org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MetaDataMappingService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
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* this work for additional information regarding copyright
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package org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.delete.DeleteMappingClusterStateUpdateRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.put.PutMappingClusterStateUpdateRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.AckedClusterStateUpdateTask;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterService;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ProcessedClusterStateUpdateTask;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ack.ClusterStateUpdateResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Priority;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Tuple;
import org.elasticsearch.common.component.AbstractComponent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.compress.CompressedString;
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Inject;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.index.Index;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.DocumentMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MergeMappingException;
import org.elasticsearch.index.service.IndexService;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.IndexMissingException;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.IndicesService;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.InvalidTypeNameException;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.TypeMissingException;
import org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorService;
import org.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;
import java.util.*;
import static;
import static org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.DocumentMapper.MergeFlags.mergeFlags;
* Service responsible for submitting mapping changes
public class MetaDataMappingService extends AbstractComponent {
private final ThreadPool threadPool;
private final ClusterService clusterService;
private final IndicesService indicesService;
// the mutex protect all the refreshOrUpdate variables!
private final Object refreshOrUpdateMutex = new Object();
private final List refreshOrUpdateQueue = new ArrayList<>();
private long refreshOrUpdateInsertOrder;
private long refreshOrUpdateProcessedInsertOrder;
public MetaDataMappingService(Settings settings, ThreadPool threadPool, ClusterService clusterService, IndicesService indicesService) {
this.threadPool = threadPool;
this.clusterService = clusterService;
this.indicesService = indicesService;
static class MappingTask {
final String index;
final String indexUUID;
MappingTask(String index, final String indexUUID) {
this.index = index;
this.indexUUID = indexUUID;
static class RefreshTask extends MappingTask {
final String[] types;
RefreshTask(String index, final String indexUUID, String[] types) {
super(index, indexUUID);
this.types = types;
static class UpdateTask extends MappingTask {
final String type;
final CompressedString mappingSource;
final long order; // -1 for unknown
final String nodeId; // null fr unknown
final ActionListener listener;
UpdateTask(String index, String indexUUID, String type, CompressedString mappingSource, long order, String nodeId, ActionListener listener) {
super(index, indexUUID);
this.type = type;
this.mappingSource = mappingSource;
this.order = order;
this.nodeId = nodeId;
this.listener = listener;
* Batch method to apply all the queued refresh or update operations. The idea is to try and batch as much
* as possible so we won't create the same index all the time for example for the updates on the same mapping
* and generate a single cluster change event out of all of those.
Tuple> executeRefreshOrUpdate(final ClusterState currentState, final long insertionOrder) throws Exception {
final List allTasks = new ArrayList<>();
synchronized (refreshOrUpdateMutex) {
if (refreshOrUpdateQueue.isEmpty()) {
return Tuple.tuple(currentState, allTasks);
// we already processed this task in a bulk manner in a previous cluster event, simply ignore
// it so we will let other tasks get in and processed ones, we will handle the queued ones
// later on in a subsequent cluster state event
if (insertionOrder < refreshOrUpdateProcessedInsertOrder) {
return Tuple.tuple(currentState, allTasks);
refreshOrUpdateProcessedInsertOrder = refreshOrUpdateInsertOrder;
if (allTasks.isEmpty()) {
return Tuple.tuple(currentState, allTasks);
// break down to tasks per index, so we can optimize the on demand index service creation
// to only happen for the duration of a single index processing of its respective events
Map> tasksPerIndex = Maps.newHashMap();
for (MappingTask task : allTasks) {
if (task.index == null) {
logger.debug("ignoring a mapping task of type [{}] with a null index.", task);
List indexTasks = tasksPerIndex.get(task.index);
if (indexTasks == null) {
indexTasks = new ArrayList<>();
tasksPerIndex.put(task.index, indexTasks);
boolean dirty = false;
MetaData.Builder mdBuilder = MetaData.builder(currentState.metaData());
for (Map.Entry> entry : tasksPerIndex.entrySet()) {
String index = entry.getKey();
IndexMetaData indexMetaData = mdBuilder.get(index);
if (indexMetaData == null) {
// index got deleted on us, ignore...
