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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
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import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.elasticsearch.common.CheckedSupplier;
import org.elasticsearch.core.CheckedFunction;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;

 * Collects results by running each filter against the searcher and doesn't
 * build any {@link LeafBucketCollector}s which is generally faster than
 * {@link Compatible} but doesn't support when there is a parent aggregator
 * or any child aggregators.
public class FilterByFilterAggregator extends FiltersAggregator {
     * Builds {@link FilterByFilterAggregator} when the filters are valid and
     * it would be faster than a "native" aggregation implementation. The
     * interface is designed to allow easy construction of
     * {@link AdaptingAggregator}.
    public abstract static class AdapterBuilder {
        private final String name;
        private final List> filters = new ArrayList<>();
        private final boolean keyed;
        private final AggregationContext context;
        private final Aggregator parent;
        private final CardinalityUpperBound cardinality;
        private final Map metadata;
        private final Query rewrittenTopLevelQuery;
        private boolean valid = true;

        public AdapterBuilder(
            String name,
            boolean keyed,
            String otherBucketKey,
            AggregationContext context,
            Aggregator parent,
            CardinalityUpperBound cardinality,
            Map metadata
        ) throws IOException {
   = name;
            this.keyed = keyed;
            this.context = context;
            this.parent = parent;
            this.cardinality = cardinality;
            this.metadata = metadata;
            this.rewrittenTopLevelQuery = context.searcher().rewrite(context.query());
            this.valid = parent == null && otherBucketKey == null;

         * Subclasses should override this to adapt the
         * {@link FilterByFilterAggregator} into another sort of aggregator
         * if required.
        protected abstract T adapt(CheckedFunction delegate) throws IOException;

        public final void add(String key, Query query) throws IOException {
            if (valid == false) {
            if (query instanceof AbstractScriptFieldQuery) {
                 * We know that runtime fields aren't fast to query at all
                 * but we expect all other sorts of queries are at least as
                 * fast as the native aggregator.
                valid = false;
            add(, key, query));

        final void add(QueryToFilterAdapter filter) throws IOException {
            if (valid == false) {
            QueryToFilterAdapter mergedFilter = filter.union(rewrittenTopLevelQuery);
            if (mergedFilter.isInefficientUnion()) {
                 * For now any complex union kicks us out of filter by filter
                 * mode. Its possible that this de-optimizes many "filters"
                 * aggregations but likely correct when "range", "date_histogram",
                 * or "terms" are converted to this agg. We investigated a sort
                 * of "combined" iteration mechanism and its complex *and* slower
                 * than the native implementations of the aggs above.
                valid = false;
            if (filters.size() == 1) {
                 * When we add the second filter we check if there are any _doc_count
                 * fields and bail out of filter-by filter mode if there are. _doc_count
                 * fields are expensive to decode and the overhead of iterating per
                 * filter causes us to decode doc counts over and over again.
                if (context.hasDocCountField()) {
                    valid = false;

         * Build the the adapter or {@code null} if the this isn't a valid rewrite.
        public final T build() throws IOException {
            if (false == valid) {
                return null;
            class AdapterBuild implements CheckedFunction {
                private FilterByFilterAggregator agg;

                public FilterByFilterAggregator apply(AggregatorFactories subAggregators) throws IOException {
                    agg = new FilterByFilterAggregator(name, subAggregators, filters, keyed, context, parent, cardinality, metadata);
                    return agg;
            AdapterBuild adapterBuild = new AdapterBuild();
            T result = adapt(adapterBuild);
            if (adapterBuild.agg.scoreMode().needsScores()) {
                 * Filter by filter won't produce the correct results if the
                 * sub-aggregators need scores because we're not careful with how
                 * we merge filters. Right now we have to build the whole
                 * aggregation in order to know if it'll need scores or not.
                 * This means we'll build the *sub-aggs* too. Oh well.
                return null;
            return result;

     * Count of segments with "live" docs. This is both deleted docs and
     * docs covered by field level security.
    private int segmentsWithDeletedDocs;
     * Count of segments with documents have consult the {@code doc_count}
     * field.
    private int segmentsWithDocCountField;
     * Count of segments this aggregator performed a document by document
     * collection for. We have to collect when there are sub-aggregations
     * and it disables some optimizations we can make while just counting.
    private int segmentsCollected;
     * Count of segments this aggregator counted. We can count when there
     * aren't any sub-aggregators and we have some counting optimizations
     * that don't apply to document by document collections.

