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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
 * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
 * Side Public License, v 1.


import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.lucene.util.CollectionUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.SetOnce;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.ExceptionsHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.action.NoShardAvailableActionException;
import org.elasticsearch.action.OriginalIndices;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ShardOperationFailedException;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.GroupShardsIterator;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.AbstractRunnable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.AtomicArray;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Releasable;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;
import org.elasticsearch.tasks.TaskCancelledException;
import org.elasticsearch.transport.Transport;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;

import static org.elasticsearch.core.Strings.format;

 * This is an abstract base class that encapsulates the logic to fan out to all shards in provided {@link GroupShardsIterator}
 * and collect the results. If a shard request returns a failure this class handles the advance to the next replica of the shard until
 * the shards replica iterator is exhausted. Each shard is referenced by position in the {@link GroupShardsIterator} which is later
 * referred to as the {@code shardIndex}.
 * The fan out and collect algorithm is traditionally used as the initial phase which can either be a query execution or collection of
 * distributed frequencies
abstract class AbstractSearchAsyncAction extends SearchPhase implements SearchPhaseContext {
    private static final float DEFAULT_INDEX_BOOST = 1.0f;
    private final Logger logger;
    private final SearchTransportService searchTransportService;
    private final Executor executor;
    private final ActionListener listener;
    private final SearchRequest request;

     * Used by subclasses to resolve node ids to DiscoveryNodes.
    private final BiFunction nodeIdToConnection;
    private final SearchTask task;
    protected final SearchPhaseResults results;
    private final ClusterState clusterState;
    private final Map aliasFilter;
    private final Map concreteIndexBoosts;
    private final SetOnce> shardFailures = new SetOnce<>();
    private final Object shardFailuresMutex = new Object();
    private final AtomicBoolean hasShardResponse = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    private final AtomicInteger successfulOps = new AtomicInteger();
    private final AtomicInteger skippedOps = new AtomicInteger();
    private final SearchTimeProvider timeProvider;
    private final SearchResponse.Clusters clusters;

    protected final GroupShardsIterator toSkipShardsIts;
    protected final GroupShardsIterator shardsIts;
    private final SearchShardIterator[] shardIterators;
    private final Map shardIndexMap;
    private final int expectedTotalOps;
    private final AtomicInteger totalOps = new AtomicInteger();
    private final int maxConcurrentRequestsPerNode;
    private final Map pendingExecutionsPerNode = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final boolean throttleConcurrentRequests;
    private final AtomicBoolean requestCancelled = new AtomicBoolean();

    private final List releasables = new ArrayList<>();

        String name,
        Logger logger,
        SearchTransportService searchTransportService,
        BiFunction nodeIdToConnection,
        Map aliasFilter,
        Map concreteIndexBoosts,
        Executor executor,
        SearchRequest request,
        ActionListener listener,
        GroupShardsIterator shardsIts,
        SearchTimeProvider timeProvider,
        ClusterState clusterState,
        SearchTask task,
        SearchPhaseResults resultConsumer,
        int maxConcurrentRequestsPerNode,
        SearchResponse.Clusters clusters
    ) {
        final List toSkipIterators = new ArrayList<>();
        final List iterators = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final SearchShardIterator iterator : shardsIts) {
            if (iterator.skip()) {
            } else {
        this.toSkipShardsIts = new GroupShardsIterator<>(toSkipIterators);
        this.shardsIts = new GroupShardsIterator<>(iterators);

        // we compute the shard index based on the natural order of the shards
        // that participate in the search request. This means that this number is
        // consistent between two requests that target the same shards.
        Map shardMap = new HashMap<>();
        List searchIterators = new ArrayList<>(iterators);
        for (int i = 0; i < searchIterators.size(); i++) {
            shardMap.put(searchIterators.get(i), i);
        this.shardIndexMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(shardMap);
        this.shardIterators = searchIterators.toArray(SearchShardIterator[]::new);

