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org.elasticsearch.index.translog.Translog Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.elasticsearch.index.translog;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ParameterizedMessage;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.util.Supplier;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TwoPhaseCommit;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.common.UUIDs;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesArray;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesReference;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.ReleasablePagedBytesReference;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.uid.Versions;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ConcurrentCollections;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.FutureUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ReleasableLock;
import org.elasticsearch.index.VersionType;
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.Engine;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.AbstractIndexShardComponent;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShardComponent;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * A Translog is a per index shard component that records all non-committed index operations in a durable manner.
 * In Elasticsearch there is one Translog instance per {@link org.elasticsearch.index.engine.InternalEngine}. The engine
 * records the current translog generation {@link Translog#getGeneration()} in it's commit metadata using {@link #TRANSLOG_GENERATION_KEY}
 * to reference the generation that contains all operations that have not yet successfully been committed to the engines lucene index.
 * Additionally, since Elasticsearch 2.0 the engine also records a {@link #TRANSLOG_UUID_KEY} with each commit to ensure a strong association
 * between the lucene index an the transaction log file. This UUID is used to prevent accidential recovery from a transaction log that belongs to a
 * different engine.

* Each Translog has only one translog file open at any time referenced by a translog generation ID. This ID is written to a translog.ckp file that is designed * to fit in a single disk block such that a write of the file is atomic. The checkpoint file is written on each fsync operation of the translog and records the number of operations * written, the current tranlogs file generation and it's fsynced offset in bytes. *


* When a translog is opened the checkpoint is use to retrieve the latest translog file generation and subsequently to open the last written file to recovery operations. * The {@link org.elasticsearch.index.translog.Translog.TranslogGeneration}, given when the translog is opened / constructed is compared against * the latest generation and all consecutive translog files singe the given generation and the last generation in the checkpoint will be recovered and preserved until the next * generation is committed using {@link Translog#commit()}. In the common case the translog file generation in the checkpoint and the generation passed to the translog on creation are * the same. The only situation when they can be different is when an actual translog commit fails in between {@link Translog#prepareCommit()} and {@link Translog#commit()}. In such a case * the currently being committed translog file will not be deleted since it's commit was not successful. Yet, a new/current translog file is already opened at that point such that there is more than * one translog file present. Such an uncommitted translog file always has a translog-${gen}.ckp associated with it which is an fsynced copy of the it's last translog.ckp such that in * disaster recovery last fsynced offsets, number of operation etc. are still preserved. *

*/ public class Translog extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndexShardComponent, Closeable, TwoPhaseCommit { /* * TODO * - we might need something like a deletion policy to hold on to more than one translog eventually (I think sequence IDs needs this) but we can refactor as we go * - use a simple BufferedOutputStream to write stuff and fold BufferedTranslogWriter into it's super class... the tricky bit is we need to be able to do random access reads even from the buffer * - we need random exception on the FileSystem API tests for all this. * - we need to page align the last write before we sync, we can take advantage of ensureSynced for this since we might have already fsynced far enough */ public static final String TRANSLOG_GENERATION_KEY = "translog_generation"; public static final String TRANSLOG_UUID_KEY = "translog_uuid"; public static final String TRANSLOG_FILE_PREFIX = "translog-"; public static final String TRANSLOG_FILE_SUFFIX = ".tlog"; public static final String CHECKPOINT_SUFFIX = ".ckp"; public static final String CHECKPOINT_FILE_NAME = "translog" + CHECKPOINT_SUFFIX; static final Pattern PARSE_STRICT_ID_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^" + TRANSLOG_FILE_PREFIX + "(\\d+)(\\.tlog)$"); // the list of translog readers is guaranteed to be in order of translog generation private final List readers = new ArrayList<>(); // this is a concurrent