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org.elasticsearch.reservedstate.service.ReservedClusterStateService Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
 * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
 * Side Public License, v 1.

package org.elasticsearch.reservedstate.service;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterStateTaskConfig;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.ReservedStateErrorMetadata;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.ReservedStateMetadata;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.ClusterService;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Priority;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Tuple;
import org.elasticsearch.reservedstate.NonStateTransformResult;
import org.elasticsearch.reservedstate.ReservedClusterStateHandler;
import org.elasticsearch.reservedstate.TransformState;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.ConstructingObjectParser;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.ParseField;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.XContentParser;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;

import static org.elasticsearch.ExceptionsHelper.stackTrace;
import static org.elasticsearch.core.Strings.format;
import static org.elasticsearch.reservedstate.service.ReservedStateUpdateTask.checkMetadataVersion;
import static org.elasticsearch.reservedstate.service.ReservedStateUpdateTask.keysForHandler;

 * Controller class for storing and reserving a portion of the {@link ClusterState}

* This class contains the logic about validation, ordering and applying of * the cluster state specified in a file or through plugins/modules. Reserved cluster state * cannot be modified through the REST APIs, only through this controller class. */ public class ReservedClusterStateService { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(ReservedClusterStateService.class); public static final ParseField STATE_FIELD = new ParseField("state"); public static final ParseField METADATA_FIELD = new ParseField("metadata"); final Map> handlers; final ClusterService clusterService; private final ReservedStateUpdateTaskExecutor updateStateTaskExecutor; private final ReservedStateErrorTaskExecutor errorStateTaskExecutor; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private final ConstructingObjectParser stateChunkParser = new ConstructingObjectParser<>( "reserved_state_chunk", a -> { List> tuples = (List>) a[0]; Map stateMap = new HashMap<>(); for (var tuple : tuples) { stateMap.put(tuple.v1(), tuple.v2()); } return new ReservedStateChunk(stateMap, (ReservedStateVersion) a[1]); } ); /** * Controller class for saving and reserving {@link ClusterState}. * @param clusterService for fetching and saving the modified state * @param handlerList a list of reserved state handlers, which we use to transform the state */ public ReservedClusterStateService(ClusterService clusterService, List> handlerList) { this.clusterService = clusterService; this.updateStateTaskExecutor = new ReservedStateUpdateTaskExecutor(clusterService.getRerouteService()); this.errorStateTaskExecutor = new ReservedStateErrorTaskExecutor(); this.handlers =, Function.identity())); stateChunkParser.declareNamedObjects(ConstructingObjectParser.constructorArg(), (p, c, name) -> { if (handlers.containsKey(name) == false) { throw new IllegalStateException("Missing handler definition for content key [" + name + "]"); } p.nextToken(); return new Tuple<>(name, handlers.get(name).fromXContent(p)); }, STATE_FIELD); stateChunkParser.declareObject(ConstructingObjectParser.constructorArg(), (p, c) -> ReservedStateVersion.parse(p), METADATA_FIELD); } /** * Saves and reserves a chunk of the cluster state under a given 'namespace' from {@link XContentParser} * * @param namespace the namespace under which we'll store the reserved keys in the cluster state metadata * @param parser the XContentParser to process * @param errorListener a consumer called with {@link IllegalStateException} if the content has errors and the * cluster state cannot be correctly applied, null if successful or state couldn't be applied because of incompatible version. */ public void process(String namespace, XContentParser parser, Consumer errorListener) { ReservedStateChunk stateChunk; try { stateChunk = stateChunkParser.apply(parser, null); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorState errorState = new ErrorState(namespace, -1L, e, ReservedStateErrorMetadata.ErrorKind.PARSING); saveErrorState(clusterService.state(), errorState); logger.debug("error processing state change request for [{}] with the following errors [{}]", namespace, errorState); errorListener.accept( new IllegalStateException("Error processing state change request for " + namespace + ", errors: " + errorState, e) ); return; } process(namespace, stateChunk, errorListener); } /** * Saves and reserves a chunk of the cluster state under a given 'namespace' from {@link XContentParser} * * @param namespace the namespace under which we'll store the reserved keys in the cluster state metadata * @param reservedStateChunk a {@link ReservedStateChunk} composite state object to process * @param errorListener a consumer called with {@link IllegalStateException} if the content has errors and the * cluster state cannot be correctly applied, null if successful or the state failed to apply because of incompatible version. */ public void process(String namespace, ReservedStateChunk reservedStateChunk, Consumer errorListener) { Map reservedState = reservedStateChunk.state(); final ReservedStateVersion reservedStateVersion = reservedStateChunk.metadata(); LinkedHashSet