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org.elasticsearch.snapshots.RestoreService Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
 * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
 * Side Public License, v 1.
package org.elasticsearch.snapshots;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ParameterizedMessage;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.action.StepListener;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.snapshots.restore.RestoreSnapshotRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterChangedEvent;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterStateApplier;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterStateUpdateTask;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.RestoreInProgress;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.RestoreInProgress.ShardRestoreStatus;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.SnapshotDeletionsInProgress;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.block.ClusterBlocks;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.AliasMetadata;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.DataStream;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.DataStreamAlias;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetadata;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetadataVerifier;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexTemplateMetadata;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MappingMetadata;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.Metadata;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MetadataCreateIndexService;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MetadataDeleteIndexService;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MetadataIndexStateService;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.RepositoryMetadata;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNode;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.RecoverySource;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.RecoverySource.SnapshotRecoverySource;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.RoutingChangesObserver;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.RoutingTable;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.ShardRouting;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.UnassignedInfo;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.AllocationService;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.ClusterService;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.MasterService;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Priority;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.UUIDs;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.ImmutableOpenMap;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.Lucene;
import org.elasticsearch.common.regex.Regex;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.ClusterSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.Maps;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.core.SuppressForbidden;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Tuple;
import org.elasticsearch.index.Index;
import org.elasticsearch.index.IndexSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.Mapping;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexLongFieldRange;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShard;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.IndicesService;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.ShardLimitValidator;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.SystemDataStreamDescriptor;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.SystemIndices;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.IndexId;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoriesService;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.Repository;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryData;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore.BlobStoreRepository;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Function;

import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableSet;
import static org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetadata.SETTING_AUTO_EXPAND_REPLICAS;
import static org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetadata.SETTING_CREATION_DATE;
import static org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetadata.SETTING_HISTORY_UUID;
import static org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetadata.SETTING_INDEX_UUID;
import static org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetadata.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS;
import static org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetadata.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS;
import static org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetadata.SETTING_VERSION_CREATED;
import static org.elasticsearch.core.Strings.format;
import static org.elasticsearch.index.IndexModule.INDEX_STORE_TYPE_SETTING;
import static org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SearchableSnapshotsSettings.SEARCHABLE_SNAPSHOTS_DELETE_SNAPSHOT_ON_INDEX_DELETION;
import static org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SearchableSnapshotsSettings.SEARCHABLE_SNAPSHOTS_REPOSITORY_NAME_SETTING_KEY;
import static org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SearchableSnapshotsSettings.SEARCHABLE_SNAPSHOTS_REPOSITORY_UUID_SETTING_KEY;
import static org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SearchableSnapshotsSettings.SEARCHABLE_SNAPSHOTS_SNAPSHOT_UUID_SETTING_KEY;
import static org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotUtils.filterIndices;
import static org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotsService.NO_FEATURE_STATES_VALUE;

 * Service responsible for restoring snapshots

* Restore operation is performed in several stages. *

* First {@link #restoreSnapshot(RestoreSnapshotRequest, org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener)} * method reads information about snapshot and metadata from repository. In update cluster state task it checks restore * preconditions, restores global state if needed, creates {@link RestoreInProgress} record with list of shards that needs * to be restored and adds this shard to the routing table using * {@link RoutingTable.Builder#addAsRestore(IndexMetadata, SnapshotRecoverySource)} method. *

* Individual shards are getting restored as part of normal recovery process in * {@link IndexShard#restoreFromRepository} )} * method, which detects that shard should be restored from snapshot rather than recovered from gateway by looking * at the {@link ShardRouting#recoverySource()} property. *

* At the end of the successful restore process {@code RestoreService} calls {@link #removeCompletedRestoresFromClusterState()}, * which removes {@link RestoreInProgress} when all shards are completed. In case of * restore failure a normal recovery fail-over process kicks in. */ public class RestoreService implements ClusterStateApplier { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(RestoreService.class); public static final Setting REFRESH_REPO_UUID_ON_RESTORE_SETTING = Setting.boolSetting( "snapshot.refresh_repo_uuid_on_restore", true, Setting.Property.NodeScope, Setting.Property.Dynamic ); private static final Set UNMODIFIABLE_SETTINGS = Set.of( SETTING_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS, SETTING_VERSION_CREATED, SETTING_INDEX_UUID, SETTING_CREATION_DATE, SETTING_HISTORY_UUID ); // It's OK to change some settings, but we shouldn't allow simply removing them private static final Set UNREMOVABLE_SETTINGS; static { Set unremovable = new HashSet<>(UNMODIFIABLE_SETTINGS.size() + 4); unremovable.addAll(UNMODIFIABLE_SETTINGS); unremovable.add(SETTING_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS); unremovable.add(SETTING_AUTO_EXPAND_REPLICAS); UNREMOVABLE_SETTINGS = unmodifiableSet(unremovable); } private final ClusterService clusterService; private final RepositoriesService repositoriesService; private final AllocationService allocationService; private final MetadataCreateIndexService createIndexService; private final IndexMetadataVerifier indexMetadataVerifier; private final MetadataDeleteIndexService metadataDeleteIndexService; private final ShardLimitValidator shardLimitValidator; private final ClusterSettings clusterSettings; private final SystemIndices systemIndices; private