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org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotsService Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
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 * this work for additional information regarding copyright
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package org.elasticsearch.snapshots;

import com.carrotsearch.hppc.cursors.ObjectCursor;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.cursors.ObjectObjectCursor;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ParameterizedMessage;
import org.apache.lucene.util.CollectionUtil;
import org.elasticsearch.ExceptionsHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.snapshots.create.CreateSnapshotRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterChangedEvent;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterStateApplier;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterStateUpdateTask;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.RestoreInProgress;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.SnapshotDeletionsInProgress;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.SnapshotsInProgress;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.SnapshotsInProgress.ShardSnapshotStatus;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.SnapshotsInProgress.State;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexNameExpressionResolver;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.RepositoriesMetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNode;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNodes;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.IndexRoutingTable;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.IndexShardRoutingTable;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.RoutingTable;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.ShardRouting;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.ClusterService;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Priority;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.UUIDs;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.ImmutableOpenMap;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Tuple;
import org.elasticsearch.common.component.AbstractLifecycleComponent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Inject;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.AbstractRunnable;
import org.elasticsearch.index.Index;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.IndexShardSnapshotStatus;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.IndexId;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoriesService;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.Repository;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryData;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryMissingException;
import org.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;

import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList;
import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap;
import static org.elasticsearch.cluster.SnapshotsInProgress.completed;

 * Service responsible for creating snapshots

* A typical snapshot creating process looks like this: *

  • On the master node the {@link #createSnapshot(CreateSnapshotRequest, ActionListener)} is called and makes sure that * no snapshot is currently running and registers the new snapshot in cluster state
  • *
  • When cluster state is updated * the {@link #beginSnapshot(ClusterState, SnapshotsInProgress.Entry, boolean, ActionListener)} method kicks in and initializes * the snapshot in the repository and then populates list of shards that needs to be snapshotted in cluster state
  • *
  • Each data node is watching for these shards and when new shards scheduled for snapshotting appear in the cluster state, data nodes * start processing them through {@link SnapshotShardsService#processIndexShardSnapshots} method
  • *
  • Once shard snapshot is created data node updates state of the shard in the cluster state using * the {@link SnapshotShardsService#sendSnapshotShardUpdate} method
  • *
  • When last shard is completed master node in {@link SnapshotShardsService#innerUpdateSnapshotState} method marks the snapshot * as completed
  • *
  • After cluster state is updated, the {@link #endSnapshot(SnapshotsInProgress.Entry)} finalizes snapshot in the repository, * notifies all {@link #snapshotCompletionListeners} that snapshot is completed, and finally calls * {@link #removeSnapshotFromClusterState(Snapshot, SnapshotInfo, Exception)} to remove snapshot from cluster state
  • *
*/ public class SnapshotsService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements ClusterStateApplier { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(SnapshotsService.class); private final ClusterService clusterService; private final IndexNameExpressionResolver indexNameExpressionResolver; private final RepositoriesService repositoriesService; private final ThreadPool threadPool; private final Map>> snapshotCompletionListeners = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // Set of snapshots that are currently being initialized by this node private final Set initializingSnapshots = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>()); // Set of snapshots that are currently being ended by this node private final Set endingSnapshots = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>()); @Inject public SnapshotsService(Settings settings, ClusterService clusterService, IndexNameExpressionResolver indexNameExpressionResolver, RepositoriesService repositoriesService, ThreadPool threadPool) { this.clusterService = clusterService; this.indexNameExpressionResolver = indexNameExpressionResolver; this.repositoriesService = repositoriesService; this.threadPool = threadPool; if (DiscoveryNode.isMasterNode(settings)) { // addLowPriorityApplier to make sure that Repository will be created before snapshot clusterService.addLowPriorityApplier(this); } } /** * Gets the {@link RepositoryData} for the given repository. * * @param repositoryName repository name * @return repository data */ public RepositoryData getRepositoryData(final String repositoryName) { Repository repository = repositoriesService.repository(repositoryName); assert repository != null; // should only be called once we've validated the repository exists return repository.getRepositoryData(); } /** * Retrieves snapshot from repository * * @param repositoryName repository name * @param snapshotId snapshot id * @return snapshot * @throws SnapshotMissingException if snapshot is not found */ public SnapshotInfo snapshot(final String repositoryName, final SnapshotId snapshotId) { List entries = currentSnapshots(repositoryName, Collections.singletonList(snapshotId.getName())); if (!entries.isEmpty()) { return inProgressSnapshot(entries.iterator().next()); } return repositoriesService.repository(repositoryName).getSnapshotInfo(snapshotId); } /** * Returns a list of snapshots from repository sorted by snapshot creation date * * @param repositoryName repository name * @param snapshotIds snapshots for which to fetch snapshot information * @param incompatibleSnapshotIds