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org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.node.tasks.get.TransportGetTaskAction Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
 * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
 * Side Public License, v 1.

package org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.node.tasks.get;

import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.ExceptionsHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.ResourceNotFoundException;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListenerResponseHandler;
import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.client.internal.Client;
import org.elasticsearch.client.internal.OriginSettingClient;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNode;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.ClusterService;
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Inject;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.AbstractRunnable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.LoggingDeprecationHandler;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.IndexNotFoundException;
import org.elasticsearch.tasks.Task;
import org.elasticsearch.tasks.TaskId;
import org.elasticsearch.tasks.TaskInfo;
import org.elasticsearch.tasks.TaskResult;
import org.elasticsearch.tasks.TaskResultsService;
import org.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;
import org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportRequestOptions;
import org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.NamedXContentRegistry;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.XContentParser;


import static org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.node.tasks.get.GetTaskAction.TASKS_ORIGIN;
import static org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.node.tasks.list.TransportListTasksAction.waitForCompletionTimeout;

 * ActionType to get a single task. If the task isn't running then it'll try to request the status from request index.
 * The general flow is:
  • If this isn't being executed on the node to which the requested TaskId belongs then move to that node. *
  • Look up the task and return it if it exists *
  • If it doesn't then look up the task from the results index *
*/ public class TransportGetTaskAction extends HandledTransportAction { private final ThreadPool threadPool; private final ClusterService clusterService; private final TransportService transportService; private final Client client; private final NamedXContentRegistry xContentRegistry; @Inject public TransportGetTaskAction( ThreadPool threadPool, TransportService transportService, ActionFilters actionFilters, ClusterService clusterService, Client client, NamedXContentRegistry xContentRegistry ) { super(GetTaskAction.NAME, transportService, actionFilters, GetTaskRequest::new); this.threadPool = threadPool; this.clusterService = clusterService; this.transportService = transportService; this.client = new OriginSettingClient(client, TASKS_ORIGIN); this.xContentRegistry = xContentRegistry; } @Override protected void doExecute(Task thisTask, GetTaskRequest request, ActionListener listener) { if (clusterService.localNode().getId().equals(request.getTaskId().getNodeId())) { getRunningTaskFromNode(thisTask, request, listener); } else { runOnNodeWithTaskIfPossible(thisTask, request, listener); } } /** * Executed on the coordinating node to forward execution of the remaining work to the node that matches that requested * {@link TaskId#getNodeId()}. If the node isn't in the cluster then this will just proceed to * {@link #getFinishedTaskFromIndex(Task, GetTaskRequest, ActionListener)} on this node. */ private void runOnNodeWithTaskIfPossible(Task thisTask, GetTaskRequest request, ActionListener listener) { DiscoveryNode node = clusterService.state().nodes().get(request.getTaskId().getNodeId()); if (node == null) { // Node is no longer part of the cluster! Try and look the task up from the results index. getFinishedTaskFromIndex(thisTask, request, ActionListener.wrap(listener::onResponse, e -> { if (e instanceof ResourceNotFoundException) { e = new ResourceNotFoundException( "task [" + request.getTaskId() + "] belongs to the node [" + request.getTaskId().getNodeId() + "] which isn't part of the cluster and there is no record of the task", e ); } listener.onFailure(e); })); return; } GetTaskRequest nodeRequest = request.nodeRequest(clusterService.localNode().getId(), thisTask.getId()); transportService.sendRequest( node, GetTaskAction.NAME, nodeRequest, TransportRequestOptions.timeout(request.getTimeout()), new ActionListenerResponseHandler<>(listener, GetTaskResponse::new, ThreadPool.Names.SAME) ); } /** * Executed on the node that should be running the task to find and return the running task. Falls back to * {@link #getFinishedTaskFromIndex(Task, GetTaskRequest, ActionListener)} if the task isn't still running. */ void getRunningTaskFromNode(Task thisTask, GetTaskRequest request, ActionListener listener) { Task runningTask = taskManager.getTask(request.getTaskId().getId()); if (runningTask == null) { // Task isn't running, go look in the task index getFinishedTaskFromIndex(thisTask, request, listener); } else { if (request.getWaitForCompletion()) { // Shift to the generic thread pool and let it wait for the task to complete so we don't block any important threads. threadPool.generic().execute(new AbstractRunnable() { @Override protected void doRun() { taskManager.waitForTaskCompletion(runningTask, waitForCompletionTimeout(request.getTimeout())); waitedForCompletion(thisTask, request, runningTask.taskInfo(clusterService.localNode().getId(), true), listener); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { listener.onFailure(e); } }); } else { TaskInfo info = runningTask.taskInfo(clusterService.localNode().getId(), true); listener.onResponse(new GetTaskResponse(new TaskResult(false, info))); } } } /** * Called after waiting for the task to complete. Attempts to load the results of the task from the tasks index. If it isn't in the * index then returns a snapshot of the task taken shortly after completion. */ void waitedForCompletion( Task thisTask, GetTaskRequest request, TaskInfo snapshotOfRunningTask, ActionListener listener ) { getFinishedTaskFromIndex(thisTask, request, listener.delegateResponse((delegatedListener, e) -> { /* * We couldn't load the task from the task index. Instead of 404 we should use the snapshot we took after it finished. If * the error isn't a 404 then we'll just throw it back to the user. */ if (ExceptionsHelper.unwrap(e, ResourceNotFoundException.class) != null) { delegatedListener.onResponse(new GetTaskResponse(new TaskResult(true, snapshotOfRunningTask))); } else { delegatedListener.onFailure(e); } })); } /** * Send a {@link GetRequest} to the tasks index looking for a persisted copy of the task completed task. It'll only be found only if the * task's result was stored. Called on the node that once had the task if that node is still part of the cluster or on the * coordinating node if the node is no longer part of the cluster. */ void getFinishedTaskFromIndex(Task thisTask, GetTaskRequest request, ActionListener listener) { GetRequest get = new GetRequest(TaskResultsService.TASK_INDEX, request.getTaskId().toString()); get.setParentTask(clusterService.localNode().getId(), thisTask.getId()); client.get(get, ActionListener.wrap(r -> onGetFinishedTaskFromIndex(r, listener), e -> { if (ExceptionsHelper.unwrap(e, IndexNotFoundException.class) != null) { // We haven't yet created the index for the task results so it can't be found. listener.onFailure( new ResourceNotFoundException("task [{}] isn't running and hasn't stored its results", e, request.getTaskId()) ); } else { listener.onFailure(e); } })); } /** * Called with the {@linkplain GetResponse} from loading the task from the results index. Called on the node that once had the task if * that node is part of the cluster or on the coordinating node if the node wasn't part of the cluster. */ void onGetFinishedTaskFromIndex(GetResponse response, ActionListener listener) throws IOException { if (false == response.isExists()) { listener.onFailure(new ResourceNotFoundException("task [{}] isn't running and hasn't stored its results", response.getId())); return; } if (response.isSourceEmpty()) { listener.onFailure(new ElasticsearchException("Stored task status for [{}] didn't contain any source!", response.getId())); return; } try ( XContentParser parser = XContentHelper.createParser( xContentRegistry, LoggingDeprecationHandler.INSTANCE, response.getSourceAsBytesRef() ) ) { TaskResult result = TaskResult.PARSER.apply(parser, null); listener.onResponse(new GetTaskResponse(result)); } } }

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