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org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore.BlobStoreRepository Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ParameterizedMessage;
import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexCommit;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFormatTooNewException;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFormatTooOldException;
import org.apache.lucene.util.SetOnce;
import org.elasticsearch.ExceptionsHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRunnable;
import org.elasticsearch.action.StepListener;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterStateUpdateTask;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.RepositoryCleanupInProgress;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.SnapshotDeletionsInProgress;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.SnapshotsInProgress;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.RepositoriesMetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.RepositoryMetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNode;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.AllocationService;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.ClusterService;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Numbers;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.UUIDs;
import org.elasticsearch.common.blobstore.BlobContainer;
import org.elasticsearch.common.blobstore.BlobMetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.common.blobstore.BlobPath;
import org.elasticsearch.common.blobstore.BlobStore;
import org.elasticsearch.common.blobstore.DeleteResult;
import org.elasticsearch.common.blobstore.fs.FsBlobContainer;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesArray;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesReference;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Tuple;
import org.elasticsearch.common.component.AbstractLifecycleComponent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.compress.NotXContentException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.Lucene;
import org.elasticsearch.common.metrics.CounterMetric;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeUnit;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.AbstractRunnable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.LoggingDeprecationHandler;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.NamedXContentRegistry;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentType;
import org.elasticsearch.index.Index;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.IndexShardRestoreFailedException;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.IndexShardSnapshotException;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.IndexShardSnapshotFailedException;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.IndexShardSnapshotStatus;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.blobstore.BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.blobstore.BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.blobstore.RateLimitingInputStream;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.blobstore.SlicedInputStream;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.blobstore.SnapshotFiles;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.recovery.RecoveryState;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.IndexId;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.Repository;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryCleanupResult;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryData;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryException;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryOperation;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryVerificationException;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotCreationException;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.ShardGenerations;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.ConcurrentSnapshotExecutionException;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.Snapshot;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotException;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotId;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotInfo;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotMissingException;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotShardFailure;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotsService;
import org.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;

import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

import static org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.blobstore.BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo.canonicalName;

 * BlobStore - based implementation of Snapshot Repository

* This repository works with any {@link BlobStore} implementation. The blobStore could be (and preferred) lazy initialized in * {@link #createBlobStore()}. *

* For in depth documentation on how exactly implementations of this class interact with the snapshot functionality please refer to the * documentation of the package {@link org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore}. */ public abstract class BlobStoreRepository extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements Repository { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(BlobStoreRepository.class); protected volatile RepositoryMetaData metadata; protected final NamedXContentRegistry namedXContentRegistry; protected final ThreadPool threadPool; private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; public static final String SNAPSHOT_PREFIX = "snap-"; public static final String SNAPSHOT_CODEC = "snapshot"; public static final String INDEX_FILE_PREFIX = "index-"; public static final String INDEX_LATEST_BLOB = "index.latest"; private static final String TESTS_FILE = "tests-"; public static final String METADATA_PREFIX = "meta-"; public static final String METADATA_NAME_FORMAT = METADATA_PREFIX + "%s.dat"; private static final String METADATA_CODEC = "metadata"; private static final String INDEX_METADATA_CODEC = "index-metadata"; public static final String SNAPSHOT_NAME_FORMAT = SNAPSHOT_PREFIX + "%s.dat"; private static final String SNAPSHOT_INDEX_PREFIX = "index-"; private static final String SNAPSHOT_INDEX_NAME_FORMAT = SNAPSHOT_INDEX_PREFIX + "%s"; private static final String SNAPSHOT_INDEX_CODEC = "snapshots"; private static final String DATA_BLOB_PREFIX = "__"; /** * When set to true metadata files are stored in compressed format. This setting doesn’t affect index * files that are already compressed by default. Changing the setting does not invalidate existing files since reads * do not observe the setting, instead they examine the file to see if it is compressed or not. */ public static final Setting COMPRESS_SETTING = Setting.boolSetting("compress", true, Setting.Property.NodeScope); /** * When set to {@code true}, {@link #bestEffortConsistency} will be set to {@code true} and concurrent modifications of the repository * contents will not result in the repository being marked as corrupted. * Note: This setting is intended as a backwards compatibility solution for 7.x and will go away in 8. */ public static final Setting ALLOW_CONCURRENT_MODIFICATION = Setting.boolSetting("allow_concurrent_modifications", false, Setting.Property.Deprecated); private final boolean compress; private final RateLimiter snapshotRateLimiter; private final RateLimiter restoreRateLimiter; private final CounterMetric snapshotRateLimitingTimeInNanos = new CounterMetric(); private final CounterMetric restoreRateLimitingTimeInNanos = new CounterMetric(); private ChecksumBlobStoreFormat globalMetaDataFormat; private ChecksumBlobStoreFormat indexMetaDataFormat; protected ChecksumBlobStoreFormat snapshotFormat; private final boolean readOnly; private final ChecksumBlobStoreFormat indexShardSnapshotFormat; private final ChecksumBlobStoreFormat indexShardSnapshotsFormat; private final Object lock = new Object(); private final SetOnce blobContainer = new SetOnce<>(); private final SetOnce blobStore = new SetOnce<>(); private final ClusterService clusterService; /** * Flag that is set to {@code true} if this instance is started with {@link #metadata} that has a higher value for * {@link RepositoryMetaData#pendingGeneration()} than for {@link RepositoryMetaData#generation()} indicating a full cluster restart * potentially accounting for the the last {@code index-N} write in the cluster state. * Note: While it is true that this value could also be set to {@code true} for an instance on a node that is just joining the cluster * during a new {@code index-N} write, this does not present a problem. The node will still load the correct {@link RepositoryData} in * all cases and simply do a redundant listing of the repository contents if it tries to load {@link RepositoryData} and falls back * to {@link #latestIndexBlobId()} to validate the value of {@link RepositoryMetaData#generation()}. */ private boolean uncleanStart; /** * This flag indicates that the repository can not exclusively rely on the value stored in {@link #latestKnownRepoGen} to determine the * latest repository generation but must inspect its physical contents as well via {@link #latestIndexBlobId()}. * This flag is set in the following situations: *
  • All repositories that are read-only, i.e. for which {@link #isReadOnly()} returns {@code true} because there are no * guarantees that another cluster is not writing to the repository at the same time
  • *
  • The node finds itself in a mixed-version cluster containing nodes older than * {@link RepositoryMetaData#REPO_GEN_IN_CS_VERSION} where the master node does not update the value of * {@link RepositoryMetaData#generation()} when writing a new {@code index-N} blob
  • *
  • The value of {@link RepositoryMetaData#generation()} for this repository is {@link RepositoryData#UNKNOWN_REPO_GEN} * indicating that no consistent repository generation is tracked in the cluster state yet.
