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endpoints4s.algebra.client.EndpointsTestSuite.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package endpoints4s.algebra.client
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.ZonedDateTime
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.util.UUID
import endpoints4s.algebra.EndpointsTestApi
trait ClientEndpointsTestApi extends EndpointsTestApi {
type WithDefault[A] >: Option[A]
trait EndpointsTestSuite[T <: ClientEndpointsTestApi] extends ClientTestBase[T] {
def clientTestSuite() = {
"Client interpreted" should {
"return server response for UUID" in {
val uuid = UUID.fromString("f3ac9be0-6339-4650-afb6-7305ece8edce")
val response = "wiremockeResponse"
for {
_ <- call(client.UUIDEndpoint, (uuid, "name1", 18))
.map(_ shouldEqual response)
_ <- call(client.emptyResponseUUIDEndpoint, (uuid, "name1", 18))
.map(_ shouldEqual (()))
} yield succeed
"return server response" in {
val response = "wiremockeResponse"
for {
_ <- call(client.smokeEndpoint, ("userId", "name1", 18))
.map(_ shouldEqual response)
_ <- call(client.emptyResponseSmokeEndpoint, ("userId", "name1", 18))
.map(_ shouldEqual (()))
} yield succeed
"return correct url with optional UUID parameter" in {
val uuid = UUID.fromString("1bdae951-63ee-46b9-8ff0-4976acb8d48e")
val response = "wiremockeResponse"
for {
_ <- call(client.optUUIDQsEndpoint, ("userId", uuid, None))
.map(_ shouldEqual response)
_ <- call(client.optUUIDQsEndpoint, ("userId", uuid, Some(18)))
.map(_ shouldEqual response)
} yield succeed
"return correct url with optional parameter" in {
val response = "wiremockeResponse"
for {
_ <- call(client.optQsEndpoint, ("userId", "name1", None))
.map(_ shouldEqual response)
_ <- call(client.optQsEndpoint, ("userId", "name1", Some(18)))
.map(_ shouldEqual response)
} yield succeed
"throw exception when 5xx is returned from server" in {
for {
_ <- call(client.errorEndpoint, ("userId", "name1", 18)).failed
.map(x => x.getMessage shouldBe "Unexpected response status: 501")
_ <- call(client.emptyResponseErrorEndpoint, ("userId", "name1", 18)).failed
.map(x => x.getMessage shouldBe "Unexpected response status: 501")
} yield succeed
"throw exception with a detailed error message when 500 is returned from server" in {
for {
_ <- call(client.detailedErrorEndpoint, ("userId", "name1", 18)).failed
.map(x => x.getMessage shouldBe "Unable to process your request")
_ <- call(client.emptyResponseDetailedErrorEndpoint, ("userId", "name1", 18)).failed
.map(x => x.getMessage shouldBe "Unable to process your request")
} yield succeed
"properly handle joined headers" in {
val response = UUID.fromString("29d15495-55ea-431e-bef3-392b05b14fef").toString
call(client.joinedHeadersEndpoint, ("a", "b"))
.map(_ shouldEqual response)
"properly handle xmaped headers" in {
val response = UUID.fromString("f2ed5a13-9113-4717-9b21-65cd72a5540e").toString
call(client.xmapHeadersEndpoint, 11)
.map(_ shouldEqual response)
"properly handle xmaped url" in {
val response = UUID.fromString("f4e4ccbf-710a-4b38-bf8b-a9eb0a92382c").toString
call(client.xmapUrlEndpoint, "11")
.map(_ shouldEqual response)
"properly handle xmaped request entites" in {
val response = UUID.fromString("dbb2297e-ae8c-4413-aab3-978833794c79").toString
val dateString = "2018-04-14"
val date = LocalDate.parse(dateString)
call(client.xmapReqBodyEndpoint, date)
.map(_ shouldEqual response)
"in case of optional response" should {
"return Some when response code is 2xx" in {
val response = "wiremockeResponse"
call(client.optionalEndpoint, ())
.map(_ shouldEqual Some(response))
"return None if server returned 404" in {
call(client.notFoundOptionalEndpoint, ())
.map(_ shouldEqual None)
"return correct url with trailing slash" in {
call(client.trailingSlashEndpoint, ())
.map(_ shouldEqual (()))
"Decode response headers" in {
val response = "foo"
val etag = UUID.fromString("d88b0456-67cb-40e5-8f0a-7664f3e93348").toString
val lastModified = ZonedDateTime.parse("2021-01-01T12:30Z")
call(client.versionedResource, ())
.map { case (entity, cache) =>
assert(entity == response)
assert(cache.etag == s""""$etag"""")
) == lastModified
"Decode optional response headers" in {
call(client.someOptionalResponseHeader, ())
.map { case (entity, header) =>
(entity, header) shouldEqual (("foo", Some("a")))
"Decode missing optional response headers" in {
call(client.noneOptionalResponseHeader, ())
.map { case (entity, header) =>
(entity, header) shouldEqual (("foo", None))
"Handle mapped endpoint left response" in {
call(client.mappedEndpointLeft, (1, "\"xxx\"", 2, "Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT"))
.map(response => assert(response == Left(())))
"Handle mapped endpoint right response" in {
call(client.mappedEndpointRight, (1, "foo", 2, "bar"))
.map(response => assert(response == Right(("\"xxx\"", "Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT"))))