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org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotsService Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
 * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright
 * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
 * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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package org.elasticsearch.snapshots;

import org.apache.lucene.util.CollectionUtil;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.ExceptionsHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.*;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.*;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.SnapshotMetaData.ShardSnapshotStatus;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.SnapshotMetaData.State;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNode;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNodes;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.IndexRoutingTable;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.ShardRouting;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.component.AbstractComponent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Inject;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.IndexShardSnapshotAndRestoreService;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.IndexShardSnapshotStatus;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.IndicesService;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoriesService;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.Repository;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryMissingException;
import org.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;
import org.elasticsearch.transport.*;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;

import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;

 * Service responsible for creating snapshots

* A typical snapshot creating process looks like this: *

  • On the master node the {@link #createSnapshot(SnapshotRequest, CreateSnapshotListener)} is called and makes sure that no snapshots is currently running * and registers the new snapshot in cluster state
  • *
  • When cluster state is updated the {@link #beginSnapshot(ClusterState, SnapshotMetaData.Entry, boolean, CreateSnapshotListener)} method * kicks in and initializes the snapshot in the repository and then populates list of shards that needs to be snapshotted in cluster state
  • *
  • Each data node is watching for these shards and when new shards scheduled for snapshotting appear in the cluster state, data nodes * start processing them through {@link #processIndexShardSnapshots(SnapshotMetaData)} method
  • *
  • Once shard snapshot is created data node updates state of the shard in the cluster state using the {@link #updateIndexShardSnapshotStatus(UpdateIndexShardSnapshotStatusRequest)} method
  • *
  • When last shard is completed master node in {@link #innerUpdateSnapshotState} method marks the snapshot as completed
  • *
  • After cluster state is updated, the {@link #endSnapshot(SnapshotMetaData.Entry)} finalizes snapshot in the repository, * notifies all {@link #snapshotCompletionListeners} that snapshot is completed, and finally calls {@link #removeSnapshotFromClusterState(SnapshotId, SnapshotInfo, Throwable)} to remove snapshot from cluster state
  • *
*/ public class SnapshotsService extends AbstractComponent implements ClusterStateListener { private final ClusterService clusterService; private final RepositoriesService repositoriesService; private final ThreadPool threadPool; private final IndicesService indicesService; private final TransportService transportService; private volatile ImmutableMap shardSnapshots = ImmutableMap.of(); private final CopyOnWriteArrayList snapshotCompletionListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList(); @Inject public SnapshotsService(Settings settings, ClusterService clusterService, RepositoriesService repositoriesService, ThreadPool threadPool, IndicesService indicesService, TransportService transportService) { super(settings); this.clusterService = clusterService; this.repositoriesService = repositoriesService; this.threadPool = threadPool; this.indicesService = indicesService; this.transportService = transportService; transportService.registerHandler(UpdateSnapshotStateRequestHandler.ACTION, new UpdateSnapshotStateRequestHandler()); // addLast to make sure that Repository will be created before snapshot clusterService.addLast(this); } /** * Retrieves snapshot from repository * * @param snapshotId snapshot id * @return snapshot * @throws SnapshotMissingException if snapshot is not found */ public Snapshot snapshot(SnapshotId snapshotId) { return repositoriesService.repository(snapshotId.getRepository()).readSnapshot(snapshotId); } /** * Returns a list of snapshots from repository sorted by snapshot creation date * * @param repositoryName repository name * @return list of snapshots */ public ImmutableList snapshots(String repositoryName) { ArrayList snapshotList = newArrayList(); Repository repository = repositoriesService.repository(repositoryName); ImmutableList snapshotIds = repository.snapshots(); for (SnapshotId snapshotId : snapshotIds) { snapshotList.add(repository.readSnapshot(snapshotId)); } CollectionUtil.timSort(snapshotList); return ImmutableList.copyOf(snapshotList); } /** * Initializes the snapshotting process. *

* This method is used by clients to start snapshot. It makes sure that there is no snapshots are currently running and * creates a snapshot record in cluster state metadata. * * @param request snapshot request * @param listener snapshot creation listener */ public void createSnapshot(final SnapshotRequest request, final CreateSnapshotListener listener) { final SnapshotId snapshotId = new SnapshotId(request.repository(),; clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask(request.cause(), new TimeoutClusterStateUpdateTask() { private SnapshotMetaData.Entry newSnapshot = null; @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { validate(request, currentState); MetaData metaData = currentState.metaData(); MetaData.Builder mdBuilder = MetaData.builder(currentState.metaData()); SnapshotMetaData snapshots = metaData.custom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE); if (snapshots == null || snapshots.entries().isEmpty()) { // Store newSnapshot here to be processed in clusterStateProcessed ImmutableList indices = ImmutableList.copyOf(metaData.concreteIndices(request.indices(), request.indicesOptions())); logger.trace("[{}][{}] creating snapshot for indices [{}]", request.repository(),, indices); newSnapshot = new SnapshotMetaData.Entry(snapshotId, request.includeGlobalState(), State.INIT, indices, null); snapshots = new SnapshotMetaData(newSnapshot); } else { // TODO: What should we do if a snapshot is already running? throw new ConcurrentSnapshotExecutionException(snapshotId, "a snapshot is already running"); } mdBuilder.putCustom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE, snapshots); return ClusterState.builder(currentState).metaData(mdBuilder).build(); } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Throwable t) { logger.warn("[{}][{}] failed to create snapshot", t, request.repository(),; newSnapshot = null; listener.onFailure(t); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, final ClusterState newState) { if (newSnapshot != null) { threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { beginSnapshot(newState, newSnapshot, request.partial, listener); } }); } } @Override public TimeValue timeout() { return request.masterNodeTimeout(); } }); } /** * Validates snapshot request * * @param request snapshot request * @param state current cluster state * @throws org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException */ private void validate(SnapshotRequest request, ClusterState state) throws ElasticsearchException { RepositoriesMetaData repositoriesMetaData = state.getMetaData().custom(RepositoriesMetaData.TYPE); if (repositoriesMetaData == null || repositoriesMetaData.repository(request.repository()) == null) { throw new RepositoryMissingException(request.repository()); } if (!Strings.hasLength( { throw new InvalidSnapshotNameException(new SnapshotId(request.repository(),, "cannot be empty"); } if (" ")) { throw new InvalidSnapshotNameException(new SnapshotId(request.repository(),, "must not contain whitespace"); } if (",")) { throw new InvalidSnapshotNameException(new SnapshotId(request.repository(),, "must not contain ','"); } if ("#")) { throw new InvalidSnapshotNameException(new SnapshotId(request.repository(),, "must not contain '#'"); } if ( == '_') { throw new InvalidSnapshotNameException(new SnapshotId(request.repository(),, "must not start with '_'"); } if (! { throw new InvalidSnapshotNameException(new SnapshotId(request.repository(),, "must be lowercase"); } if (!Strings.validFileName( { throw new InvalidSnapshotNameException(new SnapshotId(request.repository(),, "must not contain the following characters " + Strings.INVALID_FILENAME_CHARS); } } /** * Starts snapshot. *

* Creates snapshot in repository and updates snapshot metadata record with list of shards that needs to be processed. * * @param clusterState cluster state * @param snapshot snapshot meta data * @param partial allow partial snapshots * @param userCreateSnapshotListener listener */ private void beginSnapshot(ClusterState clusterState, final SnapshotMetaData.Entry snapshot, final boolean partial, final CreateSnapshotListener userCreateSnapshotListener) { boolean snapshotCreated = false; try { Repository repository = repositoriesService.repository(snapshot.snapshotId().getRepository()); MetaData metaData = clusterState.metaData(); if (!snapshot.includeGlobalState()) { // Remove global state from the cluster state MetaData.Builder builder = MetaData.builder(); for (String index : snapshot.indices()) { builder.put(metaData.index(index), false); } metaData =; } repository.initializeSnapshot(snapshot.snapshotId(), snapshot.indices(), metaData); snapshotCreated = true; if (snapshot.indices().isEmpty()) { // No indices in this snapshot - we are done userCreateSnapshotListener.onResponse(); endSnapshot(snapshot); return; } clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("update_snapshot [" + snapshot + "]", new ProcessedClusterStateUpdateTask() { boolean accepted = false; SnapshotMetaData.Entry updatedSnapshot; String