org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNodes Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Elasticsearch - Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.
package org.elasticsearch.cluster.node;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.Diff;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.SimpleDiffable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamInput;
import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamOutput;
import org.elasticsearch.common.regex.Regex;
import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.TransportAddress;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.set.Sets;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Booleans;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Nullable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.AbstractCollection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
* This class holds all {@link DiscoveryNode} in the cluster and provides convenience methods to
* access, modify merge / diff discovery nodes.
public class DiscoveryNodes extends AbstractCollection implements SimpleDiffable {
public static final DiscoveryNodes EMPTY_NODES = builder().build();
private final Map nodes;
private final Map dataNodes;
private final Map masterNodes;
private final Map ingestNodes;
private final String masterNodeId;
private final DiscoveryNode masterNode;
private final String localNodeId;
private final DiscoveryNode localNode;
private final Version minNonClientNodeVersion;
private final Version maxNodeVersion;
private final Version minNodeVersion;
private final Set availableRoles;
private DiscoveryNodes(
Map nodes,
Map dataNodes,
Map masterNodes,
Map ingestNodes,
@Nullable String masterNodeId,
@Nullable String localNodeId,
Version minNonClientNodeVersion,
Version maxNodeVersion,
Version minNodeVersion
) {
this.nodes = nodes;
this.dataNodes = dataNodes;
this.masterNodes = masterNodes;
this.ingestNodes = ingestNodes;
this.masterNodeId = masterNodeId;
this.masterNode = masterNodeId == null ? null : nodes.get(masterNodeId);
assert (masterNodeId == null) == (masterNode == null);
this.localNodeId = localNodeId;
this.localNode = localNodeId == null ? null : nodes.get(localNodeId);
this.minNonClientNodeVersion = minNonClientNodeVersion;
this.minNodeVersion = minNodeVersion;
this.maxNodeVersion = maxNodeVersion;
assert (localNodeId == null) == (localNode == null);
this.availableRoles = dataNodes.values()
.flatMap(n -> n.getRoles().stream())
public Iterator iterator() {
return nodes.values().iterator();
public int size() {
return nodes.size();
* Returns {@code true} if the local node is the elected master node.
public boolean isLocalNodeElectedMaster() {
if (localNodeId == null) {
// we don't know yet the local node id, return false
return false;
return localNodeId.equals(masterNodeId);
* Checks if any node has the role with the given {@code roleName}.
* @param roleName name to check
* @return true if any node has the role of the given name
public boolean isRoleAvailable(String roleName) {
return availableRoles.contains(roleName);
* Get the number of known nodes
* @return number of nodes
public int getSize() {
return nodes.size();
* Get a {@link Map} of the discovered nodes arranged by their ids
* @return {@link Map} of the discovered nodes arranged by their ids
public Map getNodes() {
return this.nodes;
* Get a {@link Map} of the discovered data nodes arranged by their ids
* @return {@link Map} of the discovered data nodes arranged by their ids
public Map getDataNodes() {
return this.dataNodes;
* Get a {@link Map} of the discovered master nodes arranged by their ids
* @return {@link Map} of the discovered master nodes arranged by their ids
public Map getMasterNodes() {
return this.masterNodes;
* @return All the ingest nodes arranged by their ids
public Map getIngestNodes() {
return ingestNodes;
* Get a {@link Map} of the discovered master and data nodes arranged by their ids
* @return {@link Map} of the discovered master and data nodes arranged by their ids
public Map getMasterAndDataNodes() {
return filteredNodes(nodes, n -> n.canContainData() || n.isMasterNode());
* Get a {@link Map} of the coordinating only nodes (nodes which are neither master, nor data, nor ingest nodes) arranged by their ids
* @return {@link Map} of the coordinating only nodes arranged by their ids
public Map getCoordinatingOnlyNodes() {
return filteredNodes(nodes, n -> n.canContainData() == false && n.isMasterNode() == false && n.isIngestNode() == false);
private static final Comparator MASTERS_FIRST_COMPARATOR
// Ugly hack: when https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/94946 is fixed, remove the sorting by ephemeral ID here
= Comparator.comparingInt(n -> n.isMasterNode() ? 0 : 1).thenComparing(DiscoveryNode::getEphemeralId);
* Returns a stream of all nodes, with master nodes at the front
public Stream mastersFirstStream() {
return nodes.values().stream().sorted(MASTERS_FIRST_COMPARATOR);
* Get a node by its id
* @param nodeId id of the wanted node
* @return wanted node if it exists. Otherwise null
public DiscoveryNode get(String nodeId) {
return nodes.get(nodeId);
* Determine if a given node id exists
* @param nodeId id of the node which existence should be verified
* @return true
if the node exists. Otherwise false
public boolean nodeExists(String nodeId) {
return nodes.containsKey(nodeId);
* Determine if a given node exists
* @param node of the node which existence should be verified
* @return true
if the node exists. Otherwise false
public boolean nodeExists(DiscoveryNode node) {
DiscoveryNode existing = nodes.get(node.getId());
return existing != null && existing.equals(node);
* Determine if the given node exists and has the right roles. Supported roles vary by version, and our local cluster state might
* have come via an older master, so the roles may differ even if the node is otherwise identical.
