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org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 9.0.0-beta1
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 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
 * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
 * Side Public License, v 1.

package org.elasticsearch.transport;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.elasticsearch.Build;
import org.elasticsearch.TransportVersion;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListenerResponseHandler;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterName;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNode;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.component.AbstractLifecycleComponent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.Loggers;
import org.elasticsearch.common.regex.Regex;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.ClusterSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.BoundTransportAddress;
import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.TransportAddress;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.AbstractRunnable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ThreadContext;
import org.elasticsearch.core.AbstractRefCounted;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Booleans;
import org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.core.Releasable;
import org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.node.NodeClosedException;
import org.elasticsearch.node.ReportingService;
import org.elasticsearch.tasks.Task;
import org.elasticsearch.tasks.TaskManager;
import org.elasticsearch.threadpool.Scheduler;
import org.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;
import org.elasticsearch.tracing.Tracer;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import static org.elasticsearch.core.Strings.format;

public class TransportService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent
        TransportConnectionListener {

    private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(TransportService.class);

     * A feature flag enabling transport upgrades for serverless.
    private static final String SERVERLESS_TRANSPORT_SYSTEM_PROPERTY = "es.serverless_transport";
    private static final boolean SERVERLESS_TRANSPORT_FEATURE_FLAG;
    static {
        final boolean serverlessFlag = Booleans.parseBoolean(System.getProperty(SERVERLESS_TRANSPORT_SYSTEM_PROPERTY), false);
        if (serverlessFlag && Build.CURRENT.isSnapshot() == false) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Enabling serverless transport is only supported in snapshot builds");

    public static final String DIRECT_RESPONSE_PROFILE = ".direct";
    public static final String HANDSHAKE_ACTION_NAME = "internal:transport/handshake";

    private final AtomicBoolean handleIncomingRequests = new AtomicBoolean();
    private final DelegatingTransportMessageListener messageListener = new DelegatingTransportMessageListener();
    protected final Transport transport;
    protected final ConnectionManager connectionManager;
    protected final ThreadPool threadPool;
    protected final ClusterName clusterName;
    protected final TaskManager taskManager;
    private final TransportInterceptor.AsyncSender asyncSender;
    private final Function localNodeFactory;
    private final boolean remoteClusterClient;
    private final Transport.ResponseHandlers responseHandlers;
    private final TransportInterceptor interceptor;

    private final PendingDirectHandlers pendingDirectHandlers = new PendingDirectHandlers();

    // An LRU (don't really care about concurrency here) that holds the latest timed out requests so if they
    // do show up, we can print more descriptive information about them
    final Map timeoutInfoHandlers = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap<>(100, .75F, true) {
        protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest) {
            return size() > 100;

    public static final TransportInterceptor NOOP_TRANSPORT_INTERCEPTOR = new TransportInterceptor() {

    // tracer log

    private final Logger tracerLog;
    private final Tracer tracer;

    volatile String[] tracerLogInclude;
    volatile String[] tracerLogExclude;

    private final RemoteClusterService remoteClusterService;

    /** if set will call requests sent to this id to shortcut and executed locally */
    volatile DiscoveryNode localNode = null;
    private final Transport.Connection localNodeConnection = new Transport.Connection() {
        public DiscoveryNode getNode() {
            return localNode;

        public TransportVersion getTransportVersion() {
            return TransportVersion.current();

        public void sendRequest(long requestId, String action, TransportRequest request, TransportRequestOptions options) {
            sendLocalRequest(requestId, action, request, options);

        public void addCloseListener(ActionListener listener) {}

        public void addRemovedListener(ActionListener listener) {}

        public boolean isClosed() {
            return false;

        public void close() {
            assert false : "should not close the local node connection";

        public void incRef() {}

        public boolean tryIncRef() {
            return true;

        public boolean decRef() {
            return false;

        public boolean hasReferences() {
            return true;

        public void onRemoved() {
            assert false : "should not remove the local node connection";

        public String toString() {
            return "local node connection";

    public TransportService(
        Settings settings,
        Transport transport,
        ThreadPool threadPool,
        TransportInterceptor transportInterceptor,
        Function localNodeFactory,
        @Nullable ClusterSettings clusterSettings,
        Set taskHeaders
    ) {
        this(settings, transport, threadPool, transportInterceptor, localNodeFactory, clusterSettings, taskHeaders, Tracer.NOOP);

     * Build the service.
     * @param clusterSettings if non null, the {@linkplain TransportService} will register with the {@link ClusterSettings} for settings
     *    updates for {@link TransportSettings#TRACE_LOG_EXCLUDE_SETTING} and {@link TransportSettings#TRACE_LOG_INCLUDE_SETTING}.
    public TransportService(
        Settings settings,
        Transport transport,
        ThreadPool threadPool,
        TransportInterceptor transportInterceptor,
        Function localNodeFactory,
        @Nullable ClusterSettings clusterSettings,
        TaskManager taskManager,
        Tracer tracer
    ) {
            new ClusterConnectionManager(settings, transport, threadPool.getThreadContext()),

