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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
 * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
 * Side Public License, v 1.


import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRequestValidationException;
import org.elasticsearch.action.IndicesRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryRewriteContext;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.Rewriteable;
import org.elasticsearch.tasks.TaskId;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.ToXContent;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;

import static org.elasticsearch.action.ValidateActions.addValidationError;

 * A request to execute search against one or more indices (or all). Best created using
 * {@link org.elasticsearch.client.Requests#searchRequest(String...)}.

* Note, the search {@link #source(} * is required. The search source is the different search options, including aggregations and such. *

* * @see org.elasticsearch.client.Requests#searchRequest(String...) * @see org.elasticsearch.client.Client#search(SearchRequest) * @see SearchResponse */ public class SearchRequest extends ActionRequest implements IndicesRequest.Replaceable, Rewriteable { public static final ToXContent.Params FORMAT_PARAMS = new ToXContent.MapParams(Collections.singletonMap("pretty", "false")); public static final int DEFAULT_PRE_FILTER_SHARD_SIZE = 128; public static final int DEFAULT_BATCHED_REDUCE_SIZE = 512; private static final long DEFAULT_ABSOLUTE_START_MILLIS = -1; private final String localClusterAlias; private final long absoluteStartMillis; private final boolean finalReduce; private SearchType searchType = SearchType.DEFAULT; private String[] indices = Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY; @Nullable private String routing; @Nullable private String preference; private SearchSourceBuilder source; private Boolean requestCache; private Boolean allowPartialSearchResults; private Scroll scroll; private int batchedReduceSize = DEFAULT_BATCHED_REDUCE_SIZE; private int maxConcurrentShardRequests = 0; public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_SHARD_REQUESTS = 5; private Integer preFilterShardSize; private String[] types = Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY; private boolean ccsMinimizeRoundtrips; public static final boolean DEFAULT_FIELDS_EMULATION_ENABLED = false; // the following flag is not serialized via transport layer, we only need it on the coordinating node private transient boolean enableFieldsEmulation = DEFAULT_FIELDS_EMULATION_ENABLED; @Nullable private final Version minCompatibleShardNode; public static final IndicesOptions DEFAULT_INDICES_OPTIONS = IndicesOptions.strictExpandOpenAndForbidClosedIgnoreThrottled(); private IndicesOptions indicesOptions = DEFAULT_INDICES_OPTIONS; private Map waitForCheckpoints = Collections.emptyMap(); private TimeValue waitForCheckpointsTimeout = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(30); public SearchRequest() { this((Version) null); } public SearchRequest(Version minCompatibleShardNode) { this.localClusterAlias = null; this.absoluteStartMillis = DEFAULT_ABSOLUTE_START_MILLIS; this.finalReduce = true; this.minCompatibleShardNode = minCompatibleShardNode; this.ccsMinimizeRoundtrips = minCompatibleShardNode == null; } /** * Constructs a new search request from the provided search request */ public SearchRequest(SearchRequest searchRequest) { this( searchRequest, searchRequest.indices, searchRequest.localClusterAlias, searchRequest.absoluteStartMillis, searchRequest.finalReduce ); } /** * Constructs a new search request against the indices. No indices provided here means that search * will run against all indices. */ public SearchRequest(String... indices) { this(indices, new SearchSourceBuilder()); } /** * Constructs a new search request against the provided indices with the given search source. */ public SearchRequest(String[] indices, SearchSourceBuilder source) { this(); if (source == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("source must not be null"); } indices(indices); this.source = source; } @Override public boolean allowsRemoteIndices() { return true; } /** * Creates a new sub-search request starting from the original search request that is provided. * For internal use only, allows to fork a search request into multiple search requests that will be