public boolean nodeExistsWithSameRoles(DiscoveryNode discoveryNode) {
final DiscoveryNode existing = nodes.get(discoveryNode.getId());
return existing != null && existing.equals(discoveryNode) && existing.getRoles().equals(discoveryNode.getRoles());
* Get the id of the master node
* @return id of the master
public String getMasterNodeId() {
return this.masterNodeId;
* Get the id of the local node
* @return id of the local node
public String getLocalNodeId() {
return this.localNodeId;
* Get the local node
* @return local node
public DiscoveryNode getLocalNode() {
return localNode;
* Returns the master node, or {@code null} if there is no master node
public DiscoveryNode getMasterNode() {
return masterNode;
* Get a node by its address
* @param address {@link TransportAddress} of the wanted node
* @return node identified by the given address or null
if no such node exists
public DiscoveryNode findByAddress(TransportAddress address) {
for (DiscoveryNode node : nodes.values()) {
if (node.getAddress().equals(address)) {
return node;
return null;
* Returns the version of the node with the oldest version in the cluster that is not a client node
* If there are no non-client nodes, Version.CURRENT will be returned.
* @return the oldest version in the cluster
public Version getSmallestNonClientNodeVersion() {
return minNonClientNodeVersion;
* Returns the version of the node with the oldest version in the cluster.
* @return the oldest version in the cluster
public Version getMinNodeVersion() {
return minNodeVersion;
* Returns the version of the node with the youngest version in the cluster
* @return the youngest version in the cluster
public Version getMaxNodeVersion() {
return maxNodeVersion;
* Resolve a node with a given id
* @param node id of the node to discover
* @return discovered node matching the given id
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if more than one node matches the request or no nodes have been resolved
public DiscoveryNode resolveNode(String node) {
String[] resolvedNodeIds = resolveNodes(node);
if (resolvedNodeIds.length > 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"resolved [" + node + "] into [" + resolvedNodeIds.length + "] nodes, where expected to be resolved to a single node"
if (resolvedNodeIds.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("failed to resolve [" + node + "], no matching nodes");
return nodes.get(resolvedNodeIds[0]);
* Resolves a set of nodes according to the given sequence of node specifications. Implements the logic in various APIs that allow the
* user to run the action on a subset of the nodes in the cluster. See [Node specification] in the reference manual for full details.
* Works by tracking the current set of nodes and applying each node specification in sequence. The set starts out empty and each node
* specification may either add or remove nodes. For instance:
* - _local, _master and _all respectively add to the subset the local node, the currently-elected master, and all the nodes
* - node IDs, names, hostnames and IP addresses all add to the subset any nodes which match
* - a wildcard-based pattern of the form "attr*:value*" adds to the subset all nodes with a matching attribute with a matching value
* - role:true adds to the subset all nodes with a matching role
* - role:false removes from the subset all nodes with a matching role.
* An empty sequence of node specifications returns all nodes, since the corresponding actions run on all nodes by default.