final IndicesService indicesService; private volatile boolean refreshRepositoryUuidOnRestore; public RestoreService( ClusterService clusterService, RepositoriesService repositoriesService, AllocationService allocationService, MetadataCreateIndexService createIndexService, MetadataDeleteIndexService metadataDeleteIndexService, IndexMetadataVerifier indexMetadataVerifier, ShardLimitValidator shardLimitValidator, SystemIndices systemIndices, IndicesService indicesService ) { this.clusterService = clusterService; this.repositoriesService = repositoriesService; this.allocationService = allocationService; this.createIndexService = createIndexService; this.indexMetadataVerifier = indexMetadataVerifier; this.metadataDeleteIndexService = metadataDeleteIndexService; if (DiscoveryNode.isMasterNode(clusterService.getSettings())) { clusterService.addStateApplier(this); } this.clusterSettings = clusterService.getClusterSettings(); this.shardLimitValidator = shardLimitValidator; this.systemIndices = systemIndices; this.indicesService = indicesService; this.refreshRepositoryUuidOnRestore = REFRESH_REPO_UUID_ON_RESTORE_SETTING.get(clusterService.getSettings()); clusterService.getClusterSettings() .addSettingsUpdateConsumer(REFRESH_REPO_UUID_ON_RESTORE_SETTING, this::setRefreshRepositoryUuidOnRestore); } /** * Restores snapshot specified in the restore request. * * @param request restore request * @param listener restore listener */ public void restoreSnapshot(final RestoreSnapshotRequest request, final ActionListener listener) { restoreSnapshot(request, listener, (clusterState, builder) -> {}); } /** * Restores snapshot specified in the restore request. * * @param request restore request * @param listener restore listener * @param updater handler that allows callers to make modifications to {@link Metadata} * in the same cluster state update as the restore operation */ public void restoreSnapshot( final RestoreSnapshotRequest request, final ActionListener listener, final BiConsumer updater ) { try { // Try and fill in any missing repository UUIDs in case they're needed during the restore final StepListener repositoryUuidRefreshListener = new StepListener<>(); refreshRepositoryUuids(refreshRepositoryUuidOnRestore, repositoriesService, repositoryUuidRefreshListener); // Read snapshot info and metadata from the repository final String repositoryName = request.repository(); Repository repository = repositoriesService.repository(repositoryName); final StepListener repositoryDataListener = new StepListener<>(); repository.getRepositoryData(repositoryDataListener); repositoryDataListener.whenComplete(repositoryData -> repositoryUuidRefreshListener.whenComplete(ignored -> { final String snapshotName = request.snapshot(); final Optional matchingSnapshotId = repositoryData.getSnapshotIds() .stream() .filter(s -> snapshotName.equals(s.getName())) .findFirst(); if (matchingSnapshotId.isPresent() == false) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException(repositoryName, snapshotName, "snapshot does not exist"); } final SnapshotId snapshotId = matchingSnapshotId.get(); if (request.snapshotUuid() != null && request.snapshotUuid().equals(snapshotId.getUUID()) == false) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException( repositoryName, snapshotName, "snapshot UUID mismatch: expected [" + request.snapshotUuid() + "] but got [" + snapshotId.getUUID() + "]" ); } repository.getSnapshotInfo( snapshotId, ActionListener.wrap( snapshotInfo -> startRestore(snapshotInfo, repository, request, repositoryData, updater, listener), listener::onFailure ) ); }, listener::onFailure), listener::onFailure); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(() -> "[" + request.repository() + ":" + request.snapshot() + "] failed to restore snapshot", e); listener.onFailure(e); } } /** * Start the snapshot restore process. First validate that the snapshot can be restored based on the contents of the repository and * the restore request. If it can be restored, compute the metadata to be restored for the current restore request and submit the * cluster state update request to start the restore. * * @param snapshotInfo snapshot info for the snapshot to restore * @param repository the repository to restore from * @param request restore request * @param repositoryData current repository data for the repository to restore from * @param updater handler that allows callers to make modifications to {@link Metadata} in the same cluster state update as the * restore operation * @param listener listener to resolve once restore has been started * @throws IOException on failure to load metadata from the repository */ private void startRestore( SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo, Repository repository, RestoreSnapshotRequest request, RepositoryData repositoryData, BiConsumer updater, ActionListener listener ) throws IOException { assert Repository.assertSnapshotMetaThread(); final SnapshotId snapshotId = snapshotInfo.snapshotId(); final String repositoryName = repository.getMetadata().name(); final Snapshot snapshot = new Snapshot(repositoryName, snapshotId); // Make sure that we can restore from this snapshot validateSnapshotRestorable(request, repository.getMetadata(), snapshotInfo, repositoriesService.getPreRestoreVersionChecks()); // Get the global state if necessary Metadata globalMetadata = null; final Metadata.Builder metadataBuilder; if (request.includeGlobalState()) { globalMetadata = repository.getSnapshotGlobalMetadata(snapshotId); metadataBuilder = Metadata.builder(globalMetadata); } else { metadataBuilder = Metadata.builder(); } final String[] indicesInRequest = request.indices(); List requestIndices = new ArrayList<>(indicesInRequest.length); if (indicesInRequest.length == 0) { // no specific indices request means restore everything requestIndices.add("*"); } else { Collections.addAll(requestIndices, indicesInRequest); } // Determine system indices to restore from requested feature states final Map> featureStatesToRestore = getFeatureStatesToRestore(request, snapshotInfo, snapshot); final Set featureStateIndices = featureStatesToRestore.values() .stream() .flatMap(Collection::stream) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); final Set featureStateDataStreams = featureStatesToRestore.keySet().stream().filter(featureName -> { if (systemIndices.getFeatureNames().contains(featureName)) { return true; } logger.warn( () -> format( "Restoring snapshot[%s] skipping feature [%s] because it is not available in this cluster", snapshotInfo.snapshotId(), featureName ) ); return false; }) .map(systemIndices::getFeature) .flatMap(feature -> feature.getDataStreamDescriptors().stream()) .map(SystemDataStreamDescriptor::getDataStreamName) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); // Get data stream metadata for requested data streams Tuple, Map> result = getDataStreamsToRestore( repository, snapshotId, snapshotInfo, globalMetadata, requestIndices, featureStateDataStreams, request.includeAliases() ); Map dataStreamsToRestore = result.v1(); Map dataStreamAliasesToRestore = result.v2(); // Remove the data streams from the list of requested indices requestIndices.removeAll(dataStreamsToRestore.keySet()); // And add the backing indices final Set nonSystemDataStreamIndices; final Set systemDataStreamIndices; { Map> dataStreamIndices = dataStreamsToRestore.values() .stream() .flatMap(ds -> ds.getIndices().stream().map(idx -> new Tuple<>(ds.isSystem(), idx.getName()))) .collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(Tuple::v1, Collectors.mapping(Tuple::v2, Collectors.toSet()))); systemDataStreamIndices = dataStreamIndices.get(true); nonSystemDataStreamIndices = dataStreamIndices.get(false); } requestIndices.addAll(nonSystemDataStreamIndices); final Set allSystemIndicesToRestore = Stream.of(systemDataStreamIndices, featureStateIndices) .flatMap(Collection::stream) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); // Strip system indices out of the list of "available" indices - these should only come from feature states. List availableNonSystemIndices; { Set systemIndicesInSnapshot = new HashSet<>(); snapshotInfo.featureStates().stream().flatMap(state -> state.getIndices().stream()).forEach(systemIndicesInSnapshot::add); // And the system data stream backing indices too snapshotInfo.indices().stream().filter(systemIndices::isSystemIndexBackingDataStream).forEach(systemIndicesInSnapshot::add); Set explicitlyRequestedSystemIndices = new