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org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore.BlobStoreRepository Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
 * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
 * Side Public License, v 1.

package org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexCommit;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFormatTooNewException;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFormatTooOldException;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.SetOnce;
import org.elasticsearch.ExceptionsHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRunnable;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ResultDeduplicator;
import org.elasticsearch.action.StepListener;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterStateUpdateTask;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.RepositoryCleanupInProgress;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.SnapshotDeletionsInProgress;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.SnapshotsInProgress;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetadata;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.Metadata;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.RepositoriesMetadata;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.RepositoryMetadata;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNode;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.AllocationService;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.ClusterService;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Numbers;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.UUIDs;
import org.elasticsearch.common.blobstore.BlobContainer;
import org.elasticsearch.common.blobstore.BlobPath;
import org.elasticsearch.common.blobstore.BlobStore;
import org.elasticsearch.common.blobstore.DeleteResult;
import org.elasticsearch.common.blobstore.fs.FsBlobContainer;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesArray;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesReference;
import org.elasticsearch.common.component.AbstractLifecycleComponent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.compress.NotXContentException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.Lucene;
import org.elasticsearch.common.metrics.CounterMetric;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeUnit;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.AbstractRunnable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ConcurrentCollections;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.FutureUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.LoggingDeprecationHandler;
import org.elasticsearch.core.CheckedConsumer;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Releasable;
import org.elasticsearch.core.SuppressForbidden;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Tuple;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.IndexShardRestoreFailedException;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.IndexShardSnapshotFailedException;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.IndexShardSnapshotStatus;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.blobstore.BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.blobstore.BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.blobstore.RateLimitingInputStream;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.blobstore.SlicedInputStream;
import org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.blobstore.SnapshotFiles;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.recovery.RecoverySettings;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.recovery.RecoveryState;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.FinalizeSnapshotContext;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.GetSnapshotInfoContext;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.IndexId;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.IndexMetaDataGenerations;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoriesService;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.Repository;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryCleanupResult;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryData;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryData.SnapshotDetails;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryException;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryOperation;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryShardId;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryStats;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryVerificationException;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.ShardGeneration;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.ShardGenerations;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.ShardSnapshotResult;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.SnapshotShardContext;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.AbortedSnapshotException;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotDeleteListener;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotException;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotId;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotInfo;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotMissingException;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotsService;
import org.elasticsearch.tasks.TaskCancelledException;
import org.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.NamedXContentRegistry;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.XContentFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.XContentParser;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.XContentType;

import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import static org.elasticsearch.core.Strings.format;
import static org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.blobstore.BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo;
import static org.elasticsearch.index.snapshots.blobstore.BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo.canonicalName;

 * BlobStore - based implementation of Snapshot Repository

* This repository works with any {@link BlobStore} implementation. The blobStore could be (and preferred) lazy initialized in * {@link #createBlobStore()}. *

* For in depth documentation on how exactly implementations of this class interact with the snapshot functionality please refer to the * documentation of the package {@link org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore}. */ public abstract class BlobStoreRepository extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements Repository { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(BlobStoreRepository.class); protected volatile RepositoryMetadata metadata; protected final ThreadPool threadPool; public static final String SNAPSHOT_PREFIX = "snap-"; public static final String INDEX_FILE_PREFIX = "index-"; public static final String INDEX_LATEST_BLOB = "index.latest"; private static final String TESTS_FILE = "tests-"; public static final String METADATA_PREFIX = "meta-"; public static final String METADATA_NAME_FORMAT = METADATA_PREFIX + "%s.dat"; public static final String SNAPSHOT_NAME_FORMAT = SNAPSHOT_PREFIX + "%s.dat"; private static final String SNAPSHOT_INDEX_PREFIX = "index-"; private static final String SNAPSHOT_INDEX_NAME_FORMAT = SNAPSHOT_INDEX_PREFIX + "%s"; public static final String UPLOADED_DATA_BLOB_PREFIX = "__"; // Expose a copy of URLRepository#TYPE here too, for a better error message until // is resolved. public static final String URL_REPOSITORY_TYPE = "url"; /** * All {@link BlobStoreRepository} implementations can be made read-only by setting this key to {@code true} in their settings. */ public static final String READONLY_SETTING_KEY = "readonly"; /** * Prefix used for the identifiers of data blobs that were not actually written to the repository physically because their contents are * already stored in the metadata referencing them, i.e. in {@link BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot} and * {@link BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots}. This is the case for files for which {@link StoreFileMetadata#hashEqualsContents()} is * {@code true}. */ private static final String VIRTUAL_DATA_BLOB_PREFIX = "v__"; /** * When set to true metadata files are stored in compressed format. This setting doesn’t affect index * files that are already compressed by default. Changing the setting does not invalidate existing files since reads * do not observe the setting, instead they examine the file to see if it is compressed or not. */ public static final Setting COMPRESS_SETTING = Setting.boolSetting("compress", true, Setting.Property.NodeScope); /** * Setting to disable caching of the latest repository data. */ public static final Setting CACHE_REPOSITORY_DATA = Setting.boolSetting( "cache_repository_data", true, Setting.Property.DeprecatedWarning ); /** * Size hint for the IO buffer size to use when reading from and writing to the repository. */ public static final Setting BUFFER_SIZE_SETTING = Setting.byteSizeSetting( "io_buffer_size", ByteSizeValue.parseBytesSizeValue("128kb", "io_buffer_size"), ByteSizeValue.parseBytesSizeValue("8kb", "buffer_size"), ByteSizeValue.parseBytesSizeValue("16mb", "io_buffer_size"), Setting.Property.NodeScope ); /** * Setting to disable writing the {@code index.latest} blob which enables the contents of this repository to be used with a * url-repository. */ public static final Setting SUPPORT_URL_REPO = Setting.boolSetting("support_url_repo", true, Setting.Property.NodeScope); /** * Setting that defines the maximum number of snapshots to which the repository may grow. Trying to create a snapshot into the * repository that would move it above this size will throw an exception. */ public static final Setting MAX_SNAPSHOTS_SETTING = Setting.intSetting( "max_number_of_snapshots", Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1, Setting.Property.NodeScope ); /** * Setting that defines if the repository should be used to recover index files during peer recoveries. */ public static final Setting USE_FOR_PEER_RECOVERY_SETTING = Setting.boolSetting("use_for_peer_recovery", false); protected final boolean supportURLRepo; private final boolean compress; private final boolean cacheRepositoryData; private volatile RateLimiter snapshotRateLimiter; private volatile RateLimiter restoreRateLimiter; private final CounterMetric snapshotRateLimitingTimeInNanos = new CounterMetric(); private final CounterMetric restoreRateLimitingTimeInNanos = new CounterMetric(); public static final ChecksumBlobStoreFormat GLOBAL_METADATA_FORMAT = new ChecksumBlobStoreFormat<>( "metadata", METADATA_NAME_FORMAT, (repoName, parser) -> Metadata.fromXContent(parser) ); public static final ChecksumBlobStoreFormat INDEX_METADATA_FORMAT = new ChecksumBlobStoreFormat<>( "index-metadata", METADATA_NAME_FORMAT, (repoName, parser) -> IndexMetadata.Builder.legacyFromXContent(parser), (repoName, parser) -> IndexMetadata.fromXContent(parser) ); private static final String SNAPSHOT_CODEC = "snapshot"; public static final ChecksumBlobStoreFormat SNAPSHOT_FORMAT = new ChecksumBlobStoreFormat<>( SNAPSHOT_CODEC, SNAPSHOT_NAME_FORMAT, SnapshotInfo::fromXContentInternal ); public static final ChecksumBlobStoreFormat INDEX_SHARD_SNAPSHOT_FORMAT = new ChecksumBlobStoreFormat<>( SNAPSHOT_CODEC, SNAPSHOT_NAME_FORMAT, (repoName, parser) -> BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.fromXContent(parser) ); public static final ChecksumBlobStoreFormat INDEX_SHARD_SNAPSHOTS_FORMAT = new ChecksumBlobStoreFormat<>( "snapshots", SNAPSHOT_INDEX_NAME_FORMAT, (repoName, parser) -> BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots.fromXContent(parser) ); public static final Setting MAX_SNAPSHOT_BYTES_PER_SEC = Setting.byteSizeSetting( "max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec", new ByteSizeValue(40, ByteSizeUnit.MB), Setting.Property.Dynamic, Setting.Property.NodeScope ); public static final Setting MAX_RESTORE_BYTES_PER_SEC = Setting.byteSizeSetting( "max_restore_bytes_per_sec", ByteSizeValue.ZERO, Setting.Property.Dynamic, Setting.Property.NodeScope ); /** * Repository settings that can be updated dynamically without having to create a new repository. */ private static final Set DYNAMIC_SETTING_NAMES = Set.of( MAX_SNAPSHOT_BYTES_PER_SEC.getKey(), MAX_RESTORE_BYTES_PER_SEC.getKey() ); private final boolean readOnly; private final Object lock = new Object(); private final SetOnce blobContainer = new SetOnce<>(); private final SetOnce blobStore = new SetOnce<>(); private final BlobPath basePath; private final ClusterService clusterService; private final RecoverySettings recoverySettings; private final NamedXContentRegistry namedXContentRegistry; protected final BigArrays bigArrays; /** * Flag that is set to {@code true} if this instance is started with {@link #metadata} that has a higher value for * {@link RepositoryMetadata#pendingGeneration()} than for {@link RepositoryMetadata#generation()} indicating a full cluster restart * potentially accounting for the the last {@code index-N} write in the cluster state. * Note: While it is true that this value could also be set to {@code true} for an instance on a node that is just joining the cluster * during a new {@code index-N} write, this does not present a problem. The node will still load the correct {@link RepositoryData} in * all cases and simply do a redundant listing of the repository contents if it tries to load {@link RepositoryData} and falls back * to {@link #latestIndexBlobId()} to validate the value of {@link RepositoryMetadata#generation()}. */ private boolean uncleanStart; /** * This flag indicates that the repository can not exclusively rely on the value stored in {@link #latestKnownRepoGen} to determine the * latest repository generation but must inspect its physical contents as well via {@link #latestIndexBlobId()}. * This flag is set in the following situations: *
  • All repositories that are read-only, i.e. for which {@link #isReadOnly()} returns {@code true} because there are no * guarantees that another cluster is not writing to the repository at the same time
  • *
  • The value of {@link RepositoryMetadata#generation()} for this repository is {@link RepositoryData#UNKNOWN_REPO_GEN} * indicating that no consistent repository generation is tracked in the cluster state yet.