public String[] resolveNodes(String... nodes) {
if (nodes == null || nodes.length == 0) {
return stream().map(DiscoveryNode::getId).toArray(String[]::new);
} else {
Set resolvedNodesIds = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(nodes.length);
for (String nodeId : nodes) {
if (nodeId == null) {
// don't silence the underlying issue, it is a bug, so lets fail if assertions are enabled
assert nodeId != null : "nodeId should not be null";
} else if (nodeId.equals("_local")) {
String localNodeId = getLocalNodeId();
if (localNodeId != null) {
} else if (nodeId.equals("_master")) {
String masterNodeId = getMasterNodeId();
if (masterNodeId != null) {
} else if (nodeExists(nodeId)) {
} else {
for (DiscoveryNode node : this) {
if ("_all".equals(nodeId)
|| Regex.simpleMatch(nodeId, node.getName())
|| Regex.simpleMatch(nodeId, node.getHostAddress())
|| Regex.simpleMatch(nodeId, node.getHostName())) {
int index = nodeId.indexOf(':');
if (index != -1) {
String matchAttrName = nodeId.substring(0, index);
String matchAttrValue = nodeId.substring(index + 1);
if (DiscoveryNodeRole.roles().stream().map(DiscoveryNodeRole::roleName).anyMatch(s -> s.equals(matchAttrName))) {
final DiscoveryNodeRole role = DiscoveryNodeRole.getRoleFromRoleName(matchAttrName);
final Predicate> predicate;
if (role.equals(DiscoveryNodeRole.DATA_ROLE)) {
// if the node has *any* role that can contain data, then it matches the data attribute
predicate = s -> s.stream().anyMatch(DiscoveryNodeRole::canContainData);
} else if (role.canContainData()) {
// if the node has the matching data_ role, or the generic data role, then it matches the data_ attribute
predicate = s -> s.stream().anyMatch(r -> r.equals(role) || r.equals(DiscoveryNodeRole.DATA_ROLE));
} else {
// the role is not a data role, we require an exact match (e.g., ingest)
predicate = s -> s.contains(role);
final Consumer mutation;
if (Booleans.parseBoolean(matchAttrValue, true)) {
mutation = resolvedNodesIds::add;
} else {
mutation = resolvedNodesIds::remove;
for (final DiscoveryNode node : this) {
if (predicate.test(node.getRoles())) {
} else if (DiscoveryNode.COORDINATING_ONLY.equals(matchAttrName)) {
if (Booleans.parseBoolean(matchAttrValue, true)) {
} else {
} else {
for (DiscoveryNode node : this) {
for (DiscoveryNodeRole role : Sets.difference(node.getRoles(), DiscoveryNodeRole.roles())) {
if (role.roleName().equals(matchAttrName)) {
if (Booleans.parseBoolean(matchAttrValue, true)) {
} else {
for (DiscoveryNode node : this) {
for (Map.Entry entry : node.getAttributes().entrySet()) {
String attrName = entry.getKey();
String attrValue = entry.getValue();
if (Regex.simpleMatch(matchAttrName, attrName) && Regex.simpleMatch(matchAttrValue, attrValue)) {
return resolvedNodesIds.toArray(Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY);
* Returns the changes comparing this nodes to the provided nodes.
public Delta delta(DiscoveryNodes other) {
final List removed = new ArrayList<>();
final List added = new ArrayList<>();
for (DiscoveryNode node : other) {
if (this.nodeExists(node) == false) {
for (DiscoveryNode node : this) {
if (other.nodeExists(node) == false) {
return new Delta(
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("nodes: \n");
for (DiscoveryNode node : this) {
sb.append(" ").append(node);
if (node == getLocalNode()) {
sb.append(", local");
if (node == getMasterNode()) {
sb.append(", master");
return sb.toString();
public static class Delta {
private final String localNodeId;
private final DiscoveryNode previousMasterNode;
private final DiscoveryNode newMasterNode;
private final List removed;
private final List added;
private Delta(
@Nullable DiscoveryNode previousMasterNode,
@Nullable DiscoveryNode newMasterNode,
String localNodeId,
List removed,
List added
) {
this.previousMasterNode = previousMasterNode;
this.newMasterNode = newMasterNode;
this.localNodeId = localNodeId;
this.removed = removed;
this.added = added;
public boolean hasChanges() {
return masterNodeChanged() || removed.isEmpty() == false || added.isEmpty() == false;
public boolean masterNodeChanged() {
return Objects.equals(newMasterNode, previousMasterNode) == false;
public DiscoveryNode previousMasterNode() {
return previousMasterNode;
public DiscoveryNode newMasterNode() {
return newMasterNode;
public boolean removed() {
return removed.isEmpty() == false;
public List removedNodes() {
return removed;
public boolean added() {
return added.isEmpty() == false;
public List addedNodes() {
return added;
public String shortSummary() {
final StringBuilder summary = new StringBuilder();
if (masterNodeChanged()) {
summary.append("master node changed {previous [");
if (previousMasterNode != null) {
summary.append("], current [");
if (newMasterNode != null) {
if (removed()) {
if (summary.length() > 0) {
summary.append(", ");
summary.append("removed {");
addCommaSeparatedNodesWithoutAttributes(removedNodes().iterator(), summary);
if (added()) {
// ignore ourselves when reporting on nodes being added
final Iterator addedNodesIterator = addedNodes().stream()
.filter(node -> node.getId().equals(localNodeId) == false)
if (addedNodesIterator.hasNext()) {
