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org.elasticsearch.transport.TcpTransport Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 8.14.1
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 * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
 * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright
 * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
 * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.transport;

import com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntHashSet;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntSet;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ParameterizedMessage;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.util.Supplier;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.ExceptionsHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNode;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.breaker.CircuitBreaker;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesArray;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesReference;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.CompositeBytesReference;
import org.elasticsearch.common.component.AbstractLifecycleComponent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.component.Lifecycle;
import org.elasticsearch.common.compress.Compressor;
import org.elasticsearch.common.compress.CompressorFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.common.compress.NotCompressedException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.metrics.CounterMetric;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.BoundTransportAddress;
import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.InetSocketTransportAddress;
import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.PortsRange;
import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.TransportAddress;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.AbstractLifecycleRunnable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.AbstractRunnable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.EsRejectedExecutionException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.KeyedLock;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ThreadContext;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.breaker.CircuitBreakerService;
import org.elasticsearch.monitor.jvm.JvmInfo;
import org.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;

import java.nio.channels.CancelledKeyException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting.boolSetting;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting.intSetting;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting.timeSetting;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.transport.NetworkExceptionHelper.isCloseConnectionException;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.transport.NetworkExceptionHelper.isConnectException;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ConcurrentCollections.newConcurrentMap;

public abstract class TcpTransport extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements Transport {

    public static final String TRANSPORT_SERVER_WORKER_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX = "transport_server_worker";
    public static final String TRANSPORT_SERVER_BOSS_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX = "transport_server_boss";
    public static final String TRANSPORT_CLIENT_WORKER_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX = "transport_client_worker";
    public static final String TRANSPORT_CLIENT_BOSS_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX = "transport_client_boss";

    // the scheduled internal ping interval setting, defaults to disabled (-1)
    public static final Setting PING_SCHEDULE =
        timeSetting("transport.ping_schedule", TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(-1), Setting.Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE_RECOVERY =
        intSetting("transport.connections_per_node.recovery", 2, 1, Setting.Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE_BULK =
        intSetting("transport.connections_per_node.bulk", 3, 1, Setting.Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE_REG =
        intSetting("transport.connections_per_node.reg", 6, 1, Setting.Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE_STATE =
        intSetting("transport.connections_per_node.state", 1, 1, Setting.Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE_PING =
        intSetting("", 1, 1, Setting.Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting TCP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT =
        timeSetting("transport.tcp.connect_timeout", NetworkService.TcpSettings.TCP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, Setting.Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting TCP_NO_DELAY =
        boolSetting("transport.tcp_no_delay", NetworkService.TcpSettings.TCP_NO_DELAY, Setting.Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting TCP_KEEP_ALIVE =
        boolSetting("transport.tcp.keep_alive", NetworkService.TcpSettings.TCP_KEEP_ALIVE, Setting.Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting TCP_REUSE_ADDRESS =
        boolSetting("transport.tcp.reuse_address", NetworkService.TcpSettings.TCP_REUSE_ADDRESS, Setting.Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting TCP_BLOCKING_CLIENT =
        boolSetting("transport.tcp.blocking_client", NetworkService.TcpSettings.TCP_BLOCKING_CLIENT, Setting.Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting TCP_BLOCKING_SERVER =
        boolSetting("transport.tcp.blocking_server", NetworkService.TcpSettings.TCP_BLOCKING_SERVER, Setting.Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting TCP_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE =
        Setting.byteSizeSetting("transport.tcp.send_buffer_size", NetworkService.TcpSettings.TCP_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE,
    public static final Setting TCP_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE =
        Setting.byteSizeSetting("transport.tcp.receive_buffer_size", NetworkService.TcpSettings.TCP_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE,

    private static final long NINETY_PER_HEAP_SIZE = (long) (JvmInfo.jvmInfo().getMem().getHeapMax().getBytes() * 0.9);
    private static final int PING_DATA_SIZE = -1;

    protected final int connectionsPerNodeRecovery;
    protected final int connectionsPerNodeBulk;
    protected final int connectionsPerNodeReg;
    protected final int connectionsPerNodeState;
    protected final int connectionsPerNodePing;
    protected final TimeValue connectTimeout;
    protected final boolean blockingClient;
    private final CircuitBreakerService circuitBreakerService;
    // package visibility for tests
    protected final ScheduledPing scheduledPing;
    private final TimeValue pingSchedule;
    protected final ThreadPool threadPool;
    private final BigArrays bigArrays;
    protected final NetworkService networkService;

    protected volatile TransportServiceAdapter transportServiceAdapter;
    // node id to actual channel
    protected final ConcurrentMap connectedNodes = newConcurrentMap();
    protected final Map> serverChannels = newConcurrentMap();
    protected final ConcurrentMap profileBoundAddresses = newConcurrentMap();

    protected final KeyedLock connectionLock = new KeyedLock<>();
    private final NamedWriteableRegistry namedWriteableRegistry;