snapshots for which not to fetch snapshot information * @param ignoreUnavailable if true, snapshots that could not be read will only be logged with a warning, * if false, they will throw an error * @return list of snapshots */ public List snapshots(final String repositoryName, final List snapshotIds, final Set incompatibleSnapshotIds, final boolean ignoreUnavailable) { final Set snapshotSet = new HashSet<>(); final Set snapshotIdsToIterate = new HashSet<>(snapshotIds); // first, look at the snapshots in progress final List entries = currentSnapshots(repositoryName,; for (SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry : entries) { snapshotSet.add(inProgressSnapshot(entry)); snapshotIdsToIterate.remove(entry.snapshot().getSnapshotId()); } // then, look in the repository final Repository repository = repositoriesService.repository(repositoryName); for (SnapshotId snapshotId : snapshotIdsToIterate) { try { if (incompatibleSnapshotIds.contains(snapshotId)) { // an incompatible snapshot - cannot read its snapshot metadata file, just return // a SnapshotInfo indicating its incompatible snapshotSet.add(SnapshotInfo.incompatible(snapshotId)); } else { snapshotSet.add(repository.getSnapshotInfo(snapshotId)); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ignoreUnavailable) { logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("failed to get snapshot [{}]", snapshotId), ex); } else { if (ex instanceof SnapshotException) { throw ex; } throw new SnapshotException(repositoryName, snapshotId, "Snapshot could not be read", ex); } } } final ArrayList snapshotList = new ArrayList<>(snapshotSet); CollectionUtil.timSort(snapshotList); return unmodifiableList(snapshotList); } /** * Returns a list of currently running snapshots from repository sorted by snapshot creation date * * @param repositoryName repository name * @return list of snapshots */ public List currentSnapshots(final String repositoryName) { List snapshotList = new ArrayList<>(); List entries = currentSnapshots(repositoryName, Collections.emptyList()); for (SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry : entries) { snapshotList.add(inProgressSnapshot(entry)); } CollectionUtil.timSort(snapshotList); return unmodifiableList(snapshotList); } /** * Same as {@link #createSnapshot(CreateSnapshotRequest, ActionListener)} but invokes its callback on completion of * the snapshot. * * @param request snapshot request * @param listener snapshot completion listener */ public void executeSnapshot(final CreateSnapshotRequest request, final ActionListener listener) { createSnapshot(request, ActionListener.wrap(snapshot -> addListener(snapshot, listener), listener::onFailure)); } /** * Initializes the snapshotting process. *

* This method is used by clients to start snapshot. It makes sure that there is no snapshots are currently running and * creates a snapshot record in cluster state metadata. * * @param request snapshot request * @param listener snapshot creation listener */ public void createSnapshot(final CreateSnapshotRequest request, final ActionListener listener) { final String repositoryName = request.repository(); final String snapshotName = indexNameExpressionResolver.resolveDateMathExpression(request.snapshot()); validate(repositoryName, snapshotName); final SnapshotId snapshotId = new SnapshotId(snapshotName, UUIDs.randomBase64UUID()); // new UUID for the snapshot final RepositoryData repositoryData = repositoriesService.repository(repositoryName).getRepositoryData(); clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("create_snapshot [" + snapshotName + ']', new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { private SnapshotsInProgress.Entry newSnapshot = null; @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { validate(repositoryName, snapshotName, currentState); SnapshotDeletionsInProgress deletionsInProgress = currentState.custom(SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.TYPE); if (deletionsInProgress != null && deletionsInProgress.hasDeletionsInProgress()) { throw new ConcurrentSnapshotExecutionException(repositoryName, snapshotName, "cannot snapshot while a snapshot deletion is in-progress"); } SnapshotsInProgress snapshots = currentState.custom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE); if (snapshots == null || snapshots.entries().isEmpty()) { // Store newSnapshot here to be processed in clusterStateProcessed List indices = Arrays.asList(indexNameExpressionResolver.concreteIndexNames(currentState, request.indicesOptions(), request.indices())); logger.trace("[{}][{}] creating snapshot for indices [{}]", repositoryName, snapshotName, indices); List snapshotIndices = repositoryData.resolveNewIndices(indices); newSnapshot = new SnapshotsInProgress.Entry(new Snapshot(repositoryName, snapshotId), request.includeGlobalState(), request.partial(), State.INIT, snapshotIndices, System.currentTimeMillis(), repositoryData.getGenId(), null); initializingSnapshots.add(newSnapshot.snapshot()); snapshots = new SnapshotsInProgress(newSnapshot); } else { throw new ConcurrentSnapshotExecutionException(repositoryName, snapshotName, " a snapshot is already running"); } return ClusterState.builder(currentState).putCustom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE, snapshots).build(); } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Exception e) { logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}][{}] failed to create snapshot", repositoryName, snapshotName), e); if (newSnapshot != null) { initializingSnapshots.remove(newSnapshot.snapshot()); } newSnapshot = null; listener.onFailure(e); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, final ClusterState newState) { if (newSnapshot != null) { final Snapshot current = newSnapshot.snapshot(); assert initializingSnapshots.contains(current); beginSnapshot(newState, newSnapshot, request.partial(), new ActionListener() { @Override public void onResponse(final Snapshot snapshot) { initializingSnapshots.remove(snapshot); listener.onResponse(snapshot); } @Override public void onFailure(final Exception e) { initializingSnapshots.remove(current); listener.onFailure(e); } }); } } @Override public TimeValue timeout() { return request.masterNodeTimeout(); } }); } /** * Validates snapshot request * * @param repositoryName repository name * @param snapshotName snapshot name * @param state current cluster state */ private void validate(String repositoryName, String snapshotName, ClusterState state) { RepositoriesMetaData repositoriesMetaData = state.getMetaData().custom(RepositoriesMetaData.TYPE); if (repositoriesMetaData == null || repositoriesMetaData.repository(repositoryName) == null) { throw new RepositoryMissingException(repositoryName); } validate(repositoryName, snapshotName); } private static void validate(final String repositoryName, final String snapshotName) { if (Strings.hasLength(snapshotName) == false) { throw new InvalidSnapshotNameException(repositoryName, snapshotName, "cannot be empty"); } if (snapshotName.contains(" ")) { throw new InvalidSnapshotNameException(repositoryName, snapshotName, "must not contain whitespace"); } if (snapshotName.contains(",")) { throw new InvalidSnapshotNameException(repositoryName, snapshotName, "must not contain ','"); } if (snapshotName.contains("#")) { throw new InvalidSnapshotNameException(repositoryName, snapshotName, "must not contain '#'"); } if (snapshotName.charAt(0) == '_') { throw new InvalidSnapshotNameException(repositoryName, snapshotName, "must not start with '_'"); } if (snapshotName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).equals(snapshotName) == false) { throw new InvalidSnapshotNameException(repositoryName, snapshotName, "must be lowercase"); } if (Strings.validFileName(snapshotName) == false) { throw new InvalidSnapshotNameException(repositoryName, snapshotName, "must not contain the following characters " + Strings.INVALID_FILENAME_CHARS); } } /** * Starts snapshot. *

