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org.elasticsearch.index.get.ShardGetService Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to ElasticSearch and Shay Banon under one
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package org.elasticsearch.index.get;

import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesReference;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Tuple;
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Inject;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.uid.UidField;
import org.elasticsearch.common.metrics.CounterMetric;
import org.elasticsearch.common.metrics.MeanMetric;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentType;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.Engine;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexFieldDataService;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fieldvisitor.CustomFieldsVisitor;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fieldvisitor.FieldsVisitor;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fieldvisitor.JustSourceFieldsVisitor;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.*;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.internal.*;
import org.elasticsearch.index.settings.IndexSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.AbstractIndexShardComponent;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.service.IndexShard;
import org.elasticsearch.index.translog.Translog;
import org.elasticsearch.script.ScriptService;
import org.elasticsearch.script.SearchScript;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import static;

public class ShardGetService extends AbstractIndexShardComponent {

    private final ScriptService scriptService;

    private final MapperService mapperService;

    private final IndexFieldDataService fieldDataService;

    private IndexShard indexShard;

    private final MeanMetric existsMetric = new MeanMetric();
    private final MeanMetric missingMetric = new MeanMetric();
    private final CounterMetric currentMetric = new CounterMetric();

    public ShardGetService(ShardId shardId, @IndexSettings Settings indexSettings, ScriptService scriptService,
                           MapperService mapperService, IndexFieldDataService fieldDataService) {
        super(shardId, indexSettings);
        this.scriptService = scriptService;
        this.mapperService = mapperService;
        this.fieldDataService = fieldDataService;

    public GetStats stats() {
        return new GetStats(existsMetric.count(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(existsMetric.sum()), missingMetric.count(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(missingMetric.sum()), currentMetric.count());

    // sadly, to overcome cyclic dep, we need to do this and inject it ourselves...
    public ShardGetService setIndexShard(IndexShard indexShard) {
        this.indexShard = indexShard;
        return this;

    public GetResult get(String type, String id, String[] gFields, boolean realtime) throws ElasticSearchException {;
        try {
            long now = System.nanoTime();
            GetResult getResult = innerGet(type, id, gFields, realtime);
            if (getResult.isExists()) {
       - now);
            } else {
       - now);
            return getResult;
        } finally {

     * Returns {@link GetResult} based on the specified {@link Engine.GetResult} argument.
     * This method basically loads specified fields for the associated document in the engineGetResult.
     * This method load the fields from the Lucene index and not from transaction log and therefore isn't realtime.