    // this lock is here to make sure we close this transport and disconnect all the client nodes
    // connections while no connect operations is going on... (this might help with 100% CPU when stopping the transport?)
    protected final ReadWriteLock globalLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
    protected final boolean compress;
    protected volatile BoundTransportAddress boundAddress;
    private final String transportName;

    public TcpTransport(String transportName, Settings settings, ThreadPool threadPool, BigArrays bigArrays,
                        CircuitBreakerService circuitBreakerService, NamedWriteableRegistry namedWriteableRegistry,
                        NetworkService networkService) {
        this.threadPool = threadPool;
        this.bigArrays = bigArrays;
        this.circuitBreakerService = circuitBreakerService;
        this.scheduledPing = new ScheduledPing();
        this.pingSchedule = PING_SCHEDULE.get(settings);
        this.namedWriteableRegistry = namedWriteableRegistry;
        this.compress = Transport.TRANSPORT_TCP_COMPRESS.get(settings);
        this.networkService = networkService;
        this.transportName = transportName;

        this.connectionsPerNodeRecovery = CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE_RECOVERY.get(settings);
        this.connectionsPerNodeBulk = CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE_BULK.get(settings);
        this.connectionsPerNodeReg = CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE_REG.get(settings);
        this.connectionsPerNodeState = CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE_STATE.get(settings);
        this.connectionsPerNodePing = CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE_PING.get(settings);
        this.connectTimeout = TCP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT.get(settings);
        this.blockingClient = TCP_BLOCKING_CLIENT.get(settings);

    protected void doStart() {
        if (pingSchedule.millis() > 0) {
            threadPool.schedule(pingSchedule, ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC, scheduledPing);

    public CircuitBreaker getInFlightRequestBreaker() {
        // We always obtain a fresh breaker to reflect changes to the breaker configuration.
        return circuitBreakerService.getBreaker(CircuitBreaker.IN_FLIGHT_REQUESTS);

    public void transportServiceAdapter(TransportServiceAdapter service) {
        this.transportServiceAdapter = service;

    public Settings settings() {
        return this.settings;

    public boolean isCompressed() {
        return compress;

    public class ScheduledPing extends AbstractLifecycleRunnable {

         * The magic number (must be lower than 0) for a ping message. This is handled
         * specifically in {@link TcpTransport#validateMessageHeader}.
        private final BytesReference pingHeader;
        final CounterMetric successfulPings = new CounterMetric();
        final CounterMetric failedPings = new CounterMetric();

        public ScheduledPing() {
            super(lifecycle, logger);
            try (BytesStreamOutput out = new BytesStreamOutput()) {
                out.writeByte((byte) 'E');
                out.writeByte((byte) 'S');
                pingHeader = out.bytes();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e); // won't happen

        protected void doRunInLifecycle() throws Exception {
            for (Map.Entry entry : connectedNodes.entrySet()) {
                DiscoveryNode node = entry.getKey();
                NodeChannels channels = entry.getValue();
                for (Channel channel : channels.allChannels) {
                    try {
                        sendMessage(channel, pingHeader, successfulPings::inc);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        if (isOpen(channel)) {
                                (Supplier) () -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] failed to send ping transport message", node), e);
                        } else {
                                (Supplier) () -> new ParameterizedMessage(
                                    "[{}] failed to send ping transport message (channel closed)", node), e);

        public long getSuccessfulPings() {
            return successfulPings.count();

        public long getFailedPings() {
            return failedPings.count();

        protected void onAfterInLifecycle() {
            try {
                threadPool.schedule(pingSchedule, ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC, this);
            } catch (EsRejectedExecutionException ex) {
                if (ex.isExecutorShutdown()) {
                    logger.debug("couldn't schedule new ping execution, executor is shutting down", ex);
                } else {
                    throw ex;

        public void onFailure(Exception e) {
            if (lifecycle.stoppedOrClosed()) {
                logger.trace("failed to send ping transport message", e);
            } else {
                logger.warn("failed to send ping transport message", e);

    public class NodeChannels implements Closeable {

        public List allChannels = Collections.emptyList();
        public Channel[] recovery;
        public final AtomicInteger recoveryCounter = new AtomicInteger();
        public Channel[] bulk;
        public final AtomicInteger bulkCounter = new AtomicInteger();
        public Channel[] reg;
        public final AtomicInteger regCounter = new AtomicInteger();
        public Channel[] state;
        public final AtomicInteger stateCounter = new AtomicInteger();
        public Channel[] ping;
        public final AtomicInteger pingCounter = new AtomicInteger();

        public NodeChannels(Channel[] recovery, Channel[] bulk, Channel[] reg, Channel[] state, Channel[] ping) {
            this.recovery = recovery;
            this.bulk = bulk;
            this.reg = reg;
            this.state = state;
   = ping;

        public void start() {
            List newAllChannels = new ArrayList<>();
            this.allChannels = Collections.unmodifiableList(newAllChannels);

        public boolean hasChannel(Channel channel) {
            for (Channel channel1 : allChannels) {
                if (channel.equals(channel1)) {
                    return true;
            return false;

        public Channel channel(TransportRequestOptions.Type type) {
            if (type == TransportRequestOptions.Type.REG) {
                return reg[Math.floorMod(regCounter.incrementAndGet(), reg.length)];
            } else if (type == TransportRequestOptions.Type.STATE) {
                return state[Math.floorMod(stateCounter.incrementAndGet(), state.length)];
            } else if (type == TransportRequestOptions.Type.PING) {
                return ping[Math.floorMod(pingCounter.incrementAndGet(), ping.length)];
            } else if (type == TransportRequestOptions.Type.BULK) {
                return bulk[Math.floorMod(bulkCounter.incrementAndGet(), bulk.length)];
            } else if (type == TransportRequestOptions.Type.RECOVERY) {
                return recovery[Math.floorMod(recoveryCounter.incrementAndGet(), recovery.length)];
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("no type channel for [" + type + "]");

        public List getChannelArrays() {
            return Arrays.asList(recovery, bulk, reg, state, ping);

        public synchronized void close() throws IOException {

    public boolean nodeConnected(DiscoveryNode node) {
        return connectedNodes.containsKey(node);

