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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
 * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
 * Side Public License, v 1.

import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.script.ScriptService;
import org.elasticsearch.tasks.TaskCancelledException;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.XContentBuilder;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.IntConsumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

 * An internal implementation of {@link Aggregation}. Serves as a base class for all aggregation implementations.
public abstract class InternalAggregation implements Aggregation, NamedWriteable {
     * Builds {@link ReduceContext}.
    public interface ReduceContextBuilder {
         * Build a {@linkplain ReduceContext} to perform a partial reduction.
        ReduceContext forPartialReduction();

         * Build a {@linkplain ReduceContext} to perform the final reduction.
        ReduceContext forFinalReduction();

    public static class ReduceContext {
        private final BigArrays bigArrays;
        private final ScriptService scriptService;
        private final IntConsumer multiBucketConsumer;
        private final PipelineTree pipelineTreeRoot;
        private final Supplier isCanceled;
         * Supplies the pipelines when the result of the reduce is serialized
         * to node versions that need pipeline aggregators to be serialized
         * to them.
        private final Supplier pipelineTreeForBwcSerialization;

         * Build a {@linkplain ReduceContext} to perform a partial reduction.
        public static ReduceContext forPartialReduction(
            BigArrays bigArrays,
            ScriptService scriptService,
            Supplier pipelineTreeForBwcSerialization,
            Supplier isCanceled
        ) {
            return new ReduceContext(bigArrays, scriptService, (s) -> {}, null, pipelineTreeForBwcSerialization, isCanceled);

         * Build a {@linkplain ReduceContext} to perform the final reduction.
         * @param pipelineTreeRoot The root of tree of pipeline aggregations for this request
        public static ReduceContext forFinalReduction(
            BigArrays bigArrays,
            ScriptService scriptService,
            IntConsumer multiBucketConsumer,
            PipelineTree pipelineTreeRoot,
            Supplier isCanceled
        ) {
            return new ReduceContext(
                requireNonNull(pipelineTreeRoot, "prefer EMPTY to null"),
                () -> pipelineTreeRoot,

        private ReduceContext(
            BigArrays bigArrays,
            ScriptService scriptService,
            IntConsumer multiBucketConsumer,
            PipelineTree pipelineTreeRoot,
            Supplier pipelineTreeForBwcSerialization,
            Supplier isCanceled
        ) {
            this.bigArrays = bigArrays;
            this.scriptService = scriptService;
            this.multiBucketConsumer = multiBucketConsumer;
            this.pipelineTreeRoot = pipelineTreeRoot;
            this.pipelineTreeForBwcSerialization = pipelineTreeForBwcSerialization;
            this.isCanceled = isCanceled;

         * Returns true iff the current reduce phase is the final reduce phase. This indicates if operations like
         * pipeline aggregations should be applied or if specific features like {@code minDocCount} should be taken into account.
         * Operations that are potentially losing information can only be applied during the final reduce phase.
        public boolean isFinalReduce() {
            return pipelineTreeRoot != null;

        public BigArrays bigArrays() {
            return bigArrays;

        public ScriptService scriptService() {
            return scriptService;

         * The root of the tree of pipeline aggregations for this request.
        public PipelineTree pipelineTreeRoot() {
            return pipelineTreeRoot;

         * Supplies the pipelines when the result of the reduce is serialized
         * to node versions that need pipeline aggregators to be serialized
         * to them.
        public Supplier pipelineTreeForBwcSerialization() {
            return pipelineTreeForBwcSerialization;

         * Adds {@code count} buckets to the global count for the request and fails if this number is greater than
         * the maximum number of buckets allowed in a response
        public void consumeBucketsAndMaybeBreak(int size) {
            // This is a volatile read.
            if (isCanceled.get()) {
                throw new TaskCancelledException("Cancelled");

        public Supplier isCanceled() {
            return isCanceled;

    protected final String name;

    protected final Map metadata;

    private List pipelineAggregatorsForBwcSerialization;

     * Constructs an aggregation result with a given name.
     * @param name The name of the aggregation.
    protected InternalAggregation(String name, Map metadata) { = name;
        this.metadata = metadata;

     * Merge a {@linkplain PipelineAggregator.PipelineTree} into this
     * aggregation result tree before serializing to a node older than
     * 7.8.0.
    public final void mergePipelineTreeForBWCSerialization(PipelineAggregator.PipelineTree pipelineTree) {
        if (pipelineAggregatorsForBwcSerialization != null) {
             * This method is called once per level on the results but only
             * has useful pipeline aggregations on the top level. Every level
             * below the top will always be empty. So if we've already been
             * called we should bail. This is pretty messy but it is the kind
             * of weird thing we have to do to deal with bwc serialization....
        pipelineAggregatorsForBwcSerialization = pipelineTree.aggregators();
        forEachBucket(bucketAggs -> bucketAggs.mergePipelineTreeForBWCSerialization(pipelineTree));

     * Read from a stream.
    protected InternalAggregation(StreamInput in) throws IOException {
        name = in.readString();
        metadata = in.readMap();
        if (in.getVersion().before(Version.V_7_8_0)) {

    public final void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException {
        if (out.getVersion().before(Version.V_7_8_0)) {
            assert pipelineAggregatorsForBwcSerialization != null
                : "serializing to pre-7.8.0 versions should have called mergePipelineTreeForBWCSerialization";

    protected abstract void doWriteTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

     * Rewrite the sub-aggregations in the buckets in this aggregation.
     * Returns a copy of this {@linkplain InternalAggregation} with the
     * rewritten buckets, or, if there aren't any modifications to
     * the buckets then this method will return this aggregation. Either
     * way, it doesn't modify this aggregation.

