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org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.PublicationTransportHandler Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
 * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
 * Side Public License, v 1.
package org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ParameterizedMessage;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListenerResponseHandler;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRunnable;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterStatePublicationEvent;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.Diff;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.IncompatibleClusterStateVersionException;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNode;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNodeRole;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNodes;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.ReleasableBytesReference;
import org.elasticsearch.common.compress.Compressor;
import org.elasticsearch.common.compress.CompressorFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.LazyInitializable;
import org.elasticsearch.core.AbstractRefCounted;
import org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;
import org.elasticsearch.transport.BytesTransportRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportException;
import org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportRequestOptions;
import org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Function;

import static org.elasticsearch.core.Strings.format;

 * Implements the low-level mechanics of sending a cluster state to other nodes in the cluster during a publication.

* Cluster states can be quite large and expensive to serialize, but we (mostly) send the same serialized representation to every node in * the cluster. This class does the serialization work once, up-front, as part of {@link #newPublicationContext} and then just re-uses the * resulting bytes across transport messages. *

* It also uses the {@link Diff} mechanism to reduce the data to be transferred wherever possible. This is only a best-effort mechanism so * we fall back to sending a full cluster state if the diff cannot be applied for some reason. */ public class PublicationTransportHandler { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(PublicationTransportHandler.class); public static final String PUBLISH_STATE_ACTION_NAME = "internal:cluster/coordination/publish_state"; private final TransportService transportService; private final NamedWriteableRegistry namedWriteableRegistry; private final Function handlePublishRequest; private final AtomicReference lastSeenClusterState = new AtomicReference<>(); private final AtomicLong fullClusterStateReceivedCount = new AtomicLong(); private final AtomicLong incompatibleClusterStateDiffReceivedCount = new AtomicLong(); private final AtomicLong compatibleClusterStateDiffReceivedCount = new AtomicLong(); // -> no need to put a timeout on the options here, because we want the response to eventually be received // and not log an error if it arrives after the timeout private static final TransportRequestOptions STATE_REQUEST_OPTIONS = TransportRequestOptions.of( null, TransportRequestOptions.Type.STATE ); private final SerializationStatsTracker serializationStatsTracker = new SerializationStatsTracker(); public PublicationTransportHandler( TransportService transportService, NamedWriteableRegistry namedWriteableRegistry, Function handlePublishRequest ) { this.transportService = transportService; this.namedWriteableRegistry = namedWriteableRegistry; this.handlePublishRequest = handlePublishRequest; transportService.registerRequestHandler( PUBLISH_STATE_ACTION_NAME, ThreadPool.Names.CLUSTER_COORDINATION, false, false, BytesTransportRequest::new, (request, channel, task) -> channel.sendResponse(handleIncomingPublishRequest(request)) ); } public PublishClusterStateStats stats() { return new PublishClusterStateStats( fullClusterStateReceivedCount.get(), incompatibleClusterStateDiffReceivedCount.get(), compatibleClusterStateDiffReceivedCount.get(), serializationStatsTracker.getSerializationStats() ); } private PublishWithJoinResponse handleIncomingPublishRequest(BytesTransportRequest request) throws IOException { final Compressor compressor = CompressorFactory.compressor(request.bytes()); StreamInput in = request.bytes().streamInput(); try { if (compressor != null) { in = new