    public void connectToNodeLight(DiscoveryNode node) throws ConnectTransportException {
        connectToNode(node, true);

    public void connectToNode(DiscoveryNode node) {
        connectToNode(node, false);

    public void connectToNode(DiscoveryNode node, boolean light) {
        if (!lifecycle.started()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("can't add nodes to a stopped transport");
        if (node == null) {
            throw new ConnectTransportException(null, "can't connect to a null node");
        try {

            try (Releasable ignored = connectionLock.acquire(node.getId())) {
                if (!lifecycle.started()) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("can't add nodes to a stopped transport");
                NodeChannels nodeChannels = connectedNodes.get(node);
                if (nodeChannels != null) {
                try {
                    if (light) {
                        nodeChannels = connectToChannelsLight(node);
                    } else {
                        try {
                            nodeChannels = connectToChannels(node);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                                (Supplier) () -> new ParameterizedMessage(
                                    "failed to connect to [{}], cleaning dangling connections", node), e);
                            throw e;
                    // we acquire a connection lock, so no way there is an existing connection
                    connectedNodes.put(node, nodeChannels);
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("connected to node [{}]", node);
                } catch (ConnectTransportException e) {
                    throw e;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new ConnectTransportException(node, "general node connection failure", e);
        } finally {
     * Disconnects from a node, only if the relevant channel is found to be part of the node channels.
    protected boolean disconnectFromNode(DiscoveryNode node, Channel channel, String reason) {
        // this might be called multiple times from all the node channels, so do a lightweight
        // check outside of the lock
        NodeChannels nodeChannels = connectedNodes.get(node);
        if (nodeChannels != null && nodeChannels.hasChannel(channel)) {
            try (Releasable ignored = connectionLock.acquire(node.getId())) {
                nodeChannels = connectedNodes.get(node);
                // check again within the connection lock, if its still applicable to remove it
                if (nodeChannels != null && nodeChannels.hasChannel(channel)) {
                    try {
                        logger.debug("disconnecting from [{}], {}", node, reason);
                    } finally {
                        logger.trace("disconnected from [{}], {}", node, reason);
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Disconnects from a node if a channel is found as part of that nodes channels.
    protected final void disconnectFromNodeChannel(final Channel channel, final Exception failure) {
        threadPool.generic().execute(() -> {
            try {
                try {
                } finally {
                    for (DiscoveryNode node : connectedNodes.keySet()) {
                        if (disconnectFromNode(node, channel, ExceptionsHelper.detailedMessage(failure))) {
                            // if we managed to find this channel and disconnect from it, then break, no need to check on
                            // the rest of the nodes
            } catch (IOException e) {
                logger.warn("failed to close channel", e);

    protected Channel nodeChannel(DiscoveryNode node, TransportRequestOptions options) throws ConnectTransportException {
        NodeChannels nodeChannels = connectedNodes.get(node);
        if (nodeChannels == null) {
            throw new NodeNotConnectedException(node, "Node not connected");

    public void disconnectFromNode(DiscoveryNode node) {
        try (Releasable ignored = connectionLock.acquire(node.getId())) {
            NodeChannels nodeChannels = connectedNodes.remove(node);
            if (nodeChannels != null) {
                try {
                    logger.debug("disconnecting from [{}] due to explicit disconnect call", node);
                } finally {
                    logger.trace("disconnected from [{}] due to explicit disconnect call", node);

    protected Version getCurrentVersion() {
        // this is just for tests to mock stuff like the nodes version - tests can override this internally
        return Version.CURRENT;

    public boolean addressSupported(Class address) {
        return InetSocketTransportAddress.class.equals(address);

    public BoundTransportAddress boundAddress() {
        return this.boundAddress;

    public Map profileBoundAddresses() {
        return unmodifiableMap(new HashMap<>(profileBoundAddresses));

    protected Map buildProfileSettings() {
        // extract default profile first and create standard bootstrap
        Map profiles = TransportSettings.TRANSPORT_PROFILES_SETTING.get(settings()).getAsGroups(true);
        if (!profiles.containsKey(TransportSettings.DEFAULT_PROFILE)) {
            profiles = new HashMap<>(profiles);
            profiles.put(TransportSettings.DEFAULT_PROFILE, Settings.EMPTY);
        Settings defaultSettings = profiles.get(TransportSettings.DEFAULT_PROFILE);
        Map result = new HashMap<>();
        // loop through all profiles and start them up, special handling for default one
        for (Map.Entry entry : profiles.entrySet()) {
            Settings profileSettings = entry.getValue();
            String name = entry.getKey();

            if (!Strings.hasLength(name)) {
      "transport profile configured without a name. skipping profile with settings [{}]",
            } else if (TransportSettings.DEFAULT_PROFILE.equals(name)) {
                profileSettings = Settings.builder()
                    .put("port", profileSettings.get("port", TransportSettings.PORT.get(this.settings)))
            } else if (profileSettings.get("port") == null) {
                // if profile does not have a port, skip it
      "No port configured for profile [{}], not binding", name);
            Settings mergedSettings = Settings.builder()
            result.put(name, mergedSettings);
        return result;

    public List getLocalAddresses() {
        List local = new ArrayList<>();
        // check if v6 is supported, if so, v4 will also work via mapped addresses.
        if (NetworkUtils.SUPPORTS_V6) {
            local.add("[::1]"); // may get ports appended!
        return local;

    protected void bindServer(final String name, final Settings settings) {
        // Bind and start to accept incoming connections.
        InetAddress hostAddresses[];
        String bindHosts[] = settings.getAsArray("bind_host", null);
        try {
            hostAddresses = networkService.resolveBindHostAddresses(bindHosts);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new BindTransportException("Failed to resolve host " + Arrays.toString(bindHosts) + "", e);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            String[] addresses = new String[hostAddresses.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < hostAddresses.length; i++) {
                addresses[i] = NetworkAddress.format(hostAddresses[i]);
            logger.debug("binding server bootstrap to: {}", (Object)addresses);

        assert hostAddresses.length > 0;