        // we need to add 1 for non active partition, since we count it in the total. This means for each shard in the iterator we sum up
        // it's number of active shards but use 1 as the default if no replica of a shard is active at this point.
        // on a per shards level we use shardIt.remaining() to increment the totalOps pointer but add 1 for the current shard result
        // we process hence we add one for the non active partition here.
        this.expectedTotalOps = shardsIts.totalSizeWith1ForEmpty();
        this.maxConcurrentRequestsPerNode = maxConcurrentRequestsPerNode;
        // in the case were we have less shards than maxConcurrentRequestsPerNode we don't need to throttle
        this.throttleConcurrentRequests = maxConcurrentRequestsPerNode < shardsIts.size();
        this.timeProvider = timeProvider;
        this.logger = logger;
        this.searchTransportService = searchTransportService;
        this.executor = executor;
        this.request = request;
        this.task = task;
        this.listener = ActionListener.runAfter(listener, this::releaseContext);
        this.nodeIdToConnection = nodeIdToConnection;
        this.clusterState = clusterState;
        this.concreteIndexBoosts = concreteIndexBoosts;
        this.aliasFilter = aliasFilter;
        this.results = resultConsumer;
        this.clusters = clusters;

    protected void notifyListShards(
        SearchProgressListener progressListener,
        SearchResponse.Clusters clusters,
        SearchSourceBuilder sourceBuilder
    ) {
            sourceBuilder == null || sourceBuilder.size() > 0

    public void addReleasable(Releasable releasable) {

    public void releaseContext() {

     * Builds how long it took to execute the search.
    long buildTookInMillis() {
        return timeProvider.buildTookInMillis();

     * This is the main entry point for a search. This method starts the search execution of the initial phase.
    public final void start() {
        if (getNumShards() == 0) {
            // no search shards to search on, bail with empty response
            // (it happens with search across _all with no indices around and consistent with broadcast operations)
            int trackTotalHitsUpTo = request.source() == null ? SearchContext.DEFAULT_TRACK_TOTAL_HITS_UP_TO
                : request.source().trackTotalHitsUpTo() == null ? SearchContext.DEFAULT_TRACK_TOTAL_HITS_UP_TO
                : request.source().trackTotalHitsUpTo();
            // total hits is null in the response if the tracking of total hits is disabled
            boolean withTotalHits = trackTotalHitsUpTo != SearchContext.TRACK_TOTAL_HITS_DISABLED;
                withTotalHits ? InternalSearchResponse.EMPTY_WITH_TOTAL_HITS : InternalSearchResponse.EMPTY_WITHOUT_TOTAL_HITS,
                new AtomicArray<>(0)

    public final void run() {
        for (final SearchShardIterator iterator : toSkipShardsIts) {
            assert iterator.skip();
        if (shardsIts.size() > 0) {
            assert request.allowPartialSearchResults() != null : "SearchRequest missing setting for allowPartialSearchResults";
            if (request.allowPartialSearchResults() == false) {
                final StringBuilder missingShards = new StringBuilder();
                // Fail-fast verification of all shards being available
                for (int index = 0; index < shardsIts.size(); index++) {
                    final SearchShardIterator shardRoutings = shardsIts.get(index);
                    if (shardRoutings.size() == 0) {
                        if (missingShards.length() > 0) {
                            missingShards.append(", ");
                if (missingShards.length() > 0) {
                    // Status red - shard is missing all copies and would produce partial results for an index search
                    final String msg = "Search rejected due to missing shards ["
                        + missingShards
                        + "]. Consider using `allow_partial_search_results` setting to bypass this error.";
                    throw new SearchPhaseExecutionException(getName(), msg, null, ShardSearchFailure.EMPTY_ARRAY);
            Version version = request.minCompatibleShardNode();
            if (version != null && Version.CURRENT.minimumCompatibilityVersion().equals(version) == false) {
                if (checkMinimumVersion(shardsIts) == false) {
                    throw new VersionMismatchException(
                        "One of the shards is incompatible with the required minimum version [{}]",
            for (int i = 0; i < shardsIts.size(); i++) {
                final SearchShardIterator shardRoutings = shardsIts.get(i);
                assert shardRoutings.skip() == false;
                assert shardIndexMap.containsKey(shardRoutings);
                int shardIndex = shardIndexMap.get(shardRoutings);
                performPhaseOnShard(shardIndex, shardRoutings, shardRoutings.nextOrNull());