executed independently. * Such requests will not be finally reduced, so that their results can be merged together in one response at completion. * Used when a {@link SearchRequest} is created and executed as part of a cross-cluster search request * performing reduction on each cluster in order to minimize network round-trips between the coordinating node and the remote clusters. * * @param parentTaskId the parent taskId of the original search request * @param originalSearchRequest the original search request * @param indices the indices to search against * @param clusterAlias the alias to prefix index names with in the returned search results * @param absoluteStartMillis the absolute start time to be used on the remote clusters to ensure that the same value is used * @param finalReduce whether the reduction should be final or not */ static SearchRequest subSearchRequest( TaskId parentTaskId, SearchRequest originalSearchRequest, String[] indices, String clusterAlias, long absoluteStartMillis, boolean finalReduce ) { Objects.requireNonNull(parentTaskId, "parentTaskId must be specified"); Objects.requireNonNull(originalSearchRequest, "search request must not be null"); validateIndices(indices); Objects.requireNonNull(clusterAlias, "cluster alias must not be null"); if (absoluteStartMillis < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("absoluteStartMillis must not be negative but was [" + absoluteStartMillis + "]"); } final SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest(originalSearchRequest, indices, clusterAlias, absoluteStartMillis, finalReduce); request.setParentTask(parentTaskId); return request; } private SearchRequest( SearchRequest searchRequest, String[] indices, String localClusterAlias, long absoluteStartMillis, boolean finalReduce ) { this.allowPartialSearchResults = searchRequest.allowPartialSearchResults; this.batchedReduceSize = searchRequest.batchedReduceSize; this.ccsMinimizeRoundtrips = searchRequest.ccsMinimizeRoundtrips; this.indices = indices; this.indicesOptions = searchRequest.indicesOptions; this.maxConcurrentShardRequests = searchRequest.maxConcurrentShardRequests; this.preference = searchRequest.preference; this.preFilterShardSize = searchRequest.preFilterShardSize; this.requestCache = searchRequest.requestCache; this.routing = searchRequest.routing; this.scroll = searchRequest.scroll; this.searchType = searchRequest.searchType; this.source = searchRequest.source; this.types = searchRequest.types; this.localClusterAlias = localClusterAlias; this.absoluteStartMillis = absoluteStartMillis; this.finalReduce = finalReduce; this.minCompatibleShardNode = searchRequest.minCompatibleShardNode; this.enableFieldsEmulation = searchRequest.enableFieldsEmulation; this.waitForCheckpoints = searchRequest.waitForCheckpoints; this.waitForCheckpointsTimeout = searchRequest.waitForCheckpointsTimeout; } /** * Constructs a new search request from reading the specified stream. * * @param in The stream the request is read from * @throws IOException if there is an issue reading the stream */ public SearchRequest(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super(in); searchType = SearchType.fromId(in.readByte()); indices = in.readStringArray(); routing = in.readOptionalString(); preference = in.readOptionalString(); scroll = in.readOptionalWriteable(Scroll::new); source = in.readOptionalWriteable(SearchSourceBuilder::new); types = in.readStringArray(); indicesOptions = IndicesOptions.readIndicesOptions(in); requestCache = in.readOptionalBoolean(); batchedReduceSize = in.readVInt(); maxConcurrentShardRequests = in.readVInt(); if (in.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_7_7_0)) { preFilterShardSize = in.readOptionalVInt(); } else { preFilterShardSize = in.readVInt(); } if (in.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_6_3_0)) { allowPartialSearchResults = in.readOptionalBoolean(); } if (in.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_6_7_0)) { localClusterAlias = in.readOptionalString(); if (localClusterAlias != null) { absoluteStartMillis = in.readVLong(); finalReduce = in.readBoolean(); } else { absoluteStartMillis = DEFAULT_ABSOLUTE_START_MILLIS; finalReduce = true; } } else { localClusterAlias = null; absoluteStartMillis = DEFAULT_ABSOLUTE_START_MILLIS; finalReduce = true; } if (in.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_7_0_0)) { ccsMinimizeRoundtrips = in.readBoolean(); } else { ccsMinimizeRoundtrips = true; } if (in.