        List boundAddresses = new ArrayList<>();
        for (InetAddress hostAddress : hostAddresses) {
            boundAddresses.add(bindToPort(name, hostAddress, settings.get("port")));

        final BoundTransportAddress boundTransportAddress = createBoundTransportAddress(name, settings, boundAddresses);

        if (TransportSettings.DEFAULT_PROFILE.equals(name)) {
            this.boundAddress = boundTransportAddress;
        } else {
            profileBoundAddresses.put(name, boundTransportAddress);

    protected InetSocketAddress bindToPort(final String name, final InetAddress hostAddress, String port) {
        PortsRange portsRange = new PortsRange(port);
        final AtomicReference lastException = new AtomicReference<>();
        final AtomicReference boundSocket = new AtomicReference<>();
        boolean success = portsRange.iterate(portNumber -> {
            try {
                Channel channel = bind(name, new InetSocketAddress(hostAddress, portNumber));
                synchronized (serverChannels) {
                    List list = serverChannels.get(name);
                    if (list == null) {
                        list = new ArrayList<>();
                        serverChannels.put(name, list);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return false;
            return true;
        if (!success) {
            throw new BindTransportException("Failed to bind to [" + port + "]", lastException.get());

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Bound profile [{}] to address {{}}", name, NetworkAddress.format(boundSocket.get()));

        return boundSocket.get();

    private BoundTransportAddress createBoundTransportAddress(String name, Settings profileSettings,
                                                              List boundAddresses) {
        String[] boundAddressesHostStrings = new String[boundAddresses.size()];
        TransportAddress[] transportBoundAddresses = new TransportAddress[boundAddresses.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < boundAddresses.size(); i++) {
            InetSocketAddress boundAddress = boundAddresses.get(i);
            boundAddressesHostStrings[i] = boundAddress.getHostString();
            transportBoundAddresses[i] = new InetSocketTransportAddress(boundAddress);

        final String[] publishHosts;
        if (TransportSettings.DEFAULT_PROFILE.equals(name)) {
            publishHosts = TransportSettings.PUBLISH_HOST.get(settings).toArray(Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY);
        } else {
            publishHosts = profileSettings.getAsArray("publish_host", boundAddressesHostStrings);

        final InetAddress publishInetAddress;
        try {
            publishInetAddress = networkService.resolvePublishHostAddresses(publishHosts);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new BindTransportException("Failed to resolve publish address", e);

        final int publishPort = resolvePublishPort(name, settings, profileSettings, boundAddresses, publishInetAddress);
        final TransportAddress publishAddress = new InetSocketTransportAddress(new InetSocketAddress(publishInetAddress, publishPort));
        return new BoundTransportAddress(transportBoundAddresses, publishAddress);

    // package private for tests
    public static int resolvePublishPort(String profileName, Settings settings, Settings profileSettings,
                                         List boundAddresses, InetAddress publishInetAddress) {
        int publishPort;
        if (TransportSettings.DEFAULT_PROFILE.equals(profileName)) {
            publishPort = TransportSettings.PUBLISH_PORT.get(settings);
        } else {
            publishPort = profileSettings.getAsInt("publish_port", -1);

        // if port not explicitly provided, search for port of address in boundAddresses that matches publishInetAddress
        if (publishPort < 0) {
            for (InetSocketAddress boundAddress : boundAddresses) {
                InetAddress boundInetAddress = boundAddress.getAddress();
                if (boundInetAddress.isAnyLocalAddress() || boundInetAddress.equals(publishInetAddress)) {
                    publishPort = boundAddress.getPort();

        // if no matching boundAddress found, check if there is a unique port for all bound addresses
        if (publishPort < 0) {
            final IntSet ports = new IntHashSet();
            for (InetSocketAddress boundAddress : boundAddresses) {
            if (ports.size() == 1) {
                publishPort = ports.iterator().next().value;

        if (publishPort < 0) {
            String profileExplanation = TransportSettings.DEFAULT_PROFILE.equals(profileName) ? "" : " for profile " + profileName;
            throw new BindTransportException("Failed to auto-resolve publish port" + profileExplanation + ", multiple bound addresses " +
                boundAddresses + " with distinct ports and none of them matched the publish address (" + publishInetAddress + "). " +
                "Please specify a unique port by setting " + TransportSettings.PORT.getKey() + " or " +
        return publishPort;

    public TransportAddress[] addressesFromString(String address, int perAddressLimit) throws UnknownHostException {
        return parse(address, settings.get("transport.profiles.default.port", TransportSettings.PORT.get(settings)), perAddressLimit);

    // this code is a take on guava's HostAndPort, like a HostAndPortRange

    // pattern for validating ipv6 bracket addresses.
    // not perfect, but PortsRange should take care of any port range validation, not a regex
    private static final Pattern BRACKET_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^\\[(.*:.*)\\](?::([\\d\\-]*))?$");