* But the "fallback" for counting when we don't have a fancy optimization * is to perform document by document collection and increment a counter * on each document. This fallback does not increment the * {@link #segmentsCollected} counter and does increment * the {@link #segmentsCounted} counter because those counters are to * signal which operation we were allowed to perform. The filters * themselves will have debugging counters measuring if they could * perform the count from metadata or had to fall back. */ private int segmentsCounted; /** * Build the aggregation. Private to force callers to go through the * {@link AdapterBuilder} which centralizes the logic to decide if this * aggregator would be faster than the native implementation. */ private FilterByFilterAggregator( String name, AggregatorFactories factories, List> filters, boolean keyed, AggregationContext context, Aggregator parent, CardinalityUpperBound cardinality, Map metadata ) throws IOException { super(name, factories, filters, keyed, null, context, parent, cardinality, metadata); } /** * Instead of returning a {@link LeafBucketCollector} we do the * collection ourselves by running the filters directly. This is safe * because we only use this aggregator if there isn't a {@code parent} * which would change how we collect buckets and because we take the * top level query into account when building the filters. */ @Override protected LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx, LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException { assert scoreMode().needsScores() == false; if (filters().size() == 0) { return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR; } Bits live = ctx.reader().getLiveDocs(); if (false == docCountProvider.alwaysOne()) { segmentsWithDocCountField++; } if (subAggregators.length == 0) { // TOOD we'd be better off if we could do sub.isNoop() or something. /* * Without sub.isNoop we always end up in the `collectXXX` modes even if * the sub-aggregators opt out of traditional collection. */ segmentsCounted++; collectCount(ctx, live); } else { segmentsCollected++; collectSubs(ctx, live, sub); } return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR; } /** * Gather a count of the number of documents that match each filter * without sending any documents to a sub-aggregator. This yields * the correct response when there aren't any sub-aggregators or they * all opt out of needing any sort of collection. */ private void collectCount(LeafReaderContext ctx, Bits live) throws IOException { Counter counter = new Counter(docCountProvider); for (int filterOrd = 0; filterOrd < filters().size(); filterOrd++) { incrementBucketDocCount(filterOrd, filters().get(filterOrd).count(ctx, counter, live)); } } /** * Collect all documents that match all filters and send them to * the sub-aggregators. This method is only required when there are * sub-aggregators that haven't opted out of being collected. *

* This collects each filter one at a time, resetting the * sub-aggregators between each filter as though they were hitting * a fresh segment. *

* It's very tempting to try and collect the * filters into blocks of matches and then reply the whole block * into ascending order without the resetting. That'd probably * work better if the disk was very, very slow and we didn't have * any kind of disk caching. But with disk caching its about twice * as fast to collect each filter one by one like this. And it uses * less memory because there isn't a need to buffer a block of matches. * And its a hell of a lot less code. */ private void collectSubs(LeafReaderContext ctx, Bits live, LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException { class MatchCollector implements LeafCollector { LeafBucketCollector subCollector = sub; int filterOrd; @Override public void collect(int docId) throws IOException { collectBucket(subCollector, docId, filterOrd); } @Override public void setScorer(Scorable scorer) throws IOException {} } MatchCollector collector = new MatchCollector(); filters().get(0).collect(ctx, collector, live); for (int filterOrd = 1; filterOrd < filters().size(); filterOrd++) { collector.subCollector = collectableSubAggregators.getLeafCollector(ctx); collector.filterOrd = filterOrd; filters().get(filterOrd).collect(ctx, collector, live); } } @Override public void collectDebugInfo(BiConsumer add) { super.collectDebugInfo(add); add.accept("segments_counted", segmentsCounted); add.accept("segments_collected", segmentsCollected); add.accept("segments_with_deleted_docs", segmentsWithDeletedDocs); add.accept("segments_with_doc_count_field", segmentsWithDocCountField); } CheckedSupplier canUseMetadata(LeafReaderContext ctx) { return new CheckedSupplier() { Boolean canUse; @Override public Boolean get() throws IOException { if (canUse == null) { canUse = canUse(); } return canUse; } private boolean canUse() throws IOException { if (ctx.reader().getLiveDocs() != null) { return false; } docCountProvider.setLeafReaderContext(ctx); return docCountProvider.alwaysOne(); } }; } }

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