InputStreamStreamInput(compressor.threadLocalInputStream(in)); } in = new NamedWriteableAwareStreamInput(in, namedWriteableRegistry); in.setVersion(request.version()); // If true we received full cluster state - otherwise diffs if (in.readBoolean()) { final ClusterState incomingState; // Close early to release resources used by the de-compression as early as possible try (StreamInput input = in) { incomingState = ClusterState.readFrom(input, transportService.getLocalNode()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("unexpected error while deserializing an incoming cluster state", e); assert false : e; throw e; } fullClusterStateReceivedCount.incrementAndGet(); logger.debug("received full cluster state version [{}] with size [{}]", incomingState.version(), request.bytes().length()); final PublishWithJoinResponse response = acceptState(incomingState); lastSeenClusterState.set(incomingState); return response; } else { final ClusterState lastSeen = lastSeenClusterState.get(); if (lastSeen == null) { logger.debug("received diff for but don't have any local cluster state - requesting full state"); incompatibleClusterStateDiffReceivedCount.incrementAndGet(); throw new IncompatibleClusterStateVersionException("have no local cluster state"); } else { ClusterState incomingState; try { final Diff diff; // Close stream early to release resources used by the de-compression as early as possible try (StreamInput input = in) { diff = ClusterState.readDiffFrom(input, lastSeen.nodes().getLocalNode()); } incomingState = diff.apply(lastSeen); // might throw IncompatibleClusterStateVersionException } catch (IncompatibleClusterStateVersionException e) { incompatibleClusterStateDiffReceivedCount.incrementAndGet(); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("unexpected error while deserializing an incoming cluster state", e); assert false : e; throw e; } compatibleClusterStateDiffReceivedCount.incrementAndGet(); logger.debug( "received diff cluster state version [{}] with uuid [{}], diff size [{}]", incomingState.version(), incomingState.stateUUID(), request.bytes().length() ); final PublishWithJoinResponse response = acceptState(incomingState); lastSeenClusterState.compareAndSet(lastSeen, incomingState); return response; } } } finally { IOUtils.close(in); } } private PublishWithJoinResponse acceptState(ClusterState incomingState) { assert incomingState.nodes().isLocalNodeElectedMaster() == false : "should handle local publications locally, but got " + incomingState; return handlePublishRequest.apply(new PublishRequest(incomingState)); } public PublicationContext newPublicationContext(ClusterStatePublicationEvent clusterStatePublicationEvent) { final PublicationContext publicationContext = new PublicationContext(clusterStatePublicationEvent); boolean success = false; try { // Build the serializations we expect to need now, early in the process, so that an error during serialization fails the // publication straight away. This isn't watertight since we send diffs on a best-effort basis and may fall back to sending a // full state (and therefore serializing it) if the diff-based publication fails. publicationContext.buildDiffAndSerializeStates(); success = true; return publicationContext; } finally { if (success == false) { publicationContext.decRef(); } } } private ReleasableBytesReference serializeFullClusterState(ClusterState clusterState, DiscoveryNode node) { final Version nodeVersion = node.getVersion(); final RecyclerBytesStreamOutput bytesStream = transportService.newNetworkBytesStream(); boolean success = false; try { final long uncompressedBytes; try ( StreamOutput stream = new PositionTrackingOutputStreamStreamOutput( CompressorFactory.COMPRESSOR.threadLocalOutputStream(Streams.flushOnCloseStream(bytesStream)) ) ) { stream.setVersion(nodeVersion); stream.writeBoolean(true); clusterState.writeTo(stream); uncompressedBytes = stream.position(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ElasticsearchException("failed to serialize cluster state for publishing to node {}", e, node); } final ReleasableBytesReference result = new ReleasableBytesReference(bytesStream.bytes(), bytesStream); serializationStatsTracker.serializedFullState(uncompressedBytes, result.length()); logger.trace( "serialized full cluster state version [{}] for node version [{}] with size [{}]", clusterState.version(), nodeVersion, result.length() ); success = true; return result; } finally { if (success == false) { bytesStream.close(); } } } private ReleasableBytesReference