    void skipShard(SearchShardIterator iterator) {
        assert iterator.skip();

    private boolean checkMinimumVersion(GroupShardsIterator shardsIts) {
        for (SearchShardIterator it : shardsIts) {
            if (it.getTargetNodeIds().isEmpty() == false) {
                boolean isCompatible = it.getTargetNodeIds().stream().anyMatch(nodeId -> {
                    Transport.Connection conn = getConnection(it.getClusterAlias(), nodeId);
                    return conn == null ? true : conn.getVersion().onOrAfter(request.minCompatibleShardNode());
                if (isCompatible == false) {
                    return false;
        return true;

    private static boolean assertExecuteOnStartThread() {
        // Ensure that the current code has the following stacktrace:
        // AbstractSearchAsyncAction#start -> AbstractSearchAsyncAction#executePhase -> AbstractSearchAsyncAction#performPhaseOnShard
        final StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElements = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
        assert stackTraceElements.length >= 6 : stackTraceElements;
        int index = 0;
        assert stackTraceElements[index++].getMethodName().equals("getStackTrace");
        assert stackTraceElements[index++].getMethodName().equals("assertExecuteOnStartThread");
        assert stackTraceElements[index++].getMethodName().equals("performPhaseOnShard");
        if (stackTraceElements[index].getMethodName().equals("performPhaseOnShard")) {
            assert stackTraceElements[index].getClassName().endsWith("CanMatchPreFilterSearchPhase");
        assert stackTraceElements[index].getClassName().endsWith("AbstractSearchAsyncAction");
        assert stackTraceElements[index++].getMethodName().equals("run");

        assert stackTraceElements[index].getClassName().endsWith("AbstractSearchAsyncAction");
        assert stackTraceElements[index++].getMethodName().equals("executePhase");

        assert stackTraceElements[index].getClassName().endsWith("AbstractSearchAsyncAction");
        assert stackTraceElements[index++].getMethodName().equals("start");

        assert stackTraceElements[index].getClassName().endsWith("AbstractSearchAsyncAction") == false;
        return true;

    protected void performPhaseOnShard(final int shardIndex, final SearchShardIterator shardIt, final SearchShardTarget shard) {
         * We capture the thread that this phase is starting on. When we are called back after executing the phase, we are either on the
         * same thread (because we never went async, or the same thread was selected from the thread pool) or a different thread. If we
         * continue on the same thread in the case that we never went async and this happens repeatedly we will end up recursing deeply and
         * could stack overflow. To prevent this, we fork if we are called back on the same thread that execution started on and otherwise
         * we can continue (cf. InitialSearchPhase#maybeFork).
        if (shard == null) {
            assert assertExecuteOnStartThread();
            SearchShardTarget unassignedShard = new SearchShardTarget(null, shardIt.shardId(), shardIt.getClusterAlias());
            onShardFailure(shardIndex, unassignedShard, shardIt, new NoShardAvailableActionException(shardIt.shardId()));
        } else {
            final PendingExecutions pendingExecutions = throttleConcurrentRequests
                ? pendingExecutionsPerNode.computeIfAbsent(shard.getNodeId(), n -> new PendingExecutions(maxConcurrentRequestsPerNode))
                : null;
            Runnable r = () -> {
                final Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
                try {
                    executePhaseOnShard(shardIt, shard, new SearchActionListener(shard, shardIndex) {
                        public void innerOnResponse(Result result) {
                            try {
                                onShardResult(result, shardIt);
                            } catch (Exception exc) {
                                onShardFailure(shardIndex, shard, shardIt, exc);
                            } finally {
                                executeNext(pendingExecutions, thread);

                        public void onFailure(Exception t) {
                            try {
                                onShardFailure(shardIndex, shard, shardIt, t);
                            } finally {
                                executeNext(pendingExecutions, thread);
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    try {
                         * It is possible to run into connection exceptions here because we are getting the connection early and might
                         * run into nodes that are not connected. In this case, on shard failure will move us to the next shard copy.
                        fork(() -> onShardFailure(shardIndex, shard, shardIt, e));
                    } finally {
                        executeNext(pendingExecutions, thread);
            if (throttleConcurrentRequests) {
            } else {

