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org.elasticsearch.index.IndexSortConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
 * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
 * Side Public License, v 1.

package org.elasticsearch.index;

import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.DeprecationCategory;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.DeprecationLogger;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexFieldData;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.DataStreamTimestampFieldMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MappedFieldType;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.TimeSeriesIdFieldMapper;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

 * Holds all the information that is used to build the sort order of an index.
 * The index sort settings are final and can be defined only at index creation.
 * These settings are divided in four lists that are merged during the initialization of this class:
  • `index.sort.field`: the field or a list of field to use for the sort
  • *
  • `index.sort.order` the {@link SortOrder} to use for the field or a list of {@link SortOrder} * for each field defined in `index.sort.field`. *
  • *
  • `index.sort.mode`: the {@link MultiValueMode} to use for the field or a list of orders * for each field defined in `index.sort.field`. *
  • *
  • `index.sort.missing`: the missing value to use for the field or a list of missing values * for each field defined in `index.sort.field` *
  • *
* **/ public final class IndexSortConfig { private static final DeprecationLogger DEPRECATION_LOGGER = DeprecationLogger.getLogger(IndexSortConfig.class); /** * The list of field names */ public static final Setting> INDEX_SORT_FIELD_SETTING = Setting.listSetting( "index.sort.field", Collections.emptyList(), Function.identity(), Setting.Property.IndexScope, Setting.Property.Final ); /** * The {@link SortOrder} for each specified sort field (ie. asc or desc). */ public static final Setting> INDEX_SORT_ORDER_SETTING = Setting.listSetting( "index.sort.order", Collections.emptyList(), IndexSortConfig::parseOrderMode, Setting.Property.IndexScope, Setting.Property.Final ); /** * The {@link MultiValueMode} for each specified sort field (ie. max or min). */ public static final Setting> INDEX_SORT_MODE_SETTING = Setting.listSetting( "index.sort.mode", Collections.emptyList(), IndexSortConfig::parseMultiValueMode, Setting.Property.IndexScope, Setting.Property.Final ); /** * The missing value for each specified sort field (ie. _first or _last) */ public static final Setting> INDEX_SORT_MISSING_SETTING = Setting.listSetting( "index.sort.missing", Collections.emptyList(), IndexSortConfig::validateMissingValue, Setting.Property.IndexScope, Setting.Property.Final ); public static final FieldSortSpec[] TIME_SERIES_SORT; static { FieldSortSpec timeStampSpec = new FieldSortSpec(DataStreamTimestampFieldMapper.DEFAULT_PATH); timeStampSpec.order = SortOrder.DESC; TIME_SERIES_SORT = new FieldSortSpec[] { new FieldSortSpec(TimeSeriesIdFieldMapper.NAME), timeStampSpec }; } private static String validateMissingValue(String missing) { if ("_last".equals(missing) == false && "_first".equals(missing) == false) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal missing value:[" + missing + "], " + "must be one of [_last, _first]"); } return missing; } private static SortOrder parseOrderMode(String value) { try { return SortOrder.fromString(value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal sort order:" + value); } } private static MultiValueMode parseMultiValueMode(String value) { MultiValueMode mode = MultiValueMode.fromString(value); if (mode != MultiValueMode.MAX && mode != MultiValueMode.MIN) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal index sort mode:[" + mode + "], " + "must be one of [" + MultiValueMode.MAX + ", " + MultiValueMode.MIN + "]" ); } return mode; } // visible for tests final FieldSortSpec[] sortSpecs; private final Version indexCreatedVersion; private final String indexName; private final IndexMode indexMode; public IndexSortConfig(IndexSettings indexSettings) { final Settings settings = indexSettings.getSettings(); this.indexCreatedVersion = indexSettings.getIndexVersionCreated(); this.indexName = indexSettings.getIndex().getName(); this.indexMode = indexSettings.getMode(); if (this.indexMode == IndexMode.TIME_SERIES) { this.sortSpecs = TIME_SERIES_SORT; return; } List fields = INDEX_SORT_FIELD_SETTING.get(settings); this.sortSpecs = -> new FieldSortSpec(name)).toArray(FieldSortSpec[]::new); if (INDEX_SORT_ORDER_SETTING.exists(settings)) { List orders = INDEX_SORT_ORDER_SETTING.get(settings); if (orders.size() != sortSpecs.