serializeDiffClusterState(long clusterStateVersion, Diff diff, DiscoveryNode node) { final Version nodeVersion = node.getVersion(); final RecyclerBytesStreamOutput bytesStream = transportService.newNetworkBytesStream(); boolean success = false; try { final long uncompressedBytes; try ( StreamOutput stream = new PositionTrackingOutputStreamStreamOutput( CompressorFactory.COMPRESSOR.threadLocalOutputStream(Streams.flushOnCloseStream(bytesStream)) ) ) { stream.setVersion(nodeVersion); stream.writeBoolean(false); diff.writeTo(stream); uncompressedBytes = stream.position(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ElasticsearchException("failed to serialize cluster state diff for publishing to node {}", e, node); } final ReleasableBytesReference result = new ReleasableBytesReference(bytesStream.bytes(), bytesStream); serializationStatsTracker.serializedDiff(uncompressedBytes, result.length()); logger.trace( "serialized cluster state diff for version [{}] for node version [{}] with size [{}]", clusterStateVersion, nodeVersion, result.length() ); success = true; return result; } finally { if (success == false) { bytesStream.close(); } } } /** * Publishing a cluster state typically involves sending the same cluster state (or diff) to every node, so the work of diffing, * serializing, and compressing the state can be done once and the results shared across publish requests. The * {@code PublicationContext} implements this sharing. It's ref-counted: the initial reference is released by the coordinator when * a state (or diff) has been sent to every node, every transmitted diff also holds a reference in case it needs to retry with a full * state. */ public class PublicationContext extends AbstractRefCounted { private final DiscoveryNodes discoveryNodes; private final ClusterState newState; private final ClusterState previousState; private final boolean sendFullVersion; // All the values of these maps have one ref for the context (while it's open) and one for each in-flight message. private final Map serializedStates = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Map serializedDiffs = new HashMap<>(); PublicationContext(ClusterStatePublicationEvent clusterStatePublicationEvent) { discoveryNodes = clusterStatePublicationEvent.getNewState().nodes(); newState = clusterStatePublicationEvent.getNewState(); previousState = clusterStatePublicationEvent.getOldState(); sendFullVersion = previousState.getBlocks().disableStatePersistence(); } void buildDiffAndSerializeStates() { assert refCount() > 0; final LazyInitializable, RuntimeException> diffSupplier = new LazyInitializable<>( () -> newState.diff(previousState) ); for (DiscoveryNode node : discoveryNodes) { if (node.equals(transportService.getLocalNode())) { // publication to local node bypasses any serialization continue; } if (sendFullVersion || previousState.nodes().nodeExists(node) == false) { serializedStates.computeIfAbsent(node.getVersion(), v -> serializeFullClusterState(newState, node)); } else { serializedDiffs.computeIfAbsent( node.getVersion(), v -> serializeDiffClusterState(newState.version(), diffSupplier.getOrCompute(), node) ); } } } public void sendPublishRequest( DiscoveryNode destination, PublishRequest publishRequest, ActionListener listener ) { assert refCount() > 0; assert publishRequest.getAcceptedState() == newState : "state got switched on us"; assert transportService.getThreadPool().getThreadContext().isSystemContext(); if (destination.equals(discoveryNodes.getLocalNode())) { // The transport service normally avoids serializing/deserializing requests to the local node but here we have special // handling to re-use the serialized representation of the cluster state across requests which means we must also handle // local requests differently to avoid having to decompress and deserialize the request on the master. // // Also, the master needs the original non-serialized state as it contains some transient information that isn't replicated // because it only makes sense on the local node (e.g. UnassignedInfo#unassignedTimeNanos). final boolean isVotingOnlyNode = discoveryNodes.getLocalNode().getRoles().contains(DiscoveryNodeRole.VOTING_ONLY_NODE_ROLE); logger.trace("handling cluster state version [{}] locally on [{}]", newState.version(), destination); transportService.getThreadPool() .executor(ThreadPool.Names.CLUSTER_COORDINATION) .execute(transportService.getThreadPool().getThreadContext().preserveContext(, () -> { if (isVotingOnlyNode) { // Voting-only nodes publish their