  • *
  • The {@link #uncleanStart} flag is set to {@code true}
  • *
*/ private volatile boolean bestEffortConsistency; /** * Constructs new BlobStoreRepository * @param metadata The metadata for this repository including name and settings * @param clusterService ClusterService */ protected BlobStoreRepository( final RepositoryMetaData metadata, final boolean compress, final NamedXContentRegistry namedXContentRegistry, final ClusterService clusterService) { this.compress = compress; this.metadata = metadata; this.namedXContentRegistry = namedXContentRegistry; this.threadPool = clusterService.getClusterApplierService().threadPool(); this.clusterService = clusterService; snapshotRateLimiter = getRateLimiter(metadata.settings(), "max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec", new ByteSizeValue(40, ByteSizeUnit.MB)); restoreRateLimiter = getRateLimiter(metadata.settings(), "max_restore_bytes_per_sec", new ByteSizeValue(40, ByteSizeUnit.MB)); readOnly = metadata.settings().getAsBoolean("readonly", false); indexShardSnapshotFormat = new ChecksumBlobStoreFormat<>(SNAPSHOT_CODEC, SNAPSHOT_NAME_FORMAT, BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot::fromXContent, namedXContentRegistry, compress); indexShardSnapshotsFormat = new ChecksumBlobStoreFormat<>(SNAPSHOT_INDEX_CODEC, SNAPSHOT_INDEX_NAME_FORMAT, BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots::fromXContent, namedXContentRegistry, compress); } @Override protected void doStart() { uncleanStart = metadata.pendingGeneration() > RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN && metadata.generation() != metadata.pendingGeneration(); ByteSizeValue chunkSize = chunkSize(); if (chunkSize != null && chunkSize.getBytes() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("the chunk size cannot be negative: [" + chunkSize + "]"); } globalMetaDataFormat = new ChecksumBlobStoreFormat<>(METADATA_CODEC, METADATA_NAME_FORMAT, MetaData::fromXContent, namedXContentRegistry, compress); indexMetaDataFormat = new ChecksumBlobStoreFormat<>(INDEX_METADATA_CODEC, METADATA_NAME_FORMAT, IndexMetaData::fromXContent, namedXContentRegistry, compress); snapshotFormat = new ChecksumBlobStoreFormat<>(SNAPSHOT_CODEC, SNAPSHOT_NAME_FORMAT, SnapshotInfo::fromXContentInternal, namedXContentRegistry, compress); } @Override protected void doStop() {} @Override protected void doClose() { BlobStore store; // to close blobStore if blobStore initialization is started during close synchronized (lock) { store = blobStore.get(); } if (store != null) { try { store.close(); } catch (Exception t) { logger.warn("cannot close blob store", t); } } } // Inspects all cluster state elements that contain a hint about what the current repository generation is and updates // #latestKnownRepoGen if a newer than currently known generation is found @Override public void updateState(ClusterState state) { metadata = getRepoMetaData(state); uncleanStart = uncleanStart && metadata.generation() != metadata.pendingGeneration(); bestEffortConsistency = uncleanStart || isReadOnly() || state.nodes().getMinNodeVersion().before(RepositoryMetaData.REPO_GEN_IN_CS_VERSION) || metadata.generation() == RepositoryData.UNKNOWN_REPO_GEN || ALLOW_CONCURRENT_MODIFICATION.get(metadata.settings()); if (isReadOnly()) { // No need to waste cycles, no operations can run against a read-only repository return; } if (bestEffortConsistency) { long bestGenerationFromCS = RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN; final SnapshotsInProgress snapshotsInProgress = state.custom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE); if (snapshotsInProgress != null) { bestGenerationFromCS = bestGeneration(snapshotsInProgress.entries()); } final SnapshotDeletionsInProgress deletionsInProgress = state.custom(SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.TYPE); // Don't use generation from the delete task if we already found a generation for an in progress snapshot. // In this case, the generation points at the generation the repo will be in after the snapshot finishes so it may not yet // exist if (bestGenerationFromCS == RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN && deletionsInProgress != null) { bestGenerationFromCS = bestGeneration(deletionsInProgress.getEntries()); } final RepositoryCleanupInProgress cleanupInProgress = state.custom(RepositoryCleanupInProgress.TYPE); if (bestGenerationFromCS == RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN && cleanupInProgress != null) { bestGenerationFromCS = bestGeneration(cleanupInProgress.entries()); } final long finalBestGen = Math.max(bestGenerationFromCS, metadata.generation()); latestKnownRepoGen.updateAndGet(known -> Math.max(known, finalBestGen)); } else { final long previousBest = latestKnownRepoGen.getAndSet(metadata.generation()); if (previousBest != metadata.generation()) { assert metadata.generation() == RepositoryData.CORRUPTED_REPO_GEN || previousBest < metadata.generation() : "Illegal move from repository generation [" + previousBest + "] to generation [" + metadata.generation() + "]"; logger.debug("Updated repository generation from [{}] to [{}]", previousBest, metadata.generation()); } } } private long bestGeneration(Collection operations) { final String repoName =; assert operations.size() <= 1 : "Assumed one or no operations but received " + operations; return -> e.repository().equals(repoName)).mapToLong(RepositoryOperation::repositoryStateId) .max().orElse(RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN); } public ThreadPool threadPool() { return threadPool; } // package private, only use for testing BlobContainer getBlobContainer() { return blobContainer.get(); } // for test purposes only protected BlobStore getBlobStore() { return blobStore.get(); } /** * maintains single lazy instance of {@link BlobContainer} */ protected BlobContainer blobContainer() { assertSnapshotOrGenericThread(); BlobContainer blobContainer = this.blobContainer.get(); if (blobContainer == null) { synchronized (lock) { blobContainer = this.blobContainer.get(); if (blobContainer == null) { blobContainer = blobStore().blobContainer(basePath()); this.blobContainer.set(blobContainer); } } } return blobContainer; } /** * Maintains single lazy instance of {@link BlobStore}. * Public for testing. */ public BlobStore blobStore() { assertSnapshotOrGenericThread(); BlobStore store = blobStore.get(); if (store == null) { synchronized (lock) { store = blobStore.get(); if (store == null) { if (lifecycle.started() == false) { throw new RepositoryException(, "repository is not in started state"); } try { store = createBlobStore(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RepositoryException(, "cannot create blob store" , e); } blobStore.set(store); } } } return store; } /** * Creates new BlobStore to read and write data. */ protected abstract BlobStore createBlobStore() throws Exception; /** * Returns base path of the repository */ public abstract BlobPath basePath(); /** * Returns true if metadata and snapshot files should be compressed * * @return true if compression is needed */ protected final boolean isCompress() { return compress; } /** * Returns data file chunk size. *

* This method should return null if no chunking is needed. * * @return chunk size */ protected ByteSizeValue chunkSize() { return null; } @Override public RepositoryMetaData getMetadata() { return metadata; } @Override public void initializeSnapshot(SnapshotId snapshotId, List indices, MetaData clusterMetaData) { try { // Write Global MetaData globalMetaDataFormat.write(clusterMetaData, blobContainer(), snapshotId.getUUID(), true); // write the index metadata for each index in the snapshot for (IndexId index : indices) { indexMetaDataFormat.write(clusterMetaData.index(index.getName()), indexContainer(index), snapshotId.getUUID(), true); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new SnapshotCreationException(, snapshotId, ex); } } @Override public void deleteSnapshot(SnapshotId snapshotId, long repositoryStateId, boolean writeShardGens, ActionListener listener) { if (isReadOnly()) { listener.onFailure(new RepositoryException(, "cannot delete snapshot from a readonly repository")); } else { final long latestKnownGen = latestKnownRepoGen.get(); if (latestKnownGen > repositoryStateId) { listener.onFailure(new ConcurrentSnapshotExecutionException( new Snapshot(, snapshotId), "Another concurrent operation moved repo generation to [ " + latestKnownGen + "] but this delete assumed generation [" + repositoryStateId + "]")); return; } try { final Map rootBlobs = blobContainer().listBlobs(); final RepositoryData repositoryData = safeRepositoryData(repositoryStateId, rootBlobs); // Cache the indices that were found before writing out the new index-N blob so that a stuck master will never // delete an index that was created by another master node after writing this index-N blob. final Map foundIndices = blobStore().blobContainer(indicesPath()).children(); doDeleteShardSnapshots(snapshotId, repositoryStateId, foundIndices, rootBlobs, repositoryData, writeShardGens, listener); } catch (Exception ex) { listener.onFailure(new RepositoryException(, "failed to delete snapshot [" + snapshotId + "]", ex)); } } } /** * Loads {@link RepositoryData} ensuring that it is consistent with the given {@code rootBlobs} as well of the assumed generation. * * @param repositoryStateId Expected repository generation * @param rootBlobs Blobs at the repository root * @return RepositoryData */ private RepositoryData safeRepositoryData(long repositoryStateId, Map rootBlobs) { final long generation = latestGeneration(rootBlobs.keySet()); final long genToLoad; if (bestEffortConsistency) { genToLoad = latestKnownRepoGen.updateAndGet(known -> Math.max(known, repositoryStateId)); } else { genToLoad = latestKnownRepoGen.get(); } if (genToLoad > generation) { // It's always a possibility to not see the latest index-N in the listing here on an eventually consistent blob store, just // debug log it. Any blobs leaked as a result of an inconsistent listing here will be cleaned up in a subsequent cleanup or // snapshot delete run anyway. logger.debug("Determined repository's generation from its contents to [" + generation + "] but " + "current generation is at least [" + genToLoad + "]"); } if (genToLoad != repositoryStateId) { throw new RepositoryException(, "concurrent modification of the index-N file, expected current generation [" + repositoryStateId + "], actual current generation [" + genToLoad + "]"); } return getRepositoryData(genToLoad); } /** * After updating the {@link RepositoryData} each of the shards directories is individually first moved to the next shard generation * and then has all now unreferenced