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_7_12_0) && in.readBoolean()) { minCompatibleShardNode = Version.readVersion(in); } else { minCompatibleShardNode = null; } if (in.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_7_16_0)) { waitForCheckpoints = in.readMap(StreamInput::readString, StreamInput::readLongArray); waitForCheckpointsTimeout = in.readTimeValue(); } } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); out.writeByte(; out.writeStringArray(indices); out.writeOptionalString(routing); out.writeOptionalString(preference); out.writeOptionalWriteable(scroll); out.writeOptionalWriteable(source); out.writeStringArray(types); indicesOptions.writeIndicesOptions(out); out.writeOptionalBoolean(requestCache); out.writeVInt(batchedReduceSize); out.writeVInt(maxConcurrentShardRequests); if (out.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_7_7_0)) { out.writeOptionalVInt(preFilterShardSize); } else { out.writeVInt(preFilterShardSize == null ? DEFAULT_BATCHED_REDUCE_SIZE : preFilterShardSize); } if (out.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_6_3_0)) { out.writeOptionalBoolean(allowPartialSearchResults); } if (out.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_6_7_0)) { out.writeOptionalString(localClusterAlias); if (localClusterAlias != null) { out.writeVLong(absoluteStartMillis); out.writeBoolean(finalReduce); } } if (out.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_7_0_0)) { out.writeBoolean(ccsMinimizeRoundtrips); } if (out.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_7_12_0)) { out.writeBoolean(minCompatibleShardNode != null); if (minCompatibleShardNode != null) { Version.writeVersion(minCompatibleShardNode, out); } } Version waitForCheckpointsVersion = Version.V_7_16_0; if (out.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_7_16_0)) { out.writeMap(waitForCheckpoints, StreamOutput::writeString, StreamOutput::writeLongArray); out.writeTimeValue(waitForCheckpointsTimeout); } else if (waitForCheckpoints.isEmpty() == false) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Remote node version [" + out.getVersion() + " incompatible with " + "wait_for_checkpoints. All nodes must be version [" + waitForCheckpointsVersion + "] or greater." ); } } @Override public ActionRequestValidationException validate() { ActionRequestValidationException validationException = null; boolean scroll = scroll() != null; if (scroll) { if (source != null) { if (source.trackTotalHitsUpTo() != null && source.trackTotalHitsUpTo() != SearchContext.TRACK_TOTAL_HITS_ACCURATE) { validationException = addValidationError( "disabling [track_total_hits] is not allowed in a scroll context", validationException ); } if (source.from() > 0) { validationException = addValidationError("using [from] is not allowed in a scroll context", validationException); } if (source.size() == 0) { validationException = addValidationError("[size] cannot be [0] in a scroll context", validationException); } if (source.rescores() != null && source.rescores().isEmpty() == false) { validationException = addValidationError("using [rescore] is not allowed in a scroll context", validationException); } } if (requestCache != null && requestCache) { validationException = addValidationError("[request_cache] cannot be used in a scroll context", validationException); } } if (source != null) { if (source.aggregations() != null) { validationException = source.aggregations().validate(validationException); } } if (pointInTimeBuilder() != null) { if (scroll) { validationException = addValidationError("using [point in time] is not allowed in a scroll context", validationException); } } else if (source != null && source.sorts() != null) { for (SortBuilder sortBuilder : source.sorts()) { if (sortBuilder instanceof FieldSortBuilder && ShardDocSortField.NAME.equals(((FieldSortBuilder) sortBuilder).getFieldName())) { validationException = addValidationError( "[" + FieldSortBuilder.SHARD_DOC_FIELD_NAME + "] sort field cannot be used without [point in time]", validationException ); } } } if (minCompatibleShardNode() != null) { if (isCcsMinimizeRoundtrips()) { validationException = addValidationError( "[ccs_minimize_roundtrips] cannot be [true] when setting a minimum compatible " + "shard version", validationException ); } } if (isFieldsOptionEmulationEnabled() && searchType().equals(SearchType.DFS_QUERY_THEN_FETCH)) { validationException = addValidationError( "[enable_fields_emulation] cannot be used with [dfs_query_then_fetch] search type. Use the default [query_then_fetch] " + "search type instead.", validationException ); } if (pointInTimeBuilder() != null && waitForCheckpoints.isEmpty() == false) { validationException = addValidationError("using [point in time] is not allowed with wait_for_checkpoints", validationException); } return validationException; } /** * Returns the alias of the cluster that this search request is being executed on. A non-null value indicates that this search request * is being executed as part of a locally reduced cross-cluster search request. The cluster alias is used to prefix index names * returned as part of search hits with the alias of the cluster they came from. */ @Nullable String getLocalClusterAlias() { return localClusterAlias; } /** * Returns whether the reduction phase that will be performed needs to be final or not. */ boolean isFinalReduce() { return finalReduce; } /** * Returns the current time in milliseconds from the time epoch, to be used for the execution of this search request. Used to * ensure that the same value, determined by the coordinating node, is used on all nodes involved in the execution of the search * request. When created through {@link #subSearchRequest(TaskId, SearchRequest, String[], String, long, boolean)}, this method returns * the provided current time, otherwise it will return {@link System#currentTimeMillis()}. */ long getOrCreateAbsoluteStartMillis() { return absoluteStartMillis == DEFAULT_ABSOLUTE_START_MILLIS ? System.currentTimeMillis() : absoluteStartMillis; } /** * Returns the provided absoluteStartMillis when created through {@link #subSearchRequest} and * -1 otherwise. */ long getAbsoluteStartMillis() { return absoluteStartMillis; } /** * Returns the minimum compatible shard version the search request needs to run on. If the version is null, then there are no * restrictions imposed on shards versions part of this search. */ @Nullable public Version minCompatibleShardNode() { return minCompatibleShardNode; } /** * Sets the indices the search will be executed on. */ @Override public SearchRequest indices(String... indices) { validateIndices(indices); this.indices = indices; return this; } private static void validateIndices(String... indices) { Objects.requireNonNull(indices, "indices must not be null"); for (String index : indices) { Objects.requireNonNull(index, "index must not be null"); } } @Override public IndicesOptions indicesOptions() { return indicesOptions; } public SearchRequest indicesOptions(IndicesOptions indicesOptions) { this.indicesOptions = Objects.requireNonNull(indicesOptions, "indicesOptions must not be null"); return this; } @Override public boolean includeDataStreams() { return true; } /** * Returns whether network round-trips should be minimized when executing cross-cluster search requests. * Defaults to true, unless minCompatibleShardNode is set in which case it's set to false. */ public boolean isCcsMinimizeRoundtrips() { return ccsMinimizeRoundtrips; } /** * Sets whether network round-trips should be minimized when executing cross-cluster search requests. Defaults to true. */ public void setCcsMinimizeRoundtrips(boolean ccsMinimizeRoundtrips) { this.ccsMinimizeRoundtrips = ccsMinimizeRoundtrips; } /** * Returns whether the "fields" option will be emulated via fetching from source on pre 7.10 nodes. * The default is false. */ boolean isFieldsOptionEmulationEnabled() { return enableFieldsEmulation; } /** * Sets whether the "fields" option will be emulated via fetching from source on pre 7.10 nodes. * @deprecated This option is only available temporarily. Instead of using this setter directly, * use the parameter on the rest request. The bwc emulation will not be necessary on 8.0 any more, * so this setter will not be availabe there. */ @Deprecated public void setFieldsOptionEmulationEnabled(boolean enableFieldsEmulation) { this.enableFieldsEmulation = enableFieldsEmulation; } /** * The document types to execute the search against. Defaults to be executed against * all types. * * @deprecated Types are in the process of being removed. Instead of using a type, prefer to * filter on a field on the document. */ @Deprecated public String[] types() { return types; } /** * The document types to execute the search against. Defaults to be executed against * all types. * * @deprecated Types are in the process of being removed. Instead of using a type, prefer to * filter on a field on the document. */ @Deprecated public SearchRequest types(String... types) { Objects.requireNonNull(types, "types must not be null"); for (String type : types) { Objects.requireNonNull(type, "type must not be null"); } this.types = types; return this; } /** * Returns the default value of {@link #ccsMinimizeRoundtrips} of a search request */ public static boolean defaultCcsMinimizeRoundtrips(SearchRequest request) { return request.minCompatibleShardNode == null; } /** * A comma separated list of routing values to control the shards the search will be executed on. */ public String routing() { return this.routing; } /** * A comma separated list of routing values to control the shards the search will be executed on. */ public SearchRequest routing(String routing) { this.routing = routing; return this; } /** * The routing values to control the shards that the search will be executed on. */ public SearchRequest routing(String... routings) { this.routing = Strings.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(routings); return this; } /** * Sets the preference to execute the search. Defaults to randomize across shards. Can be set to * {@code _local} to prefer local shards or a custom value, which guarantees that the same order * will be used across different requests. */ public SearchRequest preference(String preference) { this.preference = preference; return this; } public String preference() { return this.preference; } /** * The search type to execute, defaults to {@link SearchType#DEFAULT}. */ public SearchRequest searchType(SearchType searchType) { this.searchType = Objects.requireNonNull(searchType, "searchType must not be null"); return this; } /** * The a string representation search type to execute, defaults to {@link SearchType#DEFAULT}. Can be * one of "dfs_query_then_fetch" or "query_then_fetch". */ public SearchRequest searchType(String searchType) { return searchType(SearchType.fromString(searchType)); } /** * The source of the search request. */ public SearchRequest source(SearchSourceBuilder sourceBuilder) { this.source = Objects.requireNonNull(sourceBuilder, "source must not be null"); return this; } /** * The search source to execute. */ public SearchSourceBuilder source() { return source; } public PointInTimeBuilder pointInTimeBuilder() { if (source != null) { return source.pointInTimeBuilder(); } return null; } /** * The tye of search to execute. */ public SearchType searchType() { return searchType; } /** * The indices */ @Override public String[] indices() { return indices; } /** * If set, will enable scrolling of the search request. */ public Scroll scroll() { return scroll; } /** * If set, will enable scrolling of the search request. */ public SearchRequest scroll(Scroll scroll) { this.scroll = scroll; return this; } /** * If set, will enable scrolling of the search request for the specified timeout. */ public SearchRequest scroll(TimeValue keepAlive) { return scroll(new Scroll(keepAlive)); } /** * If set, will enable scrolling of the search request for the specified timeout. */ public SearchRequest scroll(String keepAlive) { return scroll(new Scroll(TimeValue.parseTimeValue(keepAlive, null, getClass().getSimpleName() + ".Scroll.keepAlive"))); } /** * Sets if this request should use the request cache or not, assuming that it can (for * example, if "now" is used, it will never be cached). By default (not set, or null, * will default to the index level setting if request cache is enabled or not). */ public SearchRequest requestCache(Boolean requestCache) { this.requestCache = requestCache; return this; } public Boolean requestCache() { return this.requestCache; } /** * Sets if this request should allow partial results. (If method is not called, * will default to the cluster level setting). */ public SearchRequest allowPartialSearchResults(boolean allowPartialSearchResults) { this.allowPartialSearchResults = allowPartialSearchResults; return this; } public Boolean allowPartialSearchResults() { return this.allowPartialSearchResults; } /** * Sets the number of shard results that should be reduced at once on the coordinating node. This value should be used as a protection * mechanism to reduce the memory overhead per search request if the potential number of shards