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org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Elasticsearch - Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
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* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.common.util;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.RamUsageEstimator;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.breaker.CircuitBreaker;
import org.elasticsearch.common.breaker.CircuitBreakingException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.recycler.Recycler;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.breaker.CircuitBreakerService;
import java.util.Arrays;
/** Utility class to work with arrays. */
public class BigArrays {
public static final BigArrays NON_RECYCLING_INSTANCE = new BigArrays(null, null, CircuitBreaker.REQUEST);
/** Returns the next size to grow when working with parallel arrays that
* may have different page sizes or number of bytes per element. */
public static long overSize(long minTargetSize) {
return overSize(minTargetSize, PageCacheRecycler.PAGE_SIZE_IN_BYTES / 8, 1);
/** Return the next size to grow to that is >= minTargetSize
* Inspired from {@link ArrayUtil#oversize(int, int)} and adapted to play nicely with paging. */
public static long overSize(long minTargetSize, int pageSize, int bytesPerElement) {
if (minTargetSize < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("minTargetSize must be >= 0");
if (pageSize < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("pageSize must be > 0");
if (bytesPerElement <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bytesPerElement must be > 0");
long newSize;
if (minTargetSize < pageSize) {
newSize = ArrayUtil.oversize((int)minTargetSize, bytesPerElement);
} else {
newSize = minTargetSize + (minTargetSize >>> 3);
if (newSize > pageSize) {
// round to a multiple of pageSize
newSize = newSize - (newSize % pageSize) + pageSize;
assert newSize % pageSize == 0;
return newSize;
static boolean indexIsInt(long index) {
return index == (int) index;
private abstract static class AbstractArrayWrapper extends AbstractArray implements BigArray {
static final long SHALLOW_SIZE = RamUsageEstimator.shallowSizeOfInstance(ByteArrayWrapper.class);
private final Releasable releasable;
private final long size;
AbstractArrayWrapper(BigArrays bigArrays, long size, Releasable releasable, boolean clearOnResize) {
super(bigArrays, clearOnResize);
this.releasable = releasable;
this.size = size;
public final long size() {
return size;
protected final void doClose() {
private static class ByteArrayWrapper extends AbstractArrayWrapper implements ByteArray {
private final byte[] array;
ByteArrayWrapper(BigArrays bigArrays, byte[] array, long size, Recycler.V releasable, boolean clearOnResize) {
super(bigArrays, size, releasable, clearOnResize);
this.array = array;
public long ramBytesUsed() {
return SHALLOW_SIZE + RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(array);
public byte get(long index) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
return array[(int) index];
public byte set(long index, byte value) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
final byte ret = array[(int) index];
array[(int) index] = value;
return ret;
public boolean get(long index, int len, BytesRef ref) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
ref.bytes = array;
ref.offset = (int) index;
ref.length = len;
return false;
public void set(long index, byte[] buf, int offset, int len) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
System.arraycopy(buf, offset, array, (int) index, len);
public void fill(long fromIndex, long toIndex, byte value) {
assert indexIsInt(fromIndex);
assert indexIsInt(toIndex);
Arrays.fill(array, (int) fromIndex, (int) toIndex, value);
private static class IntArrayWrapper extends AbstractArrayWrapper implements IntArray {
private final int[] array;
IntArrayWrapper(BigArrays bigArrays, int[] array, long size, Recycler.V releasable, boolean clearOnResize) {
super(bigArrays, size, releasable, clearOnResize);
this.array = array;
public long ramBytesUsed() {
return SHALLOW_SIZE + RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(array);
public int get(long index) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
return array[(int) index];
public int set(long index, int value) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
final int ret = array[(int) index];
array[(int) index] = value;
return ret;
public int increment(long index, int inc) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
return array[(int) index] += inc;
public void fill(long fromIndex, long toIndex, int value) {
assert indexIsInt(fromIndex);
assert indexIsInt(toIndex);
Arrays.fill(array, (int) fromIndex, (int) toIndex, value);
private static class LongArrayWrapper extends AbstractArrayWrapper implements LongArray {
private final long[] array;
LongArrayWrapper(BigArrays bigArrays, long[] array, long size, Recycler.V releasable, boolean clearOnResize) {
super(bigArrays, size, releasable, clearOnResize);
this.array = array;
