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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
 * 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
 * 2.0.

import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchParseException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.ParseField;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ObjectParser;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContentObject;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

 * Defines the fields to be used in the analysis.
 * fieldname must be set and only one of byFieldName
 * and overFieldName should be set.
public class Detector implements ToXContentObject, Writeable {

    public enum ExcludeFrequent implements Writeable {

         * Case-insensitive from string method.
         * Works with either JSON, json, etc.
         * @param value String representation
         * @return The data format
        public static ExcludeFrequent forString(String value) {
            return valueOf(value.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT));

        public static ExcludeFrequent readFromStream(StreamInput in) throws IOException {
            return in.readEnum(ExcludeFrequent.class);

        public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException {

        public String toString() {
            return name().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);

    public static final ParseField DETECTOR_DESCRIPTION_FIELD = new ParseField("detector_description");
    public static final ParseField FUNCTION_FIELD = new ParseField("function");
    public static final ParseField FIELD_NAME_FIELD = new ParseField("field_name");
    public static final ParseField BY_FIELD_NAME_FIELD = new ParseField("by_field_name");
    public static final ParseField OVER_FIELD_NAME_FIELD = new ParseField("over_field_name");
    public static final ParseField PARTITION_FIELD_NAME_FIELD = new ParseField("partition_field_name");
    public static final ParseField USE_NULL_FIELD = new ParseField("use_null");
    public static final ParseField EXCLUDE_FREQUENT_FIELD = new ParseField("exclude_frequent");
    public static final ParseField CUSTOM_RULES_FIELD = new ParseField("custom_rules");
    public static final ParseField DETECTOR_INDEX = new ParseField("detector_index");

    // These parsers follow the pattern that metadata is parsed leniently (to allow for enhancements), whilst config is parsed strictly
    public static final ObjectParser LENIENT_PARSER = createParser(true);
    public static final ObjectParser STRICT_PARSER = createParser(false);

    private static ObjectParser createParser(boolean ignoreUnknownFields) {
        ObjectParser parser = new ObjectParser<>("detector", ignoreUnknownFields, Builder::new);

        parser.declareString(Builder::setDetectorDescription, DETECTOR_DESCRIPTION_FIELD);
        parser.declareString(Builder::setFunction, FUNCTION_FIELD);
        parser.declareString(Builder::setFieldName, FIELD_NAME_FIELD);
        parser.declareString(Builder::setByFieldName, BY_FIELD_NAME_FIELD);
        parser.declareString(Builder::setOverFieldName, OVER_FIELD_NAME_FIELD);
        parser.declareString(Builder::setPartitionFieldName, PARTITION_FIELD_NAME_FIELD);
        parser.declareBoolean(Builder::setUseNull, USE_NULL_FIELD);
        parser.declareString(Builder::setExcludeFrequent, ExcludeFrequent::forString, EXCLUDE_FREQUENT_FIELD);
            (p, c) -> (ignoreUnknownFields ? DetectionRule.LENIENT_PARSER : DetectionRule.STRICT_PARSER).apply(p, c).build(),
        parser.declareInt(Builder::setDetectorIndex, DETECTOR_INDEX);

        return parser;

    public static final String BY = "by";
    public static final String OVER = "over";

     * The set of functions that do not require a field, by field or over field
    public static final EnumSet COUNT_WITHOUT_FIELD_FUNCTIONS = EnumSet.of(

     * The set of functions that require a fieldname
    public static final EnumSet FIELD_NAME_FUNCTIONS = EnumSet.of(
            DetectorFunction.MEAN, DetectorFunction.AVG,
            DetectorFunction.HIGH_MEAN, DetectorFunction.HIGH_AVG,
            DetectorFunction.LOW_MEAN, DetectorFunction.LOW_AVG,

     * The set of functions that require a by fieldname
    public static final EnumSet BY_FIELD_NAME_FUNCTIONS = EnumSet.of(

     * The set of functions that require a over fieldname
    public static final EnumSet OVER_FIELD_NAME_FUNCTIONS = EnumSet.of(

     * The set of functions that cannot have an over fieldname
    public static final EnumSet NO_OVER_FIELD_NAME_FUNCTIONS = EnumSet.of(