failure = null; @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { MetaData metaData = currentState.metaData(); MetaData.Builder mdBuilder = MetaData.builder(currentState.metaData()); SnapshotMetaData snapshots = metaData.custom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE); ImmutableList.Builder entries = ImmutableList.builder(); for (SnapshotMetaData.Entry entry : snapshots.entries()) { if (entry.snapshotId().equals(snapshot.snapshotId())) { // Replace the snapshot that was just created ImmutableMap shards = shards(snapshot.snapshotId(), currentState, snapshot.indices()); if (!partial) { Set indicesWithMissingShards = indicesWithMissingShards(shards); if (indicesWithMissingShards != null) { updatedSnapshot = new SnapshotMetaData.Entry(snapshot.snapshotId(), snapshot.includeGlobalState(), State.FAILED, snapshot.indices(), shards); entries.add(updatedSnapshot); failure = "Indices don't have primary shards +[" + indicesWithMissingShards + "]"; continue; } } updatedSnapshot = new SnapshotMetaData.Entry(snapshot.snapshotId(), snapshot.includeGlobalState(), State.STARTED, snapshot.indices(), shards); entries.add(updatedSnapshot); if (!completed(shards.values())) { accepted = true; } } else { entries.add(entry); } } mdBuilder.putCustom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE, new SnapshotMetaData(; return ClusterState.builder(currentState).metaData(mdBuilder).build(); } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Throwable t) { logger.warn("[{}] failed to create snapshot", t, snapshot.snapshotId()); userCreateSnapshotListener.onFailure(t); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { // The userCreateSnapshotListener.onResponse() notifies caller that the snapshot was accepted // for processing. If client wants to wait for the snapshot completion, it can register snapshot // completion listener in this method. For the snapshot completion to work properly, the snapshot // should still exist when listener is registered. userCreateSnapshotListener.onResponse(); // Now that snapshot completion listener is registered we can end the snapshot if needed // We should end snapshot only if 1) we didn't accept it for processing (which happens when there // is nothing to do) and 2) there was a snapshot in metadata that we should end. Otherwise we should // go ahead and continue working on this snapshot rather then end here. if (!accepted && updatedSnapshot != null) { endSnapshot(updatedSnapshot, failure); } } }); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("failed to create snapshot [{}]", t, snapshot.snapshotId()); clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("fail_snapshot [" + snapshot.snapshotId() + "]", new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { MetaData metaData = currentState.metaData(); MetaData.Builder mdBuilder = MetaData.builder(currentState.metaData()); SnapshotMetaData snapshots = metaData.custom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE); ImmutableList.Builder entries = ImmutableList.builder(); for (SnapshotMetaData.Entry entry : snapshots.entries()) { if (!entry.snapshotId().equals(snapshot.snapshotId())) { entries.add(entry); } } mdBuilder.putCustom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE, new SnapshotMetaData(; return ClusterState.builder(currentState).metaData(mdBuilder).build(); } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Throwable t) { logger.warn("[{}] failed to delete snapshot", t, snapshot.snapshotId()); } }); if (snapshotCreated) { try { repositoriesService.repository(snapshot.snapshotId().getRepository()).finalizeSnapshot(snapshot.snapshotId(), ExceptionsHelper.detailedMessage(t), 0, ImmutableList.of()); } catch (Throwable t2) { logger.warn("[{}] failed to close snapshot in repository", snapshot.snapshotId()); } } userCreateSnapshotListener.onFailure(t); } } @Override public void clusterChanged(ClusterChangedEvent event) { try { if (event.localNodeMaster()) { if (event.nodesRemoved()) { processSnapshotsOnRemovedNodes(event); } } SnapshotMetaData prev = event.previousState().metaData().custom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE); SnapshotMetaData curr = event.state().metaData().custom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE); if (prev == null) { if (curr != null) { processIndexShardSnapshots(curr); } } else { if (!prev.equals(curr)) { processIndexShardSnapshots(curr); } } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("Failed to update snapshot state ", t); } } /** * Cleans up shard snapshots that were running on removed nodes * * @param event cluster changed event */ private void processSnapshotsOnRemovedNodes(ClusterChangedEvent event) { if (removedNodesCleanupNeeded(event)) { // Check if we just became the master final boolean newMaster = !event.previousState().nodes().localNodeMaster(); clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("update snapshot state after node removal", new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) throws Exception { DiscoveryNodes nodes = currentState.nodes(); MetaData metaData = currentState.metaData(); MetaData.Builder mdBuilder = MetaData.builder(currentState.metaData()); SnapshotMetaData snapshots = metaData.custom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE); if (snapshots == null) { return currentState; } boolean changed = false; ArrayList entries = newArrayList(); for (final SnapshotMetaData.Entry snapshot : snapshots.entries()) { SnapshotMetaData.Entry updatedSnapshot = snapshot; boolean snapshotChanged = false; if (snapshot.state() == State.STARTED) { ImmutableMap.Builder shards = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (ImmutableMap.Entry shardEntry : snapshot.shards().entrySet()) { ShardSnapshotStatus shardStatus = shardEntry.getValue(); if (!shardStatus.state().completed() && shardStatus.nodeId() != null) { if (nodes.nodeExists(shardStatus.nodeId())) { shards.put(shardEntry); } else { // TODO: Restart snapshot on another node? snapshotChanged = true; logger.warn("failing snapshot of shard [{}] on closed node [{}]", shardEntry.getKey(), shardStatus.nodeId()); shards.put(shardEntry.getKey(), new ShardSnapshotStatus(shardStatus.nodeId(), State.FAILED, "node shutdown")); } } } if (snapshotChanged) { changed = true; ImmutableMap shardsMap =; if (!snapshot.state().completed() && completed(shardsMap.values())) { updatedSnapshot = new SnapshotMetaData.Entry(snapshot.snapshotId(), snapshot.includeGlobalState(), State.SUCCESS, snapshot.indices(), shardsMap); endSnapshot(updatedSnapshot); } else { updatedSnapshot = new SnapshotMetaData.Entry(snapshot.snapshotId(), snapshot.includeGlobalState(), snapshot.state(), snapshot.indices(), shardsMap); } } entries.add(updatedSnapshot); } else if (snapshot.state() == State.INIT && newMaster) { // Clean up the snapshot that failed to start from the old master deleteSnapshot(snapshot.snapshotId(), new DeleteSnapshotListener() { @Override public void onResponse() { logger.debug("cleaned up abandoned snapshot {} in INIT state", snapshot.snapshotId()); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { logger.warn("failed to clean up abandoned snapshot {} in INIT state", snapshot.snapshotId()); } }); } else if (snapshot.state() == State.SUCCESS && newMaster) { // Finalize the snapshot endSnapshot(snapshot); } } if (changed) { snapshots = new SnapshotMetaData(entries.toArray(new SnapshotMetaData.Entry[entries.size()])); mdBuilder.putCustom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE, snapshots); return ClusterState.builder(currentState).metaData(mdBuilder).build(); } return currentState; } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Throwable t) { logger.warn("failed to update snapshot state after node removal"); } }); } } private boolean removedNodesCleanupNeeded(ClusterChangedEvent event) { // Check if we just became the master boolean newMaster = !event.previousState().nodes().localNodeMaster(); SnapshotMetaData snapshotMetaData = event.state().getMetaData().custom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE); if (snapshotMetaData == null) { return false; } for (SnapshotMetaData.Entry snapshot : snapshotMetaData.entries()) { if (newMaster && (snapshot.state() == State.SUCCESS || snapshot.state() == State.INIT)) { // We just replaced old master and snapshots in intermediate states needs to be cleaned return true; } for (DiscoveryNode node : event.nodesDelta().removedNodes()) { for (ImmutableMap.Entry shardEntry : snapshot.shards().entrySet()) { ShardSnapshotStatus shardStatus = shardEntry.getValue(); if (!shardStatus.state().completed() && node.getId().equals(shardStatus.nodeId())) { // At least one shard was running on the removed node - we need to fail it return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Checks if any new shards should be snapshotted on this node * * @param snapshotMetaData snapshot metadata to be processed */ private void processIndexShardSnapshots(SnapshotMetaData snapshotMetaData) { Map survivors = newHashMap(); // First, remove snapshots that are no longer there for (Map.Entry entry : shardSnapshots.entrySet()) { if (snapshotMetaData != null && snapshotMetaData.snapshot(entry.getKey()) != null) { survivors.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } // For now we will be mostly dealing with a single snapshot at a time but might have multiple simultaneously running // snapshots in the future HashMap newSnapshots = null; // Now go through all snapshots and update existing or create missing final String localNodeId = clusterService.localNode().id(); for (SnapshotMetaData.Entry entry : snapshotMetaData.entries()) { HashMap startedShards = null; for (Map.Entry shard : entry.shards().entrySet()) { // Check if we have new shards to start processing on if (localNodeId.equals(shard.getValue().nodeId())) { if (entry.state() == State.STARTED) { if (startedShards == null) { startedShards = newHashMap(); } startedShards.put(shard.getKey(), new IndexShardSnapshotStatus()); } else if (entry.state() == State.ABORTED) { SnapshotShards snapshotShards = shardSnapshots.get(entry.snapshotId()); if (snapshotShards != null) { IndexShardSnapshotStatus snapshotStatus = snapshotShards.shards.get(shard.getKey()); if (snapshotStatus != null) { snapshotStatus.abort(); } } } } } if (startedShards != null) { if (!survivors.containsKey(entry.snapshotId())) { if (newSnapshots == null) { newSnapshots = newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2); } newSnapshots.put(entry.snapshotId(), new