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org.elasticsearch.common.geo.SimpleFeatureFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.
package org.elasticsearch.common.geo;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BitUtil;
import org.elasticsearch.geometry.Rectangle;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
* Transforms points and rectangles objects in WGS84 into mvt features.
public class SimpleFeatureFactory {
private final int extent;
private final double pointXScale, pointYScale, pointXTranslate, pointYTranslate;
private static final int MOVETO = 1;
private static final int LINETO = 2;
private static final int CLOSEPATH = 7;
private static final byte[] EMPTY = new byte[0];
public SimpleFeatureFactory(int z, int x, int y, int extent) {
this.extent = extent;
final Rectangle rectangle = SphericalMercatorUtils.recToSphericalMercator(GeoTileUtils.toBoundingBox(x, y, z));
pointXScale = (double) extent / (rectangle.getMaxLon() - rectangle.getMinLon());
pointYScale = (double) -extent / (rectangle.getMaxLat() - rectangle.getMinLat());
pointXTranslate = -pointXScale * rectangle.getMinX();
pointYTranslate = -pointYScale * rectangle.getMinY();
* Returns a {@code byte[]} containing the mvt representation of the provided point
public byte[] point(double lon, double lat) throws IOException {
final int posLon = lon(lon);
if (posLon > extent || posLon < 0) {
return EMPTY;
final int posLat = lat(lat);
if (posLat > extent || posLat < 0) {
return EMPTY;
return point(posLon, posLat);
* Returns a {@code byte[]} containing the mvt representation of the provided points
public byte[] points(List multiPoint) {
final int[] commands = new int[2 * multiPoint.size() + 1];
int pos = 1, prevLon = 0, prevLat = 0, numPoints = 0;
for (GeoPoint point : multiPoint) {
final int posLon = lon(point.getLon());
if (posLon > extent || posLon < 0) {
final int posLat = lat(point.getLat());
if (posLat > extent || posLat < 0) {
// filter out repeated points
if (numPoints == 0 || posLon != prevLon || posLat != prevLat) {
commands[pos++] = BitUtil.zigZagEncode(posLon - prevLon);
commands[pos++] = BitUtil.zigZagEncode(posLat - prevLat);
prevLon = posLon;
prevLat = posLat;
if (numPoints == 0) {
return EMPTY;
commands[0] = encodeCommand(MOVETO, numPoints);
try {
return writeCommands(commands, 1, pos);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(ioe);
* Returns a {@code byte[]} containing the mvt representation of the provided rectangle
public byte[] box(double minLon, double maxLon, double minLat, double maxLat) throws IOException {
final int minX = Math.max(0, lon(minLon));
if (minX > extent) {
return EMPTY;
final int minY = Math.min(extent, lat(minLat));
if (minY > extent) {
return EMPTY;
final int maxX = Math.min(extent, lon(maxLon));
if (maxX < 0) {
return EMPTY;
final int maxY = Math.max(0, lat(maxLat));
if (maxY < 0) {
return EMPTY;
if (minX == maxX) {
if (minY == maxY) {
return point(minX, minY);
} else {
return line(minX, minY, minX, maxY);
} else if (minY == maxY) {
return line(minX, minY, maxX, minY);
} else {
return box(minX, maxX, minY, maxY);
private int lat(double lat) {
return (int) Math.round(pointYScale * SphericalMercatorUtils.latToSphericalMercator(lat) + pointYTranslate) + extent;
private int lon(double lon) {
return (int) Math.round(pointXScale * SphericalMercatorUtils.lonToSphericalMercator(lon) + pointXTranslate);
private static byte[] point(int x, int y) throws IOException {
final int[] commands = new int[3];
commands[0] = encodeCommand(MOVETO, 1);
commands[1] = BitUtil.zigZagEncode(x);
commands[2] = BitUtil.zigZagEncode(y);
return writeCommands(commands, 1, 3);
private static byte[] line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) throws IOException {
final int[] commands = new int[6];
commands[0] = encodeCommand(MOVETO, 1);
commands[1] = BitUtil.zigZagEncode(x1);
commands[2] = BitUtil.zigZagEncode(y1);
commands[3] = encodeCommand(LINETO, 1);
commands[4] = BitUtil.zigZagEncode(x2 - x1);
commands[5] = BitUtil.zigZagEncode(y2 - y1);
return writeCommands(commands, 2, 6);
private static byte[] box(int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY) throws IOException {
final int[] commands = new int[11];
commands[0] = encodeCommand(MOVETO, 1);
commands[1] = BitUtil.zigZagEncode(minX);
commands[2] = BitUtil.zigZagEncode(minY);
commands[3] = encodeCommand(LINETO, 3);
// 1
commands[4] = BitUtil.zigZagEncode(0);
commands[5] = BitUtil.zigZagEncode(maxY - minY);
// 2
commands[6] = BitUtil.zigZagEncode(maxX - minX);
commands[7] = BitUtil.zigZagEncode(0);
// 3
commands[8] = BitUtil.zigZagEncode(0);
commands[9] = BitUtil.zigZagEncode(minY - maxY);
// close
commands[10] = encodeCommand(CLOSEPATH, 1);
return writeCommands(commands, 3, 11);
private static int encodeCommand(int id, int length) {
return (id & 0x7) | (length << 3);
private static byte[] writeCommands(final int[] commands, final int type, final int length) throws IOException {
try (BytesStreamOutput output = new BytesStreamOutput()) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
final int dataSize = output.size();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
return output.copyBytes().array();