  • *
  • The {@link #uncleanStart} flag is set to {@code true}
  • *
*/ private volatile boolean bestEffortConsistency; /** * IO buffer size hint for reading and writing to the underlying blob store. */ protected final int bufferSize; /** * Maximum number of snapshots that this repository can hold. */ private final int maxSnapshotCount; private final ShardSnapshotTaskRunner shardSnapshotTaskRunner; /** * Constructs new BlobStoreRepository * @param metadata The metadata for this repository including name and settings * @param clusterService ClusterService */ protected BlobStoreRepository( final RepositoryMetadata metadata, final NamedXContentRegistry namedXContentRegistry, final ClusterService clusterService, final BigArrays bigArrays, final RecoverySettings recoverySettings, final BlobPath basePath ) { this.metadata = metadata; this.threadPool = clusterService.getClusterApplierService().threadPool(); this.clusterService = clusterService; this.bigArrays = bigArrays; this.recoverySettings = recoverySettings; this.compress = COMPRESS_SETTING.get(metadata.settings()); this.supportURLRepo = SUPPORT_URL_REPO.get(metadata.settings()); snapshotRateLimiter = getRateLimiter(metadata.settings(), MAX_SNAPSHOT_BYTES_PER_SEC); restoreRateLimiter = getRateLimiter(metadata.settings(), MAX_RESTORE_BYTES_PER_SEC); readOnly = metadata.settings().getAsBoolean(READONLY_SETTING_KEY, false); cacheRepositoryData = CACHE_REPOSITORY_DATA.get(metadata.settings()); bufferSize = Math.toIntExact(BUFFER_SIZE_SETTING.get(metadata.settings()).getBytes()); this.namedXContentRegistry = namedXContentRegistry; this.basePath = basePath; this.maxSnapshotCount = MAX_SNAPSHOTS_SETTING.get(metadata.settings()); this.repoDataDeduplicator = new ResultDeduplicator<>(threadPool.getThreadContext()); shardSnapshotTaskRunner = new ShardSnapshotTaskRunner(, threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT), this::doSnapshotShard, this::snapshotFile ); } @Override protected void doStart() { uncleanStart = metadata.pendingGeneration() > RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN && metadata.generation() != metadata.pendingGeneration(); ByteSizeValue chunkSize = chunkSize(); if (chunkSize != null && chunkSize.getBytes() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("the chunk size cannot be negative: [" + chunkSize + "]"); } } @Override protected void doStop() {} @Override protected void doClose() { BlobStore store; // to close blobStore if blobStore initialization is started during close synchronized (lock) { store = blobStore.get(); } if (store != null) { try { store.close(); } catch (Exception t) { logger.warn("cannot close blob store", t); } } } // listeners to invoke when a restore completes and there are no more restores running @Nullable private List> emptyListeners; // Set of shard ids that this repository is currently restoring private final Set ongoingRestores = new HashSet<>(); @Override public void awaitIdle() { assert lifecycle.stoppedOrClosed(); final PlainActionFuture future; synchronized (ongoingRestores) { if (ongoingRestores.isEmpty()) { return; } future = new PlainActionFuture<>(); if (emptyListeners == null) { emptyListeners = new ArrayList<>(); } emptyListeners.add(future); } FutureUtils.get(future); } @Override public void executeConsistentStateUpdate( Function createUpdateTask, String source, Consumer onFailure ) { final RepositoryMetadata repositoryMetadataStart = metadata; getRepositoryData(ActionListener.wrap(repositoryData -> { final ClusterStateUpdateTask updateTask = createUpdateTask.apply(repositoryData); submitUnbatchedTask(source, new ClusterStateUpdateTask(updateTask.priority(), updateTask.timeout()) { private boolean executedTask = false; @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) throws Exception { // Comparing the full metadata here on purpose instead of simply comparing the safe generation. // If the safe generation has changed, then we have to reload repository data and start over. // If the pending generation has changed we are in the midst of a write operation and might pick up the // updated repository data and state on the retry. We don't want to wait for the write to finish though // because it could fail for any number of reasons so we just retry instead of waiting on the cluster state // to change in any form. if (repositoryMetadataStart.equals(getRepoMetadata(currentState))) { executedTask = true; return updateTask.execute(currentState); } return currentState; } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { if (executedTask) { updateTask.onFailure(e); } else { onFailure.accept(e); } } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { if (executedTask) { updateTask.clusterStateProcessed(oldState, newState); } else { executeConsistentStateUpdate(createUpdateTask, source, onFailure); } } }); }, onFailure)); } @SuppressForbidden(reason = "legacy usage of unbatched task") // TODO add support for batching here private void submitUnbatchedTask(@SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") String source, ClusterStateUpdateTask task) { clusterService.submitUnbatchedStateUpdateTask(source, task); } @Override public void cloneShardSnapshot( SnapshotId source, SnapshotId target, RepositoryShardId shardId, @Nullable ShardGeneration shardGeneration, ActionListener listener ) { if (isReadOnly()) { listener.onFailure(new RepositoryException(, "cannot clone shard snapshot on a readonly repository")); return; } final IndexId index = shardId.index(); final int shardNum = shardId.shardId(); final Executor executor = threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT); executor.execute(, () -> { final long startTime = threadPool.absoluteTimeInMillis(); final BlobContainer shardContainer = shardContainer(index, shardNum); final BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots existingSnapshots; final ShardGeneration newGen; final ShardGeneration existingShardGen; if (shardGeneration == null) { Tuple tuple = buildBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots( shardContainer.listBlobsByPrefix(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX).keySet(), shardContainer ); existingShardGen = new ShardGeneration(tuple.v2()); newGen = new ShardGeneration(tuple.v2() + 1); existingSnapshots = tuple.v1(); } else { newGen = ShardGeneration.newGeneration(); existingSnapshots = buildBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots(Collections.emptySet(), shardContainer, shardGeneration).v1(); existingShardGen = shardGeneration; } SnapshotFiles existingTargetFiles = null; SnapshotFiles sourceFiles = null; for (SnapshotFiles existingSnapshot : existingSnapshots) { final String snapshotName = existingSnapshot.snapshot(); if (snapshotName.equals(target.getName())) { existingTargetFiles = existingSnapshot; } else if (snapshotName.equals(source.getName())) { sourceFiles = existingSnapshot; } if (sourceFiles != null && existingTargetFiles != null) { break; } } if (sourceFiles == null) { throw new RepositoryException(, "Can't create clone of [" + shardId + "] for snapshot [" + target + "]. The source snapshot [" + source + "] was not found in the shard metadata." ); } if (existingTargetFiles != null) { if (existingTargetFiles.isSame(sourceFiles)) { return new ShardSnapshotResult( existingShardGen, ByteSizeValue.ofBytes(existingTargetFiles.totalSize()), getSegmentInfoFileCount(existingTargetFiles.indexFiles()) ); } throw new RepositoryException(, "Can't create clone of [" + shardId + "] for snapshot [" + target + "]. A snapshot by that name already exists for this shard." ); } final BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot sourceMeta = loadShardSnapshot(shardContainer, source); logger.trace("[{}] [{}] writing shard snapshot file for clone", shardId, target); INDEX_SHARD_SNAPSHOT_FORMAT.write( sourceMeta.asClone(target.getName(), startTime, threadPool.absoluteTimeInMillis() - startTime), shardContainer, target.getUUID(), compress ); INDEX_SHARD_SNAPSHOTS_FORMAT.write( existingSnapshots.withClone(source.getName(), target.getName()), shardContainer, newGen.toBlobNamePart(), compress ); return new ShardSnapshotResult( newGen, ByteSizeValue.ofBytes(sourceMeta.totalSize()), getSegmentInfoFileCount(sourceMeta.indexFiles()) ); })); } private static int getSegmentInfoFileCount(List indexFiles) { // noinspection ConstantConditions return Math.toIntExact(Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, -> fi.physicalName().endsWith(".si")).count())); } @Override public boolean canUpdateInPlace(Settings updatedSettings, Set ignoredSettings) { final Settings current = metadata.settings(); if (current.equals(updatedSettings)) { return true; } final Set changedSettingNames = new HashSet<>(current.keySet()); changedSettingNames.addAll(updatedSettings.keySet()); changedSettingNames.removeAll(ignoredSettings); changedSettingNames.removeIf(setting -> Objects.equals(current.get(setting), updatedSettings.get(setting))); changedSettingNames.removeAll(DYNAMIC_SETTING_NAMES); return changedSettingNames.isEmpty(); } // Inspects all cluster state elements that contain a hint about what the current repository generation is and updates // #latestKnownRepoGen if a newer than currently known generation is found @Override public void updateState(ClusterState state) { final Settings previousSettings = metadata.settings(); metadata = getRepoMetadata(state); final Settings updatedSettings = metadata.settings(); if (updatedSettings.equals(previousSettings) == false) { snapshotRateLimiter = getRateLimiter(metadata.settings(), MAX_SNAPSHOT_BYTES_PER_SEC); restoreRateLimiter = getRateLimiter(metadata.settings(), MAX_RESTORE_BYTES_PER_SEC); } uncleanStart = uncleanStart && metadata.generation() != metadata.pendingGeneration(); final boolean wasBestEffortConsistency = bestEffortConsistency; bestEffortConsistency = uncleanStart || isReadOnly() || metadata.generation() == RepositoryData.UNKNOWN_REPO_GEN; if (isReadOnly()) { // No need to waste cycles, no operations can run against a read-only repository return; } if (bestEffortConsistency) { final SnapshotsInProgress snapshotsInProgress = state.custom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE, SnapshotsInProgress.EMPTY); long bestGenerationFromCS = bestGeneration(snapshotsInProgress.forRepo(; // Don't use generation from the delete task if we already found a generation for an in progress snapshot. // In this case, the generation points at the generation the repo will be in after the snapshot finishes so it may not yet // exist if (bestGenerationFromCS == RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN) { bestGenerationFromCS = bestGeneration( state.custom(SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.TYPE, SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.EMPTY).getEntries() ); } if (bestGenerationFromCS == RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN) { bestGenerationFromCS = bestGeneration( state.custom(RepositoryCleanupInProgress.TYPE, RepositoryCleanupInProgress.EMPTY).entries() ); } final long finalBestGen = Math.max(bestGenerationFromCS, metadata.generation()); latestKnownRepoGen.updateAndGet(known -> Math.max(known, finalBestGen)); } else { final long previousBest = latestKnownRepoGen.getAndSet(metadata.generation()); if (previousBest != metadata.generation()) { assert wasBestEffortConsistency || metadata.generation() == RepositoryData.CORRUPTED_REPO_GEN || previousBest < metadata.generation() : "Illegal move from repository generation [" + previousBest + "] to generation [" + metadata.generation() + "]"; logger.debug("Updated repository generation from [{}] to [{}]", previousBest, metadata.generation()); } } } private long bestGeneration(Collection operations) { final String repoName =; return .filter(e -> e.repository().equals(repoName)) .mapToLong(RepositoryOperation::repositoryStateId) .max() .orElse(RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN); } public ThreadPool threadPool() { return threadPool; } // package private, only use for testing BlobContainer getBlobContainer() { return blobContainer.get(); } // for test purposes only protected BlobStore getBlobStore() { return blobStore.get(); } /** * maintains single lazy instance of {@link BlobContainer} */ protected BlobContainer blobContainer() { assertSnapshotOrGenericThread(); if (lifecycle.started() == false) { throw notStartedException(); } BlobContainer blobContainer = this.blobContainer.get(); if (blobContainer == null) { synchronized (lock) { blobContainer = this.blobContainer.get(); if (blobContainer == null) { blobContainer = blobStore().blobContainer(basePath()); this.blobContainer.set(blobContainer); } } } return blobContainer; } /** * Maintains single lazy instance of {@link BlobStore}. * Public for testing. */ public BlobStore blobStore() { assertSnapshotOrGenericThread(); BlobStore store = blobStore.get(); if (store == null) { synchronized (lock) { store = blobStore.get(); if (store == null) { if (lifecycle.started() == false) { throw notStartedException(); } try { store = createBlobStore(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RepositoryException(, "cannot create blob store", e); } blobStore.set(store); } } } return store; } /** * Creates new BlobStore to read and write data. */ protected abstract BlobStore createBlobStore() throws Exception; /** * Returns base path of the repository * Public for testing. */ public BlobPath basePath() { return basePath; } /** * Returns true if metadata and snapshot files should be compressed * * @return true if compression is needed */ protected final boolean isCompress() { return compress; } /** * Returns data file chunk size. *

* This method should return null if no chunking is needed. * * @return chunk size */ protected ByteSizeValue chunkSize() { return null; } @Override public RepositoryMetadata getMetadata() { return metadata; } @Override public RepositoryStats stats() { final BlobStore store = blobStore.get(); if (store == null) { return RepositoryStats.EMPTY_STATS; } return new RepositoryStats(store.stats()); } @Override public void deleteSnapshots( Collection snapshotIds, long repositoryStateId, Version repositoryMetaVersion, SnapshotDeleteListener listener ) { if (isReadOnly()) { listener.onFailure(new RepositoryException(, "cannot delete snapshot from a readonly repository")); } else { threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(new AbstractRunnable() { @Override protected void doRun() throws Exception { final Map rootBlobs = blobContainer().listBlobs(); final RepositoryData repositoryData = safeRepositoryData(repositoryStateId, rootBlobs); // Cache the indices that were found before writing out the new index-N blob so that a stuck master will never // delete an index that was created by another master node after writing this index-N blob. final Map foundIndices = blobStore().blobContainer(indicesPath()).children(); doDeleteShardSnapshots( snapshotIds, repositoryStateId, foundIndices, rootBlobs, repositoryData, repositoryMetaVersion, listener ); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { listener.onFailure(new RepositoryException(, "failed to delete snapshots " + snapshotIds, e)); } }); } } /** * Loads {@link RepositoryData} ensuring that it is consistent with the given {@code rootBlobs} as well of the assumed generation. * * @param repositoryStateId Expected repository generation * @param rootBlobs Blobs at the repository root * @return RepositoryData */ private RepositoryData safeRepositoryData(long repositoryStateId, Map rootBlobs) { final long generation = latestGeneration(rootBlobs.keySet()); final long genToLoad; final RepositoryData cached; if (bestEffortConsistency) { genToLoad = latestKnownRepoGen.updateAndGet(known -> Math.max(known, repositoryStateId)); cached = null; } else { genToLoad = latestKnownRepoGen.get(); cached = latestKnownRepositoryData.get(); } if (genToLoad > generation) { // It's always a possibility to not see the latest index-N in the listing here on an eventually consistent blob store, just // debug log it. Any blobs leaked as a result of an inconsistent listing here will be cleaned up in a subsequent cleanup or // snapshot delete run anyway. logger.debug( "Determined repository's generation from its contents to [" + generation + "] but " + "current generation is at least [" + genToLoad + "]" ); } if (genToLoad != repositoryStateId) { throw new