     * Functions that do not support rule conditions:
  • lat_long - because it is a multivariate feature *
  • metric - because having the same conditions on min,max,mean is * error-prone *
  • rare - because the actual/typical value is not something a user can anticipate *
  • freq_rare - because the actual/typical value is not something a user can anticipate *
*/ static final EnumSet FUNCTIONS_WITHOUT_RULE_CONDITION_SUPPORT = EnumSet.of( DetectorFunction.LAT_LONG, DetectorFunction.METRIC, DetectorFunction.RARE, DetectorFunction.FREQ_RARE); /** * field names cannot contain any of these characters * ", \ */ public static final Character[] PROHIBITED_FIELDNAME_CHARACTERS = {'"', '\\'}; public static final String PROHIBITED = String.join(",", c -> Character.toString(c)).collect(Collectors.toList())); private final String detectorDescription; private final DetectorFunction function; private final String fieldName; private final String byFieldName; private final String overFieldName; private final String partitionFieldName; private final boolean useNull; private final ExcludeFrequent excludeFrequent; private final List rules; private final int detectorIndex; public Detector(StreamInput in) throws IOException { detectorDescription = in.readString(); function = DetectorFunction.fromString(in.readString()); fieldName = in.readOptionalString(); byFieldName = in.readOptionalString(); overFieldName = in.readOptionalString(); partitionFieldName = in.readOptionalString(); useNull = in.readBoolean(); excludeFrequent = in.readBoolean() ? ExcludeFrequent.readFromStream(in) : null; rules = Collections.unmodifiableList(in.readList(DetectionRule::new)); detectorIndex = in.readInt(); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeString(detectorDescription); out.writeString(function.getFullName()); out.writeOptionalString(fieldName); out.writeOptionalString(byFieldName); out.writeOptionalString(overFieldName); out.writeOptionalString(partitionFieldName); out.writeBoolean(useNull); if (excludeFrequent != null) { out.writeBoolean(true); excludeFrequent.writeTo(out); } else { out.writeBoolean(false); } if (out.getVersion().onOrAfter(DetectionRule.VERSION_INTRODUCED)) { out.writeList(rules); } else { out.writeList(Collections.emptyList()); } out.writeInt(detectorIndex); } @Override public XContentBuilder toXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException { builder.startObject(); builder.field(DETECTOR_DESCRIPTION_FIELD.getPreferredName(), detectorDescription); builder.field(FUNCTION_FIELD.getPreferredName(), function); if (fieldName != null) { builder.field(FIELD_NAME_FIELD.getPreferredName(), fieldName); } if (byFieldName != null) { builder.field(BY_FIELD_NAME_FIELD.getPreferredName(), byFieldName); } if (overFieldName != null) { builder.field(OVER_FIELD_NAME_FIELD.getPreferredName(), overFieldName); } if (partitionFieldName != null) { builder.field(PARTITION_FIELD_NAME_FIELD.getPreferredName(), partitionFieldName); } if (useNull) { builder.field(USE_NULL_FIELD.getPreferredName(), useNull); } if (excludeFrequent != null) { builder.field(EXCLUDE_FREQUENT_FIELD.getPreferredName(), excludeFrequent); } if (rules.isEmpty() == false) { builder.field(CUSTOM_RULES_FIELD.getPreferredName(), rules); } // negative means "unknown", which should only happen for a 5.4 job if (detectorIndex >= 0 // no point writing this to cluster state, as the indexes will get reassigned on reload anyway && params.paramAsBoolean(ToXContentParams.FOR_INTERNAL_STORAGE, false) == false) { builder.field(DETECTOR_INDEX.getPreferredName(), detectorIndex); } builder.endObject(); return builder; } private Detector(String detectorDescription, DetectorFunction function, String fieldName, String byFieldName, String overFieldName, String partitionFieldName, boolean useNull, ExcludeFrequent excludeFrequent, List rules, int detectorIndex) { this.function = function; this.fieldName = fieldName; this.byFieldName = byFieldName; this.overFieldName = overFieldName; this.partitionFieldName = partitionFieldName; this.useNull = useNull; this.excludeFrequent = excludeFrequent; this.rules = Collections.unmodifiableList(rules); this.detectorDescription = detectorDescription != null ? detectorDescription : DefaultDetectorDescription.of(this); this.detectorIndex = detectorIndex; } public String getDetectorDescription() { return detectorDescription; } /** * The analysis function used e.g. count, rare, min etc. * * @return The function or null if not set */ public DetectorFunction getFunction() { return function; } /** * The Analysis field * * @return The field to analyse */ public String getFieldName() { return fieldName; } /** * The 'by' field or null if not set. * * @return The 'by' field */ public String getByFieldName() { return byFieldName; } /** * The 'over' field or null if not set. * * @return The 'over' field */ public String getOverFieldName() { return overFieldName; } /** * Segments the analysis along another field to have completely * independent baselines for each instance of partitionfield * * @return The Partition Field */ public String getPartitionFieldName() { return partitionFieldName; } /** * Where there isn't a value for the 'by' or 'over' field should a new * series be used as the 'null' series. * * @return true if the 'null' series should be created */ public boolean isUseNull() { return useNull; } /** * Excludes frequently-occurring metrics from the analysis; * can apply to 'by' field, 'over' field, or both * * @return the value that the user set */ public ExcludeFrequent getExcludeFrequent() { return excludeFrequent; } public List getRules() { return rules; } /** * @return the detector index or a negative number if unknown */ public int getDetectorIndex() { return detectorIndex; } /** * Returns a list with the byFieldName, overFieldName and partitionFieldName that are not null * * @return a list with the byFieldName, overFieldName and partitionFieldName that are not null */ public List extractAnalysisFields() { List analysisFields = Arrays.asList(getByFieldName(), getOverFieldName(), getPartitionFieldName()); return -> item != null).collect(Collectors.toList()); } public Set extractReferencedFilters() { return rules == null ? Collections.emptySet() : .flatMap(Set::stream).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } /** * Returns the set of by/over/partition terms */ public Set getByOverPartitionTerms() { Set terms = new HashSet<>(); if (byFieldName != null) { terms.add(byFieldName); } if (overFieldName != null) { terms.add(overFieldName); } if (partitionFieldName != null) { terms.add(partitionFieldName); } return terms; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) { return true; } if (other instanceof Detector == false) { return false; } Detector that = (Detector) other; return Objects.equals(this.detectorDescription, that.detectorDescription) && Objects.equals(this.function, that.function) && Objects.equals(this.fieldName, that.fieldName) && Objects.equals(this.byFieldName, that.byFieldName) && Objects.equals(this.overFieldName, that.overFieldName) && Objects.equals(this.partitionFieldName, that.partitionFieldName) && Objects.equals(this.useNull, that.useNull) && Objects.equals(this.excludeFrequent, that.excludeFrequent) && Objects.equals(this.rules, that.rules) && this.detectorIndex == that.detectorIndex; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(detectorDescription, function, fieldName, byFieldName, overFieldName, partitionFieldName, useNull, excludeFrequent, rules, detectorIndex); } public static class Builder { private String detectorDescription; private DetectorFunction function; private String fieldName; private String byFieldName; private String overFieldName; private String partitionFieldName; private boolean useNull = false; private ExcludeFrequent excludeFrequent; private List rules = Collections.emptyList(); // negative means unknown, and is expected for v5.4 jobs private int detectorIndex = -1; public Builder() { } public Builder(Detector detector) { detectorDescription = detector.detectorDescription; function = detector.function; fieldName = detector.fieldName; byFieldName = detector.byFieldName; overFieldName = detector.overFieldName; partitionFieldName = detector.partitionFieldName; useNull = detector.useNull; excludeFrequent = detector.excludeFrequent; rules = new ArrayList<>(detector.rules); detectorIndex = detector.detectorIndex; } public Builder(String function, String fieldName) { this(DetectorFunction.fromString(function), fieldName); } public Builder(DetectorFunction function, String fieldName) { this.function = function; this.fieldName = fieldName; } public Builder setDetectorDescription(String detectorDescription) { this.detectorDescription = detectorDescription; return this; } public Builder setFunction(String function) { this.function = DetectorFunction.fromString(function); return this; } public Builder setFieldName(String fieldName) { this.fieldName = fieldName; return this; } public Builder setByFieldName(String byFieldName) { this.byFieldName = byFieldName; return this; } public Builder setOverFieldName(String overFieldName) { this.overFieldName = overFieldName; return this; } public Builder setPartitionFieldName(String partitionFieldName) { this.partitionFieldName = partitionFieldName; return this; } public Builder setUseNull(boolean useNull) { this.useNull = useNull; return this; } public Builder setExcludeFrequent(ExcludeFrequent excludeFrequent) { this.excludeFrequent = excludeFrequent; return this; } public Builder setRules(List rules) { this.rules = rules; return this; } public Builder setDetectorIndex(int detectorIndex) { this.detectorIndex = detectorIndex; return this; } public Detector build() { boolean emptyField = Strings.isEmpty(fieldName); boolean emptyByField = Strings.isEmpty(byFieldName); boolean emptyOverField = Strings.isEmpty(overFieldName); boolean emptyPartitionField = Strings.isEmpty(partitionFieldName); if (emptyField && emptyByField && emptyOverField) { if (Detector.COUNT_WITHOUT_FIELD_FUNCTIONS.contains(function) == false) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_ANALYSIS_FIELD_MUST_BE_SET)); } } // check functions have required fields if (emptyField && Detector.FIELD_NAME_FUNCTIONS.contains(function)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_FUNCTION_REQUIRES_FIELDNAME, function)); } if (emptyField == false && (Detector.FIELD_NAME_FUNCTIONS.contains(function) == false)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException( Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_FIELDNAME_INCOMPATIBLE_FUNCTION, function)); } if (emptyByField && Detector.BY_FIELD_NAME_FUNCTIONS.contains(function)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_FUNCTION_REQUIRES_BYFIELD, function)); } if (emptyOverField && Detector.OVER_FIELD_NAME_FUNCTIONS.contains(function)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_FUNCTION_REQUIRES_OVERFIELD, function)); } if (emptyOverField == false && Detector.NO_OVER_FIELD_NAME_FUNCTIONS.contains(function)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException( Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_OVERFIELD_INCOMPATIBLE_FUNCTION, function)); } // field names cannot contain certain characters String[] fields = { fieldName, byFieldName, overFieldName, partitionFieldName }; for (String field : fields) { verifyFieldName(field); } DetectorFunction function = this.function == null ? DetectorFunction.METRIC : this.function; for (DetectionRule rule : rules) { validateRule(rule, function); } // partition, by and over field names cannot be duplicates if (emptyPartitionField == false) { if (partitionFieldName.equals(byFieldName)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_DETECTOR_DUPLICATE_FIELD_NAME, PARTITION_FIELD_NAME_FIELD.getPreferredName(), BY_FIELD_NAME_FIELD.getPreferredName(), partitionFieldName)); } if (partitionFieldName.equals(overFieldName)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_DETECTOR_DUPLICATE_FIELD_NAME, PARTITION_FIELD_NAME_FIELD.getPreferredName(), OVER_FIELD_NAME_FIELD.getPreferredName(), partitionFieldName)); } } if (emptyByField == false && byFieldName.equals(overFieldName)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_DETECTOR_DUPLICATE_FIELD_NAME, BY_FIELD_NAME_FIELD.getPreferredName(), OVER_FIELD_NAME_FIELD.getPreferredName(), byFieldName)); } // by/over field names cannot be "count", "over', "by" - this requirement dates back to the early // days of the ML code and could be removed now BUT ONLY IF THE C++ CODE IS CHANGED // FIRST - see if (DetectorFunction.COUNT.getFullName().equals(byFieldName)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_DETECTOR_COUNT_DISALLOWED, BY_FIELD_NAME_FIELD.getPreferredName())); } if (DetectorFunction.COUNT.getFullName().equals(overFieldName)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_DETECTOR_COUNT_DISALLOWED, OVER_FIELD_NAME_FIELD.getPreferredName())); } if (BY.equals(byFieldName)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_DETECTOR_BY_DISALLOWED, BY_FIELD_NAME_FIELD.getPreferredName())); } if (BY.equals(overFieldName)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_DETECTOR_BY_DISALLOWED, OVER_FIELD_NAME_FIELD.getPreferredName())); } if (OVER.equals(byFieldName)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_DETECTOR_OVER_DISALLOWED, BY_FIELD_NAME_FIELD.getPreferredName())); } if (OVER.equals(overFieldName)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_DETECTOR_OVER_DISALLOWED, OVER_FIELD_NAME_FIELD.getPreferredName())); } return new Detector(detectorDescription, function, fieldName, byFieldName, overFieldName, partitionFieldName, useNull, excludeFrequent, rules, detectorIndex); } public List extractAnalysisFields() { List analysisFields = Arrays.asList(byFieldName, overFieldName, partitionFieldName); return -> item != null).collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Check that the characters used in a field name will not cause problems. * * @param field The field name to be validated */ public static void verifyFieldName(String field) throws ElasticsearchParseException { if (field != null && containsInvalidChar(field)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException( Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_INVALID_FIELDNAME_CHARS, field, Detector.PROHIBITED)); } if (RecordWriter.CONTROL_FIELD_NAME.equals(field)) { throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException( Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_INVALID_FIELDNAME, field, RecordWriter.CONTROL_FIELD_NAME)); } } private static boolean containsInvalidChar(String field) { for (Character ch : Detector.PROHIBITED_FIELDNAME_CHARACTERS) { if (field.indexOf(ch) >= 0) { return true; } } return field.chars().anyMatch(Character::isISOControl); } private void validateRule(DetectionRule rule, DetectorFunction function) { checkFunctionHasRuleSupport(rule, function); checkScoping(rule); } private void checkFunctionHasRuleSupport(DetectionRule rule, DetectorFunction function) { if (ruleHasConditionOnResultValue(rule) && FUNCTIONS_WITHOUT_RULE_CONDITION_SUPPORT.contains(function)) { String msg = Messages.getMessage(Messages.JOB_CONFIG_DETECTION_RULE_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_FUNCTION, function); throw ExceptionsHelper.badRequestException(msg); } } private static boolean ruleHasConditionOnResultValue(DetectionRule rule) { for (RuleCondition condition : rule.getConditions()) { switch (condition.getAppliesTo()) { case ACTUAL: case TYPICAL: case DIFF_FROM_TYPICAL: return true; case TIME: return false; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown applies_to value [" + condition.getAppliesTo() + "]"); } } return false; } private void checkScoping(DetectionRule rule) { Set analysisFields = new TreeSet<>(extractAnalysisFields()); rule.getScope().validate(analysisFields); } } }

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