public long ramBytesUsed() {
return SHALLOW_SIZE + RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(array);
public long get(long index) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
return array[(int) index];
public long set(long index, long value) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
final long ret = array[(int) index];
array[(int) index] = value;
return ret;
public long increment(long index, long inc) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
return array[(int) index] += inc;
public void fill(long fromIndex, long toIndex, long value) {
assert indexIsInt(fromIndex);
assert indexIsInt(toIndex);
Arrays.fill(array, (int) fromIndex, (int) toIndex, value);
private static class DoubleArrayWrapper extends AbstractArrayWrapper implements DoubleArray {
private final long[] array;
DoubleArrayWrapper(BigArrays bigArrays, long[] array, long size, Recycler.V releasable, boolean clearOnResize) {
super(bigArrays, size, releasable, clearOnResize);
this.array = array;
public long ramBytesUsed() {
return SHALLOW_SIZE + RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(array);
public double get(long index) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
return Double.longBitsToDouble(array[(int) index]);
public double set(long index, double value) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
double ret = Double.longBitsToDouble(array[(int) index]);
array[(int) index] = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value);
return ret;
public double increment(long index, double inc) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
return array[(int) index] = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(Double.longBitsToDouble(array[(int) index]) + inc);
public void fill(long fromIndex, long toIndex, double value) {
assert indexIsInt(fromIndex);
assert indexIsInt(toIndex);
Arrays.fill(array, (int) fromIndex, (int) toIndex, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value));
private static class FloatArrayWrapper extends AbstractArrayWrapper implements FloatArray {
private final int[] array;
FloatArrayWrapper(BigArrays bigArrays, int[] array, long size, Recycler.V releasable, boolean clearOnResize) {
super(bigArrays, size, releasable, clearOnResize);
this.array = array;
public long ramBytesUsed() {
return SHALLOW_SIZE + RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(array);
public float get(long index) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
return Float.intBitsToFloat(array[(int) index]);
public float set(long index, float value) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
float ret = Float.intBitsToFloat(array[(int) index]);
array[(int) index] = Float.floatToRawIntBits(value);
return ret;
public float increment(long index, float inc) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
return array[(int) index] = Float.floatToRawIntBits(Float.intBitsToFloat(array[(int) index]) + inc);
public void fill(long fromIndex, long toIndex, float value) {
assert indexIsInt(fromIndex);
assert indexIsInt(toIndex);
Arrays.fill(array, (int) fromIndex, (int) toIndex, Float.floatToRawIntBits(value));
private static class ObjectArrayWrapper extends AbstractArrayWrapper implements ObjectArray {
private final Object[] array;
ObjectArrayWrapper(BigArrays bigArrays, Object[] array, long size, Recycler.V releasable) {
super(bigArrays, size, releasable, true);
this.array = array;
public long ramBytesUsed() {
return SHALLOW_SIZE + RamUsageEstimator.alignObjectSize(RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER +
RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF * size());
public T get(long index) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
return (T) array[(int) index];
public T set(long index, T value) {
assert indexIsInt(index);
T ret = (T) array[(int) index];
array[(int) index] = value;
return ret;
final PageCacheRecycler recycler;
private final CircuitBreakerService breakerService;
private final boolean checkBreaker;
private final BigArrays circuitBreakingInstance;
private final String breakerName;
public BigArrays(PageCacheRecycler recycler, @Nullable final CircuitBreakerService breakerService, String breakerName) {
// Checking the breaker is disabled if not specified
this(recycler, breakerService, breakerName, false);
protected BigArrays(PageCacheRecycler recycler, @Nullable final CircuitBreakerService breakerService, String breakerName,
boolean checkBreaker) {
this.checkBreaker = checkBreaker;
this.recycler = recycler;
this.breakerService = breakerService;
this.breakerName = breakerName;
if (checkBreaker) {
this.circuitBreakingInstance = this;
} else {
this.circuitBreakingInstance = new BigArrays(recycler, breakerService, breakerName, true);
* Adjust the circuit breaker with the given delta, if the delta is
* negative, or checkBreaker is false, the breaker will be adjusted
* without tripping. If the data was already created before calling
* this method, and the breaker trips, we add the delta without breaking
* to account for the created data. If the data has not been created yet,
* we do not add the delta to the breaker if it trips.