SnapshotShards(ImmutableMap.copyOf(startedShards))); } } } if (newSnapshots != null) { survivors.putAll(newSnapshots); } // Update the list of snapshots that we saw and tried to started // If startup of these shards fails later, we don't want to try starting these shards again shardSnapshots = ImmutableMap.copyOf(survivors); // We have new snapshots to process - if (newSnapshots != null) { for (final Map.Entry entry : newSnapshots.entrySet()) { for (final Map.Entry shardEntry : entry.getValue().shards.entrySet()) { try { final IndexShardSnapshotAndRestoreService shardSnapshotService = indicesService.indexServiceSafe(shardEntry.getKey().getIndex()).shardInjectorSafe(shardEntry.getKey().id()) .getInstance(IndexShardSnapshotAndRestoreService.class); threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { shardSnapshotService.snapshot(entry.getKey(), shardEntry.getValue()); updateIndexShardSnapshotStatus(new UpdateIndexShardSnapshotStatusRequest(entry.getKey(), shardEntry.getKey(), new ShardSnapshotStatus(localNodeId, SnapshotMetaData.State.SUCCESS))); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("[{}] [{}] failed to create snapshot", t, shardEntry.getKey(), entry.getKey()); updateIndexShardSnapshotStatus(new UpdateIndexShardSnapshotStatusRequest(entry.getKey(), shardEntry.getKey(), new ShardSnapshotStatus(localNodeId, SnapshotMetaData.State.FAILED, ExceptionsHelper.detailedMessage(t)))); } } }); } catch (Throwable t) { updateIndexShardSnapshotStatus(new UpdateIndexShardSnapshotStatusRequest(entry.getKey(), shardEntry.getKey(), new ShardSnapshotStatus(localNodeId, SnapshotMetaData.State.FAILED, ExceptionsHelper.detailedMessage(t)))); } } } } } /** * Updates the shard status * * @param request update shard status request */ private void updateIndexShardSnapshotStatus(UpdateIndexShardSnapshotStatusRequest request) { try { if (clusterService.state().nodes().localNodeMaster()) { innerUpdateSnapshotState(request); } else { transportService.sendRequest(clusterService.state().nodes().masterNode(), UpdateSnapshotStateRequestHandler.ACTION, request, EmptyTransportResponseHandler.INSTANCE_SAME); } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("[{}] [{}] failed to update snapshot state", t, request.snapshotId(), request.status()); } } /** * Checks if all shards in the list have completed * * @param shards list of shard statuses * @return true if all shards have completed (either successfully or failed), false otherwise */ private boolean completed(Collection shards) { for (ShardSnapshotStatus status : shards) { if (!status.state().completed()) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns list of indices with missing shards * * @param shards list of shard statuses * @return list of failed indices */ private Set indicesWithMissingShards(ImmutableMap shards) { Set indices = null; for (ImmutableMap.Entry entry : shards.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().state() == State.MISSING) { if (indices == null) { indices = newHashSet(); } indices.add(entry.getKey().getIndex()); } } return indices; } /** * Updates the shard status on master node * * @param request update shard status request */ private void innerUpdateSnapshotState(final UpdateIndexShardSnapshotStatusRequest request) { clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("update snapshot state", new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { MetaData metaData = currentState.metaData(); MetaData.Builder mdBuilder = MetaData.builder(currentState.metaData()); SnapshotMetaData snapshots = metaData.custom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE); if (snapshots != null) { boolean changed = false; ArrayList entries = newArrayList(); for (SnapshotMetaData.Entry entry : snapshots.entries()) { if (entry.snapshotId().equals(request.snapshotId())) { HashMap shards = newHashMap(entry.shards()); logger.trace("[{}] Updating shard [{}] with status [{}]", request.snapshotId(), request.shardId(), request.status().state()); shards.put(request.shardId(), request.status()); if (!completed(shards.values())) { entries.add(new SnapshotMetaData.Entry(entry.snapshotId(), entry.includeGlobalState(), entry.state(), entry.indices(), ImmutableMap.copyOf(shards))); } else { // Snapshot is finished - mark it as done // TODO: Add PARTIAL_SUCCESS status? SnapshotMetaData.Entry updatedEntry = new SnapshotMetaData.Entry(entry.snapshotId(), entry.includeGlobalState(), State.SUCCESS, entry.indices(), ImmutableMap.copyOf(shards)); entries.add(updatedEntry); // Finalize snapshot in the repository endSnapshot(updatedEntry);"snapshot [{}] is done", updatedEntry.snapshotId()); } changed = true; } else { entries.add(entry); } } if (changed) { snapshots = new SnapshotMetaData(entries.toArray(new SnapshotMetaData.Entry[entries.size()])); mdBuilder.putCustom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE, snapshots); return ClusterState.builder(currentState).metaData(mdBuilder).build(); } } return currentState; } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Throwable t) { logger.warn("[{}][{}] failed to update snapshot status to [{}]", t, request.snapshotId(), request.shardId(), request.status()); } }); } /** * Finalizes the shard in repository and then removes it from cluster state *

