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org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteRequest Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
 * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
 * Side Public License, v 1.

package org.elasticsearch.action.delete;

import org.apache.lucene.util.RamUsageEstimator;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRequestValidationException;
import org.elasticsearch.action.CompositeIndicesRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.DocWriteRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.uid.Versions;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.index.VersionType;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;


import static org.elasticsearch.action.ValidateActions.addValidationError;
import static org.elasticsearch.index.seqno.SequenceNumbers.UNASSIGNED_PRIMARY_TERM;
import static org.elasticsearch.index.seqno.SequenceNumbers.UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO;

 * A request to delete a document from an index based on its type and id. Best created using
 * {@link org.elasticsearch.client.Requests#deleteRequest(String)}.

* The operation requires the {@link #index()}, {@link #type(String)} and {@link #id(String)} to * be set. * * @see DeleteResponse * @see org.elasticsearch.client.Client#delete(DeleteRequest) * @see org.elasticsearch.client.Requests#deleteRequest(String) */ public class DeleteRequest extends ReplicatedWriteRequest implements DocWriteRequest, CompositeIndicesRequest { private static final long SHALLOW_SIZE = RamUsageEstimator.shallowSizeOfInstance(DeleteRequest.class); private static final ShardId NO_SHARD_ID = null; // Set to null initially so we can know to override in bulk requests that have a default type. private String type; private String id; @Nullable private String routing; private long version = Versions.MATCH_ANY; private VersionType versionType = VersionType.INTERNAL; private long ifSeqNo = UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO; private long ifPrimaryTerm = UNASSIGNED_PRIMARY_TERM; public DeleteRequest(StreamInput in) throws IOException { this(null, in); } public DeleteRequest(@Nullable ShardId shardId, StreamInput in) throws IOException { super(shardId, in); type = in.readString(); id = in.readString(); routing = in.readOptionalString(); if (in.getVersion().before(Version.V_7_0_0)) { in.readOptionalString(); // _parent } version = in.readLong(); versionType = VersionType.fromValue(in.readByte()); if (in.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_6_6_0)) { ifSeqNo = in.readZLong(); ifPrimaryTerm = in.readVLong(); } else { ifSeqNo = UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO; ifPrimaryTerm = UNASSIGNED_PRIMARY_TERM; } } public DeleteRequest() { super(NO_SHARD_ID); } /** * Constructs a new delete request against the specified index. The {@link #type(String)} and {@link #id(String)} * must be set. */ public DeleteRequest(String index) { super(NO_SHARD_ID); this.index = index; } /** * Constructs a new delete request against the specified index with the type and id. * * @param index The index to get the document from * @param type The type of the document * @param id The id of the document * * @deprecated Types are in the process of being removed. Use {@link #DeleteRequest(String, String)} instead. */ @Deprecated public DeleteRequest(String index, String type, String id) { super(NO_SHARD_ID); this.index = index; this.type = type; = id; } /** * Constructs a new delete request against the specified index and id. * * @param index The index to get the document from * @param id The id of the document */ public DeleteRequest(String index, String id) { super(NO_SHARD_ID); this.index = index; = id; } @Override public ActionRequestValidationException validate() { ActionRequestValidationException validationException = super.validate(); if (Strings.isEmpty(type())) { validationException = addValidationError("type is missing", validationException); } if (Strings.isEmpty(id)) { validationException = addValidationError("id is missing", validationException); } validationException = DocWriteRequest.validateSeqNoBasedCASParams(this, validationException); return validationException; } /** * The type of the document to delete. * * @deprecated Types are in the process of being removed. */ @Deprecated @Override public String type() { if (type == null) { return MapperService.SINGLE_MAPPING_NAME; } return type; } /** * Sets the type of the document to delete. * * @deprecated Types are in the process of being removed. */ @Deprecated @Override public DeleteRequest type(String type) { this.type = type; return this; } /** * Set the default type supplied to a bulk * request if this individual request's type is null * or empty * * @deprecated Types are in the process of being removed. */ @Deprecated @Override public DeleteRequest defaultTypeIfNull(String defaultType) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(type)) { type = defaultType; } return this; } /** * The id of the document to delete. */ @Override public String id() { return id; } /** * Sets the id of the document to delete. */ public DeleteRequest id(String id) { = id; return this; } /** * Controls the shard routing of the request. Using this value to hash the shard * and not the id. */ @Override public DeleteRequest routing(String routing) { if (routing != null && routing.length() == 0) { this.routing = null; } else { this.routing = routing; } return this; } /** * Controls the shard routing of the delete request. Using this value to hash the shard * and not the id. */ @Override public String routing() { return this.routing; } @Override public DeleteRequest version(long version) { this.version = version; return this; } @Override public long version() { return this.version; } @Override public DeleteRequest versionType(VersionType versionType) { this.versionType = versionType; return this; } /** * If set, only perform this delete request if the document was last modification was assigned this sequence number. * If the document last modification was assigned a different sequence number a * {@link org.elasticsearch.index.engine.VersionConflictEngineException} will be thrown. */ public long ifSeqNo() { return ifSeqNo; } /** * If set, only perform this delete request if the document was last modification was assigned this primary term. * * If the document last modification was assigned a different term a * {@link org.elasticsearch.index.engine.VersionConflictEngineException} will be thrown. */ public long ifPrimaryTerm() { return ifPrimaryTerm; } /** * only perform this delete request if the document was last modification was assigned the given * sequence number. Must be used in combination with {@link #setIfPrimaryTerm(long)} * * If the document last modification was assigned a different sequence number a * {@link org.elasticsearch.index.engine.VersionConflictEngineException} will be thrown. */ public DeleteRequest setIfSeqNo(long seqNo) { if (seqNo < 0 && seqNo != UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("sequence numbers must be non negative. got [" + seqNo + "]."); } ifSeqNo = seqNo; return this; } /** * only perform this delete request if the document was last modification was assigned the given * primary term. Must be used in combination with {@link #setIfSeqNo(long)} * * If the document last modification was assigned a different primary term a * {@link org.elasticsearch.index.engine.VersionConflictEngineException} will be thrown. */ public DeleteRequest setIfPrimaryTerm(long term) { if (term < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("primary term must be non negative. got [" + term + "]"); } ifPrimaryTerm = term; return this; } @Override public VersionType versionType() { return this.versionType; } @Override public OpType opType() { return OpType.DELETE; } @Override public boolean isRequireAlias() { return false; } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); writeBody(out); } @Override public void writeThin(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeThin(out); writeBody(out); } private void writeBody(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { // A 7.x request allows null types but if deserialized in a 6.x node will cause nullpointer exceptions. // So we use the type accessor method here to make the type non-null (will default it to "_doc"). out.writeString(type()); out.writeString(id); out.writeOptionalString(routing()); if (out.getVersion().before(Version.V_7_0_0)) { out.writeOptionalString(null); // _parent } out.writeLong(version); out.writeByte(versionType.getValue()); if (out.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_6_6_0)) { out.writeZLong(ifSeqNo); out.writeVLong(ifPrimaryTerm); } else if (ifSeqNo != UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO || ifPrimaryTerm != UNASSIGNED_PRIMARY_TERM) { assert false : "setIfMatch [" + ifSeqNo + "], currentDocTem [" + ifPrimaryTerm + "]"; throw new IllegalStateException( "sequence number based compare and write is not supported until all nodes are on version 7.0 or higher. " + "Stream version [" + out.getVersion() + "]" ); } } @Override public String toString() { return "delete {[" + index + "][" + type() + "][" + id + "]}"; } @Override public long ramBytesUsed() { return SHALLOW_SIZE + RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(id); } }

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