HashSet<>(requestIndices); explicitlyRequestedSystemIndices.retainAll(systemIndicesInSnapshot); if (explicitlyRequestedSystemIndices.size() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( new ParameterizedMessage( "requested system indices {}, but system indices can only be restored as part of a feature state", explicitlyRequestedSystemIndices ).getFormattedMessage() ); } availableNonSystemIndices = snapshotInfo.indices() .stream() .filter(idxName -> systemIndicesInSnapshot.contains(idxName) == false) .toList(); } // Resolve the indices that were directly requested final List requestedIndicesInSnapshot = filterIndices( availableNonSystemIndices, requestIndices.toArray(String[]::new), request.indicesOptions() ); // Combine into the final list of indices to be restored final List requestedIndicesIncludingSystem = Stream.of( requestedIndicesInSnapshot, featureStateIndices, systemDataStreamIndices ).flatMap(Collection::stream).distinct().toList(); final Set explicitlyRequestedSystemIndices = new HashSet<>(); for (IndexId indexId : repositoryData.resolveIndices(requestedIndicesIncludingSystem).values()) { IndexMetadata snapshotIndexMetaData = repository.getSnapshotIndexMetaData(repositoryData, snapshotId, indexId); if (snapshotIndexMetaData.isSystem()) { if (requestIndices.contains(indexId.getName())) { explicitlyRequestedSystemIndices.add(indexId.getName()); } } metadataBuilder.put(snapshotIndexMetaData, false); } assert explicitlyRequestedSystemIndices.size() == 0 : "it should be impossible to reach this point with explicitly requested system indices, but got: " + explicitlyRequestedSystemIndices; // Now we can start the actual restore process by adding shards to be recovered in the cluster state // and updating cluster metadata (global and index) as needed submitUnbatchedTask( "restore_snapshot[" + snapshotId.getName() + ']', new RestoreSnapshotStateTask( request, snapshot, featureStatesToRestore.keySet(), // Apply renaming on index names, returning a map of names where // the key is the renamed index and the value is the original name renamedIndices( request, requestedIndicesIncludingSystem, nonSystemDataStreamIndices, allSystemIndicesToRestore, repositoryData ), snapshotInfo, metadataBuilder.dataStreams(dataStreamsToRestore, dataStreamAliasesToRestore).build(), dataStreamsToRestore.values(), updater, listener ) ); } @SuppressForbidden(reason = "legacy usage of unbatched task") // TODO add support for batching here private void submitUnbatchedTask(@SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") String source, ClusterStateUpdateTask task) { clusterService.submitUnbatchedStateUpdateTask(source, task); } private void setRefreshRepositoryUuidOnRestore(boolean refreshRepositoryUuidOnRestore) { this.refreshRepositoryUuidOnRestore = refreshRepositoryUuidOnRestore; } /** * Best-effort attempt to make sure that we know all the repository UUIDs. Calls {@link Repository#getRepositoryData} on every * {@link BlobStoreRepository} with a missing UUID. * * @param enabled If {@code false} this method completes the listener immediately * @param repositoriesService Supplies the repositories to check * @param refreshListener Listener that is completed when all repositories have been refreshed. */ // Exposed for tests static void refreshRepositoryUuids(boolean enabled, RepositoriesService repositoriesService, ActionListener refreshListener) { if (enabled == false) { logger.debug("repository UUID refresh is disabled"); refreshListener.onResponse(null); return; } // We only care about BlobStoreRepositories because they're the only ones that can contain a searchable snapshot, and we only care // about ones with missing UUIDs. It's possible to have the UUID change from under us if, e.g., the repository was wiped by an // external force, but in this case any searchable snapshots are lost anyway so it doesn't really matter. final List repositories = repositoriesService.getRepositories() .values() .stream() .filter( repository -> repository instanceof BlobStoreRepository && repository.getMetadata().uuid().equals(RepositoryData.MISSING_UUID) ) .toList(); if (repositories.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("repository UUID refresh is not required"); refreshListener.onResponse(null); return; } "refreshing repository UUIDs for repositories [{}]", -> repository.getMetadata().name()).collect(Collectors.joining(",")) ); final ActionListener groupListener = new GroupedActionListener<>(new ActionListener>() { @Override public void onResponse(Collection ignored) { logger.debug("repository UUID refresh completed"); refreshListener.onResponse(null); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { logger.debug("repository UUID refresh failed", e); refreshListener.onResponse(null); // this refresh is best-effort, the restore should proceed either way } }, repositories.size()).map(repositoryData -> null /* don't collect the RepositoryData */); for (Repository repository : repositories) { repository.getRepositoryData(groupListener); } } private boolean isSystemIndex(IndexMetadata indexMetadata) { return indexMetadata.isSystem() || systemIndices.isSystemName(indexMetadata.getIndex().getName()); } private static Tuple, Map> getDataStreamsToRestore( Repository repository, SnapshotId snapshotId, SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo, Metadata globalMetadata, List requestIndices, Collection featureStateDataStreams, boolean includeAliases ) { Map dataStreams; Map dataStreamAliases; List requestedDataStreams = filterIndices( snapshotInfo.dataStreams(), Stream.of(requestIndices, featureStateDataStreams).flatMap(Collection::stream).toArray(String[]::new), IndicesOptions.fromOptions(true, true, true, true) ); if (requestedDataStreams.isEmpty()) { dataStreams = Map.of(); dataStreamAliases = Map.of(); } else { if (globalMetadata == null) { globalMetadata = repository.getSnapshotGlobalMetadata(snapshotId); } final Map dataStreamsInSnapshot = globalMetadata.dataStreams(); dataStreams = Maps.newMapWithExpectedSize(requestedDataStreams.size()); for (String requestedDataStream : requestedDataStreams) { final DataStream dataStreamInSnapshot = dataStreamsInSnapshot.get(requestedDataStream); assert dataStreamInSnapshot != null : "DataStream [" + requestedDataStream + "] not found in snapshot"; if (dataStreamInSnapshot.isSystem() == false) { dataStreams.put(requestedDataStream, dataStreamInSnapshot); } else if (requestIndices.contains(requestedDataStream)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( new ParameterizedMessage( "requested system data stream [{}], but system data streams can only be restored as part of a feature state", requestedDataStream ).getFormattedMessage() ); } else if (featureStateDataStreams.contains(requestedDataStream)) { dataStreams.put(requestedDataStream, dataStreamInSnapshot); } else { logger.debug( "omitting system data stream [{}] from snapshot restoration because its feature state was not requested", requestedDataStream ); } } if (includeAliases) { dataStreamAliases = new HashMap<>(); final Map dataStreamAliasesInSnapshot = globalMetadata.dataStreamAliases(); for (DataStreamAlias alias : dataStreamAliasesInSnapshot.values()) { DataStreamAlias copy = alias.intersect(dataStreams.keySet()::contains); if (copy.getDataStreams().isEmpty() == false) { dataStreamAliases.put(alias.getName(), copy); } } } else { dataStreamAliases = Map.of(); } } return new Tuple<>(dataStreams, dataStreamAliases); } private Map> getFeatureStatesToRestore( RestoreSnapshotRequest request, SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo, Snapshot snapshot ) { if (snapshotInfo.featureStates() == null) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } final Map> snapshotFeatureStates = snapshotInfo.featureStates() .stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(SnapshotFeatureInfo::getPluginName, SnapshotFeatureInfo::getIndices)); final Map> featureStatesToRestore; final String[] requestedFeatureStates = request.featureStates(); if (requestedFeatureStates == null || requestedFeatureStates.length == 0) { // Handle the default cases - defer to the global state value if (request.includeGlobalState()) { featureStatesToRestore = new HashMap<>(snapshotFeatureStates); } else { featureStatesToRestore = Collections.emptyMap(); } } else if (requestedFeatureStates.length == 1 && NO_FEATURE_STATES_VALUE.equalsIgnoreCase(requestedFeatureStates[0])) { // If there's exactly one value and it's "none", include no states featureStatesToRestore = Collections.emptyMap(); } else { // Otherwise, handle the