    /** parse a hostname+port range spec into its equivalent addresses */
    static TransportAddress[] parse(String hostPortString, String defaultPortRange, int perAddressLimit) throws UnknownHostException {
        String host;
        String portString = null;

        if (hostPortString.startsWith("[")) {
            // Parse a bracketed host, typically an IPv6 literal.
            Matcher matcher = BRACKET_PATTERN.matcher(hostPortString);
            if (!matcher.matches()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid bracketed host/port range: " + hostPortString);
            host =;
            portString =;  // could be null
        } else {
            int colonPos = hostPortString.indexOf(':');
            if (colonPos >= 0 && hostPortString.indexOf(':', colonPos + 1) == -1) {
                // Exactly 1 colon.  Split into host:port.
                host = hostPortString.substring(0, colonPos);
                portString = hostPortString.substring(colonPos + 1);
            } else {
                // 0 or 2+ colons.  Bare hostname or IPv6 literal.
                host = hostPortString;
                // 2+ colons and not bracketed: exception
                if (colonPos >= 0) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("IPv6 addresses must be bracketed: " + hostPortString);

        // if port isn't specified, fill with the default
        if (portString == null || portString.isEmpty()) {
            portString = defaultPortRange;

        // generate address for each port in the range
        Set addresses = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(InetAddress.getAllByName(host)));
        List transportAddresses = new ArrayList<>();
        int[] ports = new PortsRange(portString).ports();
        int limit = Math.min(ports.length, perAddressLimit);
        for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
            for (InetAddress address : addresses) {
                transportAddresses.add(new InetSocketTransportAddress(address, ports[i]));
        return transportAddresses.toArray(new TransportAddress[transportAddresses.size()]);

    protected final void doClose() {

    protected final void doStop() {
        final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
        // make sure we run it on another thread than a possible IO handler thread
        threadPool.generic().execute(() -> {
            try {
                // first stop to accept any incoming connections so nobody can connect to this transport
                for (Map.Entry> entry : serverChannels.entrySet()) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                            (Supplier) () -> new ParameterizedMessage(
                                "Error closing serverChannel for profile [{}]", entry.getKey()), e);

                for (Iterator it = connectedNodes.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                    NodeChannels nodeChannels =;
            } finally {

        try {
            latch.await(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // ignore

    protected void onException(Channel channel, Exception e) throws IOException {
        if (!lifecycle.started()) {
            // ignore
        if (isCloseConnectionException(e)) {
                (Supplier) () -> new ParameterizedMessage(
                    "close connection exception caught on transport layer [{}], disconnecting from relevant node",
            // close the channel, which will cause a node to be disconnected if relevant
            disconnectFromNodeChannel(channel, e);
        } else if (isConnectException(e)) {
            logger.trace((Supplier) () -> new ParameterizedMessage("connect exception caught on transport layer [{}]", channel), e);
            // close the channel as safe measure, which will cause a node to be disconnected if relevant
            disconnectFromNodeChannel(channel, e);
        } else if (e instanceof BindException) {
            logger.trace((Supplier) () -> new ParameterizedMessage("bind exception caught on transport layer [{}]", channel), e);
            // close the channel as safe measure, which will cause a node to be disconnected if relevant
            disconnectFromNodeChannel(channel, e);
        } else if (e instanceof CancelledKeyException) {
                (Supplier) () -> new ParameterizedMessage(
                    "cancelled key exception caught on transport layer [{}], disconnecting from relevant node",
            // close the channel as safe measure, which will cause a node to be disconnected if relevant
            disconnectFromNodeChannel(channel, e);
        } else if (e instanceof TcpTransport.HttpOnTransportException) {
            // in case we are able to return data, serialize the exception content and sent it back to the client
            if (isOpen(channel)) {
                final Runnable closeChannel = () -> {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e1) {
                        logger.debug("failed to close httpOnTransport channel", e1);
                boolean success = false;
                try {
                    sendMessage(channel, new BytesArray(e.getMessage().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)), closeChannel);
                    success = true;
                } finally {
                    if (success == false) {
                        // it's fine to call this more than once
        } else {
                (Supplier) () -> new ParameterizedMessage("exception caught on transport layer [{}], closing connection", channel), e);
            // close the channel, which will cause a node to be disconnected if relevant
            disconnectFromNodeChannel(channel, e);

     * Returns the channels local address
    protected abstract InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress(Channel channel);

     * Binds to the given {@link InetSocketAddress}
     * @param name the profile name
     * @param address the address to bind to
    protected abstract Channel bind(String name, InetSocketAddress address) throws IOException;

     * Closes all channels in this list
    protected abstract void closeChannels(List channel) throws IOException;

     * Connects to the given node in a light way. This means we are not creating multiple connections like we do
     * for production connections. This connection is for pings or handshakes
    protected abstract NodeChannels connectToChannelsLight(DiscoveryNode node) throws IOException;

    protected abstract void sendMessage(Channel channel, BytesReference reference, Runnable sendListener) throws IOException;

     * Connects to the node in a heavy way.
     * @see #connectToChannelsLight(DiscoveryNode)
    protected abstract NodeChannels connectToChannels(DiscoveryNode node) throws IOException;

     * Called to tear down internal resources
    protected void stopInternal() {}

    public boolean canCompress(TransportRequest request) {
        return compress && (!(request instanceof BytesTransportRequest));

    public void sendRequest(final DiscoveryNode node, final long requestId, final String action, final TransportRequest request,
                            TransportRequestOptions options) throws IOException, TransportException {
        Channel targetChannel = nodeChannel(node, options);
        if (compress) {
            options = TransportRequestOptions.builder(options).withCompress(true).build();
        byte status = 0;
        status = TransportStatus.setRequest(status);
        ReleasableBytesStreamOutput bStream = new ReleasableBytesStreamOutput(bigArrays);
        // we wrap this in a release once since if the onRequestSent callback throws an exception
        // we might release things twice and this should be prevented
        final Releasable toRelease = Releasables.releaseOnce(() -> Releasables.close(bStream.bytes()));
        boolean addedReleaseListener = false;
        StreamOutput stream = bStream;
        try {
            // only compress if asked, and, the request is not bytes, since then only
            // the header part is compressed, and the "body" can't be extracted as compressed
            if (options.compress() && canCompress(request)) {
                status = TransportStatus.setCompress(status);
                stream = CompressorFactory.COMPRESSOR.streamOutput(stream);

