org.elasticsearch.groovy.client.ClientExtensions.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.elasticsearch.groovy.client
import org.elasticsearch.action.ListenableActionFuture
import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.count.CountRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.count.CountResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.deletebyquery.DeleteByQueryRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.deletebyquery.DeleteByQueryResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.explain.ExplainRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.explain.ExplainResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.fieldstats.FieldStatsRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.fieldstats.FieldStatsResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.get.MultiGetRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.get.MultiGetResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.indexedscripts.delete.DeleteIndexedScriptRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.indexedscripts.delete.DeleteIndexedScriptResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.indexedscripts.get.GetIndexedScriptRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.indexedscripts.get.GetIndexedScriptResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.indexedscripts.put.PutIndexedScriptRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.indexedscripts.put.PutIndexedScriptResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.mlt.MoreLikeThisRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.percolate.MultiPercolateRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.percolate.MultiPercolateResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.percolate.PercolateRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.percolate.PercolateResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.suggest.SuggestRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.suggest.SuggestResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.termvector.MultiTermVectorsRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.termvector.MultiTermVectorsResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.termvector.TermVectorRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.termvector.TermVectorResponse
import org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequest
import org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateResponse
import org.elasticsearch.client.AdminClient
import org.elasticsearch.client.Client
import org.elasticsearch.client.Requests
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings
* {@code ClientExtensions} provides extensions to the Elasticsearch {@link Client} to enable Groovy-friendly
* requests.
* This enables support for using {@link Closure}s to configure (and execute) the various action requests. For example:
* ListenableActionFuture<IndexResponse> indexResponse = client.index {
* index "index-name"
* type "type-name"
* id "id-value"
* source {
* name "kimchy"
* timestamp = new Date()
* nested {
* other = 1.23
* data {
* count = 1234
* values = ["abc", "def"]
* }
* }
* }
* }
* The above code would create an {@link IndexRequest}, call {@link IndexRequest#index(String) index("index-name")},
* {@link IndexRequest#type(String) type("type-name")}, {@link IndexRequest#id(String) id("id-value")}, and {@link
* IndexRequest#source source(Closure)}.
* Note: All requests made by the {@code ClientExtensions} methods are asynchronous and they are invoked immediately.
* To block until a response is returned, then call {@link ListenableActionFuture#actionGet()} or one of its overloads
* that allow you to provide a timeout.
class ClientExtensions extends AbstractClientExtensions {
* Get the admin client that can be used to perform administrative operations.
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @return Always {@link Client#admin()}.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code self} is {@code null}
static AdminClient getAdmin(Client self) {
* Get the client {@link Settings}.
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @return Always {@link Client#settings()}.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code self} is {@code null}
static Settings getSettings(Client self) {
* Index a document associated with a given index and type, then get the future result.
* The id is optional. If it is not provided, one will be generated automatically.
* IndexResponse response = client.index {
* index "my-index"
* type "my-type"
* // optional ID
* id "my-id"
* source {
* user = "kimchy"
* postedDate = new Date()
* nested {
* object {
* field = 123
* }
* }
* }
* }.actionGet()
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link IndexRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
* @throws NullPointerException if any parameter is {@code null}
static ListenableActionFuture index(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, Requests.indexRequest(), requestClosure, self.&index)
* Executes a bulk of index, update, or delete operations.
* An example usage of the Bulk API would be to bulk index your own data, which may make sense to wrap for your own
* convenience:
* BulkResponse bulkIndex(String indexName,
* String typeName,
* List<Closure> sources) {
* client.bulk {
* // Note: This creates a List<IndexRequest>
* add sources.collect {
* Requests.indexRequest(indexName).type(typeName).source(it)
* }
* }.actionGet()
* }
* Such a method could then be used to build {@code List}s of {@code Closure}s to more clearly bulk index.
* // Index three documents
* BulkResponse response = bulkIndex("my-index", "my-type", [
* { user = "kimchy" },
* { user = "pickypg" },
* { user = "dadoonet" }
* ])
* You could build the {@code List} dynamically in a more realistic example:
* Closure convertMyObject(MyObject value) {
* // return is used explicitly so that the compiler knows this is
* // not an arbitrary code block
* return {
* user = value.username
* }
* }
* void indexDocuments(List<MyObject> objects) {
* // objects.collect(this.&convertMyObject) returns a List with each item the 1:1 result of calling
* // convertMyObject(objects[i])
* bulkIndex("my-index", "my-type", objects.collect(this.&convertMyObject))
* }
* If you wanted to mix-and-match indexing, updating, and deletions, then this approach would have to be modified,
* but for the common use case of only adding new documents, then this should simplify a lot of bulk insertions. If
* you wanted to mix-and-match different indices or types, then a variation of this could be created using the
* Groovy-supplied {@code with} method at the expense of complicating each {@code Closure}.