list of requested feature states final Set requestedStates = Set.of(requestedFeatureStates); if (requestedStates.contains(NO_FEATURE_STATES_VALUE)) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException( snapshot, "the feature_states value [" + NO_FEATURE_STATES_VALUE + "] indicates that no feature states should be restored, but other feature states were requested: " + requestedStates ); } if (snapshotFeatureStates.keySet().containsAll(requestedStates) == false) { Set nonExistingRequestedStates = new HashSet<>(requestedStates); nonExistingRequestedStates.removeAll(snapshotFeatureStates.keySet()); throw new SnapshotRestoreException( snapshot, "requested feature states [" + nonExistingRequestedStates + "] are not present in snapshot" ); } featureStatesToRestore = new HashMap<>(snapshotFeatureStates); featureStatesToRestore.keySet().retainAll(requestedStates); } final List featuresNotOnThisNode = featureStatesToRestore.keySet() .stream() .filter(s -> systemIndices.getFeatureNames().contains(s) == false) .toList(); if (featuresNotOnThisNode.isEmpty() == false) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException( snapshot, "requested feature states " + featuresNotOnThisNode + " are present in " + "snapshot but those features are not installed on the current master node" ); } return featureStatesToRestore; } /** * Resolves a set of index names that currently exist in the cluster that are part of a feature state which is about to be restored, * and should therefore be removed prior to restoring those feature states from the snapshot. * * @param currentState The current cluster state * @param featureStatesToRestore A set of feature state names that are about to be restored * @return A set of index names that should be removed based on the feature states being restored */ private Set resolveSystemIndicesToDelete(ClusterState currentState, Set featureStatesToRestore) { if (featureStatesToRestore == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } return .map(systemIndices::getFeature) .filter(Objects::nonNull) // Features that aren't present on this node will be warned about in `getFeatureStatesToRestore` .flatMap(feature -> feature.getIndexDescriptors().stream()) .flatMap(descriptor -> descriptor.getMatchingIndices(currentState.metadata()).stream()) .map(indexName -> { assert currentState.metadata().hasIndex(indexName) : "index [" + indexName + "] not found in metadata but must be present"; return currentState.metadata().getIndices().get(indexName).getIndex(); }) .collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableSet()); } // visible for testing static DataStream updateDataStream(DataStream dataStream, Metadata.Builder metadata, RestoreSnapshotRequest request) { String dataStreamName = dataStream.getName(); if (request.renamePattern() != null && request.renameReplacement() != null) { dataStreamName = dataStreamName.replaceAll(request.renamePattern(), request.renameReplacement()); } List updatedIndices = dataStream.getIndices() .stream() .map(i -> metadata.get(renameIndex(i.getName(), request, true)).getIndex()) .toList(); return new DataStream( dataStreamName, updatedIndices, dataStream.getGeneration(), dataStream.getMetadata(), dataStream.isHidden(), dataStream.isReplicated(), dataStream.isSystem(), dataStream.isAllowCustomRouting(), dataStream.getIndexMode() ); } public static RestoreInProgress updateRestoreStateWithDeletedIndices(RestoreInProgress oldRestore, Set deletedIndices) { boolean changesMade = false; RestoreInProgress.Builder builder = new RestoreInProgress.Builder(); for (RestoreInProgress.Entry entry : oldRestore) { ImmutableOpenMap.Builder shardsBuilder = null; for (Map.Entry cursor : entry.shards().entrySet()) { ShardId shardId = cursor.getKey(); if (deletedIndices.contains(shardId.getIndex())) { changesMade = true; if (shardsBuilder == null) { shardsBuilder = ImmutableOpenMap.builder(entry.shards()); } shardsBuilder.put(shardId, new ShardRestoreStatus(null, RestoreInProgress.State.FAILURE, "index was deleted")); } } if (shardsBuilder != null) { ImmutableOpenMap shards =; builder.add( new RestoreInProgress.Entry( entry.uuid(), entry.snapshot(), overallState(RestoreInProgress.State.STARTED, shards), entry.indices(), shards ) ); } else { builder.add(entry); } } if (changesMade) { return; } else { return oldRestore; } } public static final class RestoreCompletionResponse { private final String uuid; private final Snapshot snapshot; private final RestoreInfo restoreInfo; private RestoreCompletionResponse(final String uuid, final Snapshot snapshot, final RestoreInfo restoreInfo) { this.uuid = uuid; this.snapshot = snapshot; this.restoreInfo = restoreInfo; } public String getUuid() { return uuid; } public Snapshot getSnapshot() { return snapshot; } public RestoreInfo getRestoreInfo() { return restoreInfo; } } public static class RestoreInProgressUpdater extends RoutingChangesObserver.AbstractRoutingChangesObserver { // Map of RestoreUUID to a of changes to the shards' restore statuses private final Map> shardChanges = new HashMap<>(); @Override public void shardStarted(ShardRouting initializingShard, ShardRouting startedShard) { // mark snapshot as completed if (initializingShard.primary()) { RecoverySource recoverySource = initializingShard.recoverySource(); if (recoverySource.getType() == RecoverySource.Type.SNAPSHOT) { changes(recoverySource).put( initializingShard.shardId(), new ShardRestoreStatus(initializingShard.currentNodeId(), RestoreInProgress.State.SUCCESS) ); } } } @Override public void shardFailed(ShardRouting failedShard, UnassignedInfo unassignedInfo) { if (failedShard.primary() && failedShard.initializing()) { RecoverySource recoverySource = failedShard.recoverySource(); if (recoverySource.getType() == RecoverySource.Type.SNAPSHOT) { // mark restore entry for this shard as failed when it's due to a file corruption. There is no need wait on retries // to restore this shard on another node if the snapshot files are corrupt. In case where a node just left or crashed, // however, we only want to acknowledge the restore operation once it has been successfully restored on another node. if (unassignedInfo.getFailure() != null && Lucene.isCorruptionException(unassignedInfo.getFailure().getCause())) { changes(recoverySource).put( failedShard.shardId(), new ShardRestoreStatus( failedShard.currentNodeId(), RestoreInProgress.State.FAILURE, unassignedInfo.getFailure().getCause().getMessage() ) ); } } } } @Override public void shardInitialized(ShardRouting unassignedShard, ShardRouting initializedShard) { // if we force an empty primary, we should also fail the restore entry if (unassignedShard.recoverySource().getType() == RecoverySource.Type.SNAPSHOT && initializedShard.recoverySource().getType() != RecoverySource.Type.SNAPSHOT) { changes(unassignedShard.recoverySource()).put( unassignedShard.shardId(), new ShardRestoreStatus( null, RestoreInProgress.State.FAILURE, "recovery source type changed from snapshot to " + initializedShard.recoverySource() ) ); } } @Override public void unassignedInfoUpdated(ShardRouting unassignedShard, UnassignedInfo newUnassignedInfo) { RecoverySource recoverySource = unassignedShard.recoverySource(); if (recoverySource.getType() == RecoverySource.Type.SNAPSHOT) { if (newUnassignedInfo.getLastAllocationStatus() == UnassignedInfo.AllocationStatus.DECIDERS_NO) { String reason = "shard could not be allocated to any of the nodes"; changes(recoverySource).put( unassignedShard.shardId(), new ShardRestoreStatus(unassignedShard.currentNodeId(), RestoreInProgress.State.FAILURE, reason) ); } } } /** * Helper method that creates update entry for the given recovery source's restore uuid * if such an entry does not exist yet. */ private Map changes(RecoverySource recoverySource) { assert recoverySource.getType() == RecoverySource.Type.SNAPSHOT; return shardChanges.computeIfAbsent(((SnapshotRecoverySource) recoverySource).restoreUUID(), k -> new HashMap<>()); } public RestoreInProgress applyChanges(final RestoreInProgress oldRestore) { if (shardChanges.isEmpty() == false) { RestoreInProgress.Builder builder = new RestoreInProgress.Builder(); for (RestoreInProgress.Entry entry : oldRestore) { Map updates = shardChanges.get(entry.uuid()); ImmutableOpenMap shardStates = entry.shards(); if (updates != null && updates.isEmpty() == false) { ImmutableOpenMap.Builder shardsBuilder = ImmutableOpenMap.builder(shardStates); for (Map.Entry shard : updates.entrySet()) { ShardId shardId = shard.getKey(); ShardRestoreStatus status = shardStates.get(shardId); if (status == null || status.state().completed() == false) { shardsBuilder.put(shardId, shard.getValue()); } } ImmutableOpenMap shards =; RestoreInProgress.State newState = overallState(RestoreInProgress.State.STARTED, shards); builder.add(new RestoreInProgress.Entry(entry.uuid(), entry.snapshot(), newState, entry.indices(), shards)); } else { builder.add(entry); } } return; } else { return oldRestore; } } } private static RestoreInProgress.State overallState( RestoreInProgress.State nonCompletedState, ImmutableOpenMap shards ) { boolean hasFailed = false; for (RestoreInProgress.ShardRestoreStatus status : shards.values()) { if (status.state().completed() == false) { return nonCompletedState; } if (status.state() == RestoreInProgress.State.FAILURE) { hasFailed = true; } } if (hasFailed) { return RestoreInProgress.State.FAILURE; } else { return RestoreInProgress.State.SUCCESS; } } public static boolean completed(ImmutableOpenMap shards) { for (RestoreInProgress.ShardRestoreStatus status : shards.values()) { if (status.state().completed() == false) { return false; } } return true; } public static int failedShards(ImmutableOpenMap shards) { int failedShards = 0; for (RestoreInProgress.ShardRestoreStatus status : shards.values()) { if (status.state() == RestoreInProgress.State.FAILURE) { failedShards++; } } return failedShards; } private static Map renamedIndices( RestoreSnapshotRequest request, List filteredIndices, Set dataStreamIndices, Set featureIndices, RepositoryData repositoryData ) { Map renamedIndices = new HashMap<>(); for (String index : filteredIndices) { String renamedIndex; if (featureIndices.contains(index)) { // Don't rename system indices renamedIndex = index; } else { renamedIndex = renameIndex(index, request, dataStreamIndices.contains(index)); } IndexId previousIndex = renamedIndices.put(renamedIndex, repositoryData.resolveIndexId(index)); if (previousIndex != null) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException( request.repository(), request.snapshot(), "indices [" + index + "] and [" + previousIndex.getName() + "] are renamed into the same index [" + renamedIndex + "]" ); } } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(renamedIndices); } private static String renameIndex(String index, RestoreSnapshotRequest request, boolean partOfDataStream) { String renamedIndex = index; if (request.renameReplacement() != null && request.renamePattern() != null) { partOfDataStream = partOfDataStream && index.startsWith(DataStream.BACKING_INDEX_PREFIX); if (partOfDataStream) { index = index.substring(DataStream.BACKING_INDEX_PREFIX.length()); } renamedIndex = index.replaceAll(request.renamePattern(), request.renameReplacement()); if (partOfDataStream) { renamedIndex = DataStream.BACKING_INDEX_PREFIX + renamedIndex; } } return renamedIndex; } /** * Checks that snapshots can be restored and have compatible version * @param repository repository name * @param snapshotInfo snapshot metadata * @param preRestoreVersionChecks */ static void validateSnapshotRestorable( RestoreSnapshotRequest request, RepositoryMetadata repository, SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo, List> preRestoreVersionChecks ) { if (snapshotInfo.state().restorable() == false) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException( new Snapshot(, snapshotInfo.snapshotId()), "unsupported snapshot state [" + snapshotInfo.state() + "]" ); } if (Version.CURRENT.before(snapshotInfo.version())) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException( new Snapshot(, snapshotInfo.snapshotId()), "the snapshot was created with Elasticsearch version [" + snapshotInfo.version() + "] which is higher than the version of this node [" + Version.CURRENT + "]" ); } Snapshot snapshot = new Snapshot(, snapshotInfo.snapshotId()); preRestoreVersionChecks.forEach(c -> c.accept(snapshot, snapshotInfo.version())); if (request.includeGlobalState() && snapshotInfo.includeGlobalState() == Boolean.FALSE) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException( new Snapshot(, snapshotInfo.snapshotId()), "cannot restore global state since the snapshot was created without global state" ); } } public static boolean failed(SnapshotInfo snapshot, String index) { for (SnapshotShardFailure failure : snapshot.shardFailures()) { if (index.equals(failure.index())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the indices that are currently being restored and that are contained in the indices-to-check set. */ public static Set restoringIndices(final ClusterState currentState, final Set indicesToCheck) { final Set indices = new HashSet<>(); for (RestoreInProgress.Entry entry : currentState.custom(RestoreInProgress.TYPE, RestoreInProgress.EMPTY)) { for (Map.Entry shard : entry.shards().entrySet()) { Index index = shard.getKey().getIndex(); if (indicesToCheck.contains(index) && shard.getValue().state().completed() == false && currentState.getMetadata().index(index) != null) { indices.add(index); } } } return indices; } public static RestoreInProgress.Entry restoreInProgress(ClusterState state, String restoreUUID) { return state.custom(RestoreInProgress.TYPE, RestoreInProgress.EMPTY).get(restoreUUID); } /** * Set to true if {@link #removeCompletedRestoresFromClusterState()} already has an in-flight state update running that will clean up * all completed restores from the cluster state. */ private volatile boolean cleanupInProgress = false; // run a cluster state update that removes all completed restores from the cluster state private void removeCompletedRestoresFromClusterState() { submitUnbatchedTask("clean up snapshot restore status", new ClusterStateUpdateTask(Priority.URGENT) { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { RestoreInProgress.Builder restoreInProgressBuilder = new RestoreInProgress.Builder(); boolean changed = false; for (RestoreInProgress.Entry entry : currentState.custom(RestoreInProgress.TYPE, RestoreInProgress.EMPTY)) { if (entry.state().completed()) { changed = true; } else { restoreInProgressBuilder.add(entry); } } return changed == false ? currentState : ClusterState.builder(currentState).putCustom(RestoreInProgress.TYPE,; } @Override public void onFailure(final Exception e) { cleanupInProgress = false; logger.log( MasterService.isPublishFailureException(e) ? Level.DEBUG : Level.WARN, "failed to remove completed restores from cluster state", e ); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { cleanupInProgress = false; } }); } @Override public void applyClusterState(ClusterChangedEvent event) { try { if (event.localNodeMaster() && cleanupInProgress == false) { for (RestoreInProgress.Entry entry : event.state().custom(RestoreInProgress.TYPE, RestoreInProgress.EMPTY)) { if (entry.state().completed()) { assert completed(entry.shards()) : "state says completed but restore entries are not"; removeCompletedRestoresFromClusterState(); cleanupInProgress = true; // the above method cleans up all completed restores, no need to keep looping break; } } } } catch (Exception t) { assert false : t; logger.warn("Failed to update restore state ", t); } } /** * Optionally updates index settings in indexMetadata by removing settings listed in ignoreSettings and * merging them with settings in changeSettings. */ private static IndexMetadata updateIndexSettings( Snapshot snapshot, IndexMetadata indexMetadata, Settings changeSettings, String[] ignoreSettings ) { final Settings settings = indexMetadata.getSettings(); Settings normalizedChangeSettings = Settings.builder() .put(changeSettings) .normalizePrefix(IndexMetadata.INDEX_SETTING_PREFIX) .build(); if (IndexSettings.INDEX_SOFT_DELETES_SETTING.get(settings) && IndexSettings.INDEX_SOFT_DELETES_SETTING.exists(changeSettings) && IndexSettings.INDEX_SOFT_DELETES_SETTING.get(changeSettings) == false) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException( snapshot, "cannot disable setting [" + IndexSettings.INDEX_SOFT_DELETES_SETTING.getKey() + "] on restore" ); } if ("snapshot".equals(INDEX_STORE_TYPE_SETTING.get(settings))) { final Boolean changed = changeSettings.getAsBoolean(SEARCHABLE_SNAPSHOTS_DELETE_SNAPSHOT_ON_INDEX_DELETION, null); if (changed != null) { final Boolean previous = settings.getAsBoolean(SEARCHABLE_SNAPSHOTS_DELETE_SNAPSHOT_ON_INDEX_DELETION, null); if (Objects.equals(previous, changed) == false) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException( snapshot, String.format( Locale.ROOT, "cannot change value of [%s] when restoring searchable snapshot [%s:%s] as