cluster state to other nodes in order to freshen the state held on other full // master nodes, but then fail the publication before committing. However there's no need to freshen our local // state so we can fail right away. throw new TransportException( new ElasticsearchException("voting-only node skipping local publication to " + destination) ); } else { return handlePublishRequest.apply(publishRequest); } }))); } else if (sendFullVersion || previousState.nodes().nodeExists(destination) == false) { logger.trace("sending full cluster state version [{}] to [{}]", newState.version(), destination); sendFullClusterState(destination, listener); } else { logger.trace("sending cluster state diff for version [{}] to [{}]", newState.version(), destination); sendClusterStateDiff(destination, listener); } } private void sendFullClusterState(DiscoveryNode destination, ActionListener listener) { assert refCount() > 0; ReleasableBytesReference bytes = serializedStates.get(destination.getVersion()); if (bytes == null) { try { bytes = serializedStates.computeIfAbsent( destination.getVersion(), v -> serializeFullClusterState(newState, destination) ); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(() -> format("failed to serialize cluster state before publishing it to node %s", destination), e); listener.onFailure(e); return; } } sendClusterState(destination, bytes, listener); } private void sendClusterStateDiff(DiscoveryNode destination, ActionListener listener) { final ReleasableBytesReference bytes = serializedDiffs.get(destination.getVersion()); assert bytes != null : "failed to find serialized diff for node " + destination + " of version [" + destination.getVersion() + "]"; // acquire a ref to the context just in case we need to try again with the full cluster state if (tryIncRef() == false) { assert false; listener.onFailure(new IllegalStateException("publication context released before transmission")); return; } sendClusterState(destination, bytes, ActionListener.runAfter(listener.delegateResponse((delegate, e) -> { if (e instanceof final TransportException transportException) { if (transportException.unwrapCause() instanceof IncompatibleClusterStateVersionException) { logger.debug( () -> format( "resending full cluster state to node %s reason %s", destination, transportException.getDetailedMessage() ) ); sendFullClusterState(destination, delegate); return; } } logger.debug(new ParameterizedMessage("failed to send cluster state to {}", destination), e); delegate.onFailure(e); }), this::decRef)); } private void sendClusterState( DiscoveryNode destination, ReleasableBytesReference bytes, ActionListener listener ) { assert refCount() > 0; if (bytes.tryIncRef() == false) { assert false; listener.onFailure(new IllegalStateException("serialized cluster state released before transmission")); return; } try { transportService.sendRequest( destination, PUBLISH_STATE_ACTION_NAME, new BytesTransportRequest(bytes, destination.getVersion()), STATE_REQUEST_OPTIONS, new ActionListenerResponseHandler<>( ActionListener.runAfter(listener, bytes::decRef), PublishWithJoinResponse::new, ThreadPool.Names.CLUSTER_COORDINATION ) ); } catch (Exception e) { assert false : e; logger.warn(() -> format("error sending cluster state to %s", destination), e); listener.onFailure(e); } } @Override protected void closeInternal() { serializedDiffs.values().forEach(Releasables::closeExpectNoException); serializedStates.values().forEach(Releasables::closeExpectNoException); } } private static class SerializationStatsTracker { private long fullStateCount; private long totalUncompressedFullStateBytes; private long totalCompressedFullStateBytes; private long diffCount; private long totalUncompressedDiffBytes; private long totalCompressedDiffBytes; public synchronized void serializedFullState(long uncompressedBytes, int compressedBytes) { fullStateCount += 1; totalUncompressedFullStateBytes += uncompressedBytes; totalCompressedFullStateBytes += compressedBytes; } public synchronized void serializedDiff(long uncompressedBytes, int compressedBytes) { diffCount += 1; totalUncompressedDiffBytes += uncompressedBytes; totalCompressedDiffBytes += compressedBytes; } public synchronized ClusterStateSerializationStats getSerializationStats() { return new ClusterStateSerializationStats( fullStateCount, totalUncompressedFullStateBytes, totalCompressedFullStateBytes, diffCount, totalUncompressedDiffBytes, totalCompressedDiffBytes ); } } }

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