RepositoryException(, "concurrent modification of the index-N file, expected current generation [" + repositoryStateId + "], actual current generation [" + genToLoad + "]" ); } if (cached != null && cached.getGenId() == genToLoad) { return cached; } return getRepositoryData(genToLoad); } /** * After updating the {@link RepositoryData} each of the shards directories is individually first moved to the next shard generation * and then has all now unreferenced blobs in it deleted. * * @param snapshotIds SnapshotIds to delete * @param repositoryStateId Expected repository state id * @param foundIndices All indices folders found in the repository before executing any writes to the repository during this * delete operation * @param rootBlobs All blobs found at the root of the repository before executing any writes to the repository during this * delete operation * @param repositoryData RepositoryData found the in the repository before executing this delete * @param listener Listener to invoke once finished */ private void doDeleteShardSnapshots( Collection snapshotIds, long repositoryStateId, Map foundIndices, Map rootBlobs, RepositoryData repositoryData, Version repoMetaVersion, SnapshotDeleteListener listener ) { if (SnapshotsService.useShardGenerations(repoMetaVersion)) { // First write the new shard state metadata (with the removed snapshot) and compute deletion targets final StepListener> writeShardMetaDataAndComputeDeletesStep = new StepListener<>(); writeUpdatedShardMetaDataAndComputeDeletes(snapshotIds, repositoryData, true, writeShardMetaDataAndComputeDeletesStep); // Once we have put the new shard-level metadata into place, we can update the repository metadata as follows: // 1. Remove the snapshots from the list of existing snapshots // 2. Update the index shard generations of all updated shard folders // // Note: If we fail updating any of the individual shard paths, none of them are changed since the newly created // index-${gen_uuid} will not be referenced by the existing RepositoryData and new RepositoryData is only // written if all shard paths have been successfully updated. final StepListener writeUpdatedRepoDataStep = new StepListener<>(); writeShardMetaDataAndComputeDeletesStep.whenComplete(deleteResults -> { final ShardGenerations.Builder builder = ShardGenerations.builder(); for (ShardSnapshotMetaDeleteResult newGen : deleteResults) { builder.put(newGen.indexId, newGen.shardId, newGen.newGeneration); } final RepositoryData updatedRepoData = repositoryData.removeSnapshots(snapshotIds,; writeIndexGen( updatedRepoData, repositoryStateId, repoMetaVersion, Function.identity(), ActionListener.wrap(writeUpdatedRepoDataStep::onResponse, listener::onFailure) ); }, listener::onFailure); // Once we have updated the repository, run the clean-ups writeUpdatedRepoDataStep.whenComplete(updatedRepoData -> { listener.onRepositoryDataWritten(updatedRepoData); // Run unreferenced blobs cleanup in parallel to shard-level snapshot deletion final ActionListener afterCleanupsListener = new GroupedActionListener<>(ActionListener.wrap(listener::onDone), 2); cleanupUnlinkedRootAndIndicesBlobs(snapshotIds, foundIndices, rootBlobs, updatedRepoData, afterCleanupsListener); asyncCleanupUnlinkedShardLevelBlobs( repositoryData, snapshotIds, writeShardMetaDataAndComputeDeletesStep.result(), afterCleanupsListener ); }, listener::onFailure); } else { // Write the new repository data first (with the removed snapshot), using no shard generations final RepositoryData updatedRepoData = repositoryData.removeSnapshots(snapshotIds, ShardGenerations.EMPTY); writeIndexGen(updatedRepoData, repositoryStateId, repoMetaVersion, Function.identity(), ActionListener.wrap(newRepoData -> { // Run unreferenced blobs cleanup in parallel to shard-level snapshot deletion final ActionListener afterCleanupsListener = new GroupedActionListener<>(ActionListener.wrap(() -> { listener.onRepositoryDataWritten(newRepoData); listener.onDone(); }), 2); cleanupUnlinkedRootAndIndicesBlobs(snapshotIds, foundIndices, rootBlobs, newRepoData, afterCleanupsListener); final StepListener> writeMetaAndComputeDeletesStep = new StepListener<>(); writeUpdatedShardMetaDataAndComputeDeletes(snapshotIds, repositoryData, false, writeMetaAndComputeDeletesStep); writeMetaAndComputeDeletesStep.whenComplete( deleteResults -> asyncCleanupUnlinkedShardLevelBlobs(repositoryData, snapshotIds, deleteResults, afterCleanupsListener), afterCleanupsListener::onFailure ); }, listener::onFailure)); } } private void cleanupUnlinkedRootAndIndicesBlobs( Collection deletedSnapshots, Map foundIndices, Map rootBlobs, RepositoryData updatedRepoData, ActionListener listener ) { cleanupStaleBlobs(deletedSnapshots, foundIndices, rootBlobs, updatedRepoData, -> null)); } private void asyncCleanupUnlinkedShardLevelBlobs( RepositoryData oldRepositoryData, Collection snapshotIds, Collection deleteResults, ActionListener listener ) { final Iterator filesToDelete = resolveFilesToDelete(oldRepositoryData, snapshotIds, deleteResults); if (filesToDelete.hasNext() == false) { listener.onResponse(null); return; } threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(ActionRunnable.wrap(listener, l -> { try { deleteFromContainer(blobContainer(), filesToDelete); l.onResponse(null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(() -> format("%s Failed to delete some blobs during snapshot delete", snapshotIds), e); throw e; } })); } // updates the shard state metadata for shards of a snapshot that is to be deleted. Also computes the files to be cleaned up. private void writeUpdatedShardMetaDataAndComputeDeletes( Collection snapshotIds, RepositoryData oldRepositoryData, boolean useUUIDs, ActionListener> onAllShardsCompleted ) { final Executor executor = threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT); final List indices = oldRepositoryData.indicesToUpdateAfterRemovingSnapshot(snapshotIds); if (indices.isEmpty()) { onAllShardsCompleted.onResponse(Collections.emptyList()); return; } // Listener that flattens out the delete results for each index final ActionListener> deleteIndexMetadataListener = new GroupedActionListener<>( ->, indices.size() ); for (IndexId indexId : indices) { final Set snapshotsWithIndex = Set.copyOf(oldRepositoryData.getSnapshots(indexId)); final Set survivingSnapshots = .filter(id -> snapshotIds.contains(id) == false) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); final StepListener> shardCountListener = new StepListener<>(); final Collection indexMetaGenerations = .filter(snapshotsWithIndex::contains) .map(id -> oldRepositoryData.indexMetaDataGenerations().indexMetaBlobId(id, indexId)) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); final ActionListener allShardCountsListener = new GroupedActionListener<>( shardCountListener, indexMetaGenerations.size() ); final BlobContainer indexContainer = indexContainer(indexId); for (String indexMetaGeneration : indexMetaGenerations) { executor.execute(, () -> { try { return, indexContainer, indexMetaGeneration, namedXContentRegistry) .getNumberOfShards(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn( () -> format("[%s] [%s] failed to read metadata for index", indexMetaGeneration, indexId.getName()), ex ); // Just invoke the listener without any shard generations to count it down, this index will be cleaned up // by the stale data cleanup in the end. // TODO: Getting here means repository corruption. We should find a way of dealing with this instead of just // ignoring it and letting the cleanup deal with it. return null; } })); } shardCountListener.whenComplete(counts -> { final int shardCount = -> i).max().orElse(0); if (shardCount == 0) { deleteIndexMetadataListener.onResponse(null); return; } // Listener for collecting the results of removing the snapshot from each shard's metadata in the current index final ActionListener allShardsListener = new GroupedActionListener<>( deleteIndexMetadataListener, shardCount ); for (int shardId = 0; shardId < shardCount; shardId++) { final int finalShardId = shardId; executor.execute(new AbstractRunnable() { @Override protected void doRun() throws Exception { final BlobContainer shardContainer = shardContainer(indexId, finalShardId); final Set blobs = shardContainer.listBlobs().keySet(); final BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots blobStoreIndexShardSnapshots; final long newGen; if (useUUIDs) { newGen = -1L; blobStoreIndexShardSnapshots = buildBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots( blobs, shardContainer, oldRepositoryData.shardGenerations().getShardGen(indexId, finalShardId) ).v1(); } else { Tuple tuple = buildBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots(blobs, shardContainer); newGen = tuple.v2() + 1; blobStoreIndexShardSnapshots = tuple.v1(); } allShardsListener.onResponse( deleteFromShardSnapshotMeta( survivingSnapshots, indexId, finalShardId, snapshotIds, shardContainer, blobs, blobStoreIndexShardSnapshots, newGen ) ); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception ex) { logger.warn( () -> format( "%s failed to delete shard data for shard [%s][%s]", snapshotIds, indexId.getName(), finalShardId ), ex ); // Just passing null here to count down the listener instead of failing it, the stale data left behind // here will be retried in the next delete or repository cleanup allShardsListener.onResponse(null); } }); } }, deleteIndexMetadataListener::onFailure); } } private Iterator resolveFilesToDelete( RepositoryData oldRepositoryData, Collection snapshotIds, Collection deleteResults ) { final String basePath = basePath().buildAsString(); final int basePathLen = basePath.length(); final Map> indexMetaGenerations = oldRepositoryData.indexMetaDataToRemoveAfterRemovingSnapshots( snapshotIds ); return Stream.concat( -> { final String shardPath = shardPath(shardResult.indexId, shardResult.shardId).buildAsString(); return -> shardPath + blob); }), indexMetaGenerations.entrySet().stream().flatMap(entry -> { final String indexContainerPath = indexPath(entry.getKey()).buildAsString(); return entry.getValue().stream().map(id -> indexContainerPath + INDEX_METADATA_FORMAT.blobName(id)); })).map(absolutePath -> { assert absolutePath.startsWith(basePath); return absolutePath.substring(basePathLen); }).iterator(); } /** * Cleans up stale blobs directly under the repository root as well as all indices paths that aren't referenced by any existing * snapshots. This method is only to be called directly after a new {@link RepositoryData} was written to the repository and with * parameters {@code foundIndices}, {@code rootBlobs} * * @param deletedSnapshots if this method is called as part of a delete operation, the snapshot ids just deleted or empty if called as * part of a repository cleanup * @param foundIndices all indices blob containers found in the repository before {@code newRepoData} was written * @param rootBlobs all blobs found directly under the repository root * @param newRepoData new repository data that was just written * @param listener listener to invoke with the combined {@link DeleteResult} of all blobs removed in this operation */ private void cleanupStaleBlobs( Collection deletedSnapshots, Map foundIndices, Map rootBlobs, RepositoryData newRepoData, ActionListener listener ) { final GroupedActionListener groupedListener = new GroupedActionListener<>(ActionListener.wrap(deleteResults -> { DeleteResult deleteResult = DeleteResult.ZERO; for (DeleteResult result : deleteResults) { deleteResult = deleteResult.add(result); } listener.onResponse(deleteResult); }, listener::onFailure), 2); final Executor executor = threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT); final List staleRootBlobs = staleRootBlobs(newRepoData, rootBlobs.keySet()); if (staleRootBlobs.isEmpty()) { groupedListener.onResponse(DeleteResult.ZERO); } else { executor.execute(, () -> { List deletedBlobs = cleanupStaleRootFiles(newRepoData.getGenId() - 1, deletedSnapshots, staleRootBlobs); return new DeleteResult(deletedBlobs.size(), -> rootBlobs.get(name).length()).sum()); })); } final Set survivingIndexIds = newRepoData.getIndices().values().stream().map(IndexId::getId).collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (foundIndices.keySet().equals(survivingIndexIds)) { groupedListener.onResponse(DeleteResult.ZERO); } else { executor.execute(, () -> cleanupStaleIndices(foundIndices, survivingIndexIds))); } } /** * Runs cleanup actions on the repository. Increments the repository state id by one before executing any modifications on the * repository. * TODO: Add shard level cleanups * TODO: Add unreferenced index metadata cleanup *

  • Deleting stale indices {@link #cleanupStaleIndices}
  • *
  • Deleting unreferenced root level blobs {@link #cleanupStaleRootFiles}
  • *
* @param repositoryStateId Current repository state id * @param repositoryMetaVersion version of the updated repository metadata to write * @param listener Listener to complete when done */ public void cleanup(long repositoryStateId, Version repositoryMetaVersion, ActionListener listener) { try { if (isReadOnly()) { throw new RepositoryException(, "cannot run cleanup on readonly repository"); } Map rootBlobs = blobContainer().listBlobs(); final RepositoryData repositoryData = safeRepositoryData(repositoryStateId, rootBlobs); final Map foundIndices = blobStore().blobContainer(indicesPath()).children(); final Set survivingIndexIds = repositoryData.getIndices() .values() .stream() .map(IndexId::getId) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); final List staleRootBlobs = staleRootBlobs(repositoryData, rootBlobs.keySet()); if (survivingIndexIds.equals(foundIndices.keySet()) && staleRootBlobs.isEmpty()) { // Nothing to clean up we return listener.onResponse(new RepositoryCleanupResult(DeleteResult.ZERO)); } else { // write new index-N blob to ensure concurrent operations will fail writeIndexGen( repositoryData, repositoryStateId, repositoryMetaVersion, Function.identity(), ActionListener.wrap( v -> cleanupStaleBlobs( Collections.emptyList(), foundIndices, rootBlobs, repositoryData, ), listener::onFailure ) ); } } catch (Exception e) { listener.onFailure(e); } } // Finds all blobs directly under the repository root path that are not referenced by the current RepositoryData private static List staleRootBlobs(RepositoryData repositoryData, Set rootBlobNames) { final Set allSnapshotIds = repositoryData.getSnapshotIds().stream().map(SnapshotId::getUUID).collect(Collectors.toSet()); return -> { if (FsBlobContainer.isTempBlobName(blob)) { return true; } if (blob.endsWith(".dat")) { final String foundUUID; if (blob.startsWith(SNAPSHOT_PREFIX)) { foundUUID = blob.substring(SNAPSHOT_PREFIX.length(), blob.length() - ".dat".length()); assert SNAPSHOT_FORMAT.blobName(foundUUID).equals(blob); } else if (blob.startsWith(METADATA_PREFIX)) { foundUUID = blob.substring(METADATA_PREFIX.length(), blob.length() - ".dat".length()); assert GLOBAL_METADATA_FORMAT.blobName(foundUUID).equals(blob); } else { return false; } return allSnapshotIds.contains(foundUUID) == false; } else if (blob.startsWith(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX)) { // TODO: Include the current generation here once we remove keeping index-(N-1) around from #writeIndexGen return repositoryData.getGenId() > Long.parseLong(blob.substring(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX.length())); } return false; }).toList(); } private List cleanupStaleRootFiles( long previousGeneration, Collection deletedSnapshots, List blobsToDelete ) { if (blobsToDelete.isEmpty()) { return blobsToDelete; } try { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { // If we're running root level cleanup as part of a snapshot delete we should not log the snapshot- and global metadata // blobs associated with the just deleted snapshots as they are expected to exist and not stale. Otherwise every snapshot // delete would also log a confusing INFO message about "stale blobs". final Set blobNamesToIgnore = .flatMap( snapshotId -> Stream.of( GLOBAL_METADATA_FORMAT.blobName(snapshotId.getUUID()), SNAPSHOT_FORMAT.blobName(snapshotId.getUUID()), INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + previousGeneration ) ) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); final List blobsToLog = -> blobNamesToIgnore.contains(b) == false).toList(); if (blobsToLog.isEmpty() == false) {"[{}] Found