalWriteable(AggProvider::fromStream); if (in.readBoolean()) { this.scriptFields = Collections.unmodifiableList(in.readList(SearchSourceBuilder.ScriptField::new)); } else { this.scriptFields = null; } this.scrollSize = in.readOptionalVInt(); this.chunkingConfig = in.readOptionalWriteable(ChunkingConfig::new); if (in.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_6_2_0)) { this.headers = Collections.unmodifiableMap(in.readMap(StreamInput::readString, StreamInput::readString)); } else { this.headers = Collections.emptyMap(); } if (in.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_6_6_0)) { delayedDataCheckConfig = in.readOptionalWriteable(DelayedDataCheckConfig::new); } else { delayedDataCheckConfig = DelayedDataCheckConfig.defaultDelayedDataCheckConfig(); } if (in.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_7_5_0)) { maxEmptySearches = in.readOptionalVInt(); } else { maxEmptySearches = null; } if (in.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_7_7_0)) { indicesOptions = IndicesOptions.readIndicesOptions(in); } else { indicesOptions = SearchRequest.DEFAULT_INDICES_OPTIONS; } if (in.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_7_11_0)) { runtimeMappings = in.readMap(); } else { runtimeMappings = Collections.emptyMap(); } } /** * The name of datafeed configuration document name from the datafeed ID. * * @param datafeedId The datafeed ID * @return The ID of document the datafeed config is persisted in */ public static String documentId(String datafeedId) { return TYPE + "-" + datafeedId; } public String getId() { return id; } public String getJobId() { return jobId; } public String getConfigType() { return TYPE; } public TimeValue getQueryDelay() { return queryDelay; } public TimeValue getFrequency() { return frequency; } public List getIndices() { return indices; } public Integer getScrollSize() { return scrollSize; } /** * Get the fully parsed query from the semi-parsed stored {@code Map} * * @param namedXContentRegistry XContent registry to transform the lazily parsed query * @return Fully parsed query */ public QueryBuilder getParsedQuery(NamedXContentRegistry namedXContentRegistry) { return queryProvider == null ? null : parseQuery(namedXContentRegistry, new ArrayList<>()); } // TODO Remove in v8.0.0 // We only need this NamedXContentRegistry object if getParsedQuery() == null and getParsingException() == null // This situation only occurs in past versions that contained the lazy parsing support but not the providers (6.6.x) // We will still need `NamedXContentRegistry` for getting deprecations, but that is a special situation private QueryBuilder parseQuery(NamedXContentRegistry namedXContentRegistry, List deprecations) { try { return queryProvider == null || queryProvider.getQuery() == null ? null : XContentObjectTransformer.queryBuilderTransformer(namedXContentRegistry).fromMap(queryProvider.getQuery(), deprecations); } catch (Exception exception) { // Certain thrown exceptions wrap up the real Illegal argument making it hard to determine cause for the user if (exception.getCause() instanceof IllegalArgumentException) { exception = (Exception)exception.getCause(); } throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.DATAFEED_CONFIG_QUERY_BAD_FORMAT, exception); } } Exception getQueryParsingException() { return queryProvider == null ? null : queryProvider.getParsingException(); } /** * Calls the parser and returns any gathered deprecations * * @param namedXContentRegistry XContent registry to transform the lazily parsed query * @return The deprecations from parsing the query */ public List getQueryDeprecations(NamedXContentRegistry namedXContentRegistry) { List deprecations = new ArrayList<>(); parseQuery(namedXContentRegistry, deprecations); return deprecations; } public Map getQuery() { return queryProvider == null ? null : queryProvider.getQuery(); } /** * Fully parses the semi-parsed {@code Map} aggregations * * @param namedXContentRegistry XContent registry to transform the lazily parsed aggregations * @return The fully parsed aggregations */ public AggregatorFactories.Builder getParsedAggregations(NamedXContentRegistry