* Creates snapshot in repository and updates snapshot metadata record with list of shards that needs to be processed. * * @param clusterState cluster state * @param snapshot snapshot meta data * @param partial allow partial snapshots * @param userCreateSnapshotListener listener */ private void beginSnapshot(final ClusterState clusterState, final SnapshotsInProgress.Entry snapshot, final boolean partial, final ActionListener userCreateSnapshotListener) { threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(new AbstractRunnable() { boolean snapshotCreated; boolean hadAbortedInitializations; @Override protected void doRun() { assert initializingSnapshots.contains(snapshot.snapshot()); Repository repository = repositoriesService.repository(snapshot.snapshot().getRepository()); MetaData metaData = clusterState.metaData(); if (!snapshot.includeGlobalState()) { // Remove global state from the cluster state MetaData.Builder builder = MetaData.builder(); for (IndexId index : snapshot.indices()) { builder.put(metaData.index(index.getName()), false); } metaData =; } repository.initializeSnapshot(snapshot.snapshot().getSnapshotId(), snapshot.indices(), metaData); snapshotCreated = true;"snapshot [{}] started", snapshot.snapshot()); if (snapshot.indices().isEmpty()) { // No indices in this snapshot - we are done userCreateSnapshotListener.onResponse(snapshot.snapshot()); endSnapshot(snapshot); return; } clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("update_snapshot [" + snapshot.snapshot() + "]", new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { SnapshotsInProgress snapshots = currentState.custom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE); List entries = new ArrayList<>(); for (SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry : snapshots.entries()) { if (entry.snapshot().equals(snapshot.snapshot()) == false) { entries.add(entry); continue; } if (entry.state() == State.ABORTED) { entries.add(entry); assert entry.shards().isEmpty(); hadAbortedInitializations = true; } else { // Replace the snapshot that was just initialized ImmutableOpenMap shards = shards(currentState, entry.indices()); if (!partial) { Tuple, Set> indicesWithMissingShards = indicesWithMissingShards(shards, currentState.metaData()); Set missing = indicesWithMissingShards.v1(); Set closed = indicesWithMissingShards.v2(); if (missing.isEmpty() == false || closed.isEmpty() == false) { final StringBuilder failureMessage = new StringBuilder(); if (missing.isEmpty() == false) { failureMessage.append("Indices don't have primary shards "); failureMessage.append(missing); } if (closed.isEmpty() == false) { if (failureMessage.length() > 0) { failureMessage.append("; "); } failureMessage.append("Indices are closed "); failureMessage.append(closed); } entries.add(new SnapshotsInProgress.Entry(entry, State.FAILED, shards, failureMessage.toString())); continue; } } entries.add(new SnapshotsInProgress.Entry(entry, State.STARTED, shards)); } } return ClusterState.builder(currentState) .putCustom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE, new SnapshotsInProgress(unmodifiableList(entries))) .build(); } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Exception e) { logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] failed to create snapshot", snapshot.snapshot().getSnapshotId()), e); removeSnapshotFromClusterState(snapshot.snapshot(), null, e, new CleanupAfterErrorListener(snapshot, true, userCreateSnapshotListener, e)); } @Override public void onNoLongerMaster(String source) { // We are not longer a master - we shouldn't try to do any cleanup // The new master will take care of it logger.warn("[{}] failed to create snapshot - no longer a master", snapshot.snapshot().getSnapshotId()); userCreateSnapshotListener.onFailure( new SnapshotException(snapshot.snapshot(), "master changed during snapshot initialization")); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { // The userCreateSnapshotListener.onResponse() notifies caller that the snapshot was accepted // for processing. If client wants to wait for the snapshot completion, it can register snapshot // completion listener in this method. For the snapshot completion to work properly, the snapshot // should still exist when listener is registered. userCreateSnapshotListener.onResponse(snapshot.snapshot()); if (hadAbortedInitializations) { final SnapshotsInProgress snapshotsInProgress = newState.custom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE); assert snapshotsInProgress != null; final SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry = snapshotsInProgress.snapshot(snapshot.snapshot()); assert entry != null; endSnapshot(entry); } } }); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("failed to create snapshot [{}]", snapshot.snapshot().getSnapshotId()), e); removeSnapshotFromClusterState(snapshot.snapshot(), null, e, new CleanupAfterErrorListener(snapshot, snapshotCreated, userCreateSnapshotListener, e)); } }); } private class CleanupAfterErrorListener implements ActionListener { private final SnapshotsInProgress.Entry snapshot; private final boolean snapshotCreated; private final ActionListener userCreateSnapshotListener; private final Exception e; CleanupAfterErrorListener(SnapshotsInProgress.Entry snapshot, boolean snapshotCreated, ActionListener userCreateSnapshotListener, Exception e) { this.snapshot = snapshot; this.snapshotCreated = snapshotCreated; this.userCreateSnapshotListener = userCreateSnapshotListener; this.e = e; } @Override public void onResponse(SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo) { cleanupAfterError(this.e); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { e.addSuppressed(this.e); cleanupAfterError(e); } public void onNoLongerMaster() { userCreateSnapshotListener.onFailure(e); } private void cleanupAfterError(Exception exception) { if(snapshotCreated) { try { repositoriesService.repository(snapshot.snapshot().getRepository()) .finalizeSnapshot(snapshot.snapshot().getSnapshotId(), snapshot.indices(), snapshot.startTime(), ExceptionsHelper.detailedMessage(exception), 0, Collections.emptyList(), snapshot.getRepositoryStateId(), snapshot.includeGlobalState()); } catch (Exception inner) { inner.addSuppressed(exception); logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] failed to close snapshot in repository", snapshot.snapshot()), inner); } } userCreateSnapshotListener.onFailure(e); } } private static SnapshotInfo inProgressSnapshot(SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry) { return new SnapshotInfo(entry.snapshot().getSnapshotId(), entry.indices().stream().map(IndexId::getName).collect(Collectors.toList()), entry.startTime(), entry.includeGlobalState()); } /** * Returns status of the currently running snapshots *