set and is not protected by any of the locks. The main reason // is that is being accessed by two separate classes (additions & reading are done by Translog, remove by View when closed) private final Set outstandingViews = ConcurrentCollections.newConcurrentSet(); private BigArrays bigArrays; protected final ReleasableLock readLock; protected final ReleasableLock writeLock; private final Path location; private TranslogWriter current; private static final long NOT_SET_GENERATION = -1; // -1 is safe as it will not cause a translog deletion. private volatile long currentCommittingGeneration = NOT_SET_GENERATION; private volatile long lastCommittedTranslogFileGeneration = NOT_SET_GENERATION; private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(); private final TranslogConfig config; private final String translogUUID; /** * Creates a new Translog instance. This method will create a new transaction log unless the given {@link TranslogConfig} has * a non-null {@link org.elasticsearch.index.translog.Translog.TranslogGeneration}. If the generation is null this method * us destructive and will delete all files in the translog path given. * * @param config the configuration of this translog * @param translogGeneration the translog generation to open. If this is null a new translog is created. If non-null * the translog tries to open the given translog generation. The generation is treated as the last generation referenced * form already committed data. This means all operations that have not yet been committed should be in the translog * file referenced by this generation. The translog creation will fail if this generation can't be opened. * * @see TranslogConfig#getTranslogPath() * */ public Translog(TranslogConfig config, TranslogGeneration translogGeneration) throws IOException { super(config.getShardId(), config.getIndexSettings()); this.config = config; if (translogGeneration == null || translogGeneration.translogUUID == null) { // legacy case translogUUID = UUIDs.randomBase64UUID(); } else { translogUUID = translogGeneration.translogUUID; } bigArrays = config.getBigArrays(); ReadWriteLock rwl = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); readLock = new ReleasableLock(rwl.readLock()); writeLock = new ReleasableLock(rwl.writeLock()); this.location = config.getTranslogPath(); Files.createDirectories(this.location); try { if (translogGeneration != null) { final Checkpoint checkpoint = readCheckpoint(); final Path nextTranslogFile = location.resolve(getFilename(checkpoint.generation + 1)); final Path currentCheckpointFile = location.resolve(getCommitCheckpointFileName(checkpoint.generation)); // this is special handling for error condition when we create a new writer but we fail to bake // the newly written file (generation+1) into the checkpoint. This is still a valid state // we just need to cleanup before we continue // we hit this before and then blindly deleted the new generation even though we managed to bake it in and then hit this: // as an example // // For this to happen we must have already copied the translog.ckp file into translog-gen.ckp so we first check if that file exists // if not we don't even try to clean it up and wait until we fail creating it assert Files.exists(nextTranslogFile) == false || Files.size(nextTranslogFile) <= TranslogWriter.getHeaderLength(translogUUID) : "unexpected translog file: [" + nextTranslogFile + "]"; if (Files.exists(currentCheckpointFile) // current checkpoint is already copied && Files.deleteIfExists(nextTranslogFile)) { // delete it and log a warning logger.warn("deleted previously created, but not yet committed, next generation [{}]. This can happen due to a tragic exception when creating a new generation", nextTranslogFile.getFileName()); } this.readers.addAll(recoverFromFiles(translogGeneration, checkpoint)); if (readers.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("at least one reader must be recovered"); } boolean success = false; try { current = createWriter(checkpoint.generation + 1); this.lastCommittedTranslogFileGeneration = translogGeneration.translogFileGeneration; success = true; } finally { // we have to close all the recovered ones otherwise we leak file handles here // for instance if we have a lot of tlog and we can't create the writer we keep on holding // on to all the uncommitted tlog files if we don't close if (success == false) { IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(readers); } } } else { IOUtils.rm(location); logger.debug("wipe translog location - creating new translog"); Files.createDirectories(location); final long generation = 1; Checkpoint checkpoint = new Checkpoint(0, 0, generation); final Path checkpointFile = location.resolve(CHECKPOINT_FILE_NAME); Checkpoint.write(getChannelFactory(), checkpointFile, checkpoint, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW); IOUtils.fsync(checkpointFile, false); current = createWriter(generation); this.lastCommittedTranslogFileGeneration = NOT_SET_GENERATION; } // now that we know which files are there, create a new current one. } catch (Exception e) { // close the opened translog files if we fail to create a new