void adjustBreaker(final long delta, final boolean isDataAlreadyCreated) {
if (this.breakerService != null) {
CircuitBreaker breaker = this.breakerService.getBreaker(breakerName);
if (this.checkBreaker) {
// checking breaker means potentially tripping, but it doesn't
// have to if the delta is negative
if (delta > 0) {
try {
breaker.addEstimateBytesAndMaybeBreak(delta, "");
} catch (CircuitBreakingException e) {
if (isDataAlreadyCreated) {
// since we've already created the data, we need to
// add it so closing the stream re-adjusts properly
// re-throw the original exception
throw e;
} else {
} else {
// even if we are not checking the breaker, we need to adjust
// its' totals, so add without breaking
* Return an instance of this BigArrays class with circuit breaking
* explicitly enabled, instead of only accounting enabled
public BigArrays withCircuitBreaking() {
return this.circuitBreakingInstance;
public CircuitBreakerService breakerService() {
return this.circuitBreakingInstance.breakerService;
private T resizeInPlace(T array, long newSize) {
final long oldMemSize = array.ramBytesUsed();
final long oldSize = array.size();
assert oldMemSize == array.ramBytesEstimated(oldSize) :
"ram bytes used should equal that which was previously estimated: ramBytesUsed=" +
oldMemSize + ", ramBytesEstimated=" + array.ramBytesEstimated(oldSize);
final long estimatedIncreaseInBytes = array.ramBytesEstimated(newSize) - oldMemSize;
adjustBreaker(estimatedIncreaseInBytes, false);
return array;
private T validate(T array) {
boolean success = false;
try {
adjustBreaker(array.ramBytesUsed(), true);
success = true;
} finally {
if (!success) {
return array;
* Allocate a new {@link ByteArray}.
* @param size the initial length of the array
* @param clearOnResize whether values should be set to 0 on initialization and resize
public ByteArray newByteArray(long size, boolean clearOnResize) {
if (size > PageCacheRecycler.BYTE_PAGE_SIZE) {
// when allocating big arrays, we want to first ensure we have the capacity by
// checking with the circuit breaker before attempting to allocate
adjustBreaker(BigByteArray.estimateRamBytes(size), false);
return new BigByteArray(size, this, clearOnResize);
} else if (size >= PageCacheRecycler.BYTE_PAGE_SIZE / 2 && recycler != null) {
final Recycler.V page = recycler.bytePage(clearOnResize);
return validate(new ByteArrayWrapper(this, page.v(), size, page, clearOnResize));
} else {
return validate(new ByteArrayWrapper(this, new byte[(int) size], size, null, clearOnResize));
* Allocate a new {@link ByteArray} initialized with zeros.
* @param size the initial length of the array
public ByteArray newByteArray(long size) {
return newByteArray(size, true);
/** Resize the array to the exact provided size. */
public ByteArray resize(ByteArray array, long size) {
if (array instanceof BigByteArray) {
return resizeInPlace((BigByteArray) array, size);
} else {
AbstractArray arr = (AbstractArray) array;
final ByteArray newArray = newByteArray(size, arr.clearOnResize);
final byte[] rawArray = ((ByteArrayWrapper) array).array;
newArray.set(0, rawArray, 0, (int) Math.min(rawArray.length, newArray.size()));
return newArray;
/** Grow an array to a size that is larger than minSize
* preserving content, and potentially reusing part of the provided array. */
public ByteArray grow(ByteArray array, long minSize) {
if (minSize <= array.size()) {
return array;
final long newSize = overSize(minSize, PageCacheRecycler.BYTE_PAGE_SIZE, 1);
return resize(array, newSize);
/** @see Arrays#hashCode(byte[]) */
public int hashCode(ByteArray array) {
if (array == null) {
return 0;
int hash = 1;
for (long i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
hash = 31 * hash + array.get(i);
return hash;
/** @see Arrays#equals(byte[], byte[]) */
public boolean equals(ByteArray array, ByteArray other) {
if (array == other) {
return true;
if (array.size() != other.size()) {
return false;
for (long i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
if (array.get(i) != other.get(i)) {
return false;
return true;
* Allocate a new {@link IntArray}.