namedXContentRegistry) { return aggProvider == null ? null : parseAggregations(namedXContentRegistry, new ArrayList<>()); } // TODO refactor in v8.0.0 // We only need this NamedXContentRegistry object if getParsedQuery() == null and getParsingException() == null // This situation only occurs in past versions that contained the lazy parsing support but not the providers (6.6.x) // We will still need `NamedXContentRegistry` for getting deprecations, but that is a special situation private AggregatorFactories.Builder parseAggregations(NamedXContentRegistry namedXContentRegistry, List deprecations) { try { return aggProvider == null || aggProvider.getAggs() == null ? null : XContentObjectTransformer.aggregatorTransformer(namedXContentRegistry).fromMap(aggProvider.getAggs(), deprecations); } catch (Exception exception) { // Certain thrown exceptions wrap up the real Illegal argument making it hard to determine cause for the user if (exception.getCause() instanceof IllegalArgumentException) { exception = (Exception)exception.getCause(); } throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.DATAFEED_CONFIG_AGG_BAD_FORMAT, exception); } } Exception getAggParsingException() { return aggProvider == null ? null : aggProvider.getParsingException(); } /** * Calls the parser and returns any gathered deprecations * * @param namedXContentRegistry XContent registry to transform the lazily parsed aggregations * @return The deprecations from parsing the aggregations */ public List getAggDeprecations(NamedXContentRegistry namedXContentRegistry) { List deprecations = new ArrayList<>(); parseAggregations(namedXContentRegistry, deprecations); return deprecations; } public Map getAggregations() { return aggProvider == null ? null : aggProvider.getAggs(); } /** * Returns the histogram's interval as epoch millis. * * @param namedXContentRegistry XContent registry to transform the lazily parsed aggregations */ public long getHistogramIntervalMillis(NamedXContentRegistry namedXContentRegistry) { return ExtractorUtils.getHistogramIntervalMillis(getParsedAggregations(namedXContentRegistry)); } /** * @return {@code true} when there are non-empty aggregations, {@code false} otherwise */ public boolean hasAggregations() { return aggProvider != null && aggProvider.getAggs() != null && aggProvider.getAggs().size() > 0; } public List getScriptFields() { return scriptFields == null ? Collections.emptyList() : scriptFields; } public ChunkingConfig getChunkingConfig() { return chunkingConfig; } public Map getHeaders() { return headers; } public DelayedDataCheckConfig getDelayedDataCheckConfig() { return delayedDataCheckConfig; } public Integer getMaxEmptySearches() { return maxEmptySearches; } public IndicesOptions getIndicesOptions() { return indicesOptions; } public Map getRuntimeMappings() { return runtimeMappings; } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeString(id); out.writeString(jobId); out.writeOptionalTimeValue(queryDelay); out.writeOptionalTimeValue(frequency); if (indices != null) { out.writeBoolean(true); out.writeStringCollection(indices); } else { out.writeBoolean(false); } // Write the now removed types to prior versions. // An empty list is expected if (out.getVersion().before(Version.V_7_0_0)) { out.writeBoolean(true); out.writeStringCollection(Collections.emptyList()); } // Each of these writables are version aware queryProvider.writeTo(out); // never null // This writes a boolean to the stream, if true, it sends the stream to the `writeTo` method out.writeOptionalWriteable(aggProvider); if (scriptFields != null) { out.writeBoolean(true); out.writeList(scriptFields); } else { out.writeBoolean(false); } out.writeOptionalVInt(scrollSize); out.writeOptionalWriteable(chunkingConfig); if (out.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_6_2_0)) { out.writeMap(headers, StreamOutput::writeString, StreamOutput::writeString); } if (out.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_6_6_0)) { out.writeOptionalWriteable(delayedDataCheckConfig); } if (out.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_7_5_0)) { out.writeOptionalVInt(maxEmptySearches); } if (out.