logger.debug("[{}] ignoring tasks - index meta data doesn't exist", index);
// the tasks lists to iterate over, filled with the list of mapping tasks, trying to keep
// the latest (based on order) update mapping one per node
List allIndexTasks = entry.getValue();
List tasks = new ArrayList<>();
for (MappingTask task : allIndexTasks) {
if (!indexMetaData.isSameUUID(task.indexUUID)) {
logger.debug("[{}] ignoring task [{}] - index meta data doesn't match task uuid", index, task);
boolean add = true;
// if its an update task, make sure we only process the latest ordered one per node
if (task instanceof UpdateTask) {
UpdateTask uTask = (UpdateTask) task;
// we can only do something to compare if we have the order && node
if (uTask.order != -1 && uTask.nodeId != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < tasks.size(); i++) {
MappingTask existing = tasks.get(i);
if (existing instanceof UpdateTask) {
UpdateTask eTask = (UpdateTask) existing;
if (eTask.type.equals(uTask.type)) {
// if we have the order, and the node id, then we can compare, and replace if applicable
if (eTask.order != -1 && eTask.nodeId != null) {
if (eTask.nodeId.equals(uTask.nodeId) && uTask.order > eTask.order) {
// a newer update task, we can replace so we execute it one!
tasks.set(i, uTask);
add = false;
if (add) {
// construct the actual index if needed, and make sure the relevant mappings are there
boolean removeIndex = false;
IndexService indexService = indicesService.indexService(index);
if (indexService == null) {
// we need to create the index here, and add the current mapping to it, so we can merge
indexService = indicesService.createIndex(indexMetaData.index(), indexMetaData.settings(), currentState.nodes().localNode().id());
removeIndex = true;
Set typesToIntroduce = Sets.newHashSet();
for (MappingTask task : tasks) {
if (task instanceof UpdateTask) {
typesToIntroduce.add(((UpdateTask) task).type);
} else if (task instanceof RefreshTask) {
Collections.addAll(typesToIntroduce, ((RefreshTask) task).types);
for (String type : typesToIntroduce) {
// only add the current relevant mapping (if exists)
if (indexMetaData.mappings().containsKey(type)) {
// don't apply the default mapping, it has been applied when the mapping was created
indexService.mapperService().merge(type, indexMetaData.mappings().get(type).source(), false);
IndexMetaData.Builder builder = IndexMetaData.builder(indexMetaData);
try {
boolean indexDirty = processIndexMappingTasks(tasks, indexService, builder);
if (indexDirty) {
dirty = true;
} finally {
if (removeIndex) {
indicesService.removeIndex(index, "created for mapping processing");
if (!dirty) {
return Tuple.tuple(currentState, allTasks);
return Tuple.tuple(ClusterState.builder(currentState).metaData(mdBuilder).build(), allTasks);
private boolean processIndexMappingTasks(List tasks, IndexService indexService, IndexMetaData.Builder builder) {
boolean dirty = false;
String index = indexService.index().name();
// keep track of what we already refreshed, no need to refresh it again...
Set processedRefreshes = Sets.newHashSet();
for (MappingTask task : tasks) {
if (task instanceof RefreshTask) {
RefreshTask refreshTask = (RefreshTask) task;
try {
List updatedTypes = Lists.newArrayList();
for (String type : refreshTask.types) {
if (processedRefreshes.contains(type)) {
DocumentMapper mapper = indexService.mapperService().documentMapper(type);
if (mapper == null) {
if (!mapper.mappingSource().equals(builder.mapping(type).source())) {
builder.putMapping(new MappingMetaData(mapper));
if (updatedTypes.isEmpty()) {
logger.warn("[{}] re-syncing mappings with cluster state for types [{}]", index, updatedTypes);
dirty = true;
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.warn("[{}] failed to refresh-mapping in cluster state, types [{}]", index, refreshTask.types);
} else if (task instanceof UpdateTask) {
UpdateTask updateTask = (UpdateTask) task;
try {
String type = updateTask.type;
CompressedString mappingSource = updateTask.mappingSource;
MappingMetaData mappingMetaData = builder.mapping(type);
if (mappingMetaData != null && mappingMetaData.source().equals(mappingSource)) {
logger.debug("[{}] update_mapping [{}] ignoring mapping update task as its source is equal to ours", index, updateTask.type);
DocumentMapper updatedMapper = indexService.mapperService().merge(type, mappingSource, false);
// if we end up with the same mapping as the original once, ignore
if (mappingMetaData != null && mappingMetaData.source().equals(updatedMapper.mappingSource())) {
logger.debug("[{}] update_mapping [{}] ignoring mapping update task as it results in the same source as what we have", index, updateTask.type);
// build the updated mapping source
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("[{}] update_mapping [{}] (dynamic) with source [{}]", index, type, updatedMapper.mappingSource());