stale root level blobs {}. Cleaning them up",, blobsToLog); } } deleteFromContainer(blobContainer(), blobsToDelete.iterator()); return blobsToDelete; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn( () -> format( "[%s] The following blobs are no longer part of any snapshot [%s] but failed to remove them",, blobsToDelete ), e ); } return Collections.emptyList(); } private DeleteResult cleanupStaleIndices(Map foundIndices, Set survivingIndexIds) { DeleteResult deleteResult = DeleteResult.ZERO; for (Map.Entry indexEntry : foundIndices.entrySet()) { final String indexSnId = indexEntry.getKey(); try { if (survivingIndexIds.contains(indexSnId) == false) { logger.debug("[{}] Found stale index [{}]. Cleaning it up",, indexSnId); deleteResult = deleteResult.add(indexEntry.getValue().delete()); logger.debug("[{}] Cleaned up stale index [{}]",, indexSnId); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn( () -> format( "[%s] index %s is no longer part of any snapshot in the repository, " + "but failed to clean up its index folder",, indexSnId ), e ); } } return deleteResult; } @Override public void finalizeSnapshot(final FinalizeSnapshotContext finalizeSnapshotContext) { final long repositoryStateId = finalizeSnapshotContext.repositoryStateId(); final ShardGenerations shardGenerations = finalizeSnapshotContext.updatedShardGenerations(); final SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo = finalizeSnapshotContext.snapshotInfo(); assert repositoryStateId > RepositoryData.UNKNOWN_REPO_GEN : "Must finalize based on a valid repository generation but received [" + repositoryStateId + "]"; final Collection indices = shardGenerations.indices(); final SnapshotId snapshotId = snapshotInfo.snapshotId(); // Once we are done writing the updated index-N blob we remove the now unreferenced index-${uuid} blobs in each shard // directory if all nodes are at least at version SnapshotsService#SHARD_GEN_IN_REPO_DATA_VERSION // If there are older version nodes in the cluster, we don't need to run this cleanup as it will have already happened // when writing the index-${N} to each shard directory. final Version repositoryMetaVersion = finalizeSnapshotContext.repositoryMetaVersion(); final boolean writeShardGens = SnapshotsService.useShardGenerations(repositoryMetaVersion); final Consumer onUpdateFailure = e -> finalizeSnapshotContext.onFailure( new SnapshotException(, snapshotId, "failed to update snapshot in repository", e) ); final Executor executor = threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT); final boolean writeIndexGens = SnapshotsService.useIndexGenerations(repositoryMetaVersion); final StepListener repoDataListener = new StepListener<>(); getRepositoryData(repoDataListener); repoDataListener.whenComplete(existingRepositoryData -> { final int existingSnapshotCount = existingRepositoryData.getSnapshotIds().size(); if (existingSnapshotCount >= maxSnapshotCount) { finalizeSnapshotContext.onFailure( new RepositoryException(, "Cannot add another snapshot to this repository as it " + "already contains [" + existingSnapshotCount + "] snapshots and is configured to hold up to [" + maxSnapshotCount + "] snapshots only." ) ); return; } final Map indexMetas; final Map indexMetaIdentifiers; if (writeIndexGens) { indexMetaIdentifiers = ConcurrentCollections.newConcurrentMap(); indexMetas = ConcurrentCollections.newConcurrentMap(); } else { indexMetas = null; indexMetaIdentifiers = null; } final ActionListener allMetaListener = new GroupedActionListener<>(ActionListener.wrap(v -> { final String slmPolicy = slmPolicy(snapshotInfo); final SnapshotDetails snapshotDetails = new SnapshotDetails( snapshotInfo.state(), Version.CURRENT, snapshotInfo.startTime(), snapshotInfo.endTime(), slmPolicy ); writeIndexGen( existingRepositoryData.addSnapshot(snapshotId, snapshotDetails, shardGenerations, indexMetas, indexMetaIdentifiers), repositoryStateId, repositoryMetaVersion, finalizeSnapshotContext::updatedClusterState, ActionListener.wrap(newRepoData -> { finalizeSnapshotContext.onResponse(newRepoData); if (writeShardGens) { cleanupOldShardGens(existingRepositoryData, newRepoData, finalizeSnapshotContext, snapshotInfo); } else { finalizeSnapshotContext.onDone(snapshotInfo); } }, onUpdateFailure) ); }, onUpdateFailure), 2 + indices.size()); // We ignore all FileAlreadyExistsException when writing metadata since otherwise a master failover while in this method will // mean that no snap-${uuid}.dat blob is ever written for this snapshot. This is safe because any updated version of the // index or global metadata will be compatible with the segments written in this snapshot as well. // Failing on an already existing index-${repoGeneration} below ensures that the index.latest blob is not updated in a way // that decrements the generation it points at final Metadata clusterMetadata = finalizeSnapshotContext.clusterMetadata(); // Write Global MetaData executor.execute( allMetaListener, () -> GLOBAL_METADATA_FORMAT.write(clusterMetadata, blobContainer(), snapshotId.getUUID(), compress) ) ); // write the index metadata for each index in the snapshot for (IndexId index : indices) { executor.execute(, () -> { final IndexMetadata indexMetaData = clusterMetadata.index(index.getName()); if (writeIndexGens) { final String identifiers = IndexMetaDataGenerations.buildUniqueIdentifier(indexMetaData); String metaUUID = existingRepositoryData.indexMetaDataGenerations().getIndexMetaBlobId(identifiers); if (metaUUID == null) { // We don't yet have this version of the metadata so we write it metaUUID = UUIDs.base64UUID(); INDEX_METADATA_FORMAT.write(indexMetaData, indexContainer(index), metaUUID, compress); indexMetaIdentifiers.put(identifiers, metaUUID); } indexMetas.put(index, identifiers); } else { INDEX_METADATA_FORMAT.write( clusterMetadata.index(index.getName()), indexContainer(index), snapshotId.getUUID(), compress ); } })); } executor.execute( allMetaListener, () -> SNAPSHOT_FORMAT.write(snapshotInfo, blobContainer(), snapshotId.getUUID(), compress) ) ); }, onUpdateFailure); } // Delete all old shard gen blobs that aren't referenced any longer as a result from moving to updated repository data private void cleanupOldShardGens( RepositoryData existingRepositoryData, RepositoryData updatedRepositoryData, FinalizeSnapshotContext finalizeSnapshotContext, SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo ) { final Set toDelete = new HashSet<>(); final int prefixPathLen = basePath().buildAsString().length(); updatedRepositoryData.shardGenerations() .obsoleteShardGenerations(existingRepositoryData.shardGenerations()) .forEach( (indexId, gens) -> gens.forEach( (shardId, oldGen) -> toDelete.add( shardPath(indexId, shardId).buildAsString().substring(prefixPathLen) + INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + oldGen ) ) ); for (Map.Entry> obsoleteEntry : finalizeSnapshotContext.obsoleteShardGenerations() .entrySet()) { final String containerPath = shardPath(obsoleteEntry.getKey().index(), obsoleteEntry.getKey().shardId()).buildAsString() .substring(prefixPathLen) + INDEX_FILE_PREFIX; for (ShardGeneration shardGeneration : obsoleteEntry.getValue()) { toDelete.add(containerPath + shardGeneration); } } if (toDelete.isEmpty() == false) { threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(() -> { try { deleteFromContainer(blobContainer(), toDelete.iterator()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to clean up old shard generation blobs", e); } finally { finalizeSnapshotContext.onDone(snapshotInfo); } }); } else { finalizeSnapshotContext.onDone(snapshotInfo); } } @Override public void getSnapshotInfo(GetSnapshotInfoContext context) { // put snapshot info downloads into a task queue instead of pushing them all into the queue to not completely monopolize the // snapshot meta pool for a single request final int workers = Math.min(, context.snapshotIds().size()); final BlockingQueue queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(context.snapshotIds()); for (int i = 0; i < workers; i++) { getOneSnapshotInfo(queue, context); } } /** * Tries to poll a {@link SnapshotId} to load {@link SnapshotInfo} for from the given {@code queue}. */ private void getOneSnapshotInfo(BlockingQueue queue, GetSnapshotInfoContext context) { final SnapshotId snapshotId = queue.poll(); if (snapshotId == null) { return; } threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT_META).execute(() -> { if (context.done()) { return; } if (context.isCancelled()) { queue.clear(); context.onFailure(new TaskCancelledException("task cancelled")); return; } Exception failure = null; SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo = null; try { snapshotInfo =, blobContainer(), snapshotId.getUUID(), namedXContentRegistry); } catch (NoSuchFileException ex) { failure = new SnapshotMissingException(, snapshotId, ex); } catch (IOException | NotXContentException ex) { failure = new SnapshotException(, snapshotId, "failed to get snapshot info" + snapshotId, ex); } catch (Exception e) { failure = e instanceof SnapshotException ? e : new SnapshotException(, snapshotId, "Snapshot could not be read", e); } if (failure != null) { if (context.abortOnFailure()) { queue.clear(); } context.onFailure(failure); } else { assert snapshotInfo != null; context.onResponse(snapshotInfo); } getOneSnapshotInfo(queue, context); }); } @Override public Metadata getSnapshotGlobalMetadata(final SnapshotId snapshotId) { try { return, blobContainer(), snapshotId.getUUID(), namedXContentRegistry); } catch (NoSuchFileException ex) { throw new SnapshotMissingException(, snapshotId, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new SnapshotException(, snapshotId, "failed to read global metadata", ex); } } @Override public IndexMetadata getSnapshotIndexMetaData(RepositoryData repositoryData, SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId index) throws IOException { try { return, indexContainer(index), repositoryData.indexMetaDataGenerations().indexMetaBlobId(snapshotId, index), namedXContentRegistry ); } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { throw new SnapshotMissingException(, snapshotId, e); } } private void deleteFromContainer(BlobContainer container, Iterator blobs) throws IOException { final Iterator wrappedIterator; if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { wrappedIterator = new Iterator<>() { @Override public boolean hasNext() { return blobs.hasNext(); } @Override public String next() { final String blobName =; logger.trace("[{}] Deleting [{}] from [{}]",, blobName, container.path()); return blobName; } }; } else { wrappedIterator = blobs; } container.deleteBlobsIgnoringIfNotExists(wrappedIterator); } private BlobPath indicesPath() { return basePath().add("indices"); } private BlobContainer indexContainer(IndexId indexId) { return blobStore().blobContainer(indexPath(indexId)); } private BlobContainer shardContainer(IndexId indexId, ShardId shardId) { return shardContainer(indexId, shardId.getId()); } private BlobPath indexPath(IndexId indexId) { return indicesPath().add(indexId.getId()); } private BlobPath shardPath(IndexId indexId, int shardId) { return indexPath(indexId).add(Integer.toString(shardId)); } public BlobContainer shardContainer(IndexId indexId, int shardId) { return blobStore().blobContainer(shardPath(indexId, shardId)); } /** * Configures RateLimiter based on repository and global settings * * @param repositorySettings repository settings * @param setting setting to use to configure rate limiter * @return rate limiter or null of no throttling is needed */ private static RateLimiter getRateLimiter(Settings repositorySettings, Setting setting) { ByteSizeValue maxSnapshotBytesPerSec = setting.get(repositorySettings); if (maxSnapshotBytesPerSec.getBytes() <= 0) { return null; } else { return new RateLimiter.SimpleRateLimiter(maxSnapshotBytesPerSec.getMbFrac()); } } @Override public long getSnapshotThrottleTimeInNanos() { return snapshotRateLimitingTimeInNanos.count(); } @Override public long getRestoreThrottleTimeInNanos() { return restoreRateLimitingTimeInNanos.count(); } protected void assertSnapshotOrGenericThread() { assert ThreadPool.assertCurrentThreadPool(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT, ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT_META, ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC); } @Override public String startVerification() { try { if (isReadOnly()) { // It's readonly - so there is not much we can do here to verify it apart from reading the blob store metadata latestIndexBlobId(); return "read-only"; } else { String seed = UUIDs.randomBase64UUID(); byte[] testBytes = Strings.toUTF8Bytes(seed); BlobContainer testContainer = blobStore().blobContainer(basePath().add(testBlobPrefix(seed))); testContainer.writeBlobAtomic("master.dat", new BytesArray(testBytes), true); return seed; } } catch (Exception exp) { throw new RepositoryVerificationException(, "path " + basePath() + " is not accessible on master node", exp); } } @Override public void endVerification(String seed) { if (isReadOnly() == false) { try { final String testPrefix = testBlobPrefix(seed); blobStore().blobContainer(basePath().add(testPrefix)).delete(); } catch (Exception exp) { throw new RepositoryVerificationException(, "cannot delete test data at " + basePath(), exp); } } } // Tracks the latest known repository generation in a best-effort way to detect inconsistent listing of root level index-N blobs // and concurrent modifications. private final AtomicLong latestKnownRepoGen = new AtomicLong(RepositoryData.UNKNOWN_REPO_GEN); // Best effort cache of the latest known repository data private final AtomicReference latestKnownRepositoryData = new AtomicReference<>(RepositoryData.EMPTY); @Override public void getRepositoryData(ActionListener listener) { // RepositoryData is the responsibility of the elected master: we shouldn't be loading it on other nodes as we don't have good // consistency guarantees there, but electedness is too ephemeral to assert. We can say for sure that this node should be // master-eligible, which is almost as strong since all other snapshot-related activity happens on data nodes whether they be // master-eligible or not. assert clusterService.localNode().isMasterNode() : "should only load repository data on master nodes"; if (lifecycle.started() == false) { listener.onFailure(notStartedException()); return; } if (latestKnownRepoGen.get() == RepositoryData.CORRUPTED_REPO_GEN) { listener.onFailure(corruptedStateException(null, null)); return; } final RepositoryData cached = latestKnownRepositoryData.get(); // Fast path loading repository data directly from cache if we're in fully consistent mode and the cache matches up with // the latest known repository generation if (bestEffortConsistency == false && cached.getGenId() == latestKnownRepoGen.get()) { listener.onResponse(cached); return; } if (metadata.generation() == RepositoryData.UNKNOWN_REPO_GEN && isReadOnly() == false) { logger.debug( "[{}] loading repository metadata for the first time, trying to determine correct generation and to store " + "it in the cluster state", ); initializeRepoGenerationTracking(listener); } else { logger.trace( "[{}] loading un-cached repository data with best known repository generation [{}]",, latestKnownRepoGen ); // Don't deduplicate repo data loading if we don't have strong consistency guarantees between the repo and the cluster state // Also, if we are not caching repository data (for tests) we assume that the contents of the repository data at a given // generation may change final Executor executor = threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT_META); if (bestEffortConsistency || cacheRepositoryData == false) { executor.execute(ActionRunnable.wrap(listener, this::doGetRepositoryData)); } else { repoDataDeduplicator.executeOnce( metadata, listener, (metadata, l) -> executor.execute(ActionRunnable.wrap(l, this::doGetRepositoryData)) ); } } } private RepositoryException notStartedException() { return new RepositoryException(, "repository is not in started state"); } // Listener used to ensure that repository data is only initialized once in the cluster state by #initializeRepoGenerationTracking private ListenableActionFuture repoDataInitialized; /** * Method used to set the current repository generation in the cluster state's {@link RepositoryMetadata} to