            // we pick the smallest of the 2, to support both backward and forward compatibility
            // note, this is the only place we need to do this, since from here on, we use the serialized version
            // as the version to use also when the node receiving this request will send the response with
            Version version = Version.smallest(getCurrentVersion(), node.getVersion());

            BytesReference message = buildMessage(requestId, status, node.getVersion(), request, stream, bStream);
            final TransportRequestOptions finalOptions = options;
            Runnable onRequestSent = () -> { // this might be called in a different thread
                try {
                } finally {
                    transportServiceAdapter.onRequestSent(node, requestId, action, request, finalOptions);
            addedReleaseListener = internalSendMessage(targetChannel, message, onRequestSent);
        } finally {
            if (!addedReleaseListener) {

     * sends a message view the given channel, using the given callbacks.
     * @return true if the message was successfully sent or false when an error occurred and the error hanlding logic was activated
    private boolean internalSendMessage(Channel targetChannel, BytesReference message, Runnable onRequestSent) throws IOException {
        boolean success;
        try {
            sendMessage(targetChannel, message, onRequestSent);
            success = true;
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            // passing exception handling to deal with this and raise disconnect events and decide the right logging level
            onException(targetChannel, ex);
            success = false;
        return success;

     * Sends back an error response to the caller via the given channel
     * @param nodeVersion the caller node version
     * @param channel the channel to send the response to
     * @param error the error to return
     * @param requestId the request ID this response replies to
     * @param action the action this response replies to
    public void sendErrorResponse(Version nodeVersion, Channel channel, final Exception error, final long requestId,
                                  final String action) throws IOException {
        try (BytesStreamOutput stream = new BytesStreamOutput()) {
            RemoteTransportException tx = new RemoteTransportException(
                nodeName(), new InetSocketTransportAddress(getLocalAddress(channel)), action, error);
            byte status = 0;
            status = TransportStatus.setResponse(status);
            status = TransportStatus.setError(status);
            final BytesReference bytes = stream.bytes();
            final BytesReference header = buildHeader(requestId, status, nodeVersion, bytes.length());
            Runnable onRequestSent = () -> transportServiceAdapter.onResponseSent(requestId, action, error);
            sendMessage(channel, new CompositeBytesReference(header, bytes), onRequestSent);

     * Sends the response to the given channel. This method should be used to send {@link TransportResponse} objects back to the caller.
     * @see #sendErrorResponse(Version, Object, Exception, long, String) for sending back errors to the caller
    public void sendResponse(Version nodeVersion, Channel channel, final TransportResponse response, final long requestId,
                             final String action, TransportResponseOptions options) throws IOException {
        if (compress) {
            options = TransportResponseOptions.builder(options).withCompress(true).build();
        byte status = 0;
        status = TransportStatus.setResponse(status); // TODO share some code with sendRequest
        ReleasableBytesStreamOutput bStream = new ReleasableBytesStreamOutput(bigArrays);
        // we wrap this in a release once since if the onRequestSent callback throws an exception
        // we might release things twice and this should be prevented
        final Releasable toRelease = Releasables.releaseOnce(() -> Releasables.close(bStream.bytes()));
        boolean addedReleaseListener = false;
        StreamOutput stream = bStream;
        try {
            if (options.compress()) {
                status = TransportStatus.setCompress(status);
                stream = CompressorFactory.COMPRESSOR.streamOutput(stream);
            BytesReference reference = buildMessage(requestId, status, nodeVersion, response, stream, bStream);

            final TransportResponseOptions finalOptions = options;
            Runnable onRequestSent = () -> { // this might be called in a different thread
                try {
                } finally {
                    transportServiceAdapter.onResponseSent(requestId, action, response, finalOptions);
            addedReleaseListener = internalSendMessage(channel, reference, onRequestSent);
        } finally {
            try {
            } finally {
                if (!addedReleaseListener) {



     * Writes the Tcp message header into a bytes reference.
     * @param requestId       the request ID
     * @param status          the request status
     * @param protocolVersion the protocol version used to serialize the data in the message
     * @param length          the payload length in bytes
     * @see TcpHeader
    private BytesReference buildHeader(long requestId, byte status, Version protocolVersion, int length) throws IOException {
        try (BytesStreamOutput headerOutput = new BytesStreamOutput(TcpHeader.HEADER_SIZE)) {
            TcpHeader.writeHeader(headerOutput, requestId, status, protocolVersion, length);
            final BytesReference bytes = headerOutput.bytes();
            assert bytes.length() == TcpHeader.HEADER_SIZE : "header size mismatch expected: " + TcpHeader.HEADER_SIZE + " but was: "
                + bytes.length();
            return bytes;