index %s", SEARCHABLE_SNAPSHOTS_DELETE_SNAPSHOT_ON_INDEX_DELETION, snapshot.getRepository(), snapshot.getSnapshotId().getName(), indexMetadata.getIndex() ) ); } } } IndexMetadata.Builder builder = IndexMetadata.builder(indexMetadata); Set keyFilters = new HashSet<>(); List simpleMatchPatterns = new ArrayList<>(); for (String ignoredSetting : ignoreSettings) { if (Regex.isSimpleMatchPattern(ignoredSetting) == false) { if (UNREMOVABLE_SETTINGS.contains(ignoredSetting)) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException(snapshot, "cannot remove setting [" + ignoredSetting + "] on restore"); } else { keyFilters.add(ignoredSetting); } } else { simpleMatchPatterns.add(ignoredSetting); } } Settings.Builder settingsBuilder = Settings.builder().put(settings.filter(k -> { if (UNREMOVABLE_SETTINGS.contains(k) == false) { for (String filterKey : keyFilters) { if (k.equals(filterKey)) { return false; } } for (String pattern : simpleMatchPatterns) { if (Regex.simpleMatch(pattern, k)) { return false; } } } return true; })).put(normalizedChangeSettings.filter(k -> { if (UNMODIFIABLE_SETTINGS.contains(k)) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException(snapshot, "cannot modify setting [" + k + "] on restore"); } else { return true; } })); settingsBuilder.remove(MetadataIndexStateService.VERIFIED_BEFORE_CLOSE_SETTING.getKey()); return builder.settings(settingsBuilder).build(); } /** * Cluster state update task that is executed to start a restore operation. */ private final class RestoreSnapshotStateTask extends ClusterStateUpdateTask { /** * UUID to use for this restore, as returned by {@link RestoreInProgress.Entry#uuid()}. */ private final String restoreUUID = UUIDs.randomBase64UUID(); /** * The restore request that triggered this restore task. */ private final RestoreSnapshotRequest request; /** * Feature states to restore. */ private final Set featureStatesToRestore; /** * Map of index names to restore to the repository index id to restore them from. */ private final Map indicesToRestore; private final Snapshot snapshot; /** * Snapshot info of the snapshot to restore */ private final SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo; /** * Metadata loaded from the snapshot */ private final Metadata metadata; private final Collection dataStreamsToRestore; private final BiConsumer updater; private final ActionListener listener; @Nullable private RestoreInfo restoreInfo; RestoreSnapshotStateTask( RestoreSnapshotRequest request, Snapshot snapshot, Set featureStatesToRestore, Map indicesToRestore, SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo, Metadata metadata, Collection dataStreamsToRestore, BiConsumer updater, ActionListener listener ) { super(request.masterNodeTimeout()); this.request = request; this.snapshot = snapshot; this.featureStatesToRestore = featureStatesToRestore; this.indicesToRestore = indicesToRestore; this.snapshotInfo = snapshotInfo; this.metadata = metadata; this.dataStreamsToRestore = dataStreamsToRestore; this.updater = updater; this.listener = listener; } @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { // Check if the snapshot to restore is currently being deleted ensureSnapshotNotDeleted(currentState); // Clear out all existing indices which fall within a system index pattern being restored currentState = metadataDeleteIndexService.deleteIndices( currentState, resolveSystemIndicesToDelete(currentState, featureStatesToRestore) ); // List of searchable snapshots indices to restore final Set searchableSnapshotsIndices = new HashSet<>(); // Updating cluster state final Metadata.Builder mdBuilder = Metadata.builder(currentState.metadata()); final ClusterBlocks.Builder blocks = ClusterBlocks.builder().blocks(currentState.blocks()); final RoutingTable.Builder rtBuilder = RoutingTable.builder(currentState.routingTable()); final ImmutableOpenMap.Builder shardsBuilder = ImmutableOpenMap.builder(); final Version minIndexCompatibilityVersion = currentState.getNodes().getMaxNodeVersion().minimumIndexCompatibilityVersion(); final String localNodeId = clusterService.state().nodes().getLocalNodeId(); for (Map.Entry indexEntry : indicesToRestore.entrySet()) { final IndexId index = indexEntry.getValue(); final IndexMetadata originalIndexMetadata = metadata.index(index.getName()); repositoriesService.getPreRestoreVersionChecks() .forEach(check -> check.accept(snapshot, originalIndexMetadata.getCreationVersion())); IndexMetadata snapshotIndexMetadata = updateIndexSettings( snapshot, originalIndexMetadata, request.indexSettings(), request.ignoreIndexSettings() ); if (snapshotIndexMetadata.getCompatibilityVersion().before(minIndexCompatibilityVersion)) { // adapt index metadata so that it can be understood by current version snapshotIndexMetadata = convertLegacyIndex(snapshotIndexMetadata, currentState, indicesService); } try { snapshotIndexMetadata = indexMetadataVerifier.verifyIndexMetadata(snapshotIndexMetadata, minIndexCompatibilityVersion); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException(snapshot, "cannot restore index [" + index + "] because it cannot be upgraded", ex); } final String renamedIndexName = indexEntry.getKey(); final IndexMetadata currentIndexMetadata = currentState.metadata().index(renamedIndexName); final SnapshotRecoverySource recoverySource = new SnapshotRecoverySource( restoreUUID, snapshot, snapshotInfo.version(), index ); final boolean partial = checkPartial(index.getName()); final Set ignoreShards = new HashSet<>(); final IndexMetadata updatedIndexMetadata; // different paths depending on whether we are restoring to create a new index or restoring over an existing closed index // that will be opened by the restore if (currentIndexMetadata == null) { // Index doesn't exist - create it and start recovery // Make sure that the index we are about to create has a validate name ensureValidIndexName(currentState, snapshotIndexMetadata, renamedIndexName); shardLimitValidator.validateShardLimit(snapshotIndexMetadata.getSettings(), currentState); final IndexMetadata.Builder indexMdBuilder = restoreToCreateNewIndex(snapshotIndexMetadata, renamedIndexName); if (request.includeAliases() == false && snapshotIndexMetadata.getAliases().isEmpty() == false && isSystemIndex(snapshotIndexMetadata) == false) { // Remove all aliases - they shouldn't be restored indexMdBuilder.removeAllAliases(); } else { ensureNoAliasNameConflicts(snapshotIndexMetadata); } updatedIndexMetadata =; if (partial) { populateIgnoredShards(index.getName(), ignoreShards); } rtBuilder.addAsNewRestore(updatedIndexMetadata, recoverySource, ignoreShards); blocks.addBlocks(updatedIndexMetadata); } else { // Index exists and it's closed - open it in metadata and start recovery validateExistingClosedIndex(currentIndexMetadata, snapshotIndexMetadata, renamedIndexName, partial); final IndexMetadata.Builder indexMdBuilder = restoreOverClosedIndex(snapshotIndexMetadata, currentIndexMetadata); if (request.includeAliases() == false && isSystemIndex(snapshotIndexMetadata) == false) { // Remove all snapshot aliases if (snapshotIndexMetadata.getAliases().isEmpty() == false) { indexMdBuilder.removeAllAliases(); } // Add existing aliases for (AliasMetadata alias : currentIndexMetadata.getAliases().values()) { indexMdBuilder.putAlias(alias); } } else { ensureNoAliasNameConflicts(snapshotIndexMetadata); } updatedIndexMetadata =; rtBuilder.addAsRestore(updatedIndexMetadata, recoverySource); blocks.updateBlocks(updatedIndexMetadata); } mdBuilder.put(updatedIndexMetadata, true); final Index renamedIndex = updatedIndexMetadata.getIndex(); for (int shard = 0; shard < snapshotIndexMetadata.getNumberOfShards(); shard++) { shardsBuilder.put( new ShardId(renamedIndex, shard), ignoreShards.contains(shard) ? new ShardRestoreStatus(localNodeId, RestoreInProgress.State.FAILURE) : new ShardRestoreStatus(localNodeId) ); } if ("snapshot".equals(INDEX_STORE_TYPE_SETTING.get(updatedIndexMetadata.getSettings()))) { searchableSnapshotsIndices.add(updatedIndexMetadata.getIndex()); } } final ClusterState.Builder builder = ClusterState.builder(currentState); final ImmutableOpenMap shards =; if (shards.isEmpty() == false) { builder.putCustom( RestoreInProgress.TYPE, new RestoreInProgress.Builder(currentState.custom(RestoreInProgress.TYPE, RestoreInProgress.EMPTY)).add( new RestoreInProgress.Entry( restoreUUID, snapshot, overallState(RestoreInProgress.State.INIT, shards), List.copyOf(indicesToRestore.keySet()), shards ) ).build() ); } applyDataStreamRestores(currentState, mdBuilder); // Restore