in the request can be large. */ public void setBatchedReduceSize(int batchedReduceSize) { if (batchedReduceSize <= 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("batchedReduceSize must be >= 2"); } this.batchedReduceSize = batchedReduceSize; } /** * Returns the number of shard results that should be reduced at once on the coordinating node. This value should be used as a * protection mechanism to reduce the memory overhead per search request if the potential number of shards in the request can be large. */ public int getBatchedReduceSize() { return batchedReduceSize; } /** * Returns the number of shard requests that should be executed concurrently on a single node. This value should be used as a * protection mechanism to reduce the number of shard requests fired per high level search request. Searches that hit the entire * cluster can be throttled with this number to reduce the cluster load. The default is {@code 5} */ public int getMaxConcurrentShardRequests() { return maxConcurrentShardRequests == 0 ? DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_SHARD_REQUESTS : maxConcurrentShardRequests; } /** * Sets the number of shard requests that should be executed concurrently on a single node. This value should be used as a * protection mechanism to reduce the number of shard requests fired per high level search request. Searches that hit the entire * cluster can be throttled with this number to reduce the cluster load. The default is {@code 5} */ public void setMaxConcurrentShardRequests(int maxConcurrentShardRequests) { if (maxConcurrentShardRequests < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxConcurrentShardRequests must be >= 1"); } this.maxConcurrentShardRequests = maxConcurrentShardRequests; } public Map getWaitForCheckpoints() { return waitForCheckpoints; } public void setWaitForCheckpoints(Map afterCheckpointsRefreshed) { this.waitForCheckpoints = afterCheckpointsRefreshed; } public TimeValue getWaitForCheckpointsTimeout() { return waitForCheckpointsTimeout; } public void setWaitForCheckpointsTimeout(final TimeValue waitForCheckpointsTimeout) { this.waitForCheckpointsTimeout = waitForCheckpointsTimeout; } /** * Sets a threshold that enforces a pre-filter roundtrip to pre-filter search shards based on query rewriting if the number of shards * the search request expands to exceeds the threshold. This filter roundtrip can limit the number of shards significantly if for * instance a shard can not match any documents based on its rewrite method ie. if date filters are mandatory to match but the shard * bounds and the query are disjoint. * * When unspecified, the pre-filter phase is executed if any of these conditions is met: *
  • The request targets more than 128 shards
  • *
  • The request targets one or more read-only index
  • *
  • The primary sort of the query targets an indexed field
  • *
*/ public void setPreFilterShardSize(int preFilterShardSize) { if (preFilterShardSize < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("preFilterShardSize must be >= 1"); } this.preFilterShardSize = preFilterShardSize; } /** * Returns a threshold that enforces a pre-filter roundtrip to pre-filter search shards based on query rewriting if the number of shards * the search request expands to exceeds the threshold, or null if the threshold is unspecified. * This filter roundtrip can limit the number of shards significantly if for * instance a shard can not match any documents based on its rewrite method ie. if date filters are mandatory to match but the shard * bounds and the query are disjoint. * * When unspecified, the pre-filter phase is executed if any of these conditions is met: *
  • The request targets more than 128 shards
  • *
  • The request targets one or more read-only index
  • *
  • The primary sort of the query targets an indexed field
  • *
