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* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
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import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.elasticsearch.common.CheckedSupplier;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.index.IndexSettings;
import java.text.BreakIterator;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import static;
* Subclass of the {@link UnifiedHighlighter} that works for a single field in a single document.
* Uses a custom {@link PassageFormatter}. Accepts field content as a constructor
* argument, given that loadings field value can be done reading from _source field.
* Supports using different {@link BreakIterator} to break the text into fragments. Considers every distinct field
* value as a discrete passage for highlighting (unless the whole content needs to be highlighted).
* Supports both returning empty snippets and non highlighted snippets when no highlighting can be performed.
public class CustomUnifiedHighlighter extends UnifiedHighlighter {
public static final char MULTIVAL_SEP_CHAR = (char) 0;
private static final Snippet[] EMPTY_SNIPPET = new Snippet[0];
private final OffsetSource offsetSource;
private final PassageFormatter passageFormatter;
private final BreakIterator breakIterator;
private final String index;
private final String field;
private final Locale breakIteratorLocale;
private final int noMatchSize;
private final FieldHighlighter fieldHighlighter;
private final int maxAnalyzedOffset;
private final Integer queryMaxAnalyzedOffset;
* Creates a new instance of {@link CustomUnifiedHighlighter}
* @param analyzer the analyzer used for the field at index time, used for multi term queries internally.
* @param offsetSource the {@link OffsetSource} to used for offsets retrieval.
* @param passageFormatter our own {@link CustomPassageFormatter}
* which generates snippets in forms of {@link Snippet} objects.
* @param breakIteratorLocale the {@link Locale} to use for dividing text into passages.
* If null {@link Locale#ROOT} is used.
* @param breakIterator the {@link BreakIterator} to use for dividing text into passages.
* If null {@link BreakIterator#getSentenceInstance(Locale)} is used.
* @param index the index we're highlighting, mostly used for error messages
* @param field the name of the field we're highlighting
* @param query the query we're highlighting
* @param noMatchSize The size of the text that should be returned when no highlighting can be performed.
* @param maxPassages the maximum number of passes to highlight
* @param fieldMatcher decides which terms should be highlighted
* @param maxAnalyzedOffset if the field is more than this long we'll refuse to use the ANALYZED
* offset source for it because it'd be super slow
public CustomUnifiedHighlighter(
IndexSearcher searcher,
Analyzer analyzer,
OffsetSource offsetSource,
PassageFormatter passageFormatter,
@Nullable Locale breakIteratorLocale,
@Nullable BreakIterator breakIterator,
String index,
String field,
Query query,
int noMatchSize,
int maxPassages,
Predicate fieldMatcher,
int maxAnalyzedOffset,
Integer queryMaxAnalyzedOffset
) throws IOException {
super(searcher, analyzer);
this.offsetSource = offsetSource;
this.breakIterator = breakIterator;
this.breakIteratorLocale = breakIteratorLocale == null ? Locale.ROOT : breakIteratorLocale;
this.passageFormatter = passageFormatter;
this.index = index;
this.field = field;
this.noMatchSize = noMatchSize;
this.maxAnalyzedOffset = maxAnalyzedOffset;
this.queryMaxAnalyzedOffset = queryMaxAnalyzedOffset;
fieldHighlighter = getFieldHighlighter(field, query, extractTerms(query), maxPassages);
* Highlights the field value.
public Snippet[] highlightField(LeafReader reader, int docId, CheckedSupplier loadFieldValue) throws IOException {
if (fieldHighlighter.fieldOffsetStrategy == NoOpOffsetStrategy.INSTANCE && noMatchSize == 0) {
// If the query is such that there can't possibly be any matches then skip doing *everything*
String fieldValue = loadFieldValue.get();
if (fieldValue == null) {
return null;
int fieldValueLength = fieldValue.length();
if (((queryMaxAnalyzedOffset == null || queryMaxAnalyzedOffset > maxAnalyzedOffset)
&& (offsetSource == OffsetSource.ANALYSIS)
&& (fieldValueLength > maxAnalyzedOffset))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The length ["
+ fieldValueLength
+ "] of field ["
+ field
+ "] in doc["
+ docId
+ "]/index["
+ index
+ "] exceeds the ["
+ "] limit ["
+ maxAnalyzedOffset
+ "]. To avoid this error, set "
+ "the query parameter ["
+ "] to a value less than index setting ["
+ maxAnalyzedOffset
+ "] and this will tolerate long field values by truncating them."