* @param size the initial length of the array
* @param clearOnResize whether values should be set to 0 on initialization and resize
public IntArray newIntArray(long size, boolean clearOnResize) {
if (size > PageCacheRecycler.INT_PAGE_SIZE) {
// when allocating big arrays, we want to first ensure we have the capacity by
// checking with the circuit breaker before attempting to allocate
adjustBreaker(BigIntArray.estimateRamBytes(size), false);
return new BigIntArray(size, this, clearOnResize);
} else if (size >= PageCacheRecycler.INT_PAGE_SIZE / 2 && recycler != null) {
final Recycler.V page = recycler.intPage(clearOnResize);
return validate(new IntArrayWrapper(this, page.v(), size, page, clearOnResize));
} else {
return validate(new IntArrayWrapper(this, new int[(int) size], size, null, clearOnResize));
* Allocate a new {@link IntArray}.
* @param size the initial length of the array
public IntArray newIntArray(long size) {
return newIntArray(size, true);
/** Resize the array to the exact provided size. */
public IntArray resize(IntArray array, long size) {
if (array instanceof BigIntArray) {
return resizeInPlace((BigIntArray) array, size);
} else {
AbstractArray arr = (AbstractArray) array;
final IntArray newArray = newIntArray(size, arr.clearOnResize);
for (long i = 0, end = Math.min(size, array.size()); i < end; ++i) {
newArray.set(i, array.get(i));
return newArray;
/** Grow an array to a size that is larger than minSize
* preserving content, and potentially reusing part of the provided array. */
public IntArray grow(IntArray array, long minSize) {
if (minSize <= array.size()) {
return array;
final long newSize = overSize(minSize, PageCacheRecycler.INT_PAGE_SIZE, Integer.BYTES);
return resize(array, newSize);
* Allocate a new {@link LongArray}.
* @param size the initial length of the array
* @param clearOnResize whether values should be set to 0 on initialization and resize
public LongArray newLongArray(long size, boolean clearOnResize) {
if (size > PageCacheRecycler.LONG_PAGE_SIZE) {
// when allocating big arrays, we want to first ensure we have the capacity by
// checking with the circuit breaker before attempting to allocate
adjustBreaker(BigLongArray.estimateRamBytes(size), false);
return new BigLongArray(size, this, clearOnResize);
} else if (size >= PageCacheRecycler.LONG_PAGE_SIZE / 2 && recycler != null) {
final Recycler.V page = recycler.longPage(clearOnResize);
return validate(new LongArrayWrapper(this, page.v(), size, page, clearOnResize));
} else {
return validate(new LongArrayWrapper(this, new long[(int) size], size, null, clearOnResize));
* Allocate a new {@link LongArray}.
* @param size the initial length of the array
public LongArray newLongArray(long size) {
return newLongArray(size, true);
/** Resize the array to the exact provided size. */
public LongArray resize(LongArray array, long size) {
if (array instanceof BigLongArray) {
return resizeInPlace((BigLongArray) array, size);
} else {
AbstractArray arr = (AbstractArray) array;
final LongArray newArray = newLongArray(size, arr.clearOnResize);
for (long i = 0, end = Math.min(size, array.size()); i < end; ++i) {
newArray.set(i, array.get(i));
return newArray;
/** Grow an array to a size that is larger than minSize
* preserving content, and potentially reusing part of the provided array. */
public LongArray grow(LongArray array, long minSize) {
if (minSize <= array.size()) {
return array;
final long newSize = overSize(minSize, PageCacheRecycler.LONG_PAGE_SIZE, Long.BYTES);
return resize(array, newSize);
* Allocate a new {@link DoubleArray}.