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_7_7_0)) { indicesOptions.writeIndicesOptions(out); } if (out.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_7_11_0)) { out.writeMap(runtimeMappings); } } @Override public XContentBuilder toXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException { builder.startObject(); builder.field(ID.getPreferredName(), id); builder.field(Job.ID.getPreferredName(), jobId); if (params.paramAsBoolean(EXCLUDE_GENERATED, false) == false) { if (params.paramAsBoolean(ToXContentParams.FOR_INTERNAL_STORAGE, false)) { builder.field(CONFIG_TYPE.getPreferredName(), TYPE); } if (headers.isEmpty() == false && params.paramAsBoolean(ToXContentParams.FOR_INTERNAL_STORAGE, false)) { assertNoAuthorizationHeader(headers); builder.field(HEADERS.getPreferredName(), headers); } builder.field(QUERY_DELAY.getPreferredName(), queryDelay.getStringRep()); if (chunkingConfig != null) { builder.field(CHUNKING_CONFIG.getPreferredName(), chunkingConfig); } builder.startObject(INDICES_OPTIONS.getPreferredName()); indicesOptions.toXContent(builder, params); builder.endObject(); } else { // Don't include random defaults or unnecessary defaults in export if (queryDelay.equals(defaultRandomQueryDelay(jobId)) == false) { builder.field(QUERY_DELAY.getPreferredName(), queryDelay.getStringRep()); } // Indices options are a pretty advanced feature, better to not include them if they are just the default ones if (indicesOptions.equals(SearchRequest.DEFAULT_INDICES_OPTIONS) == false) { builder.startObject(INDICES_OPTIONS.getPreferredName()); indicesOptions.toXContent(builder, params); builder.endObject(); } // Removing the default chunking config as it is determined by OTHER fields if (chunkingConfig != null && chunkingConfig.equals(defaultChunkingConfig(aggProvider)) == false) { builder.field(CHUNKING_CONFIG.getPreferredName(), chunkingConfig); } } builder.field(QUERY.getPreferredName(), queryProvider.getQuery()); if (frequency != null) { builder.field(FREQUENCY.getPreferredName(), frequency.getStringRep()); } builder.field(INDICES.getPreferredName(), indices); if (aggProvider != null) { builder.field(AGGREGATIONS.getPreferredName(), aggProvider.getAggs()); } if (scriptFields != null) { builder.startObject(SCRIPT_FIELDS.getPreferredName()); for (SearchSourceBuilder.ScriptField scriptField : scriptFields) { scriptField.toXContent(builder, params); } builder.endObject(); } builder.field(SCROLL_SIZE.getPreferredName(), scrollSize); if (delayedDataCheckConfig != null) { builder.field(DELAYED_DATA_CHECK_CONFIG.getPreferredName(), delayedDataCheckConfig); } if (maxEmptySearches != null) { builder.field(MAX_EMPTY_SEARCHES.getPreferredName(), maxEmptySearches); } if (runtimeMappings.isEmpty() == false) { builder.field(SearchSourceBuilder.RUNTIME_MAPPINGS_FIELD.getPreferredName(), runtimeMappings); } builder.endObject(); return builder; } private static TimeValue defaultRandomQueryDelay(String jobId) { Random random = new Random(jobId.hashCode()); long delayMillis = random.longs(MIN_DEFAULT_QUERY_DELAY.millis(), MAX_DEFAULT_QUERY_DELAY.millis()).findFirst().getAsLong(); return TimeValue.timeValueMillis(delayMillis); } private static ChunkingConfig defaultChunkingConfig(@Nullable AggProvider aggProvider) { if (aggProvider == null || aggProvider.getParsedAggs() == null) { return ChunkingConfig.newAuto(); } else { long histogramIntervalMillis = ExtractorUtils.getHistogramIntervalMillis(aggProvider.getParsedAggs()); if (histogramIntervalMillis <= 0) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.DATAFEED_AGGREGATIONS_INTERVAL_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO); } return ChunkingConfig.newManual(TimeValue.timeValueMillis(DEFAULT_AGGREGATION_CHUNKING_BUCKETS * histogramIntervalMillis)); } } /** * The lists of indices and types are compared for equality but they are not * sorted first so this test could fail simply because the indices and types * lists are in different orders. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) { return true; } if (other instanceof DatafeedConfig == false) { return false; } DatafeedConfig that = (DatafeedConfig) other; return Objects.equals(, && Objects.equals(this.jobId, that.jobId) && Objects.equals(this.frequency, that.frequency) && Objects.equals(this.queryDelay, that.queryDelay) && Objects.equals(this.indices, that.indices) && Objects.equals(this.queryProvider, that.queryProvider) && Objects.equals(this.scrollSize, that.scrollSize) && Objects.equals(this.aggProvider, that.aggProvider) && Objects.equals(this.scriptFields, that.scriptFields) && Objects.equals(this.chunkingConfig, that.chunkingConfig) && Objects.equals(this.headers, that.headers) && Objects.equals(this.delayedDataCheckConfig, that.delayedDataCheckConfig) && Objects.equals(this.maxEmptySearches, that.maxEmptySearches) && Objects.equals(this.indicesOptions, that.indicesOptions) && Objects.equals(this.runtimeMappings, that.runtimeMappings); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(id, jobId, frequency, queryDelay, indices, queryProvider, scrollSize, aggProvider, scriptFields, chunkingConfig, headers, delayedDataCheckConfig, maxEmptySearches, indicesOptions, runtimeMappings); } @Override public String toString() { return Strings.toString(this); } /** * Calculates a sensible default frequency for a given bucket span. *

* The default depends on the bucket span: *

  • <= 2 mins -> 1 min
  • *
  • <= 20 mins -> bucket span / 2
  • *
  • <= 12 hours -> 10 mins
  • *
  • > 12 hours -> 1 hour
  • *
* * If the datafeed has aggregations, the default frequency is the * closest multiple of the histogram interval based on the rules above. * * @param bucketSpan the bucket span * @return the default frequency */ public TimeValue defaultFrequency(TimeValue bucketSpan, NamedXContentRegistry xContentRegistry) { TimeValue defaultFrequency = defaultFrequencyTarget(bucketSpan); if (hasAggregations()) { long histogramIntervalMillis = getHistogramIntervalMillis(xContentRegistry); long targetFrequencyMillis = defaultFrequency.millis(); long defaultFrequencyMillis = histogramIntervalMillis > targetFrequencyMillis ? histogramIntervalMillis : (targetFrequencyMillis / histogramIntervalMillis) * histogramIntervalMillis; defaultFrequency = TimeValue.timeValueMillis(defaultFrequencyMillis); } return defaultFrequency; } private TimeValue defaultFrequencyTarget(TimeValue bucketSpan) { long bucketSpanSeconds = bucketSpan.seconds(); if (bucketSpanSeconds <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bucket span has to be > 0"); } if (bucketSpanSeconds <= TWO_MINS_SECONDS) { return TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(SECONDS_IN_MINUTE); } if (bucketSpanSeconds <= TWENTY_MINS_SECONDS) { return TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(bucketSpanSeconds / 2); } if (bucketSpanSeconds <= HALF_DAY_SECONDS) { return TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(10); } return TimeValue.timeValueHours(1); } public static class Builder { private String id; private String jobId; private TimeValue queryDelay; private TimeValue frequency; private List indices = Collections.emptyList(); private QueryProvider queryProvider = QueryProvider.defaultQuery(); private AggProvider aggProvider; private List scriptFields; private Integer scrollSize = DEFAULT_SCROLL_SIZE; private ChunkingConfig chunkingConfig; private Map headers = Collections.emptyMap(); private DelayedDataCheckConfig delayedDataCheckConfig = DelayedDataCheckConfig.defaultDelayedDataCheckConfig(); private Integer maxEmptySearches; private IndicesOptions indicesOptions; private Map runtimeMappings = Collections.emptyMap(); public Builder() { } public Builder(String id, String jobId) { this(); = ExceptionsHelper.requireNonNull(id, ID.getPreferredName()); this.jobId = ExceptionsHelper.requireNonNull(jobId, Job.ID.getPreferredName()); } public Builder(DatafeedConfig config) { =; this.jobId = config.jobId; this.queryDelay = config.queryDelay; this.frequency = config.frequency; this.indices = new ArrayList<>(config.indices); this.queryProvider = config.queryProvider == null ? null : new QueryProvider(config.queryProvider); this.aggProvider = config.aggProvider == null ? null : new AggProvider(config.aggProvider); this.scriptFields = config.scriptFields == null ? null : new ArrayList<>(config.scriptFields); this.scrollSize = config.scrollSize; this.chunkingConfig = config.chunkingConfig; this.headers = new HashMap<>(config.headers); this.delayedDataCheckConfig = config.getDelayedDataCheckConfig(); this.maxEmptySearches = config.getMaxEmptySearches(); this.indicesOptions = config.indicesOptions; this.runtimeMappings = new HashMap<>(config.runtimeMappings); } public Builder setId(String datafeedId) { id = ExceptionsHelper.requireNonNull(datafeedId, ID.getPreferredName()); return this; } public String getId() { return id; } public Builder setJobId(String jobId) { this.jobId = ExceptionsHelper.requireNonNull(jobId, Job.ID.getPreferredName()); return this; } public Builder setHeaders(Map headers) { this.headers = ExceptionsHelper.requireNonNull(headers, HEADERS.getPreferredName()); return this; } public Builder setIndices(List indices) { this.indices = ExceptionsHelper.requireNonNull(indices, INDICES.getPreferredName()); return this; } public Builder setQueryDelay(TimeValue queryDelay) { TimeUtils.checkNonNegativeMultiple(queryDelay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, QUERY_DELAY); this.queryDelay = queryDelay; return this; } public Builder setFrequency(TimeValue frequency) { TimeUtils.checkPositiveMultiple(frequency, TimeUnit.SECONDS, FREQUENCY); this.frequency = frequency; return this; } public Builder setQueryProvider(QueryProvider queryProvider) { this.queryProvider = ExceptionsHelper.requireNonNull(queryProvider, QUERY.getPreferredName()); return this; } // For testing only public Builder setParsedQuery(QueryBuilder queryBuilder) { try { this.queryProvider = ExceptionsHelper.requireNonNull(QueryProvider.fromParsedQuery(queryBuilder), QUERY.getPreferredName()); } catch (IOException exception) { // eat exception as it should never happen logger.error("Exception trying to setParsedQuery", exception); } return this; } // For testing only public Builder setParsedAggregations(AggregatorFactories.Builder aggregations) { try { this.aggProvider = AggProvider.fromParsedAggs(aggregations); } catch (IOException exception) { // eat exception as it should never happen logger.error("Exception trying to setParsedAggregations", exception); } return this; } private Builder setAggregationsSafe(AggProvider aggProvider) { if (this.aggProvider != null) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException("Found two aggregation definitions: [aggs] and [aggregations]"); } this.aggProvider = aggProvider; return this; } public Builder setAggProvider(AggProvider aggProvider) { this.aggProvider = aggProvider; return this; } public Builder setScriptFields(List scriptFields) { List sorted = new ArrayList<>(scriptFields); sorted.sort(Comparator.comparing(SearchSourceBuilder.ScriptField::fieldName)); this.scriptFields = sorted; return this; } public Builder setScrollSize(int scrollSize) { if (scrollSize < 0) { String msg = Messages.getMessage(Messages.DATAFEED_CONFIG_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE, DatafeedConfig.SCROLL_SIZE.getPreferredName(), scrollSize); throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(msg); } this.scrollSize = scrollSize; return this; } public Builder setChunkingConfig(ChunkingConfig chunkingConfig) { this.chunkingConfig = chunkingConfig; return this; } public Builder setDelayedDataCheckConfig(DelayedDataCheckConfig delayedDataCheckConfig) { this.delayedDataCheckConfig = delayedDataCheckConfig; return this; } public Builder setMaxEmptySearches(int maxEmptySearches) { if (maxEmptySearches == -1) { this.maxEmptySearches = null; } else if (maxEmptySearches <= 0) { String msg = Messages.getMessage(Messages.DATAFEED_CONFIG_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE, DatafeedConfig.MAX_EMPTY_SEARCHES.getPreferredName(), maxEmptySearches); throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(msg); } else { this.maxEmptySearches = maxEmptySearches; } return this; } public Builder setIndicesOptions(IndicesOptions indicesOptions) { this.indicesOptions = indicesOptions; return this; } public IndicesOptions getIndicesOptions() { return