* This method is executed on master node *

* * @param repository repository id * @param snapshots list of snapshots that will be used as a filter, empty list means no snapshots are filtered * @return list of metadata for currently running snapshots */ public List currentSnapshots(final String repository, final List snapshots) { SnapshotsInProgress snapshotsInProgress = clusterService.state().custom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE); if (snapshotsInProgress == null || snapshotsInProgress.entries().isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if ("_all".equals(repository)) { return snapshotsInProgress.entries(); } if (snapshotsInProgress.entries().size() == 1) { // Most likely scenario - one snapshot is currently running // Check this snapshot against the query SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry = snapshotsInProgress.entries().get(0); if (entry.snapshot().getRepository().equals(repository) == false) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (snapshots.isEmpty() == false) { for (String snapshot : snapshots) { if (entry.snapshot().getSnapshotId().getName().equals(snapshot)) { return snapshotsInProgress.entries(); } } return Collections.emptyList(); } else { return snapshotsInProgress.entries(); } } List builder = new ArrayList<>(); for (SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry : snapshotsInProgress.entries()) { if (entry.snapshot().getRepository().equals(repository) == false) { continue; } if (snapshots.isEmpty() == false) { for (String snapshot : snapshots) { if (entry.snapshot().getSnapshotId().getName().equals(snapshot)) { builder.add(entry); break; } } } else { builder.add(entry); } } return unmodifiableList(builder); } /** * Returns status of shards currently finished snapshots *

* This method is executed on master node and it's complimentary to the * {@link SnapshotShardsService#currentSnapshotShards(Snapshot)} because it * returns similar information but for already finished snapshots. *

* * @param repositoryName repository name * @param snapshotInfo snapshot info * @return map of shard id to snapshot status */ public Map snapshotShards(final String repositoryName, final RepositoryData repositoryData, final SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo) throws IOException { final Repository repository = repositoriesService.repository(repositoryName); final Map shardStatus = new HashMap<>(); for (String index : snapshotInfo.indices()) { IndexId indexId = repositoryData.resolveIndexId(index); IndexMetaData indexMetaData = repository.getSnapshotIndexMetaData(snapshotInfo.snapshotId(), indexId); if (indexMetaData != null) { int numberOfShards = indexMetaData.getNumberOfShards(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfShards; i++) { ShardId shardId = new ShardId(indexMetaData.getIndex(), i); SnapshotShardFailure shardFailure = findShardFailure(snapshotInfo.shardFailures(), shardId); if (shardFailure != null) { shardStatus.put(shardId, IndexShardSnapshotStatus.newFailed(shardFailure.reason())); } else { final IndexShardSnapshotStatus shardSnapshotStatus; if (snapshotInfo.state() == SnapshotState.FAILED) { // If the snapshot failed, but the shard's snapshot does // not have an exception, it means that partial snapshots // were disabled and in this case, the shard snapshot will // *not* have any metadata, so attempting to read the shard // snapshot status will throw an exception. Instead, we create // a status for the shard to indicate that the shard snapshot // could not be taken due to partial being set to false. shardSnapshotStatus = IndexShardSnapshotStatus.newFailed("skipped"); } else { shardSnapshotStatus = repository.getShardSnapshotStatus( snapshotInfo.snapshotId(), snapshotInfo.version(), indexId, shardId); } shardStatus.put(shardId, shardSnapshotStatus); } } } } return unmodifiableMap(shardStatus); } private static SnapshotShardFailure findShardFailure(List shardFailures, ShardId shardId) { for (SnapshotShardFailure shardFailure : shardFailures) { if (shardId.getIndexName().equals(shardFailure.index()) && shardId.getId() == shardFailure.shardId()) { return shardFailure; } } return null; } @Override public void applyClusterState(ClusterChangedEvent event) { try { if (event.localNodeMaster()) { // We don't remove old master when master flips anymore. So, we need to check for change in master final SnapshotsInProgress snapshotsInProgress = event.state().custom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE); final boolean newMaster = event.previousState().nodes().isLocalNodeElectedMaster() == false; if (snapshotsInProgress != null) { if (newMaster || removedNodesCleanupNeeded(snapshotsInProgress, event.nodesDelta().removedNodes())) { processSnapshotsOnRemovedNodes(); } if (event.routingTableChanged() && waitingShardsStartedOrUnassigned(snapshotsInProgress, event)) { processStartedShards(); } // Cleanup all snapshots that have no more work left: // 1. Completed snapshots // 2. Snapshots in state INIT that the previous master failed to start // 3. Snapshots in any other state that have all their shard tasks completed snapshotsInProgress.entries().stream().filter( entry -> entry.state().completed() || initializingSnapshots.contains(entry.snapshot()) == false && (entry.state() == State.INIT || completed(entry.shards().values())) ).forEach(this::endSnapshot); } if (newMaster) { finalizeSnapshotDeletionFromPreviousMaster(event); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to update snapshot state ", e); } } /** * Finalizes a snapshot deletion in progress if the current node is the master but it * was not master in the previous cluster state and there is still a lingering snapshot * deletion in progress in the cluster state. This means that the old master failed * before it could clean up an in-progress snapshot deletion. We attempt to delete the * snapshot files and remove the deletion from the cluster state. It is possible that the * old master was in a state of long GC and then it resumes and tries to delete the snapshot * that has already been deleted by the current master. This is acceptable however, since * the old master's snapshot deletion will just respond with an error but in actuality, the * snapshot was deleted and a call to GET snapshots would reveal that the snapshot no longer exists. */ private void finalizeSnapshotDeletionFromPreviousMaster(ClusterChangedEvent event) { SnapshotDeletionsInProgress deletionsInProgress = event.state().custom(SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.TYPE); if (deletionsInProgress != null && deletionsInProgress.hasDeletionsInProgress()) { assert deletionsInProgress.getEntries().size() == 1 : "only one in-progress deletion allowed per cluster"; SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.Entry entry = deletionsInProgress.getEntries().get(0); deleteSnapshotFromRepository(entry.getSnapshot(), null, entry.getRepositoryStateId()); } } /** * Cleans