the latest generation that * can be physically found in the repository before passing the latest {@link RepositoryData} to the given listener. * This ensures that operations using {@link #executeConsistentStateUpdate} right after mounting a fresh repository will have a * consistent view of the {@link RepositoryData} before any data has been written to the repository. * * @param listener listener to resolve with new repository data */ private void initializeRepoGenerationTracking(ActionListener listener) { synchronized (this) { if (repoDataInitialized == null) { // double check the generation since we checked it outside the mutex in the caller and it could have changed by a // concurrent initialization of the repo metadata and just load repository normally in case we already finished the // initialization if (metadata.generation() != RepositoryData.UNKNOWN_REPO_GEN) { getRepositoryData(listener); return; } logger.trace("[{}] initializing repository generation in cluster state",; repoDataInitialized = new ListenableActionFuture<>(); repoDataInitialized.addListener(listener); final Consumer onFailure = e -> { logger.warn( () -> format("[%s] Exception when initializing repository generation in cluster state",, e ); final ActionListener existingListener; synchronized (BlobStoreRepository.this) { existingListener = repoDataInitialized; repoDataInitialized = null; } existingListener.onFailure(e); }; threadPool.generic() .execute( ActionRunnable.wrap( ActionListener.wrap( repoData -> submitUnbatchedTask( "set initial safe repository generation [" + + "][" + repoData.getGenId() + "]", new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { RepositoryMetadata metadata = getRepoMetadata(currentState); // No update to the repository generation should have occurred concurrently in general except // for // extreme corner cases like failing over to an older version master node and back to the // current // node concurrently if (metadata.generation() != RepositoryData.UNKNOWN_REPO_GEN) { throw new RepositoryException(, "Found unexpected initialized repo metadata [" + metadata + "]" ); } return ClusterState.builder(currentState) .metadata( Metadata.builder(currentState.getMetadata()) .putCustom( RepositoriesMetadata.TYPE, currentState.metadata() .custom(RepositoriesMetadata.TYPE) .withUpdatedGeneration(, repoData.getGenId(), repoData.getGenId() ) ) ) .build(); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { onFailure.accept(e); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { logger.trace( "[{}] initialized repository generation in cluster state to [{}]",, repoData.getGenId() ); // Resolve listeners on generic pool since some callbacks for repository data do additional IO threadPool.generic().execute(() -> { final ActionListener existingListener; synchronized (BlobStoreRepository.this) { existingListener = repoDataInitialized; repoDataInitialized = null; } existingListener.onResponse(repoData); logger.trace( "[{}] called listeners after initializing repository to generation [{}]",, repoData.getGenId() ); }); } } ), onFailure ), this::doGetRepositoryData ) ); } else { logger.trace( "[{}] waiting for existing initialization of repository metadata generation in cluster state", ); repoDataInitialized.addListener(listener); } } } /** * {@link RepositoryData} loading deduplicator. This may only be used with consistent generation repositories, meaning * {@link #bestEffortConsistency} must be {@code false}, in which case we can assume that the {@link RepositoryData} loaded is * unique for a given value of {@link #metadata} at any point in time. */ private final ResultDeduplicator repoDataDeduplicator; private void doGetRepositoryData(ActionListener listener) { // Retry loading RepositoryData in a loop in case we run into concurrent modifications of the repository. // Keep track of the most recent generation we failed to load so we can break out of the loop if we fail to load the same // generation repeatedly. long lastFailedGeneration = RepositoryData.UNKNOWN_REPO_GEN; while (true) { final long genToLoad; if (bestEffortConsistency) { // We're only using #latestKnownRepoGen as a hint in this mode and listing repo contents as a secondary way of trying // to find a higher generation final long generation; try { generation = latestIndexBlobId(); } catch (Exception e) { listener.onFailure( new RepositoryException(, "Could not determine repository generation from root blobs", e) ); return; } genToLoad = latestKnownRepoGen.updateAndGet(known -> Math.max(known, generation)); if (genToLoad > generation) { "Determined repository generation [{}] from repository contents but correct generation must be at " + "least [{}]", generation, genToLoad ); } } else { // We only rely on the generation tracked in #latestKnownRepoGen which is exclusively updated from the cluster state genToLoad = latestKnownRepoGen.get(); } try { final RepositoryData cached = latestKnownRepositoryData.get(); // Caching is not used with #bestEffortConsistency see docs on #cacheRepositoryData for details if (bestEffortConsistency == false && cached.getGenId() == genToLoad) { listener.onResponse(cached); } else { final RepositoryData loaded = getRepositoryData(genToLoad); if (cached == null || cached.getGenId() < genToLoad) { // We can cache in the most recent version here without regard to the actual repository metadata version since // we're only caching the information that we just wrote and thus won't accidentally cache any information that // isn't safe cacheRepositoryData(loaded, Version.CURRENT); } if (loaded.getUuid().equals(metadata.uuid())) { listener.onResponse(loaded); } else { // someone switched the repo contents out from under us RepositoriesService.updateRepositoryUuidInMetadata( clusterService,, loaded, new ThreadedActionListener<>(logger, threadPool, ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC, -> loaded), false) ); } } return; } catch (RepositoryException e) { // If the generation to load changed concurrently and we didn't just try loading the same generation before we retry if (genToLoad != latestKnownRepoGen.get() && genToLoad != lastFailedGeneration) { lastFailedGeneration = genToLoad; logger.warn( "Failed to load repository data generation [" + genToLoad + "] because a concurrent operation moved the current generation to [" + latestKnownRepoGen.get() + "]", e ); continue; } if (bestEffortConsistency == false && ExceptionsHelper.unwrap(e, NoSuchFileException.class) != null) { // We did not find the expected index-N even though the cluster state continues to point at the missing value // of N so we mark this repository as corrupted. Tuple previousWriterInformation = null; try { previousWriterInformation = readLastWriterInfo(); } catch (Exception ex) { e.addSuppressed(ex); } final Tuple finalLastInfo = previousWriterInformation; markRepoCorrupted( genToLoad, e, ActionListener.wrap(v -> listener.onFailure(corruptedStateException(e, finalLastInfo)), listener::onFailure) ); } else { listener.onFailure(e); } return; } catch (Exception e) { listener.onFailure(new RepositoryException(, "Unexpected exception when loading repository data", e)); return; } } } /** * Cache repository data if repository data caching is enabled. * * @param repositoryData repository data to cache * @param version repository metadata version used when writing the data to the repository */ private void cacheRepositoryData(RepositoryData repositoryData, Version version) { if (cacheRepositoryData == false) { return; } final RepositoryData toCache; if (SnapshotsService.useShardGenerations(version)) { toCache = repositoryData; } else { // don't cache shard generations here as they may be unreliable toCache = repositoryData.withoutShardGenerations(); assert repositoryData.indexMetaDataGenerations().equals(IndexMetaDataGenerations.EMPTY) : "repository data should not contain index generations at version [" + version + "] but saw [" + repositoryData.indexMetaDataGenerations() + "]"; } assert toCache.getGenId() >= 0 : "No need to cache abstract generations but attempted to cache [" + toCache.getGenId() + "]"; latestKnownRepositoryData.updateAndGet(known -> { if (known.getGenId() > toCache.getGenId()) { return known; } return toCache; }); } private RepositoryException corruptedStateException(@Nullable Exception cause, @Nullable Tuple previousWriterInfo) { return new RepositoryException(, "The repository has been disabled to prevent data corruption because its contents were found not to match its expected state. " + "This is either because something other than this cluster modified the repository contents, or because the repository's " + "underlying storage behaves incorrectly. To re-enable this repository, first ensure that this cluster has exclusive " + "write access to it, and then re-register the repository with this cluster. " + "See" + Version.CURRENT.major + "." + Version.CURRENT.minor + "/add-repository.html for further information." + previousWriterMessage(previousWriterInfo), cause ); } private static String previousWriterMessage(@Nullable Tuple previousWriterInfo) { return previousWriterInfo == null ? "" : " The last cluster to write to this repository was [" + previousWriterInfo.v2() + "] at generation [" + previousWriterInfo.v1() + "]."; } /** * Marks the repository as corrupted. This puts the repository in a state where its tracked value for * {@link RepositoryMetadata#pendingGeneration()} is unchanged while its value for {@link RepositoryMetadata#generation()} is set to * {@link RepositoryData#CORRUPTED_REPO_GEN}. In this state, the repository can not be used any longer and must be removed and * recreated after the problem that lead to it being marked as corrupted has been fixed. * * @param corruptedGeneration generation that failed to load because the index file was not found but that should have loaded * @param originalException exception that lead to the failing to load the {@code index-N} blob * @param listener listener to invoke once done */ private void markRepoCorrupted(long corruptedGeneration, Exception originalException, ActionListener listener) { assert corruptedGeneration != RepositoryData.UNKNOWN_REPO_GEN; assert bestEffortConsistency == false; logger.warn(() -> "Marking repository [" + + "] as corrupted", originalException); submitUnbatchedTask( "mark repository corrupted [" + + "][" + corruptedGeneration + "]", new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { final RepositoriesMetadata state = currentState.metadata().custom(RepositoriesMetadata.TYPE); final RepositoryMetadata repoState = state.repository(; if (repoState.generation() != corruptedGeneration) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Tried to mark repo generation [" + corruptedGeneration + "] as corrupted but its state concurrently changed to [" + repoState + "]" ); } return ClusterState.builder(currentState) .metadata( Metadata.builder(currentState.metadata()) .putCustom( RepositoriesMetadata.TYPE, state.withUpdatedGeneration(, RepositoryData.CORRUPTED_REPO_GEN, repoState.pendingGeneration() ) ) .build() ) .build(); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { listener.onFailure( new RepositoryException(, "Failed marking repository state as corrupted", ExceptionsHelper.useOrSuppress(e, originalException) ) ); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { listener.onResponse(null); } } ); } private RepositoryData getRepositoryData(long indexGen) { if (indexGen == RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN) { return RepositoryData.EMPTY; } try { final String snapshotsIndexBlobName = INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + Long.toString(indexGen); // EMPTY is safe here because RepositoryData#fromXContent calls namedObject try ( InputStream blob = blobContainer().readBlob(snapshotsIndexBlobName); XContentParser parser = XContentType.JSON.xContent() .createParser(NamedXContentRegistry.EMPTY, LoggingDeprecationHandler.INSTANCE, blob) ) { return RepositoryData.snapshotsFromXContent(parser, indexGen, true); } } catch (IOException ioe) { if (bestEffortConsistency) { // If we fail to load the generation we tracked in latestKnownRepoGen we reset it. // This is done as a fail-safe in case a user manually deletes the contents of the repository in which case subsequent // operations must start from the EMPTY_REPO_GEN again if (latestKnownRepoGen.compareAndSet(indexGen, RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN)) { logger.warn("Resetting repository generation tracker because we failed to read generation [" + indexGen + "]", ioe); } } throw new RepositoryException(, "could not read repository data from index blob", ioe); } } private static String testBlobPrefix(String seed) { return TESTS_FILE + seed; } @Override public boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; } /** * Writing a new index generation is a three step process. * First, the {@link RepositoryMetadata} entry for this repository is set into a pending state by incrementing its * pending generation {@code P} while its safe generation {@code N} remains unchanged. * Second, the updated {@link RepositoryData} is written to generation {@code P + 1}. * Lastly, the {@link RepositoryMetadata} entry for this repository is updated to the new generation {@code P + 1} and thus * pending and safe generation are set to the same value marking the end of the update of the repository data. * * @param repositoryData RepositoryData to write * @param expectedGen expected repository generation at the start of the operation * @param version version of the repository metadata to write * @param stateFilter filter for the last cluster state update executed by this method * @param listener completion listener */ protected void writeIndexGen( RepositoryData repositoryData, long expectedGen, Version version, Function stateFilter, ActionListener listener ) { logger.trace("[{}] writing repository data on top of expected generation [{}]",, expectedGen); assert isReadOnly() == false; // can not write to a read only repository final long currentGen = repositoryData.getGenId(); if (currentGen != expectedGen) { // the index file was updated by a concurrent operation, so we were operating on stale // repository data listener.onFailure( new RepositoryException(, "concurrent modification of the index-N file, expected current generation [" + expectedGen + "], actual current generation [" + currentGen + "]" ) ); return; } // Step 1: Set repository generation state to the next possible pending generation final StepListener setPendingStep = new StepListener<>(); final String setPendingGenerationSource = "set pending repository generation [" + + "][" + expectedGen + "]"; submitUnbatchedTask(setPendingGenerationSource, new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { private long newGen; @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { final RepositoryMetadata meta = getRepoMetadata(currentState); final String repoName =; final long genInState = meta.generation(); final boolean uninitializedMeta = meta.generation() == RepositoryData.UNKNOWN_REPO_GEN || bestEffortConsistency; if (uninitializedMeta == false && meta.pendingGeneration() != genInState) { "Trying to write new repository data over unfinished write, repo [{}] is at " + "safe generation [{}] and pending generation [{}]",, genInState, meta.pendingGeneration() ); } assert expectedGen == RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN || uninitializedMeta || expectedGen == meta.generation() : "Expected non-empty generation [" + expectedGen + "] does not match generation tracked in [" + meta + "]"; // If we run into the empty repo generation for the expected gen, the repo is assumed to have been cleared of // all contents by an external process so we reset the safe generation to the empty generation. final long safeGeneration = expectedGen == RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN ? RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN : (uninitializedMeta ? expectedGen : genInState); // Regardless of whether or not the safe generation has been reset, the pending generation always increments so that // even if a repository has been manually cleared of all contents we will never reuse the same repository generation. // This is motivated by the consistency behavior the S3 based blob repository implementation has to support which does // not offer any consistency