    // NOTE: Only for use in tests
    public TransportService(
        Settings settings,
        Transport transport,
        ThreadPool threadPool,
        TransportInterceptor transportInterceptor,
        Function localNodeFactory,
        @Nullable ClusterSettings clusterSettings,
        Set taskHeaders,
        Tracer tracer
    ) {
            new ClusterConnectionManager(settings, transport, threadPool.getThreadContext()),
            new TaskManager(settings, threadPool, taskHeaders),

    public TransportService(
        Settings settings,
        Transport transport,
        ThreadPool threadPool,
        TransportInterceptor transportInterceptor,
        Function localNodeFactory,
        @Nullable ClusterSettings clusterSettings,
        ConnectionManager connectionManager,
        TaskManager taskManger,
        Tracer tracer
    ) {
        this.transport = transport;
        this.threadPool = threadPool;
        this.localNodeFactory = localNodeFactory;
        this.connectionManager = connectionManager;
        this.tracer = tracer;
        this.clusterName = ClusterName.CLUSTER_NAME_SETTING.get(settings);
        tracerLog = Loggers.getLogger(logger, ".tracer");
        this.taskManager = taskManger;
        this.interceptor = transportInterceptor;
        this.asyncSender = interceptor.interceptSender(this::sendRequestInternal);
        this.remoteClusterClient = DiscoveryNode.isRemoteClusterClient(settings);
        remoteClusterService = new RemoteClusterService(settings, this);
        responseHandlers = transport.getResponseHandlers();
        if (clusterSettings != null) {
            clusterSettings.addSettingsUpdateConsumer(TransportSettings.TRACE_LOG_INCLUDE_SETTING, this::setTracerLogInclude);
            clusterSettings.addSettingsUpdateConsumer(TransportSettings.TRACE_LOG_EXCLUDE_SETTING, this::setTracerLogExclude);
            if (remoteClusterClient) {
            clusterSettings.addSettingsUpdateConsumer(TransportSettings.SLOW_OPERATION_THRESHOLD_SETTING, transport::setSlowLogThreshold);
            (request, channel, task) -> channel.sendResponse(
                new HandshakeResponse(localNode.getVersion(), Build.CURRENT.hash(), localNode, clusterName)

    public RemoteClusterService getRemoteClusterService() {
        return remoteClusterService;

    public DiscoveryNode getLocalNode() {
        return localNode;

    public Transport.Connection getLocalNodeConnection() {
        return localNodeConnection;

    public TaskManager getTaskManager() {
        return taskManager;

    void setTracerLogInclude(List tracerLogInclude) {
        this.tracerLogInclude = tracerLogInclude.toArray(Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY);

    void setTracerLogExclude(List tracerLogExclude) {
        this.tracerLogExclude = tracerLogExclude.toArray(Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY);

    protected void doStart() {
        if (transport.boundAddress() != null && logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
  "{}", transport.boundAddress());
            for (Map.Entry entry : transport.profileBoundAddresses().entrySet()) {
      "profile [{}]: {}", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        localNode = localNodeFactory.apply(transport.boundAddress());

        if (remoteClusterClient) {
            // here we start to connect to the remote clusters

    protected void doStop() {
        try {
            IOUtils.close(connectionManager, remoteClusterService, transport::stop, pendingDirectHandlers::stop);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
        } finally {
            // The underlying transport has stopped which closed all the connections to remote nodes and hence completed all their handlers,
            // but there may still be pending handlers for node-local requests since this connection is not closed, and we may also
            // (briefly) track handlers for requests which are sent concurrently with stopping even though the underlying connection is
            // now closed. We complete all these outstanding handlers here:
            for (final Transport.ResponseContext holderToNotify : responseHandlers.prune(h -> true)) {
                try {
                    final TransportResponseHandler handler = holderToNotify.handler();
                    final var targetNode = holderToNotify.connection().getNode();

                    assert transport instanceof TcpTransport == false
                        /* other transports (used in tests) may not implement the proper close-connection behaviour. TODO fix this. */
                        || targetNode.equals(localNode)
                        /* local node connection cannot be closed so may still have pending handlers */
                        || holderToNotify.connection().isClosed()
                        /* connections to remote nodes must be closed by this point but could still have pending handlers */
                        : "expected only responses for local "
                            + localNode
                            + " but found handler for ["
                            + holderToNotify.action()
                            + "] on open connection to "
                            + targetNode;

                    final var exception = new SendRequestTransportException(
                        new NodeClosedException(localNode)
                    final var executor = handler.executor();
                    if (executor.equals(ThreadPool.Names.SAME)) {
                    } else {
                        threadPool.executor(executor).execute(new ForkingResponseHandlerRunnable(handler, exception) {
                            protected void doRun() {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    assert false : e;
                    logger.warn(() -> format("failed to notify response handler on shutdown, action: %s", holderToNotify.action()), e);

    protected void doClose() throws IOException {

     * Start accepting incoming requests.
     * The transport service starts before it's ready to accept incoming requests because we need to know the address(es) to which we are
     * bound, which means we have to actually bind to them and start accepting incoming connections. However until this method is called we
     * reject any incoming requests, including handshakes, by closing the connection.
    public final void acceptIncomingRequests() {
        final boolean startedWithThisCall = handleIncomingRequests.compareAndSet(false, true);
        assert startedWithThisCall : "transport service was already accepting incoming requests";
        logger.debug("now accepting incoming requests");

    public TransportInfo info() {
        BoundTransportAddress boundTransportAddress = boundAddress();
        if (boundTransportAddress == null) {
            return null;
        final Map profileAddresses = transport.profileBoundAddresses();
        if (remoteClusterService.isRemoteClusterServerEnabled()) {
            final Map filteredProfileAddress = profileAddresses.entrySet()
                .filter(entry -> false == RemoteClusterPortSettings.REMOTE_CLUSTER_PROFILE.equals(entry.getKey()))
                .collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));
            return new TransportInfo(boundTransportAddress, filteredProfileAddress);
        } else {
            return new TransportInfo(boundTransportAddress, profileAddresses);

    public TransportStats stats() {
        return transport.getStats();

    public boolean isTransportSecure() {
        return transport.isSecure();

    public BoundTransportAddress boundAddress() {
        return transport.boundAddress();

    public BoundTransportAddress boundRemoteAccessAddress() {
        return transport.boundRemoteIngressAddress();

    public List getDefaultSeedAddresses() {
        return transport.getDefaultSeedAddresses();