blobs in it deleted. * * @param snapshotId SnapshotId to delete * @param repositoryStateId Expected repository state id * @param foundIndices All indices folders found in the repository before executing any writes to the repository during this * delete operation * @param rootBlobs All blobs found at the root of the repository before executing any writes to the repository during this * delete operation * @param repositoryData RepositoryData found the in the repository before executing this delete * @param listener Listener to invoke once finished */ private void doDeleteShardSnapshots(SnapshotId snapshotId, long repositoryStateId, Map foundIndices, Map rootBlobs, RepositoryData repositoryData, boolean writeShardGens, ActionListener listener) { if (writeShardGens) { // First write the new shard state metadata (with the removed snapshot) and compute deletion targets final StepListener> writeShardMetaDataAndComputeDeletesStep = new StepListener<>(); writeUpdatedShardMetaDataAndComputeDeletes(snapshotId, repositoryData, true, writeShardMetaDataAndComputeDeletesStep); // Once we have put the new shard-level metadata into place, we can update the repository metadata as follows: // 1. Remove the snapshot from the list of existing snapshots // 2. Update the index shard generations of all updated shard folders // // Note: If we fail updating any of the individual shard paths, none of them are changed since the newly created // index-${gen_uuid} will not be referenced by the existing RepositoryData and new RepositoryData is only // written if all shard paths have been successfully updated. final StepListener writeUpdatedRepoDataStep = new StepListener<>(); writeShardMetaDataAndComputeDeletesStep.whenComplete(deleteResults -> { final ShardGenerations.Builder builder = ShardGenerations.builder(); for (ShardSnapshotMetaDeleteResult newGen : deleteResults) { builder.put(newGen.indexId, newGen.shardId, newGen.newGeneration); } final RepositoryData updatedRepoData = repositoryData.removeSnapshot(snapshotId,; writeIndexGen(updatedRepoData, repositoryStateId, true, ActionListener.wrap(v -> writeUpdatedRepoDataStep.onResponse(updatedRepoData), listener::onFailure)); }, listener::onFailure); // Once we have updated the repository, run the clean-ups writeUpdatedRepoDataStep.whenComplete(updatedRepoData -> { // Run unreferenced blobs cleanup in parallel to shard-level snapshot deletion final ActionListener afterCleanupsListener = new GroupedActionListener<>(ActionListener.wrap(() -> listener.onResponse(null)), 2); asyncCleanupUnlinkedRootAndIndicesBlobs(foundIndices, rootBlobs, updatedRepoData, afterCleanupsListener); asyncCleanupUnlinkedShardLevelBlobs(snapshotId, writeShardMetaDataAndComputeDeletesStep.result(), afterCleanupsListener); }, listener::onFailure); } else { // Write the new repository data first (with the removed snapshot), using no shard generations final RepositoryData updatedRepoData = repositoryData.removeSnapshot(snapshotId, ShardGenerations.EMPTY); writeIndexGen(updatedRepoData, repositoryStateId, false, ActionListener.wrap(v -> { // Run unreferenced blobs cleanup in parallel to shard-level snapshot deletion final ActionListener afterCleanupsListener = new GroupedActionListener<>(ActionListener.wrap(() -> listener.onResponse(null)), 2); asyncCleanupUnlinkedRootAndIndicesBlobs(foundIndices, rootBlobs, updatedRepoData, afterCleanupsListener); final StepListener> writeMetaAndComputeDeletesStep = new StepListener<>(); writeUpdatedShardMetaDataAndComputeDeletes(snapshotId, repositoryData, false, writeMetaAndComputeDeletesStep); writeMetaAndComputeDeletesStep.whenComplete(deleteResults -> asyncCleanupUnlinkedShardLevelBlobs(snapshotId, deleteResults, afterCleanupsListener), afterCleanupsListener::onFailure); }, listener::onFailure)); } } private void asyncCleanupUnlinkedRootAndIndicesBlobs(Map foundIndices, Map rootBlobs, RepositoryData updatedRepoData, ActionListener listener) { threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(ActionRunnable.wrap( listener, l -> cleanupStaleBlobs(foundIndices, rootBlobs, updatedRepoData,, ignored -> null)))); } private void asyncCleanupUnlinkedShardLevelBlobs(SnapshotId snapshotId, Collection deleteResults, ActionListener listener) { threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(ActionRunnable.wrap( listener, l -> { try { blobContainer().deleteBlobsIgnoringIfNotExists(resolveFilesToDelete(snapshotId, deleteResults)); l.onResponse(null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn( () -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] Failed to delete some blobs during snapshot delete", snapshotId), e); throw e; } })); } // updates the shard state metadata for shards of a snapshot that is to be deleted. Also computes the files to be cleaned up. private void writeUpdatedShardMetaDataAndComputeDeletes(SnapshotId snapshotId, RepositoryData oldRepositoryData, boolean useUUIDs, ActionListener> onAllShardsCompleted) { final Executor executor = threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT); final List indices = oldRepositoryData.indicesToUpdateAfterRemovingSnapshot(snapshotId); if (indices.isEmpty()) { onAllShardsCompleted.onResponse(Collections.emptyList()); return; } // Listener that flattens out the delete results for each index final ActionListener> deleteIndexMetaDataListener = new GroupedActionListener<>(, res ->, indices.size()); for (IndexId indexId : indices) { final Set survivingSnapshots = oldRepositoryData.getSnapshots(indexId).stream() .filter(id -> id.equals(snapshotId) == false).collect(Collectors.toSet()); executor.execute(ActionRunnable.wrap(deleteIndexMetaDataListener, deleteIdxMetaListener -> { final IndexMetaData indexMetaData; try { indexMetaData = getSnapshotIndexMetaData(snapshotId, indexId); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] [{}] failed to read metadata for index", snapshotId, indexId.getName()), ex); // Just invoke the listener without any shard generations to count it down, this index will be cleaned up // by the stale data cleanup in the end. // TODO: Getting here means repository corruption. We should find a way of dealing with this instead of just ignoring // it and letting the cleanup deal with it. deleteIdxMetaListener.onResponse(null); return; } final int shardCount = indexMetaData.getNumberOfShards(); assert shardCount > 0 : "index did not have positive shard count, get [" + shardCount + "]"; // Listener for collecting the results of removing the snapshot from each shard's metadata in the current index final ActionListener allShardsListener = new GroupedActionListener<>(deleteIdxMetaListener, shardCount); final Index index = indexMetaData.getIndex(); for (int shardId = 0; shardId < indexMetaData.getNumberOfShards(); shardId++) { final ShardId shard = new ShardId(index, shardId); executor.execute(new AbstractRunnable() { @Override protected void doRun() throws Exception { final BlobContainer shardContainer = shardContainer(indexId, shard); final Set blobs = getShardBlobs(shard, shardContainer); final BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots blobStoreIndexShardSnapshots; final String newGen; if (useUUIDs) { newGen = UUIDs.randomBase64UUID(); blobStoreIndexShardSnapshots = buildBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots(blobs, shardContainer, oldRepositoryData.shardGenerations().getShardGen(indexId, shard.getId())).v1(); } else { Tuple tuple = buildBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots(blobs, shardContainer); newGen = Long.toString(tuple.v2() + 1); blobStoreIndexShardSnapshots = tuple.v1(); } allShardsListener.onResponse(deleteFromShardSnapshotMeta(survivingSnapshots, indexId, shard, snapshotId, shardContainer, blobs, blobStoreIndexShardSnapshots, newGen)); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception ex) { logger.warn( () -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] failed to delete shard data for shard [{}][{}]", snapshotId, indexId.getName(),, ex); // Just passing null here to count down the listener instead of failing it, the stale data left behind // here will be retried in the next delete or repository cleanup allShardsListener.onResponse(null); } }); } })); } } private List resolveFilesToDelete(SnapshotId snapshotId, Collection deleteResults) { final String basePath = basePath().buildAsString(); final int basePathLen = basePath.length(); return Stream.concat( -> { final String shardPath = shardContainer(shardResult.indexId, shardResult.shardId).path().buildAsString(); return -> shardPath + blob); }), -> shardResult.indexId).distinct().map(indexId -> indexContainer(indexId).path().buildAsString() + globalMetaDataFormat.blobName(snapshotId.getUUID())) ).map(absolutePath -> { assert absolutePath.startsWith(basePath); return absolutePath.substring(basePathLen); }).collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Cleans up stale blobs directly under the repository root as well as all indices paths that aren't referenced by any existing * snapshots. This method is only to be called directly after a new {@link RepositoryData} was written to the repository and with * parameters {@code foundIndices}, {@code rootBlobs} * * @param foundIndices all indices blob containers found in the repository before {@code newRepoData} was written * @param rootBlobs all blobs found directly under the repository root * @param newRepoData new repository data that was just written * @param listener listener to invoke with the combined {@link DeleteResult} of all blobs removed in this operation */ private void cleanupStaleBlobs(Map foundIndices, Map rootBlobs, RepositoryData newRepoData, ActionListener listener) { final GroupedActionListener groupedListener = new GroupedActionListener<>(ActionListener.wrap(deleteResults -> { DeleteResult deleteResult = DeleteResult.ZERO; for (DeleteResult result : deleteResults) { deleteResult = deleteResult.add(result); } listener.onResponse(deleteResult); }, listener::onFailure), 2); final Executor executor = threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT); executor.execute(, () -> { List deletedBlobs = cleanupStaleRootFiles(staleRootBlobs(newRepoData, rootBlobs.keySet())); return new DeleteResult(deletedBlobs.size(), -> rootBlobs.get(name).length()).sum()); })); final Set survivingIndexIds = newRepoData.getIndices().values().stream().map(IndexId::getId).collect(Collectors.toSet()); executor.execute(, () -> cleanupStaleIndices(foundIndices, survivingIndexIds))); } /** * Runs cleanup actions on the repository. Increments the repository state id by one before executing any modifications on the * repository. * TODO: Add shard level cleanups *

  • Deleting stale indices {@link #cleanupStaleIndices}
  • *