translog... IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(current); IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(readers); throw e; } } /** recover all translog files found on disk */ private ArrayList recoverFromFiles(TranslogGeneration translogGeneration, Checkpoint checkpoint) throws IOException { boolean success = false; ArrayList foundTranslogs = new ArrayList<>(); final Path tempFile = Files.createTempFile(location, TRANSLOG_FILE_PREFIX, TRANSLOG_FILE_SUFFIX); // a temp file to copy checkpoint to - note it must be in on the same FS otherwise atomic move won't work boolean tempFileRenamed = false; try (ReleasableLock lock = writeLock.acquire()) { logger.debug("open uncommitted translog checkpoint {}", checkpoint); final String checkpointTranslogFile = getFilename(checkpoint.generation); for (long i = translogGeneration.translogFileGeneration; i < checkpoint.generation; i++) { Path committedTranslogFile = location.resolve(getFilename(i)); if (Files.exists(committedTranslogFile) == false) { throw new IllegalStateException("translog file doesn't exist with generation: " + i + " lastCommitted: " + lastCommittedTranslogFileGeneration + " checkpoint: " + checkpoint.generation + " - translog ids must be consecutive"); } final TranslogReader reader = openReader(committedTranslogFile,; foundTranslogs.add(reader); logger.debug("recovered local translog from checkpoint {}", checkpoint); } foundTranslogs.add(openReader(location.resolve(checkpointTranslogFile), checkpoint)); Path commitCheckpoint = location.resolve(getCommitCheckpointFileName(checkpoint.generation)); if (Files.exists(commitCheckpoint)) { Checkpoint checkpointFromDisk =; if (checkpoint.equals(checkpointFromDisk) == false) { throw new IllegalStateException("Checkpoint file " + commitCheckpoint.getFileName() + " already exists but has corrupted content expected: " + checkpoint + " but got: " + checkpointFromDisk); } } else { // we first copy this into the temp-file and then fsync it followed by an atomic move into the target file // that way if we hit a disk-full here we are still in an consistent state. Files.copy(location.resolve(CHECKPOINT_FILE_NAME), tempFile, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); IOUtils.fsync(tempFile, false); Files.move(tempFile, commitCheckpoint, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE); tempFileRenamed = true; // we only fsync the directory the tempFile was already fsynced IOUtils.fsync(commitCheckpoint.getParent(), true); } success = true; } finally { if (success == false) { IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(foundTranslogs); } if (tempFileRenamed == false) { try { Files.delete(tempFile); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.warn((Supplier) () -> new ParameterizedMessage("failed to delete temp file {}", tempFile), ex); } } } return foundTranslogs; } TranslogReader openReader(Path path, Checkpoint checkpoint) throws IOException { FileChannel channel =, StandardOpenOption.READ); try { assert Translog.parseIdFromFileName(path) == checkpoint.generation : "expected generation: " + Translog.parseIdFromFileName(path) + " but got: " + checkpoint.generation; TranslogReader reader =, path, checkpoint, translogUUID); channel = null; return reader; } finally { IOUtils.close(channel); } } /** * Extracts the translog generation from a file name. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path doesn't match the expected pattern. */ public static long parseIdFromFileName(Path translogFile) { final String fileName = translogFile.getFileName().toString(); final Matcher matcher = PARSE_STRICT_ID_PATTERN.matcher(fileName); if (matcher.matches()) { try { return Long.parseLong(; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("number formatting issue in a file that passed PARSE_STRICT_ID_PATTERN: " + fileName + "]", e); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't parse id from file: " + fileName); } /** Returns {@code true} if this {@code Translog} is still open. */ public boolean isOpen() { return closed.get() == false; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) { try (ReleasableLock lock = writeLock.acquire()) { try { current.sync(); } finally { closeFilesIfNoPendingViews(); } } finally { logger.debug("translog closed"); } } } /** * Returns all translog locations as absolute paths. * These paths don't contain actual translog files they are * directories holding the transaction logs. */ public Path location() { return location; } /** * Returns the generation of the current transaction log. */ public long currentFileGeneration() { try (ReleasableLock lock = readLock.acquire()) { return current.getGeneration(); } } /** * Returns the number of operations in the transaction files that aren't committed to lucene.. */ public int totalOperations() { return totalOperations(lastCommittedTranslogFileGeneration); } /** * Returns the size in bytes of the translog files that aren't committed to lucene. */ public long sizeInBytes() { return sizeInBytes(lastCommittedTranslogFileGeneration); } /** * Returns the number of operations in the transaction files that aren't committed to lucene.. */ private int totalOperations(long minGeneration) { try (ReleasableLock ignored = readLock.acquire()) { ensureOpen(); return Stream.concat(, Stream.of(current)) .filter(r -> r.getGeneration() >= minGeneration) .mapToInt(BaseTranslogReader::totalOperations) .sum(); } } /** * Returns the size in bytes of the translog files that aren't committed to lucene. */ private long sizeInBytes(long minGeneration) { try (ReleasableLock ignored = readLock.acquire()) { ensureOpen(); return Stream.concat(, Stream.of(current)) .filter(r -> r.getGeneration() >= minGeneration) .mapToLong(BaseTranslogReader::sizeInBytes) .sum(); } } TranslogWriter createWriter(long fileGeneration) throws IOException { TranslogWriter newFile; try { newFile = TranslogWriter.create(shardId, translogUUID, fileGeneration, location.resolve(getFilename(fileGeneration)), getChannelFactory(), config.getBufferSize()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TranslogException(shardId, "failed to create new translog file", e); } return newFile; } /** * Adds a delete / index operations to the transaction log. * * @see org.elasticsearch.index.translog.Translog.Operation * @see Index * @see org.elasticsearch.index.translog.Translog.Delete */ public Location add(Operation operation) throws IOException { final ReleasableBytesStreamOutput out = new ReleasableBytesStreamOutput(bigArrays); try { final BufferedChecksumStreamOutput checksumStreamOutput = new BufferedChecksumStreamOutput(out); final long start = out.position(); out.skip(Integer.BYTES); writeOperationNoSize(checksumStreamOutput, operation); final long end = out.position(); final int operationSize = (int) (end - Integer.BYTES - start);; out.writeInt(operationSize);; final ReleasablePagedBytesReference bytes = out.bytes(); try (ReleasableLock lock = readLock.acquire()) { ensureOpen(); Location location = current.add(bytes); return location; } } catch (AlreadyClosedException | IOException ex) { try { closeOnTragicEvent(ex); } catch (Exception inner) { ex.addSuppressed(inner); } throw ex; } catch (Exception e) { try { closeOnTragicEvent(e); } catch (Exception inner) { e.addSuppressed(inner); } throw new TranslogException(shardId, "Failed to write operation [" + operation + "]", e); } finally { Releasables.close(out.bytes()); } } /** * The a {@linkplain Location} that will sort after the {@linkplain Location} returned by the last write but before any locations which * can be returned by the next write. */ public Location getLastWriteLocation() { try (ReleasableLock lock = readLock.acquire()) { /* * We use position = current - 1 and size = Integer.MAX_VALUE here instead of position current and size = 0 for two reasons: * 1. Translog.Location's compareTo doesn't actually pay attention to size even though it's equals method does. * 2. It feels more right to return a *position* that is before the next write's position rather than rely on the size. */ return new Location(current.generation, current.sizeInBytes() - 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } } /** * Snapshots the current transaction log allowing to safely iterate over the snapshot. * Snapshots are fixed in time and will not be updated with future operations. */ public Snapshot newSnapshot() { return createSnapshot(Long.MIN_VALUE); } private Snapshot createSnapshot(long minGeneration) { try (ReleasableLock ignored = readLock.acquire()) { ensureOpen(); Snapshot[] snapshots = Stream.concat(, Stream.of(current)) .filter(reader -> reader.getGeneration() >= minGeneration) .map(BaseTranslogReader::newSnapshot).toArray(Snapshot[]::new); return new MultiSnapshot(snapshots); } } /** * Returns a view into the current translog that is guaranteed to retain all current operations * while receiving future ones as well */ public Translog.View newView() { try (ReleasableLock lock = readLock.acquire()) { ensureOpen(); View view = new View(lastCommittedTranslogFileGeneration); outstandingViews.add(view); return view; } } /** * Sync's the translog. */ public void sync() throws IOException { try (ReleasableLock lock = readLock.acquire()) { if (closed.get() == false) { current.sync(); } } catch (Exception ex) { try { closeOnTragicEvent(ex); } catch (Exception inner) { ex.addSuppressed(inner); } throw ex; } } public boolean syncNeeded() { try (ReleasableLock lock = readLock.acquire()) { return current.syncNeeded(); } } /** package private for testing */ public static String getFilename(long generation) { return TRANSLOG_FILE_PREFIX + generation + TRANSLOG_FILE_SUFFIX; } static String getCommitCheckpointFileName(long generation) { return TRANSLOG_FILE_PREFIX + generation + CHECKPOINT_SUFFIX; } /** * Ensures that the given location has be synced / written to the underlying storage. * * @return Returns true iff this call caused an actual sync operation otherwise false */ public boolean ensureSynced(Location location) throws IOException { try (ReleasableLock lock = readLock.acquire()) { if (location.generation == current.getGeneration()) { // if we have a new one it's already synced ensureOpen(); return current.syncUpTo(location.translogLocation + location.size); } } catch (Exception ex) { try { closeOnTragicEvent(ex); } catch (Exception inner) { ex.addSuppressed(inner); } throw ex; } return false; } /** * Ensures that all locations in the given stream have been synced / written to the underlying storage. * This method allows for