     * Returns true iff the given node is already connected.
    public boolean nodeConnected(DiscoveryNode node) {
        return isLocalNode(node) || connectionManager.nodeConnected(node);

     * Connect to the specified node with the given connection profile.
     * The ActionListener will be called on the calling thread or the generic thread pool.
     * @param node the node to connect to
     * @param listener the action listener to notify
    public void connectToNode(DiscoveryNode node, ActionListener listener) throws ConnectTransportException {
        connectToNode(node, null, listener);

     * Connect to the specified node with the given connection profile.
     * The ActionListener will be called on the calling thread or the generic thread pool.
     * @param node the node to connect to
     * @param connectionProfile the connection profile to use when connecting to this node
     * @param listener the action listener to notify
    public void connectToNode(
        final DiscoveryNode node,
        @Nullable ConnectionProfile connectionProfile,
        ActionListener listener
    ) {
        if (isLocalNode(node)) {
        connectionManager.connectToNode(node, connectionProfile, connectionValidator(node), listener);

    public ConnectionManager.ConnectionValidator connectionValidator(DiscoveryNode node) {
        return (newConnection, actualProfile, listener) -> {
            // We don't validate cluster names to allow for CCS connections.
            handshake(newConnection, actualProfile.getHandshakeTimeout(), cn -> true, -> {
                final DiscoveryNode remote = resp.discoveryNode;
                if (node.equals(remote) == false) {
                    throw new ConnectTransportException(node, "handshake failed. unexpected remote node " + remote);
                return null;

     * Establishes a new connection to the given node. The connection is NOT maintained by this service, it's the callers
     * responsibility to close the connection once it goes out of scope.
     * The ActionListener will be called on the calling thread or the generic thread pool.
     * @param node the node to connect to
     * @param connectionProfile the connection profile to use
     * @param listener the action listener to notify
    public void openConnection(
        final DiscoveryNode node,
        ConnectionProfile connectionProfile,
        ActionListener listener
    ) {
        if (isLocalNode(node)) {
        } else {
            connectionManager.openConnection(node, connectionProfile, listener);

     * Executes a high-level handshake using the given connection
     * and returns the discovery node of the node the connection
     * was established with. The handshake will fail if the cluster
     * name on the target node mismatches the local cluster name.
     * The ActionListener will be called on the calling thread or the generic thread pool.
     * @param connection       the connection to a specific node
     * @param handshakeTimeout handshake timeout
     * @param listener         action listener to notify
     * @throws ConnectTransportException if the connection failed
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the handshake failed
    public void handshake(
        final Transport.Connection connection,
        final TimeValue handshakeTimeout,
        final ActionListener listener
    ) {
        handshake(connection, handshakeTimeout, clusterName.getEqualityPredicate(),;

     * Executes a high-level handshake using the given connection
     * and returns the discovery node of the node the connection
     * was established with. The handshake will fail if the cluster
     * name on the target node doesn't match the local cluster name.
     * The ActionListener will be called on the calling thread or the generic thread pool.
     * @param connection       the connection to a specific node
     * @param handshakeTimeout handshake timeout
     * @param clusterNamePredicate cluster name validation predicate
     * @param listener         action listener to notify
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the handshake failed
    public void handshake(
        final Transport.Connection connection,
        final TimeValue handshakeTimeout,
        Predicate clusterNamePredicate,
        final ActionListener listener
    ) {
        final DiscoveryNode node = connection.getNode();
            new ActionListenerResponseHandler<>(listener.delegateFailure((l, response) -> {
                if (clusterNamePredicate.test(response.clusterName) == false) {
                        new IllegalStateException(
                            "handshake with ["
                                + node
                                + "] failed: remote cluster name ["
                                + response.clusterName.value()
                                + "] does not match "
                                + clusterNamePredicate
                } else if (response.version.isCompatible(localNode.getVersion()) == false) {
                        new IllegalStateException(
                            "handshake with ["
                                + node
                                + "] failed: remote node version ["
                                + response.version
                                + "] is incompatible with local node version ["
                                + localNode.getVersion()
                                + "]"
                } else {
            }), HandshakeResponse::new, ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC)

    public ConnectionManager getConnectionManager() {
        return connectionManager;

    public RecyclerBytesStreamOutput newNetworkBytesStream() {
        return transport.newNetworkBytesStream();

    static class HandshakeRequest extends TransportRequest {

        public static final HandshakeRequest INSTANCE = new HandshakeRequest();

        HandshakeRequest(StreamInput in) throws IOException {

        private HandshakeRequest() {}


    public static class HandshakeResponse extends TransportResponse {

        private final Version version;

        private final String buildHash;

        private final DiscoveryNode discoveryNode;

        private final ClusterName clusterName;

        public HandshakeResponse(Version version, String buildHash, DiscoveryNode discoveryNode, ClusterName clusterName) {
            this.buildHash = Objects.requireNonNull(buildHash);
            this.discoveryNode = Objects.requireNonNull(discoveryNode);
            this.version = Objects.requireNonNull(version);
            this.clusterName = Objects.requireNonNull(clusterName);

        public HandshakeResponse(StreamInput in) throws IOException {
            // the first two fields need only VInts and raw (ASCII) characters, so we cross our fingers and hope that they appear
            // on the wire as we expect them to even if this turns out to be an incompatible build
            version = Version.readVersion(in);
            buildHash = in.readString();