} else if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"[{}] update_mapping [{}] (dynamic)", index, type);
builder.putMapping(new MappingMetaData(updatedMapper));
dirty = true;
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.warn("[{}] failed to update-mapping in cluster state, type [{}]", index, updateTask.type);
} else {
logger.warn("illegal state, got wrong mapping task type [{}]", task);
return dirty;
* Refreshes mappings if they are not the same between original and parsed version
public void refreshMapping(final String index, final String indexUUID, final String... types) {
final long insertOrder;
synchronized (refreshOrUpdateMutex) {
insertOrder = ++refreshOrUpdateInsertOrder;
refreshOrUpdateQueue.add(new RefreshTask(index, indexUUID, types));
clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("refresh-mapping [" + index + "][" + Arrays.toString(types) + "]", Priority.HIGH, new ProcessedClusterStateUpdateTask() {
private volatile List allTasks;
public void onFailure(String source, Throwable t) {
logger.warn("failure during [{}]", t, source);
public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) throws Exception {
Tuple> tuple = executeRefreshOrUpdate(currentState, insertOrder);
this.allTasks = tuple.v2();
return tuple.v1();
public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) {
if (allTasks == null) {
for (Object task : allTasks) {
if (task instanceof UpdateTask) {
UpdateTask uTask = (UpdateTask) task;
ClusterStateUpdateResponse response = new ClusterStateUpdateResponse(true);
public void updateMapping(final String index, final String indexUUID, final String type, final CompressedString mappingSource, final long order, final String nodeId, final ActionListener listener) {
final long insertOrder;
synchronized (refreshOrUpdateMutex) {
insertOrder = ++refreshOrUpdateInsertOrder;
refreshOrUpdateQueue.add(new UpdateTask(index, indexUUID, type, mappingSource, order, nodeId, listener));
clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("update-mapping [" + index + "][" + type + "] / node [" + nodeId + "], order [" + order + "]", Priority.HIGH, new ProcessedClusterStateUpdateTask() {
private volatile List allTasks;
public void onFailure(String source, Throwable t) {
public ClusterState execute(final ClusterState currentState) throws Exception {
Tuple> tuple = executeRefreshOrUpdate(currentState, insertOrder);
this.allTasks = tuple.v2();
return tuple.v1();
public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) {
if (allTasks == null) {
for (Object task : allTasks) {
if (task instanceof UpdateTask) {
UpdateTask uTask = (UpdateTask) task;
ClusterStateUpdateResponse response = new ClusterStateUpdateResponse(true);
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.debug("failed ot ping back on response of mapping processing for task [{}]", t, uTask.listener);
public void removeMapping(final DeleteMappingClusterStateUpdateRequest request, final ActionListener listener) {
clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("remove-mapping [" + Arrays.toString(request.types()) + "]", Priority.HIGH, new AckedClusterStateUpdateTask(request, listener) {
protected ClusterStateUpdateResponse newResponse(boolean acknowledged) {
return new ClusterStateUpdateResponse(acknowledged);
public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) {
if (request.indices().length == 0) {
throw new IndexMissingException(new Index("_all"));
MetaData.Builder builder = MetaData.builder(currentState.metaData());
boolean changed = false;
String latestIndexWithout = null;
for (String indexName : request.indices()) {
IndexMetaData indexMetaData = currentState.metaData().index(indexName);
IndexMetaData.Builder indexBuilder = IndexMetaData.builder(indexMetaData);
if (indexMetaData != null) {
boolean isLatestIndexWithout = true;
for (String type : request.types()) {
if (indexMetaData.mappings().containsKey(type)) {
changed = true;
isLatestIndexWithout = false;
if (isLatestIndexWithout) {
latestIndexWithout = indexMetaData.index();
if (!changed) {
throw new TypeMissingException(new Index(latestIndexWithout), request.types());
}"[{}] remove_mapping [{}]", request.indices(), request.types());
return ClusterState.builder(currentState).metaData(builder).build();
public void putMapping(final PutMappingClusterStateUpdateRequest request, final ActionListener listener) {
clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("put-mapping [" + request.type() + "]", Priority.HIGH, new AckedClusterStateUpdateTask(request, listener) {
protected ClusterStateUpdateResponse newResponse(boolean acknowledged) {
return new ClusterStateUpdateResponse(acknowledged);
public ClusterState execute(final ClusterState currentState) throws Exception {
List indicesToClose = Lists.newArrayList();
try {
for (String index : request.indices()) {
if (!currentState.metaData().hasIndex(index)) {