* @param size the initial length of the array
* @param clearOnResize whether values should be set to 0 on initialization and resize
public DoubleArray newDoubleArray(long size, boolean clearOnResize) {
if (size > PageCacheRecycler.LONG_PAGE_SIZE) {
// when allocating big arrays, we want to first ensure we have the capacity by
// checking with the circuit breaker before attempting to allocate
adjustBreaker(BigDoubleArray.estimateRamBytes(size), false);
return new BigDoubleArray(size, this, clearOnResize);
} else if (size >= PageCacheRecycler.LONG_PAGE_SIZE / 2 && recycler != null) {
final Recycler.V page = recycler.longPage(clearOnResize);
return validate(new DoubleArrayWrapper(this, page.v(), size, page, clearOnResize));
} else {
return validate(new DoubleArrayWrapper(this, new long[(int) size], size, null, clearOnResize));
/** Allocate a new {@link DoubleArray} of the given capacity. */
public DoubleArray newDoubleArray(long size) {
return newDoubleArray(size, true);
/** Resize the array to the exact provided size. */
public DoubleArray resize(DoubleArray array, long size) {
if (array instanceof BigDoubleArray) {
return resizeInPlace((BigDoubleArray) array, size);
} else {
AbstractArray arr = (AbstractArray) array;
final DoubleArray newArray = newDoubleArray(size, arr.clearOnResize);
for (long i = 0, end = Math.min(size, array.size()); i < end; ++i) {
newArray.set(i, array.get(i));
return newArray;
/** Grow an array to a size that is larger than minSize
* preserving content, and potentially reusing part of the provided array. */
public DoubleArray grow(DoubleArray array, long minSize) {
if (minSize <= array.size()) {
return array;
final long newSize = overSize(minSize, PageCacheRecycler.LONG_PAGE_SIZE, Long.BYTES);
return resize(array, newSize);
* Allocate a new {@link FloatArray}.
* @param size the initial length of the array
* @param clearOnResize whether values should be set to 0 on initialization and resize
public FloatArray newFloatArray(long size, boolean clearOnResize) {
if (size > PageCacheRecycler.INT_PAGE_SIZE) {
// when allocating big arrays, we want to first ensure we have the capacity by
// checking with the circuit breaker before attempting to allocate
adjustBreaker(BigFloatArray.estimateRamBytes(size), false);
return new BigFloatArray(size, this, clearOnResize);
} else if (size >= PageCacheRecycler.INT_PAGE_SIZE / 2 && recycler != null) {
final Recycler.V page = recycler.intPage(clearOnResize);
return validate(new FloatArrayWrapper(this, page.v(), size, page, clearOnResize));
} else {
return validate(new FloatArrayWrapper(this, new int[(int) size], size, null, clearOnResize));
/** Allocate a new {@link FloatArray} of the given capacity. */
public FloatArray newFloatArray(long size) {
return newFloatArray(size, true);
/** Resize the array to the exact provided size. */
public FloatArray resize(FloatArray array, long size) {
if (array instanceof BigFloatArray) {
return resizeInPlace((BigFloatArray) array, size);
} else {
AbstractArray arr = (AbstractArray) array;
final FloatArray newArray = newFloatArray(size, arr.clearOnResize);
for (long i = 0, end = Math.min(size, array.size()); i < end; ++i) {
newArray.set(i, array.get(i));
return newArray;
/** Grow an array to a size that is larger than minSize
* preserving content, and potentially reusing part of the provided array. */
public FloatArray grow(FloatArray array, long minSize) {
if (minSize <= array.size()) {
return array;
final long newSize = overSize(minSize, PageCacheRecycler.INT_PAGE_SIZE, Float.BYTES);
return resize(array, newSize);
* Allocate a new {@link ObjectArray}.
* @param size the initial length of the array
public ObjectArray newObjectArray(long size) {
if (size > PageCacheRecycler.OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE) {
// when allocating big arrays, we want to first ensure we have the capacity by
// checking with the circuit breaker before attempting to allocate
adjustBreaker(BigObjectArray.estimateRamBytes(size), false);
return new BigObjectArray<>(size, this);
} else if (size >= PageCacheRecycler.OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE / 2 && recycler != null) {
final Recycler.V page = recycler.objectPage();
return validate(new ObjectArrayWrapper<>(this, page.v(), size, page));
} else {
return validate(new ObjectArrayWrapper<>(this, new Object[(int) size], size, null));
/** Resize the array to the exact provided size. */
public ObjectArray resize(ObjectArray array, long size) {
if (array instanceof BigObjectArray) {
return resizeInPlace((BigObjectArray) array, size);
} else {
final ObjectArray newArray = newObjectArray(size);
for (long i = 0, end = Math.min(size, array.size()); i < end; ++i) {
newArray.set(i, array.get(i));
return newArray;
/** Grow an array to a size that is larger than minSize
* preserving content, and potentially reusing part of the provided array. */
public ObjectArray grow(ObjectArray array, long minSize) {
if (minSize <= array.size()) {
return array;
final long newSize = overSize(minSize, PageCacheRecycler.OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE, RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF);
return resize(array, newSize);