* This is non-blocking method that runs on a thread from SNAPSHOT thread pool * * @param entry snapshot */ private void endSnapshot(SnapshotMetaData.Entry entry) { endSnapshot(entry, null); } /** * Finalizes the shard in repository and then removes it from cluster state *

* This is non-blocking method that runs on a thread from SNAPSHOT thread pool * * @param entry snapshot * @param failure failure reason or null if snapshot was successful */ private void endSnapshot(final SnapshotMetaData.Entry entry, final String failure) { threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { SnapshotId snapshotId = entry.snapshotId(); try { final Repository repository = repositoriesService.repository(snapshotId.getRepository()); logger.trace("[{}] finalizing snapshot in repository, state: [{}], failure[{}]", snapshotId, entry.state(), failure); ArrayList failures = newArrayList(); ArrayList shardFailures = newArrayList(); for (Map.Entry shardStatus : entry.shards().entrySet()) { ShardId shardId = shardStatus.getKey(); ShardSnapshotStatus status = shardStatus.getValue(); if (status.state().failed()) { failures.add(new ShardSearchFailure(status.reason(), new SearchShardTarget(status.nodeId(), shardId.getIndex(),; shardFailures.add(new SnapshotShardFailure(status.nodeId(), shardId.getIndex(),, status.reason())); } } Snapshot snapshot = repository.finalizeSnapshot(snapshotId, failure, entry.shards().size(), ImmutableList.copyOf(shardFailures)); removeSnapshotFromClusterState(snapshotId, new SnapshotInfo(snapshot), null); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("[{}] failed to finalize snapshot", t, snapshotId); removeSnapshotFromClusterState(snapshotId, null, t); } } }); } /** * Removes record of running snapshot from cluster state * * @param snapshotId snapshot id * @param snapshot snapshot info if snapshot was successful * @param t exception if snapshot failed */ private void removeSnapshotFromClusterState(final SnapshotId snapshotId, final SnapshotInfo snapshot, final Throwable t) { clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("remove snapshot metadata", new ProcessedClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { MetaData metaData = currentState.metaData(); MetaData.Builder mdBuilder = MetaData.builder(currentState.metaData()); SnapshotMetaData snapshots = metaData.custom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE); if (snapshots != null) { boolean changed = false; ArrayList entries = newArrayList(); for (SnapshotMetaData.Entry entry : snapshots.entries()) { if (entry.snapshotId().equals(snapshotId)) { changed = true; } else { entries.add(entry); } } if (changed) { snapshots = new SnapshotMetaData(entries.toArray(new SnapshotMetaData.Entry[entries.size()])); mdBuilder.putCustom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE, snapshots); return ClusterState.builder(currentState).metaData(mdBuilder).build(); } } return currentState; } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Throwable t) { logger.warn("[{}][{}] failed to remove snapshot metadata", t, snapshotId); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { for (SnapshotCompletionListener listener : snapshotCompletionListeners) { try { if (snapshot != null) { listener.onSnapshotCompletion(snapshotId, snapshot); } else { listener.onSnapshotFailure(snapshotId, t); } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("failed to refresh settings for [{}]", t, listener); } } } }); } /** * Deletes snapshot from repository. *

* If the snapshot is still running cancels the snapshot first and then deletes it from the repository. * * @param snapshotId snapshot id * @param listener listener */ public void deleteSnapshot(final SnapshotId snapshotId, final DeleteSnapshotListener listener) { clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("delete snapshot", new ProcessedClusterStateUpdateTask() { boolean waitForSnapshot = false; @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) throws Exception { MetaData metaData = currentState.metaData(); MetaData.Builder mdBuilder = MetaData.builder(currentState.metaData()); SnapshotMetaData snapshots = metaData.custom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE); if (snapshots == null) { // No snapshots running - we can continue return currentState; } SnapshotMetaData.Entry snapshot = snapshots.snapshot(snapshotId); if (snapshot == null) { // This snapshot is not running - continue if (!snapshots.entries().isEmpty()) { // However other snapshots are running - cannot continue throw new ConcurrentSnapshotExecutionException(snapshotId, "another snapshot is currently running cannot delete"); } return currentState; } else { // This snapshot is currently running - stopping shards first waitForSnapshot = true; ImmutableMap shards; if (snapshot.state() == State.STARTED && snapshot.shards() != null) { // snapshot is currently running - stop started shards ImmutableMap.Builder shardsBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (ImmutableMap.Entry shardEntry : snapshot.shards().entrySet()) { ShardSnapshotStatus status = shardEntry.getValue(); if (!status.state().completed()) { shardsBuilder.put(shardEntry.getKey(), new