* Note: Call must release engine searcher associated with engineGetResult! */ public GetResult get(Engine.GetResult engineGetResult, String id, String type, String[] fields) { if (!engineGetResult.exists()) { return new GetResult(shardId.index().name(), type, id, -1, false, null, null); }; try { long now = System.nanoTime(); DocumentMapper docMapper = mapperService.documentMapper(type); if (docMapper == null) { - now); return new GetResult(shardId.index().name(), type, id, -1, false, null, null); } GetResult getResult = innerGetLoadFromStoredFields(type, id, fields, engineGetResult, docMapper); if (getResult.isExists()) { - now); } else { - now); // This shouldn't happen... } return getResult; } finally { currentMetric.dec(); } } public GetResult innerGet(String type, String id, String[] gFields, boolean realtime) throws ElasticSearchException { boolean loadSource = gFields == null || gFields.length > 0; Engine.GetResult get = null; if (type == null || type.equals("_all")) { for (String typeX : mapperService.types()) { get = indexShard.get(new Engine.Get(realtime, new Term(UidFieldMapper.NAME, Uid.createUidAsBytes(typeX, id))).loadSource(loadSource)); if (get.exists()) { type = typeX; break; } else { get.release(); } } if (get == null) { return new GetResult(shardId.index().name(), type, id, -1, false, null, null); } if (!get.exists()) { // no need to release here as well..., we release in the for loop for non exists return new GetResult(shardId.index().name(), type, id, -1, false, null, null); } } else { get = indexShard.get(new Engine.Get(realtime, new Term(UidFieldMapper.NAME, Uid.createUidAsBytes(type, id))).loadSource(loadSource)); if (!get.exists()) { get.release(); return new GetResult(shardId.index().name(), type, id, -1, false, null, null); } } DocumentMapper docMapper = mapperService.documentMapper(type); if (docMapper == null) { get.release(); return new GetResult(shardId.index().name(), type, id, -1, false, null, null); } try { // break between having loaded it from translog (so we only have _source), and having a document to load if (get.docIdAndVersion() != null) { return innerGetLoadFromStoredFields(type, id, gFields, get, docMapper); } else { Translog.Source source = get.source(); Map fields = null; boolean sourceRequested = false; // we can only load scripts that can run against the source if (gFields == null) { sourceRequested = true; } else if (gFields.length == 0) { // no fields, and no source sourceRequested = false; } else { Map sourceAsMap = null; SearchLookup searchLookup = null; for (String field : gFields) { if (field.equals("_source")) { sourceRequested = true; continue; } Object value = null; if (field.equals(RoutingFieldMapper.NAME) && docMapper.routingFieldMapper().fieldType().stored()) { value = source.routing; } else if (field.equals(ParentFieldMapper.NAME) && docMapper.parentFieldMapper() != null && docMapper.parentFieldMapper().fieldType().stored()) { value = source.parent; } else if (field.equals(TimestampFieldMapper.NAME) && docMapper.timestampFieldMapper().fieldType().stored()) { value = source.timestamp; } else if (field.equals(TTLFieldMapper.NAME) && docMapper.TTLFieldMapper().fieldType().stored()) { // Call value for search with timestamp + ttl here to display the live remaining ttl value and be consistent with the search result display if (source.ttl > 0) { value = docMapper.TTLFieldMapper().valueForSearch(source.timestamp + source.ttl); } } else if (field.equals(SizeFieldMapper.NAME) && docMapper.rootMapper(SizeFieldMapper.class).fieldType().stored()) { value = source.source.length(); } else { if (field.contains("_source.")) { if (searchLookup == null) { searchLookup = new SearchLookup(mapperService, fieldDataService, new String[]{type}); } if (sourceAsMap == null) { sourceAsMap = SourceLookup.sourceAsMap(source.source); } SearchScript searchScript =, "mvel", field, null); // we can't do this, only allow to run scripts against the source //searchScript.setNextReader(docIdAndVersion.reader); //searchScript.setNextDocId(docIdAndVersion.docId); // but, we need to inject the parsed source into the script, so it will be used... searchScript.setNextSource(sourceAsMap); try { value =; } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("failed to execute get request script field [{}]", e, field); } // ignore } } else { if (searchLookup == null) { searchLookup = new SearchLookup(mapperService, fieldDataService, new String[]{type}); searchLookup.source().setNextSource(source.source); } FieldMapper x = docMapper.mappers().smartNameFieldMapper(field); // only if the field is stored or source is enabled we should add it.. if (docMapper.sourceMapper().enabled() || x == null || x.fieldType().stored()) { value = searchLookup.source().extractValue(field); // normalize the data if needed (mainly for binary fields, to convert from base64 strings to bytes) if (value != null && x != null) { if (value instanceof List) { List list = (List) value; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { list.set(i, x.valueForSearch(list.get(i))); } } else { value = x.valueForSearch(value); } } } } } if (value != null) { if (fields == null) { fields = newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2); } if (value instanceof List) { fields.put(field, new GetField(field, (List) value)); } else { fields.put(field, new GetField(field, ImmutableList.of(value))); } } } } // if source is not enabled, don't return it even though we have it from the translog if (sourceRequested && !docMapper.sourceMapper().enabled()) { sourceRequested = false; } // Cater for source excludes/includes at the cost of performance BytesReference sourceToBeReturned = null; if (sourceRequested) { sourceToBeReturned = source.source; SourceFieldMapper sourceFieldMapper = docMapper.sourceMapper(); if (sourceFieldMapper.enabled()) { boolean filtered = sourceFieldMapper.includes().length > 0 || sourceFieldMapper.excludes().length > 0; if (filtered) { Tuple> mapTuple = XContentHelper.convertToMap(source.source, true); Map filteredSource = XContentMapValues.filter(mapTuple.v2(), sourceFieldMapper.includes(), sourceFieldMapper.excludes()); try { sourceToBeReturned = XContentFactory.contentBuilder(mapTuple.v1()).map(filteredSource).bytes(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ElasticSearchException("Failed to get type [" + type + "] and id [" + id + "] with includes/excludes set", e); } } } } return new GetResult(shardId.index().name(), type, id, get.version(), get.exists(), sourceToBeReturned, fields); } } finally { get.release(); } } private GetResult innerGetLoadFromStoredFields(String type, String id, String[] gFields, Engine.GetResult get, DocumentMapper docMapper) { Map fields = null; BytesReference source = null; UidField.DocIdAndVersion docIdAndVersion = get.docIdAndVersion(); FieldsVisitor fieldVisitor = buildFieldsVisitors(gFields); if (fieldVisitor != null) { try { docIdAndVersion.reader.reader().document(docIdAndVersion.docId, fieldVisitor); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ElasticSearchException("Failed to get type [" + type + "] and id [" + id + "]", e); } source = fieldVisitor.source(); if (!fieldVisitor.fields().isEmpty()) { fieldVisitor.postProcess(docMapper); fields = new HashMap(fieldVisitor.fields().size()); for (Map.Entry> entry : fieldVisitor.fields().entrySet()) { fields.put(entry.getKey(), new GetField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } } } // now, go and do the script thingy if needed if (gFields != null && gFields.length > 0) { SearchLookup searchLookup = null; for (String field : gFields) { Object value = null; if (field.contains("_source.") || field.contains("doc[")) { if (searchLookup == null) { searchLookup = new SearchLookup(mapperService, fieldDataService, new String[]{type}); } SearchScript searchScript =, "mvel", field, null); searchScript.setNextReader(docIdAndVersion.reader); searchScript.setNextDocId(docIdAndVersion.docId); try { value =; } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("failed to execute get request script field [{}]", e, field); } // ignore } } else { FieldMappers x = docMapper.mappers().smartName(field); if (x == null || !x.mapper().fieldType().stored()) { if (searchLookup == null) { searchLookup = new SearchLookup(mapperService, fieldDataService, new String[]{type}); searchLookup.setNextReader(docIdAndVersion.reader); searchLookup.setNextDocId(docIdAndVersion.docId); } value = searchLookup.source().extractValue(field); // normalize the data if needed (mainly for binary fields, to convert from base64 strings to bytes) if (value != null && x != null) { if (value instanceof List) { List list = (List) value; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { list.set(i, x.mapper().valueForSearch(list.get(i))); } } else { value = x.mapper().valueForSearch(value); } } } } if (value != null) { if (fields == null) { fields = newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2); } if (value instanceof List) { fields.put(field, new GetField(field, (List) value)); } else { fields.put(field, new GetField(field, ImmutableList.of(value))); } } } } return new GetResult(shardId.index().name(), type, id, get.version(), get.exists(), source, fields); } private static FieldsVisitor buildFieldsVisitors(String... fields) { if (fields == null) { return new JustSourceFieldsVisitor(); } // don't load anything if (fields.length == 0) { return null; } return new CustomFieldsVisitor(Sets.newHashSet(fields), false); } }

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