up shard snapshots that were running on removed nodes */ private void processSnapshotsOnRemovedNodes() { clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("update snapshot state after node removal", new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { DiscoveryNodes nodes = currentState.nodes(); SnapshotsInProgress snapshots = currentState.custom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE); if (snapshots == null) { return currentState; } boolean changed = false; ArrayList entries = new ArrayList<>(); for (final SnapshotsInProgress.Entry snapshot : snapshots.entries()) { SnapshotsInProgress.Entry updatedSnapshot = snapshot; if (snapshot.state() == State.STARTED || snapshot.state() == State.ABORTED) { ImmutableOpenMap.Builder shards = ImmutableOpenMap.builder(); boolean snapshotChanged = false; for (ObjectObjectCursor shardEntry : snapshot.shards()) { final ShardSnapshotStatus shardStatus = shardEntry.value; final ShardId shardId = shardEntry.key; if (!shardStatus.state().completed() && shardStatus.nodeId() != null) { if (nodes.nodeExists(shardStatus.nodeId())) { shards.put(shardId, shardStatus); } else { // TODO: Restart snapshot on another node? snapshotChanged = true; logger.warn("failing snapshot of shard [{}] on closed node [{}]", shardId, shardStatus.nodeId()); shards.put(shardId, new ShardSnapshotStatus(shardStatus.nodeId(), State.FAILED, "node shutdown")); } } else { shards.put(shardId, shardStatus); } } if (snapshotChanged) { changed = true; ImmutableOpenMap shardsMap =; if (!snapshot.state().completed() && completed(shardsMap.values())) { updatedSnapshot = new SnapshotsInProgress.Entry(snapshot, State.SUCCESS, shardsMap); } else { updatedSnapshot = new SnapshotsInProgress.Entry(snapshot, snapshot.state(), shardsMap); } } entries.add(updatedSnapshot); } else if (snapshot.state() == State.INIT && initializingSnapshots.contains(snapshot.snapshot()) == false) { changed = true; // Mark the snapshot as aborted as it failed to start from the previous master updatedSnapshot = new SnapshotsInProgress.Entry(snapshot, State.ABORTED, snapshot.shards()); entries.add(updatedSnapshot); // Clean up the snapshot that failed to start from the old master deleteSnapshot(snapshot.snapshot(), new ActionListener() { @Override public void onResponse(Void aVoid) { logger.debug("cleaned up abandoned snapshot {} in INIT state", snapshot.snapshot()); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { logger.warn("failed to clean up abandoned snapshot {} in INIT state", snapshot.snapshot()); } }, updatedSnapshot.getRepositoryStateId(), false); } assert updatedSnapshot.shards().size() == snapshot.shards().size() : "Shard count changed during snapshot status update from [" + snapshot + "] to [" + updatedSnapshot + "]"; } if (changed) { return ClusterState.builder(currentState) .putCustom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE, new SnapshotsInProgress(unmodifiableList(entries))).build(); } return currentState; } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Exception e) { logger.warn("failed to update snapshot state after node removal"); } }); } private void processStartedShards() { clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("update snapshot state after shards started", new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { RoutingTable routingTable = currentState.routingTable(); SnapshotsInProgress snapshots = currentState.custom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE); if (snapshots != null) { boolean changed = false; ArrayList entries = new ArrayList<>(); for (final SnapshotsInProgress.Entry snapshot : snapshots.entries()) { SnapshotsInProgress.Entry updatedSnapshot = snapshot; if (snapshot.state() == State.STARTED) { ImmutableOpenMap shards = processWaitingShards(snapshot.shards(), routingTable); if (shards != null) { changed = true; if (!snapshot.state().completed() && completed(shards.values())) { updatedSnapshot = new SnapshotsInProgress.Entry(snapshot, State.SUCCESS, shards); } else { updatedSnapshot = new SnapshotsInProgress.Entry(snapshot, shards); } } entries.add(updatedSnapshot); } } if (changed) { return ClusterState.builder(currentState) .putCustom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE, new SnapshotsInProgress(unmodifiableList(entries))).build(); } } return currentState; } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Exception e) { logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("failed to update snapshot state after shards started from [{}] ", source), e); } }); } private static ImmutableOpenMap processWaitingShards( ImmutableOpenMap snapshotShards, RoutingTable routingTable) { boolean snapshotChanged = false; ImmutableOpenMap.Builder shards = ImmutableOpenMap.builder(); for (ObjectObjectCursor shardEntry : snapshotShards) { ShardSnapshotStatus shardStatus = shardEntry.value; ShardId shardId = shardEntry.key; if (shardStatus.state() == State.WAITING) { IndexRoutingTable indexShardRoutingTable = routingTable.index(shardId.getIndex()); if (indexShardRoutingTable != null) { IndexShardRoutingTable shardRouting = indexShardRoutingTable.shard(; if (shardRouting != null && shardRouting.primaryShard() != null) { if (shardRouting.primaryShard().started()) { // Shard that we were waiting for has started on a node, let's process it snapshotChanged = true; logger.trace("starting shard that we were waiting for [{}] on node [{}]", shardId, shardStatus.nodeId()); shards.put(shardId, new ShardSnapshotStatus(shardRouting.primaryShard().currentNodeId())); continue; } else if (shardRouting.primaryShard().initializing() || shardRouting.primaryShard().relocating()) { // Shard that we were waiting for hasn't started yet or still relocating - will continue to wait shards.put(shardId, shardStatus); continue; } } } // Shard that we were waiting for went into unassigned state or disappeared - giving up snapshotChanged = true; logger.warn("failing snapshot of shard [{}] on unassigned shard [{}]", shardId, shardStatus.nodeId()); shards.put(shardId, new ShardSnapshotStatus(shardStatus.nodeId(), State.FAILED, "shard is unassigned")); } else { shards.put(shardId, shardStatus); } } if (snapshotChanged) { return; } else { return null; } } private static boolean waitingShardsStartedOrUnassigned(SnapshotsInProgress snapshotsInProgress, ClusterChangedEvent event) { for (SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry : snapshotsInProgress.entries()) { if (entry.state() == State.STARTED) { for (ObjectCursor index : entry.waitingIndices().keys()) { if (event.indexRoutingTableChanged(index.value)) { IndexRoutingTable indexShardRoutingTable = event.state().getRoutingTable().index(index.value); for (ShardId shardId : entry.waitingIndices().get(index.value)) { ShardRouting shardRouting = indexShardRoutingTable.shard(; if (shardRouting != null && (shardRouting.started() || shardRouting.unassigned())) { return true; } } } } } } return false; } private static boolean removedNodesCleanupNeeded(SnapshotsInProgress snapshotsInProgress, List removedNodes) { // If at least one shard was running on a removed node - we need to fail it return removedNodes.isEmpty() == false && snapshotsInProgress.entries().stream().flatMap(snapshot -> () -> snapshot.shards().valuesIt()).spliterator(), false) .filter(s -> s.state().completed() == false).map(ShardSnapshotStatus::nodeId)) .anyMatch(; } /** * Returns list of indices with missing shards, and list of indices that are closed * * @param shards list of shard statuses * @return list of failed and closed indices */ private Tuple, Set> indicesWithMissingShards( ImmutableOpenMap shards, MetaData metaData) { Set missing = new HashSet<>(); Set closed = new HashSet<>(); for (ObjectObjectCursor entry : shards) { if (entry.value.state() == State.MISSING) { if (metaData.hasIndex(entry.key.getIndex().getName()) && metaData.getIndexSafe(entry.key.getIndex()).getState() == IndexMetaData.State.CLOSE) { closed.add(entry.key.getIndex().getName()); } else { missing.add(entry.key.getIndex().getName()); } } } return new Tuple<>(missing, closed); } /** * Finalizes the shard in repository and then removes it from cluster state *