guarantees when it comes to overwriting the same blob name with different content. final long nextPendingGen = metadata.pendingGeneration() + 1; newGen = uninitializedMeta ? Math.max(expectedGen + 1, nextPendingGen) : nextPendingGen; assert newGen > latestKnownRepoGen.get() : "Attempted new generation [" + newGen + "] must be larger than latest known generation [" + latestKnownRepoGen.get() + "]"; return ClusterState.builder(currentState) .metadata( Metadata.builder(currentState.getMetadata()) .putCustom( RepositoriesMetadata.TYPE, currentState.metadata() .custom(RepositoriesMetadata.TYPE) .withUpdatedGeneration(repoName, safeGeneration, newGen) ) .build() ) .build(); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { listener.onFailure( new RepositoryException(, "Failed to execute cluster state update [" + setPendingGenerationSource + "]", e ) ); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { logger.trace("[{}] successfully set pending repository generation to [{}]",, newGen); setPendingStep.onResponse(newGen); } }); final StepListener filterRepositoryDataStep = new StepListener<>(); // Step 2: Write new index-N blob to repository and update index.latest setPendingStep.whenComplete(newGen -> threadPool().executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(ActionRunnable.wrap(listener, l -> { // BwC logic: Load snapshot version information if any snapshot is missing details in RepositoryData so that the new // RepositoryData contains full details for every snapshot final List snapshotIdsWithMissingDetails = repositoryData.getSnapshotIds() .stream() .filter(repositoryData::hasMissingDetails) .toList(); if (snapshotIdsWithMissingDetails.isEmpty() == false) { final Map extraDetailsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); getSnapshotInfo(new GetSnapshotInfoContext(snapshotIdsWithMissingDetails, false, () -> false, (context, snapshotInfo) -> { final String slmPolicy = slmPolicy(snapshotInfo); extraDetailsMap.put( snapshotInfo.snapshotId(), new SnapshotDetails( snapshotInfo.state(), snapshotInfo.version(), snapshotInfo.startTime(), snapshotInfo.endTime(), slmPolicy ) ); }, ActionListener.runAfter(new ActionListener<>() { @Override public void onResponse(Void aVoid) { "Successfully loaded all snapshots' detailed information for {} from snapshot metadata", AllocationService.firstListElementsToCommaDelimitedString( snapshotIdsWithMissingDetails, SnapshotId::toString, logger.isDebugEnabled() ) ); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { logger.warn("Failure when trying to load missing details from snapshot metadata", e); } }, () -> filterRepositoryDataStep.onResponse(repositoryData.withExtraDetails(extraDetailsMap))))); } else { filterRepositoryDataStep.onResponse(repositoryData); } })), listener::onFailure); filterRepositoryDataStep.whenComplete(filteredRepositoryData -> { final long newGen = setPendingStep.result(); final RepositoryData newRepositoryData = updateRepositoryData(filteredRepositoryData, version, newGen); if (latestKnownRepoGen.get() >= newGen) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Tried writing generation [" + newGen + "] but repository is at least at generation [" + latestKnownRepoGen.get() + "] already" ); } // write the index file if (ensureSafeGenerationExists(expectedGen, listener::onFailure) == false) { return; } final String indexBlob = INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + Long.toString(newGen); logger.debug("Repository [{}] writing new index generational blob [{}]",, indexBlob); writeAtomic(blobContainer(), indexBlob, out -> { try (XContentBuilder xContentBuilder = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder(org.elasticsearch.core.Streams.noCloseStream(out))) { newRepositoryData.snapshotsToXContent(xContentBuilder, version); } }, true); maybeWriteIndexLatest(newGen); // Step 3: Update CS to reflect new repository generation. final String setSafeGenerationSource = "set safe repository generation [" + + "][" + newGen + "]"; submitUnbatchedTask(setSafeGenerationSource, new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { final RepositoryMetadata meta = getRepoMetadata(currentState); if (meta.generation() != expectedGen) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Tried to update repo generation to [" + newGen + "] but saw unexpected generation in state [" + meta + "]" ); } if (meta.pendingGeneration() != newGen) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Tried to update from unexpected pending repo generation [" + meta.pendingGeneration() + "] after write to generation [" + newGen + "]" ); } final RepositoriesMetadata currentMetadata = currentState.metadata().custom(RepositoriesMetadata.TYPE); final RepositoriesMetadata withGenerations = currentMetadata.withUpdatedGeneration(, newGen, newGen); final RepositoriesMetadata withUuid = meta.uuid().equals(newRepositoryData.getUuid()) ? withGenerations : withGenerations.withUuid(, newRepositoryData.getUuid()); final ClusterState newClusterState = stateFilter.apply( ClusterState.builder(currentState) .metadata(Metadata.builder(currentState.getMetadata()).putCustom(RepositoriesMetadata.TYPE, withUuid)) .build() ); return updateRepositoryGenerationsIfNecessary(newClusterState, expectedGen, newGen); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { listener.onFailure( new RepositoryException(, "Failed to execute cluster state update [" + setSafeGenerationSource + "]", e ) ); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { logger.trace("[{}] successfully set safe repository generation to [{}]",, newGen); cacheRepositoryData(newRepositoryData, version); threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(, () -> { // Delete all now outdated index files up to 1000 blobs back from the new generation. // If there are more than 1000 dangling index-N cleanup functionality on repo delete will take care of them. // Deleting one older than the current expectedGen is done for BwC reasons as older versions used to keep // two index-N blobs around. try { deleteFromContainer( blobContainer(), LongStream.range(Math.max(Math.max(expectedGen - 1, 0), newGen - 1000), newGen) .mapToObj(gen -> INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + gen) .iterator() ); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn(() -> "Failed to clean up old index blobs from before [" + newGen + "]", e); } return newRepositoryData; })); } }); }, listener::onFailure); } /** * Extract slm policy from snapshot info. If none can be found, empty string is returned. */ private static String slmPolicy(SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo) { final String slmPolicy; if (snapshotInfo.userMetadata() == null) { slmPolicy = ""; } else { final Object policyFound = snapshotInfo.userMetadata().get(SnapshotsService.POLICY_ID_METADATA_FIELD); if (policyFound instanceof String) { slmPolicy = (String) policyFound; } else { slmPolicy = ""; } } return slmPolicy; } private RepositoryData updateRepositoryData(RepositoryData repositoryData, Version repositoryMetaversion, long newGen) { if (SnapshotsService.includesUUIDs(repositoryMetaversion)) { final String clusterUUID = clusterService.state().metadata().clusterUUID(); if (repositoryData.getClusterUUID().equals(clusterUUID) == false) { repositoryData = repositoryData.withClusterUuid(clusterUUID); } } return repositoryData.withGenId(newGen); } /** * Write {@code index.latest} blob to support using this repository as the basis of a url repository. * * @param newGen new repository generation */ private void maybeWriteIndexLatest(long newGen) { if (supportURLRepo) { logger.debug("Repository [{}] updating index.latest with generation [{}]",, newGen); try { writeAtomic(blobContainer(), INDEX_LATEST_BLOB, out -> out.write(Numbers.longToBytes(newGen)), false); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn( () -> format( "Failed to write index.latest blob. If you do not intend to use this " + "repository as the basis for a URL repository you may turn off attempting to write the index.latest blob by " + "setting repository setting [%s] to [false]", SUPPORT_URL_REPO.getKey() ), e ); } } } /** * Ensures that {@link RepositoryData} for the given {@code safeGeneration} actually physically exists in the repository. * This method is used by {@link #writeIndexGen} to make sure that no writes are executed on top of a concurrently modified repository. * This check is necessary because {@link RepositoryData} is mostly read from the cached value in {@link #latestKnownRepositoryData} * which could be stale in the broken situation of a concurrent write to the repository. * * @param safeGeneration generation to verify existence for * @param onFailure callback to invoke with failure in case the repository generation is not physically found in the repository */ private boolean ensureSafeGenerationExists(long safeGeneration, Consumer onFailure) throws IOException { logger.debug("Ensure generation [{}] that is the basis for this write exists in [{}]", safeGeneration,; if (safeGeneration != RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN && blobContainer().blobExists(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + safeGeneration) == false) { Tuple previousWriterInfo = null; Exception readRepoDataEx = null; try { previousWriterInfo = readLastWriterInfo(); } catch (Exception ex) { readRepoDataEx = ex; } final Exception exception = new RepositoryException(, "concurrent modification of the index-N file, expected current generation [" + safeGeneration + "] but it was not found in the repository." + previousWriterMessage(previousWriterInfo) ); if (readRepoDataEx != null) { exception.addSuppressed(readRepoDataEx); } markRepoCorrupted(safeGeneration, exception, new ActionListener<>() { @Override public void onResponse(Void aVoid) { onFailure.accept(exception); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { onFailure.accept(e); } }); return false; } return true; } /** * Tries to find the latest cluster UUID that wrote to this repository on a best effort basis by listing out repository root contents * to find the latest repository generation and then reading the cluster UUID of the last writer from the {@link RepositoryData} found * at this generation. * * @return tuple of repository generation and cluster UUID of the last cluster to write to this repository */ private Tuple readLastWriterInfo() throws IOException { assert bestEffortConsistency == false : "This should only be used for adding information to errors in consistent mode"; final long latestGeneration = latestIndexBlobId(); final RepositoryData actualRepositoryData = getRepositoryData(latestGeneration); return Tuple.tuple(latestGeneration, actualRepositoryData.getClusterUUID()); } /** * Updates the repository generation that running deletes and snapshot finalizations will be based on for this repository if any such * operations are found in the cluster state while setting the safe repository generation. * * @param state cluster state to update * @param oldGen previous safe repository generation * @param newGen new safe repository generation * @return updated cluster state */ private ClusterState updateRepositoryGenerationsIfNecessary(ClusterState state, long oldGen, long newGen) { final String repoName =; final SnapshotsInProgress updatedSnapshotsInProgress; boolean changedSnapshots = false; final List snapshotEntries = new ArrayList<>(); final SnapshotsInProgress snapshotsInProgress = state.custom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE, SnapshotsInProgress.EMPTY); for (SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry : state.custom(SnapshotsInProgress.TYPE, SnapshotsInProgress.EMPTY).forRepo(repoName)) { if (entry.repositoryStateId() == oldGen) { snapshotEntries.add(entry.withRepoGen(newGen)); changedSnapshots = true; } else { snapshotEntries.add(entry); } } updatedSnapshotsInProgress = changedSnapshots ? snapshotsInProgress.withUpdatedEntriesForRepo(repoName, snapshotEntries) : null; final SnapshotDeletionsInProgress updatedDeletionsInProgress; boolean changedDeletions = false; final List deletionEntries = new ArrayList<>(); for (SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.Entry entry : state.custom(SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.TYPE, SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.EMPTY) .getEntries()) { if (entry.repository().equals(repoName) && entry.repositoryStateId() == oldGen) { deletionEntries.add(entry.withRepoGen(newGen)); changedDeletions = true; } else { deletionEntries.add(entry); } } updatedDeletionsInProgress = changedDeletions ? SnapshotDeletionsInProgress.of(deletionEntries) : null; return SnapshotsService.updateWithSnapshots(state, updatedSnapshotsInProgress, updatedDeletionsInProgress); } private RepositoryMetadata getRepoMetadata(ClusterState state) { final RepositoryMetadata repositoryMetadata = state.getMetadata() .custom(RepositoriesMetadata.TYPE) .repository(; assert repositoryMetadata != null || lifecycle.stoppedOrClosed() : "did not find metadata for repo [" + + "] in state [" + lifecycleState() + "]"; return repositoryMetadata; } /** * Get the latest snapshot index blob id. Snapshot index blobs are named index-N, where N is * the next version number from when the index blob was written. Each individual index-N blob is * only written once and never overwritten. The highest numbered index-N blob is the latest one * that contains the current snapshots in the repository. * * Package private for testing */ long latestIndexBlobId() throws IOException { try { // First, try listing all index-N blobs (there should only be two index-N blobs at any given // time in a repository if cleanup is happening properly) and pick the index-N blob with the // highest N value - this will be the latest index blob for the repository. Note, we do this // instead of directly reading the index.latest blob to get the current index-N blob because // index.latest is not written atomically and is not immutable - on every index-N change, // we first delete the old index.latest and then write the new one. If the repository is not // read-only, it is possible that we try deleting the index.latest blob while it is being read // by some other operation (such as the get snapshots operation). In some file systems, it is // illegal to delete a file while it is being read elsewhere (e.g. Windows). For read-only // repositories, we read for index.latest, both because listing blob prefixes is often unsupported // and because the index.latest blob will never be deleted and re-written. return listBlobsToGetLatestIndexId(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // If its a read-only repository, listing blobs by prefix may not be supported (e.g. a URL repository), // in this case, try reading the latest index generation from the index.latest blob try { return readSnapshotIndexLatestBlob(); } catch (NoSuchFileException nsfe) { return RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN; } } } // package private for testing long readSnapshotIndexLatestBlob() throws IOException { final BytesReference content = Streams.readFully(Streams.limitStream(blobContainer().readBlob(INDEX_LATEST_BLOB), Long.BYTES + 1)); if (content.length() != Long.BYTES) { throw new RepositoryException(, "exception reading blob [" + INDEX_LATEST_BLOB + "]: expected 8 bytes but blob was " + (content.length() < Long.BYTES ? content.length() + " bytes" : "longer") ); } return Numbers.bytesToLong(content.toBytesRef()); } private long listBlobsToGetLatestIndexId() throws IOException { return latestGeneration(blobContainer().listBlobsByPrefix(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX).keySet()); } private long latestGeneration(Collection rootBlobs) { long latest = RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN; for (String blobName : rootBlobs) { if (blobName.startsWith(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX) == false) { continue; } try { final long curr = Long.parseLong(blobName.substring(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX.length())); latest = Math.max(latest, curr); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // the index- blob wasn't of the format index-N where N is a number, // no idea what this blob is but it doesn't belong in the repository! logger.warn("[{}] Unknown blob in the repository: {}",, blobName); } } return latest; } private