  • Deleting unreferenced root level blobs {@link #cleanupStaleRootFiles}
  • *
* @param repositoryStateId Current repository state id * @param writeShardGens If shard generations should be written to the repository * @param listener Listener to complete when done */ public void cleanup(long repositoryStateId, boolean writeShardGens, ActionListener listener) { try { if (isReadOnly()) { throw new RepositoryException(, "cannot run cleanup on readonly repository"); } Map rootBlobs = blobContainer().listBlobs(); final RepositoryData repositoryData = safeRepositoryData(repositoryStateId, rootBlobs); final Map foundIndices = blobStore().blobContainer(indicesPath()).children(); final Set survivingIndexIds = repositoryData.getIndices().values().stream().map(IndexId::getId).collect(Collectors.toSet()); final List staleRootBlobs = staleRootBlobs(repositoryData, rootBlobs.keySet()); if (survivingIndexIds.equals(foundIndices.keySet()) && staleRootBlobs.isEmpty()) { // Nothing to clean up we return listener.onResponse(new RepositoryCleanupResult(DeleteResult.ZERO)); } else { // write new index-N blob to ensure concurrent operations will fail writeIndexGen(repositoryData, repositoryStateId, writeShardGens, ActionListener.wrap(v -> cleanupStaleBlobs(foundIndices, rootBlobs, repositoryData,, RepositoryCleanupResult::new)), listener::onFailure)); } } catch (Exception e) { listener.onFailure(e); } } // Finds all blobs directly under the repository root path that are not referenced by the current RepositoryData private List staleRootBlobs(RepositoryData repositoryData, Set rootBlobNames) { final Set allSnapshotIds = repositoryData.getSnapshotIds().stream().map(SnapshotId::getUUID).collect(Collectors.toSet()); return blob -> { if (FsBlobContainer.isTempBlobName(blob)) { return true; } if (blob.endsWith(".dat")) { final String foundUUID; if (blob.startsWith(SNAPSHOT_PREFIX)) { foundUUID = blob.substring(SNAPSHOT_PREFIX.length(), blob.length() - ".dat".length()); assert snapshotFormat.blobName(foundUUID).equals(blob); } else if (blob.startsWith(METADATA_PREFIX)) { foundUUID = blob.substring(METADATA_PREFIX.length(), blob.length() - ".dat".length()); assert globalMetaDataFormat.blobName(foundUUID).equals(blob); } else { return false; } return allSnapshotIds.contains(foundUUID) == false; } else if (blob.startsWith(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX)) { // TODO: Include the current generation here once we remove keeping index-(N-1) around from #writeIndexGen return repositoryData.getGenId() > Long.parseLong(blob.substring(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX.length())); } return false; } ).collect(Collectors.toList()); } private List cleanupStaleRootFiles(List blobsToDelete) { if (blobsToDelete.isEmpty()) { return blobsToDelete; } try {"[{}] Found stale root level blobs {}. Cleaning them up",, blobsToDelete); blobContainer().deleteBlobsIgnoringIfNotExists(blobsToDelete); return blobsToDelete; } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage( "[{}] The following blobs are no longer part of any snapshot [{}] but failed to remove them",, blobsToDelete), e); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: We shouldn't be blanket catching and suppressing all exceptions here and instead handle them safely upstream. // Currently this catch exists as a stop gap solution to tackle unexpected runtime exceptions from implementations // bubbling up and breaking the snapshot functionality. assert false : e; logger.warn(new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] Exception during cleanup of root level blobs",, e); } return Collections.emptyList(); } private DeleteResult cleanupStaleIndices(Map foundIndices, Set survivingIndexIds) { DeleteResult deleteResult = DeleteResult.ZERO; try { for (Map.Entry indexEntry : foundIndices.entrySet()) { final String indexSnId = indexEntry.getKey(); try { if (survivingIndexIds.contains(indexSnId) == false) { logger.debug("[{}] Found stale index [{}]. Cleaning it up",, indexSnId); deleteResult = deleteResult.add(indexEntry.getValue().delete()); logger.debug("[{}] Cleaned up stale index [{}]",, indexSnId); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage( "[{}] index {} is no longer part of any snapshots in the repository, " + "but failed to clean up their index folders",, indexSnId), e); } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: We shouldn't be blanket catching and suppressing all exceptions here and instead handle them safely upstream. // Currently this catch exists as a stop gap solution to tackle unexpected runtime exceptions from implementations // bubbling up and breaking the snapshot functionality. assert false : e; logger.warn(new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] Exception during cleanup of stale indices",, e); } return deleteResult; } @Override public void finalizeSnapshot(final SnapshotId snapshotId, final ShardGenerations shardGenerations, final long startTime, final String failure, final int totalShards, final List shardFailures, final long repositoryStateId, final boolean includeGlobalState, final MetaData clusterMetaData, final Map userMetadata, boolean writeShardGens, final ActionListener listener) { final Collection indices = shardGenerations.indices(); // Once we are done writing the updated index-N blob we remove the now unreferenced index-${uuid} blobs in each shard // directory if all nodes are at least at version SnapshotsService#SHARD_GEN_IN_REPO_DATA_VERSION // If there are older version nodes in the cluster, we don't need to run this cleanup as it will have already happened // when writing the index-${N} to each shard directory. final Consumer onUpdateFailure = e -> listener.onFailure(new SnapshotException(, snapshotId, "failed to update snapshot in repository", e)); final ActionListener allMetaListener = new GroupedActionListener<>( ActionListener.wrap(snapshotInfos -> { assert snapshotInfos.size() == 1 : "Should have only received a single SnapshotInfo but received " + snapshotInfos; final SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo = snapshotInfos.iterator().next(); getRepositoryData(ActionListener.wrap(existingRepositoryData -> { final RepositoryData updatedRepositoryData = existingRepositoryData.addSnapshot(snapshotId, snapshotInfo.state(), Version.CURRENT, shardGenerations); writeIndexGen(updatedRepositoryData, repositoryStateId, writeShardGens, ActionListener.wrap(v -> { if (writeShardGens) { cleanupOldShardGens(existingRepositoryData, updatedRepositoryData); } listener.onResponse(snapshotInfo); }, onUpdateFailure)); }, onUpdateFailure)); }, onUpdateFailure), 2 + indices.size()); final Executor executor = threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT); // We ignore all FileAlreadyExistsException when writing metadata since otherwise a master failover while in this method will // mean that no snap-${uuid}.dat blob is ever written for this snapshot. This is safe because any updated version of the // index or global metadata will be compatible with the segments written in this snapshot as well. // Failing on an already existing index-${repoGeneration} below ensures that the index.latest blob is not updated in a way // that decrements the generation it points at // Write Global MetaData executor.execute(, () -> globalMetaDataFormat.write(clusterMetaData, blobContainer(), snapshotId.getUUID(), false))); // write the index metadata for each index in the snapshot for (IndexId index : indices) { executor.execute(, () -> indexMetaDataFormat.write(clusterMetaData.index(index.getName()), indexContainer(index), snapshotId.getUUID(), false))); } executor.execute(, () -> { final SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo = new SnapshotInfo(snapshotId,, startTime, failure, threadPool.absoluteTimeInMillis(), totalShards, shardFailures, includeGlobalState, userMetadata); snapshotFormat.write(snapshotInfo, blobContainer(), snapshotId.getUUID(), false); return snapshotInfo; })); } // Delete all old shard gen blobs that aren't referenced any longer as a result from moving to updated repository data private void cleanupOldShardGens(RepositoryData existingRepositoryData, RepositoryData updatedRepositoryData) { final List toDelete = new ArrayList<>(); final int prefixPathLen = basePath().buildAsString().length(); updatedRepositoryData.shardGenerations().obsoleteShardGenerations(existingRepositoryData.shardGenerations()).forEach( (indexId, gens) -> gens.forEach((shardId, oldGen) -> toDelete.add( shardContainer(indexId, shardId).path().buildAsString().substring(prefixPathLen) + INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + oldGen))); try { blobContainer().deleteBlobsIgnoringIfNotExists(toDelete); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to clean up old shard generation blobs", e); } } @Override public SnapshotInfo getSnapshotInfo(final SnapshotId snapshotId) { try { return, snapshotId.getUUID()); } catch (NoSuchFileException ex) { throw new SnapshotMissingException(, snapshotId, ex); } catch (IOException | NotXContentException ex) { throw new SnapshotException(, snapshotId, "failed to get snapshots", ex); } } @Override public MetaData getSnapshotGlobalMetaData(final SnapshotId snapshotId) { try { return, snapshotId.getUUID()); } catch (NoSuchFileException ex) { throw new SnapshotMissingException(, snapshotId, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new SnapshotException(, snapshotId, "failed to read global metadata", ex); } } @Override public IndexMetaData getSnapshotIndexMetaData(final SnapshotId snapshotId, final IndexId index) throws IOException { try { return, snapshotId.getUUID()); } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { throw new SnapshotMissingException(, snapshotId, e); } } private BlobPath indicesPath() { return basePath().add("indices"); } private BlobContainer indexContainer(IndexId indexId) { return blobStore().blobContainer(indicesPath().add(indexId.getId())); } private BlobContainer shardContainer(IndexId indexId, ShardId shardId) { return shardContainer(indexId, shardId.getId()); } private BlobContainer shardContainer(IndexId indexId, int shardId) { return blobStore().blobContainer(indicesPath().add(indexId.getId()).add(Integer.toString(shardId))); } /** * Configures RateLimiter based on repository and global settings * * @param repositorySettings repository settings * @param setting setting to use to configure rate limiter * @param defaultRate default limiting rate * @return rate limiter or null of no throttling is needed */ private RateLimiter getRateLimiter(Settings repositorySettings, String setting, ByteSizeValue defaultRate) { ByteSizeValue maxSnapshotBytesPerSec = repositorySettings.getAsBytesSize(setting, defaultRate); if (maxSnapshotBytesPerSec.getBytes() <= 0) { return null; } else { return new RateLimiter.SimpleRateLimiter(maxSnapshotBytesPerSec.getMbFrac()); } } @Override public long getSnapshotThrottleTimeInNanos() { return snapshotRateLimitingTimeInNanos.count(); } @Override public long getRestoreThrottleTimeInNanos() { return restoreRateLimitingTimeInNanos.count(); } protected void assertSnapshotOrGenericThread() { assert Thread.currentThread().getName().contains(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT) || Thread.currentThread().getName().contains(ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC) : "Expected current thread [" + Thread.currentThread() + "] to be the snapshot or generic thread."; } @Override public String startVerification() { try { if (isReadOnly()) { // It's readonly - so there is not much we can do here to verify it apart from reading the blob store metadata latestIndexBlobId(); return "read-only"; } else { String seed = UUIDs.randomBase64UUID(); byte[] testBytes = Strings.toUTF8Bytes(seed); BlobContainer testContainer = blobStore().blobContainer(basePath().add(testBlobPrefix(seed))); BytesArray bytes = new BytesArray(testBytes); try (InputStream stream = bytes.streamInput()) { testContainer.writeBlobAtomic("master.dat", stream, bytes.length(), true); } return seed; } } catch (IOException exp) { throw new RepositoryVerificationException(, "path " + basePath() + " is not accessible on master node", exp); } } @Override public void endVerification(String seed) { if (isReadOnly() == false) { try { final String testPrefix = testBlobPrefix(seed); blobStore().blobContainer(basePath().add(testPrefix)).delete(); } catch (IOException exp) { throw new RepositoryVerificationException(, "cannot delete test data at " + basePath(), exp); } } } // Tracks the latest known repository generation in a best-effort way to detect inconsistent listing of root level index-N blobs // and concurrent modifications. private final AtomicLong latestKnownRepoGen = new AtomicLong(RepositoryData.UNKNOWN_REPO_GEN); @Override public void getRepositoryData(ActionListener listener) { if (latestKnownRepoGen.get() == RepositoryData.CORRUPTED_REPO_GEN) { listener.onFailure(corruptedStateException(null)); return; } // Retry loading RepositoryData in a loop in case we run into concurrent modifications of the repository. // Keep track of the most recent generation we failed to load so we can break out of the loop if we fail to load the same // generation repeatedly. long lastFailedGeneration = RepositoryData.UNKNOWN_REPO_GEN; while (true) { final long genToLoad; if (bestEffortConsistency) { // We're only using #latestKnownRepoGen as a hint in this mode and listing repo contents as a secondary way of trying // to find a higher generation final long generation; try { generation = latestIndexBlobId(); } catch (IOException ioe) { listener.onFailure( new RepositoryException(, "Could not determine repository generation from root blobs", ioe)); return; } genToLoad = latestKnownRepoGen.updateAndGet(known -> Math.max(known, generation)); if (genToLoad > generation) {"Determined repository generation [" + generation + "] from repository contents but correct generation must be at least [" + genToLoad + "]"); } } else { // We only rely on the generation tracked in #latestKnownRepoGen which is exclusively updated from the cluster state genToLoad = latestKnownRepoGen.get(); } try { listener.onResponse(getRepositoryData(genToLoad)); return; } catch (RepositoryException e) { // If the generation to load changed concurrently and we didn't just try loading the same generation before we retry if (genToLoad != latestKnownRepoGen.get() && genToLoad != lastFailedGeneration) { lastFailedGeneration = genToLoad; logger.warn("Failed to load repository data generation [" + genToLoad + "] because a concurrent operation moved the current generation to [" + latestKnownRepoGen.get() + "]", e); continue; } if (bestEffortConsistency == false && ExceptionsHelper.unwrap(e, NoSuchFileException.class) != null) { // We did not find the expected index-N even though the cluster state continues to point at the missing value // of N so we mark this repository as corrupted. markRepoCorrupted(genToLoad, e, ActionListener.wrap(v -> listener.onFailure(corruptedStateException(e)), listener::onFailure)); } else { listener.onFailure(e); } return; } catch (Exception e) { listener.onFailure(new RepositoryException(, "Unexpected exception when loading repository data", e)); return; } } } private RepositoryException corruptedStateException(@Nullable Exception cause) { return new RepositoryException(, "Could not read repository data because the contents of the repository do not match its " + "expected state. This is likely the result of either concurrently modifying the contents of the " + "repository by a process other than this cluster or an issue with the repository's underlying" + "storage. The repository has been disabled to prevent corrupting its contents. To re-enable it " + "and continue using it please remove the repository from the cluster and add it again to make " + "the cluster recover the known state of the repository from its physical contents.", cause); } /** * Marks the repository as corrupted. This puts the repository in a state where its tracked value for * {@link RepositoryMetaData#pendingGeneration()} is unchanged while its value for {@link RepositoryMetaData#generation()} is set to * {@link RepositoryData#CORRUPTED_REPO_GEN}. In this state, the repository can not be used any longer and must be removed and * recreated after the problem that lead to it being marked as corrupted has been fixed. * * @param corruptedGeneration generation that failed to load because the index file was not found but that should have loaded * @param originalException exception that lead to the failing to load the {@code index-N} blob * @param listener listener to invoke once done */ private void markRepoCorrupted(long corruptedGeneration, Exception originalException, ActionListener listener) { assert corruptedGeneration != RepositoryData.UNKNOWN_REPO_GEN; assert bestEffortConsistency == false; clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("mark repository corrupted [" + + "][" + corruptedGeneration + "]", new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { final RepositoriesMetaData state = currentState.metaData().custom(RepositoriesMetaData.TYPE); final RepositoryMetaData repoState = state.repository(; if (repoState.generation() != corruptedGeneration) { throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to mark repo generation [" + corruptedGeneration + "] as corrupted but its state concurrently changed to [" + repoState + "]"); } return ClusterState.builder(currentState).metaData(MetaData.builder(currentState.metaData()).putCustom( RepositoriesMetaData.TYPE, state.withUpdatedGeneration(, RepositoryData.CORRUPTED_REPO_GEN, repoState.pendingGeneration())).build()).build(); } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Exception e) { listener.onFailure(new RepositoryException(, "Failed marking repository state as corrupted", ExceptionsHelper.useOrSuppress(e, originalException))); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { listener.onResponse(null); } }); } private RepositoryData getRepositoryData(long indexGen) { if (indexGen == RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN) { return RepositoryData.EMPTY; } try { final String snapshotsIndexBlobName = INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + Long.toString(indexGen); // EMPTY is safe here because RepositoryData#fromXContent calls namedObject try (InputStream blob = blobContainer().readBlob(snapshotsIndexBlobName); XContentParser parser = XContentType.JSON.xContent().createParser(NamedXContentRegistry.EMPTY, LoggingDeprecationHandler.INSTANCE, blob)) { return RepositoryData.snapshotsFromXContent(parser, indexGen); } } catch (IOException ioe) { if (bestEffortConsistency) { // If we fail to load the generation we tracked in latestKnownRepoGen we reset it. // This is done as a fail-safe in case a user manually deletes the contents of the repository in which case subsequent // operations must start from the EMPTY_REPO_GEN again if (latestKnownRepoGen.compareAndSet(indexGen, RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN)) { logger.warn("Resetting repository generation tracker because we failed to read generation [" + indexGen + "]", ioe); } } throw new RepositoryException(, "could not read repository data from index blob", ioe); } } private static String testBlobPrefix(String seed) { return TESTS_FILE + seed; } @Override public boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; } /** * Writing a new index generation is a three step process. * First, the {@link RepositoryMetaData} entry for this repository is set into a pending state by incrementing its * pending generation {@code P} while its safe generation {@code N} remains unchanged. * Second, the updated {@link RepositoryData} is written to generation {@code P + 1}. * Lastly, the {@link RepositoryMetaData} entry for this repository is updated to the new generation {@code P + 1} and thus * pending and safe generation are set to the same value marking the end of the update of the repository data. * * @param repositoryData RepositoryData to write * @param expectedGen expected repository generation at the start of the operation * @param writeShardGens whether to write {@link ShardGenerations} to the new {@link RepositoryData} blob * @param listener completion listener */ protected void writeIndexGen(RepositoryData repositoryData, long expectedGen, boolean writeShardGens, ActionListener listener) { assert isReadOnly() == false; // can not write to a read only repository final long currentGen = repositoryData.getGenId(); if (currentGen != expectedGen) { // the index file was updated by a concurrent operation, so we were operating on stale // repository data listener.onFailure(new RepositoryException(, "concurrent modification of the index-N file, expected current generation [" + expectedGen + "], actual current generation [" + currentGen + "]")); return; } // Step 1: Set repository generation state to the next possible pending generation final StepListener setPendingStep = new StepListener<>(); clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("set pending repository generation [" + + "][" + expectedGen + "]", new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { private long newGen; @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { final RepositoryMetaData meta = getRepoMetaData(currentState); final String repoName =; final long genInState = meta.generation(); final boolean uninitializedMeta = meta.generation() == RepositoryData.UNKNOWN_REPO_GEN || bestEffortConsistency; if (uninitializedMeta == false && meta.pendingGeneration() != genInState) {"Trying to write new repository data over unfinished write, repo [{}] is at " + "safe generation [{}] and pending generation [{}]",, genInState, meta.pendingGeneration()); } assert expectedGen == RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN || uninitializedMeta || expectedGen == meta.generation() : "Expected non-empty generation [" + expectedGen + "] does not match generation tracked in [" + meta + "]"; // If we run into the empty repo generation for the expected gen, the repo is assumed to have been cleared of // all contents by an external process so we reset the safe generation to the empty generation. final long safeGeneration = expectedGen == RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN ? RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN : (uninitializedMeta ? expectedGen : genInState); // Regardless of whether or not the safe generation has been reset, the pending generation always increments so that // even if a repository has been manually cleared of all contents we will never reuse the same repository generation. // This is motivated by the consistency behavior the S3 based blob repository implementation has to support which does // not offer any consistency guarantees when it comes to overwriting the same blob name with different content. final long nextPendingGen = metadata.pendingGeneration() + 1; newGen = uninitializedMeta ? Math.max(expectedGen + 1, nextPendingGen) : nextPendingGen; assert newGen > latestKnownRepoGen.get() : "Attempted new generation [" + newGen + "] must be larger than latest known generation [" + latestKnownRepoGen.get() + "]"; return ClusterState.builder(currentState).metaData(MetaData.builder(currentState.getMetaData()) .putCustom(RepositoriesMetaData.TYPE, currentState.metaData().custom(RepositoriesMetaData.TYPE).withUpdatedGeneration( repoName, safeGeneration, newGen)).build()).build(); } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Exception e) { listener.onFailure( new RepositoryException(, "Failed to execute cluster state update [" + source + "]", e)); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { setPendingStep.onResponse(newGen); } }); final StepListener filterRepositoryDataStep = new StepListener<>(); // Step 2: Write new index-N blob to repository and update index.latest setPendingStep.whenComplete(newGen -> threadPool().executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(ActionRunnable.wrap(listener, l -> { // BwC logic: Load snapshot version information if any snapshot is missing a version in RepositoryData so that the new // RepositoryData contains a version for every snapshot final List snapshotIdsWithoutVersion = repositoryData.getSnapshotIds().stream().filter( snapshotId -> repositoryData.getVersion(snapshotId) == null).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (snapshotIdsWithoutVersion.isEmpty() == false) { final Map updatedVersionMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final GroupedActionListener loadAllVersionsListener = new GroupedActionListener<>( ActionListener.runAfter( new ActionListener>() { @Override public void onResponse(Collection voids) {"Successfully loaded all snapshot's version information for {} from snapshot metadata", AllocationService.firstListElementsToCommaDelimitedString( snapshotIdsWithoutVersion, SnapshotId::toString, logger.isDebugEnabled())); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { logger.warn("Failure when trying to load missing version information from snapshot metadata", e); } }, () -> filterRepositoryDataStep.onResponse(repositoryData.withVersions(updatedVersionMap))), snapshotIdsWithoutVersion.size()); for (SnapshotId snapshotId : snapshotIdsWithoutVersion) { threadPool().executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(, () -> updatedVersionMap.put(snapshotId, getSnapshotInfo(snapshotId).version()))); } } else { filterRepositoryDataStep.onResponse(repositoryData); } })), listener::onFailure); filterRepositoryDataStep.whenComplete(filteredRepositoryData -> { final long newGen = setPendingStep.result(); if (latestKnownRepoGen.get() >= newGen) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Tried writing generation [" + newGen + "] but repository is at least at generation [" + latestKnownRepoGen.get() + "] already"); } // write the index file final String indexBlob = INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + Long.toString(newGen); logger.debug("Repository [{}] writing new index generational blob [{}]",, indexBlob); writeAtomic(indexBlob, BytesReference.bytes(filteredRepositoryData.snapshotsToXContent(XContentFactory.jsonBuilder(), writeShardGens)), true); // write the current generation to the index-latest file final BytesReference genBytes; try (BytesStreamOutput bStream = new BytesStreamOutput()) { bStream.writeLong(newGen); genBytes = bStream.bytes(); } logger.debug("Repository [{}] updating index.latest with generation [{}]",, newGen); writeAtomic(INDEX_LATEST_BLOB, genBytes, false); // Step 3: Update CS to reflect new repository generation. clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("set safe repository generation [" + + "][" + newGen + "]", new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { final RepositoryMetaData meta = getRepoMetaData(currentState); if (meta.generation() != expectedGen) { throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to update repo generation to [" + newGen + "] but saw unexpected generation in state [" + meta + "]"); } if (meta.pendingGeneration() != newGen) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Tried to update from unexpected pending repo generation [" + meta.pendingGeneration() + "] after write to generation [" + newGen + "]"); } return ClusterState.builder(currentState).metaData(MetaData.builder(currentState.getMetaData()) .putCustom(RepositoriesMetaData.TYPE, currentState.metaData().custom(RepositoriesMetaData.TYPE).withUpdatedGeneration(, newGen, newGen)).build()).build(); } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Exception e) { listener.onFailure( new RepositoryException(, "Failed to execute cluster state update [" + source + "]", e)); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(, () -> { // Delete all now outdated index files up to 1000 blobs back from the new generation. // If there are more than 1000 dangling index-N cleanup functionality on repo delete will take care of them. // Deleting one older than the current expectedGen is done for BwC reasons as older versions used to keep // two index-N blobs around. final List oldIndexN = LongStream.range( Math.max(Math.max(expectedGen - 1, 0), newGen - 1000), newGen) .mapToObj(gen -> INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + gen) .collect(Collectors.toList()); try { blobContainer().deleteBlobsIgnoringIfNotExists(oldIndexN); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("Failed to clean up old index blobs {}", oldIndexN), e); } })); } }); }, listener::onFailure); } private RepositoryMetaData getRepoMetaData(ClusterState state) { final RepositoryMetaData metaData = state.getMetaData().custom(RepositoriesMetaData.TYPE).repository(; assert metaData != null; return metaData; } /** * Get the latest snapshot index blob id. Snapshot index blobs are named index-N, where N is * the next version number from when the index blob was written. Each individual index-N blob is * only written once and never overwritten. The highest numbered index-N blob is the latest one * that contains the current snapshots in the repository. * * Package private for testing */ long latestIndexBlobId() throws IOException { try { // First, try listing all index-N blobs (there should only be two index-N blobs at any given // time in a repository if cleanup is happening properly) and pick the index-N blob with the // highest N value - this will be the latest index blob for the repository. Note, we do this // instead of directly reading the index.latest blob to get the current index-N blob because // index.latest is not written atomically and is not immutable - on every index-N change, // we first delete the old index.latest and then write the new one. If the repository is not // read-only, it is possible that we try deleting the index.latest blob while it is being read // by some other operation (such as the get snapshots operation). In some file systems, it is // illegal to delete a file while it is being read elsewhere (e.g. Windows). For read-only // repositories, we read for index.latest, both because listing blob prefixes is often unsupported // and because the index.latest blob will never be deleted and re-written. return listBlobsToGetLatestIndexId(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // If its a read-only repository, listing blobs by prefix may not be supported (e.g. a URL repository), // in this case, try reading the latest index generation from the index.latest blob try { return readSnapshotIndexLatestBlob(); } catch (NoSuchFileException nsfe) { return RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN; } } } // package private for testing long readSnapshotIndexLatestBlob() throws IOException { return Numbers.bytesToLong(Streams.readFully(blobContainer().readBlob(INDEX_LATEST_BLOB)).toBytesRef()); } private long listBlobsToGetLatestIndexId() throws IOException { return latestGeneration(blobContainer().listBlobsByPrefix(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX).keySet()); } private long latestGeneration(Collection rootBlobs) { long latest = RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN; for (String blobName : rootBlobs) { if (blobName.startsWith(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX) == false) { continue; } try { final long curr = Long.parseLong(blobName.substring(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX.length())); latest = Math.max(latest, curr); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // the index- blob wasn't of the format index-N where N is a number, // no idea what this blob is but it doesn't belong in the repository! logger.warn("[{}] Unknown blob in the repository: {}",, blobName); } } return latest; } private void writeAtomic(final String blobName, final BytesReference bytesRef, boolean failIfAlreadyExists) throws IOException { try (InputStream stream = bytesRef.streamInput()) { blobContainer().writeBlobAtomic(blobName, stream, bytesRef.length(), failIfAlreadyExists); } } @Override public void snapshotShard(Store store, MapperService mapperService, SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId indexId, IndexCommit