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link BulkRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
* @throws NullPointerException if any parameter is {@code null}
static ListenableActionFuture bulk(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, new BulkRequest(), requestClosure, self.&bulk)
* Updates a document based on a script or given source.
* For an unscripted example, you could simply replace fields (all or partially) in an existing document:
* UpdateResponse response = client.update {
* index "my-index"
* type "my-type"
* id "my-id"
* // Add/replace document fields
* doc {
* new_field = 456.7
* }
* }.actionGet()
* For a scripted example, you might do something like:
* UpdateResponse response = client.update {
* index "my-index"
* type "my-type"
* id "my-id"
* script "ctx._source.counter += count"
* scriptParams {
* count = 1
* }
* upsert {
* some {
* other {
* info = "indexed if document does not exist"
* }
* }
* counter = 1
* }
* }.actionGet()
* Note: All updates are really delete-then-index operations and partial updates require that the
* document's source be stored (defaults to {@code true}, but changeable in the type's mapping).
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link UpdateRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
static ListenableActionFuture update(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, new UpdateRequest(), requestClosure, self.&update)
* Deletes a document from the index based on the index, type and id.
* DeleteResponse response = client.delete {
* index "my-index"
* type "my-type"
* id "my-id"
* }.actionGet()
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link DeleteRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
static ListenableActionFuture delete(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, new DeleteRequest(), requestClosure, self.&delete)
* Deletes all documents from one or more indices based on a query.
* DeleteByQueryResponse response = client.deleteByQuery {
* indices "my-index"
* types "my-type"
* source {
* query {
* range {
* // Note: "value" is the field name
* value {
* gte = 100
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }.actionGet()
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link DeleteByQueryRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
static ListenableActionFuture deleteByQuery(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, Requests.deleteByQueryRequest(), requestClosure, self.&deleteByQuery)
* Gets a document from the index based on the index, type and id.
* Note: Get retrievals are performed in real time.
* GetResponse response = client.get {
* index "my-index"
* type "my-type"
* id "my-id"
* }.actionGet()
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link GetRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
static ListenableActionFuture get(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
// index is expected to be set by the closure
doRequestAsync(self, Requests.getRequest(null), requestClosure, self.&get)
* Multi-get documents. This provides the mechanism to perform bulk requests (as opposed to bulk indexing) to avoid
* unnecessary back-and-forth requests.
* MultiGetResponse response = client.multiGet {
* // You can still do code constructs in your Closures, like
* // this loop to invoke add multiple times
* for (String id : ["my-id1", "my-id2", "my-id3"]) {
* add "my-index", "my-type", id
* }
* }.actionGet()
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link MultiGetRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
static ListenableActionFuture multiGet(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, new MultiGetRequest(), requestClosure, self.&multiGet)
* Request suggestion matching for a specific query.
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link SuggestRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
static ListenableActionFuture suggest(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, new SuggestRequest(), requestClosure, self.&suggest)
* Search across one or more indices and one or more types with a query.
* SearchResponse response = {
* indices "my-index1", "my-index2"
* types "my-types1", "my-types2"
* source {
* query {
* match_all { }
* }
* }
* }.actionGet()
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link SearchRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
static ListenableActionFuture search(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, Requests.searchRequest(), requestClosure, self.&search)
* Perform multiple search requests similar to multi-get.
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link MultiSearchRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
static ListenableActionFuture multiSearch(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, new MultiSearchRequest(), requestClosure, self.&multiSearch)
* Request a count of documents matching a specified query.
* CountResponse response = client.count {
* indices "my-index1", "my-index2"
* types "my-types1", "my-types2"
* source {
* query {
* match_all { }
* }
* }
* }.actionGet()
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link CountRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
static ListenableActionFuture count(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, Requests.countRequest(), requestClosure, self.&count)
* A search scroll request to continue searching a previous scrollable search request.
* // Open the scan
* SearchResponse searchResponse = {
* indices "my-index"
* types "my-type"
* source {
* query {
* match_all { }
* }
* // Note: Size is per shard! 5 shards means 5000 documents per response
* size = 1000
* }
* searchType SearchType.SCAN
* // The time that the scroll stays open should be the minimum duration
* // required
* scroll "10s"
* }.actionGet()
* // Scroll through the results (like a database cursor)
* SearchResponse response = client.searchScroll {
* // Note: next call should use response.scrollId!
* scrollId searchResponse.scrollId
* // keep the _next_ window open
* scroll "10s"
* }.actionGet()
* Note: Each {@link SearchResponse} will contain a new ID to use for subsequent requests.