            try {
                // If the remote node is incompatible then make an effort to identify it anyway, so we can mention it in the exception
                // message, but recognise that this may fail
                discoveryNode = new DiscoveryNode(in);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                maybeThrowOnIncompatibleBuild(null, e);
                throw e;
            maybeThrowOnIncompatibleBuild(discoveryNode, null);
            clusterName = new ClusterName(in);

        private void maybeThrowOnIncompatibleBuild(@Nullable DiscoveryNode node, @Nullable Exception e) {
            if (SERVERLESS_TRANSPORT_FEATURE_FLAG == false && isIncompatibleBuild(version, buildHash)) {
                throwOnIncompatibleBuild(node, e);

        private void throwOnIncompatibleBuild(@Nullable DiscoveryNode node, @Nullable Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "remote node ["
                    + (node == null ? "unidentifiable" : node)
                    + "] is build ["
                    + buildHash
                    + "] of version ["
                    + version
                    + "] but this node is build ["
                    + Build.CURRENT.hash()
                    + "] of version ["
                    + Version.CURRENT
                    + "] which has an incompatible wire format",

        public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException {
            Version.writeVersion(version, out);

        public Version getVersion() {
            return version;

        public String getBuildHash() {
            return buildHash;

        public DiscoveryNode getDiscoveryNode() {
            return discoveryNode;

        public ClusterName getClusterName() {
            return clusterName;

        private static boolean isIncompatibleBuild(Version version, String buildHash) {
            return version == Version.CURRENT && Build.CURRENT.hash().equals(buildHash) == false;

    public void disconnectFromNode(DiscoveryNode node) {
        if (isLocalNode(node)) {

    public void addMessageListener(TransportMessageListener listener) {

    public void removeMessageListener(TransportMessageListener listener) {

    public void addConnectionListener(TransportConnectionListener listener) {

    public void removeConnectionListener(TransportConnectionListener listener) {

    public  void sendRequest(
        final DiscoveryNode node,
        final String action,
        final TransportRequest request,
        final TransportResponseHandler handler
    ) {
        sendRequest(node, action, request, TransportRequestOptions.EMPTY, handler);

    public final  void sendRequest(
        final DiscoveryNode node,
        final String action,
        final TransportRequest request,
        final TransportRequestOptions options,
        TransportResponseHandler handler
    ) {
        final Transport.Connection connection;
        try {
            connection = getConnection(node);
        } catch (TransportException transportException) {
            // should only be a NodeNotConnectedException in practice, but handle all cases anyway to be sure
            assert transportException instanceof NodeNotConnectedException : transportException;
            handleSendRequestException(handler, transportException);
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            // shouldn't happen in practice, but handle it anyway to be sure
            assert false : exception;
            handleSendRequestException(handler, new SendRequestTransportException(node, action, exception));
        sendRequest(connection, action, request, options, handler);

     * Unwraps and returns the actual underlying connection of the given connection.
    public static Transport.Connection unwrapConnection(Transport.Connection connection) {
        Transport.Connection unwrapped = connection;
        while (unwrapped instanceof RemoteConnectionManager.ProxyConnection proxyConnection) {
            unwrapped = proxyConnection.getConnection();
        return unwrapped;

     * Sends a request on the specified connection. If there is a failure sending the request, the specified handler is invoked.
     * @param connection the connection to send the request on
     * @param action     the name of the action
     * @param request    the request
     * @param options    the options for this request
     * @param handler    the response handler
     * @param         the type of the transport response
    public final  void sendRequest(
        final Transport.Connection connection,
        final String action,
        final TransportRequest request,
        final TransportRequestOptions options,
        final TransportResponseHandler handler
    ) {
        try {
            final TransportResponseHandler delegate;
            if (request.getParentTask().isSet()) {
                // If the connection is a proxy connection, then we will create a cancellable proxy task on the proxy node and an actual
                // child task on the target node of the remote cluster.
                // ----> a parent task on the local cluster
                // |
                // ----> a proxy task on the proxy node on the remote cluster
                // |
                // ----> an actual child task on the target node on the remote cluster
                // To cancel the child task on the remote cluster, we must send a cancel request to the proxy node instead of the target
                // node as the parent task of the child task is the proxy task not the parent task on the local cluster. Hence, here we
                // unwrap the connection and keep track of the connection to the proxy node instead of the proxy connection.
                final Transport.Connection unwrappedConn = unwrapConnection(connection);
                final Releasable unregisterChildNode = taskManager.registerChildConnection(request.getParentTask().getId(), unwrappedConn);
                if (unregisterChildNode == null) {
                    delegate = handler;
                } else {
                    delegate = new UnregisterChildTransportResponseHandler<>(
            } else {
                delegate = handler;
            asyncSender.sendRequest(connection, action, request, options, delegate);
        } catch (TransportException transportException) {
            handleSendRequestException(handler, transportException);
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            handleSendRequestException(handler, new SendRequestTransportException(connection.getNode(), action, exception));

    private static  void handleSendRequestException(
        TransportResponseHandler handler,
        TransportException transportException
    ) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception innerException) {
            // should not happen
            logger.error("unexpected exception from handler.handleException", innerException);
            assert false : innerException;

