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org.elasticsearch.common.logging.ESJsonLayout Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
 * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
 * Side Public License, v 1.

package org.elasticsearch.common.logging;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Layout;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LogEvent;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Node;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.Plugin;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginAttribute;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginBuilderFactory;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginFactory;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout.AbstractStringLayout;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout.ByteBufferDestination;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout.PatternLayout;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * Formats log events as strings in a json format.

* The class is wrapping the {@link PatternLayout} with a pattern to format into json. This gives more flexibility and control over how the * log messages are formatted in {@link org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout.JsonLayout} * There are fields which are always present in the log line: *

  • type - the type of logs. These represent appenders and help docker distinguish log streams.
  • *
  • timestamp - ISO8601 with additional timezone ID
  • *
  • level - INFO, WARN etc
  • *
  • component - logger name, most of the times class name
  • *
  • - taken from sys:es.logs.cluster_name system property because it is always set
  • *
  • - taken from NodeNamePatternConverter, as it can be set in runtime as hostname when not set in elasticsearch.yml
  • *
  • node_and_cluster_id - in json as and cluster.uuid - taken from NodeAndClusterIdConverter and present * once clusterStateUpdate is first received
  • *
  • message - a json escaped message. Multiline messages will be converted to single line with new line explicitly * replaced to \n
  • *
  • exceptionAsJson - in json as a stacktrace field. Only present when throwable is passed as a parameter when using a logger. * Taken from JsonThrowablePatternConverter
  • *

* It is possible to add more or override them with esmessagefield * appender.logger.layout.esmessagefields=message,took,took_millis,total_hits,types,stats,search_type,total_shards,source,id * Each of these will be expanded into a json field with a value taken {@link ESLogMessage} field. In the example above * ... "message": %ESMessageField{message}, "took": %ESMessageField{took} ... * the message passed to a logger will be overriden with a value from %ESMessageField{message} *

* The value taken from %ESMessageField{message} has to be a simple escaped JSON value and is populated in subclasses of * ESLogMessage */ @Plugin(name = "ESJsonLayout", category = Node.CATEGORY, elementType = Layout.ELEMENT_TYPE, printObject = true) public class ESJsonLayout extends AbstractStringLayout { private final PatternLayout patternLayout; protected ESJsonLayout(String typeName, Charset charset, String[] esmessagefields) { super(charset); this.patternLayout = PatternLayout.newBuilder() .withPattern(pattern(typeName, esmessagefields)) .withAlwaysWriteExceptions(false) .build(); } private String pattern(String type, String[] esMessageFields) { if (Strings.isEmpty(type)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("layout parameter 'type_name' cannot be empty"); } Map map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); map.put("type", inQuotes(type)); map.put("timestamp", inQuotes("%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss,SSSZZ}")); map.put("level", inQuotes("%p")); map.put("component", inQuotes("%c{1.}")); map.put("", inQuotes("${sys:es.logs.cluster_name}")); map.put("", inQuotes("%node_name")); map.put("message", inQuotes("%notEmpty{%enc{%marker}{JSON} }%enc{%.-10000m}{JSON}")); for (String key : esMessageFields) { map.put(key, inQuotes("%ESMessageField{" + key + "}")); } return createPattern(map, Stream.of(esMessageFields).collect(Collectors.toSet())); } private String createPattern(Map map, Set esMessageFields) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); String separator = ""; for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { if (esMessageFields.contains(entry.getKey())) { sb.append("%notEmpty{"); sb.append(separator); appendField(sb, entry); sb.append("}"); } else { sb.append(separator); appendField(sb, entry); } separator = ", "; } sb.append(notEmpty(", %node_and_cluster_id ")); sb.append(notEmpty(", \"\": \"%trace_id\" ")); sb.append("%exceptionAsJson "); sb.append("}"); sb.append(System.lineSeparator()); return sb.toString(); } private void appendField(StringBuilder sb, Map.Entry entry) { sb.append(jsonKey(entry.getKey())); sb.append(entry.getValue().toString()); } private String notEmpty(String value) { return "%notEmpty{" + value + "}"; } private CharSequence jsonKey(String s) { return inQuotes(s) + ": "; } private String inQuotes(String s) { return "\"" + s + "\""; } @PluginFactory public static ESJsonLayout createLayout(String type, Charset charset, String[] esmessagefields) { return new ESJsonLayout(type, charset, esmessagefields); } PatternLayout getPatternLayout() { return patternLayout; } public static class Builder> extends AbstractStringLayout.Builder implements org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.Builder { @PluginAttribute("type_name") String type; @PluginAttribute(value = "charset", defaultString = "UTF-8") Charset charset; @PluginAttribute("esmessagefields") private String esMessageFields; public Builder() { setCharset(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } @Override public ESJsonLayout build() { String[] split = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(esMessageFields) ? new String[] {} : esMessageFields.split(","); return ESJsonLayout.createLayout(type, charset, split); } public Charset getCharset() { return charset; } public B setCharset(final Charset charset) { this.charset = charset; return asBuilder(); } public String getType() { return type; } public B setType(final String type) { this.type = type; return asBuilder(); } public String getESMessageFields() { return esMessageFields; } public B setESMessageFields(String esmessagefields) { this.esMessageFields = esmessagefields; return asBuilder(); } } @PluginBuilderFactory public static > B newBuilder() { return new ESJsonLayout.Builder().asBuilder(); } @Override public String toSerializable(final LogEvent event) { return patternLayout.toSerializable(event); } @Override public Map getContentFormat() { return patternLayout.getContentFormat(); } @Override public void encode(final LogEvent event, final ByteBufferDestination destination) { patternLayout.encode(event, destination); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("ESJsonLayout{"); sb.append("patternLayout=").append(patternLayout); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } }