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org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.rollover.RolloverRequest Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
 * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
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package org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.rollover;

import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRequestValidationException;
import org.elasticsearch.action.IndicesRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.create.CreateIndexRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.Maps;
import org.elasticsearch.core.RestApiVersion;
import org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService;
import org.elasticsearch.tasks.CancellableTask;
import org.elasticsearch.tasks.Task;
import org.elasticsearch.tasks.TaskId;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.ObjectParser;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.ParseField;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.XContentParser;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;

import static org.elasticsearch.action.ValidateActions.addValidationError;

 * Request class to swap index under an alias or increment data stream generation upon satisfying conditions

* Note: there is a new class with the same name for the Java HLRC that uses a typeless format. * Any changes done to this class should also go to that client class. */ public class RolloverRequest extends AcknowledgedRequest implements IndicesRequest { private static final ObjectParser PARSER = new ObjectParser<>("rollover"); private static final ObjectParser>, Void> CONDITION_PARSER = new ObjectParser<>("conditions"); private static final ParseField CONDITIONS = new ParseField("conditions"); private static final ParseField MAX_AGE_CONDITION = new ParseField(MaxAgeCondition.NAME); private static final ParseField MAX_DOCS_CONDITION = new ParseField(MaxDocsCondition.NAME); private static final ParseField MAX_SIZE_CONDITION = new ParseField(MaxSizeCondition.NAME); private static final ParseField MAX_PRIMARY_SHARD_SIZE_CONDITION = new ParseField(MaxPrimaryShardSizeCondition.NAME); private static final ParseField MAX_PRIMARY_SHARD_DOCS_CONDITION = new ParseField(MaxPrimaryShardDocsCondition.NAME); private static final ParseField MIN_AGE_CONDITION = new ParseField(MinAgeCondition.NAME); private static final ParseField MIN_DOCS_CONDITION = new ParseField(MinDocsCondition.NAME); private static final ParseField MIN_SIZE_CONDITION = new ParseField(MinSizeCondition.NAME); private static final ParseField MIN_PRIMARY_SHARD_SIZE_CONDITION = new ParseField(MinPrimaryShardSizeCondition.NAME); private static final ParseField MIN_PRIMARY_SHARD_DOCS_CONDITION = new ParseField(MinPrimaryShardDocsCondition.NAME); static { CONDITION_PARSER.declareString( (conditions, s) -> conditions.put(MaxAgeCondition.NAME, new MaxAgeCondition(TimeValue.parseTimeValue(s, MaxAgeCondition.NAME))), MAX_AGE_CONDITION ); CONDITION_PARSER.declareLong( (conditions, value) -> conditions.put(MaxDocsCondition.NAME, new MaxDocsCondition(value)), MAX_DOCS_CONDITION ); CONDITION_PARSER.declareString( (conditions, s) -> conditions.put( MaxSizeCondition.NAME, new MaxSizeCondition(ByteSizeValue.parseBytesSizeValue(s, MaxSizeCondition.NAME)) ), MAX_SIZE_CONDITION ); CONDITION_PARSER.declareString( (conditions, s) -> conditions.put( MaxPrimaryShardSizeCondition.NAME, new MaxPrimaryShardSizeCondition(ByteSizeValue.parseBytesSizeValue(s, MaxPrimaryShardSizeCondition.NAME)) ), MAX_PRIMARY_SHARD_SIZE_CONDITION ); CONDITION_PARSER.declareLong( (conditions, value) -> conditions.put(MaxPrimaryShardDocsCondition.NAME, new MaxPrimaryShardDocsCondition(value)), MAX_PRIMARY_SHARD_DOCS_CONDITION ); CONDITION_PARSER.declareString( (conditions, s) -> conditions.put(MinAgeCondition.NAME, new MinAgeCondition(TimeValue.parseTimeValue(s, MinAgeCondition.NAME))), MIN_AGE_CONDITION ); CONDITION_PARSER.declareLong( (conditions, value) -> conditions.put(MinDocsCondition.NAME, new MinDocsCondition(value)), MIN_DOCS_CONDITION ); CONDITION_PARSER.declareString( (conditions, s) -> conditions.put( MinSizeCondition.NAME, new MinSizeCondition(ByteSizeValue.parseBytesSizeValue(s, MinSizeCondition.NAME)) ), MIN_SIZE_CONDITION ); CONDITION_PARSER.declareString( (conditions, s) -> conditions.put( MinPrimaryShardSizeCondition.NAME, new MinPrimaryShardSizeCondition(ByteSizeValue.parseBytesSizeValue(s, MinPrimaryShardSizeCondition.NAME)) ), MIN_PRIMARY_SHARD_SIZE_CONDITION ); CONDITION_PARSER.declareLong( (conditions, value) -> conditions.put(MinPrimaryShardDocsCondition.NAME, new MinPrimaryShardDocsCondition(value)), MIN_PRIMARY_SHARD_DOCS_CONDITION ); PARSER.declareField( (parser, request, context) -> CONDITION_PARSER.parse(parser, request.conditions, null), CONDITIONS, ObjectParser.ValueType.OBJECT ); PARSER.declareField( (parser, request, context) -> request.createIndexRequest.settings(, CreateIndexRequest.SETTINGS, ObjectParser.ValueType.OBJECT ); PARSER.declareField((parser, request, includeTypeName) -> { if (includeTypeName) { // expecting one type only for (Map.Entry mappingsEntry : { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Map value = (Map) mappingsEntry.getValue(); request.createIndexRequest.mapping(value); } } else { // a type is not included, add a dummy _doc type Map mappings =; if (MapperService.isMappingSourceTyped(MapperService.SINGLE_MAPPING_NAME, mappings)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The mapping definition cannot be nested under a type " + "[" + MapperService.SINGLE_MAPPING_NAME + "] unless include_type_name is set to true." ); } request.createIndexRequest.mapping(mappings); } }, CreateIndexRequest.MAPPINGS.forRestApiVersion(RestApiVersion.equalTo(RestApiVersion.V_7)), ObjectParser.ValueType.OBJECT); PARSER.declareField((parser, request, context) -> { // a type is not included, add a dummy _doc type Map mappings =; if (MapperService.isMappingSourceTyped(MapperService.SINGLE_MAPPING_NAME, mappings)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The mapping definition cannot be nested under a type"); } request.createIndexRequest.mapping(mappings); }, CreateIndexRequest.MAPPINGS.forRestApiVersion(RestApiVersion.onOrAfter(RestApiVersion.V_8)), ObjectParser.ValueType.OBJECT); PARSER.declareField( (parser, request, context) -> request.createIndexRequest.aliases(, CreateIndexRequest.ALIASES, ObjectParser.ValueType.OBJECT ); } private String rolloverTarget; private String newIndexName; private boolean dryRun; private final Map> conditions = Maps.newMapWithExpectedSize(2); // the index name "_na_" is never read back, what matters are settings, mappings and aliases private CreateIndexRequest createIndexRequest = new CreateIndexRequest("_na_"); public RolloverRequest(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super(in); rolloverTarget = in.readString(); newIndexName = in.readOptionalString(); dryRun = in.readBoolean(); int size = in.readVInt(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Condition condition = in.readNamedWriteable(Condition.class); this.conditions.put(, condition); } createIndexRequest = new CreateIndexRequest(in); } RolloverRequest() {} public RolloverRequest(String rolloverTarget, String newIndexName) { this.rolloverTarget = rolloverTarget; this.newIndexName = newIndexName; } @Override public ActionRequestValidationException validate() { ActionRequestValidationException validationException = createIndexRequest.validate(); if (rolloverTarget == null) { validationException = addValidationError("rollover target is missing", validationException); } // if the request has any conditions, then at least one condition must be a max_* condition boolean noMaxConditions = conditions.values().stream().noneMatch(c -> Condition.Type.MAX == c.type()); if (conditions.size() > 0 && noMaxConditions) { validationException = addValidationError( "at least one max_* rollover condition must be set when using min_* conditions", validationException ); } return validationException; } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); out.writeString(rolloverTarget); out.writeOptionalString(newIndexName); out.writeBoolean(dryRun); out.writeCollection( conditions.values().stream().filter(c -> c.includedInVersion(out.getVersion())).toList(), StreamOutput::writeNamedWriteable ); createIndexRequest.writeTo(out); } @Override public String[] indices() { return new String[] { rolloverTarget }; } @Override public IndicesOptions indicesOptions() { return IndicesOptions.strictSingleIndexNoExpandForbidClosed(); } @Override public boolean includeDataStreams() { return true; } /** * Sets the rollover target to rollover to another index */ public void setRolloverTarget(String rolloverTarget) { this.rolloverTarget = rolloverTarget; } /** * Sets the alias to rollover to another index */ public void setNewIndexName(String newIndexName) { this.newIndexName = newIndexName; } /** * Sets if the rollover should not be executed when conditions are met */ public void dryRun(boolean dryRun) { this.dryRun = dryRun; } /** * Sets the wait for active shards configuration for the rolled index that gets created. */ public void setWaitForActiveShards(ActiveShardCount waitForActiveShards) { createIndexRequest.waitForActiveShards(waitForActiveShards); } /** * Adds condition to check if the index is at least age old */ public void addMaxIndexAgeCondition(TimeValue age) { MaxAgeCondition maxAgeCondition = new MaxAgeCondition(age); if (this.conditions.containsKey( { throw new IllegalArgumentException( + " condition is already set"); } this.conditions.put(, maxAgeCondition); } /** * Adds condition to check if the index has at least numDocs */ public void addMaxIndexDocsCondition(long numDocs) { MaxDocsCondition maxDocsCondition = new MaxDocsCondition(numDocs); if (this.conditions.containsKey( { throw new IllegalArgumentException( + " condition is already set"); } this.conditions.put(, maxDocsCondition); } /** * Adds a size-based condition to check if the index size is at least size. */ public void addMaxIndexSizeCondition(ByteSizeValue size) { MaxSizeCondition maxSizeCondition = new MaxSizeCondition(size); if (this.conditions.containsKey( { throw new IllegalArgumentException(maxSizeCondition + " condition is already set"); } this.conditions.put(, maxSizeCondition); } /** * Adds a size-based condition to check if the size of the largest primary shard is at least size. */ public void addMaxPrimaryShardSizeCondition(ByteSizeValue size) { MaxPrimaryShardSizeCondition maxPrimaryShardSizeCondition = new MaxPrimaryShardSizeCondition(size); if (this.conditions.containsKey( { throw new IllegalArgumentException(maxPrimaryShardSizeCondition + " condition is already set"); } this.conditions.put(, maxPrimaryShardSizeCondition); } /** * Adds a size-based condition to check if the docs of the largest primary shard has at least numDocs */ public void addMaxPrimaryShardDocsCondition(long numDocs) { MaxPrimaryShardDocsCondition maxPrimaryShardDocsCondition = new MaxPrimaryShardDocsCondition(numDocs); if (this.conditions.containsKey( { throw new IllegalArgumentException( + " condition is already set"); } this.conditions.put(, maxPrimaryShardDocsCondition); } /** * Adds required condition to check if the index is at least age old */ public void addMinIndexAgeCondition(TimeValue age) { MinAgeCondition minAgeCondition = new MinAgeCondition(age); if (this.conditions.containsKey( { throw new IllegalArgumentException( + " condition is already set"); } this.conditions.put(, minAgeCondition); } /** * Adds required condition to check if the index has at least numDocs */ public void addMinIndexDocsCondition(long numDocs) { MinDocsCondition minDocsCondition = new MinDocsCondition(numDocs); if (this.conditions.containsKey( { throw new IllegalArgumentException( + " condition is already set"); } this.conditions.put(, minDocsCondition); } /** * Adds a size-based required condition to check if the index size is at least size. */ public void addMinIndexSizeCondition(ByteSizeValue size) { MinSizeCondition minSizeCondition = new MinSizeCondition(size); if (this.conditions.containsKey( { throw new IllegalArgumentException(minSizeCondition + " condition is already set"); } this.conditions.put(, minSizeCondition); } /** * Adds a size-based required condition to check if the size of the largest primary shard is at least size. */ public void addMinPrimaryShardSizeCondition(ByteSizeValue size) { MinPrimaryShardSizeCondition minPrimaryShardSizeCondition = new MinPrimaryShardSizeCondition(size); if (this.conditions.containsKey( { throw new IllegalArgumentException(minPrimaryShardSizeCondition + " condition is already set"); } this.conditions.put(, minPrimaryShardSizeCondition); } /** * Adds a size-based required condition to check if the docs of the largest primary shard has at least numDocs */ public void addMinPrimaryShardDocsCondition(long numDocs) { MinPrimaryShardDocsCondition minPrimaryShardDocsCondition = new MinPrimaryShardDocsCondition(numDocs); if (this.conditions.containsKey( { throw new IllegalArgumentException( + " condition is already set"); } this.conditions.put(, minPrimaryShardDocsCondition); } public boolean isDryRun() { return dryRun; } public Map> getConditions() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(conditions); } public String getRolloverTarget() { return rolloverTarget; } public String getNewIndexName() { return newIndexName; } /** * Given the results of evaluating each individual condition, determine whether the rollover request should proceed -- that is, * whether the conditions are met. * * If there are no conditions at all, then the request is unconditional (i.e. a command), and the conditions are met. * * If the request has conditions, then all min_* conditions and at least one max_* condition must have a true result. * * @param conditionResults a map of individual conditions and their associated evaluation results * * @return where the conditions for rollover are satisfied or not */ public boolean areConditionsMet(Map conditionResults) { boolean allMinConditionsMet = conditions.values() .stream() .filter(c -> Condition.Type.MIN == c.type()) .allMatch(c -> conditionResults.getOrDefault(c.toString(), false)); boolean anyMaxConditionsMet = conditions.values() .stream() .filter(c -> Condition.Type.MAX == c.type()) .anyMatch(c -> conditionResults.getOrDefault(c.toString(), false)); return conditionResults.size() == 0 || (allMinConditionsMet && anyMaxConditionsMet); } /** * Returns the inner {@link CreateIndexRequest}. Allows to configure mappings, settings and aliases for the new index. */ public CreateIndexRequest getCreateIndexRequest() { return createIndexRequest; } // param isTypeIncluded decides how mappings should be parsed from XContent public void fromXContent(boolean isTypeIncluded, XContentParser parser) throws IOException { PARSER.parse(parser, this, isTypeIncluded); } @Override public Task createTask(long id, String type, String action, TaskId parentTaskId, Map headers) { return new CancellableTask(id, type, action, "", parentTaskId, headers); } }

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