     * Returns either a real transport connection or a local node connection if we are using the local node optimization.
     * @throws NodeNotConnectedException if the given node is not connected
    public Transport.Connection getConnection(DiscoveryNode node) {
        if (isLocalNode(node)) {
            return localNodeConnection;
        } else {
            return connectionManager.getConnection(node);

    public final  void sendChildRequest(
        final DiscoveryNode node,
        final String action,
        final TransportRequest request,
        final Task parentTask,
        final TransportRequestOptions options,
        final TransportResponseHandler handler
    ) {
        final Transport.Connection connection;
        try {
            connection = getConnection(node);
        } catch (TransportException transportException) {
            // should only be a NodeNotConnectedException in practice, but handle all cases anyway to be sure
            assert transportException instanceof NodeNotConnectedException : transportException;
            handleSendRequestException(handler, transportException);
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            // shouldn't happen in practice, but handle it anyway to be sure
            assert false : exception;
            handleSendRequestException(handler, new SendRequestTransportException(node, action, exception));
        sendChildRequest(connection, action, request, parentTask, options, handler);

    public  void sendChildRequest(
        final Transport.Connection connection,
        final String action,
        final TransportRequest request,
        final Task parentTask,
        final TransportResponseHandler handler
    ) {
        sendChildRequest(connection, action, request, parentTask, TransportRequestOptions.EMPTY, handler);

    public  void sendChildRequest(
        final Transport.Connection connection,
        final String action,
        final TransportRequest request,
        final Task parentTask,
        final TransportRequestOptions options,
        final TransportResponseHandler handler
    ) {
        request.setParentTask(localNode.getId(), parentTask.getId());
        sendRequest(connection, action, request, options, handler);

    private  void sendRequestInternal(
        final Transport.Connection connection,
        final String action,
        final TransportRequest request,
        final TransportRequestOptions options,
        TransportResponseHandler handler
    ) {
        if (connection == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("can't send request to a null connection");
        DiscoveryNode node = connection.getNode();

        Supplier storedContextSupplier = threadPool.getThreadContext().newRestorableContext(true);
        ContextRestoreResponseHandler responseHandler = new ContextRestoreResponseHandler<>(storedContextSupplier, handler);
        // TODO we can probably fold this entire request ID dance into connection.sendRequest but it will be a bigger refactoring
        final long requestId = responseHandlers.add(new Transport.ResponseContext<>(responseHandler, connection, action));
        final TimeoutHandler timeoutHandler;
        if (options.timeout() != null) {
            timeoutHandler = new TimeoutHandler(requestId, connection.getNode(), action);
        } else {
            timeoutHandler = null;
        if (lifecycle.stoppedOrClosed()) {
             * If we are not started the exception handling will remove the request holder again and calls the handler to notify the
             * caller. It will only notify if toStop hasn't done the work yet.
            handleInternalSendException(action, node, requestId, timeoutHandler, new NodeClosedException(localNode));
        try {
            if (timeoutHandler != null) {
                assert options.timeout() != null;
            logger.trace("sending internal request id [{}] action [{}] request [{}] options [{}]", requestId, action, request, options);
            connection.sendRequest(requestId, action, request, options); // local node optimization happens upstream
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            handleInternalSendException(action, node, requestId, timeoutHandler, e);

    private void handleInternalSendException(
        String action,
        DiscoveryNode node,
        long requestId,
        @Nullable TimeoutHandler timeoutHandler,
        Exception failure
    ) {
        final Transport.ResponseContext contextToNotify = responseHandlers.remove(requestId);
        // If holderToNotify == null then handler has already been taken care of.
        if (contextToNotify == null) {
            logger.debug("Exception while sending request, handler likely already notified due to timeout", failure);
        if (timeoutHandler != null) {
        // callback that an exception happened, but on a different thread since we don't
        // want handlers to worry about stack overflows. In the special case of running into a closing node we run on the current
        // thread on a best effort basis though.
        final SendRequestTransportException sendRequestException = new SendRequestTransportException(node, action, failure);
        final String executor = lifecycle.stoppedOrClosed() ? ThreadPool.Names.SAME : ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC;
        threadPool.executor(executor).execute(new AbstractRunnable() {
            public void onRejection(Exception e) {
                // if we get rejected during node shutdown we don't wanna bubble it up
                logger.debug(() -> format("failed to notify response handler on rejection, action: %s", contextToNotify.action()), e);

            public void onFailure(Exception e) {
                logger.warn(() -> format("failed to notify response handler on exception, action: %s", contextToNotify.action()), e);

            protected void doRun() {

    private void sendLocalRequest(long requestId, final String action, final TransportRequest request, TransportRequestOptions options) {
        final DirectResponseChannel channel = new DirectResponseChannel(localNode, action, requestId, this, threadPool);
        try {
            onRequestSent(localNode, requestId, action, request, options);
            onRequestReceived(requestId, action);
            final RequestHandlerRegistry reg = (RequestHandlerRegistry) getRequestHandler(action);
            if (reg == null) {
                assert false : action;
                throw new ActionNotFoundTransportException("Action [" + action + "] not found");
            final String executor = reg.getExecutor();
            if (ThreadPool.Names.SAME.equals(executor)) {
                try (var ignored = threadPool.getThreadContext().newTraceContext()) {
                    try {
                        reg.processMessageReceived(request, channel);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        handleSendToLocalException(channel, e, action);
            } else {
                boolean success = false;
                try {
                    threadPool.executor(executor).execute(threadPool.getThreadContext().preserveContextWithTracing(new AbstractRunnable() {
                        protected void doRun() throws Exception {
                            reg.processMessageReceived(request, channel);

                        public boolean isForceExecution() {
                            return reg.isForceExecution();

                        public void onFailure(Exception e) {
                            handleSendToLocalException(channel, e, action);

                        public String toString() {
                            return "processing of [" + requestId + "][" + action + "]: " + request;