* This is non-blocking method that runs on a thread from SNAPSHOT thread pool * * @param entry snapshot */ private void endSnapshot(final SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry) { if (endingSnapshots.add(entry.snapshot()) == false) { return; } threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(new AbstractRunnable() { @Override protected void doRun() { final Snapshot snapshot = entry.snapshot(); final Repository repository = repositoriesService.repository(snapshot.getRepository()); final String failure = entry.failure(); logger.trace("[{}] finalizing snapshot in repository, state: [{}], failure[{}]", snapshot, entry.state(), failure); ArrayList shardFailures = new ArrayList<>(); for (ObjectObjectCursor shardStatus : entry.shards()) { ShardId shardId = shardStatus.key; ShardSnapshotStatus status = shardStatus.value; if (status.state().failed()) { shardFailures.add(new SnapshotShardFailure(status.nodeId(), shardId, status.reason())); } } SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo = repository.finalizeSnapshot( snapshot.getSnapshotId(), entry.indices(), entry.startTime(), failure, entry.shards().size(), unmodifiableList(shardFailures), entry.getRepositoryStateId(), entry.includeGlobalState()); removeSnapshotFromClusterState(snapshot, snapshotInfo, null);"snapshot [{}] completed with state [{}]", snapshot, snapshotInfo.state()); } @Override public void onFailure(final Exception e) { Snapshot snapshot = entry.snapshot(); logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] failed to finalize snapshot", snapshot), e); removeSnapshotFromClusterState(snapshot, null, e); } }); } /** * Removes record of running snapshot from cluster state * @param snapshot snapshot * @param snapshotInfo snapshot info if snapshot was successful * @param e exception if snapshot failed */ private void removeSnapshotFromClusterState(final Snapshot snapshot, final SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo, final Exception e) { removeSnapshotFromClusterState(snapshot, snapshotInfo, e, null); } /** * Removes record of running snapshot from cluster state and notifies the listener when this action is complete * @param snapshot snapshot * @param failure exception if snapshot failed * @param listener listener to notify when snapshot information is removed from the cluster state */ private void removeSnapshotFromClusterState(final Snapshot snapshot, @Nullable SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo, final Exception failure, @Nullable CleanupAfterErrorListener listener) { clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("remove snapshot metadata", new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { SnapshotsInProgress snapshots = currentState.custom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE); if (snapshots != null) { boolean changed = false; ArrayList entries = new ArrayList<>(); for (SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry : snapshots.entries()) { if (entry.snapshot().equals(snapshot)) { changed = true; } else { entries.add(entry); } } if (changed) { return ClusterState.builder(currentState) .putCustom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE, new SnapshotsInProgress(unmodifiableList(entries))).build(); } } return currentState; } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Exception e) { logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] failed to remove snapshot metadata", snapshot), e); endingSnapshots.remove(snapshot); if (listener != null) { listener.onFailure(e); } } @Override public void onNoLongerMaster(String source) { endingSnapshots.remove(snapshot); if (listener != null) { listener.onNoLongerMaster(); } } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { final List> completionListeners = snapshotCompletionListeners.remove(snapshot); if (completionListeners != null) { try { if (snapshotInfo == null) { ActionListener.onFailure(completionListeners, failure); } else { ActionListener.onResponse(completionListeners, snapshotInfo); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to notify listeners", e); } } endingSnapshots.remove(snapshot); if (listener != null) { listener.onResponse(snapshotInfo); } } }); } /** * Deletes a snapshot from the repository, looking up the {@link Snapshot} reference before deleting. * If the snapshot is still running cancels the snapshot first and then deletes it from the repository. * * @param repositoryName repositoryName * @param snapshotName snapshotName * @param listener listener */ public void deleteSnapshot(final String repositoryName, final String snapshotName, final ActionListener listener, final boolean immediatePriority) { // First, look for the snapshot in the repository final Repository repository = repositoriesService.repository(repositoryName); final RepositoryData repositoryData = repository.getRepositoryData(); final Optional incompatibleSnapshotId = repositoryData.getIncompatibleSnapshotIds().stream().filter(s -> snapshotName.equals(s.getName())).findFirst(); if (incompatibleSnapshotId.isPresent()) { throw new SnapshotException(repositoryName, snapshotName, "cannot delete incompatible snapshot"); } Optional matchedEntry = repositoryData.getSnapshotIds() .stream() .filter(s -> s.getName().equals(snapshotName)) .findFirst(); // if nothing found by the same name, then look in the cluster state for current in progress snapshots long repoGenId = repositoryData.getGenId(); if (matchedEntry.isPresent() == false) { Optional matchedInProgress = currentSnapshots(repositoryName, Collections.emptyList()).stream() .filter(s -> s.snapshot().getSnapshotId().getName().equals(snapshotName)).findFirst(); if (matchedInProgress.isPresent()) { matchedEntry = -> s.snapshot().getSnapshotId()); // Derive repository generation if a snapshot is in progress because it will increment the generation when it finishes repoGenId = matchedInProgress.get().getRepositoryStateId() + 1L; } } if (matchedEntry.isPresent() == false) { throw new SnapshotMissingException(repositoryName, snapshotName); } deleteSnapshot(new Snapshot(repositoryName, matchedEntry.get()), listener, repoGenId, immediatePriority); } /** * Deletes snapshot from repository. *