     * Sends the request to the actual shard.
     * @param shardIt the shards iterator
     * @param shard the shard routing to send the request for
     * @param listener the listener to notify on response
    protected abstract void executePhaseOnShard(
        SearchShardIterator shardIt,
        SearchShardTarget shard,
        SearchActionListener listener

    protected void fork(final Runnable runnable) {
        executor.execute(new AbstractRunnable() {
            public void onFailure(Exception e) {}

            protected void doRun() {

            public boolean isForceExecution() {
                // we can not allow a stuffed queue to reject execution here
                return true;

    public final void executeNextPhase(SearchPhase currentPhase, SearchPhase nextPhase) {
        /* This is the main search phase transition where we move to the next phase. If all shards
         * failed or if there was a failure and partial results are not allowed, then we immediately
         * fail. Otherwise we continue to the next phase.
        ShardOperationFailedException[] shardSearchFailures = buildShardFailures();
        if (shardSearchFailures.length == getNumShards()) {
            shardSearchFailures = ExceptionsHelper.groupBy(shardSearchFailures);
            Throwable cause = shardSearchFailures.length == 0
                ? null
                : ElasticsearchException.guessRootCauses(shardSearchFailures[0].getCause())[0];
            logger.debug(() -> "All shards failed for phase: [" + currentPhase.getName() + "]", cause);
            onPhaseFailure(currentPhase, "all shards failed", cause);
        } else {
            Boolean allowPartialResults = request.allowPartialSearchResults();
            assert allowPartialResults != null : "SearchRequest missing setting for allowPartialSearchResults";
            if (allowPartialResults == false && successfulOps.get() != getNumShards()) {
                // check if there are actual failures in the atomic array since
                // successful retries can reset the failures to null
                if (shardSearchFailures.length > 0) {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        int numShardFailures = shardSearchFailures.length;
                        shardSearchFailures = ExceptionsHelper.groupBy(shardSearchFailures);
                        Throwable cause = ElasticsearchException.guessRootCauses(shardSearchFailures[0].getCause())[0];
                        logger.debug(() -> format("%s shards failed for phase: [%s]", numShardFailures, currentPhase.getName()), cause);
                    onPhaseFailure(currentPhase, "Partial shards failure", null);
                } else {
                    int discrepancy = getNumShards() - successfulOps.get();
                    assert discrepancy > 0 : "discrepancy: " + discrepancy;
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            "Partial shards failure (unavailable: {}, successful: {}, skipped: {}, num-shards: {}, phase: {})",
                    onPhaseFailure(currentPhase, "Partial shards failure (" + discrepancy + " shards unavailable)", null);
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                final String resultsFrom = results.getSuccessfulResults()
                    .map(r -> r.getSearchShardTarget().toString())
                    "[{}] Moving to next phase: [{}], based on results from: {} (cluster state version: {})",

    private void executePhase(SearchPhase phase) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug(() -> format("Failed to execute [%s] while moving to [%s] phase", request, phase.getName()), e);
            onPhaseFailure(phase, "", e);

    private ShardSearchFailure[] buildShardFailures() {
        AtomicArray shardFailures = this.shardFailures.get();
        if (shardFailures == null) {
            return ShardSearchFailure.EMPTY_ARRAY;
        List entries = shardFailures.asList();
        ShardSearchFailure[] failures = new ShardSearchFailure[entries.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < failures.length; i++) {
            failures[i] = entries.get(i);
        return failures;