orderedHandlers; try { orderedHandlers = orderedStateHandlers(reservedState.keySet()); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorState errorState = new ErrorState( namespace, reservedStateVersion.version(), e, ReservedStateErrorMetadata.ErrorKind.PARSING ); saveErrorState(clusterService.state(), errorState); logger.debug("error processing state change request for [{}] with the following errors [{}]", namespace, errorState); errorListener.accept( new IllegalStateException("Error processing state change request for " + namespace + ", errors: " + errorState, e) ); return; } ClusterState state = clusterService.state(); ReservedStateMetadata existingMetadata = state.metadata().reservedStateMetadata().get(namespace); // We check if we should exit early on the state version from clusterService. The ReservedStateUpdateTask // will check again with the most current state version if this continues. if (checkMetadataVersion(namespace, existingMetadata, reservedStateVersion) == false) { errorListener.accept(null); return; } // We trial run all handler validations to ensure that we can process all of the cluster state error free. During // the trial run we collect 'consumers' (functions) for any non cluster state transforms that need to run. var trialRunResult = trialRun(namespace, state, reservedStateChunk, orderedHandlers); var error = checkAndReportError(namespace, trialRunResult.errors, state, reservedStateVersion); if (error != null) { errorListener.accept(error); return; } // Since we have validated that the cluster state update can be correctly performed in the trial run, we now // execute the non cluster state transforms. These are assumed to be async and we continue with the cluster state update // after all have completed. This part of reserved cluster state update is non-atomic, some or all of the non-state // transformations can succeed, and we can fail to eventually write the reserved cluster state. executeNonStateTransformationSteps(trialRunResult.nonStateTransforms, new ActionListener<>() { @Override public void onResponse(Collection nonStateTransformResults) { // Once all of the non-state transformation results complete, we can proceed to // do the final save of the cluster state. The non-state transformation reserved keys are applied // to the reserved state after all other key handlers. clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask( "reserved cluster state [" + namespace + "]", new ReservedStateUpdateTask( namespace, reservedStateChunk, nonStateTransformResults, handlers, orderedHandlers, (clusterState, errorState) -> saveErrorState(clusterState, errorState), new ActionListener<>() { @Override public void onResponse(ActionResponse.Empty empty) {"Successfully applied new reserved cluster state for namespace [{}]", namespace); errorListener.accept(null); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { // Don't spam the logs on repeated errors if (isNewError(existingMetadata, reservedStateVersion.version())) { logger.debug("Failed to apply reserved cluster state", e); errorListener.accept(e); } else { errorListener.accept(null); } } } ),, updateStateTaskExecutor ); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { // If we encounter an error while runnin the non-state transforms, we avoid saving any cluster state. errorListener.accept(checkAndReportError(namespace, List.of(e.getMessage()), state, reservedStateVersion)); } }); } // package private for testing Exception checkAndReportError( String namespace, List errors, ClusterState currentState, ReservedStateVersion reservedStateVersion ) { // Any errors should be discovered through validation performed in the transform calls if (errors.isEmpty() == false) { logger.debug("Error processing state change request for [{}] with the following errors [{}]", namespace, errors); var errorState = new ErrorState( namespace, reservedStateVersion.version(), errors, ReservedStateErrorMetadata.ErrorKind.VALIDATION ); saveErrorState(currentState, errorState); return new IllegalStateException("Error processing state change request for " + namespace + ", errors: " + errorState); } return null; } // package private for testing static boolean isNewError(ReservedStateMetadata existingMetadata, Long newStateVersion) { return (existingMetadata == null || existingMetadata.errorMetadata() == null || newStateVersion <= 0 // version will be -1 when we can't even parse the file, it might be 0 on snapshot restore || existingMetadata.errorMetadata().version() < newStateVersion); } // package private for testing void saveErrorState(ClusterState clusterState, ErrorState errorState) { ReservedStateMetadata existingMetadata = clusterState.metadata().reservedStateMetadata().get(errorState.namespace()); if (isNewError(existingMetadata, errorState.version()) == false) { () -> format( "Not updating error state because version [%s] is less or equal to the last state error version [%s]", errorState.version(), existingMetadata.errorMetadata().version() ) ); return; } submitErrorUpdateTask(errorState); } private void submitErrorUpdateTask(ErrorState errorState) { clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask( "reserved cluster state update error for [ " + errorState.namespace() + "]", new ReservedStateErrorTask(errorState, new ActionListener<>() { @Override public void onResponse(ActionResponse.Empty empty) {"Successfully applied new reserved error state for namespace [{}]", errorState.namespace()); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to apply reserved error cluster state", e); } }),, errorStateTaskExecutor ); } /** * Goes through all of the handlers, runs the validation and the transform part of the cluster state. *