global state if needed if (request.includeGlobalState()) { applyGlobalStateRestore(currentState, mdBuilder); } if (completed(shards)) { // We don't have any indices to restore - we are done restoreInfo = new RestoreInfo( snapshot.getSnapshotId().getName(), List.copyOf(indicesToRestore.keySet()), shards.size(), shards.size() - failedShards(shards) ); } updater.accept(currentState, mdBuilder); final ClusterState updatedClusterState = builder.metadata(mdBuilder).blocks(blocks).routingTable(; if (searchableSnapshotsIndices.isEmpty() == false) { ensureSearchableSnapshotsRestorable(updatedClusterState, snapshotInfo, searchableSnapshotsIndices); } return allocationService.reroute(updatedClusterState, "restored snapshot [" + snapshot + "]"); } private void applyDataStreamRestores(ClusterState currentState, Metadata.Builder mdBuilder) { final Map updatedDataStreams = new HashMap<>(currentState.metadata().dataStreams()); updatedDataStreams.putAll( .map(ds -> updateDataStream(ds, mdBuilder, request)) .collect(Collectors.toMap(DataStream::getName, Function.identity())) ); final Map updatedDataStreamAliases = new HashMap<>(currentState.metadata().dataStreamAliases()); for (DataStreamAlias alias : metadata.dataStreamAliases().values()) { // Merge data stream alias from snapshot with an existing data stream aliases in target cluster: updatedDataStreamAliases.compute( alias.getName(), (key, previous) -> alias.restore(previous, request.renamePattern(), request.renameReplacement()) ); } mdBuilder.dataStreams(updatedDataStreams, updatedDataStreamAliases); } private void ensureSnapshotNotDeleted(ClusterState currentState) { SnapshotDeletionsInProgress deletionsInProgress = currentState.custom( SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.TYPE, SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.EMPTY ); if (deletionsInProgress.getEntries().stream().anyMatch(entry -> entry.getSnapshots().contains(snapshot.getSnapshotId()))) { throw new ConcurrentSnapshotExecutionException( snapshot, "cannot restore a snapshot while a snapshot deletion is in-progress [" + deletionsInProgress.getEntries().get(0) + "]" ); } } private void applyGlobalStateRestore(ClusterState currentState, Metadata.Builder mdBuilder) { if (metadata.persistentSettings() != null) { Settings settings = metadata.persistentSettings(); if (request.skipOperatorOnlyState()) { // Skip any operator-only settings from the snapshot. This happens when operator privileges are enabled final Set operatorSettingKeys = Stream.concat( settings.keySet().stream(), currentState.metadata().persistentSettings().keySet().stream() ).filter(k -> { final Setting setting = clusterSettings.get(k); return setting != null && setting.isOperatorOnly(); }).collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (false == operatorSettingKeys.isEmpty()) { settings = Settings.builder() .put(settings.filter(k -> false == operatorSettingKeys.contains(k))) .put(currentState.metadata().persistentSettings().filter(operatorSettingKeys::contains)) .build(); } } clusterSettings.validateUpdate(settings); mdBuilder.persistentSettings(settings); } if (metadata.templates() != null) { // TODO: Should all existing templates be deleted first? for (IndexTemplateMetadata cursor : metadata.templates().values()) { mdBuilder.put(cursor); } } // override existing restorable customs (as there might be nothing in snapshot to override them) mdBuilder.removeCustomIf((key, value) -> value.isRestorable()); // restore customs from the snapshot if (metadata.customs() != null) { for (var entry : metadata.customs().entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().isRestorable()) { // TODO: Check request.skipOperatorOnly for Autoscaling policies (NonRestorableCustom) // Don't restore repositories while we are working with them // TODO: Should we restore them at the end? // Also, don't restore data streams here, we already added them to the metadata builder above mdBuilder.putCustom(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } } private void ensureNoAliasNameConflicts(IndexMetadata snapshotIndexMetadata) { for (String aliasName : snapshotIndexMetadata.getAliases().keySet()) { final IndexId indexId = indicesToRestore.get(aliasName); if (indexId != null) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException( snapshot, "cannot rename index [" + indexId + "] into [" + aliasName + "] because of conflict with an alias with the same name" ); } } } private void populateIgnoredShards(String index, Set ignoreShards) { for (SnapshotShardFailure failure : snapshotInfo.shardFailures()) { if (index.equals(failure.index())) { ignoreShards.add(failure.shardId()); } } } private boolean checkPartial(String index) { // Make sure that index was fully snapshotted if (failed(snapshotInfo, index)) { if (request.partial()) { return true; } else { throw new SnapshotRestoreException(snapshot, "index [" + index + "] wasn't fully snapshotted - cannot restore"); } } else { return false; } } private void validateExistingClosedIndex( IndexMetadata currentIndexMetadata, IndexMetadata snapshotIndexMetadata, String renamedIndex, boolean partial ) { // Index exist - checking that it's closed if (currentIndexMetadata.getState() != IndexMetadata.State.CLOSE) { // TODO: Enable restore for open indices throw new SnapshotRestoreException( snapshot, "cannot restore index [" + renamedIndex + "] because an open index " + "with same name already exists in the cluster. Either close or delete the existing index or restore the " + "index under a different name by providing a rename pattern and replacement name" ); } // Index exist - checking if it's partial restore if (partial) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException( snapshot, "cannot restore partial index [" + renamedIndex + "] because such index already exists" ); } // Make sure that the number of shards is the same. That's the only thing that we cannot change if (currentIndexMetadata.getNumberOfShards() != snapshotIndexMetadata.getNumberOfShards()) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException( snapshot, "cannot restore index [" + renamedIndex + "] with [" + currentIndexMetadata.getNumberOfShards() + "] shards from a snapshot of index [" + snapshotIndexMetadata.getIndex().getName() + "] with [" + snapshotIndexMetadata.getNumberOfShards() + "] shards" ); } } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { logger.warn(() -> "[" + snapshot + "] failed to restore snapshot", e); listener.onFailure(e); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { listener.onResponse(new RestoreCompletionResponse(restoreUUID, snapshot, restoreInfo)); } } private static IndexMetadata convertLegacyIndex( IndexMetadata snapshotIndexMetadata, ClusterState clusterState, IndicesService indicesService ) { if (snapshotIndexMetadata.getCreationVersion().before(Version.fromString("5.0.0"))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't restore an index created before version 5.0.0"); } IndexMetadata.Builder convertedIndexMetadataBuilder = IndexMetadata.builder(snapshotIndexMetadata); convertedIndexMetadataBuilder.settings( Settings.builder() .put(snapshotIndexMetadata.getSettings()) .put(IndexMetadata.SETTING_INDEX_VERSION_COMPATIBILITY.getKey(), clusterState.getNodes().getSmallestNonClientNodeVersion()) .put(IndexMetadata.SETTING_BLOCKS_WRITE, true) ); snapshotIndexMetadata =; convertedIndexMetadataBuilder = IndexMetadata.builder(snapshotIndexMetadata); MappingMetadata mappingMetadata = snapshotIndexMetadata.mapping(); if (mappingMetadata != null) { Map loadedMappingSource = mappingMetadata.rawSourceAsMap(); // store old mapping under _meta/legacy_mappings Map legacyMapping = new LinkedHashMap<>(); boolean sourceOnlySnapshot = snapshotIndexMetadata.getSettings().getAsBoolean("index.source_only", false); if (sourceOnlySnapshot) { // actual mapping is under "_meta" (but strip type first) Object sourceOnlyMeta = mappingMetadata.sourceAsMap().get("_meta"); if (sourceOnlyMeta instanceof Map sourceOnlyMetaMap) { legacyMapping.put("legacy_mappings", sourceOnlyMetaMap); } } else { legacyMapping.put("legacy_mappings", loadedMappingSource); } Map newMappingSource = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // mappings keyed by type Map mergedMapping = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // bring to single type by merging maps for (Map.Entry typeMapping : loadedMappingSource.entrySet()) { if (typeMapping.getValue() instanceof Map) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map mapping = ((Map) typeMapping.getValue()); if (mergedMapping.isEmpty()) { mergedMapping.putAll(mapping); } else { XContentHelper.mergeDefaults(mergedMapping, mapping); } } } // reorder top-level map so that _meta appears in right place // the order is type, dynamic, enabled, _meta, and then the rest if (mergedMapping.containsKey("type")) { newMappingSource.put("type", mergedMapping.remove("type")); } if (mergedMapping.containsKey("dynamic")) { newMappingSource.put("dynamic", mergedMapping.remove("dynamic")); } if (mergedMapping.containsKey("enabled")) { newMappingSource.put("enabled", mergedMapping.remove("enabled")); } // if existing mapping already has a _meta section, merge it with new _meta/legacy_mappings if (sourceOnlySnapshot == false && mergedMapping.containsKey("_meta") && mergedMapping.get("_meta") instanceof Map) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map oldMeta = (Map) mergedMapping.remove("_meta"); Map newMeta = new LinkedHashMap<>(); newMeta.putAll(oldMeta); newMeta.putAll(legacyMapping); newMappingSource.put("_meta", newMeta); } else { newMappingSource.put("_meta", legacyMapping); } // now add the actual mapping if (sourceOnlySnapshot == false) { newMappingSource.putAll(mergedMapping); } else { // TODO: automatically add runtime field definitions for source-only snapshots } Map newMapping = new LinkedHashMap<>(); newMapping.put(mappingMetadata.type(), newMappingSource); MappingMetadata updatedMappingMetadata = new MappingMetadata(mappingMetadata.type(), newMapping); convertedIndexMetadataBuilder.putMapping(updatedMappingMetadata); IndexMetadata convertedIndexMetadata =; try { Mapping mapping; try (MapperService mapperService = indicesService.createIndexMapperServiceForValidation(convertedIndexMetadata)) { // create and validate in-memory mapping mapperService.merge(convertedIndexMetadata, MapperService.MergeReason.MAPPING_RECOVERY); mapping = mapperService.documentMapper().mapping(); } if (mapping != null) { convertedIndexMetadataBuilder = IndexMetadata.builder(convertedIndexMetadata); // using the recomputed mapping allows stripping some fields that we no longer support (e.g. include_in_all) convertedIndexMetadataBuilder.putMapping(new MappingMetadata(mapping.toCompressedXContent())); return; } } catch (Exception e) { final var metadata = snapshotIndexMetadata; logger.warn(() -> "could not import mappings for legacy index " + metadata.getIndex().getName(), e); // put mapping into _meta/legacy_mappings instead without adding anything else convertedIndexMetadataBuilder = IndexMetadata.builder(snapshotIndexMetadata); newMappingSource.clear(); newMappingSource.put("_meta", legacyMapping); newMapping = new LinkedHashMap<>(); newMapping.put(mappingMetadata.type(), newMappingSource); updatedMappingMetadata = new MappingMetadata(mappingMetadata.type(), newMapping); convertedIndexMetadataBuilder.putMapping(updatedMappingMetadata); throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } // TODO: _routing? Perhaps we don't need to obey any routing here as stuff is read-only anyway and get API will be disabled return; } private static IndexMetadata.Builder restoreToCreateNewIndex(IndexMetadata snapshotIndexMetadata, String renamedIndexName) { return IndexMetadata.builder(snapshotIndexMetadata) .state(IndexMetadata.State.OPEN) .index(renamedIndexName) .settings( Settings.builder().put(snapshotIndexMetadata.getSettings()).put(IndexMetadata.SETTING_INDEX_UUID, UUIDs.randomBase64UUID()) ) .timestampRange(IndexLongFieldRange.NO_SHARDS); } private static IndexMetadata.Builder restoreOverClosedIndex(IndexMetadata snapshotIndexMetadata, IndexMetadata currentIndexMetadata) { final IndexMetadata.Builder indexMdBuilder = IndexMetadata.builder(snapshotIndexMetadata) .state(IndexMetadata.State.OPEN) .version(Math.max(snapshotIndexMetadata.getVersion(), 1 + currentIndexMetadata.getVersion())) .mappingVersion(Math.max(snapshotIndexMetadata.getMappingVersion(), 1 + currentIndexMetadata.getMappingVersion())) .settingsVersion(Math.max(snapshotIndexMetadata.getSettingsVersion(), 1 + currentIndexMetadata.getSettingsVersion())) .aliasesVersion(Math.max(snapshotIndexMetadata.getAliasesVersion(), 1 + currentIndexMetadata.getAliasesVersion())) .timestampRange(IndexLongFieldRange.NO_SHARDS) .index(currentIndexMetadata.getIndex().getName()) .settings( Settings.builder() .put(snapshotIndexMetadata.getSettings()) .put(IndexMetadata.SETTING_INDEX_UUID, currentIndexMetadata.getIndexUUID()) .put(IndexMetadata.SETTING_HISTORY_UUID, UUIDs.randomBase64UUID()) ); for (int shard = 0; shard < snapshotIndexMetadata.getNumberOfShards(); shard++) { indexMdBuilder.primaryTerm(shard, Math.max(snapshotIndexMetadata.primaryTerm(shard), currentIndexMetadata.primaryTerm(shard))); } return indexMdBuilder; } private void ensureValidIndexName(ClusterState currentState, IndexMetadata snapshotIndexMetadata, String renamedIndexName) { final boolean isHidden = snapshotIndexMetadata.isHidden(); MetadataCreateIndexService.validateIndexName(renamedIndexName, currentState); createIndexService.validateDotIndex(renamedIndexName, isHidden); createIndexService.validateIndexSettings(renamedIndexName, snapshotIndexMetadata.getSettings(), false); } private static void ensureSearchableSnapshotsRestorable( final ClusterState currentState, final SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo, final Set indices ) { final Metadata metadata = currentState.metadata(); for (Index index : indices) { final Settings indexSettings = metadata.getIndexSafe(index).getSettings(); assert "snapshot".equals(INDEX_STORE_TYPE_SETTING.get(indexSettings)) : "not a snapshot backed index: " + index; final String repositoryUuid = indexSettings.get(SEARCHABLE_SNAPSHOTS_REPOSITORY_UUID_SETTING_KEY); final String repositoryName = indexSettings.get(SEARCHABLE_SNAPSHOTS_REPOSITORY_NAME_SETTING_KEY); final String snapshotUuid = indexSettings.get(SEARCHABLE_SNAPSHOTS_SNAPSHOT_UUID_SETTING_KEY); final boolean deleteSnapshot = indexSettings.getAsBoolean(SEARCHABLE_SNAPSHOTS_DELETE_SNAPSHOT_ON_INDEX_DELETION, false); if (deleteSnapshot && snapshotInfo.indices().size() != 1 && Objects.equals(snapshotUuid, snapshotInfo.snapshotId().getUUID())) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException( repositoryName, snapshotInfo.snapshotId().getName(), String.format( Locale.ROOT, "cannot mount snapshot [%s/%s:%s] as index [%s] with the deletion of snapshot on index removal enabled " + "[ true]; snapshot contains [%d] indices instead of 1.", repositoryName, repositoryUuid, snapshotInfo.snapshotId().getName(), index.getName(), snapshotInfo.indices().size() ) ); } for (IndexMetadata other : metadata) { if (other.getIndex().equals(index)) { continue; // do not check the searchable snapshot index against itself } final Settings otherSettings = other.getSettings(); if ("snapshot".equals(INDEX_STORE_TYPE_SETTING.get(otherSettings)) == false) { continue; // other index is not a searchable snapshot index, skip } final String otherSnapshotUuid = otherSettings.get(SEARCHABLE_SNAPSHOTS_SNAPSHOT_UUID_SETTING_KEY); if (Objects.equals(snapshotUuid, otherSnapshotUuid) == false) { continue; // other index is backed by a different snapshot, skip } final String otherRepositoryUuid = otherSettings.get(SEARCHABLE_SNAPSHOTS_REPOSITORY_UUID_SETTING_KEY); final String otherRepositoryName = otherSettings.get(SEARCHABLE_SNAPSHOTS_REPOSITORY_NAME_SETTING_KEY); if (matchRepository(repositoryUuid, repositoryName, otherRepositoryUuid, otherRepositoryName) == false) { continue; // other index is backed by a snapshot from a different repository, skip } final boolean otherDeleteSnap = otherSettings.getAsBoolean(SEARCHABLE_SNAPSHOTS_DELETE_SNAPSHOT_ON_INDEX_DELETION, false); if (deleteSnapshot != otherDeleteSnap) { throw new SnapshotRestoreException( repositoryName, snapshotInfo.snapshotId().getName(), String.format( Locale.ROOT, "cannot mount snapshot [%s/%s:%s] as index [%s] with [ %b]; " + "another index %s is mounted with [ %b].", repositoryName, repositoryUuid, snapshotInfo.snapshotId().getName(), index.getName(), deleteSnapshot, other.getIndex(), otherDeleteSnap ) ); } } } } private static boolean matchRepository( String repositoryUuid, String repositoryName, String otherRepositoryUuid, String otherRepositoryName ) { if (Strings.hasLength(repositoryUuid) && Strings.hasLength(otherRepositoryUuid)) { return Objects.equals(repositoryUuid, otherRepositoryUuid); } else { return Objects.equals(repositoryName, otherRepositoryName); } } }

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