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org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.RuntimeField Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Elasticsearch - Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.
package org.elasticsearch.index.mapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.FieldMapper.Parameter;
import org.elasticsearch.script.CompositeFieldScript;
import org.elasticsearch.script.Script;
import org.elasticsearch.script.ScriptType;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.ToXContentFragment;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;
* Definition of a runtime field that can be defined as part of the runtime section of the index mappings
public interface RuntimeField extends ToXContentFragment {
* Exposes the name of the runtime field
* @return name of the field
String name();
* Exposes the {@link MappedFieldType}s backing this runtime field, used to execute queries, run aggs etc.
* @return the {@link MappedFieldType}s backing this runtime field
Stream asMappedFieldTypes();
abstract class Builder {
final String name;
final Parameter> meta = Parameter.metaParam();
protected Builder(String name) { = name;
public Map meta() {
return meta.getValue();
protected List> getParameters() {
return Collections.singletonList(meta);
protected abstract RuntimeField createRuntimeField(MappingParserContext parserContext);
protected abstract RuntimeField createChildRuntimeField(
MappingParserContext parserContext,
String parentName,
Function parentScriptFactory
public final void parse(String name, MappingParserContext parserContext, Map fieldNode) {
Map> paramsMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Parameter> param : getParameters()) {
paramsMap.put(, param);
String type = (String) fieldNode.remove("type");
for (Iterator> iterator = fieldNode.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry entry =;
final String propName = entry.getKey();
final Object propNode = entry.getValue();
Parameter> parameter = paramsMap.get(propName);
if (parameter == null) {
throw new MapperParsingException(
"unknown parameter [" + propName + "] on runtime field [" + name + "] of type [" + type + "]"
if (propNode == null && parameter.canAcceptNull() == false) {
throw new MapperParsingException(
"[" + propName + "] on runtime field [" + name + "] of type [" + type + "] must not have a [null] value"
parameter.parse(name, parserContext, propNode);
for (Parameter> parameter : getParameters()) {
* Parser for a runtime field. Creates the appropriate {@link RuntimeField} for a runtime field,
* as defined in the runtime section of the index mappings.
final class Parser {
private final Function builderFunction;
public Parser(Function builderFunction) {
this.builderFunction = builderFunction;
RuntimeField.Builder parse(String name, Map node, MappingParserContext parserContext)
throws MapperParsingException {
RuntimeField.Builder builder = builderFunction.apply(name);
builder.parse(name, parserContext, node);
return builder;
* Parse runtime fields from the provided map, using the provided parser context.
* @param node the map that holds the runtime fields configuration
* @param parserContext the parser context that holds info needed when parsing mappings
* @param supportsRemoval whether a null value for a runtime field should be properly parsed and
* translated to the removal of such runtime field
* @return the parsed runtime fields
static Map parseRuntimeFields(
Map node,
MappingParserContext parserContext,
boolean supportsRemoval
) {
return parseRuntimeFields(node, parserContext, b -> b.createRuntimeField(parserContext), supportsRemoval);
* Parse runtime fields from the provided map, using the provided parser context.
* This method also allows you to define how the runtime field will be created from its
* builder, so that it can be used by composite fields to build child fields using
* parent factory parameters.
* @param node the map that holds the runtime fields configuration
* @param parserContext the parser context that holds info needed when parsing mappings
* @param builder a function to convert a RuntimeField.Builder into a RuntimeField
* @param supportsRemoval whether a null value for a runtime field should be properly parsed and
* translated to the removal of such runtime field
* @return the parsed runtime fields
static Map parseRuntimeFields(
Map node,
MappingParserContext parserContext,
Function builder,
boolean supportsRemoval
) {
Map runtimeFields = new HashMap<>();
Iterator> iterator = node.entrySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry =;
String fieldName = entry.getKey();
if (entry.getValue() == null) {
if (supportsRemoval) {
runtimeFields.put(fieldName, null);
} else {
throw new MapperParsingException(
"Runtime field [" + fieldName + "] was set to null but its removal is not supported " + "in this context"
} else if (entry.getValue() instanceof Map) {
Map propNode = new HashMap<>(((Map) entry.getValue()));
Object typeNode = propNode.get("type");
String type;
if (typeNode == null) {
throw new MapperParsingException("No type specified for runtime field [" + fieldName + "]");
} else {
type = typeNode.toString();
Parser typeParser = parserContext.runtimeFieldParser(type);
if (typeParser == null) {
throw new MapperParsingException("No handler for type [" + type + "] declared on runtime field [" + fieldName + "]");
runtimeFields.put(fieldName, builder.apply(typeParser.parse(fieldName, propNode, parserContext)));
MappingParser.checkNoRemainingFields(fieldName, propNode);
} else {
throw new MapperParsingException(
"Expected map for runtime field [" + fieldName + "] definition but got a " + entry.getValue().getClass().getName()
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(runtimeFields);
* Collect and return all {@link MappedFieldType} exposed by the provided {@link RuntimeField}s.
* Note that validation is performed to make sure that there are no name clashes among the collected runtime fields.
* This is because runtime fields with the same name are not accepted as part of the same section.
* @param runtimeFields the runtime to extract the mapped field types from
* @return the collected mapped field types
static Map collectFieldTypes(Collection runtimeFields) {
return -> {
List names = runtimeField.asMappedFieldTypes()
name -> name.equals( == false
&& (name.startsWith( + ".") == false
|| name.length() > + 1 == false)
if (names.isEmpty() == false) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Found sub-fields with name not belonging to the parent field they are part of " + names);
return runtimeField.asMappedFieldTypes();
mappedFieldType -> mappedFieldType,
(t, t2) -> { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found two runtime fields with same name [" + + "]"); }
static Function initializerNotSupported() {
return mapper -> { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); };
static Script parseScript(String name, MappingParserContext parserContext, Object scriptObject) {
Script script = Script.parse(scriptObject);
if (script.getType() == ScriptType.STORED) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("stored scripts are not supported for runtime field [" + name + "]");
return script;