snapshotIndexCommit, IndexShardSnapshotStatus snapshotStatus, boolean writeShardGens, ActionListener listener) { final ShardId shardId = store.shardId(); final long startTime = threadPool.absoluteTimeInMillis(); try { final String generation = snapshotStatus.generation(); logger.debug("[{}] [{}] snapshot to [{}] [{}] ...", shardId, snapshotId,, generation); final BlobContainer shardContainer = shardContainer(indexId, shardId); final Set blobs; if (generation == null) { try { blobs = shardContainer.listBlobsByPrefix(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX).keySet(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardSnapshotFailedException(shardId, "failed to list blobs", e); } } else { blobs = Collections.singleton(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + generation); } Tuple tuple = buildBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots(blobs, shardContainer, generation); BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots snapshots = tuple.v1(); String fileListGeneration = tuple.v2(); if (snapshots.snapshots().stream().anyMatch(sf -> sf.snapshot().equals(snapshotId.getName()))) { throw new IndexShardSnapshotFailedException(shardId, "Duplicate snapshot name [" + snapshotId.getName() + "] detected, aborting"); } final List indexCommitPointFiles = new ArrayList<>(); final BlockingQueue filesToSnapshot = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); store.incRef(); final Collection fileNames; final Store.MetadataSnapshot metadataFromStore; try { // TODO apparently we don't use the MetadataSnapshot#.recoveryDiff(...) here but we should try { logger.trace( "[{}] [{}] Loading store metadata using index commit [{}]", shardId, snapshotId, snapshotIndexCommit); metadataFromStore = store.getMetadata(snapshotIndexCommit); fileNames = snapshotIndexCommit.getFileNames(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardSnapshotFailedException(shardId, "Failed to get store file metadata", e); } } finally { store.decRef(); } int indexIncrementalFileCount = 0; int indexTotalNumberOfFiles = 0; long indexIncrementalSize = 0; long indexTotalFileCount = 0; for (String fileName : fileNames) { if (snapshotStatus.isAborted()) { logger.debug("[{}] [{}] Aborted on the file [{}], exiting", shardId, snapshotId, fileName); throw new IndexShardSnapshotFailedException(shardId, "Aborted"); } logger.trace("[{}] [{}] Processing [{}]", shardId, snapshotId, fileName); final StoreFileMetaData md = metadataFromStore.get(fileName); BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo existingFileInfo = null; List filesInfo = snapshots.findPhysicalIndexFiles(fileName); if (filesInfo != null) { for (BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo fileInfo : filesInfo) { if (fileInfo.isSame(md)) { // a commit point file with the same name, size and checksum was already copied to repository // we will reuse it for this snapshot existingFileInfo = fileInfo; break; } } } indexTotalFileCount += md.length(); indexTotalNumberOfFiles++; if (existingFileInfo == null) { indexIncrementalFileCount++; indexIncrementalSize += md.length(); // create a new FileInfo BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo snapshotFileInfo = new BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo(DATA_BLOB_PREFIX + UUIDs.randomBase64UUID(), md, chunkSize()); indexCommitPointFiles.add(snapshotFileInfo); filesToSnapshot.add(snapshotFileInfo); } else { indexCommitPointFiles.add(existingFileInfo); } } snapshotStatus.moveToStarted(startTime, indexIncrementalFileCount, indexTotalNumberOfFiles, indexIncrementalSize, indexTotalFileCount); assert indexIncrementalFileCount == filesToSnapshot.size(); final StepListener> allFilesUploadedListener = new StepListener<>(); allFilesUploadedListener.whenComplete(v -> { final IndexShardSnapshotStatus.Copy lastSnapshotStatus = snapshotStatus.moveToFinalize(snapshotIndexCommit.getGeneration()); // now create and write the commit point final BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot snapshot = new BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot(snapshotId.getName(), lastSnapshotStatus.getIndexVersion(), indexCommitPointFiles, lastSnapshotStatus.getStartTime(), threadPool.absoluteTimeInMillis() - lastSnapshotStatus.getStartTime(), lastSnapshotStatus.getIncrementalFileCount(), lastSnapshotStatus.getIncrementalSize() ); logger.trace("[{}] [{}] writing shard snapshot file", shardId, snapshotId); try { indexShardSnapshotFormat.write(snapshot, shardContainer, snapshotId.getUUID(), false); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardSnapshotFailedException(shardId, "Failed to write commit point", e); } // build a new BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot, that includes this one and all the saved ones List newSnapshotsList = new ArrayList<>(); newSnapshotsList.add(new SnapshotFiles(snapshot.snapshot(), snapshot.indexFiles())); for (SnapshotFiles point : snapshots) { newSnapshotsList.add(point); } final List blobsToDelete; final String indexGeneration; if (writeShardGens) { indexGeneration = UUIDs.randomBase64UUID(); blobsToDelete = Collections.emptyList(); } else { indexGeneration = Long.toString(Long.parseLong(fileListGeneration) + 1); // Delete all previous index-N blobs blobsToDelete = -> blob.startsWith(SNAPSHOT_INDEX_PREFIX)).collect(Collectors.toList()); assert -> Long.parseLong(b.replaceFirst(SNAPSHOT_INDEX_PREFIX, ""))) .max().orElse(-1L) < Long.parseLong(indexGeneration) : "Tried to delete an index-N blob newer than the current generation [" + indexGeneration + "] when deleting index-N blobs " + blobsToDelete; } try { writeShardIndexBlob(shardContainer, indexGeneration, new BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots(newSnapshotsList)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardSnapshotFailedException(shardId, "Failed to finalize snapshot creation [" + snapshotId + "] with shard index [" + indexShardSnapshotsFormat.blobName(indexGeneration) + "]", e); } if (writeShardGens == false) { try { shardContainer.deleteBlobsIgnoringIfNotExists(blobsToDelete); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}][{}] failed to delete old index-N blobs during finalization", snapshotId, shardId), e); } } snapshotStatus.moveToDone(threadPool.absoluteTimeInMillis(), indexGeneration); listener.onResponse(indexGeneration); }, listener::onFailure); if (indexIncrementalFileCount == 0) { allFilesUploadedListener.onResponse(Collections.emptyList()); return; } final Executor executor = threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT); // Start as many workers as fit into the snapshot pool at once at the most final int workers = Math.min(, indexIncrementalFileCount); final ActionListener filesListener = fileQueueListener(filesToSnapshot, workers, allFilesUploadedListener); for (int i = 0; i < workers; ++i) { executor.execute(, () -> { BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo snapshotFileInfo = filesToSnapshot.poll(0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (snapshotFileInfo != null) { store.incRef(); try { do { snapshotFile(snapshotFileInfo, indexId, shardId, snapshotId, snapshotStatus, store); snapshotFileInfo = filesToSnapshot.poll(0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } while (snapshotFileInfo != null); } finally { store.decRef(); } } })); } } catch (Exception e) { listener.onFailure(e); } } @Override public void restoreShard(Store store, SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId indexId, ShardId snapshotShardId, RecoveryState recoveryState, ActionListener listener) { final ShardId shardId = store.shardId(); final ActionListener restoreListener = ActionListener.delegateResponse(listener, (l, e) -> l.onFailure(new IndexShardRestoreFailedException(shardId, "failed to restore snapshot [" + snapshotId + "]", e))); final Executor executor = threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT); final BlobContainer container = shardContainer(indexId, snapshotShardId); executor.execute(ActionRunnable.wrap(restoreListener, l -> { final BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot snapshot = loadShardSnapshot(container, snapshotId); final SnapshotFiles snapshotFiles = new SnapshotFiles(snapshot.snapshot(), snapshot.indexFiles()); new FileRestoreContext(, shardId, snapshotId, recoveryState) { @Override protected void restoreFiles(List filesToRecover, Store store, ActionListener listener) { if (filesToRecover.isEmpty()) { listener.onResponse(null); } else { // Start as many workers as fit into the snapshot pool at once at the most final int workers = Math.min(, snapshotFiles.indexFiles().size()); final BlockingQueue files = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(filesToRecover); final ActionListener allFilesListener = fileQueueListener(files, workers,, v -> null)); // restore the files from the snapshot to the Lucene store for (int i = 0; i < workers; ++i) { executor.execute(, () -> { store.incRef(); try { BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo fileToRecover; while ((fileToRecover = files.poll(0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) != null) { restoreFile(fileToRecover, store); } } finally { store.decRef(); } })); } } } private void restoreFile(BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo fileInfo, Store store) throws IOException { boolean success = false; try (InputStream stream = maybeRateLimit(new SlicedInputStream(fileInfo.numberOfParts()) { @Override protected InputStream openSlice(long slice) throws IOException { return container.readBlob(fileInfo.partName(slice)); } }, restoreRateLimiter, restoreRateLimitingTimeInNanos)) { try (IndexOutput indexOutput = store.createVerifyingOutput(fileInfo.physicalName(), fileInfo.metadata(), IOContext.DEFAULT)) { final byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; int length; while ((length = > 0) { indexOutput.writeBytes(buffer, 0, length); recoveryState.getIndex().addRecoveredBytesToFile(fileInfo.physicalName(), length); } Store.verify(indexOutput); indexOutput.close();; success = true; } catch (CorruptIndexException | IndexFormatTooOldException | IndexFormatTooNewException ex) { try { store.markStoreCorrupted(ex); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("store cannot be marked as corrupted", e); } throw ex; } finally { if (success == false) { store.deleteQuiet(fileInfo.physicalName()); } } } } }.restore(snapshotFiles, store, l); })); } private static ActionListener fileQueueListener(BlockingQueue files, int workers, ActionListener> listener) { return ActionListener.delegateResponse(new GroupedActionListener<>(listener, workers), (l, e) -> { files.clear(); // Stop uploading the remaining files if we run into any exception l.onFailure(e); }); } private