                        public void onAfter() {
                    success = true;
                } finally {
                    if (success == false) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            assert false : e;
            handleSendToLocalException(channel, e, action);

    private static void handleSendToLocalException(DirectResponseChannel channel, Exception e, String action) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception inner) {
            logger.warn(() -> "failed to notify channel of error message for action [" + action + "]", inner);

    private boolean shouldTraceAction(String action) {
        return shouldTraceAction(action, tracerLogInclude, tracerLogExclude);

    public static boolean shouldTraceAction(String action, String[] include, String[] exclude) {
        if (include.length > 0) {
            if (Regex.simpleMatch(include, action) == false) {
                return false;
        if (exclude.length > 0) {
            return Regex.simpleMatch(exclude, action) == false;
        return true;

    public TransportAddress[] addressesFromString(String address) throws UnknownHostException {
        return transport.addressesFromString(address);

     * A set of all valid action prefixes.
    public static final Set VALID_ACTION_PREFIXES = Set.of(

    private static void validateActionName(String actionName) {
        // TODO we should makes this a hard validation and throw an exception but we need a good way to add backwards layer
        // for it. Maybe start with a deprecation layer
        if (isValidActionName(actionName) == false) {
            logger.warn("invalid action name [" + actionName + "] must start with one of: " + TransportService.VALID_ACTION_PREFIXES);

     * Returns true iff the action name starts with a valid prefix.
    public static boolean isValidActionName(String actionName) {
        for (String prefix : VALID_ACTION_PREFIXES) {
            if (actionName.startsWith(prefix)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Registers a new request handler
     * @param action         The action the request handler is associated with
     * @param requestReader  a callable to be used construct new instances for streaming
     * @param executor       The executor the request handling will be executed on
     * @param handler        The handler itself that implements the request handling
    public  void registerRequestHandler(
        String action,
        String executor,
        Writeable.Reader requestReader,
        TransportRequestHandler handler
    ) {
        handler = interceptor.interceptHandler(action, executor, false, handler);
        RequestHandlerRegistry reg = new RequestHandlerRegistry<>(

     * Registers a new request handler
     * @param action                The action the request handler is associated with
     * @param requestReader               The request class that will be used to construct new instances for streaming
     * @param executor              The executor the request handling will be executed on
     * @param forceExecution        Force execution on the executor queue and never reject it
     * @param canTripCircuitBreaker Check the request size and raise an exception in case the limit is breached.
     * @param handler               The handler itself that implements the request handling
    public  void registerRequestHandler(
        String action,
        String executor,
        boolean forceExecution,
        boolean canTripCircuitBreaker,
        Writeable.Reader requestReader,
        TransportRequestHandler handler
    ) {
        handler = interceptor.interceptHandler(action, executor, forceExecution, handler);
        RequestHandlerRegistry reg = new RequestHandlerRegistry<>(

     * called by the {@link Transport} implementation when an incoming request arrives but before
     * any parsing of it has happened (with the exception of the requestId and action)
    public void onRequestReceived(long requestId, String action) {
        if (handleIncomingRequests.get() == false) {
            throw new TransportNotReadyException();
        if (tracerLog.isTraceEnabled() && shouldTraceAction(action)) {
            tracerLog.trace("[{}][{}] received request", requestId, action);
        messageListener.onRequestReceived(requestId, action);

    /** called by the {@link Transport} implementation once a request has been sent */
    public void onRequestSent(
        DiscoveryNode node,
        long requestId,
        String action,
        TransportRequest request,
        TransportRequestOptions options
    ) {
        if (tracerLog.isTraceEnabled() && shouldTraceAction(action)) {
            tracerLog.trace("[{}][{}] sent to [{}] (timeout: [{}])", requestId, action, node, options.timeout());
        messageListener.onRequestSent(node, requestId, action, request, options);

    public void onResponseReceived(long requestId, Transport.ResponseContext holder) {
        if (holder == null) {
        } else if (tracerLog.isTraceEnabled() && shouldTraceAction(holder.action())) {
            tracerLog.trace("[{}][{}] received response from [{}]", requestId, holder.action(), holder.connection().getNode());
        messageListener.onResponseReceived(requestId, holder);

    /** called by the {@link Transport} implementation once a response was sent to calling node */
    public void onResponseSent(long requestId, String action, TransportResponse response) {
        if (tracerLog.isTraceEnabled() && shouldTraceAction(action)) {
            tracerLog.trace("[{}][{}] sent response", requestId, action);
        messageListener.onResponseSent(requestId, action, response);

    /** called by the {@link Transport} implementation after an exception was sent as a response to an incoming request */
    public void onResponseSent(long requestId, String action, Exception e) {
        if (tracerLog.isTraceEnabled() && shouldTraceAction(action)) {
            tracerLog.trace(() -> format("[%s][%s] sent error response", requestId, action), e);
        messageListener.onResponseSent(requestId, action, e);

    public RequestHandlerRegistry getRequestHandler(String action) {
        return transport.getRequestHandlers().getHandler(action);

    private void checkForTimeout(long requestId) {
        // lets see if its in the timeout holder, but sync on mutex to make sure any ongoing timeout handling has finished
        final DiscoveryNode sourceNode;
        final String action;
        assert responseHandlers.contains(requestId) == false;
        TimeoutInfoHolder timeoutInfoHolder = timeoutInfoHandlers.remove(requestId);
        if (timeoutInfoHolder != null) {
            long time = threadPool.relativeTimeInMillis();
            long sentMs = time - timeoutInfoHolder.sentTime();
            long timedOutMs = time - timeoutInfoHolder.timeoutTime();
                "Received response for a request that has timed out, sent [{}/{}ms] ago, timed out [{}/{}ms] ago, "
                    + "action [{}], node [{}], id [{}]",
            action = timeoutInfoHolder.action();
            sourceNode = timeoutInfoHolder.node();
        } else {
            logger.warn("Transport response handler not found of id [{}]", requestId);
            action = null;
            sourceNode = null;
        // call tracer out of lock
        if (tracerLog.isTraceEnabled() == false) {
        if (action == null) {
            assert sourceNode == null;
            tracerLog.trace("[{}] received response but can't resolve it to a request", requestId);
        } else if (shouldTraceAction(action)) {
            tracerLog.trace("[{}][{}] received response from [{}]", requestId, action, sourceNode);

    public void onConnectionClosed(Transport.Connection connection) {
        List> pruned = responseHandlers.prune(
            h -> h.connection().getCacheKey().equals(connection.getCacheKey())
        if (pruned.isEmpty()) {