    private void onShardFailure(final int shardIndex, SearchShardTarget shard, final SearchShardIterator shardIt, Exception e) {
        // we always add the shard failure for a specific shard instance
        // we do make sure to clean it on a successful response from a shard
        onShardFailure(shardIndex, shard, e);
        final SearchShardTarget nextShard = shardIt.nextOrNull();
        final boolean lastShard = nextShard == null;
        logger.debug(() -> format("%s: Failed to execute [%s] lastShard [%s]", shard, request, lastShard), e);
        if (lastShard) {
            if (request.allowPartialSearchResults() == false) {
                if (requestCancelled.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
                    try {
                        searchTransportService.cancelSearchTask(task, "partial results are not allowed and at least one shard has failed");
                    } catch (Exception cancelFailure) {
                        logger.debug("Failed to cancel search request", cancelFailure);
            onShardGroupFailure(shardIndex, shard, e);
        final int totalOps = this.totalOps.incrementAndGet();
        if (totalOps == expectedTotalOps) {
        } else if (totalOps > expectedTotalOps) {
            throw new AssertionError(
                "unexpected higher total ops [" + totalOps + "] compared to expected [" + expectedTotalOps + "]",
                new SearchPhaseExecutionException(getName(), "Shard failures", null, buildShardFailures())
        } else {
            if (lastShard == false) {
                performPhaseOnShard(shardIndex, shardIt, nextShard);

     * Executed once for every {@link ShardId} that failed on all available shard routing.
     * @param shardIndex the shard index that failed
     * @param shardTarget the last shard target for this failure
     * @param exc the last failure reason
    protected void onShardGroupFailure(int shardIndex, SearchShardTarget shardTarget, Exception exc) {}

     * Executed once for every failed shard level request. This method is invoked before the next replica is tried for the given
     * shard target.
     * @param shardIndex the internal index for this shard. Each shard has an index / ordinal assigned that is used to reference
     *                   it's results
     * @param shardTarget the shard target for this failure
     * @param e the failure reason
    public final void onShardFailure(final int shardIndex, SearchShardTarget shardTarget, Exception e) {
        if (TransportActions.isShardNotAvailableException(e)) {
            // Groups shard not available exceptions under a generic exception that returns a SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE(503)
            // temporary error.
            e = new NoShardAvailableActionException(shardTarget.getShardId(), e.getMessage());
        // we don't aggregate shard on failures due to the internal cancellation,
        // but do keep the header counts right
        if ((requestCancelled.get() && isTaskCancelledException(e)) == false) {
            AtomicArray shardFailures = this.shardFailures.get();
            // lazily create shard failures, so we can early build the empty shard failure list in most cases (no failures)
            if (shardFailures == null) { // this is double checked locking but it's fine since SetOnce uses a volatile read internally
                synchronized (shardFailuresMutex) {
                    shardFailures = this.shardFailures.get(); // read again otherwise somebody else has created it?
                    if (shardFailures == null) { // still null so we are the first and create a new instance
                        shardFailures = new AtomicArray<>(getNumShards());
            ShardSearchFailure failure = shardFailures.get(shardIndex);
            if (failure == null) {
                shardFailures.set(shardIndex, new ShardSearchFailure(e, shardTarget));
            } else {
                // the failure is already present, try and not override it with an exception that is less meaningless
                // for example, getting illegal shard state
                if (TransportActions.isReadOverrideException(e) && (e instanceof SearchContextMissingException == false)) {
                    shardFailures.set(shardIndex, new ShardSearchFailure(e, shardTarget));

            if (results.hasResult(shardIndex)) {
                assert failure == null : "shard failed before but shouldn't: " + failure;
                successfulOps.decrementAndGet(); // if this shard was successful before (initial phase) we have to adjust the counter

    private static boolean isTaskCancelledException(Exception e) {
        return ExceptionsHelper.unwrapCausesAndSuppressed(e, ex -> ex instanceof TaskCancelledException).isPresent();

     * Executed once for every successful shard level request.
     * @param result the result returned form the shard
     * @param shardIt the shard iterator
    protected void onShardResult(Result result, SearchShardIterator shardIt) {
        assert result.getShardIndex() != -1 : "shard index is not set";
        assert result.getSearchShardTarget() != null : "search shard target must not be null";
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("got first-phase result from {}", result != null ? result.getSearchShardTarget() : null);
        results.consumeResult(result, () -> onShardResultConsumed(result, shardIt));