ShardSnapshotStatus(status.nodeId(), State.ABORTED)); } else { shardsBuilder.put(shardEntry.getKey(), status); } } shards =; } else if (snapshot.state() == State.INIT) { // snapshot hasn't started yet - end it shards = snapshot.shards(); endSnapshot(snapshot); } else { // snapshot is being finalized - wait for it logger.trace("trying to delete completed snapshot - save to delete"); return currentState; } SnapshotMetaData.Entry newSnapshot = new SnapshotMetaData.Entry(snapshotId, snapshot.includeGlobalState(), State.ABORTED, snapshot.indices(), shards); snapshots = new SnapshotMetaData(newSnapshot); mdBuilder.putCustom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE, snapshots); return ClusterState.builder(currentState).metaData(mdBuilder).build(); } } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Throwable t) { listener.onFailure(t); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { if (waitForSnapshot) { logger.trace("adding snapshot completion listener to wait for deleted snapshot to finish"); addListener(new SnapshotCompletionListener() { @Override public void onSnapshotCompletion(SnapshotId snapshotId, SnapshotInfo snapshot) { logger.trace("deleted snapshot completed - deleting files"); removeListener(this); deleteSnapshotFromRepository(snapshotId, listener); } @Override public void onSnapshotFailure(SnapshotId snapshotId, Throwable t) { logger.trace("deleted snapshot failed - deleting files", t); removeListener(this); deleteSnapshotFromRepository(snapshotId, listener); } }); } else { logger.trace("deleted snapshot is not running - deleting files"); deleteSnapshotFromRepository(snapshotId, listener); } } }); } /** * Checks if a repository is currently in use by one of the snapshots * * @param clusterState cluster state * @param repository repository id * @return true if repository is currently in use by one of the running snapshots */ public static boolean isRepositoryInUse(ClusterState clusterState, String repository) { MetaData metaData = clusterState.metaData(); SnapshotMetaData snapshots = metaData.custom(SnapshotMetaData.TYPE); if (snapshots != null) { for (SnapshotMetaData.Entry snapshot : snapshots.entries()) { if (repository.equals(snapshot.snapshotId().getRepository())) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Deletes snapshot from repository * * @param snapshotId snapshot id * @param listener listener */ private void deleteSnapshotFromRepository(final SnapshotId snapshotId, final DeleteSnapshotListener listener) { threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { Repository repository = repositoriesService.repository(snapshotId.getRepository()); repository.deleteSnapshot(snapshotId); listener.onResponse(); } catch (Throwable t) { listener.onFailure(t); } } }); } /** * Calculates the list of shards that should be included into the current snapshot * * @param snapshotId snapshot id * @param clusterState cluster state * @param indices list of indices to be snapshotted * @return list of shard to be included into current snapshot */ private ImmutableMap shards(SnapshotId snapshotId, ClusterState clusterState, ImmutableList indices) { ImmutableMap.Builder builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); MetaData metaData = clusterState.metaData(); for (String index : indices) { IndexMetaData indexMetaData = metaData.index(index); IndexRoutingTable indexRoutingTable = clusterState.getRoutingTable().index(index); if (indexRoutingTable == null) { throw new SnapshotCreationException(snapshotId, "Missing routing table for index [" + index + "]"); } for (int i = 0; i < indexMetaData.numberOfShards(); i++) { ShardId shardId = new ShardId(index, i); ShardRouting primary = indexRoutingTable.shard(i).primaryShard(); if (primary == null || !primary.assignedToNode()) { builder.put(shardId, new SnapshotMetaData.ShardSnapshotStatus(null, State.MISSING, "primary shard is not allocated")); } else if (!primary.started()) { builder.put(shardId, new SnapshotMetaData.ShardSnapshotStatus(primary.currentNodeId(), State.MISSING, "primary shard hasn't been started yet")); } else { builder.put(shardId, new SnapshotMetaData.ShardSnapshotStatus(primary.currentNodeId())); } } } return; } /** * Adds snapshot completion listener * * @param listener listener */ public void addListener(SnapshotCompletionListener listener) { this.snapshotCompletionListeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes snapshot completion listener * * @param listener listener */ public void removeListener(SnapshotCompletionListener listener) { this.snapshotCompletionListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Listener for create snapshot operation */ public static interface CreateSnapshotListener { /** * Called when snapshot has successfully started */ void onResponse(); /** * Called if a snapshot operation couldn't start */ void onFailure(Throwable t); } /** * Listener for delete snapshot operation */ public static interface DeleteSnapshotListener { /** * Called if delete operation was successful */ void onResponse(); /** * Called if delete operation failed */ void onFailure(Throwable t); } public static interface SnapshotCompletionListener { void onSnapshotCompletion(SnapshotId snapshotId, SnapshotInfo snapshot); void onSnapshotFailure(SnapshotId