        // Callback that an exception happened, but on a different thread since we don't
        // want handlers to worry about stack overflows.
        // Execute on the current thread in the special case of a node shut down to notify the listener even when the threadpool has
        // already been shut down.
        final String executor = lifecycle.stoppedOrClosed() ? ThreadPool.Names.SAME : ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC;
        threadPool.executor(executor).execute(new AbstractRunnable() {
            public void doRun() {
                for (Transport.ResponseContext holderToNotify : pruned) {
                    holderToNotify.handler().handleException(new NodeDisconnectedException(connection.getNode(), holderToNotify.action()));

            public void onFailure(Exception e) {
                assert false : e;
                logger.warn(() -> "failed to notify response handler on connection close [" + connection + "]", e);

            public String toString() {
                return "onConnectionClosed(" + connection.getNode() + ")";

    final class TimeoutHandler implements Runnable {

        private final long requestId;
        private final long sentTime = threadPool.relativeTimeInMillis();
        private final String action;
        private final DiscoveryNode node;
        volatile Scheduler.Cancellable cancellable;

        TimeoutHandler(long requestId, DiscoveryNode node, String action) {
            this.requestId = requestId;
            this.node = node;
            this.action = action;

        public void run() {
            if (responseHandlers.contains(requestId)) {
                long timeoutTime = threadPool.relativeTimeInMillis();
                timeoutInfoHandlers.put(requestId, new TimeoutInfoHolder(node, action, sentTime, timeoutTime));
                // now that we have the information visible via timeoutInfoHandlers, we try to remove the request id
                final Transport.ResponseContext holder = responseHandlers.remove(requestId);
                if (holder != null) {
                    assert holder.action().equals(action);
                    assert holder.connection().getNode().equals(node);
                            new ReceiveTimeoutTransportException(
                                "request_id [" + requestId + "] timed out after [" + (timeoutTime - sentTime) + "ms]"
                } else {
                    // response was processed, remove timeout info.

         * cancels timeout handling. this is a best effort only to avoid running it. remove the requestId from {@link #responseHandlers}
         * to make sure this doesn't run.
        public void cancel() {
            assert responseHandlers.contains(requestId) == false
                : "cancel must be called after the requestId [" + requestId + "] has been removed from clientHandlers";
            if (cancellable != null) {

        public String toString() {
            return "timeout handler for [" + requestId + "][" + action + "]";

        private void scheduleTimeout(TimeValue timeout) {
            this.cancellable = threadPool.schedule(this, timeout, ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC);

    record TimeoutInfoHolder(DiscoveryNode node, String action, long sentTime, long timeoutTime) {}

     * This handler wrapper ensures that the response thread executes with the correct thread context. Before any of the handle methods
     * are invoked we restore the context.
    public static final class ContextRestoreResponseHandler implements TransportResponseHandler {

        private final TransportResponseHandler delegate;
        private final Supplier contextSupplier;
        private volatile TimeoutHandler handler;

        public ContextRestoreResponseHandler(Supplier contextSupplier, TransportResponseHandler delegate) {
            this.delegate = delegate;
            this.contextSupplier = contextSupplier;

        public T read(StreamInput in) throws IOException {

        public void handleResponse(T response) {
            if (handler != null) {
            try (ThreadContext.StoredContext ignore = contextSupplier.get()) {

        public void handleException(TransportException exp) {
            if (handler != null) {
            try (ThreadContext.StoredContext ignore = contextSupplier.get()) {

        public String executor() {
            return delegate.executor();

        public String toString() {
            return getClass().getName() + "/" + delegate.toString();

        void setTimeoutHandler(TimeoutHandler timeoutHandler) {
            this.handler = timeoutHandler;

        // for tests
        TransportResponseHandler unwrap() {
            return delegate;

    static class DirectResponseChannel implements TransportChannel {
        final DiscoveryNode localNode;
        private final String action;
        private final long requestId;
        final TransportService service;
        final ThreadPool threadPool;

        DirectResponseChannel(DiscoveryNode localNode, String action, long requestId, TransportService service, ThreadPool threadPool) {
            this.localNode = localNode;
            this.action = action;
            this.requestId = requestId;
            this.service = service;
            this.threadPool = threadPool;

        public String getProfileName() {
            return DIRECT_RESPONSE_PROFILE;

        public void sendResponse(TransportResponse response) throws IOException {
            try {
                service.onResponseSent(requestId, action, response);
                try (var shutdownBlock = service.pendingDirectHandlers.withRef()) {
                    if (shutdownBlock == null) {
                        // already shutting down, the handler will be completed by sendRequestInternal or doStop
                    final TransportResponseHandler handler = service.responseHandlers.onResponseReceived(requestId, service);
                    if (handler == null) {
                        // handler already completed, likely by a timeout which is logged elsewhere
                    final String executor = handler.executor();
                    if (ThreadPool.Names.SAME.equals(executor)) {
                        processResponse(handler, response);
                    } else {
                        threadPool.executor(executor).execute(new ForkingResponseHandlerRunnable(handler, null) {
                            protected void doRun() {
                                processResponse(handler, response);