     * Serializes the given message into a bytes representation
    private BytesReference buildMessage(long requestId, byte status, Version nodeVersion, TransportMessage message, StreamOutput stream,
                                        ReleasableBytesStream writtenBytes) throws IOException {
        final BytesReference zeroCopyBuffer;
        if (message instanceof BytesTransportRequest) { // what a shitty optimization - we should use a direct send method instead
            BytesTransportRequest bRequest = (BytesTransportRequest) message;
            assert nodeVersion.equals(bRequest.version());
            zeroCopyBuffer = bRequest.bytes;
        } else {
            zeroCopyBuffer = BytesArray.EMPTY;
        // we have to close the stream here - flush is not enough since we might be compressing the content
        // and if we do that the close method will write some marker bytes (EOS marker) and otherwise
        // we barf on the decompressing end when we read past EOF on purpose in the #validateRequest method.
        // this might be a problem in deflate after all but it's important to close it for now.
        final BytesReference messageBody = writtenBytes.bytes();
        final BytesReference header = buildHeader(requestId, status, stream.getVersion(), messageBody.length() + zeroCopyBuffer.length());
        return new CompositeBytesReference(header, messageBody, zeroCopyBuffer);

     * Validates the first N bytes of the message header and returns false if the message is
     * a ping message and has no payload ie. isn't a real user level message.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the message is too short, less than the header or less that the header plus the message size
     * @throws HttpOnTransportException if the message has no valid header and appears to be a HTTP message
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the message is greater that the maximum allowed frame size. This is dependent on the available
     * memory.
    public static boolean validateMessageHeader(BytesReference buffer) throws IOException {
        final int sizeHeaderLength = TcpHeader.MARKER_BYTES_SIZE + TcpHeader.MESSAGE_LENGTH_SIZE;
        if (buffer.length() < sizeHeaderLength) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("message size must be >= to the header size");
        int offset = 0;
        if (buffer.get(offset) != 'E' || buffer.get(offset + 1) != 'S') {
            // special handling for what is probably HTTP
            if (bufferStartsWith(buffer, offset, "GET ") ||
                    bufferStartsWith(buffer, offset, "POST ") ||
                    bufferStartsWith(buffer, offset, "PUT ") ||
                    bufferStartsWith(buffer, offset, "HEAD ") ||
                    bufferStartsWith(buffer, offset, "DELETE ") ||
                    bufferStartsWith(buffer, offset, "OPTIONS ") ||
                    bufferStartsWith(buffer, offset, "PATCH ") ||
                    bufferStartsWith(buffer, offset, "TRACE ")) {

                throw new HttpOnTransportException("This is not a HTTP port");

            // we have 6 readable bytes, show 4 (should be enough)
            throw new StreamCorruptedException("invalid internal transport message format, got ("
                    + Integer.toHexString(buffer.get(offset) & 0xFF) + ","
                    + Integer.toHexString(buffer.get(offset + 1) & 0xFF) + ","
                    + Integer.toHexString(buffer.get(offset + 2) & 0xFF) + ","
                    + Integer.toHexString(buffer.get(offset + 3) & 0xFF) + ")");

        final int dataLen;
        try (StreamInput input = buffer.streamInput()) {
            dataLen = input.readInt();
            if (dataLen == PING_DATA_SIZE) {
                // discard the messages we read and continue, this is achieved by skipping the bytes
                // and returning null
                return false;
        if (dataLen <= 0) {
            throw new StreamCorruptedException("invalid data length: " + dataLen);
        // safety against too large frames being sent
        if (dataLen > NINETY_PER_HEAP_SIZE) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("transport content length received [" + new ByteSizeValue(dataLen) + "] exceeded ["
                    + new ByteSizeValue(NINETY_PER_HEAP_SIZE) + "]");

        if (buffer.length() < dataLen + sizeHeaderLength) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("buffer must be >= to the message size but wasn't");
        return true;

    private static boolean bufferStartsWith(BytesReference buffer, int offset, String method) {
        char[] chars = method.toCharArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
            if (buffer.get(offset+ i) != chars[i]) {
                return false;

        return true;

     * A helper exception to mark an incoming connection as potentially being HTTP
     * so an appropriate error code can be returned
    public static class HttpOnTransportException extends ElasticsearchException {

        public HttpOnTransportException(String msg) {

        public RestStatus status() {
            return RestStatus.BAD_REQUEST;

        public HttpOnTransportException(StreamInput in) throws IOException{

    protected abstract boolean isOpen(Channel channel);

