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org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.settings.SettingsUpdater Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
 * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
 * Side Public License, v 1.

package org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.settings;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ParameterizedMessage;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.util.Supplier;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.block.ClusterBlocks;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.Metadata;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.ClusterSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Tuple;

import java.util.Map;

import static org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterState.builder;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.settings.AbstractScopedSettings.ARCHIVED_SETTINGS_PREFIX;

 * Updates transient and persistent cluster state settings if there are any changes
 * due to the update.
final class SettingsUpdater {
    final Settings.Builder transientUpdates = Settings.builder();
    final Settings.Builder persistentUpdates = Settings.builder();
    private final ClusterSettings clusterSettings;

    SettingsUpdater(ClusterSettings clusterSettings) {
        this.clusterSettings = clusterSettings;

    synchronized Settings getTransientUpdates() {

    synchronized Settings getPersistentUpdate() {

    synchronized ClusterState updateSettings(
        final ClusterState currentState,
        final Settings transientToApply,
        final Settings persistentToApply,
        final Logger logger
    ) {
        boolean changed = false;

         * Our cluster state could have unknown or invalid settings that are known and valid in a previous version of Elasticsearch. We can
         * end up in this situation during a rolling upgrade where the previous version will infect the current version of Elasticsearch
         * with settings that the current version either no longer knows about or now considers to have invalid values. When the current
         * version of Elasticsearch becomes infected with a cluster state containing such settings, we need to skip validating such settings
         * and instead archive them. Consequently, for the current transient and persistent settings in the cluster state we do the
         * following:
         *  - split existing settings instance into two with the known and valid settings in one, and the unknown or invalid in another
         *    (note that existing archived settings are included in the known and valid settings)
         *  - validate the incoming settings update combined with the existing known and valid settings
         *  - merge in the archived unknown or invalid settings
        final Tuple partitionedTransientSettings = partitionKnownAndValidSettings(
        final Settings knownAndValidTransientSettings = partitionedTransientSettings.v1();
        final Settings unknownOrInvalidTransientSettings = partitionedTransientSettings.v2();
        final Settings.Builder transientSettings = Settings.builder().put(knownAndValidTransientSettings);
        changed |= clusterSettings.updateDynamicSettings(transientToApply, transientSettings, transientUpdates, "transient");

        final Tuple partitionedPersistentSettings = partitionKnownAndValidSettings(
        final Settings knownAndValidPersistentSettings = partitionedPersistentSettings.v1();
        final Settings unknownOrInvalidPersistentSettings = partitionedPersistentSettings.v2();
        final Settings.Builder persistentSettings = Settings.builder().put(knownAndValidPersistentSettings);
        changed |= clusterSettings.updateDynamicSettings(persistentToApply, persistentSettings, persistentUpdates, "persistent");

        final ClusterState clusterState;
        if (changed) {
            Settings transientFinalSettings =;
            Settings persistentFinalSettings =;
            // both transient and persistent settings must be consistent by itself we can't allow dependencies to be
            // in either of them otherwise a full cluster restart will break the settings validation
            clusterSettings.validate(transientFinalSettings, true);
            clusterSettings.validate(persistentFinalSettings, true);

            Metadata.Builder metadata = Metadata.builder(currentState.metadata())

            ClusterBlocks.Builder blocks = ClusterBlocks.builder().blocks(currentState.blocks());
            boolean updatedReadOnly = Metadata.SETTING_READ_ONLY_SETTING.get(metadata.persistentSettings())
                || Metadata.SETTING_READ_ONLY_SETTING.get(metadata.transientSettings());
            if (updatedReadOnly) {
            } else {
            boolean updatedReadOnlyAllowDelete = Metadata.SETTING_READ_ONLY_ALLOW_DELETE_SETTING.get(metadata.persistentSettings())
                || Metadata.SETTING_READ_ONLY_ALLOW_DELETE_SETTING.get(metadata.transientSettings());
            if (updatedReadOnlyAllowDelete) {
            } else {
            clusterState = builder(currentState).metadata(metadata).blocks(blocks).build();
        } else {
            clusterState = currentState;

         * Now we try to apply things and if they are invalid we fail. This dry run will validate, parse settings, and trigger deprecation
         * logging, but will not actually apply them.
        final Settings settings = clusterState.metadata().settings();

        return clusterState;

     * Partitions the settings into those that are known and valid versus those that are unknown or invalid. The resulting tuple contains
     * the known and valid settings in the first component and the unknown or invalid settings in the second component. Note that archived
     * settings contained in the settings to partition are included in the first component.
     * @param settings     the settings to partition
     * @param settingsType a string to identify the settings (for logging)
     * @param logger       a logger to sending warnings to
     * @return the partitioned settings
    private Tuple partitionKnownAndValidSettings(
        final Settings settings,
        final String settingsType,
        final Logger logger
    ) {
        final Settings existingArchivedSettings = settings.filter(k -> k.startsWith(ARCHIVED_SETTINGS_PREFIX));
        final Settings settingsExcludingExistingArchivedSettings = settings.filter(k -> k.startsWith(ARCHIVED_SETTINGS_PREFIX) == false);
        final Settings settingsWithUnknownOrInvalidArchived = clusterSettings.archiveUnknownOrInvalidSettings(
            e -> logUnknownSetting(settingsType, e, logger),
            (e, ex) -> logInvalidSetting(settingsType, e, ex, logger)
        return Tuple.tuple(
                .put(settingsWithUnknownOrInvalidArchived.filter(k -> k.startsWith(ARCHIVED_SETTINGS_PREFIX) == false))
            settingsWithUnknownOrInvalidArchived.filter(k -> k.startsWith(ARCHIVED_SETTINGS_PREFIX))

    private void logUnknownSetting(final String settingType, final Map.Entry e, final Logger logger) {
        logger.warn("ignoring existing unknown {} setting: [{}] with value [{}]; archiving", settingType, e.getKey(), e.getValue());

    private void logInvalidSetting(
        final String settingType,
        final Map.Entry e,
        final IllegalArgumentException ex,
        final Logger logger
    ) {
            (Supplier) () -> new ParameterizedMessage(
                "ignoring existing invalid {} setting: [{}] with value [{}]; archiving",


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