* If the snapshot is still running cancels the snapshot first and then deletes it from the repository. * * @param snapshot snapshot * @param listener listener * @param repositoryStateId the unique id for the state of the repository */ private void deleteSnapshot(final Snapshot snapshot, final ActionListener listener, final long repositoryStateId, final boolean immediatePriority) { Priority priority = immediatePriority ? Priority.IMMEDIATE : Priority.NORMAL; clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("delete snapshot", new ClusterStateUpdateTask(priority) { boolean waitForSnapshot = false; @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) throws Exception { SnapshotDeletionsInProgress deletionsInProgress = currentState.custom(SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.TYPE); if (deletionsInProgress != null && deletionsInProgress.hasDeletionsInProgress()) { throw new ConcurrentSnapshotExecutionException(snapshot, "cannot delete - another snapshot is currently being deleted"); } RestoreInProgress restoreInProgress = currentState.custom(RestoreInProgress.TYPE); if (restoreInProgress != null) { // don't allow snapshot deletions while a restore is taking place, // otherwise we could end up deleting a snapshot that is being restored // and the files the restore depends on would all be gone if (restoreInProgress.isEmpty() == false) { throw new ConcurrentSnapshotExecutionException(snapshot, "cannot delete snapshot during a restore"); } } ClusterState.Builder clusterStateBuilder = ClusterState.builder(currentState); SnapshotsInProgress snapshots = currentState.custom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE); SnapshotsInProgress.Entry snapshotEntry = snapshots != null ? snapshots.snapshot(snapshot) : null; if (snapshotEntry == null) { // This snapshot is not running - delete if (snapshots != null && !snapshots.entries().isEmpty()) { // However other snapshots are running - cannot continue throw new ConcurrentSnapshotExecutionException(snapshot, "another snapshot is currently running cannot delete"); } // add the snapshot deletion to the cluster state SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.Entry entry = new SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.Entry( snapshot, System.currentTimeMillis(), repositoryStateId ); if (deletionsInProgress != null) { deletionsInProgress = deletionsInProgress.withAddedEntry(entry); } else { deletionsInProgress = SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.newInstance(entry); } clusterStateBuilder.putCustom(SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.TYPE, deletionsInProgress); } else { // This snapshot is currently running - stopping shards first waitForSnapshot = true; final ImmutableOpenMap shards; final State state = snapshotEntry.state(); final String failure; if (state == State.INIT) { // snapshot is still initializing, mark it as aborted shards = snapshotEntry.shards(); assert shards.isEmpty(); failure = "Snapshot was aborted during initialization"; } else if (state == State.STARTED) { // snapshot is started - mark every non completed shard as aborted final ImmutableOpenMap.Builder shardsBuilder = ImmutableOpenMap.builder(); for (ObjectObjectCursor shardEntry : snapshotEntry.shards()) { ShardSnapshotStatus status = shardEntry.value; if (status.state().completed() == false) { status = new ShardSnapshotStatus(status.nodeId(), State.ABORTED, "aborted by snapshot deletion"); } shardsBuilder.put(shardEntry.key, status); } shards =; failure = "Snapshot was aborted by deletion"; } else { boolean hasUncompletedShards = false; // Cleanup in case a node gone missing and snapshot wasn't updated for some reason for (ObjectCursor shardStatus : snapshotEntry.shards().values()) { // Check if we still have shard running on existing nodes if (shardStatus.value.state().completed() == false && shardStatus.value.nodeId() != null && currentState.nodes().get(shardStatus.value.nodeId()) != null) { hasUncompletedShards = true; break; } } if (hasUncompletedShards) { // snapshot is being finalized - wait for shards to complete finalization process logger.debug("trying to delete completed snapshot - should wait for shards to finalize on all nodes"); return currentState; } else { // no shards to wait for but a node is gone - this is the only case // where we force to finish the snapshot logger.debug("trying to delete completed snapshot with no finalizing shards - can delete immediately"); shards = snapshotEntry.shards(); } failure = snapshotEntry.failure(); } SnapshotsInProgress.Entry newSnapshot = new SnapshotsInProgress.Entry(snapshotEntry, State.ABORTED, shards, failure); clusterStateBuilder.putCustom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE, new SnapshotsInProgress(newSnapshot)); } return; } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Exception e) { listener.onFailure(e); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { if (waitForSnapshot) { logger.trace("adding snapshot completion listener to wait for deleted snapshot to finish"); addListener(snapshot, ActionListener.wrap( snapshotInfo -> { logger.debug("deleted snapshot completed - deleting files"); threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(() -> { try { deleteSnapshot(snapshot.getRepository(), snapshot.getSnapshotId().getName(), listener, true); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] failed to delete snapshot", snapshot), ex); } } ); }, e -> { logger.warn("deleted snapshot failed - deleting files", e); threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(() -> { try { deleteSnapshot(snapshot.getRepository(), snapshot.getSnapshotId().getName(), listener, true); } catch (SnapshotMissingException smex) { -> new ParameterizedMessage( "Tried deleting in-progress snapshot [{}], but it could not be found after failing to abort.", smex.getSnapshotName()), e); listener.onFailure(new SnapshotException(snapshot, "Tried deleting in-progress snapshot [" + smex.getSnapshotName() + "], but it " + "could not be found after failing to abort.", smex)); } }); } )); } else { logger.debug("deleted snapshot is not running - deleting files"); deleteSnapshotFromRepository(snapshot, listener, repositoryStateId); } } }); } /** * Checks if a repository is currently in use by one of the snapshots * * @param clusterState cluster state * @param repository repository id * @return true if repository is currently in use by one of the running snapshots */ public static boolean isRepositoryInUse(ClusterState clusterState, String repository) { SnapshotsInProgress snapshots = clusterState.custom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE); if (snapshots != null) { for (SnapshotsInProgress.Entry snapshot : snapshots.entries()) { if (repository.equals(snapshot.snapshot().getRepository())) { return true; } } } SnapshotDeletionsInProgress deletionsInProgress = clusterState.custom(SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.TYPE); if (deletionsInProgress != null) { for (SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.Entry entry : deletionsInProgress.getEntries()) { if (entry.getSnapshot().getRepository().equals(repository)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Deletes snapshot from repository * * @param snapshot