internal optimization to minimize the amout of fsync operations if multiple * locations must be synced. * * @return Returns true iff this call caused an actual sync operation otherwise false */ public boolean ensureSynced(Stream locations) throws IOException { final Optional max = locations.max(Location::compareTo); // we only need to sync the max location since it will sync all other // locations implicitly if (max.isPresent()) { return ensureSynced(max.get()); } else { return false; } } private void closeOnTragicEvent(Exception ex) { if (current.getTragicException() != null) { try { close(); } catch (AlreadyClosedException inner) { // don't do anything in this case. The AlreadyClosedException comes from TranslogWriter and we should not add it as suppressed because // will contain the Exception ex as cause. See also } catch (Exception inner) { assert (ex != inner.getCause()); ex.addSuppressed(inner); } } } /** * return stats */ public TranslogStats stats() { // acquire lock to make the two numbers roughly consistent (no file change half way) try (ReleasableLock lock = readLock.acquire()) { return new TranslogStats(totalOperations(), sizeInBytes()); } } public TranslogConfig getConfig() { return config; } /** * a view into the translog, capturing all translog file at the moment of creation * and updated with any future translog. */ /** * a view into the translog, capturing all translog file at the moment of creation * and updated with any future translog. */ public class View implements Closeable { AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(); final long minGeneration; View(long minGeneration) { this.minGeneration = minGeneration; } /** this smallest translog generation in this view */ public long minTranslogGeneration() { return minGeneration; } /** * The total number of operations in the view. */ public int totalOperations() { return Translog.this.totalOperations(minGeneration); } /** * Returns the size in bytes of the files behind the view. */ public long sizeInBytes() { return Translog.this.sizeInBytes(minGeneration); } /** create a snapshot from this view */ public Snapshot snapshot() { ensureOpen(); return Translog.this.createSnapshot(minGeneration); } void ensureOpen() { if (closed.get()) { throw new AlreadyClosedException("View is already closed"); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (closed.getAndSet(true) == false) { logger.trace("closing view starting at translog [{}]", minTranslogGeneration()); boolean removed = outstandingViews.remove(this); assert removed : "View was never set but was supposed to be removed"; trimUnreferencedReaders(); closeFilesIfNoPendingViews(); } } } public static class Location implements Comparable { public final long generation; public final long translogLocation; public final int size; Location(long generation, long translogLocation, int size) { this.generation = generation; this.translogLocation = translogLocation; this.size = size; } public String toString() { return "[generation: " + generation + ", location: " + translogLocation + ", size: " + size + "]"; } @Override public int compareTo(Location o) { if (generation == o.generation) { return, o.translogLocation); } return, o.generation); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } Location location = (Location) o; if (generation != location.generation) { return false; } if (translogLocation != location.translogLocation) { return false; } return size == location.size; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = Long.hashCode(generation); result = 31 * result + Long.hashCode(translogLocation); result = 31 * result + size; return result; } } /** * A snapshot of the transaction log, allows to iterate over all the transaction log operations. */ public interface Snapshot { /** * The total number of operations in the translog. */ int totalOperations(); /** * Returns the next operation in the snapshot or null if we reached the end. */ Translog.Operation next() throws IOException; } /** * A generic interface representing an operation performed on the transaction log. * Each is associated with a type. */ public interface Operation extends Writeable { enum Type { @Deprecated CREATE((byte) 1), INDEX((byte) 2), DELETE((byte) 3); private final byte id; Type(byte id) { = id; } public byte id() { return; } public static Type fromId(byte id) { switch (id) { case 1: return CREATE; case 2: return INDEX; case 3: return DELETE; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("No type mapped for [" + id + "]"); } } } Type opType(); long estimateSize(); Source getSource(); /** * Reads the type and the operation from the given stream. The operatino must be written with * {@link Operation#writeType(Operation, StreamOutput)} */ static Operation readType(StreamInput input) throws IOException { Translog.Operation.Type type = Translog.Operation.Type.fromId(input.readByte()); switch (type) { case CREATE: // the deserialization logic in Index was identical to that of Create when create was deprecated return new Index(input); case DELETE: return new Translog.Delete(input); case INDEX: return new Index(input); default: throw new IOException("No type for [" + type + "]"); } } /** * Writes the type and translog operation to the