    private void onShardResultConsumed(Result result, SearchShardIterator shardIt) {
        // clean a previous error on this shard group (note, this code will be serialized on the same shardIndex value level
        // so its ok concurrency wise to miss potentially the shard failures being created because of another failure
        // in the #addShardFailure, because by definition, it will happen on *another* shardIndex
        AtomicArray shardFailures = this.shardFailures.get();
        if (shardFailures != null) {
            shardFailures.set(result.getShardIndex(), null);
        // we need to increment successful ops first before we compare the exit condition otherwise if we
        // are fast we could concurrently update totalOps but then preempt one of the threads which can
        // cause the successor to read a wrong value from successfulOps if second phase is very fast ie. count etc.
        // increment all the "future" shards to update the total ops since we some may work and some may not...
        // and when that happens, we break on total ops, so we must maintain them

    private void successfulShardExecution(SearchShardIterator shardsIt) {
        final int remainingOpsOnIterator;
        if (shardsIt.skip()) {
            // It's possible that we're skipping a shard that's unavailable
            // but its range was available in the IndexMetadata, in that
            // case the shardsIt.remaining() would be 0, expectedTotalOps
            // accounts for unavailable shards too.
            remainingOpsOnIterator = Math.max(shardsIt.remaining(), 1);
        } else {
            remainingOpsOnIterator = shardsIt.remaining() + 1;
        final int xTotalOps = totalOps.addAndGet(remainingOpsOnIterator);
        if (xTotalOps == expectedTotalOps) {
        } else if (xTotalOps > expectedTotalOps) {
            throw new AssertionError(
                "unexpected higher total ops [" + xTotalOps + "] compared to expected [" + expectedTotalOps + "]",
                new SearchPhaseExecutionException(getName(), "Shard failures", null, buildShardFailures())

    public final int getNumShards() {
        return results.getNumShards();

    public final Logger getLogger() {
        return logger;

    public final SearchTask getTask() {
        return task;

    public final SearchRequest getRequest() {
        return request;

    public OriginalIndices getOriginalIndices(int shardIndex) {
        return shardIterators[shardIndex].getOriginalIndices();

    public boolean isPartOfPointInTime(ShardSearchContextId contextId) {
        final PointInTimeBuilder pointInTimeBuilder = request.pointInTimeBuilder();
        if (pointInTimeBuilder != null) {
            return request.pointInTimeBuilder().getSearchContextId(searchTransportService.getNamedWriteableRegistry()).contains(contextId);
        } else {
            return false;

    private SearchResponse buildSearchResponse(
        InternalSearchResponse internalSearchResponse,
        ShardSearchFailure[] failures,
        String scrollId,
        String searchContextId
    ) {
        int numSuccess = successfulOps.get();
        int numFailures = failures.length;
        assert numSuccess + numFailures == getNumShards()
            : "numSuccess(" + numSuccess + ") + numFailures(" + numFailures + ") != totalShards(" + getNumShards() + ")";
        return new SearchResponse(

    boolean buildPointInTimeFromSearchResults() {
        return false;

    public void sendSearchResponse(InternalSearchResponse internalSearchResponse, AtomicArray queryResults) {
        ShardSearchFailure[] failures = buildShardFailures();
        Boolean allowPartialResults = request.allowPartialSearchResults();
        assert allowPartialResults != null : "SearchRequest missing setting for allowPartialSearchResults";
        if (allowPartialResults == false && failures.length > 0) {
            raisePhaseFailure(new SearchPhaseExecutionException("", "Shard failures", null, failures));
        } else {
            final Version minNodeVersion = clusterState.nodes().getMinNodeVersion();
            final String scrollId = request.scroll() != null ? TransportSearchHelper.buildScrollId(queryResults) : null;
            final String searchContextId;
            if (buildPointInTimeFromSearchResults()) {
                searchContextId = SearchContextId.encode(queryResults.asList(), aliasFilter, minNodeVersion);
            } else {
                if (request.source() != null && request.source().pointInTimeBuilder() != null) {
                    searchContextId = request.source().pointInTimeBuilder().getEncodedId();
                } else {
                    searchContextId = null;
            listener.onResponse(buildSearchResponse(internalSearchResponse, failures, scrollId, searchContextId));

    public final void onPhaseFailure(SearchPhase phase, String msg, Throwable cause) {
        raisePhaseFailure(new SearchPhaseExecutionException(phase.getName(), msg, cause, buildShardFailures()));