                            public void onAfter() {

                            public String toString() {
                                return "delivery of response to [" + requestId + "][" + action + "]: " + response;
            } finally {

        @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
        protected void processResponse(TransportResponseHandler handler, TransportResponse response) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                processException(handler, wrapInRemote(new ResponseHandlerFailureTransportException(e)));

        public void sendResponse(Exception exception) throws IOException {
            service.onResponseSent(requestId, action, exception);
            try (var shutdownBlock = service.pendingDirectHandlers.withRef()) {
                if (shutdownBlock == null) {
                    // already shutting down, the handler will be completed by sendRequestInternal or doStop
                final TransportResponseHandler handler = service.responseHandlers.onResponseReceived(requestId, service);
                if (handler == null) {
                    // handler already completed, likely by a timeout which is logged elsewhere
                final RemoteTransportException rtx = wrapInRemote(exception);
                final String executor = handler.executor();
                if (ThreadPool.Names.SAME.equals(executor)) {
                    processException(handler, rtx);
                } else {
                    threadPool.executor(executor).execute(new ForkingResponseHandlerRunnable(handler, rtx) {
                        protected void doRun() {
                            processException(handler, rtx);

                        public String toString() {
                            return "delivery of failure response to [" + requestId + "][" + action + "]: " + exception;

        protected RemoteTransportException wrapInRemote(Exception e) {
            return e instanceof RemoteTransportException remoteTransportException
                ? remoteTransportException
                : new RemoteTransportException(localNode.getName(), localNode.getAddress(), action, e);

        protected void processException(final TransportResponseHandler handler, final RemoteTransportException rtx) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error(() -> format("failed to handle exception for action [%s], handler [%s]", action, handler), e);

        public String getChannelType() {
            return "direct";

        public String toString() {
            return Strings.format("DirectResponseChannel{req=%d}{%s}", requestId, action);

     * Returns the internal thread pool
    public ThreadPool getThreadPool() {
        return threadPool;

    private boolean isLocalNode(DiscoveryNode discoveryNode) {
        if (discoveryNode == null) {
            throw new NodeNotConnectedException(discoveryNode, "discovery node must not be null");
        return discoveryNode.equals(localNode);

    private static final class DelegatingTransportMessageListener implements TransportMessageListener {

        private final List listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();

        public void onRequestReceived(long requestId, String action) {
            for (TransportMessageListener listener : listeners) {
                listener.onRequestReceived(requestId, action);

        public void onResponseSent(long requestId, String action, TransportResponse response) {
            for (TransportMessageListener listener : listeners) {
                listener.onResponseSent(requestId, action, response);

        public void onResponseSent(long requestId, String action, Exception error) {
            for (TransportMessageListener listener : listeners) {
                listener.onResponseSent(requestId, action, error);

        public void onRequestSent(
            DiscoveryNode node,
            long requestId,
            String action,
            TransportRequest request,
            TransportRequestOptions finalOptions
        ) {
            for (TransportMessageListener listener : listeners) {
                listener.onRequestSent(node, requestId, action, request, finalOptions);

        public void onResponseReceived(long requestId, Transport.ResponseContext holder) {
            for (TransportMessageListener listener : listeners) {
                listener.onResponseReceived(requestId, holder);

    private static class PendingDirectHandlers extends AbstractRefCounted {

        // To handle a response we (i) remove the handler from responseHandlers and then (ii) enqueue an action to complete the handler on
        // the target executor. Once step (i) succeeds then the handler won't be completed by any other mechanism, but if the target
        // executor is stopped then step (ii) will fail with an EsRejectedExecutionException which means the handler leaks.
        // We wait for all transport threads to finish before stopping any executors, so a transport thread will never fail at step (ii).
        // Remote responses are always delivered on transport threads so there's no problem there, but direct responses may be delivered on
        // a non-transport thread which runs concurrently to the stopping of the transport service. This means we need this explicit
        // mechanism to block the shutdown of the transport service while there are direct handlers in between steps (i) and (ii).

        private final CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);

        protected void closeInternal() {

        void stop() {
            try {
                final boolean completed = countDownLatch.await(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                assert completed : "timed out waiting for all direct handlers to be enqueued";
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                assert false : e;

        Releasable withRef() {
            if (tryIncRef()) {
                return this::decRef;
            } else {
                return null;

    static {
        // Ensure that this property, introduced and immediately deprecated in 7.11, is not used in 8.x
        final String PERMIT_HANDSHAKES_FROM_INCOMPATIBLE_BUILDS_KEY = "es.unsafely_permit_handshake_from_incompatible_builds";
        if (System.getProperty(PERMIT_HANDSHAKES_FROM_INCOMPATIBLE_BUILDS_KEY) != null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("system property [" + PERMIT_HANDSHAKES_FROM_INCOMPATIBLE_BUILDS_KEY + "] must not be set");
        assert Version.CURRENT.major == Version.V_7_0_0.major + 1; // we can remove this whole block in v9

    private record UnregisterChildTransportResponseHandler(
        Releasable unregisterChildNode,
        TransportResponseHandler handler,
        String action,
        TransportRequest childRequest,
        Transport.Connection childConnection,
        TaskManager taskManager
    ) implements TransportResponseHandler {

        public void handleResponse(T response) {

        public void handleException(TransportException exp) {
            assert childRequest.getParentTask().isSet();
            taskManager.cancelChildRemote(childRequest.getParentTask(), childRequest.getRequestId(), childConnection, exp.toString());


        public String executor() {
            return handler.executor();

        public T read(StreamInput in) throws IOException {

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