*/ @Nullable public Integer getPreFilterShardSize() { return preFilterShardSize; } /** * @return true if the request only has suggest */ public boolean isSuggestOnly() { return source != null && source.isSuggestOnly(); } public int resolveTrackTotalHitsUpTo() { return resolveTrackTotalHitsUpTo(scroll, source); } @Override public SearchRequest rewrite(QueryRewriteContext ctx) throws IOException { if (source == null) { return this; } SearchSourceBuilder source = this.source.rewrite(ctx); boolean hasChanged = source != this.source; // add a sort tiebreaker for PIT search requests if not explicitly set Object[] searchAfter = source.searchAfter(); if (source.pointInTimeBuilder() != null && source.sorts() != null && source.sorts().isEmpty() == false // skip the tiebreaker if it is not provided in the search after values && (searchAfter == null || searchAfter.length == source.sorts().size() + 1)) { SortBuilder lastSort = source.sorts().get(source.sorts().size() - 1); if (lastSort instanceof FieldSortBuilder == false || FieldSortBuilder.SHARD_DOC_FIELD_NAME.equals(((FieldSortBuilder) lastSort).getFieldName()) == false) { List> newSorts = new ArrayList<>(source.sorts()); newSorts.add(SortBuilders.pitTiebreaker().unmappedType("long")); source = source.shallowCopy().sort(newSorts); hasChanged = true; } } return hasChanged ? new SearchRequest(this).source(source) : this; } public static int resolveTrackTotalHitsUpTo(Scroll scroll, SearchSourceBuilder source) { if (scroll != null) { // no matter what the value of track_total_hits is return SearchContext.TRACK_TOTAL_HITS_ACCURATE; } return source == null ? SearchContext.DEFAULT_TRACK_TOTAL_HITS_UP_TO : source.trackTotalHitsUpTo() == null ? SearchContext.DEFAULT_TRACK_TOTAL_HITS_UP_TO : source.trackTotalHitsUpTo(); } @Override public SearchTask createTask(long id, String type, String action, TaskId parentTaskId, Map headers) { return new SearchTask(id, type, action, this::buildDescription, parentTaskId, headers); } public final String buildDescription() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("indices["); Strings.arrayToDelimitedString(indices, ",", sb); sb.append("]"); sb.append(", types["); Strings.arrayToDelimitedString(types, ",", sb); sb.append("]"); sb.append(", search_type[").append(searchType).append("]"); if (scroll != null) { sb.append(", scroll[").append(scroll.keepAlive()).append("]"); } if (source != null) { sb.append(", source[").append(source.toString(FORMAT_PARAMS)).append("]"); } else { sb.append(", source[]"); } if (routing != null) { sb.append(", routing[").append(routing).append("]"); } if (preference != null) { sb.append(", preference[").append(preference).append("]"); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } SearchRequest that = (SearchRequest) o; return searchType == that.searchType && Arrays.equals(indices, that.indices) && Objects.equals(routing, that.routing) && Objects.equals(preference, that.preference) && Objects.equals(source, that.source) && Objects.equals(requestCache, that.requestCache) && Objects.equals(scroll, that.scroll) && Arrays.equals(types, that.types) && Objects.equals(batchedReduceSize, that.batchedReduceSize) && Objects.equals(maxConcurrentShardRequests, that.maxConcurrentShardRequests) && Objects.equals(preFilterShardSize, that.preFilterShardSize) && Objects.equals(indicesOptions, that.indicesOptions) && Objects.equals(allowPartialSearchResults, that.allowPartialSearchResults) && Objects.equals(localClusterAlias, that.localClusterAlias) && absoluteStartMillis == that.absoluteStartMillis && ccsMinimizeRoundtrips == that.ccsMinimizeRoundtrips && enableFieldsEmulation == that.enableFieldsEmulation && Objects.equals(minCompatibleShardNode, that.minCompatibleShardNode); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash( searchType, Arrays.hashCode(indices), routing, preference, source, requestCache, scroll, Arrays.hashCode(types), indicesOptions, batchedReduceSize, maxConcurrentShardRequests, preFilterShardSize, allowPartialSearchResults, localClusterAlias, absoluteStartMillis, ccsMinimizeRoundtrips, minCompatibleShardNode, enableFieldsEmulation ); } @Override public String toString() { return "SearchRequest{" + "searchType=" + searchType + ", indices=" + Arrays.toString(indices) + ", indicesOptions=" + indicesOptions + ", types=" + Arrays.toString(types) + ", routing='" + routing + '\'' + ", preference='" + preference + '\'' + ", requestCache=" + requestCache + ", scroll=" + scroll + ", maxConcurrentShardRequests=" + maxConcurrentShardRequests + ", batchedReduceSize=" + batchedReduceSize + ", preFilterShardSize=" + preFilterShardSize + ", allowPartialSearchResults=" + allowPartialSearchResults + ", localClusterAlias=" + localClusterAlias + ", getOrCreateAbsoluteStartMillis=" + absoluteStartMillis + ", ccsMinimizeRoundtrips=" + ccsMinimizeRoundtrips + ", enableFieldsEmulation=" + enableFieldsEmulation + ", source=" + source + '}'; } }

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