* While running the handlers we also collect any non cluster state transformation consumer actions that * need to be performed asynchronously before we attempt to save the cluster state. The trial run does not * result in an update of the cluster state, it's only purpose is to verify if we can correctly perform a * cluster state update with the given reserved state chunk. * * Package private for testing */ TrialRunResult trialRun( String namespace, ClusterState currentState, ReservedStateChunk stateChunk, LinkedHashSet orderedHandlers ) { ReservedStateMetadata existingMetadata = currentState.metadata().reservedStateMetadata().get(namespace); Map reservedState = stateChunk.state(); List errors = new ArrayList<>(); List>> nonStateTransforms = new ArrayList<>(); ClusterState state = currentState; for (var handlerName : orderedHandlers) { ReservedClusterStateHandler handler = handlers.get(handlerName); try { Set existingKeys = keysForHandler(existingMetadata, handlerName); TransformState transformState = handler.transform(reservedState.get(handlerName), new TransformState(state, existingKeys)); state = transformState.state(); if (transformState.nonStateTransform() != null) { nonStateTransforms.add(transformState.nonStateTransform()); } } catch (Exception e) { errors.add(format("Error processing %s state change: %s",, stackTrace(e))); } } return new TrialRunResult(nonStateTransforms, errors); } /** * Runs the non cluster state transformations asynchronously, collecting the {@link NonStateTransformResult} objects. *

* Once all non cluster state transformations have completed, we submit the cluster state update task, which * updates all of the handler state, including the keys produced by the non cluster state transforms. The new reserved * state version isn't written to the cluster state until the cluster state task runs. * * Package private for testing */ void executeNonStateTransformationSteps( List>> nonStateTransforms, ActionListener> listener ) { // Don't create grouped listener with 0 actions, just return if (nonStateTransforms.isEmpty()) { listener.onResponse(List.of()); return; } GroupedActionListener postTasksListener = new GroupedActionListener<>(new ActionListener<>() { @Override public void onResponse(Collection updateKeyTaskResult) { listener.onResponse(updateKeyTaskResult); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { listener.onFailure(e); } }, nonStateTransforms.size()); for (var transform : nonStateTransforms) { // non cluster state transforms don't modify the cluster state, they however are given a chance to return a more // up-to-date version of the modified keys we should save in the reserved state. These calls are // async and report back when they are done through the postTasksListener. transform.accept(postTasksListener); } } /** * Returns an ordered set ({@link LinkedHashSet}) of the cluster state handlers that need to * execute for a given list of handler names supplied through the {@link ReservedStateChunk}. * @param handlerNames Names of handlers found in the {@link ReservedStateChunk} */ LinkedHashSet orderedStateHandlers(Set handlerNames) { LinkedHashSet orderedHandlers = new LinkedHashSet<>(); LinkedHashSet dependencyStack = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (String key : handlerNames) { addStateHandler(key, handlerNames, orderedHandlers, dependencyStack); } return orderedHandlers; } private void addStateHandler(String key, Set keys, LinkedHashSet ordered, LinkedHashSet visited) { if (visited.contains(key)) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("Cycle found in settings dependencies: "); visited.forEach(s -> { msg.append(s); msg.append(" -> "); }); msg.append(key); throw new IllegalStateException(msg.toString()); } if (ordered.contains(key)) { // already added by another dependent handler return; } visited.add(key); ReservedClusterStateHandler handler = handlers.get(key); if (handler == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown handler type: " + key); } for (String dependency : handler.dependencies()) { if (keys.contains(dependency) == false) { throw new IllegalStateException("Missing handler dependency definition: " + key + " -> " + dependency); } addStateHandler(dependency, keys, ordered, visited); } for (String dependency : handler.optionalDependencies()) { if (keys.contains(dependency)) { addStateHandler(dependency, keys, ordered, visited); } } visited.remove(key); ordered.add(key); } /** * Adds additional {@link ReservedClusterStateHandler} to the handler registry * @param handler an additional reserved state handler to be added */ public void installStateHandler(ReservedClusterStateHandler handler) { this.handlers.put(, handler); } /** * Helper record class to combine the result of a trial run, non cluster state actions and any errors */ record TrialRunResult(List>> nonStateTransforms, List errors) {} }

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