given stream */ static void writeType(Translog.Operation operation, StreamOutput output) throws IOException { output.writeByte(operation.opType().id()); operation.writeTo(output); } } public static class Source { public final BytesReference source; public final String routing; public final String parent; public final long timestamp; public final long ttl; public Source(BytesReference source, String routing, String parent, long timestamp, long ttl) { this.source = source; this.routing = routing; this.parent = parent; this.timestamp = timestamp; this.ttl = ttl; } } public static class Index implements Operation { public static final int FORMAT_2x = 6; // since 2.0-beta1 and 1.1 public static final int FORMAT_AUTO_GENERATED_IDS = 7; // since 5.0.0-beta1 public static final int SERIALIZATION_FORMAT = FORMAT_AUTO_GENERATED_IDS; private final String id; private final long autoGeneratedIdTimestamp; private final String type; private final long version; private final VersionType versionType; private final BytesReference source; private final String routing; private final String parent; private final long timestamp; private final long ttl; public Index(StreamInput in) throws IOException { final int format = in.readVInt(); // SERIALIZATION_FORMAT assert format >= FORMAT_2x : "format was: " + format; id = in.readString(); type = in.readString(); source = in.readBytesReference(); routing = in.readOptionalString(); parent = in.readOptionalString(); this.version = in.readLong(); this.timestamp = in.readLong(); this.ttl = in.readLong(); this.versionType = VersionType.fromValue(in.readByte()); assert versionType.validateVersionForWrites(this.version); if (format >= FORMAT_AUTO_GENERATED_IDS) { this.autoGeneratedIdTimestamp = in.readLong(); } else { this.autoGeneratedIdTimestamp = IndexRequest.UNSET_AUTO_GENERATED_TIMESTAMP; } } public Index(Engine.Index index) { =; this.type = index.type(); this.source = index.source(); this.routing = index.routing(); this.parent = index.parent(); this.version = index.version(); this.timestamp = index.timestamp(); this.ttl = index.ttl(); this.versionType = index.versionType(); this.autoGeneratedIdTimestamp = index.getAutoGeneratedIdTimestamp(); } public Index(String type, String id, byte[] source) { this.type = type; = id; this.source = new BytesArray(source); version = Versions.MATCH_ANY; versionType = VersionType.INTERNAL; routing = null; parent = null; timestamp = 0; ttl = 0; autoGeneratedIdTimestamp = -1; } @Override public Type opType() { return Type.INDEX; } @Override public long estimateSize() { return ((id.length() + type.length()) * 2) + source.length() + 12; } public String type() { return this.type; } public String id() { return; } public String routing() { return this.routing; } public String parent() { return this.parent; } public long timestamp() { return this.timestamp; } public long ttl() { return this.ttl; } public BytesReference source() { return this.source; } public long version() { return this.version; } public VersionType versionType() { return versionType; } @Override public Source getSource() { return new Source(source, routing, parent, timestamp, ttl); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeVInt(SERIALIZATION_FORMAT); out.writeString(id); out.writeString(type); out.writeBytesReference(source); out.writeOptionalString(routing); out.writeOptionalString(parent); out.writeLong(version); out.writeLong(timestamp); out.writeLong(ttl); out.writeByte(versionType.getValue()); out.writeLong(autoGeneratedIdTimestamp); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } Index index = (Index) o; if (version != index.version || timestamp != index.timestamp || ttl != index.ttl || id.equals( == false || type.equals(index.type) == false || versionType != index.versionType || autoGeneratedIdTimestamp != index.autoGeneratedIdTimestamp || source.equals(index.source) == false) { return false; } if (routing != null ? !routing.equals(index.routing) : index.routing != null) { return false; } return !(parent != null ? !parent.equals(index.parent) : index.parent != null); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = id.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + type.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + Long.hashCode(version); result = 31 * result + versionType.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + source.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (routing != null ? routing.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (parent != null ? parent.