throw new IndexMissingException(new Index(index));
// pre create indices here and add mappings to them so we can merge the mappings here if needed
for (String index : request.indices()) {
if (indicesService.hasIndex(index)) {
final IndexMetaData indexMetaData = currentState.metaData().index(index);
IndexService indexService = indicesService.createIndex(indexMetaData.index(), indexMetaData.settings(), clusterService.localNode().id());
// make sure to add custom default mapping if exists
if (indexMetaData.mappings().containsKey(MapperService.DEFAULT_MAPPING)) {
indexService.mapperService().merge(MapperService.DEFAULT_MAPPING, indexMetaData.mappings().get(MapperService.DEFAULT_MAPPING).source(), false);
// only add the current relevant mapping (if exists)
if (indexMetaData.mappings().containsKey(request.type())) {
indexService.mapperService().merge(request.type(), indexMetaData.mappings().get(request.type()).source(), false);
Map newMappers = newHashMap();
Map existingMappers = newHashMap();
for (String index : request.indices()) {
IndexService indexService = indicesService.indexServiceSafe(index);
// try and parse it (no need to add it here) so we can bail early in case of parsing exception
DocumentMapper newMapper;
DocumentMapper existingMapper = indexService.mapperService().documentMapper(request.type());
if (MapperService.DEFAULT_MAPPING.equals(request.type())) {
// _default_ types do not go through merging, but we do test the new settings. Also don't apply the old default
newMapper = indexService.mapperService().parse(request.type(), new CompressedString(request.source()), false);
} else {
newMapper = indexService.mapperService().parse(request.type(), new CompressedString(request.source()), existingMapper == null);
if (existingMapper != null) {
// first, simulate
DocumentMapper.MergeResult mergeResult = existingMapper.merge(newMapper, mergeFlags().simulate(true));
// if we have conflicts, and we are not supposed to ignore them, throw an exception
if (!request.ignoreConflicts() && mergeResult.hasConflicts()) {
throw new MergeMappingException(mergeResult.conflicts());
newMappers.put(index, newMapper);
if (existingMapper != null) {
existingMappers.put(index, existingMapper);
String mappingType = request.type();
if (mappingType == null) {
mappingType = newMappers.values().iterator().next().type();
} else if (!mappingType.equals(newMappers.values().iterator().next().type())) {
throw new InvalidTypeNameException("Type name provided does not match type name within mapping definition");
if (!MapperService.DEFAULT_MAPPING.equals(mappingType) && !PercolatorService.TYPE_NAME.equals(mappingType) && mappingType.charAt(0) == '_') {
throw new InvalidTypeNameException("Document mapping type name can't start with '_'");
final Map mappings = newHashMap();
for (Map.Entry entry : newMappers.entrySet()) {
String index = entry.getKey();
// do the actual merge here on the master, and update the mapping source
DocumentMapper newMapper = entry.getValue();
IndexService indexService = indicesService.indexService(index);
if (indexService == null) {
CompressedString existingSource = null;
if (existingMappers.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
existingSource = existingMappers.get(entry.getKey()).mappingSource();
DocumentMapper mergedMapper = indexService.mapperService().merge(newMapper.type(), newMapper.mappingSource(), false);
CompressedString updatedSource = mergedMapper.mappingSource();
if (existingSource != null) {
if (existingSource.equals(updatedSource)) {
// same source, no changes, ignore it
} else {
// use the merged mapping source
mappings.put(index, new MappingMetaData(mergedMapper));
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("[{}] update_mapping [{}] with source [{}]", index, mergedMapper.type(), updatedSource);
} else if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"[{}] update_mapping [{}]", index, mergedMapper.type());
} else {
mappings.put(index, new MappingMetaData(mergedMapper));
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("[{}] create_mapping [{}] with source [{}]", index, newMapper.type(), updatedSource);
} else if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"[{}] create_mapping [{}]", index, newMapper.type());
if (mappings.isEmpty()) {
// no changes, return
return currentState;
MetaData.Builder builder = MetaData.builder(currentState.metaData());
for (String indexName : request.indices()) {
IndexMetaData indexMetaData = currentState.metaData().index(indexName);
if (indexMetaData == null) {
throw new IndexMissingException(new Index(indexName));
MappingMetaData mappingMd = mappings.get(indexName);
if (mappingMd != null) {
return ClusterState.builder(currentState).metaData(builder).build();
} finally {
for (String index : indicesToClose) {
indicesService.removeIndex(index, "created for mapping processing");
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