     * This method handles the message receive part for both request and responses
    public final void messageReceived(BytesReference reference, Channel channel, String profileName,
                                      InetSocketAddress remoteAddress, int messageLengthBytes) throws IOException {
        final int totalMessageSize = messageLengthBytes + TcpHeader.MARKER_BYTES_SIZE + TcpHeader.MESSAGE_LENGTH_SIZE;
        // we have additional bytes to read, outside of the header
        boolean hasMessageBytesToRead = (totalMessageSize - TcpHeader.HEADER_SIZE) > 0;
        StreamInput streamIn = reference.streamInput();
        boolean success = false;
        try (ThreadContext.StoredContext tCtx = threadPool.getThreadContext().stashContext()) {
            long requestId = streamIn.readLong();
            byte status = streamIn.readByte();
            Version version = Version.fromId(streamIn.readInt());
            if (TransportStatus.isCompress(status) && hasMessageBytesToRead && streamIn.available() > 0) {
                Compressor compressor;
                try {
                    final int bytesConsumed = TcpHeader.REQUEST_ID_SIZE + TcpHeader.STATUS_SIZE + TcpHeader.VERSION_ID_SIZE;
                    compressor = CompressorFactory.compressor(reference.slice(bytesConsumed, reference.length() - bytesConsumed));
                } catch (NotCompressedException ex) {
                    int maxToRead = Math.min(reference.length(), 10);
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("stream marked as compressed, but no compressor found, first [").append(maxToRead)
                        .append("] content bytes out of [").append(reference.length())
                        .append("] readable bytes with message size [").append(messageLengthBytes).append("] ").append("] are [");
                    for (int i = 0; i < maxToRead; i++) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(sb.toString());
                streamIn = compressor.streamInput(streamIn);
            if (version.onOrAfter(Version.CURRENT.minimumCompatibilityVersion()) == false || version.major != Version.CURRENT.major) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Received message from unsupported version: [" + version
                    + "] minimal compatible version is: [" +Version.CURRENT.minimumCompatibilityVersion() + "]");
            streamIn = new NamedWriteableAwareStreamInput(streamIn, namedWriteableRegistry);
            if (TransportStatus.isRequest(status)) {
                handleRequest(channel, profileName, streamIn, requestId, messageLengthBytes, version, remoteAddress);
            } else {
                final TransportResponseHandler handler = transportServiceAdapter.onResponseReceived(requestId);
                // ignore if its null, the adapter logs it
                if (handler != null) {
                    if (TransportStatus.isError(status)) {
                        handlerResponseError(streamIn, handler);
                    } else {
                        handleResponse(remoteAddress, streamIn, handler);
                    // Check the entire message has been read
                    final int nextByte =;
                    // calling read() is useful to make sure the message is fully read, even if there is an EOS marker
                    if (nextByte != -1) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Message not fully read (response) for requestId [" + requestId + "], handler ["
                            + handler + "], error [" + TransportStatus.isError(status) + "]; resetting");
            success = true;
        } finally {
            if (success) {
            } else {

    private void handleResponse(InetSocketAddress remoteAddress, final StreamInput stream, final TransportResponseHandler handler) {
        final TransportResponse response = handler.newInstance();
        response.remoteAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(remoteAddress));
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            handleException(handler, new TransportSerializationException(
                "Failed to deserialize response of type [" + response.getClass().getName() + "]", e));
        threadPool.executor(handler.executor()).execute(new AbstractRunnable() {
            public void onFailure(Exception e) {
                handleException(handler, new ResponseHandlerFailureTransportException(e));

            protected void doRun() throws Exception {


     * Executed for a received response error
    private void handlerResponseError(StreamInput stream, final TransportResponseHandler handler) {
        Exception error;
        try {
            error = stream.readException();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            error = new TransportSerializationException("Failed to deserialize exception response from stream", e);
        handleException(handler, error);

    private void handleException(final TransportResponseHandler handler, Throwable error) {
        if (!(error instanceof RemoteTransportException)) {
            error = new RemoteTransportException(error.getMessage(), error);
        final RemoteTransportException rtx = (RemoteTransportException) error;
        threadPool.executor(handler.executor()).execute(() -> {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error((Supplier) () -> new ParameterizedMessage("failed to handle exception response [{}]", handler), e);

    protected String handleRequest(Channel channel, String profileName, final StreamInput stream, long requestId,
                                   int messageLengthBytes, Version version, InetSocketAddress remoteAddress) throws IOException {
        final String action = stream.readString();
        transportServiceAdapter.onRequestReceived(requestId, action);
        TransportChannel transportChannel = null;
        try {
            final RequestHandlerRegistry reg = transportServiceAdapter.getRequestHandler(action);
            if (reg == null) {
                throw new ActionNotFoundTransportException(action);
            if (reg.canTripCircuitBreaker()) {
                getInFlightRequestBreaker().addEstimateBytesAndMaybeBreak(messageLengthBytes, "");
            } else {
            transportChannel = new TcpTransportChannel<>(this, channel, transportName, action, requestId, version, profileName,
            final TransportRequest request = reg.newRequest();
            request.remoteAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(remoteAddress));
            // in case we throw an exception, i.e. when the limit is hit, we don't want to verify
            validateRequest(stream, requestId, action);
            threadPool.executor(reg.getExecutor()).execute(new RequestHandler(reg, request, transportChannel));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // the circuit breaker tripped
            if (transportChannel == null) {
                transportChannel = new TcpTransportChannel<>(this, channel, transportName, action, requestId, version, profileName, 0);
            try {
            } catch (IOException inner) {
                    (Supplier) () -> new ParameterizedMessage(
                        "Failed to send error message back to client for action [{}]", action), inner);
        return action;

    // This template method is needed to inject custom error checking logic in tests.
    protected void validateRequest(StreamInput stream, long requestId, String action) throws IOException {
        final int nextByte =;
        // calling read() is useful to make sure the message is fully read, even if there some kind of EOS marker
        if (nextByte != -1) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Message not fully read (request) for requestId [" + requestId + "], action [" + action
                + "], available [" + stream.available() + "]; resetting");

    class RequestHandler extends AbstractRunnable {
        private final RequestHandlerRegistry reg;
        private final TransportRequest request;
        private final TransportChannel transportChannel;

        public RequestHandler(RequestHandlerRegistry reg, TransportRequest request, TransportChannel transportChannel) {
            this.reg = reg;
            this.request = request;
            this.transportChannel = transportChannel;

        protected void doRun() throws Exception {
            reg.processMessageReceived(request, transportChannel);

        public boolean isForceExecution() {
            return reg.isForceExecution();

        public void onFailure(Exception e) {
            if (lifecycleState() == Lifecycle.State.STARTED) {
                // we can only send a response transport is started....
                try {
                } catch (Exception inner) {
                        (Supplier) () -> new ParameterizedMessage(
                            "Failed to send error message back to client for action [{}]", reg.getAction()), inner);

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