     * This method should be called if a search phase failed to ensure all relevant reader contexts are released.
     * This method will also notify the listener and sends back a failure to the user.
     * @param exception the exception explaining or causing the phase failure
    private void raisePhaseFailure(SearchPhaseExecutionException exception) {
        results.getSuccessfulResults().forEach((entry) -> {
            // Do not release search contexts that are part of the point in time
            if (entry.getContextId() != null && isPartOfPointInTime(entry.getContextId()) == false) {
                try {
                    SearchShardTarget searchShardTarget = entry.getSearchShardTarget();
                    Transport.Connection connection = getConnection(searchShardTarget.getClusterAlias(), searchShardTarget.getNodeId());
                    sendReleaseSearchContext(entry.getContextId(), connection, getOriginalIndices(entry.getShardIndex()));
                } catch (Exception inner) {
                    logger.trace("failed to release context", inner);

     * Executed once all shard results have been received and processed
     * @see #onShardFailure(int, SearchShardTarget, Exception)
     * @see #onShardResult(SearchPhaseResult, SearchShardIterator)
    final void onPhaseDone() {  // as a tribute to @kimchy aka. finishHim()
        executeNextPhase(this, getNextPhase(results, this));

    public final Transport.Connection getConnection(String clusterAlias, String nodeId) {
        Transport.Connection conn = nodeIdToConnection.apply(clusterAlias, nodeId);
        Version minVersion = request.minCompatibleShardNode();
        if (minVersion != null && conn != null && conn.getVersion().before(minVersion)) {
            throw new VersionMismatchException("One of the shards is incompatible with the required minimum version [{}]", minVersion);
        return conn;

    public final SearchTransportService getSearchTransport() {
        return searchTransportService;

    public final void execute(Runnable command) {

    public final void onFailure(Exception e) {

    public final ShardSearchRequest buildShardSearchRequest(SearchShardIterator shardIt, int shardIndex) {
        AliasFilter filter = aliasFilter.get(shardIt.shardId().getIndex().getUUID());
        assert filter != null;
        float indexBoost = concreteIndexBoosts.getOrDefault(shardIt.shardId().getIndex().getUUID(), DEFAULT_INDEX_BOOST);
        ShardSearchRequest shardRequest = new ShardSearchRequest(
        // if we already received a search result we can inform the shard that it
        // can return a null response if the request rewrites to match none rather
        // than creating an empty response in the search thread pool.
        // Note that, we have to disable this shortcut for queries that create a context (scroll and search context).
        shardRequest.canReturnNullResponseIfMatchNoDocs(hasShardResponse.get() && shardRequest.scroll() == null);
        return shardRequest;

     * Returns the next phase based on the results of the initial search phase
     * @param results the results of the initial search phase. Each non null element in the result array represent a successfully
     *                executed shard request
     * @param context the search context for the next phase
    protected abstract SearchPhase getNextPhase(SearchPhaseResults results, SearchPhaseContext context);

    private void executeNext(PendingExecutions pendingExecutions, Thread originalThread) {
        executeNext(pendingExecutions == null ? null : pendingExecutions.finishAndGetNext(), originalThread);

    void executeNext(Runnable runnable, Thread originalThread) {
        if (runnable != null) {
            assert throttleConcurrentRequests;
            if (originalThread == Thread.currentThread()) {
            } else {

    private static final class PendingExecutions {
        private final int permits;
        private int permitsTaken = 0;
        private ArrayDeque queue = new ArrayDeque<>();

        PendingExecutions(int permits) {
            assert permits > 0 : "not enough permits: " + permits;
            this.permits = permits;

        Runnable finishAndGetNext() {
            synchronized (this) {
                assert permitsTaken >= 0 : "illegal taken permits: " + permitsTaken;
            return tryQueue(null);

        void tryRun(Runnable runnable) {
            Runnable r = tryQueue(runnable);
            if (r != null) {

        private synchronized Runnable tryQueue(Runnable runnable) {
            Runnable toExecute = null;
            if (permitsTaken < permits) {
                toExecute = runnable;
                if (toExecute == null) { // only poll if we don't have anything to execute
                    toExecute = queue.poll();
                if (toExecute == null) {
            } else if (runnable != null) {
            return toExecute;

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