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "index.sort.field:" + fields + " index.sort.order:" + orders.toString() + ", size mismatch" ); } for (int i = 0; i < sortSpecs.length; i++) { sortSpecs[i].order = orders.get(i); } } if (INDEX_SORT_MODE_SETTING.exists(settings)) { List modes = INDEX_SORT_MODE_SETTING.get(settings); if (modes.size() != sortSpecs.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("index.sort.field:" + fields + " index.sort.mode:" + modes + ", size mismatch"); } for (int i = 0; i < sortSpecs.length; i++) { sortSpecs[i].mode = modes.get(i); } } if (INDEX_SORT_MISSING_SETTING.exists(settings)) { List missingValues = INDEX_SORT_MISSING_SETTING.get(settings); if (missingValues.size() != sortSpecs.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "index.sort.field:" + fields + " index.sort.missing:" + missingValues + ", size mismatch" ); } for (int i = 0; i < sortSpecs.length; i++) { sortSpecs[i].missingValue = missingValues.get(i); } } } /** * Returns true if the index should be sorted */ public boolean hasIndexSort() { return sortSpecs.length > 0; } public boolean hasPrimarySortOnField(String field) { return sortSpecs.length > 0 && sortSpecs[0].field.equals(field); } /** * Builds the {@link Sort} order from the settings for this index * or returns null if this index has no sort. */ public Sort buildIndexSort( Function fieldTypeLookup, BiFunction, IndexFieldData> fieldDataLookup ) { if (hasIndexSort() == false) { return null; } final SortField[] sortFields = new SortField[sortSpecs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sortSpecs.length; i++) { FieldSortSpec sortSpec = sortSpecs[i]; final MappedFieldType ft = fieldTypeLookup.apply(sortSpec.field); if (ft == null) { String err = "unknown index sort field:[" + sortSpec.field + "]"; if (this.indexMode == IndexMode.TIME_SERIES) { err += " required by [" + IndexSettings.MODE.getKey() + "=time_series]"; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(err); } if (Objects.equals(, sortSpec.field) == false) { if (this.indexCreatedVersion.onOrAfter(Version.V_7_13_0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use alias [" + sortSpec.field + "] as an index sort field"); } else { DEPRECATION_LOGGER.warn( DeprecationCategory.MAPPINGS, "index-sort-aliases", "Index sort for index [" + indexName + "] defined on field [" + sortSpec.field + "] which resolves to field [" + + "]. " + "You will not be able to define an index sort over aliased fields in new indexes" ); } } boolean reverse = sortSpec.order == null ? false : (sortSpec.order == SortOrder.DESC); MultiValueMode mode = sortSpec.mode; if (mode == null) { mode = reverse ? MultiValueMode.MAX : MultiValueMode.MIN; } IndexFieldData fieldData; try { fieldData = fieldDataLookup.apply( ft, () -> { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("index sorting not supported on runtime field [" + + "]"); } ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("docvalues not found for index sort field:[" + sortSpec.field + "]", e); } if (fieldData == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("docvalues not found for index sort field:[" + sortSpec.field + "]"); } sortFields[i] = fieldData.sortField(sortSpec.missingValue, mode, null, reverse); validateIndexSortField(sortFields[i]); } return new Sort(sortFields); } private static void validateIndexSortField(SortField sortField) { SortField.Type type = getSortFieldType(sortField); if (ALLOWED_INDEX_SORT_TYPES.contains(type) == false) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid index sort field:[" + sortField.getField() + "]"); } } public static class FieldSortSpec { final String field; SortOrder order; MultiValueMode mode; String missingValue; FieldSortSpec(String field) { this.field = field; } public String getField() { return field; } public SortOrder getOrder() { return order; } } /** We only allow index sorting on these types */ private static final EnumSet ALLOWED_INDEX_SORT_TYPES = EnumSet.of( SortField.Type.STRING, SortField.Type.LONG, SortField.Type.INT, SortField.Type.DOUBLE, SortField.Type.FLOAT ); public static SortField.Type getSortFieldType(SortField sortField) { if (sortField instanceof SortedSetSortField) { return SortField.Type.STRING; } else if (sortField instanceof SortedNumericSortField) { return ((SortedNumericSortField) sortField).getNumericType(); } else { return sortField.getType(); } } }

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