static InputStream maybeRateLimit(InputStream stream, @Nullable RateLimiter rateLimiter, CounterMetric metric) { return rateLimiter == null ? stream : new RateLimitingInputStream(stream, rateLimiter, metric::inc); } @Override public IndexShardSnapshotStatus getShardSnapshotStatus(SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId indexId, ShardId shardId) { BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot snapshot = loadShardSnapshot(shardContainer(indexId, shardId), snapshotId); return IndexShardSnapshotStatus.newDone(snapshot.startTime(), snapshot.time(), snapshot.incrementalFileCount(), snapshot.totalFileCount(), snapshot.incrementalSize(), snapshot.totalSize(), null); // Not adding a real generation here as it doesn't matter to callers } @Override public void verify(String seed, DiscoveryNode localNode) { assertSnapshotOrGenericThread(); if (isReadOnly()) { try { latestIndexBlobId(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RepositoryVerificationException(, "path " + basePath() + " is not accessible on node " + localNode, e); } } else { BlobContainer testBlobContainer = blobStore().blobContainer(basePath().add(testBlobPrefix(seed))); try { BytesArray bytes = new BytesArray(seed); try (InputStream stream = bytes.streamInput()) { testBlobContainer.writeBlob("data-" + localNode.getId() + ".dat", stream, bytes.length(), true); } } catch (IOException exp) { throw new RepositoryVerificationException(, "store location [" + blobStore() + "] is not accessible on the node [" + localNode + "]", exp); } try (InputStream masterDat = testBlobContainer.readBlob("master.dat")) { final String seedRead = Streams.readFully(masterDat).utf8ToString(); if (seedRead.equals(seed) == false) { throw new RepositoryVerificationException(, "Seed read from master.dat was [" + seedRead + "] but expected seed [" + seed + "]"); } } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { throw new RepositoryVerificationException(, "a file written by master to the store [" + blobStore() + "] cannot be accessed on the node [" + localNode + "]. " + "This might indicate that the store [" + blobStore() + "] is not shared between this node and the master node or " + "that permissions on the store don't allow reading files written by the master node", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RepositoryVerificationException(, "Failed to verify repository", e); } } } @Override public String toString() { return "BlobStoreRepository[" + "[" + + "], [" + blobStore.get() + ']' + ']'; } /** * Delete snapshot from shard level metadata. */ private ShardSnapshotMetaDeleteResult deleteFromShardSnapshotMeta(Set survivingSnapshots, IndexId indexId, ShardId snapshotShardId, SnapshotId snapshotId, BlobContainer shardContainer, Set blobs, BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots snapshots, String indexGeneration) { // Build a list of snapshots that should be preserved List newSnapshotsList = new ArrayList<>(); final Set survivingSnapshotNames =; for (SnapshotFiles point : snapshots) { if (survivingSnapshotNames.contains(point.snapshot())) { newSnapshotsList.add(point); } } try { if (newSnapshotsList.isEmpty()) { return new ShardSnapshotMetaDeleteResult(indexId,, ShardGenerations.DELETED_SHARD_GEN, blobs); } else { final BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots updatedSnapshots = new BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots(newSnapshotsList); writeShardIndexBlob(shardContainer, indexGeneration, updatedSnapshots); final Set survivingSnapshotUUIDs =; return new ShardSnapshotMetaDeleteResult(indexId,, indexGeneration, unusedBlobs(blobs, survivingSnapshotUUIDs, updatedSnapshots)); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardSnapshotFailedException(snapshotShardId, "Failed to finalize snapshot deletion [" + snapshotId + "] with shard index [" + indexShardSnapshotsFormat.blobName(indexGeneration) + "]", e); } } private void writeShardIndexBlob(BlobContainer shardContainer, String indexGeneration, BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots updatedSnapshots) throws IOException { assert ShardGenerations.NEW_SHARD_GEN.equals(indexGeneration) == false; assert ShardGenerations.DELETED_SHARD_GEN.equals(indexGeneration) == false; indexShardSnapshotsFormat.writeAtomic(updatedSnapshots, shardContainer, indexGeneration); } private static Set getShardBlobs(final ShardId snapshotShardId, final BlobContainer shardContainer) { final Set blobs; try { blobs = shardContainer.listBlobs().keySet(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardSnapshotException(snapshotShardId, "Failed to list content of shard directory", e); } return blobs; } // Unused blobs are all previous index-, data- and meta-blobs and that are not referenced by the new index- as well as all // temporary blobs private static List unusedBlobs(Set blobs, Set survivingSnapshotUUIDs, BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots updatedSnapshots) { return -> blob.startsWith(SNAPSHOT_INDEX_PREFIX) || (blob.startsWith(SNAPSHOT_PREFIX) && blob.endsWith(".dat") && survivingSnapshotUUIDs.contains( blob.substring(SNAPSHOT_PREFIX.length(), blob.length() - ".dat".length())) == false) || (blob.startsWith(DATA_BLOB_PREFIX) && updatedSnapshots.findNameFile(canonicalName(blob)) == null) || FsBlobContainer.isTempBlobName(blob)).collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Loads information about shard snapshot */ private BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot loadShardSnapshot(BlobContainer shardContainer, SnapshotId snapshotId) { try { return, snapshotId.getUUID()); } catch (NoSuchFileException ex) { throw new SnapshotMissingException(, snapshotId, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new SnapshotException(, snapshotId, "failed to read shard snapshot file for [" + shardContainer.path() + ']', ex); } } /** * Loads all available snapshots in the repository using the given {@code generation} or falling back to trying to determine it from * the given list of blobs in the shard container. * * @param blobs list of blobs in repository * @param generation shard generation or {@code null} in case there was no shard generation tracked in the {@link RepositoryData} for * this shard because its snapshot was created in a version older than * {@link SnapshotsService#SHARD_GEN_IN_REPO_DATA_VERSION}. * @return tuple of BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots and the last snapshot index generation */ private Tuple buildBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots(Set blobs, BlobContainer shardContainer, @Nullable String generation) throws IOException { if (generation != null) { if (generation.equals(ShardGenerations.NEW_SHARD_GEN)) { return new Tuple<>(BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots.EMPTY, ShardGenerations.NEW_SHARD_GEN); } return new Tuple<>(, generation), generation); } final Tuple legacyIndex = buildBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots(blobs, shardContainer); return new Tuple<>(legacyIndex.v1(), String.valueOf(legacyIndex.v2())); } /** * Loads all available snapshots in the repository * * @param blobs list of blobs in repository * @return tuple of BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots and the last snapshot index generation */ private Tuple buildBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots(Set blobs, BlobContainer shardContainer) throws IOException { long latest = latestGeneration(blobs); if (latest >= 0) { final BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots shardSnapshots =, Long.toString(latest)); return new Tuple<>(shardSnapshots, latest); } else if ( -> b.startsWith(SNAPSHOT_PREFIX) || b.startsWith(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX) || b.startsWith(DATA_BLOB_PREFIX))) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Could not find a readable index-N file in a non-empty shard snapshot directory [" + shardContainer.path() + "]"); } return new Tuple<>(BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots.EMPTY, latest); } /** * Snapshot individual file * @param fileInfo file to be snapshotted */ private void snapshotFile(BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo fileInfo, IndexId indexId, ShardId shardId, SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexShardSnapshotStatus snapshotStatus, Store store) throws IOException { final BlobContainer shardContainer = shardContainer(indexId, shardId); final String file = fileInfo.physicalName(); try (IndexInput indexInput = store.openVerifyingInput(file, IOContext.READONCE, fileInfo.metadata())) { for (int i = 0; i < fileInfo.numberOfParts(); i++) { final long partBytes = fileInfo.partBytes(i); // Make reads abortable by mutating the snapshotStatus object final InputStream inputStream = new FilterInputStream(maybeRateLimit( new InputStreamIndexInput(indexInput, partBytes), snapshotRateLimiter, snapshotRateLimitingTimeInNanos)) { @Override public int read() throws IOException { checkAborted(); return; } @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { checkAborted(); return, off, len); } private void checkAborted() { if (snapshotStatus.isAborted()) { logger.debug("[{}] [{}] Aborted on the file [{}], exiting", shardId, snapshotId, fileInfo.physicalName()); throw new IndexShardSnapshotFailedException(shardId, "Aborted"); } } }; shardContainer.writeBlob(fileInfo.partName(i), inputStream, partBytes, true); } Store.verify(indexInput); snapshotStatus.addProcessedFile(fileInfo.length()); } catch (Exception t) { failStoreIfCorrupted(store, t); snapshotStatus.addProcessedFile(0); throw t; } } private static void failStoreIfCorrupted(Store store, Exception e) { if (Lucene.isCorruptionException(e)) { try { store.markStoreCorrupted((IOException) e); } catch (IOException inner) { inner.addSuppressed(e); logger.warn("store cannot be marked as corrupted", inner); } } } /** * The result of removing a snapshot from a shard folder in the repository. */ private static final class ShardSnapshotMetaDeleteResult { // Index that the snapshot was removed from private final IndexId indexId; // Shard id that the snapshot was removed from private final int shardId; // Id of the new index-${uuid} blob that does not include the snapshot any more private final String newGeneration; // Blob names in the shard directory that have become unreferenced in the new shard generation private final Collection blobsToDelete; ShardSnapshotMetaDeleteResult(IndexId indexId, int shardId, String newGeneration, Collection blobsToDelete) { this.indexId = indexId; this.shardId = shardId; this.newGeneration = newGeneration; this.blobsToDelete = blobsToDelete; } } }

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