snapshot * @param listener listener * @param repositoryStateId the unique id representing the state of the repository at the time the deletion began */ private void deleteSnapshotFromRepository(Snapshot snapshot, @Nullable ActionListener listener, long repositoryStateId) { threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(() -> { try { Repository repository = repositoriesService.repository(snapshot.getRepository()); repository.deleteSnapshot(snapshot.getSnapshotId(), repositoryStateId);"snapshot [{}] deleted", snapshot); removeSnapshotDeletionFromClusterState(snapshot, null, listener); } catch (Exception ex) { removeSnapshotDeletionFromClusterState(snapshot, ex, listener); } }); } /** * Removes the snapshot deletion from {@link SnapshotDeletionsInProgress} in the cluster state. */ private void removeSnapshotDeletionFromClusterState(final Snapshot snapshot, @Nullable final Exception failure, @Nullable final ActionListener listener) { clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("remove snapshot deletion metadata", new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { SnapshotDeletionsInProgress deletions = currentState.custom(SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.TYPE); if (deletions != null) { boolean changed = false; if (deletions.hasDeletionsInProgress()) { assert deletions.getEntries().size() == 1 : "should have exactly one deletion in progress"; SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.Entry entry = deletions.getEntries().get(0); deletions = deletions.withRemovedEntry(entry); changed = true; } if (changed) { return ClusterState.builder(currentState).putCustom(SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.TYPE, deletions).build(); } } return currentState; } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Exception e) { logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] failed to remove snapshot deletion metadata", snapshot), e); if (listener != null) { listener.onFailure(e); } } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { if (listener != null) { if (failure != null) { listener.onFailure(failure); } else { listener.onResponse(null); } } } }); } /** * Calculates the list of shards that should be included into the current snapshot * * @param clusterState cluster state * @param indices list of indices to be snapshotted * @return list of shard to be included into current snapshot */ private static ImmutableOpenMap shards(ClusterState clusterState, List indices) { ImmutableOpenMap.Builder builder = ImmutableOpenMap.builder(); MetaData metaData = clusterState.metaData(); for (IndexId index : indices) { final String indexName = index.getName(); IndexMetaData indexMetaData = metaData.index(indexName); if (indexMetaData == null) { // The index was deleted before we managed to start the snapshot - mark it as missing. builder.put(new ShardId(indexName, IndexMetaData.INDEX_UUID_NA_VALUE, 0), new SnapshotsInProgress.ShardSnapshotStatus(null, State.MISSING, "missing index")); } else if (indexMetaData.getState() == IndexMetaData.State.CLOSE) { for (int i = 0; i < indexMetaData.getNumberOfShards(); i++) { ShardId shardId = new ShardId(indexMetaData.getIndex(), i); builder.put(shardId, new SnapshotsInProgress.ShardSnapshotStatus(null, State.MISSING, "index is closed")); } } else { IndexRoutingTable indexRoutingTable = clusterState.getRoutingTable().index(indexName); for (int i = 0; i < indexMetaData.getNumberOfShards(); i++) { ShardId shardId = new ShardId(indexMetaData.getIndex(), i); if (indexRoutingTable != null) { ShardRouting primary = indexRoutingTable.shard(i).primaryShard(); if (primary == null || !primary.assignedToNode()) { builder.put(shardId, new SnapshotsInProgress.ShardSnapshotStatus(null, State.MISSING, "primary shard is not allocated")); } else if (primary.relocating() || primary.initializing()) { builder.put(shardId, new SnapshotsInProgress.ShardSnapshotStatus(primary.currentNodeId(), State.WAITING)); } else if (!primary.started()) { builder.put(shardId, new SnapshotsInProgress.ShardSnapshotStatus(primary.currentNodeId(), State.MISSING, "primary shard hasn't been started yet")); } else { builder.put(shardId, new SnapshotsInProgress.ShardSnapshotStatus(primary.currentNodeId())); } } else { builder.put(shardId, new SnapshotsInProgress.ShardSnapshotStatus(null, State.MISSING, "missing routing table")); } } } } return; } /** * Check if any of the indices to be deleted are currently being snapshotted. Fail as deleting an index that is being * snapshotted (with partial == false) makes the snapshot fail. */ public static void checkIndexDeletion(ClusterState currentState, Set indices) { Set indicesToFail = indicesToFailForCloseOrDeletion(currentState, indices); if (indicesToFail != null) { throw new SnapshotInProgressException("Cannot delete indices that are being snapshotted: " + indicesToFail + ". Try again after snapshot finishes or cancel the currently running snapshot."); } } /** * Check if any of the indices to be closed are currently being snapshotted. Fail as closing an index that is being * snapshotted (with partial == false) makes the snapshot fail. */ public static void checkIndexClosing(ClusterState currentState, Set indices) { Set indicesToFail = indicesToFailForCloseOrDeletion(currentState, indices); if (indicesToFail != null) { throw new SnapshotInProgressException("Cannot close indices that are being snapshotted: " + indicesToFail + ". Try again after snapshot finishes or cancel the currently running snapshot."); } } private static Set indicesToFailForCloseOrDeletion(ClusterState currentState, Set indices) { SnapshotsInProgress snapshots = currentState.custom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE); Set indicesToFail = null; if (snapshots != null) { for (final SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry : snapshots.entries()) { if (entry.partial() == false) { if (entry.state() == State.INIT) { for (IndexId index : entry.indices()) { IndexMetaData indexMetaData = currentState.metaData().index(index.getName()); if (indexMetaData != null && indices.contains(indexMetaData)) { if (indicesToFail == null) { indicesToFail = new HashSet<>(); } indicesToFail.add(indexMetaData.getIndex()); } } } else { for (ObjectObjectCursor shard : entry.shards()) { if (!shard.value.state().completed()) { IndexMetaData indexMetaData = currentState.metaData().index(shard.key.getIndex()); if (indexMetaData != null && indices.contains(indexMetaData)) { if (indicesToFail == null) { indicesToFail = new HashSet<>(); } indicesToFail.add(shard.key.getIndex()); } } } } } } } return indicesToFail; } /** * Adds snapshot completion listener * * @param snapshot Snapshot to listen for * @param listener listener */ private void addListener(Snapshot snapshot, ActionListener listener) { snapshotCompletionListeners.computeIfAbsent(snapshot, k -> new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>()).add(listener); } @Override protected void doStart() { } @Override protected void doStop() { } @Override protected void doClose() { clusterService.removeApplier(this); } public RepositoriesService getRepositoriesService() { return repositoriesService; } }

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