this.indicesOptions; } public void setRuntimeMappings(Map runtimeMappings) { this.runtimeMappings = ExceptionsHelper.requireNonNull(runtimeMappings, SearchSourceBuilder.RUNTIME_MAPPINGS_FIELD.getPreferredName()); } public DatafeedConfig build() { ExceptionsHelper.requireNonNull(id, ID.getPreferredName()); ExceptionsHelper.requireNonNull(jobId, Job.ID.getPreferredName()); if (MlStrings.isValidId(id) == false) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.getMessage(Messages.INVALID_ID, ID.getPreferredName(), id)); } if (indices == null || indices.isEmpty() || indices.contains(null) || indices.contains("")) { throw invalidOptionValue(INDICES.getPreferredName(), indices); } validateScriptFields(); validateRuntimeMappings(); setDefaultChunkingConfig(); setDefaultQueryDelay(); if (indicesOptions == null) { indicesOptions = SearchRequest.DEFAULT_INDICES_OPTIONS; } return new DatafeedConfig(id, jobId, queryDelay, frequency, indices, queryProvider, aggProvider, scriptFields, scrollSize, chunkingConfig, headers, delayedDataCheckConfig, maxEmptySearches, indicesOptions, runtimeMappings); } void validateScriptFields() { if (aggProvider == null) { return; } if (scriptFields != null && scriptFields.isEmpty() == false) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException( Messages.getMessage(Messages.DATAFEED_CONFIG_CANNOT_USE_SCRIPT_FIELDS_WITH_AGGS)); } } /** * Perform a light check that the structure resembles runtime_mappings. * The full check cannot happen until search */ void validateRuntimeMappings() { for (Map.Entry entry : runtimeMappings.entrySet()) { // top level objects are fields String fieldName = entry.getKey(); if (entry.getValue() instanceof Map) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map propNode = new HashMap<>(((Map) entry.getValue())); Object typeNode = propNode.get("type"); if (typeNode == null) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException("No type specified for runtime field [" + fieldName + "]"); } } else { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException("Expected map for runtime field [" + fieldName + "] " + "definition but got a " + fieldName.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } } private static void checkNoMoreHistogramAggregations(Collection aggregations) { for (AggregationBuilder agg : aggregations) { if (ExtractorUtils.isHistogram(agg)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.DATAFEED_AGGREGATIONS_MAX_ONE_DATE_HISTOGRAM); } checkNoMoreHistogramAggregations(agg.getSubAggregations()); } } static void checkHistogramAggregationHasChildMaxTimeAgg(AggregationBuilder histogramAggregation) { String timeField = null; if (histogramAggregation instanceof ValuesSourceAggregationBuilder) { timeField = ((ValuesSourceAggregationBuilder) histogramAggregation).field(); } for (AggregationBuilder agg : histogramAggregation.getSubAggregations()) { if (agg instanceof MaxAggregationBuilder) { MaxAggregationBuilder maxAgg = (MaxAggregationBuilder)agg; if (maxAgg.field().equals(timeField)) { return; } } } throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException( Messages.getMessage(Messages.DATAFEED_DATA_HISTOGRAM_MUST_HAVE_NESTED_MAX_AGGREGATION, timeField)); } private static void checkHistogramIntervalIsPositive(AggregationBuilder histogramAggregation) { long interval = ExtractorUtils.getHistogramIntervalMillis(histogramAggregation); if (interval <= 0) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.DATAFEED_AGGREGATIONS_INTERVAL_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO); } } private void setDefaultChunkingConfig() { if (chunkingConfig == null) { chunkingConfig = defaultChunkingConfig(aggProvider); } } private void setDefaultQueryDelay() { if (queryDelay == null) { queryDelay = defaultRandomQueryDelay(jobId); } } private static ElasticsearchException invalidOptionValue(String fieldName, Object value) { String msg = Messages.getMessage(Messages.DATAFEED_CONFIG_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE, fieldName, value); throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(msg); } } }

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