Snippet[] result = (Snippet[]) fieldHighlighter.highlightFieldForDoc(reader, docId, fieldValue);
return result == null ? EMPTY_SNIPPET : result;
protected BreakIterator getBreakIterator(String field) {
return breakIterator;
public PassageFormatter getFormatter() {
return passageFormatter;
protected PassageFormatter getFormatter(String field) {
return passageFormatter;
protected FieldHighlighter getFieldHighlighter(String field, Query query, Set allTerms, int maxPassages) {
Predicate fieldMatcher = getFieldMatcher(field);
BytesRef[] terms = filterExtractedTerms(fieldMatcher, allTerms);
Set highlightFlags = getFlags(field);
PhraseHelper phraseHelper = getPhraseHelper(field, query, highlightFlags);
LabelledCharArrayMatcher[] automata = getAutomata(field, query, highlightFlags);
UHComponents components = new UHComponents(field, fieldMatcher, query, terms, phraseHelper, automata, false, highlightFlags);
OffsetSource offsetSource = getOptimizedOffsetSource(components);
BreakIterator breakIterator = new SplittingBreakIterator(getBreakIterator(field), UnifiedHighlighter.MULTIVAL_SEP_CHAR);
FieldOffsetStrategy strategy = getOffsetStrategy(offsetSource, components);
return new CustomFieldHighlighter(
(noMatchSize > 0 ? 1 : 0),
protected Collection preSpanQueryRewrite(Query query) {
return rewriteCustomQuery(query);
* Translate custom queries in queries that are supported by the unified highlighter.
private Collection rewriteCustomQuery(Query query) {
if (query instanceof MultiPhrasePrefixQuery) {
MultiPhrasePrefixQuery mpq = (MultiPhrasePrefixQuery) query;
Term[][] terms = mpq.getTerms();
int[] positions = mpq.getPositions();
SpanQuery[] positionSpanQueries = new SpanQuery[positions.length];
int sizeMinus1 = terms.length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) {
SpanQuery[] innerQueries = new SpanQuery[terms[i].length];
for (int j = 0; j < terms[i].length; j++) {
if (i == sizeMinus1) {
innerQueries[j] = new SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper<>(new PrefixQuery(terms[i][j]));
} else {
innerQueries[j] = new SpanTermQuery(terms[i][j]);
if (innerQueries.length > 1) {
positionSpanQueries[i] = new SpanOrQuery(innerQueries);
} else {
positionSpanQueries[i] = innerQueries[0];
if (positionSpanQueries.length == 1) {
return Collections.singletonList(positionSpanQueries[0]);
// sum position increments beyond 1
int positionGaps = 0;
if (positions.length >= 2) {
// positions are in increasing order. max(0,...) is just a safeguard.
positionGaps = Math.max(0, positions[positions.length - 1] - positions[0] - positions.length + 1);
// if original slop is 0 then require inOrder
boolean inorder = (mpq.getSlop() == 0);
return Collections.singletonList(new SpanNearQuery(positionSpanQueries, mpq.getSlop() + positionGaps, inorder));
} else if (query instanceof ESToParentBlockJoinQuery) {
return Collections.singletonList(((ESToParentBlockJoinQuery) query).getChildQuery());
} else {
return null;
* Forces the offset source for this highlighter
protected OffsetSource getOffsetSource(String field) {
if (offsetSource == null) {
return super.getOffsetSource(field);
return offsetSource;