* Implementers of this should call the {@code rewriter} once per bucket * with its {@linkplain InternalAggregations}. The {@code rewriter} * should return {@code null} if it doen't have any rewriting to do or * it should return a new {@linkplain InternalAggregations} to make * changs. *

* The default implementation throws an exception because most * aggregations don't have buckets in them. It * should be overridden by aggregations that contain buckets. Implementers * should respect the description above. */ public InternalAggregation copyWithRewritenBuckets(Function rewriter) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Aggregation [" + getName() + "] must be a bucket aggregation but was [" + getWriteableName() + "]" ); } /** * Run a {@linkplain Consumer} over all buckets in this aggregation. */ public void forEachBucket(Consumer consumer) {} /** * Creates the output from all pipeline aggs that this aggregation is associated with. Should only * be called after all aggregations have been fully reduced */ public InternalAggregation reducePipelines( InternalAggregation reducedAggs, ReduceContext reduceContext, PipelineTree pipelinesForThisAgg ) { assert reduceContext.isFinalReduce(); for (PipelineAggregator pipelineAggregator : pipelinesForThisAgg.aggregators()) { reducedAggs = pipelineAggregator.reduce(reducedAggs, reduceContext); } return reducedAggs; } /** * Reduces the given aggregations to a single one and returns it. In most cases, the assumption will be the all given * aggregations are of the same type (the same type as this aggregation). For best efficiency, when implementing, * try reusing an existing instance (typically the first in the given list) to save on redundant object * construction. * * @see #mustReduceOnSingleInternalAgg() */ public abstract InternalAggregation reduce(List aggregations, ReduceContext reduceContext); /** * Signal the framework if the {@linkplain InternalAggregation#reduce(List, ReduceContext)} phase needs to be called * when there is only one {@linkplain InternalAggregation}. */ protected abstract boolean mustReduceOnSingleInternalAgg(); /** * Return true if this aggregation is mapped, and can lead a reduction. If this agg returns * false, it should return itself if asked to lead a reduction */ public boolean isMapped() { return true; } /** * Get the value of specified path in the aggregation. * * @param path * the path to the property in the aggregation tree * @return the value of the property */ public Object getProperty(String path) { AggregationPath aggPath = AggregationPath.parse(path); return getProperty(aggPath.getPathElementsAsStringList()); } public abstract Object getProperty(List path); /** * Read a size under the assumption that a value of 0 means unlimited. */ protected static int readSize(StreamInput in) throws IOException { final int size = in.readVInt(); return size == 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : size; } /** * Write a size under the assumption that a value of 0 means unlimited. */ protected static void writeSize(int size, StreamOutput out) throws IOException { if (size == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { size = 0; } out.writeVInt(size); } @Override public Map getMetadata() { return metadata; } /** * The {@linkplain PipelineAggregator}s sent to older versions of Elasticsearch. * @deprecated only use these for serializing to older Elasticsearch versions */ @Deprecated public List pipelineAggregatorsForBwcSerialization() { return pipelineAggregatorsForBwcSerialization; } @Override public String getType() { return getWriteableName(); } @Override public final XContentBuilder toXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException { if (params.paramAsBoolean(RestSearchAction.TYPED_KEYS_PARAM, false)) { // Concatenates the type and the name of the aggregation (ex: top_hits#foo) builder.startObject(String.join(TYPED_KEYS_DELIMITER, getType(), getName())); } else { builder.startObject(getName()); } if (this.metadata != null) { builder.field(CommonFields.META.getPreferredName());; } doXContentBody(builder, params); builder.endObject(); return builder; } public abstract XContentBuilder doXContentBody(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException; @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(name, metadata); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } if (obj == this) { return true; } InternalAggregation other = (InternalAggregation) obj; return Objects.equals(name, && Objects.equals(metadata, other.metadata); } @Override public String toString() { return Strings.toString(this); } /** * Get value to use when sorting by this aggregation. */ public double sortValue(String key) { // subclasses will override this with a real implementation if they can be sorted throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't sort a [" + getType() + "] aggregation [" + getName() + "]"); } /** * Get value to use when sorting by a descendant of this aggregation. */ public double sortValue(AggregationPath.PathElement head, Iterator tail) { // subclasses will override this with a real implementation if you can sort on a descendant throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't sort by a descendant of a [" + getType() + "] aggregation [" + head + "]"); } }

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