if (summary.length() > 0) {
summary.append(", ");
summary.append("added {");
addCommaSeparatedNodesWithoutAttributes(addedNodesIterator, summary);
return summary.toString();
public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException {
public static DiscoveryNodes readFrom(StreamInput in, DiscoveryNode localNode) throws IOException {
Builder builder = new Builder();
if (in.readBoolean()) {
if (localNode != null) {
int size = in.readVInt();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
DiscoveryNode node = new DiscoveryNode(in);
if (localNode != null && node.getId().equals(localNode.getId())) {
// reuse the same instance of our address and local node id for faster equality
node = localNode;
// some one already built this and validated it's OK, skip the n2 scans
assert builder.validateAdd(node) == null
: "building disco nodes from network doesn't pass preflight: " + builder.validateAdd(node);
return builder.build();
public static Diff readDiffFrom(StreamInput in, DiscoveryNode localNode) throws IOException {
return SimpleDiffable.readDiffFrom(in1 -> readFrom(in1, localNode), in);
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static Builder builder(DiscoveryNodes nodes) {
return new Builder(nodes);
public static class Builder {
private final Map nodes;
private String masterNodeId;
private String localNodeId;
public Builder() {
nodes = new HashMap<>();
public Builder(DiscoveryNodes nodes) {
this.masterNodeId = nodes.getMasterNodeId();
this.localNodeId = nodes.getLocalNodeId();
this.nodes = new HashMap<>(nodes.getNodes());
* adds a disco node to the builder. Will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException} if
* the supplied node doesn't pass the pre-flight checks performed by {@link #validateAdd(DiscoveryNode)}
public Builder add(DiscoveryNode node) {
final String preflight = validateAdd(node);
if (preflight != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(preflight);
return this;
* Get a node by its id
* @param nodeId id of the wanted node
* @return wanted node if it exists. Otherwise null
public DiscoveryNode get(String nodeId) {
return nodes.get(nodeId);
private void putUnsafe(DiscoveryNode node) {
nodes.put(node.getId(), node);
public Builder remove(String nodeId) {
return this;
public Builder remove(DiscoveryNode node) {
if (node.equals(nodes.get(node.getId()))) {
return this;
public Builder masterNodeId(String masterNodeId) {
this.masterNodeId = masterNodeId;
return this;
public Builder localNodeId(String localNodeId) {
this.localNodeId = localNodeId;
return this;
* Checks that a node can be safely added to this node collection.
* @return null if all is OK or an error message explaining why a node can not be added.
* Note: if this method returns a non-null value, calling {@link #add(DiscoveryNode)} will fail with an
* exception
private String validateAdd(DiscoveryNode node) {
for (DiscoveryNode existingNode : nodes.values()) {
if (node.getAddress().equals(existingNode.getAddress()) && node.getId().equals(existingNode.getId()) == false) {
return "can't add node " + node + ", found existing node " + existingNode + " with same address";
if (node.getId().equals(existingNode.getId()) && node.equals(existingNode) == false) {
return "can't add node "
+ node
+ ", found existing node "
+ existingNode
+ " with the same id but is a different node instance";
return null;
public DiscoveryNodes build() {
Version minNodeVersion = null;
Version maxNodeVersion = null;
Version minNonClientNodeVersion = null;
Version maxNonClientNodeVersion = null;
for (Map.Entry nodeEntry : nodes.entrySet()) {
DiscoveryNode discoNode = nodeEntry.getValue();
final Version version = discoNode.getVersion();
if (discoNode.canContainData() || discoNode.isMasterNode()) {
if (minNonClientNodeVersion == null) {
minNonClientNodeVersion = version;
maxNonClientNodeVersion = version;
} else {
minNonClientNodeVersion = Version.min(minNonClientNodeVersion, version);
maxNonClientNodeVersion = Version.max(maxNonClientNodeVersion, version);
minNodeVersion = minNodeVersion == null ? version : Version.min(minNodeVersion, version);
maxNodeVersion = maxNodeVersion == null ? version : Version.max(maxNodeVersion, version);
return new DiscoveryNodes(
filteredNodes(nodes, DiscoveryNode::canContainData),
filteredNodes(nodes, DiscoveryNode::isMasterNode),
filteredNodes(nodes, DiscoveryNode::isIngestNode),
minNonClientNodeVersion == null ? Version.CURRENT : minNonClientNodeVersion,
maxNodeVersion == null ? Version.CURRENT : maxNodeVersion,
minNodeVersion == null ? Version.CURRENT.minimumCompatibilityVersion() : minNodeVersion
public boolean isLocalNodeElectedMaster() {
return masterNodeId != null && masterNodeId.equals(localNodeId);
private static Map filteredNodes(Map nodes, Predicate predicate) {
return nodes.entrySet()
.filter(e -> predicate.test(e.getValue()))
.collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));
public static void addCommaSeparatedNodesWithoutAttributes(Iterator iterator, StringBuilder stringBuilder) {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
stringBuilder.append(", ");
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