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link SearchScrollRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
static ListenableActionFuture searchScroll(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, new SearchScrollRequest(), requestClosure, self.&searchScroll)
* Clears the search contexts associated with specified Scroll IDs.
* ClearScrollResponse response = client.clearScroll {
* addScrollId lastScrollId
* }.actionGet()
* Technically, this is not a necessary action following any scan/scroll action, but you should always do
* it to optimistically clean up resources.
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link ClearScrollRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
static ListenableActionFuture clearScroll(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, new ClearScrollRequest(), requestClosure, self.&clearScroll)
* An action that is the term vectors for a specific document.
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link TermVectorRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
static ListenableActionFuture termVector(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
// index, type and id are expected to be set by the closure
doRequestAsync(self, new TermVectorRequest(null, null, null), requestClosure, self.&termVector)
* Multi-get term vectors.
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link MultiTermVectorsRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
static ListenableActionFuture multiTermVectors(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, new MultiTermVectorsRequest(), requestClosure, self.&multiTermVectors)
* Percolates a requesting the matching documents.
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link PercolateRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
static ListenableActionFuture percolate(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, new PercolateRequest(), requestClosure, self.&percolate)
* Performs multiple percolate requests.
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link MultiPercolateRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
static ListenableActionFuture multiPercolate(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, new MultiPercolateRequest(), requestClosure, self.&multiPercolate)
* Computes a score explanation for the specified request.
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link ExplainRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
* @throws NullPointerException if any parameter is {@code null}
static ListenableActionFuture explain(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, new ExplainRequest(null, null, null), requestClosure, self.&explain)
* Put (set/add) the indexed script to be used by other requests.
* PutIndexedScriptResponse response = client.putIndexedScript {
* id 'my-script-name'
* // NOTE1: This will be the Groovy runtime within Elasticsearch
* // and not the Groovy client (this)!
* scriptLang 'groovy'
* source {
* // NOTE2: The script is [in this case] Groovy, but it must
* // be a string that is interpreted on the server
* // NOTE3: "count" is a script parameter that must be filled
* // in by the associated update request that makes
* // use of this script
* script = "ctx._source.count += count"
* }
* }.actionGet()
* Once the above script is added, then you could make use of it by using it with an {@link UpdateRequest}.
* UpdateResponse updateResponse = client.update {
* index indexName
* type typeName
* id docId
* source {
* script_id 'testPutIndexedScriptRequest'
* lang 'groovy'
* params {
* count = 5
* }
* }
* }.actionGet()
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link PutIndexedScriptRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
* @throws NullPointerException if any parameter is {@code null}
static ListenableActionFuture putIndexedScript(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, new PutIndexedScriptRequest(), requestClosure, self.&putIndexedScript)
* Get an indexed script.
* GetIndexedScriptResponse response = client.getIndexedScript {
* id 'my-script-name'
* scriptLang 'groovy'
* }.actionGet()
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link GetIndexedScriptRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
* @throws NullPointerException if any parameter is {@code null}
static ListenableActionFuture getIndexedScript(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, new GetIndexedScriptRequest(), requestClosure, self.&getIndexedScript)
* Delete an indexed script.
* DeleteIndexedScriptResponse response = client.deleteIndexedScript {
* id 'my-script-name'
* scriptLang 'groovy'
* }.actionGet()
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link DeleteIndexedScriptRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
* @throws NullPointerException if any parameter is {@code null}
static ListenableActionFuture deleteIndexedScript(Client self,
Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, new DeleteIndexedScriptRequest(), requestClosure, self.&deleteIndexedScript)
* A more like this action to search for documents that are "like" a specific document.
* This method may be deprecated in favor of one that does not require the {@code index} to be supplied to
* the method in the future.
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param index The index to load the document(s) from
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link MoreLikeThisRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
* @throws NullPointerException if any parameter is {@code null} except {@code index}
static ListenableActionFuture moreLikeThis(Client self, String index, Closure requestClosure) {
// the only one that _requires_ the index as a parameter/constructor arg (no public setter)
doRequestAsync(self, Requests.moreLikeThisRequest(index), requestClosure, self.&moreLikeThis)
* Collect the field stats at the specified level for the specified fields.
* The level defaults to "cluster".
* FieldStatsResponse response = client.fieldStats {
* fields ['x', 'y', 'z']
* }.actionGet()
* @param self The {@code this} reference for the {@link Client}
* @param requestClosure The map-like closure that configures the {@link FieldStatsRequest}.
* @return Never {@code null}.
* @throws NullPointerException if any parameter is {@code null}
static ListenableActionFuture fieldStats(Client self, Closure requestClosure) {
doRequestAsync(self, new FieldStatsRequest(), requestClosure, self.&fieldStats)
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