snapshotId, Throwable t); } /** * Snapshot creation request */ public static class SnapshotRequest { private String cause; private String name; private String repository; private String[] indices; private IndicesOptions indicesOptions = IndicesOptions.strict(); private boolean partial; private Settings settings; private boolean includeGlobalState; private TimeValue masterNodeTimeout; /** * Constructs new snapshot creation request * * @param cause cause for snapshot operation * @param name name of the snapshot * @param repository name of the repository */ public SnapshotRequest(String cause, String name, String repository) { this.cause = cause; = name; this.repository = repository; } /** * Sets the list of indices to be snapshotted * * @param indices list of indices * @return this request */ public SnapshotRequest indices(String[] indices) { this.indices = indices; return this; } /** * Sets repository-specific snapshot settings * * @param settings snapshot settings * @return this request */ public SnapshotRequest settings(Settings settings) { this.settings = settings; return this; } /** * Set to true if global state should be stored as part of the snapshot * * @param includeGlobalState true if global state should be stored as part of the snapshot * @return this request */ public SnapshotRequest includeGlobalState(boolean includeGlobalState) { this.includeGlobalState = includeGlobalState; return this; } /** * Sets master node timeout * * @param masterNodeTimeout master node timeout * @return this request */ public SnapshotRequest masterNodeTimeout(TimeValue masterNodeTimeout) { this.masterNodeTimeout = masterNodeTimeout; return this; } /** * Sets the indices options * * @param indicesOptions indices options * @return this request */ public SnapshotRequest indicesOptions(IndicesOptions indicesOptions) { this.indicesOptions = indicesOptions; return this; } /** * Set to true if partial snapshot should be allowed * * @param partial true if partial snapshots should be allowed * @return this request */ public SnapshotRequest partial(boolean partial) { this.partial = partial; return this; } /** * Returns cause for snapshot operation * * @return cause for snapshot operation */ public String cause() { return cause; } /** * Returns snapshot name * * @return snapshot name */ public String name() { return name; } /** * Returns snapshot repository * * @return snapshot repository */ public String repository() { return repository; } /** * Returns the list of indices to be snapshotted * * @return the list of indices */ public String[] indices() { return indices; } /** * Returns indices options * * @return indices options */ public IndicesOptions indicesOptions() { return indicesOptions; } /** * Returns repository-specific settings for the snapshot operation * * @return repository-specific settings */ public Settings settings() { return settings; } /** * Returns true if global state should be stored as part of the snapshot * * @return true if global state should be stored as part of the snapshot */ public boolean includeGlobalState() { return includeGlobalState; } /** * Returns master node timeout * * @return master node timeout */ public TimeValue masterNodeTimeout() { return masterNodeTimeout; } } /** * Stores the list of shards that has to be snapshotted on this node */ private static class SnapshotShards { private final ImmutableMap shards; private SnapshotShards(ImmutableMap shards) { this.shards = shards; } } /** * Internal request that is used to send changes in snapshot status to master */ private static class UpdateIndexShardSnapshotStatusRequest extends TransportRequest { private SnapshotId snapshotId; private ShardId shardId; private SnapshotMetaData.ShardSnapshotStatus status; private UpdateIndexShardSnapshotStatusRequest() { } private UpdateIndexShardSnapshotStatusRequest(SnapshotId snapshotId, ShardId shardId, SnapshotMetaData.ShardSnapshotStatus status) { this.snapshotId = snapshotId; this.shardId = shardId; this.status = status; } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); snapshotId = SnapshotId.readSnapshotId(in); shardId = ShardId.readShardId(in); status = SnapshotMetaData.ShardSnapshotStatus.readShardSnapshotStatus(in); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); snapshotId.writeTo(out); shardId.writeTo(out); status.writeTo(out); } public SnapshotId snapshotId() { return snapshotId; } public ShardId shardId() { return shardId; } public SnapshotMetaData.ShardSnapshotStatus status() { return status; } } /** * Transport request handler that is used to send changes in snapshot status to master */ private class UpdateSnapshotStateRequestHandler extends BaseTransportRequestHandler { static final String ACTION = "cluster/snapshot/update_snapshot"; @Override public UpdateIndexShardSnapshotStatusRequest newInstance() { return new UpdateIndexShardSnapshotStatusRequest(); } @Override public void messageReceived(UpdateIndexShardSnapshotStatusRequest request, final TransportChannel channel) throws Exception { innerUpdateSnapshotState(request); channel.sendResponse(TransportResponse.Empty.INSTANCE); } @Override public String executor() { return ThreadPool.Names.SAME; } } }

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