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + Long.hashCode(timestamp); result = 31 * result + Long.hashCode(autoGeneratedIdTimestamp); result = 31 * result + Long.hashCode(ttl); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "Index{" + "id='" + id + '\'' + ", type='" + type + '\'' + '}'; } public long getAutoGeneratedIdTimestamp() { return autoGeneratedIdTimestamp; } } public static class Delete implements Operation { public static final int SERIALIZATION_FORMAT = 2; // since 2.0-beta1 and 1.1 private final Term uid; private final long version; private final VersionType versionType; public Delete(StreamInput in) throws IOException { final int format = in.readVInt();// SERIALIZATION_FORMAT assert format == SERIALIZATION_FORMAT : "format was: " + format; uid = new Term(in.readString(), in.readString()); this.version = in.readLong(); this.versionType = VersionType.fromValue(in.readByte()); assert versionType.validateVersionForWrites(this.version); } public Delete(Engine.Delete delete) { this.uid = delete.uid(); this.version = delete.version(); this.versionType = delete.versionType(); } public Delete(Term uid) { this(uid, Versions.MATCH_ANY, VersionType.INTERNAL); } public Delete(Term uid, long version, VersionType versionType) { this.uid = uid; this.version = version; this.versionType = versionType; } @Override public Type opType() { return Type.DELETE; } @Override public long estimateSize() { return ((uid.field().length() + uid.text().length()) * 2) + 20; } public Term uid() { return this.uid; } public long version() { return this.version; } public VersionType versionType() { return this.versionType; } @Override public Source getSource() { throw new IllegalStateException("trying to read doc source from delete operation"); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeVInt(SERIALIZATION_FORMAT); out.writeString(uid.field()); out.writeString(uid.text()); out.writeLong(version); out.writeByte(versionType.getValue()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } Delete delete = (Delete) o; return version == delete.version && uid.equals(delete.uid) && versionType == delete.versionType; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = uid.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + Long.hashCode(version); result = 31 * result + versionType.hashCode(); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "Delete{" + "uid=" + uid + '}'; } } public enum Durability { /** * Async durability - translogs are synced based on a time interval. */ ASYNC, /** * Request durability - translogs are synced for each high levle request (bulk, index, delete) */ REQUEST; } private static void verifyChecksum(BufferedChecksumStreamInput in) throws IOException { // This absolutely must come first, or else reading the checksum becomes part of the checksum long expectedChecksum = in.getChecksum(); long readChecksum = in.readInt() & 0xFFFF_FFFFL; if (readChecksum != expectedChecksum) { throw new TranslogCorruptedException("translog stream is corrupted, expected: 0x" + Long.toHexString(expectedChecksum) + ", got: 0x" + Long.toHexString(readChecksum)); } } /** * Reads a list of operations written with {@link #writeOperations(StreamOutput, List)} */ public static List readOperations(StreamInput input) throws IOException { ArrayList operations = new ArrayList<>(); int numOps = input.readInt(); final BufferedChecksumStreamInput checksumStreamInput = new BufferedChecksumStreamInput(input); for (int i = 0; i < numOps; i++) { operations.add(readOperation(checksumStreamInput)); } return operations; } static Translog.Operation readOperation(BufferedChecksumStreamInput in) throws IOException { final Translog.Operation operation; try { final int opSize = in.readInt(); if (opSize < 4) { // 4byte for the checksum throw new TranslogCorruptedException("operation size must be at least 4 but was: " + opSize); } in.resetDigest(); // size is not part of the checksum! if (in.markSupported()) { // if we can we validate the checksum first // we are sometimes called when mark is not supported this is the case when // we are sending translogs across the network with LZ4 compression enabled - currently there is no way s // to prevent this unfortunately. in.mark(opSize); in.skip(opSize - 4); verifyChecksum(in); in.reset(); } operation = Translog.Operation.readType(in); verifyChecksum(in); } catch (TranslogCorruptedException e) { throw e; } catch (EOFException e) { throw new TruncatedTranslogException("reached premature end of file, translog is truncated", e); } return operation; } /** * Writes all operations in the given iterable to the given output stream including the size of the array * use {@link #readOperations(StreamInput)} to read it back. */ public static void writeOperations(StreamOutput outStream, List toWrite) throws IOException { final ReleasableBytesStreamOutput out = new ReleasableBytesStreamOutput(BigArrays.NON_RECYCLING_INSTANCE); try { outStream.writeInt(toWrite.size()); final BufferedChecksumStreamOutput checksumStreamOutput = new BufferedChecksumStreamOutput(out); for (Operation op : toWrite) { out.reset(); final long start = out.position(); out.skip(Integer.BYTES); writeOperationNoSize(checksumStreamOutput, op); long end = out.position(); int operationSize = (int) (out.position() - Integer.BYTES - start);; out.writeInt(operationSize);; ReleasablePagedBytesReference bytes = out.bytes(); bytes.writeTo(outStream); } } finally { Releasables.close(out.bytes()); } } public static void writeOperationNoSize(BufferedChecksumStreamOutput out, Translog.Operation op) throws IOException { // This BufferedChecksumStreamOutput remains unclosed on purpose, // because closing it closes the underlying stream, which we don't // want to do here. out.resetDigest(); Translog.Operation.writeType(op, out); long checksum = out.getChecksum(); out.writeInt((int) checksum); } @Override public long prepareCommit() throws IOException { try (ReleasableLock lock = writeLock.acquire()) { ensureOpen(); if (currentCommittingGeneration != NOT_SET_GENERATION) { throw new IllegalStateException("already committing a translog with generation: " + currentCommittingGeneration); } currentCommittingGeneration = current.getGeneration(); TranslogReader currentCommittingTranslog = current.closeIntoReader(); readers.add(currentCommittingTranslog); Path checkpoint = location.resolve(CHECKPOINT_FILE_NAME); assert == currentCommittingTranslog.getGeneration(); Path commitCheckpoint = location.resolve(getCommitCheckpointFileName(currentCommittingTranslog.getGeneration())); Files.copy(checkpoint, commitCheckpoint); IOUtils.fsync(commitCheckpoint, false); IOUtils.fsync(commitCheckpoint.getParent(), true); // create a new translog file - this will sync it and update the checkpoint data; current = createWriter(current.getGeneration() + 1); logger.trace("current translog set to [{}]", current.getGeneration()); } catch (Exception e) { IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(this); // tragic event throw e; } return 0L; } @Override public long commit() throws IOException { try (ReleasableLock lock = writeLock.acquire()) { ensureOpen(); if (currentCommittingGeneration == NOT_SET_GENERATION) { prepareCommit(); } assert currentCommittingGeneration != NOT_SET_GENERATION; assert -> r.getGeneration() == currentCommittingGeneration).findFirst().isPresent() : "reader list doesn't contain committing generation [" + currentCommittingGeneration + "]"; lastCommittedTranslogFileGeneration = current.getGeneration(); // this is important - otherwise old files will not be cleaned up currentCommittingGeneration = NOT_SET_GENERATION; trimUnreferencedReaders(); } return 0; } void trimUnreferencedReaders() { try (ReleasableLock ignored = writeLock.acquire()) { if (closed.get()) { // we're shutdown potentially on some tragic event - don't delete anything return; } long minReferencedGen =; minReferencedGen = Math.min(lastCommittedTranslogFileGeneration, minReferencedGen); final long finalMinReferencedGen = minReferencedGen; List unreferenced = -> r.getGeneration() < finalMinReferencedGen).collect(Collectors.toList()); for (final TranslogReader unreferencedReader : unreferenced) { Path translogPath = unreferencedReader.path(); logger.trace("delete translog file - not referenced and not current anymore {}", translogPath); IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(unreferencedReader); IOUtils.deleteFilesIgnoringExceptions(translogPath, translogPath.resolveSibling(getCommitCheckpointFileName(unreferencedReader.getGeneration()))); } readers.removeAll(unreferenced); } } void closeFilesIfNoPendingViews() throws IOException { try (ReleasableLock ignored = writeLock.acquire()) { if (closed.get() && outstandingViews.isEmpty()) { logger.trace("closing files. translog is closed and there are no pending views"); ArrayList toClose = new ArrayList<>(readers); toClose.add(current); IOUtils.close(toClose); } } } @Override public void rollback() throws IOException { ensureOpen(); close(); } /** * References a transaction log generation */ public static final class TranslogGeneration { public final String translogUUID; public final long translogFileGeneration; public TranslogGeneration(String translogUUID, long translogFileGeneration) { this.translogUUID = translogUUID; this.translogFileGeneration = translogFileGeneration; } } /** * Returns the current generation of this translog. This corresponds to the latest uncommitted translog generation */ public TranslogGeneration getGeneration() { try (ReleasableLock lock = writeLock.acquire()) { return new TranslogGeneration(translogUUID, currentFileGeneration()); } } /** * Returns true iff the given generation is the current gbeneration of this translog */ public boolean isCurrent(TranslogGeneration generation) { try (ReleasableLock lock = writeLock.acquire()) { if (generation != null) { if (generation.translogUUID.equals(translogUUID) == false) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("commit belongs to a different translog: " + generation.translogUUID + " vs. " + translogUUID); } return generation.translogFileGeneration == currentFileGeneration(); } } return false; } long getFirstOperationPosition() { // for testing return current.getFirstOperationOffset(); } private void ensureOpen() { if (closed.get()) { throw new AlreadyClosedException("translog is already closed", current.getTragicException()); } } /** * The number of currently open views */ int getNumOpenViews() { return outstandingViews.size(); } ChannelFactory getChannelFactory() { return FileChannel::open; } /** * If this {@code Translog} was closed as a side-effect of a tragic exception, * e.g. disk full while flushing a new segment, this returns the root cause exception. * Otherwise (no tragic exception has occurred) it returns null. */ public Exception getTragicException() { return current.getTragicException(); } /** Reads and returns the current checkpoint */ final Checkpoint readCheckpoint() throws IOException { return; } /** * Returns the translog uuid used to associate a lucene index with a translog. */ public String getTranslogUUID() { return translogUUID; } }

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