void writeAtomic( BlobContainer container, final String blobName, CheckedConsumer writer, boolean failIfAlreadyExists ) throws IOException { logger.trace(() -> format("[%s] Writing [%s] to %s atomically",, blobName, container.path())); container.writeBlob(blobName, failIfAlreadyExists, true, writer); } @Override public void snapshotShard(SnapshotShardContext context) { shardSnapshotTaskRunner.enqueueShardSnapshot(context); } private void doSnapshotShard(SnapshotShardContext context) { if (isReadOnly()) { context.onFailure(new RepositoryException(, "cannot snapshot shard on a readonly repository")); return; } final Store store =; final IndexCommit snapshotIndexCommit = context.indexCommit(); final ShardId shardId = store.shardId(); final SnapshotId snapshotId = context.snapshotId(); final IndexShardSnapshotStatus snapshotStatus = context.status(); final long startTime = threadPool.absoluteTimeInMillis(); try { final ShardGeneration generation = snapshotStatus.generation(); final BlobContainer shardContainer = shardContainer(context.indexId(), shardId); logger.debug("[{}][{}] snapshot to [{}][{}][{}] ...", shardId, snapshotId,, context.indexId(), generation); final Set blobs; if (generation == null) { try { blobs = shardContainer.listBlobsByPrefix(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX).keySet(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardSnapshotFailedException(shardId, "failed to list blobs", e); } } else { blobs = Collections.singleton(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + generation); } Tuple tuple = buildBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots( blobs, shardContainer, generation ); BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots snapshots = tuple.v1(); ShardGeneration fileListGeneration = tuple.v2(); if (snapshots.snapshots().stream().anyMatch(sf -> sf.snapshot().equals(snapshotId.getName()))) { throw new IndexShardSnapshotFailedException( shardId, "Duplicate snapshot name [" + snapshotId.getName() + "] detected, aborting" ); } // First inspect all known SegmentInfos instances to see if we already have an equivalent commit in the repository final List filesFromSegmentInfos = Optional.ofNullable(context.stateIdentifier()) .map(id -> { for (SnapshotFiles snapshotFileSet : snapshots.snapshots()) { if (id.equals(snapshotFileSet.shardStateIdentifier())) { return snapshotFileSet.indexFiles(); } } return null; }) .orElse(null); final List indexCommitPointFiles; int indexIncrementalFileCount = 0; int indexTotalNumberOfFiles = 0; long indexIncrementalSize = 0; long indexTotalFileSize = 0; final BlockingQueue filesToSnapshot = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); int filesInShardMetadataCount = 0; long filesInShardMetadataSize = 0; if (store.indexSettings().getIndexMetadata().isSearchableSnapshot()) { indexCommitPointFiles = Collections.emptyList(); } else if (filesFromSegmentInfos == null) { // If we did not find a set of files that is equal to the current commit we determine the files to upload by comparing files // in the commit with files already in the repository indexCommitPointFiles = new ArrayList<>(); final Collection fileNames; final Store.MetadataSnapshot metadataFromStore; try (Releasable ignored = incrementStoreRef(store, snapshotStatus, shardId)) { // TODO apparently we don't use the MetadataSnapshot#.recoveryDiff(...) here but we should try { logger.trace("[{}] [{}] Loading store metadata using index commit [{}]", shardId, snapshotId, snapshotIndexCommit); metadataFromStore = store.getMetadata(snapshotIndexCommit); fileNames = snapshotIndexCommit.getFileNames(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardSnapshotFailedException(shardId, "Failed to get store file metadata", e); } } for (String fileName : fileNames) { if (snapshotStatus.isAborted()) { logger.debug("[{}] [{}] Aborted on the file [{}], exiting", shardId, snapshotId, fileName); throw new AbortedSnapshotException(); } logger.trace("[{}] [{}] Processing [{}]", shardId, snapshotId, fileName); final StoreFileMetadata md = metadataFromStore.get(fileName); BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo existingFileInfo = snapshots.findPhysicalIndexFile(md); // We can skip writing blobs where the metadata hash is equal to the blob's contents because we store the hash/contents // directly in the shard level metadata in this case final boolean needsWrite = md.hashEqualsContents() == false; indexTotalFileSize += md.length(); indexTotalNumberOfFiles++; if (existingFileInfo == null) { indexIncrementalFileCount++; indexIncrementalSize += md.length(); // create a new FileInfo BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo snapshotFileInfo = new BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo( (needsWrite ? UPLOADED_DATA_BLOB_PREFIX : VIRTUAL_DATA_BLOB_PREFIX) + UUIDs.randomBase64UUID(), md, chunkSize() ); indexCommitPointFiles.add(snapshotFileInfo); if (needsWrite) { filesToSnapshot.add(snapshotFileInfo); } else { assert assertFileContentsMatchHash(snapshotStatus, snapshotFileInfo, store); filesInShardMetadataCount += 1; filesInShardMetadataSize += md.length(); } } else { // a commit point file with the same name, size and checksum was already copied to repository // we will reuse it for this snapshot indexCommitPointFiles.add(existingFileInfo); } } } else { for (BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo fileInfo : filesFromSegmentInfos) { indexTotalNumberOfFiles++; indexTotalFileSize += fileInfo.length(); } indexCommitPointFiles = filesFromSegmentInfos; } snapshotStatus.moveToStarted( startTime, indexIncrementalFileCount, indexTotalNumberOfFiles, indexIncrementalSize, indexTotalFileSize ); final ShardGeneration indexGeneration; final boolean writeShardGens = SnapshotsService.useShardGenerations(context.getRepositoryMetaVersion()); final boolean writeFileInfoWriterUUID = SnapshotsService.includeFileInfoWriterUUID(context.getRepositoryMetaVersion()); // build a new BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot, that includes this one and all the saved ones final BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots updatedBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots = snapshots.withAddedSnapshot( new SnapshotFiles(snapshotId.getName(), indexCommitPointFiles, context.stateIdentifier()) ); final Runnable afterWriteSnapBlob; if (writeShardGens) { // When using shard generations we can safely write the index-${uuid} blob before writing out any of the actual data // for this shard since the uuid named blob will simply not be referenced in case of error and thus we will never // reference a generation that has not had all its files fully upload. indexGeneration = ShardGeneration.newGeneration(); try { final Map serializationParams = Collections.singletonMap( BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo.SERIALIZE_WRITER_UUID, Boolean.toString(writeFileInfoWriterUUID) ); INDEX_SHARD_SNAPSHOTS_FORMAT.write( updatedBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots, shardContainer, indexGeneration.toBlobNamePart(), compress, serializationParams ); snapshotStatus.addProcessedFiles(filesInShardMetadataCount, filesInShardMetadataSize); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardSnapshotFailedException( shardId, "Failed to write shard level snapshot metadata for [" + snapshotId + "] to [" + INDEX_SHARD_SNAPSHOTS_FORMAT.blobName(indexGeneration.toBlobNamePart()) + "]", e ); } afterWriteSnapBlob = () -> {}; } else { // When not using shard generations we can only write the index-${N} blob after all other work for this shard has // completed. // Also, in case of numeric shard generations the data node has to take care of deleting old shard generations. final long newGen = Long.parseLong(fileListGeneration.toBlobNamePart()) + 1; indexGeneration = new ShardGeneration(newGen); // Delete all previous index-N blobs final List blobsToDelete = -> blob.startsWith(SNAPSHOT_INDEX_PREFIX)).toList(); assert .mapToLong(b -> Long.parseLong(b.replaceFirst(SNAPSHOT_INDEX_PREFIX, ""))) .max() .orElse(-1L) < Long.parseLong(indexGeneration.toString()) : "Tried to delete an index-N blob newer than the current generation [" + indexGeneration + "] when deleting index-N blobs " + blobsToDelete; final var finalFilesInShardMetadataCount = filesInShardMetadataCount; final var finalFilesInShardMetadataSize = filesInShardMetadataSize; afterWriteSnapBlob = () -> { try { final Map serializationParams = Collections.singletonMap( BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo.SERIALIZE_WRITER_UUID, Boolean.toString(writeFileInfoWriterUUID) ); writeShardIndexBlobAtomic(shardContainer, newGen, updatedBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots, serializationParams); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardSnapshotFailedException( shardId, "Failed to finalize snapshot creation [" + snapshotId + "] with shard index [" + INDEX_SHARD_SNAPSHOTS_FORMAT.blobName(indexGeneration.toBlobNamePart()) + "]", e ); } snapshotStatus.addProcessedFiles(finalFilesInShardMetadataCount, finalFilesInShardMetadataSize); try { deleteFromContainer(shardContainer, blobsToDelete.iterator()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn( () -> format("[%s][%s] failed to delete old index-N blobs during finalization", snapshotId, shardId), e ); } }; } final StepListener> allFilesUploadedListener = new StepListener<>(); allFilesUploadedListener.whenComplete(v -> { final IndexShardSnapshotStatus.Copy lastSnapshotStatus = snapshotStatus.moveToFinalize(snapshotIndexCommit.getGeneration()); // now create and write the commit point logger.trace("[{}] [{}] writing shard snapshot file", shardId, snapshotId); final BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot blobStoreIndexShardSnapshot = new BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot( snapshotId.getName(), lastSnapshotStatus.getIndexVersion(), indexCommitPointFiles, lastSnapshotStatus.getStartTime(), threadPool.absoluteTimeInMillis() - lastSnapshotStatus.getStartTime(), lastSnapshotStatus.getIncrementalFileCount(), lastSnapshotStatus.getIncrementalSize() ); try { final String snapshotUUID = snapshotId.getUUID(); final Map serializationParams = Collections.singletonMap( BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo.SERIALIZE_WRITER_UUID, Boolean.toString(writeFileInfoWriterUUID) ); INDEX_SHARD_SNAPSHOT_FORMAT.write( blobStoreIndexShardSnapshot, shardContainer, snapshotUUID, compress, serializationParams ); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardSnapshotFailedException(shardId, "Failed to write commit point", e); }; final ShardSnapshotResult shardSnapshotResult = new ShardSnapshotResult( indexGeneration, ByteSizeValue.ofBytes(blobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.totalSize()), getSegmentInfoFileCount(blobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.indexFiles()) ); snapshotStatus.moveToDone(threadPool.absoluteTimeInMillis(), shardSnapshotResult); context.onResponse(shardSnapshotResult); }, context::onFailure); if (indexIncrementalFileCount == 0 || filesToSnapshot.isEmpty()) { allFilesUploadedListener.onResponse(Collections.emptyList()); return; } snapshotFiles(context, filesToSnapshot, allFilesUploadedListener); } catch (Exception e) { context.onFailure(e); } } protected void snapshotFiles( SnapshotShardContext context, BlockingQueue filesToSnapshot, ActionListener> allFilesUploadedListener ) { final int noOfFilesToSnapshot = filesToSnapshot.size(); final ActionListener filesListener = fileQueueListener(filesToSnapshot, noOfFilesToSnapshot, allFilesUploadedListener); for (int i = 0; i < noOfFilesToSnapshot; i++) { shardSnapshotTaskRunner.enqueueFileSnapshot(context, filesToSnapshot::poll, filesListener); } } private static Releasable incrementStoreRef(Store store, IndexShardSnapshotStatus snapshotStatus, ShardId shardId) { if (store.tryIncRef() == false) { if (snapshotStatus.isAborted()) { throw new AbortedSnapshotException(); } else { assert false : "Store should not be closed concurrently unless snapshot is aborted"; throw new IndexShardSnapshotFailedException(shardId, "Store got closed concurrently"); } } return store::decRef; } private static boolean assertFileContentsMatchHash( IndexShardSnapshotStatus snapshotStatus, BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo fileInfo, Store store ) { if (store.tryIncRef()) { try (IndexInput indexInput = store.openVerifyingInput(fileInfo.physicalName(), IOContext.READONCE, fileInfo.metadata())) { final byte[] tmp = new byte[Math.toIntExact(fileInfo.metadata().length())]; indexInput.readBytes(tmp, 0, tmp.length); assert fileInfo.metadata().hash().bytesEquals(new BytesRef(tmp)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } finally { store.decRef(); } } else { assert snapshotStatus.isAborted() : "if the store is already closed we must have been aborted"; } return true; } @Override public void restoreShard( Store store, SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId indexId, ShardId snapshotShardId, RecoveryState recoveryState, ActionListener listener ) { final ShardId shardId = store.shardId(); final ActionListener restoreListener = listener.delegateResponse( (l, e) -> l.onFailure(new IndexShardRestoreFailedException(shardId, "failed to restore snapshot [" + snapshotId + "]", e)) ); final Executor executor = threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT); final BlobContainer container = shardContainer(indexId, snapshotShardId); synchronized (ongoingRestores) { if (store.isClosing()) { restoreListener.onFailure(new AlreadyClosedException("store is closing")); return; } if (lifecycle.started() == false) { restoreListener.onFailure(new AlreadyClosedException("repository [" + + "] closed")); return; } final boolean added = ongoingRestores.add(shardId); assert added : "add restore for [" + shardId + "] that already has an existing restore"; } executor.execute(ActionRunnable.wrap(ActionListener.runBefore(restoreListener, () -> { final List> onEmptyListeners; synchronized (ongoingRestores) { if (ongoingRestores.remove(shardId) && ongoingRestores.isEmpty() && emptyListeners != null) { onEmptyListeners = emptyListeners; emptyListeners = null; } else { return; } } ActionListener.onResponse(onEmptyListeners, null); }), l -> { final BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot snapshot = loadShardSnapshot(container, snapshotId); final SnapshotFiles snapshotFiles = new SnapshotFiles(snapshot.snapshot(), snapshot.indexFiles(), null); new FileRestoreContext(, shardId, snapshotId, recoveryState) { @Override protected void restoreFiles( List filesToRecover, Store store, ActionListener listener ) { if (filesToRecover.isEmpty()) { listener.onResponse(null); } else { // Start as many workers as fit into the snapshot pool at once at the most final int workers = Math.min(, snapshotFiles.indexFiles().size() ); final BlockingQueue files = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(filesToRecover); final ActionListener allFilesListener = fileQueueListener(files, workers, -> null)); // restore the files from the snapshot to the Lucene store for (int i = 0; i < workers; ++i) { try { executeOneFileRestore(files, allFilesListener); } catch (Exception e) { allFilesListener.onFailure(e); } } } } private void executeOneFileRestore( BlockingQueue files, ActionListener allFilesListener ) throws InterruptedException { final BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo fileToRecover = files.poll(0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (fileToRecover == null) { allFilesListener.onResponse(null); } else { executor.execute(ActionRunnable.wrap(allFilesListener, filesListener -> { store.incRef(); try { restoreFile(fileToRecover, store); } finally { store.decRef(); } executeOneFileRestore(files, filesListener); })); } } private void restoreFile(BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot.FileInfo fileInfo, Store store) throws IOException { ensureNotClosing(store); logger.trace(() -> format("[%s] restoring [%s] to [%s]",, fileInfo, store)); boolean success = false; try ( IndexOutput indexOutput = store.createVerifyingOutput( fileInfo.physicalName(), fileInfo.metadata(), IOContext.DEFAULT ) ) { if ( { final BytesRef hash = fileInfo.metadata().hash(); indexOutput.writeBytes(hash.bytes, hash.offset, hash.length); recoveryState.getIndex().addRecoveredBytesToFile(fileInfo.physicalName(), hash.length); } else { try (InputStream stream = maybeRateLimitRestores(new SlicedInputStream(fileInfo.numberOfParts()) { @Override protected InputStream openSlice(int slice) throws IOException { ensureNotClosing(store); return container.readBlob(fileInfo.partName(slice)); } })) { final byte[] buffer = new byte[Math.toIntExact(Math.min(bufferSize, fileInfo.length()))]; int length; while ((length = > 0) { ensureNotClosing(store); indexOutput.writeBytes(buffer, 0, length); recoveryState.getIndex().addRecoveredBytesToFile(fileInfo.physicalName(), length); } } } Store.verify(indexOutput); indexOutput.close();; success = true; } catch (CorruptIndexException | IndexFormatTooOldException | IndexFormatTooNewException ex) { try { store.markStoreCorrupted(ex); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("store cannot be marked as corrupted", e); } throw ex; } finally { if (success == false) { store.deleteQuiet(fileInfo.physicalName()); } } } void ensureNotClosing(final Store store) throws AlreadyClosedException { assert store.refCount() > 0; if (store.isClosing()) { throw new AlreadyClosedException("store is closing"); } if (lifecycle.started() == false) { throw new AlreadyClosedException("repository [" + + "] closed"); } } }.restore(snapshotFiles, store, l); })); } private static ActionListener fileQueueListener( BlockingQueue files, int numberOfFiles, ActionListener> listener ) { return new GroupedActionListener<>(listener, numberOfFiles).delegateResponse((l, e) -> { files.clear(); // Stop uploading the remaining files if we run into any exception l.onFailure(e); }); } private static InputStream maybeRateLimit( InputStream stream, Supplier rateLimiterSupplier, RateLimitingInputStream.Listener throttleListener ) { return new RateLimitingInputStream(stream, rateLimiterSupplier, throttleListener); } /** * Wrap the restore rate limiter (controlled by the repository setting `max_restore_bytes_per_sec` and the cluster setting * `indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec`) around the given stream. Any throttling is reported to the given listener and not otherwise * recorded in the value returned by {@link BlobStoreRepository#getRestoreThrottleTimeInNanos}. */ public InputStream maybeRateLimitRestores(InputStream stream) { return maybeRateLimitRestores(stream, restoreRateLimitingTimeInNanos::inc); } /** * Wrap the restore rate limiter (controlled by the repository setting `max_restore_bytes_per_sec` and the cluster setting * `indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec`) around the given stream. Any throttling is recorded in the value returned by {@link * BlobStoreRepository#getRestoreThrottleTimeInNanos}. */ public InputStream maybeRateLimitRestores(InputStream stream, RateLimitingInputStream.Listener throttleListener) { return maybeRateLimit( maybeRateLimit(stream, () -> restoreRateLimiter, throttleListener), recoverySettings::rateLimiter, throttleListener ); } /** * Wrap the snapshot rate limiter (controlled by the repository setting `max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec`) around the given stream. Any * throttling is recorded in the value returned by {@link BlobStoreRepository#getSnapshotThrottleTimeInNanos()}. */ public InputStream maybeRateLimitSnapshots(InputStream stream) { return maybeRateLimitSnapshots(stream, snapshotRateLimitingTimeInNanos::inc); } /** * Wrap the snapshot rate limiter (controlled by the repository setting `max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec`) around the given stream. Any * throttling is reported to the given listener and not otherwise recorded in the value returned by {@link * BlobStoreRepository#getSnapshotThrottleTimeInNanos()}. */ public InputStream maybeRateLimitSnapshots(InputStream stream, RateLimitingInputStream.Listener throttleListener) { return maybeRateLimit(stream, () -> snapshotRateLimiter, throttleListener); } @Override public IndexShardSnapshotStatus getShardSnapshotStatus(SnapshotId snapshotId, IndexId indexId, ShardId shardId) { BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot snapshot = loadShardSnapshot(shardContainer(indexId, shardId), snapshotId); return IndexShardSnapshotStatus.newDone( snapshot.startTime(), snapshot.time(), snapshot.incrementalFileCount(), snapshot.totalFileCount(), snapshot.incrementalSize(), snapshot.totalSize(), null ); // Not adding a real generation here as it doesn't matter to callers } @Override public void verify(String seed, DiscoveryNode localNode) { assertSnapshotOrGenericThread(); if (isReadOnly()) { try { latestIndexBlobId(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RepositoryVerificationException(, "path " + basePath() + " is not accessible on node " + localNode, e ); } } else { BlobContainer testBlobContainer = blobStore().blobContainer(basePath().add(testBlobPrefix(seed))); try { testBlobContainer.writeBlob("data-" + localNode.getId() + ".dat", new BytesArray(seed), true); } catch (Exception exp) { throw new RepositoryVerificationException(, "store location [" + blobStore() + "] is not accessible on the node [" + localNode + "]", exp ); } try (InputStream masterDat = testBlobContainer.readBlob("master.dat")) { final String seedRead = Streams.readFully(masterDat).utf8ToString(); if (seedRead.equals(seed) == false) { throw new RepositoryVerificationException(, "Seed read from master.dat was [" + seedRead + "] but expected seed [" + seed + "]" ); } } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { throw new RepositoryVerificationException(, "a file written by master to the store [" + blobStore() + "] cannot be accessed on the node [" + localNode + "]. " + "This might indicate that the store [" + blobStore() + "] is not shared between this node and the master node or " + "that permissions on the store don't allow reading files written by the master node", e ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RepositoryVerificationException(, "Failed to verify repository", e); } } } @Override public String toString() { return "BlobStoreRepository[" + "[" + + "], [" + blobStore.get() + ']' + ']'; } /** * Delete snapshot from shard level metadata. * * @param indexGeneration generation to write the new shard level level metadata to. If negative a uuid id shard generation should be * used */ private ShardSnapshotMetaDeleteResult deleteFromShardSnapshotMeta( Set survivingSnapshots, IndexId indexId, int snapshotShardId, Collection snapshotIds, BlobContainer shardContainer, Set blobs, BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots snapshots, long indexGeneration ) { // Build a list of snapshots that should be preserved final BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots updatedSnapshots = snapshots.withRetainedSnapshots(survivingSnapshots); ShardGeneration writtenGeneration = null; try { if (updatedSnapshots.snapshots().isEmpty()) { return new ShardSnapshotMetaDeleteResult(indexId, snapshotShardId, ShardGenerations.DELETED_SHARD_GEN, blobs); } else { if (indexGeneration < 0L) { writtenGeneration = ShardGeneration.newGeneration(); INDEX_SHARD_SNAPSHOTS_FORMAT.write(updatedSnapshots, shardContainer, writtenGeneration.toBlobNamePart(), compress); } else { writtenGeneration = new ShardGeneration(indexGeneration); writeShardIndexBlobAtomic(shardContainer, indexGeneration, updatedSnapshots, Collections.emptyMap()); } final Set survivingSnapshotUUIDs =; return new ShardSnapshotMetaDeleteResult( indexId, snapshotShardId, writtenGeneration, unusedBlobs(blobs, survivingSnapshotUUIDs, updatedSnapshots) ); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RepositoryException(, "Failed to finalize snapshot deletion " + snapshotIds + " with shard index [" + INDEX_SHARD_SNAPSHOTS_FORMAT.blobName(writtenGeneration.toBlobNamePart()) + "]", e ); } } /** * Utility for atomically writing shard level metadata to a numeric shard generation. This is only required for writing * numeric shard generations where atomic writes with fail-if-already-exists checks are useful in preventing repository corruption. */ private void writeShardIndexBlobAtomic( BlobContainer shardContainer, long indexGeneration, BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots updatedSnapshots, Map serializationParams ) throws IOException { assert indexGeneration >= 0 : "Shard generation must not be negative but saw [" + indexGeneration + "]"; logger.trace(() -> format("[%s] Writing shard index [%s] to [%s]",, indexGeneration, shardContainer.path())); final String blobName = INDEX_SHARD_SNAPSHOTS_FORMAT.blobName(String.valueOf(indexGeneration)); writeAtomic( shardContainer, blobName, out -> INDEX_SHARD_SNAPSHOTS_FORMAT.serialize(updatedSnapshots, blobName, compress, serializationParams, out), true ); } // Unused blobs are all previous index-, data- and meta-blobs and that are not referenced by the new index- as well as all // temporary blobs private static List unusedBlobs( Set blobs, Set survivingSnapshotUUIDs, BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots updatedSnapshots ) { return .filter( blob -> blob.startsWith(SNAPSHOT_INDEX_PREFIX) || (blob.startsWith(SNAPSHOT_PREFIX) && blob.endsWith(".dat") && survivingSnapshotUUIDs.contains( blob.substring(SNAPSHOT_PREFIX.length(), blob.length() - ".dat".length()) ) == false) || (blob.startsWith(UPLOADED_DATA_BLOB_PREFIX) && updatedSnapshots.findNameFile(canonicalName(blob)) == null) || FsBlobContainer.isTempBlobName(blob) ) .toList(); } /** * Loads information about shard snapshot */ public BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshot loadShardSnapshot(BlobContainer shardContainer, SnapshotId snapshotId) { try { return, shardContainer, snapshotId.getUUID(), namedXContentRegistry); } catch (NoSuchFileException ex) { throw new SnapshotMissingException(, snapshotId, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new SnapshotException(, snapshotId, "failed to read shard snapshot file for [" + shardContainer.path() + ']', ex ); } } /** * Loads all available snapshots in the repository using the given {@code generation} for a shard. When {@code shardGen} * is null it tries to load it using the BwC mode, listing the available index- blobs in the shard container. */ public BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots getBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots(IndexId indexId, int shardId, @Nullable ShardGeneration shardGen) throws IOException { final BlobContainer shardContainer = shardContainer(indexId, shardId); Set blobs = Collections.emptySet(); if (shardGen == null) { blobs = shardContainer.listBlobsByPrefix(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX).keySet(); } return buildBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots(blobs, shardContainer, shardGen).v1(); } /** * Loads all available snapshots in the repository using the given {@code generation} or falling back to trying to determine it from * the given list of blobs in the shard container. * * @param blobs list of blobs in repository * @param generation shard generation or {@code null} in case there was no shard generation tracked in the {@link RepositoryData} for * this shard because its snapshot was created in a version older than * {@link SnapshotsService#SHARD_GEN_IN_REPO_DATA_VERSION}. * @return tuple of BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots and the last snapshot index generation */ private Tuple buildBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots( Set blobs, BlobContainer shardContainer, @Nullable ShardGeneration generation ) throws IOException { if (generation != null) { if (generation.equals(ShardGenerations.NEW_SHARD_GEN)) { return new Tuple<>(BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots.EMPTY, ShardGenerations.NEW_SHARD_GEN); } return new Tuple<>(, shardContainer, generation.toBlobNamePart(), namedXContentRegistry), generation ); } final Tuple legacyIndex = buildBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots(blobs, shardContainer); return new Tuple<>(legacyIndex.v1(), new ShardGeneration(legacyIndex.v2())); } /** * Loads all available snapshots in the repository * * @param blobs list of blobs in repository * @return tuple of BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots and the last snapshot index generation */ private Tuple buildBlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots(Set blobs, BlobContainer shardContainer) throws IOException { long latest = latestGeneration(blobs); if (latest >= 0) { final BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots shardSnapshots =, shardContainer, Long.toString(latest), namedXContentRegistry ); return new Tuple<>(shardSnapshots, latest); } else if ( .anyMatch(b -> b.startsWith(SNAPSHOT_PREFIX) || b.startsWith(INDEX_FILE_PREFIX) || b.startsWith(UPLOADED_DATA_BLOB_PREFIX))) { logger.warn( "Could not find a readable index-N file in a non-empty shard snapshot directory [" + shardContainer.path() + "]" ); } return new Tuple<>(BlobStoreIndexShardSnapshots.EMPTY, latest); } /** * Snapshot individual file * @param fileInfo file to snapshot */ protected void snapshotFile(SnapshotShardContext context, FileInfo fileInfo) throws IOException { final IndexId indexId = context.indexId(); final Store store =; final ShardId shardId = store.shardId(); final IndexShardSnapshotStatus snapshotStatus = context.status(); final SnapshotId snapshotId = context.snapshotId(); final BlobContainer shardContainer = shardContainer(indexId, shardId); final String file = fileInfo.physicalName(); try ( Releasable ignored = BlobStoreRepository.incrementStoreRef(store, snapshotStatus, store.shardId()); IndexInput indexInput = store.openVerifyingInput(file, IOContext.READONCE, fileInfo.metadata()) ) { for (int i = 0; i < fileInfo.numberOfParts(); i++) { final long partBytes = fileInfo.partBytes(i); // Make reads abortable by mutating the snapshotStatus object final InputStream inputStream = new FilterInputStream( maybeRateLimitSnapshots(new InputStreamIndexInput(indexInput, partBytes)) ) { @Override public int read() throws IOException { checkAborted(); return; } @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { checkAborted(); return, off, len); } private void checkAborted() { if (snapshotStatus.isAborted()) { logger.debug("[{}] [{}] Aborted on the file [{}], exiting", shardId, snapshotId, fileInfo.physicalName()); throw new AbortedSnapshotException(); } } }; final String partName = fileInfo.partName(i); logger.trace("[{}] Writing [{}] to [{}]",, partName, shardContainer.path()); final long startMS = threadPool.relativeTimeInMillis(); shardContainer.writeBlob(partName, inputStream, partBytes, false); logger.trace( "[{}] Writing [{}] of size [{}b] to [{}] took [{}ms]",, partName, partBytes, shardContainer.path(), threadPool.relativeTimeInMillis() - startMS ); } Store.verify(indexInput); snapshotStatus.addProcessedFile(fileInfo.length()); } catch (Exception t) { failStoreIfCorrupted(store, t); snapshotStatus.addProcessedFile(0); throw t; } } private static void failStoreIfCorrupted(Store store, Exception e) { if (Lucene.isCorruptionException(e)) { try { store.markStoreCorrupted((IOException) e); } catch (IOException inner) { inner.addSuppressed(e); logger.warn("store cannot be marked as corrupted", inner); } } } public boolean supportURLRepo() { return supportURLRepo; } /** * @return whether this repository performs overwrites atomically. In practice we only overwrite the `index.latest` blob so this * is not very important, but the repository analyzer does test that overwrites happen atomically. It will skip those tests if the * repository overrides this method to indicate that it does not support atomic overwrites. */ public boolean hasAtomicOverwrites() { return true; } public int getReadBufferSizeInBytes() { return bufferSize; } /** * The result of removing a snapshot from a shard folder in the repository. * * @param indexId Index that the snapshot was removed from * @param shardId Shard id that the snapshot was removed from * @param newGeneration Id of the new index-${uuid} blob that does not include the snapshot any more * @param blobsToDelete Blob names in the shard directory that have become unreferenced in the new shard generation */ private record ShardSnapshotMetaDeleteResult( IndexId indexId, int shardId, ShardGeneration newGeneration, Collection blobsToDelete ) {} }

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